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How to make life better. Simple tips make big changes. Or how to make your life better. Change of living space

Everyone wants to live better, but where do you start? How to take the first step?

Here are some tips on how to make your life better, brighter and happier.

I want to warn you right away that not the simplest things are hidden behind a simple description, they will require daily efforts on themselves, especially at first, when they are unusual and new, but they are worth it if you ask yourself the question "".


  1. Realize and do what you really like. It's not as easy as it seems, but it's very important.
  2. Accept healthy lifestyle life. Stop smoking and drinking (or at least limit yourself to wine, giving up strong and chemical alcoholic beverages), eat vegetables, fruits and berries more often, and not fast food and “plastic” food. Without fanaticism, without secrets and diets, give up things that are unnatural for you imposed by advertising and society and accept more natural ones.
  3. Learn languages. In addition to the fact that languages ​​​​open up new career and geographical prospects for you, along with foreign speech, you will learn to think in other languages, on a different wavelength, learn to think about one thought from different angles, squeezing the maximum. Everything new and promising “speaks” at first not in Russian, and then it becomes not new, and sometimes it ceases to be promising.
  4. Read literature. At least 2-3 books per month. Professional literature for developing yourself as a valuable specialist, fiction for developing yourself as a person, business literature for financial success, and so on. If you can't read, listen to audio books instead of the car radio, but remember that visual information is perceived and remembered better than auditory information. 30-50 books a year will change your life.
  5. Plan your weekends and make the most of them instead of sitting at home. It is desirable that the weekend is very different from weekdays: you work in the office at the computer - for the weekend sports, skydiving, constantly running around - spend the weekend with friends watching an interesting movie, working with your hands - a weekend at the museum can be an excellent choice. The main thing is not to approach the computer and, if possible, turn off the phone.
  6. Keep a blog or diary. Topic - any important for you or about everything. Popularity is also not important - it's for you. This will allow you to look at yourself from the outside, and the written expression of thoughts contributes to better reasoning and thinking.
  7. Set goals, and most importantly, strive for them. It seems to many that they are already striving for goals, but try to write them down and check from time to time how much you have progressed towards them, what you have done to achieve them, and you will understand how much time you are wasting, but you could make dreams come true in life. It is advisable to set goals not related to the purchase of things, and most importantly with money directly. Money is a tool, a resource, true goals are higher, and there will always be tools.
  8. Learn the "blind" method of typing on the keyboard. The computer is the main tool of the 21st century, you need to be able to use it as best as possible, this will save you a lot of time, increase your efficiency, and thinking about where the right key is will not interfere with thinking about really important things.
  9. Control your time consumption. Time is a very important and very expensive resource of the 21st century, learn how to save it, read books about time management, stop postponing “for later”, make decisions quickly, delegate everything that does not require your direct participation. Do the important first, and only then the urgent, including answering calls, and even more so do not be distracted by mail and social networks until you have completed important things. Crib:

