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What do you need for a license to open a solarium? Requirements for a solarium. Carrying out routine and general cleaning of the salon

How to open a solarium - step by step guide for newbies. Ready calculations and useful tips how to become number 1.

♦ Capital investments – 450,000 rubles
♦ Business payback – 1 year

The current crisis has negatively impacted the beauty industry, as people began to save on traditional salon procedures, giving preference to buying products and other necessary components of our lives.

It would seem, why, in such a difficult period, think about how to open a solarium. Still, this type of business can be very profitable if you approach it wisely.

Not all ladies began to save on their beauty, preferring to reduce expenses on food or entertainment. These are the ones that owners of tanning studios should focus on.

Having formed literate competitive advantages, you will have no end to clients.

But the first stage of your business should be its gradual implementation.

We are ready to help you with the theoretical part of the question of opening a solarium from scratch.

Benefits of opening a solarium

This type of business really has enormous advantages over opening the same nail salon, and if you use them wisely to attract as many clients as possible, you can not be afraid of competitors and receive a good monthly income.

The main advantages of opening a solarium look like this:

  1. Its owner can be a person who knows absolutely nothing about tanning or the beauty industry.
    All you need to do is management function, leave work with clients to the administrators of your solarium.
  2. This type of business allows you to make money not only by selling minutes of staying in a solarium, but also to receive additional income from the sale of special cosmetics, sun cocktails, disposable slippers, hats and much more.
  3. In the beauty industry, you need to be creative to attract as many clients as possible, but owning a tanning studio allows you to come up with a variety of promotions without breaking your wallet.
  4. Starting a tanning business is not difficult.
    You will not need to obtain special licenses to provide such services, which cannot be said about many other areas.
  5. You can open your own tanning studio both in the city center and in densely populated residential areas. Both locations will pay for themselves.
    True, visiting hours vary slightly: clients often visit the solarium located in the center during lunch breaks and after work, and in the residential area - on weekends and in the evening.
    You need to take these factors into account when creating your solarium operating schedule.
  6. You don't have to spend a lot of money to equip a solarium room. Simple furniture and walls painted in cheerful colors are enough.
    If you find the premises in good condition, you can get by with some cosmetic repairs.
  7. In order to start this business, you don’t need huge areas.
    Premises of 30–35 sq. m, if you plan to start with just one solarium, it will be enough.

What do you need to know when opening a solarium?

This business, like any other, has its own characteristics. It is impossible to start a new business without familiarizing yourself with the theoretical part, because in this case there is a high probability of financial collapse.

If you decide to open a tanning studio, remember what you can do and what you shouldn’t:

  1. There are two types of solariums: horizontal and vertical.
    Horizontal ones look more attractive at first glance, but require more careful care, since the client’s naked body comes into contact with the entire internal surface of the device.
    It is better to install a vertical solarium; visitors who want to tan trust it more.
  2. Be sure to equip your solarium with a radio so that the client does not get bored while getting a tan.
  3. Don’t skimp on disinfectants and supervise your employees to make sure they clean the solariums after each visitor.
    If you don't do this, one of your clients could get a fungus or worse in your tanning studio, which could put your business out of business.
  4. Take care of the safety of your clients.
    Give them special glasses for visiting the solarium.
    If they don't want to put them on, remind them to keep their eyes closed during the procedure.
  5. You should not be tempted to open a solarium in a remote area, despite the attractive cost of rent there.
    You won't be able to collect enough client base to recoup your business in a short time.
  6. Change the lamps in your solarium on time (this should be done about once every six months), because old lamps are harmful to health and do not give a good effect from visiting the solarium.
    If a client visits the tanning studio several times, but remains pale, then he will not come to you again.
  7. Remember that your the target audience– youth, women under 35 years of age and company managers.
    This does not mean that other clients will not come to your tanning studio, but you should focus on these categories.

Competitive advantages of opening a solarium

“Competition is great, because as a result we only become stronger. In any case, visitors vote with their feet: if they come, it means they voted for us.”
George Cohon

Competition in this sector (especially in major cities) is quite large, so you should think in advance about how you can differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Looking for suitable premises, do not open a solarium next to an existing one. You will fight for one target audience, which means you will suffer losses. It is better to find an area that is not yet occupied by anyone. But you should start building competitive advantages even before launching a solarium.

You can attract a large number of visitors:

  1. Having developed a loyalty program for regular customers.
  2. Selling subscriptions at an attractive price.
    For example, explaining to clients that buying 50 minutes in bulk is a more profitable deal than purchasing the required number of minutes each time for a one-time visit.
  3. Constantly coming up with various promotions, especially before the holidays, when everyone wants to look beautiful ( New Year, March 8) or before the holiday season, when people visit solariums to prepare their skin for the active sun.
  4. By placing your solarium in the right place so that it is visited not only by regular customers, but also by casual ones.
  5. Having hired qualified personnel who can answer all the client’s questions, they will behave extremely politely and affably.
  6. By developing a work schedule in which you can serve the maximum number of clients, for example, your tanning studio will be open seven days a week from 8.00 to 20.00.
  7. Sell ​​high-quality cosmetics that promote the active production of melanin, which means the skin tans faster.

Solarium advertisement

When starting a business from scratch, take care of its advertising. You shouldn't skimp on it, even if you really want to.

People should know that a new tanning studio has opened with new tanning beds. It is very important to tell potential clients exactly how you will differ from your competitors, without engaging in black PR.

