Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Research work "Dove - the bird of our village." Project work on the surrounding world on the topic: “Pigeons Scientific research work about pigeons

Project "Dove" is a research program launched by zoopsychologist B.F. Skinner during World War II. It was developed when electronic guidance systems did not yet exist.

Pigeons were chosen because they are lightweight, affordable and easy to train.

1. Pigeons are trained to peck at targets in aerial photographs. Once a certain skill is achieved, each pigeon is placed in a housing inside the pipe.

2. Pipes with pigeons are attached to the fuselage of the bomb. There are three doves in each neck. Three birds were needed to increase accuracy.

3. After the bomb was closed, the pigeons could see the area through a glass screen onto which an image was projected using a lens system.

4. After launching the bomb, upon seeing the target, the pigeons should have started pecking at the screen. As long as the dove pecks at the center of the screen, the projectile flies straight; but shifting the pecks away from the center causes the screen to roll, and this, in turn, through the flight control system, causes the projectile to change course.

Despite skepticism about this idea, the National Defense Research Committee invested $25,000 in this research.

However, Skinner's plans to use pigeons in the Pelican rocket were considered too eccentric and impractical.

The nose cone was intended for use on the PELICAN bomb.

The program was closed on October 8, 1944, as the military decided that "further development of the project would seriously delay work on other projects which, in the opinion of the competent authorities, would have a more visible and immediate effect for military purposes."

Project Dove was revived by the Navy in 1948 under the name Project Orcon under the direction of Dr. F.V. Taylor.

In artificially simulated tests, the pigeons performed "surprisingly well." Scientists were convinced that pigeons could control the projectile under optimal conditions, correcting their own errors and those of the projectile.

55.3% of completed launches were successful.

But after 3 years of development and testing of the equipment, the project was rejected, since the range of the Orcon system could not exceed the range of any optical system, and could only be used during daylight hours.

The project was abandoned in 1953 when there was no longer any doubt about the reliability of the electronic control systems.

“The Life of Pigeons” Research project of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Astrakhan “Secondary School No. 71” The work was completed by: 1st “A” class student Balayan Liana

Purpose of the study: Find out as much as possible about the life of pigeons. Research objectives: read popular science and artistic and journalistic literature about pigeons; watch pigeons; draw a conclusion based on the work done.

Birds are amazing creatures. What distinguishes birds from other animals? Birds are vertebrates with a body covered with feathers. They have a horny beak, no more than four toes, they breathe air, and reproduce by laying and incubating eggs. The science of birds is called ornithology.

The topic of my research is “The Life of Pigeons The pigeon is the first bird that my mother introduced me to. I saw these beautiful birds everywhere, in the yard, in parks, in squares, both in winter and summer.

Breeds of pigeons Flying - they rise high into the sky, it is very interesting to watch them. There is a breed of fighting dogs - they are very beautiful, they have feathers growing on their paws

Carrier pigeons have existed for many, many years, they have been known since ancient times. They carry letters across seas and oceans. This breed is very hardy; sometimes they don’t eat for a whole week, but still carry letters to their destination. Decorative pigeons: peacocks, they have a beautiful peacock-like tail.

In the dovecote, each pigeon must have its own place to sit and a nest for raising chicks. During the cold winter months, pigeons spend a significant portion of the day on roosts.

Feeding is very important in pigeon breeding. We feed pigeons mainly with grain, barley, millet, and seeds. The diet of pigeons varies depending on the season. From early December to mid-February, we transfer pigeons to a winter diet.

When feeding pigeons, I have the opportunity to observe them and their behavior.

Pigeons reproduce very quickly. The dove lays one egg, then a second one a day later. The female and male take turns incubating the eggs. Male during the day and female at night. The eggs hatch for 18 days and then the chicks are raised together.

Dove chicks do not leave their nests for four to six weeks after birth until they grow up. Therefore, it may seem to city residents that the number of pigeons is increasing in some magical way - all the birds that we see on the street are already adults, but nowhere and never do we see chicks.

Conclusion During the research process, I read educational material not only about pigeons, but also other birds, and learned a lot of new and interesting things. From all that has been said, we can conclude: having learned more about these birds, I began to pay more attention to them. All birds bring great benefits to humans. Birds must be protected, protected, not disturbed in spring and summer, and in winter, during difficult times of hunger, fed.

