Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Christmas scene helpers. is a center of Christian resources. Scenario "Christmas Nursery Rhymes"

SUBJECT: Who can serve the baby Jesus;
CHARACTERS: Angel, Lion, Fox, Peacock, Nightingale, Ox, Donkey;
Cherstvova Olga, Church “Voice of Hope” Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region
SOURCE: website

Angel: I proclaim good news,
Singing about the miracle of God.
Will soon be born among people
The Savior of the world is the King of Kings.
There's only a little time left to wait,
He will be born in a wretched stable,
He will sleep in the manger on the hay.
I will protect your sleep.
God told me to go for now
Find helpers for yourself.
Who can in that poor stable
Serve the born Christ?

Leo: Let me serve the King of Kings,
After all, I am the king of beasts myself.
There is no one more worthy than me
I will be a good security guard.
Can I roar loudly
And if necessary, bite
I am the strongest, the bravest
Take me to this job!

Angel: It’s probably true that you are brave,
This is very important to God.
Determination in the voice and firmness.
One problem is that pride gets in the way.

Fox: Take me to serve the King!
I'm speaking honestly.
I'll bring Him eggs
I'll take them from the birds' nests,
I'll get some fresh milk
In the nearest village there is a cow.
And how much good there is in the barns,
I can get any goods.

Angel: Stealing will not suit us,
Sin will not lead to good.
It is impossible to serve Christ by sin,
Repent quickly, Lisa.

Peacock: The barn is so dirty, boring, nasty
And it probably smells bad there
I am ready to serve Christ
I will decorate a poor home with myself.
Look how beautiful I am -
Feathers shine like dawn
My outfit is great
Jesus will certainly be pleased.

Angel: Yes, you are beautiful, Peacock, I won’t hide it,
But I'll tell you one secret:
God appreciates the beauty of hearts,
And not colorful clothes.

Nightingale: I’m wearing a gray caftan,
But there is great talent hidden in the heart.
I am a well-known nightingale.
Let me sing to the King of Kings.
In His wretched stable
I will praise God.
This is how I want to serve Christ,
But will I receive a reward?

Angel: Sing glory to God for the reward?
The Lord does not need this.
He is looking for those who are from the heart
He wants to serve the baby.
And who works in the field there?
Who carries the load while living in captivity?

Ox: I am an old and tired ox.

Donkey: And I am an insignificant slave donkey.

Angel: I want to ask you, friends.
Do you want to serve God?
To make life a little easier for Him,
When He is born in the stable.

Vol: I am happy to serve,
But what can I offer:
I've been working on the field all my life -
That's all I'm good for.

Donkey: What kind of servant am I?
There is no beauty, no intelligence.
Probably for the King of Kings
You will find better animals.

Angel: Perhaps all the way to me
You can't find better animals.
You will, Ox, wag your tail,
Keep flies away from the baby.
And you, Donkey, breathing warmth,
You'll keep your baby warm at night.
(angel steps forward)
Those are worthy to serve Christ,
And give Him your talent,
Who thinks modestly with humility
Taught to work and patience!

Scenario "A Christmas Tale"

(There is a hut and an old woman on stage)

Slide No. 1 in the background

Grandmother: Christmas is approaching. There's a lot of snow! And there is warmth in the heart! On such a holiday, you want to do something nice. Let me pamper my grandchildren with pies, and not simple ones, I’ll bake Kolobok. Let it be like in a fairy tale! Only it will be Christmas!..

Music No. 1 sounds

(grandmother seems to be doing something with her hands on the table. A bun appears from behind the table)

Slide No. 2 in the background

Grandmother: What a handsome man he turned out - Kolobok - ruddy side!

Kolobok: Hello, grandma! You said I was Christmassy, ​​but what is Christmas? What holiday is it?

Grandmother: Come with me, I’ll tell you everything now!

(they walk across the stage and leave, another action begins)

Slide No. 3 in the background

Voice behind the scene: (Virgin Mary appears on stage, then Joseph)Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. IN small town In Bethlehem, not far from Jerusalem, the Virgin Mary was born into a family of pious parents. From the age of three she was raised in the temple. After leaving the temple at the age of 14, she promised never to marry and to serve only God. The priests entrusted her to the 80-year-old elder Joseph from Nazareth, who had adult children, and Mary took the place of her father. Soon an angel appeared at Joseph’s house, where Mary lived...