  10. Give up non-developing entertainment - games, social networks, aimless browsing on the Internet, TV, films with deliberately stupid content or that do not fit into the framework of 1-3 episodes. On average, a person spends 2 hours on TV a day - this is 30 days a year, a month of life that you could spend for the benefit of yourself or your wallet. Replace the social network with an English learning site, radio with an audio book, TV with watching really interesting shows or webinars that are pre-downloaded without ads, read the book on which the series is based, and so on.
  11. Stop the news. All the most important things you already learn from friends and colleagues, the rest is extra rubbish in your head. Even if another plane crashes and many people die, you still won’t be able to fix anything either in the past or in the future, but spoil your mood, become more pessimistic and less effective where you can really change something. The world without daily disasters and murders again takes on colors and becomes pleasant.
  12. Get up early. A person needs 6-7 hours for a full recovery (except for athletes, they need 8-9). Sleeping too much is the same as sleeping less – you won’t get enough sleep and you won’t feel cheerful. Moreover, people are much more productive in the morning, by the evening the biological activity of the body, including the brain, slows down. By the way, morning exercises and healthy eating make it much easier for you to switch to this mode.
  13. Change your environment. Try to communicate with people who are worthy of your communication, who, like you, strive for the best, who have something to learn from, who can compete with you and, as a result, sports interest in self-development, success and achievement of goals. The rest will pull you back into a puddle from which they themselves do not want to get out.
  14. Learn new things every free moment, ask questions, be interested.
  15. Spend your holidays in new places. This does not mean crawling from all-inclusive in Egypt to all-inclusive in Turkey and so on. And it is not so important to travel abroad, how many cities of your homeland have you visited?
  16. Buy a camera. You will learn to catch the wonderful moments of life, incredible little things, moments and second emotions of people every day, all the time! The world is much more interesting if you look closely at it. You can also draw or try to write poetry or stories, engage in sculpture or other creative work - all this will allow you to take a different look at familiar things.
  17. Do some sports. It does not have to be a gym or a fitness room, you can run in the morning, go for a bike ride, play sport games like soccer, so find a sport that you enjoy and make it part of your daily routine. In a healthy body - a healthy mind, sober thoughts, and just sports contribute to the production of endorphins, and the results will bring you satisfaction from your body and self-confidence.
  18. Do something out of the ordinary. Get to work the other way, take a walk around the courtyards of remote areas of the city, solve the problem, the origins of which you still do not understand, change your image, rearrange the furniture in the apartment, and so on. Get out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons.
  19. Copies . Money should work for you. It is not the one who earns a lot that gets richer, but the one who earns more than he spends. Good investment option for beginners
  20. Throw out old things. To let something new into life, you need to throw something old out of it, make room. Stop collecting unnecessary things. Throw out video cassettes and a VCR whose age has passed. Send grandfather's skis from the balcony for firewood, your children will discourage any desire for this sport if they do not ride on modern honeycomb skis. Do not wear a thing for more than one season - to the landfill, no future or rags. And so on. Now there is no shortage of goods and lack of choice, if necessary, which is unlikely, buy a new one, but I assure you that you will not buy it.
  21. Learn to give. Giving and sharing is just as important as receiving. For example, by sharing knowledge, you structure it in your own head, generate new questions that are interesting to you and develop you. There are many things that you can share and thereby make other people happy, who will later pay tribute to you.
  22. Accept the world around you. Stop judging and complaining about the imperfection of the world around you. Try to see everything in life initially in a positive light, and not vice versa, and change your attitude only if there is a good reason.
  23. Leave the past in the past, do not drag its burden along with you all your life. The past cannot be changed, but it is not necessary to take it with you into the future. Pick everything that matters most—experiences, relationships, and fond memories—and throw the rest in the trash.
  24. Stop being afraid. There will always be difficulties, there are no insurmountable obstacles, there is only fear in your head. To achieve goals, it is not necessary to be a warrior, obstacles can be bypassed or even used as an advantage.
  25. Do what you like.

Changing something about yourself is never easy, especially if it goes against your usual behavior. But sometimes you can't do without it. So for many, the road to happiness is paved with painful change. In the meantime, we are breaking spears in the fight for the global improvement of our loved ones, there are many mini-habits that can also make our life a little more pleasant, healthier and better. Even if only for the smallest amount. In the end, in the little things, not only the devil, but also simple everyday happiness.

To acquire habits from our "hot thirty", you do not need to torture yourself for weeks, train, encourage and punish. It is enough to do it once - and you will see how easy it is.

1. Spend more time standing

From every iron we hear advice that we need to move more. In the world of computers, office work and questionable weather outside, this is not so easy to do. While you still motivate yourself to wander through puddles or ice instead of taking a warm bus, climbing stairs with heavy bags or jumping rope on the fifth floor with cardboard walls. But standing longer is much easier. Talk on the phone, winding circles around the room, read the news feed, frozen in a pillar of salt at your favorite chair, try writing on a desk or high stand. Balzac did this - and look how many wonderful novels he created. We just don’t recommend eating standing up, because in the joke “Standing up it fits more” there is much more truth than we would like.

