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Application of the coefficient for cramped conditions 1 35. Application and justification of coefficients for cramped conditions. To help the estimator. Electronic berator. Estimate matter. Construction and special construction work

Lecturer at the Institute of Applied Automation and Programming Trifonova A.G.

Simultaneous application of coefficients for cramped working conditions and coefficients KZP = 1.15, KEMM = 1.25 and KZPM = 1.25

Work on changing structures not provided for in the TERr, but encountered during the repair of buildings and structures, should be defined as the dismantling of structures according to the TER collection for construction work No. 46 "Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures", and their re-installation - according to the corresponding prices of the TER collections for construction work.

At the same time, the work performed during repair and reconstruction is similar to technological processes in new construction (including the construction of new structural elements in buildings and structures being repaired) and not taken into account in the TERr, are accepted at the corresponding Territorial unit prices TER (except for the prices of collection No. 46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures”) for construction work with using coefficients:

  • to labor costs and wages of construction workers - 1.15,
  • to the cost of operating machines (including wages for drivers) - 1.25.

Clarifications of estimated indicators related to the procedure for applying TERr and taking into account coefficients for working conditions are carried out when drawing up estimates, with references to the relevant paragraphs technical parts relevant Collections of TERR and General Instructions.

When carrying out repair and construction work in operating buildings and structures, near objects under high voltage, on the territory of operating enterprises with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications and cramped conditions for storing materials, and in other complicating conditions for carrying out repair and construction work to standards of labor costs, remuneration of workers, costs of operating machines, including remuneration of workers servicing the machines, coefficients should be applied that take these conditions into account.

Conditions of work

Coefficients for prices of TER collections (except for TER collection No. 46)

Coefficients for prices of TER collection No. 46 and TERr collections

Carrying out construction work on the construction of structural elements of industrial buildings and structures (foundations, frame elements, walls, floors, etc.) inside buildings under construction with the building frame erected, in cases where this is justified by the PIC

Carrying out construction and other work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal performance of work

Carrying out construction and other work in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions: with the presence of an existing building in the work area technological equipment(machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or cluttering objects (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.) or traffic movement along intra-shop paths.

The same, when the air temperature in the workplace is more than 40 0 ​​C indoors.

The same with harmful working conditions, where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and construction workers have a working day of normal duration

The same with harmful working conditions, where construction workers were transferred to shortened working hours with a 36-hour work week.

The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmful working conditions

The same with harmful working conditions, where construction workers were transferred to shortened working hours with a 30-hour work week

The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmful working conditions

The same with harmful working conditions and cramped workplaces, where construction workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 24-hour work week

The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmful working conditions

Carrying out construction and other work on open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment or the movement of technological transport in the work area.

The same with harmful working conditions (presence of steam, dust, harmful gases, smoke, etc.), where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and construction workers have a day of normal length

Carrying out construction and other work near objects under high voltage, including in the security zone of an existing overhead power line

Carrying out construction and other work in closed structures (premises) located below 3 m from the surface of the earth (except for those listed in paragraphs 10, 11)

Construction of new facilities in cramped conditions: on the territories of existing enterprises with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications and cramped conditions for storing materials

Construction of utility networks and structures, as well as residential and civil facilities in cramped conditions of the built-up part of the city

Carrying out construction and special construction work in underground conditions in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and other underground structures, including special purposes:

In the absence of harmful working conditions involving work with shortened working hours

In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened working week of 36 hours

In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened working week of 30 hours

In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened work week, 24 hours

Carrying out construction and special construction work in operating metro tunnels at night “through the window”:

When using part work shift only for performing work related to the “window”

When using part of the work shift (before workers are allowed into the tunnel and after leaving the tunnel) to perform work not related to the “window”

The use of coefficients in the preparation of estimate documentation must be justified in projects. The simultaneous use of several coefficients (except for the coefficients of points 4 and 5) is not allowed. The coefficients specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 can be applied together with other coefficients. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

These coefficients do not apply to the prices of the Collection TER-2001-46 St. Petersburg "Works during the reconstruction of buildings and structures." In cases where the Collection TER-2001-46 St. Petersburg “Works during the reconstruction of buildings and structures” is used, the coefficients given in the Technical part of this Collection should be used.

Applying correction factors in Smeta Wizard

If necessary, several coefficients can be applied to each price. To do this, you need to place the cursor on the desired line of the estimate.

On the "Coefficients" toolbar, select from the "Method of applying coefficient" drop-down list either the "For the entire row" or "For components" command and enter the coefficient values ​​in the appropriate cells. After this, press the "Enter" button or left-click anywhere on the estimate. The coefficients have been entered. If the coefficients are entered incorrectly, you can click the "Reset" button on the toolbar.

In order to apply several different coefficients to the price:

The type of regional coefficient for salary is used if it is necessary to apply the regional coefficient for the wage fund to the price; for tightness - correction factors (from general instructions to the relevant bases) to the standards of labor costs, wages of workers, costs of operating machines, including wages of workers servicing the machines, to take into account the influence of the conditions of work envisaged by the projects; those. part – an adjustment factor to the price (from the technical part of this collection), taking into account the conditions for changing the work; custom – taken when the user needs to use his own coefficient, which is not specified in the technical parts and general instructions; indexation, overhead costs and planned savings - is used if the price itself must take into account the recalculation of costs from base to current, the accrual of overhead costs or estimated profit.

