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How to make a presentation on the topic of veterinary activities. Presentation of the profession of a veterinarian. The professional ethics of a veterinarian is a system of norms and rules of conduct for veterinary specialists, which in a specific form

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We are veterinarians! Presentation on the topic: "My future profession» prepared by students of group 2 Vet "B" (supervisor N.G. Sokolovskaya) Free presentations

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So what is a veterinarian? In search of an answer, we turned to Wikipedia: Veterinarian (Veterinarian) - a specialist with a higher or secondary specialized education who treats animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties (from Latin veterinarius - relating to draft cattle).

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From the history of veterinary medicine: In Rus', the first mention of veterinary artisans dates back to the 15th century. In those days, it was mainly horses that had to be treated, so such a doctor was called a horseman. Konovalov applied decoctions, herbs and drugs to animals, and all the experience gained over the years of practice was passed on by inheritance.

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Thus, veterinary medicine developed in many other countries of the world, for example, in ancient Greece there were also horse healers, who were called hippiatrics. Over time, schools began to appear that taught the skill of horse-dressing, the graduates of which served mainly in the cavalry and artillery corps. A veterinary assistant came to be called a horseman only in 1868.

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Modernity: But every year, veterinarians are faced with more and more exotic cases. Rats, lemurs, huge parrots, crocodiles, iguanas, mongooses and monkeys are brought to their reception. In Russia, veterinarians are becoming more and more popular. People acquire expensive and thoroughbred pets that require qualified assistance. Agriculture is also developing.

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Qualities important for a veterinarian: Responsibility Physical strength Patience Accuracy Broad thinking Discipline Foresight Lack of disgust Ability to quickly switch attention Courage and determination And of course, all-consuming love for four-legged friends.

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As in any profession, a veterinarian must bit by bit collect an invaluable practical experience. Knowledgeable people claim that an injection can also be given to a bear without putting it to sleep. An experienced veterinarian acts patiently, gently and confidently. A veterinarian, in addition to the qualities described earlier, must be able to establish contact even with the most aggressive patient. No fear of animals sincere attitude to him is the key to successful work.

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Opportunities for the specialist: livestock breeding enterprises and enterprises for the processing of animal products fur farms, circuses, menageries, nurseries food markets, enterprises Catering at customs So, a person who has received a veterinary education can work in: veterinary clinics, clinics, animal disease control stations. veterinary laboratories

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Student life of future veterinarians. We, future veterinarians, people to whom our teachers pass on their invaluable experience, devote a lot of time to study. But in theory, it is difficult to understand a lot, so we are looking forward to practical classes.

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Our college life is filled with vivid impressions and teamwork. Our every step in veterinary medicine is monitored by experienced teachers.

I want to become a vet

What does a veterinarian do?

A veterinarian helps animals, treats them, saves them from injury and
of death. I want to get this profession because I want to
to bring help to “our smaller brothers”. Next to us
Numerous living beings live on this planet:
floating, crawling, flying. Different people coexist
with us differently. For example, there are hunters. They're chasing
hunt and kill animals. And other people dream of
animals in trouble, wounded by a hunter, crippled
traps. In these cases, only animals can help

Who needs the help of a veterinarian?

A huge number of birds, dolphins and whales get sick and die,
when oil spills in the seas, ships hurt them. And this
Only veterinarians can help animals.
And also "Animal Doctors" are needed in circuses, in zoos, as well as for
in order to help pets that have
almost all of us.
The person who chose this profession must be kind,
responsive. He must also be patient and have great
willpower, and most importantly - he must love animals. But not
just to love, but to have the knowledge to be able to provide the necessary

Veterinarian saves lives

I think that this profession is the future, because,
if there are no veterinarians, no one can
help animals when they get sick. They will
get sick and maybe even die. And most
bad if entire species of animals disappear. IN
nowadays people build a lot of industrial
factories and cut down forests for construction, but
The forest is home to many animals. Vet
cannot save the whole world - he saves a life.

