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New Christmas scenarios. Scenario for a home holiday "Christmas nursery rhymes". Christmas. Christmas holiday scenarios for children - The Legend of the Christmas Tree. Story for entertainment “Christmas Holiday”

Scenario of the evening

"Christmas Meetings"

Progress of the event

On the screen there is a screen saver “Russian village in winter”, “Landscape of a church against the backdrop of a winter village”. The presenter comes on stage.


No other country has as many holidays as Russia. But perhaps the most favorite ones are New Year and Christmas is one of the most important Orthodox holidays.


One night, not only the year changed, the whole era changed - he left old world, a new one has arrived. On this night, the Baby Jesus Christ was born in the Bethlehem cave, bringing with him the main miracle - the miracle of human salvation.

From the Nativity of Christ we count the years. What's on our calendar today? year 2012. This means that two thousand and twelve years have passed since the birth of the Savior.

Today, when Christmas has been restored to its legal status as a Great Holiday, when we can again celebrate it joyfully and solemnly, we understand and realize even more clearly what the Greatest event happened on that distant significant night.(The story is accompanied by slides)

People have been on earth for a long time and in the bustle of life they began to forget God. Their souls became sinful and evil. Before the Son of God came to earth, God the Father told him that He could save people by coming to earth and becoming a man. He had to be born a small child, because all people are children at first. God chose the Virgin Mary as his mother. When she was 16 years old, she was betrothed to the kind, caring elder Joseph.


Not long before the birth of Jesus, the Roman emperor, under whose rule the country of Judea was, ordered a census of the people of this land. The future parents of Christ came to Bethlehem, since they were originally from this city. Many people had gathered there, and all the houses suitable for habitation were already occupied. They were asked to go to the outskirts of the city. Sheep spend the night there in caves in bad weather. Maybe there is a place for you too. Joseph and Mary did just that.


The night was quiet and quite warm. The caves turned out to be empty, and there was room in them for our travelers. And that night a miracle happened! In this cave, Marie had a son. Mary swaddled him and, since there was no cradle, they put him in a manger. This is what they call a cattle feeder.

The first to know about the birth of Christ were the shepherds, who came to the cave to warm themselves. At this time, they reported to King Herod: “King Herod! An unprecedented thing! Some magicians from the east have appeared in our city, who excite the whole people, for they ask everyone, “Where is the born king?” King Herod did not like this very much, and he decided to find out from the Magi about this baby, so that he could then execute everyone.


When the wise men finally found that cave, they bowed with the following words: “we came from far away - from the north and east, we offer you incense and myrrh, we worship the king of the whole world, like the clear sun, we offer him gold. And now let us hasten to King Herod and tell him the joy: the king of kings has been born!”


And then the angel exclaimed: “Wait, Magi! Don't go into the city of Jerusalem. King Herod harbored a black anger and decided to destroy the Infant Christ. I'll take you on a different path. Return to your lands and proclaim everywhere about the Nativity of the Savior.”


That's how it all happened. The Magi returned, each to his own home. Along the way they met many people and told everyone about the miracle that had happened - the Nativity of Christ. This news was passed on from mouth to mouth. And today you and I enjoy Christmas just as much as all people did more than 2000 thousand years ago.


Guys, let's see what you know about Jesus Christ, about his teaching?(The presenter asks questions. The questions are displayed on the screen)


  1. What is the Bible? (this collection of sacred scriptures reveals the secret of the origin of the world, man and the meaning of existence).
  2. What two parts is the Bible divided into? (On the Old Testament and the New Testament).
  3. In what languages ​​were the Old Testament and the New Testament written (Old in Hebrew, New in Ancient Greek).
  4. Which Testament speaks about the birth of Christ (In the New Testament, it was written after the death of Jesus Christ).
  5. From what time does our chronology begin? (Since the year of Christ's birth).
  6. What is the teaching of Jesus Christ called? (Gospel).
  7. Who was the first to know about the birth of Jesus Christ (shepherds).
  8. How many disciples did Jesus Christ have? (twelve).
  9. What acts confirm the divine power of Christ? (Healed the blind. Bedridden).
  10. On what day of the week did Jesus die? (on Friday).

