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You think about work all the time. I'm scared because time goes by so quickly. Don't forget about legal rest

Let's imagine a warm sea, golden sand, blue sky... Or a gentle river, a green forest, the aroma of herbs... and our own pale body, finally exposed to the rays of the sun. Or just your cozy apartment, a sunny balcony or the roof of a house - and you don’t have to wake up early or rush anywhere. It would seem, what could be more beautiful? And so, the body is relaxed, a Panama hat is pulled down over the forehead, and a lonely thought runs into the brain: “I wonder, what’s it like at work now? Have you signed a contract? Have you looked at all the conditions? What if the payment form was filled out incorrectly? What if someone is in my desk?” - is he rummaging? What if they don’t find it? necessary documents“A lonely thought turns into a wasp, then the same one flies in, and a heavy gloomy stinging cloud begins to circle overhead. And that’s all: the sky is no longer so blue, the aroma is not so pleasant, and you want to pack your things and rush back to work.

How not to think about work, So what's this? Psychologists call this phenomenon weekend syndrome. It was first noticed at the end of the twentieth century, and now this term is known to all post-industrial powers where they have at least once heard of existentialism or the question of existence and the meaning of life. Why? Because weekend syndrome is very closely related to the simple question “what am I living for?”

Where does this come from? The question is simple and complex at the same time. However, the answer is easy to deduce from our lifestyle. How much time does a normal person spend at work? A standard yuppie (the so-called young professionals who work in an office, however, now almost all employees of various institutions spend most of their weekday hours in the company) works on a “nine to six” schedule. The options can be very different - from eleven in the morning to eight in the evening and from five in the morning until two in the afternoon. The only problem is that rarely does anyone go home exactly at the time specified in the job advertisement. And this is not only a Russian specificity. If you add travel costs to this, it turns out that work takes up two-thirds of your life. And along with this it acquires incredible importance. There is one more subtlety.

It is known that married people achieve less in their professional activities than single people (if you look at the statistics as a whole). Why? This is easy to explain: imagine that a free person wakes up on a day off. It's good if he has friends with whom he can go somewhere. But this is in the evening. And from morning to evening he sits, watches TV, which is unlikely to lift his spirits - rather, it will bore him, reads books or... thinks about work or even does it. Gradually, week after week, he accumulates a phobia before the weekend, before the terrible “doing nothing”, and he passionately desires only one thing: for “Monday to start on Saturday”, so that he again finds himself in the circle of people who are not close to him, but who are not indifferent to him, so that he is needed, necessary and important again. And if there is a second half, the person is busy at least (this is in the worst case) arguing with his spouse. On the other hand, if personal life is not going well, where does a person look for consolation? Of course, at work, and then the fear of the weekend is associated with returning home, to quarrels, problems and a showdown. But a day off is one day. And vacation means many days off. And gradually it turns out that you actually don’t want to rest at all - you want to go where everything is clear and understandable, where they definitely need you. And the vacation turns out to be some kind of rehearsal for dismissal and mental trauma, which is not so easy to survive. It feels especially difficult at such moments management team: because it is impossible to do without them. And if possible, then why not replace them or fire them altogether?

How to deal with this?

There are several options to solve this problem, How not to think about work:The first method was suggested in one pithy phrase by Captain Jack Sparrow in “Pirates of the Caribbean”: “Boy, find yourself a girl.”. Of course it sounds like a quote from men's magazine, however, love (or at least resort love) is a very powerful therapeutic agent, it allows you to switch to more everyday topics, and also promotes evening meetings (that is, it gives you the opportunity to breathe fresh air), long walks (physical activity), writing poetry, or even would be diaries and romantic letters(relief of intellectual stress, development of humanitarian thinking in technical specialists) And good mood(general tonic).

Method two: cross stitch (repairing an old falling apart motorcycle, tidying up the roof in your beloved grandmother’s house, picking mushrooms, going through a math textbook for the eighth grade borrowed from a younger relative)- that is, do manual work for a couple of days, which will remove emotional stress gradually - on vacation this load disappears too quickly, causing a kind of decompression sickness. After this, you can calmly draw up an action plan for the remaining time or simply do nothing. The main thing is that the activity is enjoyable.