Music number 2 sounds

Slide No. 4 in the background

(Mary sings the song “My Guardian Angel”; an angel appears during the song)

Slide No. 5 in the background

Music number 3 sounds

After the song the angel says : Mary, you will give birth to a son and name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him a throne...

Slide No. 6 in the background

Voice behind the scene: The country of Judea was then ruled by King Herod, subject to Rome. By decree of the Roman Emperor Augustus, a population census began in Judea, and everyone had to take the census where his ancestors lived. So Joseph and Mary left Nazareth for Bethlehem.(action on stage, Mary and Joseph in a cave with a baby)

Due to the large crowd of people who arrived in the town, they were forced to take refuge outside the city in a cave where shepherds kept their cattle in inclement weather. At night, the Virgin Mary gave birth to a baby - the Son of God. Mary swaddled him and put him in the manger.

The Bethlehem shepherds were the first to know about the birth of the Savior of the world. In the field where they grazed their flocks, the brightest star lit up in the sky!..

Slide No. 7 in the background

Music number 4 sounds

(Star Dance)

Slide No. 8 in the background

(on stage the action shows how the shepherds came with a star and bowed to the baby)

Music number 5 sounds

In the background slide No. 9, 10, 11 (in turn)

The shepherds found a cave and bowed to the baby lying in the manger, and then joyfully returned to their flocks. On the eighth day after the baby was born, Joseph and Mary gave him the name Jesus, which means “Savior.”

(Granny and Kolobok come out)

Slide No. 12 in the background

Grandmother: (addressing the kolobok)Before Christmas there is always a spring-cleaning, a Christmas tree is set up and decorated, like ours(points to the Christmas tree)Preparations are underway for the Christmas table. The entire Christmas week is festive and all children are given gifts.


I now understand

Christmas, Christmas is a wonderful holiday for children and adults,

It brought peace and joy

Jesus Christ Christmas!

On this day Christ was born

He brought salvation to all people.

There was less grief and tears,

There was more love and light

Christmas means joy

Christmas means peace!

Christmas means it's necessary

Forgive everyone, as Jesus forgave!!!

Grandma, how is Christmas celebrated now?

How wonderful it is that Christmas has taken its place of honor in the series of our New Year holidays! This holiday has been declared an official day off since January 7, 1991, but, alas, the traditions of its celebration have been practically lost. Perhaps only the great-grandparents of today's children could remember how they celebrated Christmas when they themselves were little.

Proposed scenario home holiday"Christmas Nursery Rhymes" can serve as the basis for organizing a cozy and sincere Christmas celebration in close company; if desired, you can add your own concert numbers, fun, etc. to it.



Amusements - assistants to the presenter



for the competition "Fight on Kalinov Bridge": scissors. air balloons

for "Tug of War": rope

for a comic version of the same competition: a long rope with small round (necessarily smooth) sticks attached to the ends. There is a knot in the middle of the rope. Sticks can be glued together from thick paper (or thin cardboard), previously rolled into cylinders.

Scenario "Christmas Nursery Rhymes"


Oh, our village Vatrushka wakes up late!

Oh, he loves to sleep! The roosters are already hoarse, the cows in the stalls are hoarse, Christmas is on the threshold, and Vatrushka is still sleeping, sniffling in all the holes.

1st Fun Man: And guests in our village are like seeds in a cucumber. Friends came in large numbers from all the volosts!

2nd Amusement: and from Nemetchina, and from Turetchina,

3rd Amusement: Salt and bread were brought from Kingisepp.

1st Fun Man: and the merchants came from Kupchin - very respectable men,

2nd Amusement: and the sheep came running from the Black River!

(Hint to the organizers: Kingisepp, Kupchino, Chernaya Rechka can be replaced with the names of the districts of your area.)

Christmas Carols

3rd Amusement: Various visiting performers, and local suitors!

In chorus: Wake up, Vatrushka!


Come on, carolers, knock on the windows, wake up the people, after all, the Kingdom of Heaven will sleep, forgive me, Lord!

(Hint to the organizers: Choose carols to suit your taste, distribute the words among the children. Adults need to stock up on “gifts.”)

(you can download it by clicking on the document - Appendix 1)

Leading: Well, here it is, finally. Look, Grandma Matryona swam out and kicked her geese out into the yard.

Scene "Two cheerful geese lived with grandma."

