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Problems with personnel in the field of trade article. The main problems in personnel management and their causes. The management team of the enterprise

Due to the volatility of sales volume, unstable economic situation, fierce competition and other reasons, for most retailers, improving the efficiency of the company or the formation of a competent strategy comes first. retail. The performance of small businesses in retail trade is determined by a large number of indicators, and their management is a very complex process and is carried out using various management methods, primarily personnel management.

It is believed that in the 21st century a unique professional core of human resources is the main competitive advantage any firm in the market. This statement, according to analysts, will become the law of survival in business for today's successful companies, since only personnel focused on continuous development and adaptation will be able to adapt to the constantly changing state of the market environment. However, this factor will increase the requirements for the entire personnel policy in general, and personnel management in particular.

Already now one can observe a trend that it is the work of personnel in retail chains is a leading factor for consumers to keep the customer loyal to the firm. Consider Figure 1 from Accenture Consumer Pulse Research Russia.

Figure 1 - Answer to the question: Which of the service providers have you changed over the past year (if changed) due to unsatisfactory quality of service?

As can be seen from the diagram, it is retail companies that are the first to suffer from poor service or illiterate staff, and need highly qualified specialists to retain their customers. According to research, this percentage is only growing every year. In confirmation of these words, the review of retail trade from Ernst & Young also speaks. Let's look at Figure 2 about the most pressing problems of companies.

Figure 2 - The most pressing problems of companies

It can be seen from the diagram that the problem of finding and hiring personnel has come to the fore, and that this problem is significant enough for Russian market. Thus, on this moment the situation is such that the staff is both the main competitive advantage of the company and the main problem.

Specialists in Western countries have long been faced with problems in personnel management, while the Russian market has only just begun to identify the most acute of them. According to Chumarin, the main negative features of working with personnel are:

· Constant staff turnover of key personnel;

unfounded size claims wages;

· Low level of staff loyalty;

· Low-prestige work in the main areas of retail trade;

· Presetting of some employees to theft.

The problem of theft is also raised by Kramarev in his article. The author cites statistics that 48.8% of the total number of all company losses are due to employee theft.

The main and main problem with the staff, according to Blagorazumova, is staff turnover. In her opinion, this problem was, is and will always be, and all other problematic issues, such as low staff loyalty, low qualification staff, breach labor code firms and dishonest work flow precisely from it.

In her article, Kanavtseva identifies such personnel problems as:

1. Lack of professionals with good education and qualifications who can master and apply new technologies, as well as use modern equipment.

2. At the same time, difficulties with the selection of unqualified personnel performing new job, however, doing most of that work. Usually such work is low-paid, but there is a lot of it and it needs to be done constantly.

3. Dissatisfaction of employees with working conditions and social package.

4. The need to maintain a high level of wages, taking into account inflation, rising living standards of society and other indicators.

5. The need for training, retraining, advanced training of personnel with the advent of new technologies in business.

Thus, it can be seen that all problems with personnel follow as a consequence of one another. High employee turnover leads to low wage levels as firms try to reduce their costs of finding and hiring staff. Low wages lead to low loyalty to the company, since for the period of orientation in the company, the material component is the main motive for quality work. The lack of loyalty to the company leads to dishonest work, which creates a negative image of the work of such employees in general, and therefore forms a low prestige of the profession. The low prestige of the specialty leads to the hiring of only low-skilled personnel or personnel without experience, which leads to a violation labor discipline and then to theft. Theft also leads to the dismissal of employees and a new search for specialists, consequently high staff turnover. This cycle can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - The cycle of personnel problems in retail

However, the management of personnel and the company as a whole faces a new question, how to solve these problems. The management of firms needs to change their attitude in the "employer-staff" system, choosing a strategy for recognizing the value human factor. In practice, this is done through the creation and implementation of a personnel management system or personnel management. The main thing is that this system should take into account, in addition to the material side of work or wages, the non-material side, such as motivation and adaptation of employees.

Personnel management includes three components, according to Erkhov, which can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Components of personnel management

In this case, personnel management is engaged in managing the movement of personnel, organizational and labor management solves the problems of ensuring working conditions for employees, and social management coordinates social relations. However, there is another approach to personnel management, in which personnel management includes the management of human resources in the whole company, and not just the function of personnel movement.