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Presentation on the topic: Veterinarian 1

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Veterinary medicine is very ancient history, and the profession of a doctor who heals animals is most likely one of the most humane in the world. It is the healers of the "silent creatures" who must possess special, almost absolute kindness and compassion. Because our smaller brothers cannot talk about their illnesses, be indignant in case of unsuccessful treatment. Veterinary medicine has a very ancient history, and the profession of a doctor who heals animals is probably one of the most humane in the world. It is the healers of the "silent creatures" who must possess special, almost absolute kindness and compassion. Because our smaller brothers cannot talk about their illnesses, be indignant in case of unsuccessful treatment.

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Since ancient times, since humans have tamed animals, it has become necessary to monitor their health. Our smaller brothers suffer from the same diseases that we do: common colds, sore throats, stomach ulcers, and urolithiasis… Since ancient times, since humans tamed animals, it became necessary to monitor their health. Our smaller brothers suffer from the same diseases that we do: this is a common cold, and a sore throat, and a stomach ulcer, and urolithiasis ...

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Often left for a while in someone else's good hands Dogs from anguish can not stand the heart - a heart attack occurs. Treatment of the most complex diseases, of course, takes time. And veterinarians first have to fight for the lives of their patients, making quick decisions, and then long and patiently nurse them, while calming the upset owners. Often, a dog left for a while in someone's good hands cannot stand the heart from melancholy - a heart attack occurs. Treatment of the most complex diseases, of course, takes time. And veterinarians first have to fight for the lives of their patients, making quick decisions, and then long and patiently nurse them, while calming the upset owners.

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People began to heal animals from the time of their domestication. The first veterinarians appeared in shepherd tribes several thousand years ago. Already at that time, some herbs, such as wormwood, were used to treat animals. Later they began to be called medicinal plants. People began to heal animals from the time of their domestication. The first veterinarians appeared in shepherd tribes several thousand years ago. Already at that time, some herbs, such as wormwood, were used to treat animals. Later they began to be called medicinal plants.

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In ancient states, they understood how necessary the profession of a veterinarian was, and they greatly appreciated such people. In ancient Egypt there was educational institution called the House of Life. Here, along with other sciences, they taught how to treat animals. In ancient states, they understood how necessary the profession of a veterinarian was, and they greatly appreciated such people. In ancient Egypt, there was an educational institution called the House of Life. Here, along with other sciences, they taught how to treat animals.

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Papyrus-healers found during excavations described recipes for preparing medicines for bulls, sheep, pigs, goats, and geese. The papyrus, which is one of the oldest veterinary manuals, has come down to us. It describes animal diseases and how to treat them. Papyrus-healers found during excavations described recipes for preparing medicines for bulls, sheep, pigs, goats, and geese. The papyrus, which is one of the oldest veterinary manuals, has come down to us. It describes animal diseases and how to treat them.

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In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. Here the priests were engaged in the treatment of animals. We needed veterinarians in the army too. During wars, they accompanied troops on campaigns. Treated horses, war elephants, camels. The Roman army even had infirmaries for wounded horses. In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. Here the priests were engaged in the treatment of animals. We needed veterinarians in the army too. During wars, they accompanied troops on campaigns. Treated horses, war elephants, camels. The Roman army even had infirmaries for wounded horses.

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Since ancient times, cattle have been treated in Rus'. The very first written mention of horse doctors can be found in the Novgorod cadastres of the 15th century. In the 17th century, stables were created in the stable department, where horses belonging to the royal family and their entourage were treated. Since ancient times, cattle have been treated in Rus'. The very first written mention of horse doctors can be found in the Novgorod cadastres of the 15th century. In the 17th century, stables were created in the stable department, where horses belonging to the royal family and their entourage were treated.