Section: Educational projects

Topic: “Dove-bird of peace”

Scientific adviser:
Medvedeva Olga Vladimirovna
teacher primary classes

c. Isakli


Introduction.. 3 pages.
1. Main body 4 pages
1.1.Dove. What kind of bird? .4 p.
1.2.The image of a dove in legends and myths 4 – 5 pp.
1.3. Good messenger. Bird of Peace 5 – 6 pp.
1.4. Types of pigeons 7-8 p.
2. Breeding pigeons
2.1.Construction of a dovecote....................................8 – 9 pages.
2.2 Food. My experiment and conclusions.....9 – 10 pp.
2.3.Conclusions..11 p.
3.Conclusion12 pages

4. Bibliography 13 pages.

5. Appendix 14 - 15 pages.


Relevance of the chosen topic:
Since childhood, everyone knows that the dove is the bird of peace. But rarely does anyone know why? In addition, pigeons have long been loved by people for their unpretentiousness in maintenance, fidelity and flight qualities. Why does attachment to these birds arise?
“The dove is a bird of peace” I came across this saying in the text of the Olympiad assignment. I wonder where this came from, because pigeons, in fact, are not much different from all other birds; these questions sparked my imagination and I turned to world wide web for answers
My uncle breeds pigeons. Therefore, I decided to learn as much as possible about this extraordinary bird, about its habits, development, and to answer the question regarding people’s attachment to pigeons, including my uncle.

Research hypothesis:
Pigeons – amazing birds which can be bred at home. They bring people joy. Contact with them The best way replenish your vitality reserves.
I suppose that a true passion for pigeons and communication with them makes a person kinder, purer in soul and nobler in heart. Pigeon breeders can spend hours watching their pets perform miracles of aerobatics and fly into the air, their plumage sparkling in the sun. At the same time, the soul comes to life, all worries and sorrows recede away. This is one of the pleasures that a person gets from communicating with nature.

Purpose of the study:
answer the question “Why is the dove considered the bird of peace?”;

Research objectives:
a) study the living conditions of pigeons in the dovecote;
b) get acquainted with the history of bird breeding;
c) determine the dietary preferences of pigeons;
d) attract the attention of classmates that breeding pigeons is a responsible and exciting business;
e) find out why the dove is called the bird of peace.
Object of study:

Research methods:
a) observation and communication with pigeons;
b) diet analysis;
c) selection of literature, study of Internet resources.
1. Main part.

Pigeon. What kind of bird?

The pigeon is so familiar that sometimes we don’t notice it. He lives next to us, tries to be closer to the person. But are we happy about such a neighborhood?
PIGEONS (pigeonidae), family of birds of the order Pigeonidae. About 290 species, grouped into 41 genera. The common ancestor of all domestic pigeons is the wild rock pigeon. The body of pigeons is dense, the head is small, the neck is short, the wings are usually long and sharp, the tail is of medium length and rounded. The legs are short, four-toed, the fingers are long, with short strong claws. The beak is small, straight, thin at the base, and somewhat swollen towards the apex. The base of the beak is covered with a soft waxy skin. The plumage of pigeons is thick and dense, of varied, often bright colors. Males are larger than females and do not differ in color. Widely distributed in the world. In Russia there are rock pigeons, wood pigeons, turtle doves, etc. Most species are forest dwellers, some live in rocks, cliffs, and human structures. Pigeons lead a strictly diurnal lifestyle. Food is usually collected on the ground, which is why they walk well. They fly beautifully: easily, quickly, and can make sharp turns. These are social birds. Most often they live in flocks, sometimes of enormous size. Pigeons feed mainly on plant seeds.
Pigeons belong to the oldest domestic animals. The history of their domestication dates back thousands of years BC. In the early Middle Ages they spread throughout the world. About 200 breeds of domestic pigeons are bred in Russia.

The image of a dove in legends and myths.

It all started back in ancient times. People believed that the pigeon did not have a gallbladder, and therefore it was pure and kind. Many nations revered it as a sacred bird, a symbol of fertility.

The ancient Romans, even before our era, had a legend about how the doves of the goddess of love Venus built their nest in the helmet of the god of war Mars, and the god of war, so as not to destroy their nest, abandoned another bloody undertaking.
In the sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity, Noah released a dove from his ark three times in the hope that it would bring news of the end of the global flood. The first time the dove returned with nothing, the second time it brought an olive branch in its beak, and the third time it did not return at all, which meant that “the water had disappeared from the earth.”
Since then, the dove has come to represent good news and peace in many nations, a symbol that is often used in our time.
In China, the dove is a symbol of longevity, fidelity, order, respect for elders, spring and voluptuousness. In Ancient Greece and Rome, the dove symbolized love and renewal of life, since in the myths Zeus was fed by doves. Therefore, the emblem of Athena became a dove with an olive branch, as a symbol of new life. Among the Jews, white doves became a symbol of purity, but nevertheless they were sacrificed there. In Hinduism, pigeons act as messengers to the god of the dead. In Japanese culture, a dove with a sword means the end of all wars and civil strife.
Since ancient times, the dove has been considered a symbol of peace and love. In the East, this bird was sacred and was revered as the messenger of the gods. Also in ancient times they believed that the devil could take any form, except for a dove, a donkey and a sheep.
Legends of love and fidelity are associated with this bird. After all, pigeons live with one partner and choose him for life. The male, courting the female, spins around her, inflates his neck, bends his head to the ground and spreads his wings. This dance is certainly accompanied by loud cooing. After the ceremony is over, the male and female groom each other - they clean their feathers and “kiss”, touching their beaks. These birds have love and tenderness, loyalty and jealousy.