2. Smile at your reflection in the mirror

Try to love your body and face. It does not always sound easy, because there are always some little things that young people are unhappy with. But don't get hung up on them.

Find two positive points for each of your alleged shortcomings.

Just don’t be embarrassed, there are definitely a lot more of them, because the girl’s charm is made up of little things. A spicy mole on the cheek, a dimple on the chin or cute little ears can enchant many men, so why not enjoy these features without paying attention to the shortcomings?

3. Study role models

Are there people in the world that you would like to be like? Surely there is, because you can admire almost anything - from the manner of dressing to heroic deeds. Explore biographies and interviews of prominent and famous people that you like. If there are acquaintances or relatives in your circle of friends whom you would like to be similar to, then be sure to ask them about the path of life. Such advice is much more useful than thousands of abstract secrets of success from people who are indifferent to you.

4. Plan ahead

An American proverb says: "The dullest pencil is sharper than the sharpest memory." So do not be lazy to write down your to-do lists for the coming day in advance so as not to miss anything inadvertently. Get a diary or use special applications. In a world where there is so much information, lists are simply indispensable.

5. Get rid of excess

At least once a month, take inventory and get rid of all the trash and unnecessary things that you have not used for a long time - or even never used them. This, of course, is not about a plumbing cleaning kit, which, we hope, will never be needed, but you never know. We are talking about everyday things that many, according to the old Soviet habit learned from moms and dads, keep just in case. old clothes, toys, dust collectors and other rubbish of varying degrees of dilapidation can be distributed to those who really need it. For example, on the respective sites or groups in in social networks. And you will have a place for something new and free space.

6. Review your actions daily

Every day before going to bed, analyze the day you just lived. To do this, you can keep a diary, or you can simply scroll through the events in memory. What pleasant and useful things did you do during the day? What was he like? What would you do differently? Learning from our own mistakes, even the smallest ones, we gradually find the best way to exist. It is possible that a year after the start of the analysis, you will regularly "receive" days with which you are completely and completely satisfied.

7. Do morning exercises

Yes, this is also one of the tips that everyone has heard. However, we draw your attention to the fact that you can give yourself an indulgence for charging. If waking up in the morning is especially difficult, then do the simplest baby exercises or stretching right in bed. This also counts! Get used to such lightness, and then you yourself will want something more cheerful.

8. Always carry a notebook with you.

Notebook, notepad, diary, notes on the phone - no matter in what form you are used to leaving yourself informational notes, the main thing is that the tool for them is always at hand. Write down everything that comes to your mind - new tasks, interesting books, quotes, beautiful comparisons that come to mind, phone numbers and just all sorts of little things. In a couple of months, it will be not just a tool, but also a very curious artifact and guide to your life.

9. Meet new people

Yes, meeting new people is also a habit. Make yourself a new friend at least once a week. So you expand your horizons, learn a lot of new things and upgrade your social skills. It doesn't matter if you become bosom friends later or never see each other again. The main thing is to force new communication. By the way, online dating is also considered, but only if they are generally less than "live".

10. Break the cycle

Lists and planning are, of course, good things. But do not forget sometimes to break the usual course of life and do something unexpected, unplanned, spontaneous. A boat trip, dinner at an unusual restaurant, a party with a lot of strangers - why not?

11. Read fiction

For work and study, we read a lot of special and business literature, and there are also articles in magazines and online publications. There is so much to read... Finding time for a good novel or interesting stories is not easy, but it is a very useful habit. If non-fiction or non-fiction improve our knowledge, then works of fiction improve our heart and feelings. Yes, and you can learn a lot of new things from them too.