Don't criticize other tanning studios, praise yours.

  1. Launch ads on local radio and television.
  2. Place advertisements where they can be seen by the maximum number of potential customers.
    Let it be not only billboards in the city center, but also public transport, your target audience uses it.
  3. Create a group for your tanning studio in in social networks and add as many subscribers as possible.
  4. Register on the city forum and talk about the newly opened solarium.
  5. Distribute flyers with discounts in the city center.

What steps do you need to go through to open a solarium?

From the idea you have to open a tanning studio to the implementation of this plan will not take too much time if you act quickly and do not skip any of the stages.

You need to go through all the registration procedures, find a suitable premises, equip it, hire staff, purchase everything you need, and conduct an advertising campaign.


Opening a solarium is quite easy from a legal point of view.

You need to go through standard procedures: register as an individual entrepreneur (IP), choose a taxation form (the most advantageous form for small businesssingle tax), obtain permission from the fire department that your premises meets all fire standards, etc.

Before you begin the registration procedure for your tanning studio, carefully study the legislation of your country, and even better, consult with a competent lawyer who will tell you about all the pitfalls.

With the right approach, the paperwork involved in opening a tanning studio should not take you more than 30 days.


One of the main advantages of opening a solarium is that you don’t need gigantic areas to operate it, unless you intend to provide additional services (for example, open a massage room or set up a bar). 30 sq. m will be quite enough to launch this business project.

When making renovations indoors, pay attention Special attention interior. Make it colorful, use bright colors that will cheer up your customers and remind them of the beach.

Choose a favorable geographical location to open a tanning studio: in the center, in a densely populated residential area, away from other tanning salons.


In addition to the solarium itself, your tanning studio should be equipped with a workplace for the administrator, office space and a bathroom.

Do not buy the first furniture you come across; it should be harmoniously combined with the interior of your room.

In order for the tanning studio administrator to fully perform his functions, you must purchase him a table, chair, laptop or computer.

The office space should be equipped with a rack for storing disposable slippers, caps, creams and other things, as well as a locker in which the administrator and cleaning lady can leave their things.


The number of hired workers for your solarium directly depends on its operating schedule.

If you want them to work seven days a week (which is logical if you opened it in a residential area), then you will need two administrators who will work in shifts, for example 2/2 days or 3/3 days.

If your solarium is located in the center, then you can close it at least on Sunday. In this case, you can get by with one administrator.

As for the cleaners, the approach to them is the same: the solarium is open seven days a week - you need 2 cleaners, one per shift, otherwise one is enough.

Required purchases

In addition to expensive equipment (furniture, solarium, computer), you need to purchase many other little things:
  • door mat and rubber mat for the solarium itself;
  • paper sheets or disposable slippers(if the solarium is vertical) so that the client does not stand barefoot on a rug that many people have stepped on before him;
  • tanning cosmetics and stickers (stickers for nipples and moles);
  • disinfectants and so on.
Registering a business and obtaining the necessary permits
Renting premises and repairs
Buying a solarium and furniture
Solarium staff recruitment
Purchase of cosmetics and other goods
Solarium advertisement
Opening a solarium

It will be just great if you can open your solarium in the second half of April - early May. It is during this period that fashionistas and fashionistas turn their attention to tanning studios to prepare their bodies, pale over the winter, for open clothes and active sun.

how to use a solarium correctly:

How much does it cost to open a solarium?

Of course, you won’t get calculations accurate to the penny, because a lot depends on how much money you spend on rent and employee salaries, how much repairs cost you, and many other factors.

Approximate numbers look like this:

You need to have a starting capital of at least 450,000 rubles. To this amount, add at least 150,000 more for employee salaries for the first 3 months of work and for renting premises.

In order to promote your business and get your first regular customers, you will need several months.

How much can you earn by opening a solarium?

The annual income of different tanning studios differs depending on how competently their owners run their business.

For one minute of staying in your solarium, you can ask for 15–20 rubles. The more minutes you sell, the higher your tanning salon's annual profit will be.

In addition, you can earn extra money by selling:

  • tanning creams and stickinis;
  • sun cocktails (such preparations are made by well-known cosmetic brands, for example "Academy");
  • disposable slippers and hats, etc.

If you do everything correctly, you can receive the following annual income from the operation of your solarium:

As you can see, in a year of operation of a solarium it is possible to earn more than 1,000,000 rubles.

But get ready for the fact that not all of this amount will go to you personally. There are also mandatory annual expenses.

Their table looks like this:

As you can see, your net income is about 400,000 rubles. That is, within a year, you practically return the basic investment and start working for yourself.

Of course it's not too much big income, but quite sufficient to decide open a solarium.

It is within your power to reduce the amount starting capital And monthly expenses, and increase annual turnover.

If you return the initial investment within a year, then in the future you should think about expanding your business, perhaps buying another solarium or opening some other business related to the beauty industry.

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Most Russian regions are located in mid-latitudes and suffer from a lack of sunlight. This explains the high demand for artificial ultraviolet light, because in modern solariums you can get a quick, intense tan without harm to health. Even in Miami there are about 100 studios - after all, the sun is more harmful to the skin than high-quality solar lamps. They are equipped with filters that reflect aggressive rays of spectrum C and dose rays of spectrum B and A.