The letters before the name of the coefficient indicate that it belongs to any type:

P– user, for tightness and regional for salary (as they are created by the user himself);
D– new coefficient;
T– coefficient from the technical part (if the correct options are specified in the properties, it is automatically selected for the price and a list of such coefficients is offered to the user when adding a price);
AND– indexing (if the correct options are specified in the properties, it is matched to the price and is automatically added to the price);
N– overhead costs and estimated profit (if the correct options are specified in the properties, they are matched to the quote and automatically added to the quote).

Also, the "Advanced coefficients panel" contains the "Save template" and "Load template" buttons. The first allows you to save a template for a list of applied coefficients to a file, and the second allows you to load a previously saved template. The "Coefficients Database" area contains all the coefficients that can be applied to a given price, including the coefficients of the technical parts.

There is another way to apply coefficients:

1. Go to the pricing properties (right-click the context menu and select the properties menu) to the Coefficients tab

2. Add "New coefficient" with the button.

3. Fill in the coefficient settings.

In the “Name” cell, write down the name of this coefficient.

In the “Calculation type” field, select the coefficient parameter (for direct costs or by components) and enter the values ​​of the coefficients.

Indicate the type of coefficient (regional for salary, for tightness, technical unit) - if the type to which the coefficient relates is not in the list, leave no type.

Write down the rationale for using the coefficient.

4. If you need to take several coefficients, add several lines “New coefficient” and fill in the properties of these coefficients.

5. If the coefficient is used frequently, you can save it by clicking the button and agreeing to save the coefficient. In this case, the name of the saved coefficient is written in the left field in the bottom line. In the future, to apply a previously saved coefficient to the price, select it in the right field and use the “Add” button to move it to the right field.

6. Click OK.

After applying the coefficients to the price, the rationale is written in the code, and the formula for calculating the coefficient is written in the name

If this data is not available, then:

1. Right-click on any line of the local estimate and select “Properties” in the context menu.

2. In the “Properties” window that opens, select the “Parameters” tab and set the parameters as shown in the figure

The option “Decipher formulas in the price name” must be selected and “taking into account technical coefficients” must be selected. parts" and "prescribe justifications". If “Select coefficients from technical parts to quotes” is selected, when adding a price the program will offer a list of coefficients from technical parts selected for this line. The option “Transfer the scope of work to the quotation” allows you to view the scope of work directly in the cost table (without going into the estimate-regulatory database and the properties of the quotation) by moving the cursor to the position number of the quotation. The option “Do not create headers for subsequent sections” is used if the user does not need the headers of subsequent calculations of cost tables and transitions to prices.

1. If you click on the “Default” button, the parameters you set will be automatically transferred to all newly created cost table calculations and local estimates.

2. Click OK.

In order to apply the same coefficient to several prices at once (can be used if the same coefficient needs to be applied to the prices and no coefficient has previously been applied to them):

Press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard while selecting rows
Select all prices to which you want to apply the coefficient (in black) (by left-clicking on the required lines)
Right-click on any selected line (you can release the Ctrl key :))
In the context menu, select “Properties...”
In the properties window that opens, select the “Coefficients” tab
Enter the coefficient data
Click OK.

If the coefficient needs to be applied to the entire cost table, then:

1. Place the cursor on the “Total” line.
2. Create a line - right-click the context menu to call the “Create line” item or click the “Create line” button on the toolbar.
3. In the “Create Line” window that opens, select the “Coefficient” line type.
4. In the “Coefficient Line Designer” window that opens, fill in the coefficient settings (name, calculation type and coefficient values, justification) and select the coefficient type.
5. The coefficient value must be entered one less than necessary in order not to take into account the previous Total twice.
6. If there are several coefficients in the list of coefficients, then their values ​​are multiplied among themselves, but for these coefficients only one line is added, which contains the name and value of only the first coefficient.
7.Click OK.

If you need to apply several coefficients to the entire cost table:

For each coefficient, add the line “Coefficient” and enter the settings for this coefficient in the “Coefficient Line Constructor”

When creating this line, two lines “Total” and “Coefficient Line” are added to the estimate. If necessary (if the next coefficient should be calculated without taking into account the previous one), the “Total” line between the coefficients can be deleted.

The general contractor is carrying out work on the construction of a treatment plant for sulfur-alkaline wastewater and process condensate at an operating oil refinery.

The customer refuses to apply in the estimate documentation an increasing factor for work in cramped conditions in the amount of 1.15 to wages and operating costs of machines, citing the fact that the work is carried out on a pre-prepared site and, accordingly, is carried out under standard conditions that do not require the use of coefficient

From our point of view, the existing conditions of work lead to an increase in standard labor intensity and reduce the productivity of workers and construction machines compared to normal conditions, namely:

1. Construction- installation work are carried out in the conditions of an operating enterprise with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications. The construction site is limited on all sides by existing industrial buildings and overpasses on which existing high-voltage and low-voltage networks are located. The distance from existing communications is from 2.4 m to 5 m.

2. The existing enterprise does not have storage areas for materials for new construction, and therefore only three places are organized for storing equipment and materials with total area 240 m2. The lack of storage areas for materials leads to the need to supply materials in small quantities, which, in turn, leads to additional costs associated with loading and unloading operations, operation of vehicles and lifting equipment.