1.3. Good news, bird of peace.

Dove of peace is an expression that gained popularity after the end of World War II in connection with the activities of the World Peace Congress.
The dove is considered everywhere to be a bird that brings goodness. The dove was officially declared a bird of peace in 1949, after the war at the World Peace Congress, because the dove was used as a postman carrying letters on its legs during the war. Since then, the dove has received the title of “bird of peace.”
The emblem of this congress was painted by Pablo Picasso. The emblem depicts a white dove carrying an olive branch in its beak. There is a tradition of releasing white doves as a symbol of peaceful intentions.
The choice of a dove as a symbol of peace seems somewhat strange, since pigeons are quite aggressive animals, often starting fights in the fight for food or nesting places. Even in ancient times, the dove was considered a symbol of fertility, and subsequently peace. Because of its devotion to its offspring, the dove symbolized maternal feelings. Sometimes the dove was a sign of wisdom.
The dove was depicted on the scepters of some rulers, symbolizing the power sent to them by God.
Prolific, feeding on any seeds and insects, pigeons aroused the interest of humans as soon as he tried their meat. Unpretentious birds were bred for meat back in Ancient Egypt. Pigeons were easily tamed and became attached to the house. Even when flying far from the dovecote, they always returned back. People began to use this feature of pigeons.
It is so arranged by the Creator that pigeons are very attached to their nest. If they are separated, they can starve for several days. Many pigeons return back to their homeland. And it’s amazing how they find their way, because they often have to cover distances of hundreds of kilometers.
Taking the pigeon away, the man taught it to find its way to the house from an increasingly remote place. After such training, the bird, even taken hundreds of kilometers, returned back quite quickly. The navigational abilities of pigeons help them correctly determine the direction to home. When a pigeon flies to familiar places, it finds its way to the dovecote using landmarks that it remembered during training flights.
When going on military campaigns or travels, people took trained pigeons with them. When it was necessary to convey a message home, a note was tied to the pigeon's neck or paw and the bird was released. The dove was flying to its native land, and the recipient of the message could only regularly check the mail by looking into the dovecote. Pigeon mail probably originated in ancient times, in Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Mention of carrier pigeons is found in many medieval historical chronicles.
In Russia, the first regular postal pigeon communication was organized by Prince Golitsyn in 1854. And the birthplace of regular pigeon mail is considered New Zealand.
During the Second World War, in the Soviet troops, pigeons - postmen delivered 15 thousand pigeongrams!
At the end of the Great Patriotic War Very few carrier pigeons have survived in our country. The Ostankino Homing Pigeon Nursery played a major role in the development and restoration of homing pigeon breeding.
In 1870-1881, German troops besieged Paris. Then communication was carried out by carrier pigeons transported behind the front line balloons. During the siege they delivered approximately a million private letters and official documents. For these services, a monument to brave birds was erected in France. Julius Caesar actively used carrier pigeons during wars and sieges.
Nowadays, pigeon service has lost its former significance. But it exists. For example, in the English city of Plymouth, carrier pigeons serve medicine. How to urgently deliver a blood sample from the clinic to the central laboratory, especially during rush hour, when the streets cannot be driven due to traffic jams? A pigeon delivers a test tube of blood from a hospital to a laboratory in a matter of minutes. This speed saves people's lives in emergency situations.

1.4. Types of pigeons.

Over the long history of breeding, man has managed to breed a large number of varieties of pigeons. They are divided into four main groups: sports (postal), flight, decorative, meat. There are no particularly clear differences between them. At times, racing and decorative breeds are combined into one group due to the variety common features.
Wild pigeons appeared on earth 35 million years ago. The ancestor of all modern pigeons was the rock pigeon, which still lives in Europe, North Africa and the Caucasus.
Pigeons belong to the oldest domestic animals. The history of their domestication dates back thousands of years BC. In the early Middle Ages they spread throughout the world. Pigeons are called “citizens of the world” because, with the exception of the northern and southern polar circles, they live in all countries, on all continents.

Meat pigeons.
The first selections of pigeons had precisely meat direction. Today, in many countries, pigeons are also eaten, so special breeds with improved gastronomic qualities are bred. It was here that various meat breeds of these birds were bred.