In large cities, there is one solarium per 10-15 thousand inhabitants (the service is often provided by fitness centers, beauty salons, beauty salons). There is an annual market expansion of 30%. Many tanning studios require pre-registration.

The simplest way to enter a niche is to buy professional equipment (about $8 thousand), enter into an agreement with a salon and install the device there. A vertical unit will require about 5.5 m². Profit is usually divided in half, the payback period is 1 year.

More detailed business The solarium plan is shown below.

Which solariums are better?

There are horizontal and vertical solariums. Horizontal ones have a gentle effect; you can lie in them without turning on the lamps at face level. The disadvantages include an uneven tan. Usually the sides don't tan well - you have to constantly change your body position. To achieve the desired effect, it is visited more often.

The tan goes on faster in a vertical position. To ensure an even shade, a person raises his hands or constantly moves. Modern equipment is equipped with elevator lamps and an aroma system.

Subtypes of solariums:

  • Turbo solarium. It has a cooling ventilation system, which promotes quick tanning (as in windy weather).
  • Sitting. Designed for hands, décolleté and face. High power lamps provide quick results.
  • Collagen. The skin is exposed to blue and red lamps with a healing effect. Blue ones destroy pathogenic microorganisms, red ones stimulate cell renewal. As a result, metabolism is activated, toxins are eliminated, collagen and elastane are produced.
  • Studio (professional solarium).

There are salons that offer instant tanning. It does not involve exposure to ultraviolet light - a bronzer lotion and a turbine (or compressor) spray are applied to the skin. The method is 100% safe.

If you have already decided what type of solarium you will open, it’s time to think about what you need to open a tanning studio from scratch.


A solarium as a business does not require a license, which simplifies registration.

Required package of documents:

  • organizational and legal documents (for LLC or individual entrepreneur);
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • production control program;
  • documents for cash register equipment;
  • concluded contracts for disinfection, disinfestation, deratization;
  • lamp recycling agreement.
Please indicate OKVED code 93.04 (physical education and recreational activities). The staff must have at least one specialist with a medical education.


It does not matter where the premises are located - in the center or in a residential area. The main conditions are a developed transport interchange and distance from competitors. It is desirable that there is access to the main street - then the target audience will quickly find the salon. The location of beauty salons, sports centers, shopping and entertainment complexes nearby will be a plus.

A spacious and dry room is required, with good ventilation, a temperature not exceeding +25° and a humidity not exceeding 80%. Area - at least 25 m², optimally - 40-50 m². You will need to organize a power supply of 350 Watts. Decorate the interior in modern style. It is important that the client feels as comfortable and comfortable as possible in the salon.

Businessmen often rent space from owners of beauty salons, hair salons and fitness centers, which allows both parties to attract more clients.


Mandatory steps at the stage of equipping a solarium:

  • drawing up a layout of equipment;
  • equipment purchase;
  • examination.

You can buy either a new or used solarium. Used devices are 30-50% cheaper. This is $2.5-4 thousand. New prices range from 5 to 8 thousand dollars. For the salon to fully operate, you need at least 2 solariums.

The best option is vertical solariums. 90% of clients use them. They require less space, so they can serve more people. Horizontal devices are cheaper, but not as popular.

It is important to have devices for tanning individual parts of the body: face and décolleté, shoulders and back, arms, legs.

Lamps are changed every 400-500 hours of operation.

The higher quality the tanning equipment, the lower the health risks for the client. Modern devices produce radiation that is indistinguishable from the sun in terms of impact quality. The opportunity to get a natural tan will attract customers.


Solarium employees who communicate with visitors are called solar consultants. In most solariums, they perform administrative functions - meeting clients, escorting them to the treatment room, and handling cash transactions. But their main tasks are to provide information about the features of artificial tanning and skin care methods, determine the client’s skin type, and select the type of tan. Solariums often sell cosmetics for tanning and care, and a solar consultant helps you choose the optimal product.

The work of employees is usually organized in 2 shifts. The establishment has no days off.

Base staff:

  • 2 solar consultants;
  • 1 manager;
  • cleaning woman;

If there is free time and experience, the owner can take on the responsibilities of a manager. For accounting, it is better to turn to outsourcing.


No matter how high-quality your solarium is, without an effective marketing policy, its payback will take years. Think about this point when drawing up a business plan for a tanning studio.

  • Signboard. This is the beginning of the beginning. The more attractive it is, the more people will want to look inside.

  • Flyers - for distribution on the street, in shopping centers, metro crossings. Design is also important here. An image of a beautiful, tanned girl or guy on high-quality paper with a “juicy” call to action is the ideal solution.
  • Announcement in the media. The method is no longer so relevant, but in sparsely populated regions it can work.
  • Advertising on the Internet (own website, ads on forms, social networks). Focus on the advantages of your solarium: safety, modern equipment, natural tanning.
  • Mutual PR with other enterprises. For example, in your salon you place an advertisement for a nearby hairdresser, and the hairdresser has Flyers your solarium.

Profitability and payback of a solarium: plan with calculations

A solarium is profitable when calculating 15-20 clients per tanning machine per day. A minute costs from 10 to 15 rubles. This is 250-600 rubles per client (including the use of cosmetics).

A ready-made business plan for a solarium with calculations assumes the following starting expenses:

Monthly costs:

Expense item (weekly)

Amount (in rub.)

Renting premises


Communal payments

So is it profitable or not to open a solarium?