Russian folk melodic music is playing. Against the backdrop of a Russian hut, girls come out and sit on stage at a table.


How is Christmas celebrated and celebrated in Rus'? Traditionally, in Rus', even before the adoption of Christianity, pagan holidays fell at the end of December. “In order to turn Christians away from godless pagan games,” it was on December 25 (according to the old calendar) that the church fathers decided to celebrate Christmas. It was a quiet and peaceful holiday.


Christmas is preceded by Filippov's fast, and the Christmas goose was served after midnight, when the fast ended. In this case, the owner could turn his back to the table, and the hostess, breaking the goose, asked questions: “Who should I give this piece to?” From these pieces they guessed what awaits each of the guests in the new year:

The head is ahead, studies hard, thinks a lot;

The neck will guide you, because where the neck turns, the head looks;

Breast - love experiences are coming;

Zadok - calm and happy life;

Legs - a journey awaits;

Music sounds - church bells ringing. The music is quieter. A girl comes out

1 girl

Christmas morning

The ringing of bells flows in sonorous waves

Crowds pour into God's temple

People from all over

Both rich and poor.

Waking up from sleep, -

Everyone is in a hurry on the same road,

Everyone has the same idea.

I sensed a solemn ringing,

Everyone goes to the temple.

And with prayer of labor

They contribute as a gift,

As a gift to the One who was born on the night

And among the shepherds

In the manger, Meek, kissed himself,

Volkhov accepted the gift.

Who came to the land of the worst

Justify the sinners

And His lost sheep

Gather to the shepherd.


On Christmastide it is customary to do good deeds: help the old and sick, give gifts, give alms.

At this time, they always guessed about fate, about the future betrothed, about the harvest, about animals.

1 – girl

Once on Epiphany evening

The girls were guessing.

A shoe behind the gate,

Having taken it off my feet, I threw it,

Snow was being shoveled outside the window

Listened, fed

Counting chicken grains,

Bright wax was burned,

In a bowl of clean water

They laid a gold ring,

Emerald earrings,

White boards spread out

And over the bowl they sang in harmony

The songs are amazing.

Girls perform fortune telling on stage to the accompaniment of music. A candle is placed on the table and wax is poured into the bowl.

Two girls run out onto the stage, take off their felt boots and throw them in front of the stage, then run down the steps.

2 - girl

My toe has fallen towards the house, which means I won’t get married this year.

3 - girl

Mine points to Petrov's yard, and my dear one lives on the other side.

4 - girl - telling fortunes on the palisade

Even – odd, even – odd…….

5-girl (suits 4th girl)

Evdokia, why are you so funny?

4 - girl

Yes, I was telling fortunes on the stockade - I got an “even”, which means I’ll get married soon.

Two girls are telling fortunes on logs. They approach the woodpile with their eyes closed, take a log, examine it and conclude something about what the future groom will be like.

5 - girl

My log with knots - the groom will be from a large family.

6 - girl

And my log with thin, even bark - the groom is young and handsome...

The girls take their seats on the stage.


There are a lot of fortune telling methods, we will offer you the most popular ones. (The presenter conducts fortune telling with the audience)

Fortune telling by book

They take a book and, without opening it, write down the page number and the line at the top and bottom. Then open this page and read. This line serves as the answer to the question asked.

Fortune telling by water

Water is poured into 5 identical glasses and sugar, salt, rice, a ring, and a toy are added. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and chooses his fate.

Salt - tears;

Sugar fun;

Ring marriage;

Rice wealth;

Toy - birth of a child.

Fortune telling with wax

Melted wax is poured into water and their fate is known from the frozen figures.

Home - moving;

Church - marriage;

Trees are sad;

Fruits are joy.

1 - girl

Enough, enough guessing, let's go to caroling!

To the accompaniment of music, the girls dress up for carols.


In Rus', on Christmastide, young people dressed in skins and smeared their faces with soot. There were some rules and restrictions. Only boys and men dressed up. It was also impossible to dress up in anything. (It’s a sin to pretend to be a dead man, a devil, or a ghoul. It’s a sin too. It’s also a priest. They believed that such jokes could seriously damage your mind and make you sick.) Girls and women - gentle and sublime creatures - were not supposed to dress up.