Method three: read several light books in a row. You just need to clearly understand that a light book is a very individual concept. For some, these are detective stories (of varying levels of language and the author’s talent), for others, Russian fantasy, and for others, they like romance novels. Light books, as a rule, do not leave a lasting trace, and at the same time erase the heavy information that has stuck in the head since the pre-vacation period. You can, of course, watch TV, but this is fraught with depression from TV series and irritation from TV shows, because on vacation you usually find out that, in addition to news and films after nine, during the day there is a huge number of channels great amount meaningless information that causes melancholy and does not give any work to the brain.

The fourth method came from logotherapy (therapy of meaning), this is a paradoxical intention. Its essence lies in the presence of a basic sense of humor (at least at the level of an amoeba): if suddenly on vacation you want to go to work, you need to strive to want to go to work as much as possible: “I really want to go to work! I’ll show everyone how I want to go to work! Here you go.” in the last row you can see how I want to go to work? As a result, this thought will only cause a smile. The main thing is to return to normal after the vacation and not laugh hysterically at the thought of having to go to work. However, the paradoxical intention always has a reverse effect: you can force yourself not to want to go to work as much as possible, and the dangerous effect will gradually disappear.

Method five: extreme. Even if in the warm sea you don’t lie flat on the beach, but go diving, surfing, sailing or go to the mountains, then such variety and great physical activity will allow you to completely escape from office affairs, and then easily return to work with the team. Such hobbies, as a rule, stimulate the motive for achievement and the desire to grow above oneself, and this (at least in work) is for the better.

In conclusion, to answer the question: how not to think about work, I would like to note: that if there is nothing in a person’s life except his profession, then sooner or later this can lead to a loss of the meaning of life: either the job will be lost, or the position will be the same for too long. And if there is nothing else in the world to cling to, this blow will be tantamount to a global catastrophe and will lead to depression and despair. Therefore, in addition to work (even the most beloved), there should always be something else very important and dear - as a second support in life, allowing you to move through it more confidently and get more pleasure from the simple joys of life, without which it turns into a constant deadline, beyond who never get rest.

Of course, the easiest way is to flood him with romantic messages, but the effect you will achieve with this will be exactly the opposite: you need to work more subtly. Therefore, forget about frequent calls, SMS and constant spending time together. Let your man feel free and don’t smother him with your love ahead of time. Don't be jealous of his friends. Every man needs to be able to escape for a day or two. Not to the left! And for fishing, to the dacha with friends, to the bathhouse or just to your own world. Give him the opportunity to be alone with himself.

Rule two: slow down the rapid development of the novel

It's hard, we know. But this is a fail-safe method that our great-great-great-great-grandmothers used: if a man is not given what he wants, he will begin to achieve it. Well, or at least think about the object of your desire all the time. Another thing is that today, in the 21st century, it is hardly possible to marinate it for six months, not allowing anything more than an innocent kiss on the cheek. Yes, actually, this is not necessary. All you have to do is not agree to everything he wants right now. Sometimes you feel like it, no big deal.

Rule three: use technology wisely

The fact that we do not recommend that you bombard it with messages does not mean at all that you should not use it at all. modern technologies: on the contrary, you can use them rarely, but accurately. Instead of sending him sad kittens and hearts in messenger every 2 hours, write a message like: “I’m waiting for you on Wednesday evening on Skype: it will be hot!” Until Wednesday he will think about you and only you. Especially if today is Thursday. Another way to get him to think about you is to show, not tell. Especially if there is no opportunity to meet in the near future (for example, you or he is on vacation). They sent him a selfie, but, of course, not in the spirit of “I’m smiling with all 48 teeth in front of the Eiffel Tower.” Let it be something with a hint. Sexy, of course.

Rule four: infiltrate the enemy's camp

In war, as in war, all means are fair! So feel free to join his inner circle and become your own person there. Make friends with his friends and try to charm them. Even better, help them with something, for example, recommend his friend to the best doctor in town. Or the best bar that few people know about (the bar is definitely more effective). The goal is simple: other people should remind him of you, and remind him in a positive way: what a cool girl, don’t miss her, bro!


Rule five: don't feed his ego

There is absolutely no need to constantly stroke his fur: if everything is even and smooth, there is absolutely no need for a man to think about you. You are useful, convenient and trouble-free, like a washing machine. And who, one might ask, thinks about their washing machine, even if it is also beautiful? That's right, no one. Therefore, do not forget to give him sensitive clicks on the nose in time. In a figurative sense, of course.