Most specialists formulate the term "personnel management" quite broadly, emphasizing in some cases the differences in performance assessment, in other cases on the basis of control, they can also be distinguished by the form of organization and other characteristics. In reality, there is great amount definitions of the concept of personnel management, and although they are different according to some criteria, three main ones can be identified:

I. Attitude to work as a source of income;

II. Development of staff initiative by creating the necessary conditions for them;

III. Integration of personnel and social policy firms in general policy organizations.

However, in order to fully appreciate the term personnel management and the various approaches of the authors to it, consider Table 3.

Table 3 - Definitions of personnel management


Site Academician, dictionary

Management aimed at the development and effective use of the human resources potential of the organization at the operational, tactical, strategic and political levels of management

Ldokova G. M.

One of the directions modern management, which is aimed at developing and maximizing the effective use of the organization's human resources

Afanasyeva Yu. G., Drepa E. N.

The new paradigm of personnel management in modern company in terms of values human resources, denies the concept of "personnel management" and accepts the concept of "personnel potential management"

Kibanova A. Ya.

One of the elements integrated activities on personnel management of the company in terms of the formation of the personnel potential of the enterprise

The process of planning, organizing, rewarding, integrating and serving staff with the aim of contributing to organizational, individual and social goals through strategic management

After analyzing the definitions of various Russian and Western authors, we can conclude that personnel management is personnel management, which is aimed at the formation and development of the organization's personnel potential. Thus, personnel management performs not only such simple functions as documenting employees, but also such as the formation and effective use of the personnel potential of the company, the development of personnel in accordance with strategic goals firms in general. To achieve these functions, personnel management is increasingly using various technologies management or otherwise trying to make the technologization of the management process.

Do you have staffing issues? They stop working with dedication, are capricious, do not want to take responsibility and show initiative in carrying out assignments. Common situation?

Do you have problems with staff? Our clients often tell us that over time, their employees seem to “burn out” and lose all enthusiasm for their work. They stop working with dedication, are capricious, do not want to take responsibility and show initiative in carrying out assignments. Common situation? As practice shows, sooner or later every manager has problems of personnel management. And now we will try to understand why this happens.

Long-term experience of "Performia" shows that personnel problems are always the result of management errors. Many managers believe that in order to achieve effective work it is enough for a company to hire productive employees and put them in a position. Therefore, having done this, they turn their attention to other issues, and expect that the hired employees will always produce the desired results of the work. But, as a rule, these expectations are not justified.

It must be understood that personnel management is a living process that requires constant attention and effort from management. Without paying attention to the management of employees, the manager can destroy the desire to work even for the most productive people. As a result, productivity will inevitably decrease, and, accordingly, the profit of the entire company. However, it is the leader who, by his actions, can change the situation and effectively solve the existing problems of working with personnel. In this article, we'll talk about how to do it.

Let's take a look at the most pressing HR challenges managers face and how to address them:

PROBLEM #1: Declining employee motivation

According to our clients, one of the most common problems is the decline in employee motivation. Over time, they lose the desire to invest effort and achieve results. They begin to work half-heartedly, without any desire.

Of course, one might think that bad employees were simply hired. However, if you look at the situation more closely, you can almost always identify a management error that led to the disappearance of interest in work. Let's analyze some of them.

Very often, an employee loses motivation when he does not feel that his contribution to the development of the company is noticed and appreciated. A similar phenomenon, if not addressed in time, can lead to the loss of valuable employees.

Imagine the situation: new employee comes to the company and does a great job in his position. Since he carries out all the assignments very efficiently, over time, the range of his duties expands, and he brings more and more benefits to the company. His colleagues do not do as much and work less efficiently. Nevertheless, the merits of this employee are not taken into account in any way: no one notes the quality of his work and the fact that he does much more than others. How would you feel in his place? That's right, disappointment and unwillingness to work further.

If an employee does not see the value of his work for the company, he will not enjoy doing this work. Each person needs to understand that he is doing something meaningful, and that his efforts are appreciated. That's why, always celebrate the achievements of employees and the benefits they bring to the company with their actions.