Flight or racing pigeons.
It was noticed that pigeons had a special ability to return to their usual places of residence - they began to be used as messenger birds. Then the man became interested in the beauty of birds and their special ability to fly. This is how special flying breeds appeared. They all have a special flight style. This group includes many types of pigeons, including decorative ones. Depending on the style and ability to fly, there are:
high-flying breeds - pigeons fly high into the sky, making several circles. Flying high into the sky, birds can stay there from 2 to more than 10 hours.
racing ones - they rise into the sky, making an unusual circular flight. Their peculiarity is the ability to make turns through the wing, as if tumbling.
fighting - such pigeons do not rise very high into the sky, but when flying they somersault over their tail. They can do both horizontal and vertical “pillar” somersaults. At the same time, during a somersault, they hit their wings hard, creating special clicks.
Rollers are birds that perform a helical flight by somersaulting through the wing. It seems that the dove is spinning around its axis.
Sports, or carrier pigeons.
Birds were used to deliver letters back in Ancient Rome and Greece. Then, in the Middle Ages, carrier pigeons were kept by kings and nobles. At that time, this was the fastest and most accurate delivery of letters. Birds were used right up to the 20th century, and even during World War II, birds served people with their amazing ability. But even today, in peacetime, technology, high communication and communications, pigeons do not remain without work. True, now they are simply called sports and compete in flight speed. The world center of this sport is Belgium. The ability to quickly cover long distances and navigate in pigeons is innate and is inherited. This is why other bird breeds do not have this gift.
Decorative pigeons
These birds differ from all other species in certain external decorations, for example, crests, the length and shape of feathers, the presence of growths, etc. Eat individual species pigeons that have the colors of other birds. Accordingly, they are called larks, gulls, storks, swallows and even bullfinches. These breeds are bred solely for beauty.

2. Breeding pigeons

2.1. Arrangement of a dovecote.
I was wondering, how do domestic pigeons live? What conditions are required for their maintenance? From my uncle I learned the basic requirements for building a dovecote.
It should be large enough for the pigeons to have room in it, the sun's rays should freely penetrate into it through the windows, but there should be no drafts in the dovecote. Pigeons constantly need clean fresh air and a certain humidity in the room. A dovecote can be built in an attic, barn or special premises. The attic space is the best place. It is always dry here and has good ventilation. From the dovecote located in the attic, the birds immediately get to the roof, from where it opens good review. From such a dovecote, pigeons take off not from the ground, but from a certain height.
The dovecote must be kept clean. It is not advisable to arrange it in strong sun; the room should not get too hot in the summer.
The temperature inside the dovecote should be: in winter - no lower than 5 - 7 degrees, and in summer - no higher than 20 degrees. Electricity should be installed in the dovecote. This is necessary in order to control the length of daylight hours, as well as the condition of the pigeons at any time.
My uncle's dovecote is spacious, with enough space for every pigeon. The dovecote has perches and designated nesting areas.
In winter, the uncle resettles the doves and pigeons in different rooms, as he believes that the winter chicks are weak and frail. But in the summer, these birds have four clutches of two eggs. Pigeons are diurnal. The droppings are used in the garden to fertilize the soil. Pigeons love to swim and are very fond of sunbathing.
When I enter the dovecote, the birds greet me friendly, they fly from place to place, loudly flapping their wings. My uncle has about 100 pigeons. Most pigeons are racing breeds. They have the most varied colors. From white to black.
The chicks are born naked. The chicks are fed special “pigeon milk” - semi-digested food that is regurgitated by adult birds. To eat, the chick leans its beak against the corner of its father's or mother's nose and licks the milk, which is more like sour cream.

2.2. Nutrition.
I consulted with my uncle, he helped conduct the research.
I learned that this bird is not a fussy eater and will eat any grain that is offered to it. We give them food twice a day. We update the water every two days.

Organization and conduct of the experiment.
Goal: find out what food pigeons prefer.
Equipment: different kinds feed: sunflower seed, wheat, barley, millet, peas, corn, apple pieces, pumpkin seed.
Time: autumn holidays.
During the week, at the same time, the birds were offered various foods, which were given simultaneously (in different piles). I recorded which food the bird ate first.
I entered the results of my observations into the table.

Experiment results

Suggested food
Food eaten first

sunflower seeds






Apple pieces (small)

pumpkin seed


2.3.Conclusions: pigeons prefer sunflower seeds most of all
in second place are wheat and pumpkin seeds;
in third place - barley and apple pieces
in fourth place - millet, peas
the pigeons remained indifferent to corn.

Based on my observations, I have developed recommendations for beginning pigeon fanciers:
1. Before purchasing birds, weigh the pros and cons and consult with local pigeon breeders.
2. Before the plant, study the features of the dovecote structure and purchase the necessary inventory and equipment.
3. Familiarize yourself with the diet for pigeons and prepare grain and mineral feed.
4. Birds should only be purchased from pigeon breeders or at exhibitions, with the help of experienced hobbyists.
5. Love your pets. Study their behavior, take care of them constantly and you will get a charge Have a good mood, vigor and health.