The mummers knocked on houses and sang carols - special songs containing words of wishes for goodness and happiness. And the owners treated the mummers with cookies, gingerbread, and sweets for their congratulations and jokes.

1 – girl (facing the audience, everyone else behind her).

Merry Christmas,

Happy holiday!

Holy, holy, holy, holy -

And your guys

Your nannies,

Your priests.

Holy, holy, holy, holy -

There is harmony in your home.

All carolers go to the right wing.

All carolers

With crumpets, with flatbreads,

With pork feet.

2 girl

Give it to me, don't break it,

But in general, come on.

Whoever gives pie will get cattle, belly,

Whoever doesn’t give us a pie, we take the cow by the horns.

Don't call, go home

I won't give you anything!

3 - girl

Fedul has a wife

She was very greedy.

Her fur coat is not sewn up

And the shirt is not washed,

Yes, and my husband is not very strong

A lazy person is not clumsy!

The carolers laugh and go to the right wing.

All carolers

Kolyada, Kolyada, open the gate.

The carol came on the eve of Christmas

With crumpets, with flatbreads,

With pork feet.

Kolyada, Kolyada - give me some pie!

4 girl

And God forbid that

Who is in this house?

So that the rye is thick,

Rye is ugly...

5 girl

Give you, Lord,

Cattle, belly,

A cow with a calf,

A sheep with a piglet.

Pig and lamb

To the owner and the hostess -

Sun and moon

Their dear children,

To frequent stars -

(All carolers in chorus)

Many summers! Many summers!

6 girl (comes out from behind the scenes with a tray)

Come in, stay!

Help yourself to whatever you want.

Cookie Pies –

For your treat

The carolers refuse to go into the house, but take all the treats and put them in a bag, then go out to the audience.

Carols are read one by one.

1 – girl

I sow, I winnow, I sow,

Happy New Year!

2 girl

For new happiness

Be born wheat,

Peas, lentils.

3 girl

On the field - in heaps,

There are pies on the table.

Happy New Year with a new happiness!

4 girl

Happy New Year, with all the family,

To be healthy.

May they live long!

They go on stage. Together

Kolyada, Kolyada, open the gate.

The carol came on the eve of Christmas

With crumpets, with flatbreads,

With pork feet.

Kolyada, Kolyada - give me some pie!


Today you visited one of the Russian holidays and learned how Russian people lived. What customs and rituals they observed, how they decorated their lives, what they dreamed about. See you soon at our evenings.

I sow, I winnow, I sow,

Happy New Year!

May everyone be healthy.

May they live for a hundred years!

Where to celebrate Christmas?

Christmas considered a family holiday. However, there is nothing wrong if you celebrate it with friends.

You can celebrate Christmas at home, in your apartment, or you can go outdoors. It all depends on your imagination.

Traditionally, the main holiday attribute is the Christmas tree. You can decorate the Christmas tree to your taste, with toys purchased in the store or made with your own hands.

The Star of Bethlehem must certainly be located at the top. Together with your children, decorate the Christmas tree with figurines of heroes. biblical stories made from cardboard.

This will not only allow you to immerse yourself in history and creativity, but will also help create a strong, friendly atmosphere in the family.

You can make a variety of compositions from fir branches using candles, Christmas tree decorations and flowers.

Create a festive atmosphere in your home Balloons in various combinations, both as part of compositions and single ones.

An integral attribute Christmas are candles. This custom owes its origin to the Jews, who placed a candle in the center of a wreath of laurel branches and lit it on Christmas Eve. Today, wax candles are being replaced by electric ones.

In Catholic countries, Christmas mangers, figurines of Mary, Magi, shepherds, and animals surrounding the baby's manger serve as elements of the festive decoration.

Scenario for Christmas and carols

Christmas It is not customary to celebrate in a large company, because this is a family holiday. However, if you have a large and friendly family or your closest friends have come to visit, then the simple scenario that we offer in this article will certainly help you make Christmas not just a pleasant evening with your closest people, but will give this holiday charm and sincerity.