The attention of the manager is one of the most effective ways to recognize the merits of the employee and increase his motivation. Therefore, we recommend that you set aside time to communicate with the most productive employees and encourage their merits and achievements with your attention. Personal communication also contributes to building more trusting relationships with employees and helps you always have an idea of ​​the state of affairs in the company.

Also a decline in employee motivation can often be caused by an unfair pay system.

Let's return to the diligent employee from our example. He brings a lot more value to the company than some of his colleagues, but they all receive the same salary. This shows that his efforts and the significance of the results achieved are underestimated.

We believe that the most effective way to motivate employees is remuneration, which directly depends on the results of their work. By introducing such a distribution of salaries, you will show the staff that you notice the benefit that they bring to the company. Employees will know that the efforts of each person in the team are fairly evaluated, and this will increase their motivation.

Another reason that leads to low staff motivation is the discrepancy between the goals of the employee and the goals of the company. For example, a person who wants to do his job as efficiently as possible gets a job as a mechanic in a salon. And then it turns out that the company is more interested not in the quality of service, but in the rapid turnover of the flow of customers. Therefore, salon managers work with suppliers of low-quality parts in order to reduce the cost of services. Such a conflict of interest will clearly have a negative impact on the motivation of a new employee.

On the other hand, a situation is possible when the candidate initially did not plan to develop with the company, but simply wanted to use it to gain experience or the status that gives the company's image. The same mechanic could get a job in a large salon only in order to develop his own customer base and the image of a valuable specialist, and then without a doubt move to another place of work. Therefore, he initially has no motivation to contribute to the prosperity of the company.

The effective work of the staff is possible only when the goals of your company coincide with the goals of the employees. So first try find out the motivation of the candidate before he is hired. Second, clarify regularly. existing staff goals of your company. Employees will be willing to help the company achieve its mission only if they know what the company is striving for and share its goals.

PROBLEM #2: Staff Resist Innovation

Too many managers are faced with the fact that employees resist any innovation. As a result, due to the resistance of the staff, any changes in the company are implemented very slowly and “with a scratch”. Of course, the manager can resolve this issue by authoritarian methods and simply oblige employees to follow his instructions. But this will have a negative impact on the efficiency of their work, since all instructions related to innovations will be carried out “under pressure”.

In order for a person to be able to do something well, he, first of all, must want to do it. Therefore, the best way to ensure that your new ideas are implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible is to make sure that employees agree with the need for change.

It is possible to explain to employees the rationality and significance of innovations only by explaining to them the essencecompany goalsand their value. After all, you want to introduce some innovations because you think that they will help the company achieve its goals, right? For employees to agree with you, it is necessary that they know what you want to achieve and understand the significance of these achievements for the company.

As practice shows, the question of staff enthusiasm for innovations in the company directly depends on the degree of theirinvolvement. It is the involved employees who try to make the maximum contribution to the development of the company. Therefore, a change that will benefit the company, they will be happy to accept and will do everything possible to implement your ideas as quickly and efficiently as possible.

There is another reason why employees resist innovation in the company. According to their personal qualities, they can relate to people who do not like change.. Therefore, every time they have to do something new, they find themselves outside their comfort zone. Consequently, they will try their best to avoid change.

Analyze personal qualities their employees. Perhaps you will see that many of them prefer to operate in a well-known environment and do not like the new. In this case, we recommend that changes be introduced not abruptly, but gradually. Explain to the staff the necessity and usefulness of the planned innovations, as well as give them time to get to know the new area better.

If, as a result of upcoming changes, your employees will need to perform new functional responsibilities, it is better to train them in advance. In this way, they will have the opportunity to prepare as much as possible for changes, and they will more easily accept them. If you can enlist the consent and support of employees regarding the planned innovations, they will be implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible.

PROBLEM #3: Employees do not want to learn

The unwillingness of employees to learn is one of the most pressing problems with the staff. Personnel training is necessary for the company to develop and keep pace with the times. But, as the experience of many managers confirms, simply forcing employees to learn will not bring any positive effect. The sense from training is possible only when the employees themselves recognize that they need this knowledge and want to get it. What does a leader need to do to achieve this?