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Under Peter I, decrees were issued to combat common diseases of horses and cows. Later, veterinary schools began to open, books on veterinary medicine were published. Today, thousands of veterinary clinics have been created to treat animals. Under Peter I, decrees were issued to combat common diseases of horses and cows. Later, veterinary schools began to open, books on veterinary medicine were published. Today, thousands of veterinary clinics have been created to treat animals.

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In Russia, on July 23, 1808, a veterinary department was opened at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy, where for the first time they began to train specialists with a higher veterinary education. Now there are about two dozen specialized higher educational institutions in the country and several faculties in large public universities train highly qualified veterinarians. In Russia, on July 23, 1808, a veterinary department was opened at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy, where for the first time they began to train specialists with a higher veterinary education. Now there are about two dozen specialized higher educational institutions in the country and several faculties in large state universities are engaged in the preparation of highly qualified veterinarians.

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When choosing the profession of a veterinarian, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by a great love for animals. This love is perfectly felt by four-legged patients, therefore, from one doctor, they agree to endure the most painful procedure, and they will not even allow another to examine themselves. When choosing the profession of a veterinarian, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by a great love for animals. This love is perfectly felt by four-legged patients, therefore, from one doctor, they agree to endure the most painful procedure, and they will not even allow another to examine themselves.

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It happened that a young graduate had to change his profession due to the fact that the animals categorically refused to communicate with him. The talent of a veterinarian, like any other, is a gift from above. It happened that a young graduate had to change his profession due to the fact that the animals categorically refused to communicate with him. The talent of a veterinarian, like any other, is a gift from above.

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Despite the importance of sanitary and veterinary services, a common person perceives the veterinarian as a doctor treating animals. In cities, these are, first of all, pets: dogs, cats, parrots, mice, hamsters. The veterinary profession Lately became extremely popular and in many respects prestigious. Often, loving owners are more meticulous in choosing a doctor for their pet than for themselves, so it is very important for a doctor to have good reputation. Despite the importance of sanitary and veterinary services, the average person perceives a veterinarian as a doctor who treats animals. In cities, these are, first of all, pets: dogs, cats, parrots, mice, hamsters. The profession of a veterinarian has recently become extremely popular and in many respects prestigious. Loving owners are often more selective in choosing a doctor for their pet than for themselves, so it is very important for a doctor to have a good reputation.

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The veterinary service is constantly fighting diseases that can pose a danger to people. Veterinarians control the quality of meat, milk, eggs and other products of animal origin at veterinary stations and stations, farms, in production and veterinary control departments at meat processing plants, at meat and dairy and food control stations, and in veterinary laboratories. The veterinary service is constantly fighting diseases that can pose a danger to people. Veterinarians control the quality of meat, milk, eggs and other products of animal origin at veterinary stations and stations, farms, in production and veterinary control departments at meat processing plants, at meat and dairy and food control stations, and in veterinary laboratories.

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In the villages, all farm animals are under the constant supervision of this specialist, and he is responsible not only for their health, but also for the observance of zoo hygiene on farms, the sanitary condition of equipment, he sets the diet for livestock, vaccinates against infectious diseases, and takes birth. In the villages, all farm animals are under the constant supervision of this specialist, and he is responsible not only for their health, but also for the observance of zoo hygiene on farms, the sanitary condition of equipment, he sets the diet for livestock, vaccinates against infectious diseases, and takes birth.

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Of particular importance in our time is the border and customs veterinary control. In the world, centers of such terrible diseases as bird flu, foot-and-mouth disease, and the like are constantly emerging. The task of border guard veterinarians is to protect the Russians from these misfortunes. In addition, all incoming food must undergo rigorous testing for the presence of harmful chemicals and poisons. Of particular importance in our time is the border and customs veterinary control. In the world, centers of such terrible diseases as bird flu, foot-and-mouth disease, and the like are constantly emerging. The task of border guard veterinarians is to protect the Russians from these misfortunes. In addition, all incoming food must undergo rigorous testing for the presence of harmful chemicals and poisons.