Solarium services are seasonal, the peak period is March-April. In October and November, demand drops significantly. This is the first problem. The second pitfall is high rental rates (in the center, rent can cost $100/m²) and high fees for energy consumption (if many tanning machines are used). The situation is being resolved by expanding the range of services.

The situation in the industry is favorable for the entry of new players. Subject to the use of advanced equipment, impeccable service, competent advertising strategy, implementation additional services(herbal bar, sale of cosmetics, manicure, pedicure, massage), as well as loyalty systems with promotions and discount cards your salon will almost certainly be visited and will pay for itself in a little more than six months.

Allowed to use devices ultraviolet radiation(solariums) with both vertical and horizontal arrangement of ultraviolet lamps of various types (high and low pressure) in any combination.

UV-C equipment is not permitted in tanning salons.

All devices (solariums) must have:

  • technical passports and instructions in Russian,
  • documents confirming, in accordance with the established procedure, the safety of the products used.

Requirements for a solarium room

The required area of ​​the room where the solarium cabin is installed is calculated using the formula:

where S1 is the area occupied by the device itself (according to technical description),

S2 - undressing area of ​​at least 3 sq.m.

The premises where solarium cabins are located, in the absence of other services provided by this organization, must include an operator’s work area of ​​at least 6 sq.m. When organizations provide other household and beauty services, the operator’s area can be equipped together with the visitor reception area. If solarium services are provided in automatic mode(without operator participation using a coin acceptor and/or card reader), then the operator area is not required. Staff and visitors must have access to a washbasin and toilet.

The operator area is equipped with a remote control remote control solarium(s), excluding unauthorized change of session time by the client.

The decoration of solarium premises should provide for the possibility of wet cleaning and disinfection.

Microclimate parameters of solarium premises

The room for operating solariums must be equipped with mechanically driven supply and exhaust ventilation, providing 3-4 air changes per hour. In case of installation of models equipped with their own ventilation system, natural air flow into the room is allowed.

The temperature and humidity of the air in the solarium cabin must comply with the requirements of the technical documentation for this device, but not exceed +28 C. The air temperature in the room where the solarium cabin is located must correspond to +18-24 C.

Replacement of lamps must be carried out at the standard operating hours specified in the technical data sheet of the lamps, with a mandatory mark in the log. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors of the solarium and located in a visible place. Used lamps must be sent to specialized organizations for their disposal in accordance with legal requirements Russian Federation.

Disinfection, hygiene standards

After each session, all surfaces of the solarium cabin with which the visitor came into contact must be treated with disinfectants that have passed state registration according to established order. When using a vertical solarium, visitors must be provided with disposable towels for lining the cabin floor or disposable slippers.

It is necessary to periodically clean the ventilation holes inside the device as they become dirty.

Levels physical factors, affecting the staff and visitors of solariums, should not exceed hygienic standards:

  • electromagnetic field strength no more than 25V/m;
  • tension electric field industrial frequency current (50Hz) - no more than 0.5 kV/m.

The permissible intensity of ultraviolet radiation for household irradiation products should not exceed 1.9 W/m in the range of 280-315 nm and 10 W/m in the range of 315-400 nm. Radiation in the range of 200-280 nm is not allowed.

Mandatory information for visitors

The following information must be brought to the attention of consumers:

  • the need to carefully read the instructions for insolation;
  • about the need to use special glasses to avoid damage to the eyes from UV rays;
  • on the mandatory determination, in order to avoid damage to the skin, of the exposure time (session) using a table describing a person’s phototypes and other irradiation conditions depending on them (a table describing a person’s phototypes should be available to visitors and located in a visible place);
  • about the effects of certain cosmetics and medicines to changes (increase or decrease) in sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and associated restrictions;
  • about maintaining a 48-hour interval between the first two sessions;
  • a warning about the need to consult a doctor to determine the possibility of adopting insolation procedures;
  • about the carcinogenic danger of ultraviolet radiation;
  • about the need to use tanning cosmetics in a solarium to avoid the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • on the ban on visiting the solarium by persons under 18 years of age;
  • on the list of diseases for which the use of this procedure is limited or contraindicated (melanoma, cancer).

In solariums, it is allowed to use ultraviolet radiation devices with both vertical and horizontal arrangement of lamps of various types (high and low pressure) in any combination.-

UV-C equipment is not permitted in tanning salons.

All devices must have technical passports and instructions in Russian, as well as documents confirming their safety.

The required area of ​​the room where the solarium cabin is installed is calculated using the formula S1 + S2, where S1 is the area occupied by the device itself (according to the technical description), S2 is the undressing area in accordance with sanitary rules.

The room must be equipped with supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation, providing three to four air changes per hour. When installing models with their own ventilation system, natural air flow into the room is allowed.

The temperature and humidity in the solarium cabin must comply with the technical documentation for the device, but not exceed +28°C. The air temperature in the room should be +18-24 degrees.

Lamps are replaced at the standard operating hours specified in the technical data sheet of the lamps, with a mandatory note in the log. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors of the solarium and located in a visible place.

Used lamps are sent to specialized organizations for recycling in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The decoration of the solarium premises should provide for the possibility of wet cleaning and disinfection.

After each session, all surfaces of the solarium cabin with which the visitor came into contact must be treated with state-registered disinfectants.

When using a vertical solarium, visitors are given disposable towels (mats) for the cabin floor or disposable slippers.