3. The construction site is surrounded on all sides by existing communications, which, according to regulatory documentation, imposes restrictions on the rotation of the crane boom when carrying out work near these communications. Do we have the right to apply coefficients of 1.15 to wages and 1.15 to the costs of operating machines according to paragraph 7 of Appendix 3 to when carrying out construction and installation work at the site?


The prices provide for construction and installation work to be carried out under normal conditions, not complicated external factors, at positive air temperatures.

“The cost of work when the construction organization project (COP) and the work performance project (PPR) provide for their implementation in operating buildings and structures, near objects under electrical voltage dangerous to humans, and on the territory of operating enterprises with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications and cramped conditions for storing materials, as well as in other complicating conditions during new construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and expansion of existing enterprises (buildings, structures), should be determined with application to indicators of remuneration of construction workers, costs of operating machines and vehicles funds, including remuneration of workers operating construction machines, as well as labor costs of construction workers, given respectively in columns 4, 5, 6 and 8 of the tables of unit prices of the FER collections, the coefficients given in Appendix 3 to these Instructions.”

The PIC or PPR developed by the Contractor and agreed upon with the Customer does not indicate which of the coefficients in Appendix 3 to should be applied when developing estimate documentation and in calculations for work performed. The PIC or PPR must contain and describe specific conditions for the work, for example:

  • carrying out construction and installation work on the territory of an operating enterprise with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications;
  • limited opportunities for storing materials and equipment;
  • etc.

When drawing up estimate documentation and in calculations for work performed, the estimator, following the conditions for the production of work described in the PIC or PPR, applies to the indicators of remuneration of construction workers, the cost of operating machines and vehicles, including the remuneration of workers managing construction sites. machines, the coefficients given in Appendix 3 to, most fully corresponding to the conditions of work.

In your case, there are such work conditions as construction and installation work on the territory of an operating enterprise that has an extensive network of transport and engineering communications, limited opportunities for storing materials and equipment, limited rotation of the crane boom due to closely located overpasses for passing engineering communications.

To take into account in the estimate documentation and in the calculations for work performed the above conditions for the production of work, the wages of construction workers, the costs of operating machines and vehicles, including the wages of workers operating the machines, should be applied to the coefficient K = 1.15 in accordance with clause 7 applications 3 to .

Directories and standards / Indices

Appendix No. 1


For the application of coefficients, see.

Construction and special construction work

N p/p Conditions of work Odds
1 Carrying out construction work on the construction of structural elements of industrial buildings and structures (foundations, frame elements, walls, floors, etc.) inside buildings under construction with the building frame erected, in cases where this is justified by the PIC 1,20
2 Carrying out construction and other work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal performance of work 1,20
3 Carrying out construction and other work in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions: with the presence in the work area of ​​operating technological equipment (machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or cluttering objects (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.) or traffic movement along intra-shop routes 1,35
3.1 1,50
3.2 1,50
3.2.1 1,35
3.3 1,70
3.3.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,55
3.4 2,05
3.4.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,90
3.5 2,30
3.5.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 2,15
4 Carrying out construction and other work on open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment or the movement of technological transport in the work area 1,15
4.1 1,25
5 Carrying out construction and other work near objects under high voltage, including in the security zone of an existing overhead power line 1,20
6 Carrying out construction and other work in closed structures (premises) located below 3 m from the ground surface (except for those listed in paragraphs 10, 11) 1,10
7 Construction of new facilities in cramped conditions: on the territories of existing enterprises with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications and cramped conditions for storing materials 1,15
8 Construction of utility networks and structures, as well as residential and civil facilities in cramped conditions of the built-up part of the city 1,15
9 Construction of facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1500 - 2500 m above sea level 1,25
9.1 Construction of facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of 2500 - 3000 m above sea level 1,35
9.2 1,5
10 Carrying out construction and special construction work in underground conditions in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and other underground structures, including special purposes:
10.1 1,68
10.2 2,05
10.3 2,40
10.4 2,80
11 Carrying out construction and special construction work in operating metro tunnels at night “through the window”:
11.1 3,0
11.2 2,0

Notes on the table:

1. Work near objects under high voltage also includes work inside existing buildings in which the internal wiring is not de-energized.

Under the security zone along overhead power lines, a section of land and space is considered, enclosed between vertical planes passing through parallel straight lines, spaced from the outermost wires (if their position is not deviated) at the following distances:

During the construction of facilities, when the building density of facilities exceeds the standard by 20% or more;

During the construction of facilities, when, in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations, the construction organization project provides for restriction of the rotation of the tower crane boom.

3. When carrying out construction and other work in open and semi-open areas with harmful working conditions (clause 4.1), expressed in the form of the presence of lead, zinc, mercury or dust heavy metals, as well as radiation, the size of the coefficients to the norms of labor costs and the norms of operating time of construction machines and mechanisms are taken according to paragraphs 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1 of this table, and in the presence of cramped conditions - according to paragraph Sections 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of this table.