3. Conclusions:

Breeding pigeons requires a lot of time and a lot of affection for them.
The dove, one of the world's most revered birds and based on the homing pigeons that carried letters during World War II, has been officially declared a bird of peace.
People become attached to pigeons because of their beauty, peculiar grace, and cooing.
Observing, caring for, and communicating with pigeons has a beneficial effect on a person, calms the nervous system, relieves stress, lifts the mood, and gives vitality.

4. Conclusion.

Summing up my work, I can conclude that the goal I set has been achieved. Having studied reference and popular science literature, I was able to learn many interesting facts about the pigeon. The dove is often mentioned in ancient legends and traditions. The pigeon can reach speeds of up to 180 km per hour. It turns out that pigeons feed their chicks with milk.
During my observations, I learned that caring for domestic pigeons is not an easy task. Only a person who truly loves these birds and is devoted to them can keep them.
From my uncle's stories, I realized that birds are very similar to people. The pigeon couple is very faithful to each other, they care for each other, take care.
If each of us knows information about the pigeons that surround people in everyday life, cares for and protects them, then:
- we will treat not only the birds kinder and more attentively, but also to each other;
- there will be less evil on Earth, and our world will become more beautiful, more beautiful and more joyful.
Thanks to research, I realized that people’s attachment to pigeons arises because of their beauty, a kind of grace, they have a beautiful
plumage, they are beautiful in flight, and how touchingly a dove cares for a dove!
Their cooing, similar to the conversation of close people, is fascinating and serves as an example of a reverent attitude towards others.


1. Encyclopedia "I know the world", Moscow, "AST Publishing House", 2001.
2. Great Children's Encyclopedia, Moscow, Children's Literature Publishing House, 2003.
3. Tatyana Plotnikova: “All about pigeons. "Ripol Classic", 2011
4. Internet resources.

5. Application.

Song of the White Dove.

To whom did the White Dove bring the news:
- There will be joy after tears.

There will be happiness after troubles,
The trace of sorrows will disappear.

There will be bread for all the hungry
Abundant on earth.

There will be shelter for all homeless people
Warm, sunny, ready.

Instead of dead zones there are gardens,
Reservoirs and ponds,

Parks, groves and forests:
The whole earth is a blooming garden! -

Why will this be so?
What will dispel sorrow and darkness,

Will stop war and death,
Will it renew the earth's surface?

The White Dove brings peace!
His flight is bold and fast;

Won't stay anywhere
He will visit everywhere

Establishing peace everywhere,
Inviting everyone to a fraternal feast.

And for peace, following him,
Rise up to fight

Hundreds, thousands of fighters -
Mothers, children, fathers!

Anyone who loves honest work,
Life, science, beauty,
Who cares will
And the fate of people is close -

Everyone will follow the Dove
And the war will be swept away from the earth!

Peace is the smile of all children,
Peace is the delight of mothers,

Peace is an abundance of all blessings,
A bold step into the future.

The world is the breath of Spring,
Whose steps can already be heard,

The first ray in the dawn darkness
New life on earth!

Spirina Natalia Dmitrievna.

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Vera Rogova
Research"The Life of Pigeons"


I chose this topic because I am very interested in learning more about pigeons, about care


If I study additional literature, I will learn about breeds pigeons.


Find out more about life of pigeons.

Participate in exhibitions

Watch video films

Watch pigeons

Learn about care and equipment

Give advice to friends on how to breed pigeons

Methods research:

Search for information when work with literary and Internet sources

Receiving information from pigeon breeders

Generalization and conclusions.

Stages work


studying information sources



Exhibitions pigeon breeders

generalization and conclusions


Construction dovecote


Care pigeons

Feed pigeons


Reproduction pigeons

Construction dovecotes:


IN dovecotes every pigeon must have its own seat and nest (for hatching chicks).

During the cold winter months pigeons in the dovecote They spend a significant part of the day on roosts.

Cardboard boxes.



Frequent bathing promotes health and neatness pigeon.

Especially in the hot summer for humidity so that the eggs hatch.


The flooring in winter is large sawdust.

The litter makes cleaning easier dovecotes and is necessary for the period of mating and incubation.

You can put straw, hay and small twigs.


Care pigeons.

IN dovecotes We remove litter regularly.

Feeders, drinkers, nests and bathing tubs are washed, rinsed and dried once a month.

We change the litter in the nests.

Feed pigeons.

They feed pigeon mostly grain, barley, millet, seeds. Clean water, not cold.

Boxes of greens - with oats and barley.

In winter it is necessary to provide green food.

Mineral additives - chalk.


Some might think it’s just a hobby, but I can say that it’s much more - it’s a love for birds of amazing beauty and diversity of character.

You can watch them for hours - it's always a joy.

Pigeons live in pairs.

We have dovecote, so I often observe the behavior of these wonderful birds.

People created such breeds: flying - they rise high into the sky, it’s interesting to watch them.

There are postal pigeons, they have existed for many, many years, they have been known since ancient times.

They carry letters across seas and oceans.