Rule six: don’t try to be “different from everyone else”

Before writing this article, we studied several online manuals on the topic “How to make a man bored” and everywhere we came across the same advice: “Surprise him, be different from everyone else!” And it seems to us that this is bad, useless advice. Firstly, what does “not like everyone else” mean? All women are already different, which one should you not be? Secondly, this advice implies that you are, as it were, “like everyone else,” and therefore he is bored with you. Sounds a bit like an insult, don't you think? And thirdly, this advice means that you need to immediately change and start behaving unpredictably. Yes, of course, this is how you can make a man think about you. But what exactly to think - does it really matter? In general, we consider this advice to be unsuitable and give the exact opposite: do not try to impress him by pretending to be a mysterious “not like that.” Otherwise, he will start thinking not about you, but about that “not like that.” Do not multiply entities (including your own).

Psychologists believe that only a life in which there is a certain balance between work and personal can be considered happy and fulfilling. If all a person sees every day is the office and colleagues, he will very soon experience professional burnout. Do you know how I realized that I was too close to such a state? I stopped switching from work to home, and for the last 2 weeks all I can think about is our company and tax accounting. I even started writing less because I can’t “catch the Muse.”

Where did the handy ability go?

Previously, I forgot about work the very moment I walked out of the office doors and lived by the principle: everything that happens at work remains outside the door. Now I constantly keep in my head the rules for filling out this or that report, I worry about unfinished certificates and so on. Everything would be fine, you might think that I’m just a workaholic, but now even the long-awaited vacation has ceased to be joyful, because my thoughts are far from friends and walks...

Even on weekends, thoughts about work haunt me. I constantly think about what I will do, starting on Monday, I remember where I made a mistake, I worry that I could “mess up” somewhere else. As a result, I spoil my day off with not the most pleasant thoughts. What to do?

How can you stop thinking about work issues at least at home and start enjoying your life again? If you don’t learn to separate your work space from your personal space, you can seriously damage your relationships with your family, undermine the health of your nervous system, and incur depression and apathy. So, it's time to find a balance between professional activity and home.

Switching thoughts

Let's start with the simplest thing: if you notice the problem mentioned above, this is already good, now you need to learn to switch your thoughts to the “new wave” as soon as the office door closes. You can turn on your favorite music on your phone, you can play an interesting audiobook. It is only very important to transfer your full attention to the book and music, and not use them as a background for your work-oriented thoughts.

If you like to enjoy the world around you without the interference of extraneous sounds, you can simply pay attention to nature and people passing by. Believe me, even with such seemingly strange things you will occupy your tired brain and wean it from constantly thinking about work, finishing things in your mind that you didn’t have time to do.

Apparently, it’s time for me to download another book to my phone, otherwise the same music no longer switches my attention and, going home, I think in what order and what exactly I will do tomorrow.

Take help from loved ones

Ask your family to stop you every time you talk about work. Your family is the first people to suffer from the inability to switch. In addition, the people who live next to us, as a rule, are quite attentive and they will be able to understand just by our appearance that we are again thinking about the next project or problem.

Today I already told my sister not to allow me to tell anything about my work, otherwise even during my friend’s last visit I described to her in all colors what solution I came up with for our accounting program. I can imagine how interesting and fun it was for her... But I can’t help it.

No work at home!

Tell me, do you also regularly check your work email, even while at home? Do your colleagues call you after the end of the working day? If not, then you are happy people, because I stop returning my thoughts to work only when I fall asleep.

In order not to suffer from other aspects of our life, we need to consciously limit ourselves: stop checking email, learn not to discuss work issues with colleagues in private. work time. I'm actually thinking about turning off my phone after 6 p.m. I’m not sure that my bosses will appreciate my impulse, but I can try.

The only thing I’m afraid of is that they will reproach me for not taking my work seriously, because our director is used to the fact that we are ready to answer any of his questions at any time of the day. Recently he asked the chief engineer to create something there, and in response to the latter’s quite reasonable remark that he simply did not have time for this, he replied that he could create this “something” at home. And it doesn’t matter to the director that his employee has a wife and two small children who need their dad’s attention.

Work on your relationships

No matter how skeptical I am about this, I think that many women in modern world They get much more pleasure from relationships than from solving work issues and moving up the career ladder.

Psychologists even say that when a girl has a beloved man next to her, her thoughts, as a rule, revolve around him. If you constantly think about work, it is quite possible that something in your personal relationships is not entirely satisfactory for you. It’s better not to turn away from the problem, but to think about what can be changed so that you can happily return home and mentally remain with your family all your free time.

A week ago, my sister and I had a very serious fight and for the first time I felt what it was like to not want to leave work. And this is just a sister... Conflicts with a loved one are experienced much more difficult.