12. Go to the doctors

Turning into a hypochondriac and spending whole days in the clinic, of course, is not worth it. But at least once a year you need to conduct a complete examination. It is possible not in one "calling", but in parts. In January - a dentist, in February - an endocrinologist ... Going to the doctors is not at all an occupation for old people, it is better to make it a habit from a very early age. So no sore can take you by surprise.

13. Research family history

When you have free time, ask your family about your family history. You can even make a family tree - I wonder how far you can trace your relatives? So you will not only not get confused in various second cousins, but you will also learn a lot of interesting things. Especially from older relatives.

14. Give gifts for no reason.

New Year, Birthday, February 23 ... If you give gifts only on major holidays, then they will look like duties. Train yourself to please your family and friends with spontaneous gifts. After all, you probably know what they like and want. So everyone will be happy. By the way, this is a very "contagious" habit, so do not be surprised if someone soon adopts it from you, and you will already receive a gift.

15. Help others

We are confident that you are already helping everyone who asks for help. However, it is not necessary to wait for someone to ask. Offer your help early. This way you can really help many good people, especially if they are embarrassed to ask for such a service. And if there is nothing to help, then you will simply improve your reputation and be known as a sensitive and caring person.

16. Set your alarm 30 minutes early

You know perfectly well how much time you need for a morning shower, breakfast and getting ready for work or school. Your morning time is scheduled to the minute. But is it really necessary? Try setting your alarm clock half an hour earlier - and you will have 30 minutes of free time, which can be spent both properly and on pleasant nonsense for Have a good mood, which is so often lacking on a gloomy morning.

17. Don't associate with "energy vampires"

If a person wears you down, then minimize your communication with him. The benefit is now in the yard of high centuries information technologies, and even with a colleague it is not necessary to communicate directly. Working chat, instant messenger or e-mail - and now you are not afraid of a person who is already drinking your strength.

18. Trust problem solving to professionals

Every day we are faced with so many little things that we need to decide that we do not need to multiply their number. You can sew on a button yourself and clean the coat from cat hair, but for a high-quality, inconspicuous patch, it is better to take it to the studio, and to clean it from coffee stains, dry-clean it. Also, specialists will help to cope with chronic depression or discord in relationships.

19. Sharpen your mind

The brain is a kind of muscle. Not in the literal sense, of course, but it must be constantly kept in good shape in order to think quickly. Solve puzzles, puzzles and crosswords, and if you don’t like them, then watch good humorous programs or read jokes. Yes, yes, “wit” is named that way for a reason. With a good sense of humor and constant stimulation of it, the mind really becomes sharper.

20. Learn relaxation techniques

If meditation or yoga seems like a waste of time to you, then this does not mean that relaxation is not for you. You need to know at least one relaxation technique that will help you through difficult times. You will definitely find yours if you search. Aromatherapy, massage, leisure or even sex - dozens of options.

That's just watching TV shows with a pack of ice cream, lying on the couch, does not apply to relaxation.

21. Limit information noise

We are bombarded with so much new information that headaches and chronic fatigue have more than doubled in the last 10 years. Even if you digest all these information flows well, it is better not to wait for indigestion and limit them in advance. Set aside a special time to check all the new arrivals, read materials, watch videos and funny cats on the Internet. For example, 15 minutes at the end of every hour.

22. Start saving money

A piggy bank is great for saving money for a bike or a new doll, but as you get older, it's time to start thinking about some serious savings as well. Of course, you don't have to put your teeth on the shelf, saving half your salary. Even if your earnings are small, you can always set aside one or two thousand a month from them. And this is from 12 to 24 thousand per year. Quite a good amount! And this is the very minimum.

23. Communicate with nature

Every person needs fresh air. Even if you are fanatically devoted to the stone jungle and do not see any charm in grass-ant and birches, outdoor recreation is still necessary. In the end, gadgets have not been canceled. Can you imagine what beautiful photos you can take for Instagram?