5. The use of the coefficient in the preparation of estimate documentation is justified in the projects. The simultaneous use of several coefficients (with the exception of coefficients in paragraphs 5, 6 and 9, 9.1, 9.2) is not recommended. The coefficients specified in clauses 5, 6 and 9, 9.1, 9.2 can be used together with other coefficients. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

6. When constructing facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level, it is recommended to develop individual estimate standards and unit prices.

Installation of equipment (installation work)

N p/p Conditions of work Odds
1 Carrying out installation work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal performance of work 1,20
2 Carrying out installation work in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions: with the presence of existing technological equipment (machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or cluttering objects (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.) or traffic in the work area along intra-shop routes 1,35
3.1 The same, if the air temperature in the workplace is more than 40 °C indoors 1,50
3.2 The same with harmful working conditions, where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and the assembly workers have a working day of normal length. 1,50
3.2.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,35
3.3 The same with harmful working conditions, where installation workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 36-hour work week 1,70
3.3.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,55
3.4 The same with harmful working conditions, where installation workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 30-hour work week 2,05
3.4.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,90
3.5 The same with harmful working conditions and cramped workplaces, where installation workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 24-hour work week 2,30
3.5.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 2,15
4 Production of installation works at open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment or the movement of technological transport in the work area 1,15
4.1 The same, with harmful working conditions (the presence of steam, dust, harmful gases, smoke, etc.), where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and the assembly workers have a working day of normal duration 1,25
5 Installation work near high-voltage facilities, including in the security zone of an operating overhead power line 1,20
5.1 1,35
6 Carrying out installation work in closed structures (premises) located below 3 m from the ground surface (except for those listed in paragraphs 8, 9) 1,10
7 Installation work in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1500 - 2500 m above sea level 1,25
7.1 Installation work in mountainous areas at an altitude of 2500 - 3000 m above sea level 1,35
7.2 Installation work in mountainous areas at an altitude of 3000 - 3500 m above sea level 1,5
8 Carrying out installation work in underground conditions in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and other underground structures, including special purposes:
8.1 In the absence of harmful working conditions involving work with shortened working hours 1,68
8.2 In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened working week - 36 hours 2,05
8.3 In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened working week - 30 hours 2,40
8.4 In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened work week - 24 hours 2,80
9 Carrying out installation work in operating metro tunnels at night “through the window”:
9.1 When using workers during a work shift only to perform work related to the "window" 3,0
9.2 When using part of the work shift (before workers are allowed into the tunnel and after leaving the tunnel) to perform work not related to the “window” 2,0

Notes on the table:

Voltage lines, kV m 1 2 1 to 20 10 35 15 110 20 150 25 220, 330 25 400 30 500 30 750 40 800 (direct current) 30

2. When carrying out installation work in open and semi-open areas with harmful working conditions (clause 4.1), expressed in the form of the presence of lead, zinc, mercury or heavy metal dust, as well as radiation, the size of the coefficients to labor cost standards and construction operating time standards machines and mechanisms are recommended to be taken according to clauses 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1 of this table, and if there is a constraint - according to clauses 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of this table.

5. When constructing facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level, it is recommended to develop individual estimate standards and unit prices.

For the application of coefficients, see the letter Federal agency on construction and housing and communal services dated June 23, 2004 N AP-3230/06.

Repair Work

N pp. Conditions of work Odds
1 Carrying out repair work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal performance of work 1,20
2 Carrying out repair work in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions: with the presence of existing technological equipment (machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or cluttering objects (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.) or traffic in the work area along intra-shop routes 1,35
2.1 The same, if the air temperature in the workplace is more than 40 °C indoors 1,50
2.2 The same with harmful working conditions, where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and construction workers have a working day of normal length 1,50
2.2.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,35
2.3 The same with hazardous working conditions, where construction workers were transferred to shortened working hours with a 36-hour work week 1,7
2.3.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,55
2.4 The same with harmful working conditions, where construction workers were transferred to shortened working hours with a 30-hour work week 2,05
2.4.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,90
2.5 The same with harmful working conditions and cramped workplaces, where construction workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 24-hour work week 2,30
2.5.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 2,15
3 Carrying out repair and other work on open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment or the movement of technological transport in the work area 1,15
3.1 The same with harmful working conditions (presence of steam, dust, harmful gases, smoke, etc.), where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and construction workers have a working day of normal length 1,25
4 Carrying out repair and construction work near objects under high voltage, including in the security zone of an existing overhead power line 1,20
4.1 The same, inside the working TP and RP in the presence of tolerances 1,35
5 Carrying out repair and construction work in closed structures (premises) located below 3 m from the ground surface (except for those listed in paragraphs 9, 10) 1,10
6 Renovation of existing buildings (including residential buildings) without resettlement 1,5
7 Repair of utility networks and structures, as well as residential and civil facilities in cramped conditions of the built-up part of the city 1,15
8 Repair of objects in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1500 - 2500 m above sea level 1,25
8.1 Repair of objects in mountainous areas at an altitude of 2500 - 3000 m above sea level 1,35
8.2 Construction of facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of 3000 - 3500 m above sea level 1,5
9 Carrying out repair and construction work in underground conditions in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and other underground structures, including special purposes:
9.1 In the absence of harmful working conditions involving work with shortened working hours 1,68
9.2 In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened working week - 36 hours 2,05
9.3 In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened working week - 30 hours 2,40
9.4 In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened work week - 24 hours 2,80
10 Carrying out repair and construction work in operating metro tunnels at night “through the window”:
10.1 When using workers during a work shift only to perform work related to the "window" 3,0
10.2 When using part of the work shift (before workers are allowed into the tunnel and after leaving the tunnel) to perform work not related to the “window” 2,0
11 Repair of individual structural elements of buildings located in the built-up city center:
11.1 Facade repair 1,15
11.2 Repair of complex roofs 1,25
11.3 Repair of courtyards and adjacent buildings in city centers 1,10