The main reason people don't want to learn something new is because they've had experiences with learning that didn't work. The knowledge that they received at school and at the university turned out to be practically useless in life. The same can be said for various professional trainings. Very often you can come across a situation where the training itself is lively and fun, causes a surge of positive emotions, but practically does not provide really useful and applicable data. That is why, for productive people who are result-oriented in their work, learning is associated with frustration and lack of real benefit.

The best thing you can do in this situation is speak frankly with employees. Explain to them the real need to gain knowledge in any area. Only by agreeing that they lack some knowledge will workers be ready to consider the prospect of learning. Show how the new knowledge will help them achieve the company's goals and improve the quality of their work. Next, tell us why you think that this training, unlike all the previous ones, will bring real benefits. If possible, familiarize employees with the training program and feedback from those who have already taken it. This way they can make sure that this is a real opportunity to learn something useful.

Sometimes there are situations when people have been trained, really received useful data from it, but due to a lack of self-discipline, they postponed their implementation in work “until later”. And then, as a rule, a lot of other things arise, and the inspiration to make some changes disappears very quickly. As a result, they do not have results, and disappointment and unwillingness to learn anything else sets in.

To avoid such situations in your company, demand from employees a plan for implementing the knowledge gained during training. Set a time frame with them to complete this task and set up a few checkpoints that allow you to monitor their progress. When the application of new data will give certain results, be sure to note them. The goals achieved are the best way motivation. Seeing the practical results that have become possible through training, employees will want to develop and acquire new knowledge.

Now we have touched on only a small part of what personnel management problems managers face. We will develop this topic in more detail in the future. However, even by correcting these points, you can “revive” the enthusiasm of employees for work and increase their productivity.

remember, that effective management requires your attention and constant interaction with employees. Only in this case you will be able to successfully solve existing problems with the staff and prevent the emergence of new ones.

Success and prosperity!
Alexey Samoilenko

You can read all our articles with useful information about working with personnel here:

  • Which employees are most prone to burnout?
  • In some cases, just a heart-to-heart conversation helps
  • How to arrange emotional unloading for employees
  • 5 Known Causes of Professional Burnout Everyone Forgets About

Professional burnout is a process that is manifested by increasing indifference to their duties and what is happening at work, a sense of their own professional failure, dissatisfaction with work, and ultimately in a sharp deterioration in the quality of life. In this article, we will consider 5 main reasons that can provoke professional burnout among employees, and how it can be prevented.

Causes of professional burnout

Reason 1. Wear and tear. When employees have to work at the limit of their ability, there is constant stress all the time. At some point, professional burnout occurs because of this. To identify such a burnout, the most effective way is to conduct confidential conversations.

To prevent Negative consequences even at the initial stage, an employee can be offered an additional day off or sent on paid leave. Such a rest gives the opportunity to restore their strength. For example, I recently noticed a significant decline in the work of one of the top managers. He has established himself as a true professional, having successfully completed many projects. But such an active work of a specialist had a negative impact on his condition, professional burnout occurred. Based on the results of the conversation with him, he offered a trip to Thailand - to participate in an event that we organized together with business partners companies. Such a business vacation turned out to be really effective for a specialist who was able to perfectly restore his strength and began to work effectively.

  • Emotional intelligence is a powerful weapon of a true leader.

Every month I organize meetings in which the entire management team of our company participates. In a comfortable informal atmosphere, the situation in our company is discussed, with the search for optimal solutions and ways to eliminate current problems. We organize not just a meeting, but a kind of master class - each of our leaders shares their experience with colleagues, while getting the opportunity to learn from others. We jointly solve problems until they expose one of the employees to professional burnout individually.

Reason 2. Unstable financial position of the company. We have to admit that in many companies employees are delayed in salaries. If a similar situation may arise in our company, it is better to immediately gather employees and explain the reasons for the problem with payments and the expected time frame for normalization of the situation. From experience, one can speak of the readiness of many employees to understand the position of their management.