If a woman is single, it’s time to think about her personal life. Perhaps start working on your appearance, think about what exactly is stopping you from finding a man. I know for sure that throwing yourself into work really helps, but, unfortunately, not for long. And then the obsessive thoughts about the office are mixed with no less intrusive thoughts about your own loneliness.

I think that if we change our priorities a little, thinking about work will leave us. Here it is important not to go to the other extreme - the absence of professional thoughts even during working hours. I know, I passed, made a bunch of serious mistakes because of which I received a reprimand...

Don't forget about legal rest

On this moment I have accumulated more than 40 days annual leave, but do you think I use them? No, I simply don’t understand how I can abandon the enterprise to the mercy of fate.

Those who, like me, do not know how to switch from work to home, need to try to accept the idea that without you and me in the office nothing will fall apart. Of course, it’s incredibly nice to feel like an indispensable specialist, but I know for sure that such people don’t exist! This means you can clear conscience ask for your statutory leave and enjoy the company of family, friends and family.

Organize interesting leisure activities

Why do you think people think about work even at home? Maybe one of the reasons is banal boredom, when the home atmosphere is simply uninteresting? If this is the case, then it’s time to find yourself a hobby, organize an interesting pastime with loved ones and friends. Try to find something so pleasant and exciting that it will completely absorb your thoughts and knock the work out of them.

But personally, I advise you to choose some kind of “live” and in no case monotonous activity. For example, I recently tried embroidering with beads - it’s beautiful, but basic mechanical movements don’t help to switch. Quite the opposite.

Almost everyone has two days off, which means at least one of them can be spent the way you want. Spit on everything and draw positive emotions from what was so lacking during the work week. For some, nature helps a lot, for others an interesting book, for others a trip to a club. For example, I decided to spend the next Saturday entirely on the beach without a phone, access to the Internet and completely alone.

By the way, you can even just lie on the couch, the main thing is that it brings you pleasure.

It is very important to rest not only on weekends, but also after a difficult working day. You shouldn’t grab a rag and a vacuum cleaner with huge eyes and start preparing a complicated dinner. No, of course, you can do this, but only if such activity brings you pleasure. It doesn’t bring it to me, so I clean only on Saturdays, and I cook only 2 times a week, but it’s a lot at once. If you spend the whole weekend doing household chores, you will not only not rest, but also have difficulty getting up on Monday for boring work.

Rational use of working time

Very often, thoughts about work also torment us at home due to the fact that we did not have time to cope with the piled-up tasks during the 8-hour day. Why is this happening? One of the reasons - irrational use a time when the morning begins not with the most important task, but with coffee and a conversation with a colleague.

For me, such gatherings often dragged on for 30-60 minutes (when the director was not at work). Also, social networks... They are so addictive: it seems like you only came in for 5 minutes, but spent at best half an hour on them. Because of all this in Lately The peak of my work was at 2 o’clock and lasted only until 5. Honestly, I don’t get anything done during these hours, but it’s my own fault!

It is very important to start “getting things done” in the morning. It’s even more important to make plans for the day, including a realistic number of things to do. When every minute in your schedule is occupied, you will get a lot more done, which means there will be no problems left to think about during non-working hours.

In general, thinking a lot about work is even harmful to health, because damaged nerves and Bad mood, have never made anyone happier. This means it’s time to eradicate this problem from your life.

I know that the majority of people here are freelancers, who most likely do not have a clear boundary between work and personal time. But I think that you definitely have something to advise those who do not know how to switch. How do you do this and do you do it at all? Or are you ready to respond to customers at any time of the day, without thinking that your family and friends also require attention?

How often do you, dressed in a dressing gown and fluffy slippers with bunnies, with a mug of hot tea and cookies, remember that at work you didn’t finish a report and made a mistake for which you will be reprimanded in the morning. As a result, you don’t enjoy any kind of rest, you cook dinner with stress, refuse your husband’s caresses, talk sternly to your children, and think only about work. And the next day, having resolved all the work issues, you remember about the offended children and the quarrel with your husband. And the tape of life again moves one frame. How to stop thinking about work at home and finally start living in the moment?

Try to accept the idea that without you, nothing at work will fall apart. It’s always nice to think that we are irreplaceable, that all the matters with which people turn to us are urgent and important, that without us there is simply nowhere! There is a law in business: 80% of the tasks that you put off for at least an hour are then resolved by themselves. A colleague looking for a lost document will find it himself if he doesn’t get through to you. It turns out that an urgent response to the letter will not speed things up at all. Check it out!