Notes on the table:

1. Under the security zone along overhead power lines, a section of land and space is considered, enclosed between vertical planes passing through parallel straight lines, spaced from the outermost wires (if their position is not deviated) at the following distances:

2. Cramped conditions in the built-up part of cities are characterized by the presence of three of the following factors:

Intense traffic of urban transport and pedestrians in the immediate vicinity of the work site, necessitating construction in short sections with the complete completion of all work on the section, including restoration of damaged surfaces and planting of greenery;

Extensive network of existing underground communications, subject to suspension or relocation;

Residential or industrial buildings, as well as preserved green spaces in the immediate vicinity of the work site;

Cramped conditions for storing materials or the impossibility of storing them in construction site for the normal provision of materials to workplaces;

When repairing objects, when, in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations, the construction project provides for limiting the rotation of the tower crane boom.

3. When carrying out repair work on open and semi-open sites with harmful working conditions (clause 4.1), expressed in the form of the presence of lead, zinc, mercury or heavy metal dust, as well as radiation, the size of the coefficients to labor cost standards and construction operating time standards machines and mechanisms are recommended to be taken according to clauses 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1 of this table, and if there is a constraint - according to clauses 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of this table.

4. K harmful conditions production of work, it is recommended to also include work in operating enterprises healthcare (tuberculosis dispensaries, etc.), where, in accordance with current legislation, workers in primary production have a reduced working day. In such cases, it is recommended to be guided by paragraphs 3.2.1 - 3.5.1, and in the presence of constraints - paragraphs 3.2 - 3.5 of this table.

5. It is recommended to justify the use of the coefficient in the preparation of estimate documentation in projects. The simultaneous use of several coefficients (with the exception of coefficients in paragraphs 5, 6 and 8, 8.1, 8.2) is not recommended. The coefficients specified in clauses 5, 6 and 8, 8.1, 8.2 can be used together with other coefficients. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

6. When repairing objects in mountainous areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level, it is recommended to develop individual estimate standards and unit prices.

7. Complex roofs include pitched roofs of the rafter system: with a slope on more than two sides; with a difference in height; with a slope of more than 27°.

On the application of coefficients, see letter from Rosstroi dated February 14, 2006 N SK-481/02.

Commissioning works

N pp. Conditions of work Odds
1 Carrying out commissioning work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal production of work 1,20
2 Carrying out commissioning work in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions: with the presence of existing technological equipment (machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or cluttering objects (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.) or traffic in the work area along intra-shop routes 1,35
2.1 The same, if the air temperature in the workplace is more than 40 °C indoors 1,50
2.2 The same with harmful working conditions, where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and construction workers have a working day of normal length 1,50
2.2.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,35
2.3 The same with hazardous working conditions, where construction workers were transferred to shortened working hours with a 36-hour work week 1,55
2.3.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,40
2.4 The same with harmful working conditions, where construction workers were transferred to shortened working hours with a 30-hour work week 2,05
2.4.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 1,90
2.5 The same with harmful working conditions and cramped workplaces, where construction workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 24-hour work week 2,30
2.5.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness 2,15
3 Carrying out commissioning work on open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment or the movement of technological transport in the work area 1,15
3.1 The same with harmful working conditions (presence of steam, dust, harmful gases, smoke, etc.), where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and construction workers have a working day of normal length 1,25
4 Carrying out commissioning work near objects under high voltage, including in the security zone of an existing overhead power line 1,20
5 The same, inside operating TP and RP if there are tolerances, as well as near sources of ionizing radiation and in rooms A and B in terms of fire hazard and 1st, 2nd and 3rd categories in terms of explosion hazard 1,35
6 Carrying out construction and other work in closed structures (premises) located below 3 m from the ground surface (except for those listed in paragraphs 8, 9) 1,10
7 Commissioning work in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1500 - 2500 m above sea level 1,25
7.1 Commissioning work in mountainous areas at an altitude of 2500 - 3000 m above sea level 1,35
7.2 Commissioning work in mountainous areas at an altitude of 3000 - 3500 m above sea level 1,5
8 Carrying out commissioning work in underground conditions in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and other underground structures, including special purposes:
8.1 In the absence of harmful working conditions involving work with shortened working hours 1,68
8.2 In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened working week - 36 hours 2,05
8.3 In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened working week - 30 hours 2,40
8.4 In the presence of hazardous work conditions and a shortened work week - 24 hours 2,80
9 Carrying out commissioning work in operating metro tunnels at night “through the window”:
9.1 When using workers during a work shift only to perform work related to the "window" 3,0
9.2 When using part of the work shift (before workers are allowed into the tunnel and after leaving the tunnel) to perform work not related to the “window” 2,0

Notes on the table:

1. Under the security zone along overhead power lines, a section of land and space is considered, enclosed between vertical planes passing through parallel straight lines, spaced from the outermost wires (if their position is not deviated) at the following distances:

Voltage lines, kV m 1 2 1 to 20 10 35 15 110 20 150 25 220, 330 25 400 30 500 30 750 40 800 (direct current) 30

2. When carrying out commissioning work on open and semi-open sites with harmful working conditions (clause 4.1), expressed in the form of the presence of lead, zinc, mercury or heavy metal dust, as well as radiation, the size of the coefficients to labor cost standards and construction operating time standards machines and mechanisms are recommended to be taken according to clauses 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1 of this table, and if there is a constraint - according to clauses 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of this table.