(The skit is a dramatization of a well-known children's song, which is very easy to act out.

It turns out especially funny when the grandmother is played by the smallest actor, and the geese are played by adult aunts or uncles. You don’t have to worry too much about costumes for geese: put paper ribbons on your heads with the inscriptions: Gray Goose, White goose, and not for long! Both adult geese and tiny grannies can sing, and guests can sing along too. You can use the recording, or turn on the musical accompaniment - a backing track. Well, there’s no need to invent movements, everything is written out step by step in the song .

(The lyrics of the song can be downloaded by clicking on the document - Appendix 2)

Host: What’s stopping us from having a homemade verpet, kind, cheerful and not at all scary?!

Home "Nativity scene"

What is a "nativity scene"?

Since about the eighteenth century, nativity performances have become one of the favorite folk entertainments of the Holy Week in Rus' and Little Russia. Nativity scene is special puppet show, “box”, where they show a performance on one single plot: the Nativity of Jesus and the events associated with it (expulsion from Paradise, the worship of the Magi, the worship of the shepherds, the atrocities of King Herod, etc.).

The puppet theater got its name from the name of the cave in which, according to legend, Mary gave birth to the Holy Child. In Old Church Slavonic the cave is called a den. And since the church had an ambivalent attitude towards puppet shows (and to be honest, the “nativity scene” versions of Christmas events were not always distinguished by exceptional piety), the word “nativity scene” also acquired an additional meaning: “disgrace,” “disorderly conduct.”

Nevertheless, the people loved nativity scenes. And as it turns out, they have retained their charm for modern children: kids really love puppet theater! Therefore, if you wish, try to give them a Christmas gift: build a small home “box”, as was customary in the old days. Children will be happy to take part in this activity.


Let's take a small box, cover it outside and inside with colored paper (or fabric) and arrange a Christmas decoration inside: the backdrop can be glued with stars, and a large Star of Bethlehem can be attached in the center. Let's make figures of Mary and Joseph bending over the cradle. Children really like it when animals participate in the composition - a donkey and an ox, according to legend, who warmed the Baby with their breath.

Planar application is the simplest option. The youngest members of the family can take part in such a project if they already know how to hold scissors in their hands. They can be tasked with cutting out stars and gluing silhouettes of figures to a pre-marked location.

If the figures are cut out of sufficiently thick cardboard, they can be installed in the center of the box, gluing them to the “floor” of the nativity scene.

You can sculpt Christmas characters from plasticine or sew them from soft materials - it all depends on your capabilities and imagination.

The main thing is that all elements of the composition are secured, because making a nativity scene is only half the battle. With such a small nativity scene, they went to caroling: they knocked on the door of their neighbors, wished them a Merry Christmas, danced and sang carols - funny songs with praises to Christ, wishes, praises and comic threats. For this, the carolers were given gifts.

Leading: The village is waking up. There appeared smoke above the hut, and another one! Now let's have fun!

1st Fun Man: Oh, guys, look, the Zaplatovs are quiet, there’s no smoke,

2nd Amusement: There is no light coming from the window!

3rd Amusement: And the door creaks open in the wind...

Leading: Well, let's look there to see if there's any trouble.

Hey good people, is anyone home?

Scene "Old woman, close the door!"

- this is a dramatization of a poem by Marshak

(The text of the poem can be downloaded by clicking on the document - Appendix 3)

Or you can arrange a “visible song,” that is, stage a song. under Musical insert 1 .

Leading: The trouble is with these old people! Stop sulking at each other, let’s go outside: sing songs, lead round dances. It's Christmas and you're fighting! I'll close your door, I won't break!

1st Fun Man: Look, the fun is in full swing on the square!

2nd Amusement: The buffoons play around with Vanya, the mummers dance, and in the booth they show a miracle!

3rd Amusement: Look, look! An aunt with a beard and mustache speaks in a deep voice! And her name is Vlas!

Leading: And the guys from Vatrushka sing ditties. Fun, cheerful! Those who are brave, come out into the circle!

Ditty competition

You can organize a competition of ditties... You can probably find a lot on the Internet, for every taste. You will find one of the options for ditties for children and adults in Appendix 4.

(Download ditties by clicking on the document - Appendix 4)

It wouldn’t hurt to prepare a few printed ditties and hand them out to your guests. Well, the singers, of course, will be the main characters - the Presenter and the mummers.