Solarium visitors must:
- carefully read the instructions;
- consult a doctor about the possibility of visiting a solarium;
- know the list of diseases for which the procedure is limited or contraindicated (melanoma, cancer);
- be aware of the carcinogenic danger of UV radiation;
- observe a 48-hour interval between the first two sessions;
- to avoid skin damage, determine the session time using a table describing a person’s phototypes and other irradiation conditions (the table should be accessible to visitors and located in a visible place);
- use special glasses to protect your eyes from UV rays;
- be aware of the effect of certain cosmetics and medications on changes (increases or decreases) in sensitivity to UV radiation and the associated restrictions;
- use tanning cosmetics to avoid the adverse effects of UV radiation;
- be aware of the ban on visiting the solarium for people under 18 years of age.

Basis: SanPiN 2.1.2. 2631-10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, design, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services”

For convenience, the requirements for installing solariums are highlighted in yellow.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2010 N 59, Moscow “On approval of SanPiN″

Registration N 17694

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650; 2002, N 1 (Part 1), Art. 2; 2003, N 2, article 167; N 27 (part 1), article 2700; 2004, N 35, article 3607; 2005, N 19, article 1752; 2006, N 1, article 10; N 52 (Part 1), Article 5498; 2007, No. 1 (Part 1), Article 21; No. 1 (Part 1), Article 29; No. 27, Article 3213; No. 46, Article 5554; N 49, Article 6070; 2008, N 24, Article 2801; N 29 (Part 1), Article 3418; N 30 (Part 2), Article 3616; N 44, Article 4984; N 52 ( Part 1), Article 6223; 2009, No. 1, Article 17) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295; 2004, No. 8, Art. 663; No. 47, Art. 4666; 2005, No. 39, Art. 3953) I decree:

1. Approve sanitary rules SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services” (Appendix).

2. Enter into force the specified sanitary rules from 01.08.2010.

3. From the moment of introduction of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services” the following shall be considered invalid:

SanPiN “Hairdressing salons. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for design, equipment and content”, approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 2003 N 15 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 8, 2003, registration number 4393, with amendments registered by the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation 06/05/2007, registration number 9596).

G. Onishchenko


Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, design, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services Sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms of SanPiN 2.1.2. 2631-10

I. Scope of application

and general provisions

1.2. Sanitary rules establish mandatory sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services.

1.3. Sanitary rules are intended for legal entities And individual entrepreneurs, whose activities are related to the design, construction and operation of public utility facilities that provide hairdressing and cosmetic services, as well as bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

1.4. These sanitary rules do not apply to departments of reconstructive plastic surgery, cosmetic departments and clinics, clinics and departments for the treatment of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, cosmetology, massage rooms and solariums as part of medical institutions.

1.5. Control over compliance with these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.6. It is allowed to use, store and sell to visitors of public utility organizations that provide hairdressing and cosmetic services, perfumes and cosmetics and hair, nail, and skin care products that have documents confirming in the prescribed manner the safety of the products used.

II. Requirements for locating organizations

2.1. Organizations for public utility purposes that provide hairdressing and beauty services can be located either in a separate building or in an attached building, built-in-attached to residential and public buildings (as part of enterprises) consumer services and public shopping centers, beauty and health centers, baths, hotels and other public buildings).

2.2. It is allowed to place public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services on the ground floors of residential buildings if there is an isolated entrance from the residential part and an autonomous ventilation system, in the basement and ground floors of buildings, in shopping centers and complexes without natural light, subject to hygienic requirements for the air exchange of premises and microclimate parameters, the use of fluorescent lamps with improved color rendering and the implementation of measures provided for by the hygienic requirements for the organization technological processes, production equipment and working tools.

2.3. In public buildings - rest homes, sanatoriums, boarding schools, healthcare organizations and social services intended for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled, social service centers, medical organizations, including in hospitals, for serving patients and staff - it is allowed to place public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services on any floors, subject to the requirements of these sanitary rules.

III. Device requirements

and equipment of premises

3.1. Requirements for the composition and area of ​​premises are given in Appendix 1 to these sanitary rules.

3.2. In the premises of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, a room or a special place must be allocated for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments, equipped with a sink with hot and cold water supply.

3.3. Cabinets - cosmetic, pedicure, massage, solarium, piercing, tattoo - must be located in separate rooms.

3.4. It is allowed to place separate workstations for manicure in public buildings, including shopping centers, subject to hygienic requirements for air exchange of premises and microclimate parameters.

3.5. It is allowed to combine manicure and pedicure services in one isolated office with an area of ​​at least 9 m2, provided that one workplace is organized for a manicure-pedicure specialist.

3.6. Pedicure rooms must have at least 2 foot baths with hot and cold water supply and a separate sink for washing hands. One bath is allowed using disposable liners.

3.7. In beauty salons, it is allowed to organize up to 3 workplaces, provided they are isolated by partitions 1.8 - 2.0 m high.

3.8. Workplaces are equipped with furniture that allows for treatment with detergents and disinfectants.

3.9. Hairdressers' workplaces are equipped with chairs, dressing tables with sinks for washing hair. If there is a separate room or special place for washing hair, it is permissible to install vanities without sinks.

3.10. Hairdressing salons must have utility, auxiliary and household premises (dressing rooms, rest and meal rooms, bathrooms, storage rooms), as well as premises or space for storing equipment, garbage and cut hair.