3. It is also recommended to include work in existing healthcare enterprises (tuberculosis dispensaries, etc.) as harmful working conditions, where, in accordance with current legislation, workers in primary production have a reduced working day. In such cases, it is recommended to be guided by paragraphs 3.2.1 - 3.5.1, and in the presence of constraints - paragraphs 3.2 - 3.5 of this table.

4. It is recommended to justify the use of the coefficient in the preparation of estimate documentation in projects. The simultaneous use of several coefficients (except for the coefficients of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7, 7.1, 7.2) is not recommended. The coefficients specified in paragraphs 5, 6 and 7, 7.1, 7.2 can be used together with other coefficients. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

Hello! Please tell me where, besides MDS 35, I can get acquainted in more detail with the performance of work in cramped conditions? Is it written somewhere that the crowding factor applies to the entire facility as a whole? Thanks to all.

This factor cannot be applied to the entire facility. "... to labor costs, wages of workers, time and costs for operating machines (including labor costs and wages of workers servicing the machines), to take into account in the estimates the influence of the conditions of work envisaged by the projects." (MDS 81-35.2004)

The fact that the coefficient taking into account the conditions of work is applied to the occupational labor protection, work order, and electrical work is understandable. The question is whether it can be used for all types of work provided for by the project.

in the technical part for each collection and table there are links to the constraint coefficients, it indicates in which cases when applying this it is possible to use the constraint coefficient.

Please explain the value of the coefficient for cramped conditions according to Table 1 p 4 “Construction and other work on open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment or the movement of technological transport in the work area.” We are building a new building on the territory of the enterprise, close to the road, along which cars sometimes (about once an hour) drive, and, accordingly, materials are transported along the same road, and construction equipment is used. There is a boiler room about 200 meters from the site. Tell me, is it legal to apply this coefficient for tightness in this case?

In what cases can this coefficient be applied?

it is clearly stated in the annexes of MDS 81-35.2004

Here's another question! In repair work, both repair and construction are used. Accordingly, coefficients of 1.15 and 1.25 are applied to construction. Since repair work is carried out in existing buildings, then a cramped coefficient of 1.20 is also applied to TERs (repair work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal performance of work), and to TERr - 1.0. It turns out that if there is a renovation going on, there are always cramped conditions??? And why, if coefficients that take into account the complexity of repair work (1.15 and 1.25) have already been applied to TERs, do we also apply a coefficient for constrained ones to them, although they are not applied to TERs???

What's surprising? Analyze the resource and technological models of work during new construction and renovation. Analyze the schemes for supplying materials to work during new construction and renovation. The developers thought about the same thing. It can be assumed that GESNr takes into account deviations in the organization of work during repairs from new construction in the standards. There is no point in saying that the application of K constraint to the entire facility is unlawful. It is legal, and how - sometimes without justification, not only in the PIC, but in the project in general. When constraint follows from the nature of the work performed. In the same existing building, emptied of furniture. We received an explanation from the expert about this.

Tell me, is it possible to use the crowding factor for dismantling?? We work in the database, object: dismantling a highway, fences

Why not, if the conditions at the site are appropriate?

that is, if we are dismantling the road near the power lines, then we can safely clear away the tightness?

There may also be other coefficients. appear if there is traffic in the other lane. And if there is a power line, then this is already + coefficient. 1.2 according to MDS for work in the security zone of overhead lines.

you can take according to MDS 35 appendix 1 table 1 clause 7 "Construction of new facilities in cramped conditions: on the territories of existing enterprises with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications and cramped conditions for storing materials"

Only if the conditions of clause 2 of the Notes to this table are met

oh, please tell me! applied is acceptable special conditions according to MDS 81-35.2004, work outside buildings in cramped conditions is I also apply to according to the GESNm collection No. 39 (let’s say 39-02-009-10) a coefficient of 1.25 (in trenches, on overpasses, from scaffolding, scaffolding, with difficult access to a welded joint) to the labor costs of assembly workers and the operating time of machines and mechanisms? control is truly in the trench!

If all conditions are met, then you can. Coefficients from the appendices to the MDS are applied together with coefficients from the technical parts of the collections

Thank you....does it say yes somewhere? I’ll read it.....

It is not prohibited, therefore it is allowed

and that's true!!!)

Please tell me, a new residential building is being built, the design institute issued it, which takes into account the cramped conditions of 15% (construction of a facility in the cramped conditions of a built-up part of the city). The customer crosses out the cramped conditions from the finishing work section, citing the fact that the work is being carried out inside the building and there is no cramping on them influences. Is it correct?