4. Give yourself permission to finish what’s really bothering you.

Sometimes it happens that unfinished business bothers you, like crumbs in your bed or a pebble in your shoe. You can't help but wonder if you closed the safe or if your report arrived. Don’t bother your head with these thoughts, it won’t get better anyway. If you have the opportunity, check/finish the task and disconnect from work until the morning.

Why are you thinking about work? Because it's more interesting for you there. We always think about what we are attached to. It turns out that you are not interested in home! It's time to find a hobby, organize an interesting pastime with family or friends. Find something pleasant that will absorb your thoughts completely, and you will immediately forget about work. Try drawing, booking a massage, going to karaoke, shopping Board games and play them with my husband and children.

6. Work on yourself and/or relationships

They say that a woman always gets more happiness from relationships. With her beloved man, she can forget about everything, not just work. Therefore, if you “ran away” into work and constantly think about it, it means that something in the relationship does not suit you. Don’t turn away from the problem, think about what should greet you at home so that you mentally remain in the family all your free time.

If you are single, then take care of your personal life. Work on yourself, think about what is stopping you from starting a family, develop. By immersing yourself in your work, you begin to live in an illusion, and you probably understand this when lying under a cold blanket. If you change your priorities, thoughts about work will leave you. And, perhaps, not only during non-working hours.

7. Plan your working hours correctly

How to stop thinking about work at home

Thoughts about work often torment us at home due to the fact that we do not have time to cope with the entire workload in the allotted 8 hours. Why? The morning begins with coffee and gatherings with colleagues. Social networks are addictive: log in for 5 minutes, leave after half an hour. As a result, all work begins with a run after lunch.

Start working in the morning, make a plan for the day, and leave 20-25% of the time as a “safety cushion” in case a really urgent matter arises. And if it doesn’t arise, then you can easily devote this time to a smooth transition of thoughts from the topic of work to the topic of relaxation. Yes, and experience shows interesting fact: the less time we have to work, the faster we will do it.

8. Use the "switch" method

If you have a hard time stopping thoughts about work, even when you’re cooking borscht at home, then it’s time to give yourself another load, during which you simply won’t be able to think about anything else.

Take up dancing or join a gym, run. Any type of physical training automatically clears the head of Brownian movement of thoughts. You will also benefit from courses that provide homework, such as language or cutting and sewing.

But make sure that this does not become another replacement for your family life. Your family is unlikely to be happy that you have stopped talking and thinking about work at home, but at the same time you are constantly sitting at the computer with headphones on, trying to improve your French pronunciation.

It turns out that the inability to switch thoughts after work to a wave of relaxation, communication with friends and family is directly related to professional burnout syndrome. Future or already existing. You can learn more about this from our video:


How not to think about bad things and not to stress yourself out if you are overcome by negative thoughts every day. Managing your thinking, forcing yourself to think positively is a difficult process that involves daily practice to master the skill of changing your mind and consciousness. Undoubtedly, this requires mental discipline, but by working on your thinking, you can really achieve what you want. Often the question arises before an individual: how to learn to live without thinking about the bad? Psychologists suggest thinking about this for a minute and realizing that far-fetched experiences, even justified and clearly reasoned, bring great harm. It is possible that the negative event will never happen, and the person is needlessly exhausting himself with negative thinking and cannot calm down, not ceasing to think about the bad. So what's the point of tormenting yourself with bad thoughts?

How to learn not to think about bad things?

Any (negative or positive) consciously launched thought, repeated enough times over a certain period of time, can turn into a program. Understanding this, a person can force himself not to think about bad things. Because, for example, if for many years a person has been thinking about the idea that he will always live in poverty, then in this way he creates a program in himself, for the implementation of which he does not even need to think about it. Each person is capable of building his future consciously only through the course of his thinking. By working on positive thoughts and forming new patterns in oneself, a person can develop a subconscious program for success. Realizing this, each person is able to help himself, and thus learn not to think about the bad.

And in order to accomplish this faster, a person should imagine that at the moment of his thoughts he is spreading vibrations of the finest etheric substance around him. The human eye is unable to see thoughts just like gas. Thought is a subtle configuration of matter. Negative thoughts would become dark in color and look like thunderclouds. Happy, clear, positive thoughts would be colored in light colors and would be close to light, gaseous clouds. When an individual spreads bad thoughts around, he becomes an object for their influence. Annoying or fearful thoughts attract similar thoughts to themselves, uniting with them into a powerful conglomerate. As a result, a negatively inclined person will suffer not only because of his own bad thoughts, but because of the negative thoughts of others, which will only worsen the condition.