3.11. It is allowed to combine a meal room with a dressing room for staff if the number of workers per shift is less than 10 people, as well as combining a lobby with a dressing room for visitors and a waiting room.

3.12. Premises for storing clean linen and perfumes and cosmetics are equipped with racks or cabinets; for dirty linen - containers with lids, the coating of which allows them to be washed and disinfected.

3.13. At the workplace, it is allowed to store perfumes and cosmetics products used during a work shift, subject to compliance with the requirements for storage conditions specified in the instructions for use.

3.14. Post-production work must be carried out in an isolated room, the area of ​​which and the set of equipment are taken into account taking into account the volume and nature of the work being carried out and must be at least 4.5 m 2 per one workplace.

IV. equipment requirements

and maintenance of solariums

4.1. It is allowed to use ultraviolet radiation devices (solariums) with both vertical and horizontal arrangement of ultraviolet lamps of various types (high and low pressure) in any combination. UV-C equipment is not permitted in tanning salons.

4.2. All devices (solariums) must have technical passports and instructions in Russian, as well as documents confirming in the prescribed manner the safety of the products used.

4.3. The required area of ​​the room where the solarium cabin is installed is calculated using the formula S1 + S2, where S1 is the area occupied by the device itself (according to the technical description), S2 is the undressing area in accordance with Appendix 1 to these sanitary rules.

4.4. The premises where solarium cabins are located, in the absence of other services provided by this organization, must include the operator’s work area (Appendix 1). When organizations provide other household and beauty services, the operator’s area can be equipped together with the visitor reception area. If solarium services are provided automatically (without the participation of an operator using a coin acceptor and/or card reader), then an operator zone is not required. Staff and visitors must have access to a washbasin and toilet.

4.5. The operator's area is equipped with a remote control for the solarium(s), which prevents unauthorized changes in the session time by the client.

4.6. The room for operating solariums must be equipped with mechanically driven supply and exhaust ventilation, providing 3-4 air changes per hour. In case of installation of models equipped with their own ventilation system, natural air flow into the room is allowed.

4.7. The temperature and humidity of the air in the solarium cabin must comply with the requirements of the technical documentation for this device, but not exceed +28 C. The air temperature in the room where the solarium cabin is located must correspond to +18-24 C.

4.8. Replacement of lamps must be carried out at the standard operating hours specified in the technical data sheet of the lamps, with a mandatory mark in the log. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors of the solarium and located in a visible place. Used lamps must be sent to specialized organizations for their disposal in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.9. The decoration of solarium premises should provide for the possibility of wet cleaning and disinfection.

4.10. After each session, all surfaces of the solarium cabin with which the visitor came into contact must be treated with disinfectants that have passed state registration in the prescribed manner. When using a vertical solarium, visitors must be provided with disposable towels for lining the cabin floor or disposable slippers.

4.11. It is necessary to periodically clean the ventilation holes inside the device as they become dirty.

4.12. The levels of physical factors affecting the staff and visitors of solariums should not exceed hygienic standards:

Electromagnetic field strength no more than 25V/m;

The electric field strength of industrial frequency current (50Hz) is no more than 0.5 kV/m.

4.13. The permissible intensity of ultraviolet radiation for household irradiation products should not exceed 1.9 W/m in the range of 280-315 nm and 10 W/m in the range of 315-400 nm. Radiation in the range of 200-280 nm is not allowed.

4.14. The following information must be brought to the attention of consumers:

The need to carefully read the instructions for insolation;

About the need to use special glasses to avoid damage to the eyes from UV rays;

On the mandatory determination, in order to avoid damage to the skin, of the exposure time (session) using a table describing a person’s phototypes and other irradiation conditions depending on them (a table describing a person’s phototypes should be available to visitors and located in a visible place);

About the impact of some cosmetics and medications on changes (increases or decreases) in sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and associated restrictions;

About maintaining a 48-hour interval between the first two sessions;

A warning about the need to consult a doctor to determine the possibility of taking insolation procedures;

About the carcinogenic danger of ultraviolet radiation;

About the need to use tanning cosmetics in a solarium to avoid the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation;

On the ban on visiting the solarium by persons under 18 years of age;

About the list of diseases for which the use of this procedure is limited or contraindicated (melanoma, cancer).

V. Requirements for interior decoration

5.1. Materials (waterproof paints, enamels, tiled and glazed tiles, materials with laminated coatings and others) used for finishing the premises of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services must have documents confirming, in the prescribed manner, the safety of the products used.

5.2. The surfaces of walls, ceilings and floors, the outer and inner surfaces of furniture must be smooth, easily accessible for wet cleaning and resistant to treatment with disinfectants.

5.3. Floor coverings in public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, including solariums (linoleum, metlakh, ceramic-granite tiles, plank (painted), parquet floors and others) must be smooth and allow for wet cleaning using detergents and disinfectants.

VI. Water supply requirements

and sewerage

6.1. Public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services must be equipped with centralized water supply systems, including hot water, and sewage systems.

6.2. The quality of the water used must comply with the hygienic requirements for the water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems.

6.3. In the absence of centralized water supply and sewerage systems in a populated area, public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services are equipped with autonomous systems.

6.4. In the absence of a centralized hot water supply, it is permissible to install flow-through water heating devices connected to a cold water supply system. The use of static heaters is permitted only as a backup source of water supply.