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It would seem that a veterinarian does not have a quieter job than treating small, quiet cats. However, upon closer inspection, small quiet cats are not so quiet after all. According to statistics, veterinarians in most of all suffer from sick cats. It would seem that a veterinarian does not have a quieter job than treating small, quiet cats. However, upon closer inspection, small quiet cats are not so quiet after all. According to statistics, veterinarians in most of all suffer from sick cats.

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During the year, about 40% of "aibolites" receive an average of five bites from dogs and cats. Every fifth injury veterinarians receive from heavy animals, such as horses or cattle. During the year, about 40% of "aibolites" receive an average of five bites from dogs and cats. Every fifth injury veterinarians receive from heavy animals, such as horses or cattle.

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Are you attracted to nature? Are you wondering how our little brothers live? If as a child you didn’t tear off the cockroaches’ legs and didn’t torture the neighbor’s cat, but, on the contrary, spent hours watching the work of ants or helping your grandmother take care of pets in the village, then you may well qualify to become a biologist, ecologist or veterinarian. Are you attracted to nature? Are you wondering how our little brothers live? If as a child you didn’t tear off the cockroaches’ legs and didn’t torture the neighbor’s cat, but, on the contrary, spent hours watching the work of ants or helping your grandmother take care of pets in the village, then you may well qualify to become a biologist, ecologist or veterinarian.

Veterinarian (Veterinary doctor) - a specialist with higher or secondary specialized education who treats animals (veterinarian)
higher or secondary special education,
treating animals (veterinary medicine)
and related responsibilities.

The professional ethics of a veterinarian is a system of norms and rules of conduct for veterinary specialists, which in a specific form

Professional ethics
is a system of rules and regulations
behavior of veterinary
professionals who are
specific form
reflect social
veterinary functions and
regulate the doctor's attitude towards
sick animal, doctor to
society, as well as doctors
between themselves.

Since ancient times, since man tamed
animals, it became necessary to monitor the condition
their health. Our smaller brothers suffer from the same
diseases that we are: this is the common cold, and sore throat, and
stomach ulcer, and urolithiasis ... Often in
left for a while in someone's good hands of a dog from
The heart can not stand the anguish - a heart attack occurs.

The ethical activity of a veterinarian will be to help
pet owners and promoting the protection of the public from animal diseases.
The objectives of the professional ethics of the veterinary
doctor can be considered
- unification of ethical, legal and
professional approaches to regulation
activities of a veterinarian;
- determination of guidelines for veterinarians for
making sound decisions in complex and
conflict situations;
- minimizing the risk of wrong decisions
and their negative consequences;
- designation of criteria for medical actions;
- protection of the doctor from unlawful claims;
- contributing to the humanization of veterinary medicine,
strengthening its social positions;

Professional skills:
ability to quickly diagnose diseases
ability to work under pressure,
switch quickly from one task to another

Ethical principles
based on personal
no harm,
beneficence. Principle
personal responsibility
- intention
- understanding of actions;
- absence

Rules of deontology (ethics of veterinary

Do good and do no evil.

To tell the truth.

To fulfill promises.

Thanks for the service.

Compensate for the damage caused.

Constantly improve
ethical and professional knowledge,
skills, skills.

Conditions for the implementation of the principle
good deeds:
The animal is in danger, or
the owner may be inflicted
serious damage.
The veterinarian has the means to
to prevent danger or
The actions of the veterinarian will be able
prevent danger or damage.
Benefit received by animals
help of a veterinarian, outweighs

Sentimentality has no place here: we need
nerves of steel, stress resistance, often
willingness to make quick decisions
emergency situations using
physical strength.
The veterinarian must learn from his mistakes,
be able to evaluate their actions from the outside. Never
get lost in unfamiliar surroundings. Be sure in
yourself, only this confidence should not turn into
self-confidence or arrogance. When examining an animal
a qualified veterinarian must
avoid sudden movements, causing the animal
extra pain. Try to avoid animal aggression.
Do not act rashly and do not take
hasty decisions. Always carefully and without haste
see your patients. Keep yourself