This is a breed pigeons are very hardy, sometimes they don’t eat for a whole week, but they carry letters to their destination.

Dad has these breeds pigeons.

Baku residents are high-flyers.

They have excellent flight qualities.

Among Baku breeds pigeons there are bare-legged and with feathered legs, smooth-headed (cheekless) and with large forelocks from ear to ear.

Breeds: "Povladar Reds"





Reproduction pigeons.

(from spring to autumn)

Pigeons multiply very quickly.

The dove lays one egg, the second day later.

The female and male take turns incubating the eggs.

Male during the day and female at night.

They incubate the eggs for 18 days and feed the chicks together.

Little Dove pierces the shell with its beak and comes out of it.

The male then removes the shell.

The female and the male gorge themselves to feed little pigeon.

This is how they feed him: burp gruel into his beak.

After about a month, the baby flies away from the nest, begins to peck grains and drink water.

Soon the chick "goes out" and takes the first steps on the ground.

He pecks grains, sand, pebbles.

Somewhere in a month it starts to fly.

Behind little dove very interesting to watch.

Life of flying pigeons interesting and exciting.

They rise up, sometimes above the clouds and fly until the evening.


1. From literature read with mom from dad's stories, pigeon breeders and videos I learned a lot about pigeons and their lives

2. I also learned about different breeds pigeons.

Found out. How to care for birds, about equipment, food,

reproduction and what feeding the birds need.

3. My dad and I took part in the exhibition - pigeons with. Hurry up. For which I received a letter of gratitude

Perhaps, pigeon- This is the first bird my dad introduced me to.

And even if these are not the most purebred birds, they teach us goodness.

Anyway pigeons pass through a person's entire life.

A symbol of peace- pigeon carrying a palm branch.

If we talk about work, then pigeons are great workers, after all, they were the ones who flew hundreds of kilometers with letters, which not every courier was able to do.

Hundreds and thousands of people at different times were interested in pigeon breeding- from kings to simple peasants.

Dad instilled a love for these birds, I think that in our life There will always be an island of joy and happiness.

Thanks to my dad

Trofimenko Evgeniy Viktorovich

To the teacher Vera Nikolaevna Rogova.

Thank you for your attention!

Trofimenko Artem - 6 years old.

Konovalov Dima

The work tells about how pigeons live in my village, where they build nests, what they eat, and how a chick grows up. They also describe the interesting features of pigeons



MBOU "Divnensky secondary school No. 2"

How do pigeons live in my village?

Kind of work: research

Age nomination: 4th grade

Territory: Divny village, Novoselovsky district

Place of study: Municipal educational institution Divno secondary school No. 2

Head: Natalya Ivanovna Yakimenko, primary school teacher, Divnenskaya Secondary School No. 2


Konovalov Dima

Divny village, Novoselovsky district, Municipal Educational Institution No. 2, 4th grade

“How do pigeons live in my village?”

Supervisor: Yakimenko Natalya Ivanovna, primary school teacher

Goal of the work : find out the features of the life of pigeons in my village

Working methods

Main results of the work: as a result of my work, I became acquainted with how pigeons live in my village, where they build nests, what they eat, and how a chick grows up. I also got acquainted with the interesting features of pigeons



The pigeon is so familiar that sometimes we don’t notice it. He, like other birds, has a beak, neck, head, body, tail, wings, legs and body covered with feathers.

The pigeon tries to be closer to the person. Why? He probably expects warmth and attention from us. Maybe it’s worth trying to establish contact with this bird, take a step towards it. To do this, I tried to find out more about the bird.

Main content

Goal of the work: find out the features of the life of pigeons in my village


  1. Study and analyze information on this topic;
  2. Find out interesting facts about pigeons

Hypothesis: in my village pigeons live everywhere

Working methods : analysis and synthesis, experiment

Work results

Wild pigeons appeared on earth 35 million years ago. The ancestor of all modern pigeons was the rock pigeon, which still lives in Europe, North Africa, South Asia and the Caucasus.
The dove is often mentioned in ancient legends and traditions. For example, among the Assyrians, Queen Semiramis turned into a dove after her death. In Palestine, doves were sacrificed to the gods; among the Jews, the dove was a symbol of love and moral purity. In Christianity, the dove has a special meaning: this bird is a symbol of peace and friendship. Even in ancient timespigeonpeace. Ancient people thought that the dove had nogallbladder, A bile from the time of Hippocrateswas considered the cause of an angry, grumpy disposition.Pigeonsconsidered sacred birds and messengersgods in countries East. It was believed that devil And witchescan take any form except dove, donkey and sheep

Researching the life of pigeons, I decided to start by looking at encyclopedias and the Internet. I was interested in the following questions. Dove - what kind of bird is this? What does it eat? What is the life expectancy? What is the flight speed of a pigeon? How does a pigeon breed its offspring?