6.5. All production and sanitary premises are equipped with stationary sanitary fixtures.

VII. Microclimate requirements


7.1. In public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, compliance with the microclimate parameters specified in Appendix 2 to these sanitary rules must be ensured.

7.2. Heating devices must have a smooth surface that allows wet cleaning. Heating appliances should be placed in places accessible for cleaning, inspection and repair.

7.3. The use of ventilation chambers as utility rooms and storage rooms is not allowed.

7.4. In the premises of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, general mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation should be provided with the air exchange rate specified in Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules. The ventilation system for all premises of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services may be common, with the exception of utility and sanitary premises.

7.5. In public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, with no more than 3 workplaces (with the exception of a nail technician’s office and a beauty salon), including those located on non-residential floors of residential buildings, unorganized air exchange is allowed due to room ventilation through opening transoms or natural exhaust ventilation.

7.6. The nail extension technician's workplace is equipped with local forced exhaust ventilation.

7.7. Equipment for ventilation and air conditioning systems should not be located adjacent to, above or below rooms with permanent occupancy.

7.8. All ventilation units must have passports and undergo scheduled preventive maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

7.9. The levels of physical factors in the workplace must meet the hygienic requirements for the microclimate production premises, sanitary standards noise in workplaces and in public buildings.

VIII. Requirements for artificial

and natural light

8.1. Lighting in workplaces must comply with the hygienic standards specified in Appendix 4 to these sanitary rules.

8.2. For general and local artificial lighting of production and auxiliary premises, incandescent lamps, fluorescent and halogen lamps with protective fittings, LED, compact fluorescent lamps can be used.

8.3. At all workplaces of manicure and pedicure rooms, offices decorative cosmetics Combined lighting (general and local) must be provided. At workplaces in hairdressing salons, the use of general lighting is allowed.

IX. Requirements for the maintenance of premises

and organization of sanitary and hygienic

and anti-epidemic

operating mode

9.1. All premises and equipment must be kept clean. In public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, it is necessary to carry out preventive disinfection, including disinfection of room surfaces, furniture, equipment, air, tools, linen, work clothes and other items used in work, as well as disinfestation and deratization.

9.2. In order to carry out preventive disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization, physical methods and/or chemical disinfectants that have passed state registration in the prescribed manner must be used.

All manipulations that can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes are carried out using sterile instruments and materials. Reusable products are subject to pre-sterilization cleaning before sterilization.

It is permitted to use disinfectants, disinfection and sterilization equipment that have documents confirming, in the prescribed manner, the safety of the products used.

9.3. The presence of rodents and household arthropods (insects, ticks) is not allowed in all main and utility rooms.

9.4. Wet cleaning of premises (wiping floors, furniture, equipment, window sills, doors) must be carried out at least twice a day (including at the end of work) using detergents and disinfectants or products that have both a detergent and disinfectant effect.

Separate cleaning equipment must be allocated for cleaning the main and auxiliary premises, as well as bathrooms. Cleaning equipment (buckets, basins, rags, mops) are marked indicating the premises and types of cleaning work, used strictly for their intended purpose, processed and stored in a specially designated room (or locker). At the end of cleaning, equipment is treated with detergents and disinfectants and dried.

9.5. At least once a week, all premises must be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with a schedule approved by the administration. During general cleaning, walls, floors, baseboards, doors, windows, furniture and equipment are washed and treated with disinfectant solutions.

9.6. The cut hair is collected in a closed scoop directly next to the chair and placed in sealed containers (disposable plastic bags garbage or kraft paper bags), and then the bag or bag is closed, tied up, stored in a utility room and removed (disposed of) in the prescribed manner.

9.7. If lice (pediculosis) are detected on a client during the service process, it is necessary to stop the manipulation and refer the client to a specialized institution (sanitary checkpoint) for anti-pediculosis measures and consultation. Tools and linen used during maintenance are disinfested with anti-lice agents (pediculicides) in the form of an emulsion concentrate according to the instructions for use of the product. The hair is collected in a hermetically sealed bag or bag and also treated with pediculicide, after which it is removed (disposed of).

9.8. It is not permitted to reuse garbage bags and sacks or to empty them into a household waste container.

9.9. To prevent the spread of parenteral hepatitis, HIV infection, tuberculosis, fungal diseases and other infections, used products and instruments are disinfected and sterilized.

9.10. Only clean linen should be used for customer service. The supply of clean linen (towels, napkins, sheets, etc.) must be in quantity to ensure its individual use for each client. Storage of clean and used linen, perfumes and cosmetics, as well as detergents and disinfectants should be kept separately. Storing clean linen on open shelves or in workplaces is allowed only in individual packaging.

The use of disposable caps, capes, towels, sheets, and napkins is permitted. Peignoirs made of synthetic fabric should only be used with a clean cotton napkin or a disposable collar.

9.12. Washing of used linen and work clothes should be carried out centrally. It is possible to organize the washing of used linen directly in the hairdressing salon if there is a separate room with special equipment. Work and personal clothing of personnel should be stored separately.

9.13. Removal of cut hair from the client's neck and face should be carried out with a clean individual napkin or cotton swab. The use of brushes to remove cut hair is prohibited.

9.14. When performing a perm, the hair is wetted with the solution using a swab, which is changed after each client.

9.15. Clips, curlers, caps and nets for perming hair, caps for highlighting are washed under running water with detergents after each client.