See note 2 to table 1 MDS 35: strictly speaking, 3 of the conditions listed must be met, most likely, this is not observed during finishing work, the customer is right.

But there is no coefficient for external installation work in the built-up part of the city

External installation work - what exactly is this work? If you mean utility networks and structures, BUT for installation collections M8 and M10, then, I think, it can be applied according to Appendix No. 1, Table No. 1, clause 8 of MDS81-35.2004.

Good afternoon, dear estimators! Please answer, we are engaged in ongoing repairs, I am checking the contractor, where the coefficient for constraint of 1.2 is applied (MDS81-35-2004, appendix 1, clause 2-procedure of work, in noun building freeing . from equipment.). Repairs are being carried out in the headquarters building (offices, corridors, assembly rooms, etc.). PPR, PIC will not be provided (they simply do not exist), drawn up on the basis of a defective act. Question: Does constraint in a defective act necessarily have to be confirmed? Or can we safely cross out this coefficient?

there was such a question once.... They made an act for additional work and it did not indicate the conditions for the work, crowdedness, etc.. then it passed purely by accident, since then in the act (defective) for additional work we have prescribed the conditions and tightness and if the soil is wet and so on.... in your case (I think so) you can cross out (no matter how offensive it is for the contractor) the basis for checking for you the act signed by all (authorized)... this is a working option if the consequences and suddenly something happens, then they will immediately roll a barrel at you, then they will only act in accordance with it (that is, cross it out). But as a human being, if this does not affect you, then you can, if you know that the coefficient really satisfies the conditions of work, you can skip it, and plus warn the representative of the subchik (estimator) that it is advisable to indicate everything in the act so that there are no misunderstandings.

Thanks for the answer, but is there a document that can be referred to when crossing out this coefficient?!

I haven’t seen any documents... it’s just common sense. You don’t know what’s going on, and if you do know, whether you’re competent in production, it’s up to you to ensure that the estimate documentation matches and is in order. This means that if technical supervision and representatives responsible for the work confirm the volumes, then you also have these volumes. And if they need a coefficient, let them re-sign and add conditions to the document... on what basis will you let it pass?.. on the basis of the document... that’s the whole document))

I also have a question about the crowding coefficients. In MDS 81-35.2004, paragraph 4 of the notes to table 3 (FER) "4. It is also recommended to include work in existing healthcare enterprises (tuberculosis clinics, leper colonies, etc.) as harmful working conditions, where, in accordance with current legislation, workers the main production has a reduced working day. In such cases, it is recommended to be guided by clauses 3.2.1 - 3.5.1, and in the presence of constraint - clauses 3.2 - 3.5 of this table."And the values ​​​​of the constraint coefficients themselves are found in letter No. AP -3230/06 dated 06/23/2004. And the coefficients are adequate in principle (from 1.15 to 2.1). Taking into account a bunch of nuances, I would really like to apply a coefficient to the work, well, not 2.1, but at least 1, 3. According to clause 4 of Appendix 2 of TSN 2001.6 - when performing work performed in premises with hazardous working conditions, to wages workers, the costs of operating machines, including the wages of workers servicing the machines, a coefficient of 1.25 is applied. Based on the hygienic criteria R 2.2.2006-05 “Guide to the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions” working conditions are divided into four classes: optimal, acceptable, harmful and dangerous. Harmful working conditions are characterized by the presence of harmful production factors exceeding hygienic standards and having an adverse effect on the body of the worker and his offspring. Harmful working conditions, according to the degree of excess of hygienic conditions and the severity of changes in the body of workers, are divided into four degrees of harmfulness. Among others, harmful factors refers to contact with patients with particularly dangerous (hazard class 4) and other (class 3.3) infectious diseases (clause 5.2.3. R 2.2.2006-05 “Guide to the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions”) .In the case of work in existing specialized (infectious, tuberculosis) medical institutions specialists carrying out repair and construction work have contact* with patients, and therefore I consider it quite legitimate to use in estimates the coefficient of 1.25 (TSN) and coefficients clauses 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.5 3.5.1 (FER, letter AP-3230-06 dated June 23, 2004) *contact with patients during work can be not only primary in nature (i.e. being in close proximity, risk of inhaling air containing tuberculous mycobacteria), but also secondary contact (i.e. - contact with people who have direct primary contact with patients, after which tuberculous mycobacteria settle on the clothes of those in contact, and, having a natural increased resistance to conditions external environment, requires special disinfection treatment). Thus, all employees who have both primary contact and secondary contact need not only specialized disinfection of clothing, but also have a risk of contracting Tuberculosis (or another infection). I would like to know your, Dear Colleagues, opinion on this issue. Has anyone encountered this already? What coefficients were used? P.S. It’s simply a shame that employees of organizations producing Maintenance/ renovation of buildings are exposed to the risk of infection with dangerous infectious diseases, and the position of the inspection organizations is that in paragraph 4 it is stated that it is only RECOMMENDED that specific health care institutions be classified as hazardous conditions

Taking into account numerous requests regarding the use of coefficients of 1.15 and 1.25 in estimate documentation, calculated in accordance with clause 4.7 “Methods for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” - MDS 81-35.2004, for work performed during the repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures similar to technological processes in new construction, and standardized according to collections for new construction (GESN-2001, FER-2001, TER-2001), except for collection No. 46, we recommend the following approach when calculating the above coefficients:

Coefficients usually compensate for the following factors that distinguish the conditions for carrying out repair work and work related to reconstruction from work during new construction:

Lack, replacement or restrictions in the use of construction equipment;

Increasing the share of manual labor (including as part of the costs of intra-building transport);

Use of materials in relatively small batches;

Small volumes of work performed in one place, which leads to an increase in the technological cycle (especially in finishing work with wet processes, floors, utilities and structures, etc.);

Losses construction organizations associated with a decrease in the level of annual operating conditions of construction machines;

Indirect costs and losses of contractors;

Other factors.