For example, in the real estate market, the main part of the failures with the payment of money occurred during the crisis. We also had to face this problem. Then I decided to assemble a team, honestly explaining the future prospects of the company, and invited each of them to decide for themselves whether to look for a new job or wait for money. Many then remained. It turned out that these are the most reliable personnel for the company, which the manager should especially appreciate.

Reason 3. Routine. The day-to-day tasks of most employees remain the same from day to day. After 1-1.5 years, there is a desire to supplement the work with something new, but such an opportunity does not always exist. The total number of our employees is over 3.5 thousand people, so we regularly encountered a similar situation.

The optimal prevention of professional burnout is emotional unloading. Therefore, we regularly conduct various cultural trips (to the theater, to exhibitions), with the organization of interesting corporate events(sports competitions, picnics in nature). In particular, we plan to organize a game similar to "Fort Boyard" for the Builder's Day. Anything unusual increases the interest of employees, giving them extra vitality.

To do this, the following measures are useful to maintain the tone of your team:

  1. Conducting training sessions.
  2. Function expansion. If an employee in a heart-to-heart conversation complains about his fatigue from monotony and his skills have already reached the stage of automatism, I can suggest that he share his knowledge and skills with less experienced colleagues - for example, become the head of a mini-department.
  3. An increase in salary or in a position (such decisions are made subject to the achievement of individual KPIs.
  4. Internships in other departments of our company, abroad or in the regions of the country (for example, they offered their chief architect participation in green building courses held in Ireland. Today he successfully uses the knowledge gained in the courses in practice, helping the company to develop).

Reason 4. Dissatisfaction with superiors and colleagues. Employees in medium-sized companies often do not have sufficient authority, without the ability to make decisions on their own. The consequence of the lack of sufficient freedom in work is professional burnout. Consider an example of such a situation - the head of one of the departments faced the problem of delegation of authority after increasing the number of his subordinates. Previously, he did everything on his own and was afraid that when delegating his tasks it would turn out to be unnecessary. Many people face similar fears. They believe that they are indispensable, and no one will do the job at the proper level. I had to participate in this issue, explaining to our employee that the delegation of their powers becomes necessary in a multifunctional mode of operation. Changes like this need to be planned so that each employee is responsible for the part of the job they can handle. After all, you do not need to immediately overload employees with responsibilities, you should increase their workload in stages - only this condition allows you to maintain stable growth and further development of your department. Such communication and clarification of the situation allowed our employee to cope with the problem.

  • Conflicts between employees: why they arise and how to solve them

Personal conflicts between employees arise in the work of any company. Personally, I think that at the same time, an effective manager cannot stand aside - he must be able to resolve such problems. Consider an example from the practice of our company. 2 heads of one of the departments quarreled so much that the conflict directly affected the quality of their work. I decided to delimit the area of ​​responsibility of each of them - for one, Moscow and the Moscow Region, for the second, all other regions. Consequently, there was a certain competitive environment between them. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to retain important employees, achieving the efficiency of the enterprise.

Reason 5. Impossibility of career advancement. When starting work in a company, many young people believe that after six months they will be able to achieve a promotion, starting to rapidly overcome the steps on the career ladder. When such success is not achieved, then the effectiveness of their work is significantly reduced. To avoid this situation, HR professionals should engage in explanatory conversations about career prospects, considering real examples of how a certain specialist was able to achieve career development in the company, and what was needed for this.


4 more common causes of professional burnout

Workaholic leader. With the constant presence of the leader at the workplace, his subordinates have a feeling of guilt that they can leave on time. They gradually begin to stay at work too, although such a need does not arise. Similar situation leads to increased dissatisfaction with professional burnout in the future.

Unstable working conditions. Often, freelancers and freelancers are characterized by a suspended state - when there is work today, and tomorrow there may be a “window” without orders. This stress is not for everyone. Regular employees over the age of 45 also face such fears - after all, it will be more difficult to find a job in a new place than for young ones.

intrapersonal conflict. For example, an honest sales manager works in a company, but he is forced to sell goods that do not correspond to the declared properties. Because of this, he is faced with internal contradictions that provoke unstable indicators. This conflict is also common for many women who have to choose between families and careers - not having time to pay due attention to each side of their lives.