9.16. Combs, brushes, and scissors for cutting hair are washed under running water after each client, placed in sterilizers approved for use in the prescribed manner and having instructions for use in Russian, or in solutions of disinfectants according to the regime used for fungal diseases.

9.17. Removable knives of electric razors are wiped twice (with an interval of 15 minutes) with a swab soaked in a non-corrosive disinfectant solution in concentrations used for viral hepatitis.

9.18. The pillow placed under the foot during a pedicure must have an oilcloth cover, which after each use is wiped with a rag moistened with a disinfectant solution in the concentration and exposure used for disinfection for fungal diseases.

9.19. Foot baths and hand baths must be disinfected after each client by being completely immersed in a disinfectant solution in accordance with the instructions for use of the product used according to the regimen used for fungal diseases.

9.20. When performing manicures and pedicures, disposable waterproof wipes must be used for each visitor, which must be disinfected and removed (disposed of) after use.

9.21. For hairdressing salons and offices for manicure, pedicure, piercing, peeling, tattooing, and cosmetic services, a minimum set of standard tools must be determined to serve one client. You should have at least three such sets per workplace.

9.22. Instruments for manicure, pedicure, tattooing, piercing, peeling, gauze napkins, cotton balls, as well as other consumables are sterilized in sterilizers, packaged in sterilization packaging materials approved for use in the prescribed manner and stored in them. Sterilization of unpackaged instruments is allowed, provided that they are used within an hour or stored in sterilizers.

9.23. Electrodes for cosmetic equipment and devices are wiped twice with a swab soaked in a non-corrosive disinfectant solution (with an interval of 15 minutes), in concentrations used for viral hepatitis.

9.24. Instruments used for manipulations that may cause damage to the skin or mucous membranes (manicure, pedicure, tattooing, piercing, peeling, cosmetic services) are placed in a disinfectant solution after each client without prior rinsing with water. Disinfection is carried out according to the regimen used for viral hepatitis. After disinfection is completed, the instruments are subjected to pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization.

9.25. Equipment, apparatus and materials used for sterilization of instruments must have a document confirming their safety during use and instructions for use in Russian.

9.26. To organize an anti-epidemic regime and daily control of the disinfection regime, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments used in manicure, pedicure, tattooing, piercing, peeling and cosmetic services, a trained employee is appointed as the head of the organization.

9.27. To ensure disinfection measures, there must be a supply of means for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization, which have passed state registration in the prescribed manner.

9.28. Containers with working solutions of products must be equipped with lids and have clear labels indicating the name of the product, its concentration, purpose, and the date of preparation of the working solution. In order to prevent occupational diseases of the skin, eyes and upper respiratory tract in workers, it is necessary to:

Ensure centralized preparation of working disinfectant solutions in special rooms with mechanical or natural supply and exhaust ventilation (if there is a separate room), or in a specially equipped place;

Pour dry disinfectants into special containers and gradually add water;

Maximize the use of original disinfectants in small packaging;

Close containers with working disinfectant solutions tightly with lids. All work with them should be done with rubber gloves;

Strictly follow occupational safety measures in accordance with the instructions for the disinfectant used and using personal protective equipment.

9.29. The administration of a public utility organization providing hairdressing and cosmetic services is obliged to ensure, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations*, the necessary conditions to prevent adverse effects production factors for workers, providing personnel with special clothing and personal protective equipment.

9.30. In order to prevent infection with parenteral hepatitis and HIV infection, all manipulations during which hands may become contaminated with blood should be carried out using rubber gloves. During work, all damage to the skin should be isolated with finger pads and adhesive tape.

For the purpose of personal prevention, workers must be provided with a first aid kit, which includes:

70 alcohol;

5% alcohol solution of iodine;

Adhesive plaster, dressing material;

Latex gloves;

Container for diluting water;

Weighed portions of potassium permanganate, 50 mg.

Workers are required to observe the following rules of personal hygiene:

Before and after serving the client, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;

In beauty salons, to treat hands, use skin antiseptics approved for use in accordance with the established procedure;

Carry out hand skin care using protective and softening creams and lotions;

Use rubber gloves when coloring hair;

Do not smoke or eat in the workplace.

X. Application requirements

with production waste

and consumption

10.1. Industrial waste must be stored in special, tightly closed waste receptacles.

10.2. Cut hair should be collected in closed containers, which are installed in the utility room.

10.3. Fluorescent lamps, solarium lamps and bactericidal lamps are stored in utility rooms in packages in accordance with the requirements of sanitary legislation. Removal and disposal of fluorescent lamps is carried out in accordance with hygienic requirements for the disposal and disposal of production and consumption waste. Disposal of lamps to container sites for household waste is not permitted.

* the federal law dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650, 2002, N 1 (Part 1), Art. 2; 2003, N 2, Article 167; No. 27 (Part 1), Article 2700; 2004, No. 35, Article 3607; 2005, No. 19, Article 1752; 2006, No. 1, Article 10; N52 (Part 1), Article 5498; 2007 N 1 (Part 1), Article 21; N1 (Part 1), Article 29; N 27, Article 3213; N 46, Article 5554; N49, Article 6070; 2008, N 24, Article 2801; N 29 (Part 1), Article 3418; N 30 (Part 2), Article 3616 N 44, Article 4984; N 52 (Part 1), Article 6223; 2009 , N 1, art. 17.)