Order: Pigeonidae, family: Pigeonidae; genus: Pigeons; species: Rock pigeon. Pigeons are widespread in all populated areas and become almost tame, trusting of humans. The same species that live in wildlife, they are distinguished by attentiveness and caution - it is not so easy to approach them, they will certainly notice a stranger. They have developed vision and hearing. The voice of pigeons is not loud, the sounds are abrupt, reminiscent of dull cooing. The rock pigeon, along with sparrows, is a typical urban and rural resident. Birds that live in urban and rural environments have different colors, while in the wild the Rock Pigeon is always colored the same: gray-gray plumage, two stripes on the wing, gray tail and dark beak. Through selection, many new breeds of pigeons were obtained from the Rock Pigeon. There are practically no differences between males and females, except that the plumage on the female’s chest is less silvery.
An ordinary pigeon has grayish-gray plumage, gray wings with two characteristic stripes, and on the chest the plumage has a metallic yellowish or purple color. The size of the pigeon ranges from 30 to 35 cm, weight - about 300 grams. The beak is dark, almost black. Eyes are orange-red or yellow. Wings with a metallic tint, span up to 65 cm. The tail is straight or slightly rounded, with a dark stripe along the edge. Paws are red or pink.
Pigeons are very voracious. Their main diet consists of grains. At the same time, pigeons need to drink a lot in order to soften solid food. Pigeons drink, unlike many other birds, by plunging their beak deep into the water and thus sucking in the liquid.
Pigeons settle not only near populated areas, but also in forests. Also, some birds prefer rocky areas and mountains. For example, rock pigeons make nests in rock recesses and caves. In the south, rock pigeons lead a sedentary lifestyle, and in the north, birds move to warmer places for wintering. Pigeons settle in flocks, colonies. The nesting period for pigeons has no clear boundaries and can last at any time throughout the year. Pigeons - inhabitants of cities and villages - choose places that resemble natural conditions to place their nests: attics of houses, cornices, crevices in brickwork. Having built a nest, a pair of pigeons can use it repeatedly to breed offspring.
When building a home, the male gets construction material, which serves as various twigs, straws and blades of grass. The female is directly involved in building the nest. The nest is made simply, one might say carelessly, and has flat shape. Pigeons are very careful and try to arrange their nests in urban environments so that they are extremely difficult for humans to detect.
The female lays 1-2 white eggs with a smooth shiny shell in the nest. The female lays eggs intermittently (about two days). Both partners incubate the offspring. The male is usually in the nest in the first half of the day, while the female is busy eating. If the female lingers for a long time, the male begins to coo invitingly so that the female quickly replaces him in the nest. The incubation period lasts from 17 to 30 days, depending on the breed of pigeon. The chicks are born at intervals of a couple of days, they are absolutely helpless and covered with sparse hair-like down. At first, parents feed them " bird's milk» - nutritious fluid secreted in the goiter. When the chicks grow up, the parents begin to feed them plant seeds. Externally, young pigeons are similar to adults, but have faded plumage and a brown iris. After a month or so, the chicks become independent and fly out of the nest. The ability to reproduce in pigeons appears at the age of about six months.
While studying the literature, I was able to find out many interesting facts about pigeons. It turns out: 5 thousand years ago, domestic pigeons were already known in Ancient Egypt. According to legend, the god of war Mars did not fight because a dove made a nest in his battle helmet. The formidable warrior did not dare to destroy the bird’s nest, and the war was averted. From that moment on, the dove became a symbol of peace and friendship, and among the ancient Jews - love and morality. Pigeons can be cruel. And if in dogs the winner licks the one who surrenders, then these meek birds can beat the vanquished to death with blows of their beaks. Well-trained carrier pigeons can reach speeds of up to 60 - 70 kilometers per hour. The height of their flight in bad weather is 100 - 150 meters, in good weather - 300 - 350 meters. They can withstand sporting distances of up to 500 - 600 kilometers. The flight radius of pigeons from the dovecote in search of food reaches 40 kilometers. The resulting pigeon pairs are strong and do not collapse during any family troubles (with the exception of the death of one of the spouses). And another curious fact is that the plumage of a dove is heavier than all its bones. Feathers are heavier than the skeleton. To eat, the chick leans its beak against the corner of its father's or mother's nose and licks the milk, which is more like sour cream. On this sour cream, the chick grows by leaps and bounds - the very next day after coming into our world, it weighs 2 times heavier. A week later, parents mix grains softened in the goiter with sour cream. On the 10th day, the dove stops feeding, but dad does not dare to take the children away from his "breast" for several more days. Pigeons are used as postmen. And every time, having sent the message, he comes back. Where do pigeons have a compass? The mystery is still shrouded in darkness. Pigeons do not fly home in a straight line. Observations show that they often fly in the other direction altogether, but then an unknown force forces them to return and fly correctly.