24. Don't go into debt

Make it a rule to borrow only when absolutely necessary. Credits, loans, payday friendly support - all these are obligations that hang like a heavy burden. Try to financially plan your own budget, then you will never have to borrow.

25. Weigh every purchase

We are not talking about the literal weighing of goods on the scales, but about the metaphysical. In other words, before you pay for something that you really want, mentally imagine how much you need this thing. What happens if you don't buy it? Could there be more soon profitable options? Have you studied all the offers so as not to get into a mess? Finally, won't you get tired of this thing in a couple of weeks, maybe it's better to wait? Of course, such an analysis does not need to be carried out on every package of milk, but large purchases should definitely be considered with a “sober” head.

26. Start a "manual" hobby

Working with hands is a natural need of every person. If you already have several different hobbies, then check if there are at least something among active and passive hobbies where you need to do something with your hands. If the answer is no, then it's time to think about it. By the way, this can also be your relaxation technique!

27. Learn Top 5 Easy Recipes

Even if you don't like to cook, you need to learn how to cook at least 5 simple and quick meals that are nutritious and delicious. There are thousands of such recipes, you just need to try a couple of dozen of those that you liked, and eventually find your top 5. Why such a quantity? Very simple - that's how many dinners in a standard work week. And on weekends you can go somewhere.

28. Listen to lectures

No one will teach you something new in such an interesting way as an expert in his field. By the way, you can not only listen to lectures, but also watch videos or even go to them live. Lectures for interested listeners are usually much more interesting than university lectures, since they are not limited by any regulations.

29. Be alone with yourself

Set aside a little time every day to be alone with yourself. It doesn't matter what you do in this moment, the main thing is that no one bothers you. Even the most notorious extroverts have a need for solitude. If you take care of this need in a timely manner, you will not be bored in the company of other people.

30. Eat berries

There are a lot of vegetables and fruits on our table, but we often forget about berries. They contain a lot of trace elements, vitamins and nutrients that you will not find in fruits and vegetables. Of course, in the winter season, fresh good berries are not always easy to get, but berry frosts in homemade fruit drink, compote or pie will also be useful. The only exception is the tomato. It is also a berry, but it is not suitable for this habit.

Attention question: ?

It often happens that we are dissatisfied with what we have. We complain about what is happening, noah, get upset, blame others, ourselves and ... do nothing.

And what to do?

Choose the right strategy and act!

Today I present to you practical advice from an international expert on personal growth, success and leadership Robin Sharma.

1. Sleep less.

It is one of the most important contributions you can make to making your life more productive and worthwhile. Most people need no more than 6 hours of sleep to stay healthy. Try getting up just an hour earlier for 21 days and it will become a solid and powerful habit. Remember that it is not the quantity that matters, but the quality of sleep. Now imagine that you have an additional 30 hours a month for things that are much more important to you.

2. Set aside one hour each morning for yourself to reflect on personal development issues.

Mentally and visually imagine the day ahead, listen to music that motivates you, or read something from classical literature. Use this period of calm to lift and revive your spirit for the upcoming grocery day. Watch the sunrise at least once a week or be in nature.

A good start to each day is a powerful strategy for self-renewal and personal effectiveness.

3. Don't let the things that matter most to you get overshadowed by the things that don't matter.

Find every day to test yourself: "Was this the best use of my time and my energy?"

There is life management, so manage your time the best you can.

4. Focus only on the positive thoughts and elements of your life.

You can use the rubber band as a training tool for your mind. Put the band on your wrist. Whenever a negative or weak thought tries to enter your brain, hit your wrist with a rubber band.

Through the effort of training, your brain will associate pain with negative thinking and you will soon develop a strong positive mindset.

5. Always answer the phone with enthusiasm in your voice and immediately show your respect for the caller.

Good manners are very important. In order to telephone line transferred your self-confidence, stand up. This will give your voice even more power and persuasiveness.