At the end of the competition, you can reward the most sonorous singers.

1st Poteshnik (addressing the presenter ):

Come to us for morning pickle

The English ambassador has arrived!

Leading: Oh, really! I don’t know whether he’s an ambassador or a merchant, but it’s clear right away that he’s a fine fellow from abroad. He puffs up his chest like a cartwheel and walks like an important gander. There is a lot of arrogance, but in your pocket, listen, there is one louse on the lasso.

Here you can imagine a parody dance number performed by Ambassador or sing something “imported”.

Costume skit "Ambassador at the Celebration"

2nd Amusement: Arouses interest

your technical progress:

How do you sow rutabaga there?

With or without peel?

Ambassador: Oh yes!

Leading: Arouses interest

Your nutritional process:

How do you drink kakava there?

With or without saccharin?

Ambassador: Oh yes!

3rd Amusement: Arouses interest

Here's another cut:

How are your women doing there?

In trousers? Ali without?

Ambassador: Oh yes!

Leading (addressing the 3rd Fun Man):

I was embarrassed, I would at least send an ambassador,

Al's head was completely weak.

No matter what they say,

Anything will lead to women!

3rd Poteshnik To the presenter:

Listen, don't shout loudly.

Where is the place for the test? In the oven!

Why swear and scold

Find me a bride!

(option: Find me a groom)

(The dialogue with the ambassador is borrowed from Leonid Filatov’s fairy tale “About Fedot the Sreltz”)

Leading: There is a treasured game.

Here's the ring I saved.

(Or, if the presenter is male, ask any girl: Have you got a ring?)

Who will get the ring?

He will immediately enter the circle.

Game "Ring".

Sounds 2.

(Amusement goes “to the people”, looking out for a pretty girl, puts it in the palms of the chosen one, and leads her into a circle. Now the girl is looking for a mate. The game continues for some time, and when there are five people (or the recording ends), the selected people stand in a chain and go out to the audience, the last one picks up one of the spectators, etc., until everyone gathers in a big round dance).

Another fun activity that both children and adults love. After the round dance you can play trickle. Remember this dance-game? Couples line up one after another and raise their hands, and the one who is left without a pair “dives” under their hands, and along the way takes the other half from one of the pairs. The one left without a partner, in turn, dives “into the stream.”

Leading: Well that's just wonderful! One couple was matched. And the holiday continues!

Come on, oh yeah, yeah!

1st Fun Man: Everyone, please come here:

2nd Amusement: And Tishki and Mishki,

3rd Amusement: And Kolka and Grishka,

Leading: And Tanya and Manechka!

Well, good fellows, have some fun, show off your heroic strength!

Who wants to fight with the Serpent Gorynych?

Team championship "Fight on Kalinov Bridge"

One chair is placed in front of the teams, with three balls tied to the back of each chair (three snake heads, but maybe more if you have a large company). There is a relay race to see who can decapitate the monster the fastest. To do this, team members take turns running up to a chair and cutting off one of the heads with scissors*. The fastest team wins.

Scissors must be prepared in advance and placed on a chair so that players do not run around with them.

Competition "Tug of War"

Leading: The next competition is “Tug of War” .

It can be both real and comic. In the second case, the role of the rope is played by a long rope (ribbon), to the ends of which small round sticks are tied (see Props). At the Leader’s command, the opponents begin to wind the rope around the sticks. The winner is the one who winds the rope to the middle faster.

1st Fun Man: Ay, yes Tishki, ah, yes Tishki!

2nd Amusement: Oh, yes Kolka, oh, yes Grishka!

3rd Amusement: Ay, yes Tanya, ah, yes Manechka!

Leading: Indeed, well done! Both brave and strong! Shall we test your dexterity?

Competition "Come on, bite it!"

Leading: And now it's time for a fun duel!

A competition is being held “Come on, bite it!” Participants must bite into an apple, which is suspended on a rope at mouth level, without using their hands.

When children play, it is better not to strengthen the apples, but simply hold them in an outstretched hand. This will make it possible to give everyone the same opportunity to play, because the height of the children gathered can vary greatly.

You can end the holiday with a good old New Year's song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and a general round dance.


Christmas scene

(doorbell rings)

Pasha Hello, Seryoga, are you going for a walk?

Sergey Nope. I can not today.

Pasha Come on, let's go down the hill.

Sergey I went for a walk yesterday.