I also managed to find many superstitions about pigeons: Where there are pigeons, that house does not burn. At a wedding, a ribbon (blue and pink) is tied to each pigeon’s paw, and when they take off, the gender of the first-born is determined based on who rose higher—a boy or a girl. If a dove sits on the table, it portends illness. If a dove flew into a window or door, there could be a fire or someone would die, sometimes there would be news.

Very often I heard adults swear at pigeons: that they dirty cars, window sills, balconies. I wondered: does a dove bring benefit or harm? And what is more in them - good or evil?.. After studying the literature, I found out:

Harm from pigeons: pigeons and sparrows are the same as rats. They rummage through garbage dumps and spread various infectious diseases; pigeons dirty cars, windows and window sills, as well as people passing by. Benefits of pigeons: pigeons are a symbol of happiness and prosperity. They are released at weddings. It's just a beautiful sight! According to some myths, pigeons are the souls of dead children.Birdwatching.

My further research involved observing birds in their natural conditions.

After studying the relevant literature, I decided to find out in what places they live in our village.

I presented the results of the observation in table No. 1.

No. p / p

Observation points

Feature of the place


In the attic, a warm place

Kindergarten building

Abandoned building


On the roof, warm


Lots of feed

Residential buildings

Attics, warm

Table 1. The result of monitoring the dispersal of birds.

Conclusion: The pigeon is found in places where it is warm, where there are abandoned buildings, where there is food. But I did not meet pigeons near wooden houses in the forest, thus I was not able to confirm the hypothesis that I put forward at the beginning of my work.

The next stage of my work was to find out how pigeons nest in our country. I managed to find out the following.

When I went up to the attic, I saw a pigeon sitting in a nest. When I appeared, the dove took off from its place and, flapping its wings, flew away. I was able to see the nest. It was made of twigs, had a flat shape and was located on the floor, in a place protected from light in the corner. I found two eggs in the nest. I was surprised, it was already August, and here was an egg. This means that pigeons actually lay eggs several times a year. After I left, the dove came back. This suggests that pigeons do not leave their nests if a person appears there, but return back.

Next, I was interested to find out on what day the chicks hatch, what kind of chicks they are born, and when they are able to fly out of the nest. Almost every day I went to the nest in the hope that the chicks had hatched. But this happened only on the 10th day of my observation. The chicks appeared blind and covered with yellowish down. I have presented my following observations in the form of a table.

Among other things, I was interested to knowwhat food do pigeons prefer? I decided to conduct an experiment.

During the week, at the same time, the birds were offered various foods, which were given simultaneously (in different piles). I wanted to know what food the birds prefer. For several days I went and brought food, but the birds did not touch the food. On the fourth day, when I came to the attic and laid out the food, the birds began to flock. I thought maybe they didn’t come up to me in the first days because they were afraid of me, but when they got used to it, they started coming up to me. I recorded which food the bird ate first. I showed the result in table No. 2.

No. p / p

Suggested food item

Food eaten first


Day 5


Day 7



White bread (crumb)

Apple pieces (small)

Table 2. Results of the experiment to identify the food preferences of the pigeon.

Conclusion: the most Pigeons prefer grain, then they peck the seeds. But they didn’t touch the fruit. It was interesting to observe how the birds behaved during feeding. It was possible to determine where the couples were and where they were not. The pairs stayed close to each other and did not take food from each other. Other pigeons stayed nearby.


Summing up my work, we can conclude that the goal I set was achieved. Having studied reference and popular science literature, I was able to learn many interesting facts about the pigeon.

Wild pigeons appeared on earth 35 million years ago.
The dove is often mentioned in ancient legends and traditions. In Christianity, the dove has a special meaning: this bird is a symbol of peace and friendship. Well-trained carrier pigeons can reach speeds of up to 60 - 70 kilometers per hour. Even in ancient timespigeonwas considered a symbol of fertility, and subsequentlypeace . I learned very interesting fact, it turns out that pigeons feed their chicks with milk. To eat, the chick leans its beak against the corner of its father's or mother's nose and licks the milk, which is more like sour cream.

I managed to find out where these birds settle in our village and how their nest is constructed. I learned that pigeons lay 2 eggs, several times a year. The chicks appear naked and blind. But after 10 days they can see that feathers are appearing. Most of all, pigeons love grain. I think this happens because they are not used to other food, and grain is easy for birds to find in the village. I managed to find out that some people do not like pigeons and believe that they only cause harm. But how can you not love them, because the dove is a symbol of peace, love and fidelity!

I believe that my work can be used in lessons about the world around us, when studying the topic “Birds”


  1. B.E. Raikov, M.N. Rimsky-Korsakov “Zoological excursions” M.: “Topikal” 1994
  2. Encyclopedic dictionary of a young naturalist. M.: “Pedagogy – Press”
  3. Birds of fields and forests. M.: Terra - Book Club. 1998
  4. Songbirds. M.: Terra - Book Club. 1998