The longer an individual thinks along these lines, the harder it will be for him internal state and position. A person staying in positive attitude and having happy thoughts, will attract thoughts of a similar orientation and will feel happier and more joyful.

And yet, how else can you convince yourself not to think about bad things if negative thoughts constantly creep into your head? An internal dialogue will help get rid of interfering thoughts, in which the person must ask himself, what exactly is he afraid of? Often associated with career loss, illness or accident. Most fears are not related to the real state of things. What is the point of being afraid of losing your career right now if you are a highly qualified specialist. Why worry about getting sick if you are healthy? And why should an accident happen to you if you are careful and attentive?

Of course, there is a percentage of unpredictability, and no one can guarantee that everything will always be good. But is it worth spending your life living in constant fear, worries and... As they say, what happens cannot be avoided, and most of the problems invented by man can be solved, and what cannot be solved must be let go and not worry about it.

Below are practical and effective tips on how to stop thinking about the bad and think about the good:

– a person should always think about the present. Pessimistic thoughts are often associated with the past or future. People often think about missed opportunities and what would have happened if they had done things differently. Constantly returning to the past makes a person unhappy and indecisive. And thoughts about the future and fears associated with this make a person worry. You should live in the present, think about today, without thinking ahead or regretting the past;

– you cannot keep everything to yourself, since internal unrest inevitably leads to deterioration of health, so it is worth sharing your experiences with loved ones without withdrawing into yourself;

– there is no need to accept negative information coming from outside world close to heart. Of course, stories about your friends’ problems will make you worry about them, but you shouldn’t take other people’s problems to heart, much less let them into your own soul. Worries won’t help your friends, but they can easily ruin your mood;

– you should develop self-confidence and find in yourself what makes a person unique, inimitable and irreplaceable. It is important to feel your importance and bad thoughts will go away by themselves;

– you need to learn to look for positive aspects in any negative situation and thus change your attitude towards it, for example, to perceive parting with a loved one as something necessary, since it was no longer on the way with your partner, and be sure to voice to yourself the reasons why you parted. Having realized your choice, you should come to terms with it, because a person has the opportunity to meet a more worthy partner in the future;

– it is important to analyze your thoughts and why they come. It often happens that bad thoughts come out of habit, regardless of whether the problem exists or has long been resolved;

– it has been established that bad thoughts visit a person during a period of doing nothing, and if a person is not busy with something necessary and important, it is then that various phobias begin to creep into the head;

– Volunteering helps to take your mind off bad thoughts. There are a lot of people who need help and at the same time do not lose interest in life and strength of spirit. Orphans and disabled people, lonely elderly people - they all have difficult problems in life, but somehow they cope with them, without ceasing to enjoy the simple things in life. By helping a neighbor, a person can feel joy that he has done something useful;

– you should set a goal for yourself, thinking about what you most want to achieve in life and act in this direction in small steps;

– Listening to your favorite music helps you to unwind and relax. Listening to what makes a person feel inspired will help avoid painful problems and distract from bad thoughts;

– instead of thinking about how to relax and not think about the bad, you should enjoy the little things and be grateful to fate for every day you live. After all, a person’s life consists of little things, so it’s important to learn to see them and enjoy every little thing;

– physical activity will allow each person not to think about the bad, so simple physical exercises, jogging in the morning, walking should not be underestimated. Working on your body will definitely allow you to put your thoughts in order;

– a person should notice the good, not the bad, for example, not focus on his fatigue, but fix his attention on what was achieved during the day and then the day will be remembered as successful;

– meeting old friends and making new acquaintances, communication will also allow you to escape from bad thoughts;

– by trying to avoid pessimistic people, you can focus on pleasant events and thoughts. Often, depressed people drag themselves along with their negative thinking, so it would be better to exclude contacts with such people. But bright and positive personalities will allow you to calm down and not think about the bad.

– the main thing to remember is that everything in this life passes and life is not endless, so maybe you shouldn’t torment yourself with thoughts, how not to think about the bad, and direct your thinking in a positive direction.

Psychologists explain the occurrence of negative thoughts in a person’s life by manifestation. Bad thoughts are absolutely normal and natural, so you should just wait out unpleasant moments in life and not dwell on them.