Professional qualities important for a veterinarian:

Physical strength
Broad Thinking
Lack of disgust
Ability to switch quickly
Courage and determination
And of course, all-consuming love for
four legged friends.

veterinarian, besides
previously described qualities
should be able to fix
contact even with the most
aggressive patient.
No fear of
animals, sincere
attitude towards him is a guarantee
successful work.
As in any profession,
the veterinarian must bit by bit
collect invaluable practical
experience. People in the know say
that an injection can be done and
bear without putting him to sleep.
Experienced veterinarian
patiently, gently and confidently.

A good veterinarian has no right to treat
only fluffy kitties and cute
hamsters in a clean and warm office. He
should be ready for any, even the most
unpleasant and dangerous procedures.

career counseling session with beautiful photos and wonderful music that tells about the wonderful profession of a veterinarian

he keeps this gift from all misfortunes, In his work he finds his happiness. Their work has become indispensable for the village, The veterinarian is a good profession.

Who better understands the animal world? -Veterinarian - will answer you willingly. Animals are a generous gift from God, It is kept by a veterinarian working hard.

He keeps this gift from all misfortunes, In his work he finds his happiness. Their work has become indispensable for the village, The veterinarian is a good profession.

He gives his whole heart to the cause, Do your good, veterinarian! And gratitude knocks at the door to you - May the veterinarians live in the world ...

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Slide 2 Who better understands the animal world?
-Veterinarian - will answer you willingly.
Animals are a generous gift from God,
He is kept, working, by a veterinarian.

He keeps this gift from all misfortunes,
He finds his happiness in his work.
Their work has become indispensable for the village,
A veterinarian is a good profession.

He gives all his heart to the cause,
Do your good, veterinarian!
And gratitude knocks at your door
- Long live the veterinarians in the world ...

Slide 3 A veterinarian is a person who treats animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties. Appointment of the profession "Veterinarian" (veterinarian): health care and treatment of domestic and farm animals.

Slide 4 Once upon a time, a person not only looked for friends in animals, but also depended on them in many ways. Before the advent of cars, the horse was the main means of transportation, they plowed on it, carried heavy loads, the state of its health largely determined the prosperous existence of the owner and his family. And in many ancient civilizations, the well-being of a person depended on the number of cattle belonging to him.

Slide 5 Actually, the very word "veterinarian" in translation into Russian means "healing cattle." A veterinarian is one of the most ancient professions on Earth. People began to heal animals from the time of their domestication. In ancient states, they understood how necessary the profession of a veterinarian was, and they greatly appreciated such people. In ancient Egypt, there was an educational institution called the House of Life. training specialists who used animals. Papyri have been preserved that are more than three thousand years old, with descriptions of diseases of livestock and methods of their healing.

Slide 6 In ancient Greece there were horse healers. They were called hippiatres. In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. Here the priests were engaged in the treatment of animals. Since ancient times, cattle have been treated in Rus'. The very first written mention of horse doctors can be found in the Novgorod cadastres of the 15th century.

Slide 7 Currently, there are many branches of veterinary medicine (even such exotic ones as ichthyopathology - treatment of fish), which indicates the successful development of this industry at the present time.

Slide 8 Today, the profession of a veterinarian, in addition to the direct treatment of animals, includes many different areas. By and large, the health of its citizens depends on how well the veterinary service is organized in the country. The fact is that she is constantly fighting diseases that can pose a danger to people. Veterinarians control the quality of meat, milk, eggs and other products of animal origin at veterinary stations and stations, farms, meat and dairy and food control stations. In the villages, all farm animals are under the constant supervision of this specialist, and he is responsible not only for their health, but also for the observance of animal hygiene on farms, the sanitary condition of equipment, he sets the diet for livestock, vaccinates against infectious diseases, takes birth.