Uncomfortable working conditions. A noisy environment throughout the working day will be a serious test for a sensitive to third-party sounds, uncommunicative employee. He has to spend a lot of his energy to concentrate on work.

Prevention of professional burnout of employees

If we talk about ways to prevent professional burnout, you need to take into account that there are no unique means of dealing with the problem, each person individually chooses the most suitable option for himself.

  1. Workload dosing.
  2. Abstract and do not take everything too close to heart.
  3. Be able to switch, changing activities.
  4. It is impossible to always be on top, surpassing others.
  5. Accept that mistakes in your work and life are inevitable.
  6. Make sure you get enough rest.
  7. Make time for sports.
  8. Be clear about your own goals.
  9. Review your goals and targets.
  10. Try to communicate more often with colleagues from another team in order to increase your self-esteem.

Professional burnout becomes a certain wake-up call, reminding you of the need to take care of yourself so as not to be influenced by the syndrome emotional burnout. To achieve the prevention of an uncomfortable state, it is necessary to provide for a break from work for at least a week. The best option- leave the space in which there is a feeling of discomfort by turning off the phone. Sports, yoga, meditation or relaxation in nature will be very useful.

Speaks CEO

Mikhail Zhukov, Managing Director of HeadHunter, Moscow

Based on the results of their study, they were able to determine that only a few domestic employers monitor emotional state employees in their team in order to influence it in a timely manner. The majority of respondents (about 80%) emphasized that they felt professional burnout - in the form of fatigue, irritability and loss of motivation for work.

The motivation system can influence the emergence of professional burnout syndrome. With the proper organization of the motivation system, it is possible to maintain the fighting spirit of their employees for many years, keeping them striving to achieve high results. If the company does not pay due attention to the issues of motivation, then employees will often ask for a promotion or salary - only such measures will contribute to their desire to give all the best at work. Even worse than neglecting motivation is the wrong organizational system. The consequence of 2-3 mistakes in matters of emotional or financial encouragement is the loss of a person's desire to work.

When an employee has a burnout syndrome, there is no need to rush to fire him. It is always necessary to understand the reasons for such a situation. After all, in the case when something is done wrong in the company, you will often have to think about changing employees. It should be taken into account that employees often call a conversation with the manager one of the means of solving their problems. Therefore, it is important for employees to understand that the manager is aware of their professional difficulties.

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The creation of a personnel management system that is not built “as it happens” or as it used to be, but on the principles of manufacturability, can be considered as an important, certainly attractive task for any company concerned not only with survival, but also with development and prosperity in market conditions. The business development strategy developed by top management always needs support from the employees of the organization. Management can count on this support and success in achieving its goals only if the personnel management system provides required quality human resources.

Personnel technologies, unlike production technologies, are not transferred ready-made; they are introduced and grown "on the spot". This is due to the significant differences between different organizations. Different companies have not only their own specifics related to the direction of their activity, but also their managers with their own attitudes, knowledge, prejudices, motivation, their own personnel with certain qualifications, experience in the organization, the degree of trust in management, motivation, etc. "Growing" personnel-technologies in the conditions of a particular organization requires a careful analysis of how work is being done in the relevant direction at the moment. This is important to ensure that the technology being created, in as large blocks as possible, includes already well-established and familiar methods and procedures for a given organization, so that the existing provisions and instructions are used to the fullest extent possible (provided that they are of satisfactory quality).

The main stages of creating a personnel management system using modern personnel technologies can be presented in the form of a diagram: (Fig. 13)

Rice. 13. The main stages of creating a personnel management system.

The analysis of the current situation was carried out in chapter 2. Based on the results of this analysis, it is possible to identify the presence of the following problems:

Problem 1. Lack of personnel policy.

Problem Solving: Determining when, where, how many, and what (what qualifications) employees the organization will need. Develop clear plans that will serve as the basis for the selection and dismissal of staff.