6. Get great ideas down on paper.

Throughout the day, any of us sometimes finds inspiration and come. You should always have a stack of small cards on hand (you can even have the size of a business card, such cards are sold in any stationery store) and a pen to immediately capture the essence of insight.

When you get home, write down your ideas in a convenient place, such as a notebook, to reread them from time to time. As Oliver Wendell Holmes remarked, “The human brain, stretched by a new idea, no longer shrinks to its original size.”

7. Dedicate every Sunday evening to yourself and make it your permanent habit.

Plan your upcoming week carefully, visualize all your meetings and what you want to achieve in them, read new materials and inspiring books, listen to quiet soothing music and just relax.

Such a tradition will allow you to focus, maintain high motivation and efficiency throughout the next week.

8. Remember the important rule that the quality of your life is the quality of your communication.

It's not just how you communicate with others that matters. Even more important is how you communicate with yourself. What you focus on is what you get.

If you are looking for a positive result, it will be so. This is a fundamental law of nature.

9. Focus on the goal, not the results.

In other words, do the work for the reason that you enjoy it, or because it will help someone or provide a useful experience.

Don't do anything just for or for recognition. They will come by themselves. That's how the world works.

10. Laugh in front of the mirror for five minutes every morning.

Steve Martin does just that. Laughter triggers many beneficial chemical reactions in our body that bring us into a wonderful and joyful state.

Laughter also brings the body into a state of balance.

By following these tips, you will make your unique life even more beautiful. Good luck!

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Karma in Sanskrit means "cause and effect" or "retribution". To put it simply, according to Buddhist teachings, karma means that you get exactly what you give in life. Thus, karma is not destiny - people are free to create their own destiny. The only question is what needs to be done for this. Try to analyze your actions. Every time you do something, you unconsciously "charge" your act - it can be dictated by hatred for a neighbor whose dog disturbs your sleep at night, or it can be filled with joy from a good message received in the morning. So your attitude to the world returns to you with the same power and strength. Buddhists believe that karma comes from what you do in life and all the negativity you create will come back to you. So, if you are looking for how to improve karma, here are some tips. However, even if you do not believe in this teaching, what prevents you from doing good and adding positivity to your life?


Strive to do at least one act of kindness every day. No matter how important and significant it will be - whether you give way to someone who is in a hurry, or help a tourist understand the intricacies of urban transport, you will be rewarded. You will feel almost great knowing that the day was not in vain. Another bonus - feeling your increased self-esteem, others will begin to appreciate you.


Do not forget, spinning in the daily bustle, one way or another to express gratitude to everyone who thinks and cares about you. Let your friends know how much you appreciate them. Please your girlfriend with a pleasant trifle: having looked into a cosmetics store, grab a nice little thing for her too - and at least a hand cream. Do not forget to confess your feelings to your loved one when he tries to support you and listens to what is happening at your work all evening. Tell your parents often that if it weren't for them, you wouldn't have grown up to be such a good person. Thank colleagues for cooperation and well-coordinated work. Respecting and appreciating other people for what they do will change your outlook and you won't take anything for granted. Well, after you start being grateful, your karma will begin to thank you.


Let's face it: everyone lies. Or almost everything. We also cheat. And in the same way, they lie to us in return. Many people think that in modern world it is impossible to live without embellishing anywhere, without lying to anyone, and without concealing the truth from anyone. But Buddhists believe that this is quite possible. And they are ready to take responsibility for every word they say. We often have to hide something, including those with the best of intentions - so as not to disappoint friends, not to upset loved ones. But still: being honest in any situation is much better. Especially with friends and family. Tell your friend that she prefers not red, but dark blue, and you still shouldn’t wear such tight trousers to the office. After all, in the end, she will only benefit from this.