Slide 9 Any veterinarian upon graduation chooses a specific specialization for himself, treating a specific group of animals. But most often the veterinarian is a healer of the broadest profile. He is a surgeon, and an orthopedist, and a gastroenterologist, and an oculist, and an ultrasound doctor - in general, he must cure everything that can get sick.

Slide 10 Treating animals is sometimes much more difficult than treating people. The patient will not explain what and where it hurts, will not describe the symptoms. A happy recovery often coexists with death, tears and pain. Only a veterinarian can save a monkey with a broken leg from suffering, cure a kitten from pain in the stomach, save the life of a dog choking on a bone. The doctor helps every patient: from a bear to a hamster. The reward is priceless ... a cat licking her hand with gratitude, the joyful faces of the owners of a rescued parrot.

Slide 11 Therefore, when choosing the profession of a veterinarian, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by a great love for animals. This love is perfectly felt by four-legged patients, therefore, from one doctor, they agree to endure the most painful procedure, and they will not even allow another to examine themselves. It happened that a young graduate had to change his profession due to the fact that the animals categorically refused to communicate with him. The talent of a veterinarian, like any other, is a gift from above.

Slide 12 In it, such qualities as patience, diligence, determination, resourcefulness, diligence, discipline, perseverance, responsibility, physical strength, endurance, courage, memory duration, logical thinking, stress resistance are important

Slide 14 The most humane profession can be called a doctor who heals animals. A veterinarian must be a true professional with a human heart. No wonder there is a saying: doctors treat people, and veterinarians - all of humanity.

Animal world - from nature

Part of the reality of people.

Only animal misfortunes

Many are driven away quickly.

Only the veterinarians

Can relieve the pain

With the smallest patient

Friendship for a long time!

Slide 15 The main reason why I chose this profession is my boundless love for animals. And if you want to help animals, then this profession is for you!

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Who better understands the animal world? -Veterinarian - will answer you willingly. Animals are a generous gift from God, It is kept by a veterinarian working hard.

He keeps this gift from all misfortunes, In his work he finds his happiness. Their work has become indispensable for the village, The veterinarian is a good profession.

He gives his whole heart to the cause, Do your good, veterinarian! And gratitude knocks at the door to you - May the veterinarians live in the world ...

A veterinarian is a person who treats animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties.

Appointment of the profession "Veterinarian" (veterinarian): health care and treatment of domestic and farm animals.

  • The word "veterinarian" from the Latin language means "healing cattle."
  • A veterinarian is one of the most ancient professions on Earth. People began to heal animals from the time of their domestication.
  • In ancient states, they understood how necessary the profession of a veterinarian was, and they greatly appreciated such people. In ancient Egypt, there was an educational institution called the House of Life.

  • In ancient Greece there were doctors of horses. They were called hippiatres.
  • In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. Here the priests were engaged in the treatment of animals.
  • Since ancient times, cattle have been treated in Rus'. The very first written mention of horse doctors can be found in the Novgorod cadastres of the 15th century.

This love is perfectly felt by four-legged patients, therefore, from one doctor, they agree to endure the most painful procedure, and they will not even allow another to examine themselves. The talent of a veterinarian, like any other, is a gift from above.

  • Patience
  • industriousness
  • Determination
  • Resourcefulness
  • diligence
  • Discipline
  • perseverance
  • Responsibility
  • Physical strength
  • Endurance
  • Courage
  • Memory duration
  • Logical thinking
  • Stress resistance

Doctors treat people

and veterinarians -

all mankind.

Animal world - from nature

Part of the reality of people.

Only animal misfortunes

Many are driven away quickly.

Only the veterinarians

Can relieve the pain

With the smallest patient

Friendship for a long time!

Thank you