The procedure for selecting new employees includes a number of relatively independent blocks located in a strict sequence, each of which has own purpose, tasks, scheme of actions, methods and tools, a specific performer. Reception is carried out through the interaction of the personnel department, security service, doctor, head of departments of companies interested in filling a specific vacancy. Each person is responsible for a certain stage of the admission procedure within the limits of his competence. General control and responsibility for compliance with the prescribed procedures for the search, selection and hiring of a new employee rests with the HR manager.

The main blocks (stages) of the procedure for selecting an employee for a vacant position are:

Staffing needs assessment;

Development of a set of requirements for a candidate for a position;

Announcement of a competition for a position, search for candidates;

Selection of candidates;


Adaptation of a new employee.

A necessary condition for the continuation of the selection process is the complete completion of the previous stage, subject to satisfactory results, while the company's management or the candidate himself may refuse further actions at any of the stages (until the issuance of an admission order).

Problem 2. Insufficiently efficient use of personnel.

1. No recruitment policy

Solution: Divisional staffing planning provides the HR department with the necessary information for the recruitment program. The main executors should be the heads of departments who will provide information to the personnel departments about vacancies that exist in their subordinate departments (vacancies can be either planned at the beginning of the year or "burning"). Employees of the personnel service check the availability of these vacancies with staffing companies.

Problem 3. Personnel certification is underdeveloped.

Solution to the problem: performance appraisal is an event that encourages employees and managers to professional development. Although according to modern personnel technologies, in Lately carrying out such a procedure for assessing personnel as attestation is not recommended. Conducting an assessment in the form of a certification exam was a stressful event for employees. Therefore, it is recommended to replace attestation with an assessment procedure.

The evaluation procedure includes the following steps:

employee self-assessment;

assessment of the immediate supervisor;

peer evaluation.

In general, the number of evaluators is usually no more than five people, and it is easy to trace the relationship between the data obtained. A strong discrepancy between an employee's self-assessment and assessment by others helps people understand the shortcomings of their work.

It is also recommended that the results of the evaluation procedure be directly related to the functional indicators of the bonus part of the salary. This will stimulate the interest of employees in the results of their work.

Problem 4. There is no policy for advanced training (staff training)

A coherent system of education as such did not exist at all. It was carried out pointwise, due to necessity: safety precautions, quality system, boiler house operators, etc. financing of the learning process, respectively, was carried out according to the residual principle.

The basic approach on which the training system is now based consists of the following organizational stages:

Created corporate program personnel development for 6 years, within which there are also separate annual training programs. According to the latter, the amount of training costs is estimated annually and the costs for the next year are planned. First, the program contains the maximum of training programs that the personnel of the enterprise need. It is estimated that, say, 5 million rubles are needed to fulfill such a volume.

The financial service evaluates the company's budget, other cost items and reports that the company has the ability to allocate not 5, but 3 million rubles.

Staff service comes from Money, designated by financiers, but the training program is not curtailed or reduced. Find other options within the available amount. For example, instead of sending one person to study in Moscow for $500, you can spend $1,000 to invite a teacher from Moscow and train 50 people in Chelyabinsk directly at the enterprise.

Solution to the problem: the organization implements programs for individual growth of the current interests of the organization and the need to prepare for the launch of promising programs.

Problem 5. Inefficient system of material incentives.

Solution to the problem: it is better to determine the results of the work of employees when a proprietary incentive system is introduced, tied to indicators that reflect these results.

Problem 6: No control over the work being done.

Solution to the problem: the work performed is prescribed in the documents "Description of the workplace" ( job descriptions), which provides control over the implementation.

Problem 7. There is no specialized department social development personnel.

Problem Solving: An Introduction to organizational structure department of social development.

The analysis of the organization's personnel management system is an extremely difficult task, for which external consultants are usually invited. The main results of the analysis can be considered at a meeting of the management of the organization. After discussing the results obtained, the stage of developing a personnel management system that meets the goals of KEMMA LLC begins

The personnel management system of an organization, as a rule, includes the following areas:

Personnel selection system

Adaptation of employees in the organization


Evaluation of personnel performance

Information support of employees of the organization

Periodic monitoring of staff satisfaction with their work, analysis of the causes of staff turnover

System social protection workers

The system of official and social growth

Labor incentive system