In the West, volunteering is widespread among people of all ages. In our country, this is more often done by young people who are not burdened with families and other concerns. Of course, not every mother of the family will go to help after work in a rooming house for the homeless - just to improve karma. However, no one bothers to look on Saturdays with the children at the dog shelter to find out if it is necessary to clean the cage or throw a hundred for food. And if you work in big company, then surely from time to time you get e-mail messages asking for help - for example, to collect things for orphanages. Don't ignore them. Another option is to find a large charitable foundation, whose activities inspire confidence in you, and transfer a certain amount there on the day of your salary.


If you have your own family, then think about those who do not. And if you don’t have a family, then help those who are even worse than you. If you do not find the moral strength in yourself to go to a nursing home, take a closer look at your neighbors, if someone needs your help. Grab an extra carton of milk from the store for the old lady across the street. However, many lonely people sometimes need not even material assistance, but simply communication and a lively interest. While walking in the park with your dog, chat about something good with a person sitting on a bench.


Women know that gossip is a great way to relax and forget about their own personal problems. But, frankly, this is a waste of time that reflects badly on your karma. Don't go with your friends. Nobody, including you, wants to be the subject of gossip, right? So, if you feel that the exchange of news about acquaintances has begun to turn into washing the bones, stop. Don't allow gossip to spread and don't listen to it yourself. Instead of judging others, read a book. For your personal growth, it will definitely be more useful. Remember that the negativity you create when you gossip can affect the course of your own life.


People who don't skimp on a smile are a pleasure to deal with. Strive to spread positivity wherever you go. No, this is not a call to lavish fake American-style smiles and noisily express your love to others. But if you notice that a colleague is in bad mood don't ignore this. Do not ask what happened - not everyone will want to share personal problems. Just try giving the person a spontaneous but sincere compliment. And you will be surprised at how valuable your words can be. For the most advanced, there is a more difficult exercise: make an unfamiliar gloomy saleswoman smile. Happened? You - one more plus in karma!

Many of us at least once wanted to completely change our lives, start from scratch, get rid of the past and live in the present. The desire for change is based on the fact that something does not suit us in life. How to make life filled with bright colors and bring pleasure? To do this, you need to follow seven steps that will lead you to a new life.

Step one. Think positive. As you know, our thoughts are material, so learn to control the thought processes in your head. If you sincerely do not believe that you can change something, then you should not move on. Without faith in yourself and in the best nothing will come of it. Try your best to let go of sad thoughts about the past. Just remember your mistakes and wrong actions, draw conclusions from all this and try to never return to unpleasant thoughts.

Step two. Remember what you enjoy doing. Have you ever dreamed of learning how to roller skate? Or have you dreamed all your life how to do vocals? Time does not wait! Wasting your life on something that does not bring you benefit and moral satisfaction is stupid. Take care of what you really have a soul for.

Step three. Eliminate such concepts as "laziness" and "fear" from your life. One desire for change in life is not enough. Also required active actions. Do everything that depends on you so that later you do not regret what you once did not do. Let go of your fears of change. After all, if you want to change your life, it means that it does not suit you, therefore, being afraid of losing what you have is not very smart.

Step four. Throw away any unnecessary or old items. Thus, you not only, but also psychologically cleanse yourself of old memories. Think of it as a ritual, the purpose of which is to become cleaner, better, more positive and bolder.

Step five. Value your time. Set priorities and think about what exactly can bring moral satisfaction and benefit to you, and what is just a waste of time. Pay more attention to your spiritual world, development and health.

Step six. Don't be afraid to make choices and take responsibility. Everything that happens to us is the result of our behavior and choices. We choose every day and we make decisions every day. Our future depends on these decisions and choices. Try to understand that everything is in your hands and your future life depends only on you.

Step seven. Always complete the assigned task. If you decide to start every morning with a run, then in no case do not stop after a week of active sports. At first, you will have to control yourself and accustom yourself, then it will become a habit and it will become much easier.

If you look closely, then the implementation of these rules does not require any extra time or effort from you. It’s very easy to start living the way you want, just seven steps separate everyday life from happiness, once you take one step, you won’t be able to stop. Dare!