Pasha And we brought the door from the refrigerator, you know how great it is to ride on it! The whole crowd of us rides it down the hill! Went!

Sergey From the refrigerator? Where did you get it?

Pasha In the trash heap, someone threw it away...

Sergey Great!

Pasha Well, are you going?

Sergey No. I'm leaving now. To school.

Pasha You're lying, today is Sunday.

Sergey And I'm in Sunday school I'm coming.

Pasha Oh you! Another friend is called! Dont go?

Sergey I can’t. Today they will tell us about Christmas.

Pasha As you wish. Bye!

Sergey Bye!

(doorbell rings again)

Pasha It's me again. You said they'll talk about Christmas?

Sergey Yes.

Pasha (takes off his hat, scratches his head) I heard something about it. Is it Christmas soon?

Sergey Yes.

Pasha Where will you go?

Sergey I'll go to church.

Pasha What are you, old lady? These are old women who only go to church.

Sergey Well, you said it. Have you ever been to church?

Pasha was not inside, I was just passing by.

Sergey We have more young people than old women.

Pasha (unbuttons his jacket) And what are you doing there?

Sergey I go to school on Sunday. In general, we listen to the sermon, sing, and pray.

Pasha (cranes his neck) I’ve never seen people pray in my life. Actually, I saw it on TV. Well, it's not real. There the artists just show it. But I haven’t really seen it.

Sergey (nods his head understandingly)

Pasha (sits down on a stool) You know, I rode for so long today, I don’t feel like it anymore. When will you go?

Sergey In half an hour.

Pasha (jumps up from the stool) Listen, I’ll go with you. Can?

Sergey Let's go, just... (looks meaningfully at his clothes)

Pasha I’m going home now to change clothes.

Sergey Come on. What if they don't let you go?

Pasha (thought for a moment, then winked) They will let you go! (leaves)

A room in another apartment, a woman of about 30 is wiping the plates, Pasha flies in, takes off his jacket as he goes, boots fly into different corners, a hat on a chair.

Pasha Ma, give me a clean shirt!

Mom Oh, he flew in!

Pasha I don't have time! I'm leaving now.

Mom I wonder if he has time. First of all, did you ask permission? And secondly, where are you going?

Pasha Yes for his birthday.

Mom And whose birthday is it?

Pasha You still don’t know!

Mom Well, if I don’t know, then I might not let you go.

Pasha Well, mom, please, Seryoga and I are coming from the second entrance. (runs up to his mother, looks into her eyes) Well, please, give me a clean shirt!

Mom (sighs, gives him a shirt) Don’t stay long!

Pasha Okay, mom, thank you! (goes backstage)

Sunday School lesson with flannelgraph. The children are getting ready for class, taking their seats, and Sergei and Pasha come up. Theme - Christmas. One of the teenagers or high school teachers leads, you can even do a craft together), all the children sit around in a circle, or at their desks.

After class, the boys go home

Pasha You know, I've never heard anything like this before.

Sergey You can come again if you liked it.

Pasha (sighs) I liked it, but Jesus might not have liked me. After all, today... I lied to my mother... I scattered my things... in general, nothing will come of me...

Sergei Jesus can fix you.

Pasha How is this?!

Sergey And it’s very simple. You tell Him that you are bad and cannot improve on your own. And He will help you.

Pasha What, really?

Sergey Of course, try it and see for yourself.

Pasha Will he hear?

Sergei Of course, he will hear.

Pasha What if I say it in a whisper? Will he hear then?

Sergey Even if you say it mentally, he will hear it.

Pasha What if I try now?

Sergey Please, I'll wait.

Pasha (lowers his head and silently moves his lips) That’s what he said. What is the next?

Sergey Look for yourself.

Pasha Well, I'll go.

Sergey Bye!

Pasha (enters his home, quiet, carefully takes off his boots and puts them in the corner.) Mom, forgive me, please! I deceived you.

Mom Begins! What else is there?

Pasha I don't want to deceive anymore. I said that I was at a birthday party, but I myself was... (stumbles mid-sentence, and suddenly smiles joyfully) And I myself was in Sunday School.

Mom (sighs, shaking her head) Go, my hands, it's time for lunch.

Pasha Have you forgiven me?

Mom Forgave.

Pasha Look what I’ll give you! (takes out a craft)

Mom What is this? Where did you take?

Pasha We did this in Sunday school. I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Mom Very cute craft! And what is shown here?