Taking into account the above, the coefficients can be used for the repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures for any purpose, including industrial facilities.

Therefore, when drawing up estimate documentation for repair work and work related to reconstruction, when using collections for general construction work and special construction work, the above coefficients should be applied to all collections, except:

Standards of the collection No. 46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures”;

Standards of section 3 of the collection No. 27 GESN-2001 “Preparation of existing bases and coatings for black crushed stone (gravel) and asphalt concrete coatings (during reconstruction)”, table. 27-03-01 - 27-03-04, table. 27-03-008 - 27-03-010, as well as to standards 27-12-005-5; 27-12-005-6; 27-12-008-2; 27-12-009-3; 27-12-010-2; 27-12-010-3;

Standards of the collection No. 31 “Airfields”, table. 31-01-058; 31-01-072-03; 31-01-072-04; 31-01-091;

Standards with coefficients for the dismantling of structures and products given in the Guidelines for the Application of Federal Unit Rates (FER) MDS 81-36.2004;

Standards for dismantling structures:
— collection No. 1 GESN-2001 “ Excavation", standard 01-02-132-02;

Collection No. 6 GESN-2001 “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures monolithic”, standard 06-01-100-01;

Collection No. 27 GESN-2001 “Highways”, norms 27-12-005-5; 27-12-005-6; 27-12-008-2; 27-12-009-3; 27-12-010-3; 27-12-010-4;

Collection No. 33 GESN-2001 “Power Transmission Lines”, norms 33-04-040; 33-04-041; 33-04-042;

Standards of section 3 “Dismantling works” of the collection No. 34 GESN-2001 “Communication, radio broadcasting and television structures”, table. 34-02-010; 34-02-011.

In controversial cases, the use of coefficients should be justified using PIC, PPR or relevant protocols (acts) between the customer and the contractor.

Particular attention is paid to the repair and reconstruction of utility networks and structures, public utility facilities (central heating stations, boiler houses, garages, etc.), as well as roads, bridges, hydraulic structures, etc., where there is often a small-volume factor, which leads to multiple movements construction equipment and, as a consequence, to a decrease in labor productivity and, accordingly, to an increase in work completion time, which must be compensated to the contractor by the above coefficients.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that with large volumes of work on the project, such as:

Complete replacement of utility networks (internal and external);

Reconstruction and repair of roads and engineering, including hydraulic structures, bridges, overpasses, etc. in volumes that provide full-fledged work, etc.

The use of the above coefficients is not recommended.

At the same time, please note that if the subject of reconstruction is the addition of one or more floors, the application of the mentioned coefficients is legal. If it is not a superstructure, but an extension to an existing building, the specified coefficients should not be applied, because
it is not actually reconstruction that is taking place. In clause 4.7 Methods for determining the estimated cost of construction products on the territory Russian Federation MDS 81-35.2004 talks about work similar to technological processes during new construction, carried out during reconstruction and repair, but not during expansion. Even if the construction title contains the name “reconstruction,” there will actually be an extension, i.e. extension, the above coefficients should not be applied, since in such cases one should be guided not formally, based on the name in the title of the construction site, but on the merits of the issue.

The above coefficients do not apply to installation (GESNm-2001) and commissioning works (GESNp-2001), nor to the standards of the GESNr-2001 Collections.

It should also be taken into account that elemental estimate standards, and therefore unit prices, were developed without taking into account complicating factors, which, if present, are compensated by the coefficients of the technical parts of the collections corresponding to these factors, as well as coefficients taking into account the influence of work conditions given in Appendix No. 1 of the methodology MDS 81-35.2004. The heading of the tables in Appendix No. 1 to MDS 81-35.2004 states that the sizes of the recommended coefficients are given “taking into account the coefficients for prices from the technical part of the collections.”

Together with the coefficients of 1.15 to the norms of labor costs and 1.25 to the norms of operating time of construction machines, it is allowed to apply the coefficients given in Appendix No. 1 to the MDS Methodology 81-35.2004 and the coefficients from the technical parts of the GESN-2001 Collections for complicating factors. When different coefficients are applied simultaneously, they are multiplied.

MDS 81-35.2004 (clause 4.6, fourth paragraph) establishes that if complicating factors are taken into account by elemental estimate standards and unit prices, then the coefficients given in Appendix No. 1 are not applied.

In order to avoid conflict situations between the customer and the contractor, the use of coefficients should be discussed in the contract, based on these recommendations, taking into account the specific conditions of the work.


1. “Methodology for determining the estimated cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” MDS 81-35.2004.

2. Letter from the Ministry regional development RF dated January 21, 2009 No. 1121-SM/08

Source "Grand Stroy-Info"