Pasha I'll tell you everything. Will you let me go to Sunday School?

Mom I'll look at your behavior.

Pasha Please look. My behavior should now be exemplary.

Mom (with a smile) I can’t believe it.

Pasha I can’t believe it myself. Do you know why? Because Jesus will correct me.

All together (everyone joins hands) Merry Christmas!

King Sun sends his children to Earth so that they can make some unfortunate people happy. During the journey, the rays come to the conclusion that true happiness lies in love and understanding.

Target: talk about the Christmas miracle, lead to an understanding of the true value of life.

Decor.The hall is decorated for four scenes:

  1. Throne Room of King Sun– throne, decorations, carpet.
  2. Winter forest clearing, in the center of which there is a hut.
  3. Throne royal hall , decorated in dark tones.
  4. Forest- trees, snowdrifts.


  • King Sun
  • Three rays- children of the king
  • Sick girl
  • Peasant and peasant woman
  • and his daughter princess
  • A girl and her parents lost in the forest

Scene 1. "Important Mission"

King Sun sits on the throne. His children, rays, come up to him.

Beam 1: Hello, father. Did you call us?

Yes, my children. Today is great. This is one of better days, because on this day Christ appeared, who gave all humanity the opportunity to be saved. And according to tradition, on this day we need to perform a miracle so that people do not forget about God and do not lose faith in him.

Beam 2: How will we do this? We light the way for wanderers every day, help plants grow and develop. Isn't this a miracle? Without us, people would have died long ago.

You're right, son. But this miracle happens every day. People have become so accustomed to it that they consider it an ordinary action. And today it is important to remind them of the existence of the Almighty.

Beam 3: We will try, father. We will look with all our might for someone we can help.

Then, kids, go. Then don't forget to tell us about your adventures.

The children go in different directions from the throne.

Scene 2. “The first story”

Hut. There is a little sick girl sleeping in her crib who has not gotten out of bed for a year. The first ray of light walks across the meadow, thinking to itself.

Beam 1: Where can I find someone who needs help? And how can I help him? Here is the hut. Peasants probably live in it. I wonder what's going on in their house? (looks through the window). Girl - they have a daughter! How happy they must be. They don't seem to need any help.

Peasant woman: Be quiet, or you'll wake our swallow. She was tired, poor thing.

Peasant: You're right. And all this after the incident when she stopped walking. And what happened to her is unclear.

Peasant woman: The doctors say that everything is fine, that she is physically healthy. But she can’t even take a step! Let's see if she's sleeping.

They look into the house. The girl opens her eyes and smiles weakly.

Girl: Mom, dad, I'm not sleeping. I woke up a long time ago.

Peasant: Well, that's good. Look how wonderful the weather is today - the sun is shining with all its might. In honor of Christmas, he tries to make everyone’s soul light and bright.

Peasant woman: Yes, yes, so that we remember the one who created everything around us, who took care of the warmth and light for us. But in the last year not a single ray of light can warm us.

Girl: Mommy, don't be upset. Daddy, I'll learn to walk.

Peasant: Let us sincerely believe that a miracle will happen!

Girl: Could you take me outside - I want to admire today’s nature.

Peasant woman: Just dress warmly - it’s frosty outside, despite the bright sun.

Girl: Okay mommy (puts on coat).

The parents take the girl outside and sit her on a chair under a tree.

Peasant: Daughter, we need to prepare more wood to heat the stove well. We'll leave you alone here for now. Don't be afraid, we'll be back soon.

Girl: Okay, I’ll listen to the birds singing for now - they are singing such wonderful songs today, as if in honor of Christmas.

The peasant and peasant woman leave. The girl sits and listens to the birds singing. The beam comes out from behind the tree.

Ray: Hello girl.

Girl: Hello. Who are you? You are very bright, like the sun.

Ray: I am the son of the Sun, Ray. Today is a special day, so you can talk to me and understand. Tell me, what happened to you, why can’t you walk?

Girl: I don't know why I can't walk. A year ago, after Christmas, I went into the forest for brushwood. It was there that I stumbled, fell and could not get up again. It’s good that I wasn’t far away - my parents heard my call and saved me. Since then I have been unable to get up or walk at all. I don’t know why...

Ray: Surely God sent a test to you and your parents. After all, nothing just happens. He wanted to test your spiritual strength.

Girl: We never stopped praying and believing in him. It's a miracle that I survived at all. After all, I could go so far that my parents wouldn’t hear me. And I would have died from cold or hunger.

Ray takes the girl by the hands, looks at her, smiles. The girl is timid at first, then begins to laugh. He gets to his feet and dances with happiness. Her parents can be heard talking - her daughter runs towards them. The ray moves to the side and hides behind a tree.

Girl: Mother, father! A miracle happened to me - I can walk!

Peasant woman: Indeed, true miracles happen on Christmas!

Peasant: Glory to you, Lord! Let's go, let's show ourselves to our relatives.

The peasants leave, a ray of light comes out and looks after them thoughtfully.

Ray: How little this family needed - a little warmth and happiness for their daughter. (leaves).

Scene 3. “The Second Story”

The throne room in the palace, decorated with dark, gloomy tones. A sad king sits on the throne. He recently lost his beloved wife, from whom he left a small daughter. The Princess runs in.

Daddy, look what a miracle - the sun is shining so brightly outside that it’s simply impossible to look at it!

Go away, baby. I'm very sad. I can't talk to anyone.

Well, daddy. There, in heaven, is probably mommy. She's the one smiling at us!

Never talk about her again! Get out of my sight!

The offended princess leaves. A second ray of light peeks through the window.

Ray (quiet): Oh, how sad this king is. How sad his eyes are. He lives with memories of happy moments. But this is the past, it is gone, and ahead is the present. In the present, he has a beautiful daughter who needs him very much. However, he does not notice this: he does not want to let go of what was. What to do? How to help the princess?

How unhappy I am! My beloved wife left me. And without her, the world is not nice to me! How could she? And what did my daughter come up with - she smiles... She will never smile again!

Ray (approaching the king): He will smile! She constantly smiles when looking at you!

And who are you? And how can you know this?

Ray: I am the son of the Sun, the messenger of God. No need to despair! Your wife is not gone forever - you will meet someday. But she wouldn't want your little daughter to be left without attention.

I don't believe you. All words are lies! I'm so lonely and miserable!

Ray: No, God gives both life and death as a test. And this must be accepted. Your daughter is still asking for attention, but then she will stop turning to you. You will become strangers to each other. All words will be empty and meaningless. And then you will actually become a lonely person, of no use to anyone.

(thinking): You're right, Luchik. After all, not only did I lose my wife, my daughter lost her mother. It must be so hard and painful for her. I'm so selfish.

Ray: But you have corrected yourself, and now everything will be fine with you.

He approaches the King and gives him a piece of warmth, taking his hands. The King's face brightens.

So that you always remember God's love, I give you a Christmas miracle (gives a living flower to the king).

Daughter! Come to me!

(runs out): Father! Did you call?

Baby, forgive me for being rude. It was hard for me, but it's even worse for you. You and I still have so much to experience. But we must be together. And now it is urgent to announce preparations for - this holiday helped us become closer and understand each other.

The King and Princess leave the hall, hugging each other. The beam looks after.

Ray: They don't need jewelry to be happy. They needed love and understanding.

Scene 4. “The Third Story”

Forest. A little girl sits in a snowdrift, crying. A third ray emerges from behind the trees.

Ray: Girl, why are you crying?

Girl: I'm lost.

Ray: How did you end up alone in the forest on such a wonderful day?

Girl: My puppy ran into the forest today. I ran after him and got lost.

Ray: Well, don't cry, don't cry. Today is a magical day. Your parents will definitely find you.

Girl: Will you find my puppy?

Ray: Certainly. So that you will not be so dark and sad, I will stay next to you.

Luch sits down next to the girl.

Girl: Why are you so bright?

Ray: Because I am a ray. Today is a special day for us - magical.

Girl: How wonderful it is that I can sit with you. And talk. Now I'm not so scared anymore. Tell me about yourself, please.

Ray: We live in the palace of our father - the Sun King. Every day we fly around the planets and return back in the evening. We met many people on our way: good and evil, sad and cheerful. Each one was remembered for its uniqueness. After all, in the whole world you will not find two absolutely identical people. God has awarded everyone with a feature that makes them stand out from the crowd. For example, I recently met an unremarkable old lady. But after taking a closer look, I realized that she was not so inconspicuous - only the most attentive could understand that she had a kind and pure soul, without evil thoughts. Every day she prepared food for homeless animals and fed them.