In Rus', Christmas began to be celebrated after the introduction of Christianity - in the 10th century. It occurred at a time when the ancient Slavs celebrated their multi-day holiday - Kolyada. This is where the tradition of caroling or praising came to us. And if in cities this tradition has practically disappeared, then in rural areas They still sing carols to this day, because this is another reason to organize a kind of masquerade, and you can earn money. As a rule, carols are caroled not on Christmas itself (this holiday has always been celebrated within the family circle), but on Christmastide.

Christmastide began on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve (December 24, old style, or January 6, new style), and lasted two weeks until Epiphany (January 6 and January 19, respectively). The New Year (January 1 and 14) seemed to divide Christmas time into two halves. The time from the Feast of the Nativity of Christ to the New Year was called “Holy Evenings” or Bright Christmastide, and from the New Year to Epiphany - “Terrible Evenings.” The evenings were called “Holy” because Christmas was celebrated on these days, and “Terrible” (Holy Week) because it was believed that on these days evil spirits were walking around the world.

At Christmas itself it is customary to play a short play on a biblical theme. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the holiday in advance. If for some reason the plot of Christian Christmas does not suit you, it doesn’t matter. You can stage a performance with a winter or New Year theme. It is not necessary to prepare elaborate costumes for the performance; you can get by with some old things, sheets, tablecloths, etc., which are enough in any home. The performance may require musical accompaniment and simple scenery. This also needs to be taken care of in advance.

If the tree stood in your house until Christmas, then you can “update” its outfit together with your children. Let it be homemade toys, paper lanterns and garlands, the main thing is that there is a feeling of holiday in the house. You can also tell children a story about why the Christmas tree is decorated for the New Year and Christmas. The story is this: a long time ago, when God still lived on earth and not in heaven, people came to him one by one different trees, and he gave everyone fruits: the apple tree with apples, the plum tree with plums, the cherry tree with cherries. One spruce stood to the side. And then God commanded for her modesty to decorate the tree every year with sweets, fruits, toys and garlands.

After the performance, everyone is invited to the table. You can serve surprise cookies with tea. Each cookie has a fortune paper baked inside. The pieces of paper must be wrapped in food foil. Predictions must be good, kind, for example:

If you don't shed tears,

There will be a whole lot of money.

Your destiny is not so simple,

Career growth awaits you.

Oh, miracle, fate will have a surprise in store,

Pack your bags and go on a cruise.

Just a little time left to wait,

Joy will soon come into your home.

A sharp turn awaits you soon,

Great love awaits you this year.

After tea you can play.

Games for Christmas

"Gifts of the Magi"

Everyone present takes turns putting their hand into a bag containing all kinds of souvenirs and sweets, and trying to guess what kind of item is in their hand; After this, the item is taken out of the bag. If the participant guessed correctly, then he takes this item for himself.

"Smoking room."

Traditional Christmas game. Previously, the “smoking room” was a torch, now it has been replaced by a sparkler. The game is as follows: all participants stand in a circle. One of the participants lights a sparkler and says out loud:

Smoking room, smoking room,

Long legs,

The belly is short.

Don't die, smoking room,

Don't make me dance

Don't make me dance

Kiss the entire conversation.

After this, he passes the “smoking room” to the next player, who also repeats these words. The one in whose hands the “smoking room” goes out loses. This person is performing a forfeit.

The best way to end the holiday is by watching some good movie with the whole family.

For young people, you can offer more active entertainment - carols, which were already mentioned above. In past years, the time from Christmas to Epiphany in village life was marked by a special spiritual upsurge and was solemn, festive and fun. People used to say: “Winter is for the frosts, but the man is for the holidays.” Christmastide was considered a youth holiday. Evenings and get-togethers took place, games with mummers took place noisily and cheerfully. Young people were “joking” at this time, and everything that was “bad” became a “participant” in the pampering.

Preparations for the rounds began several days in advance. Costumes and masks were prepared in advance. The traditional characters of the mummers were a wolf, a goat, and Baba Yaga. Usually the singers walked with a large homemade star made of paper, “about an arshin in size, with various embellishments and illuminated by candles.” It symbolized the star that rose over Bethlehem when Christ was born.

We propose to revive this glorious tradition, especially since it is not at all difficult to do. Of course, if you go into every apartment without warning in a well-dressed crowd, then most likely they will simply not open the door for you. Therefore, it is better to warn the people you plan to come to sing carols in advance. This can be done verbally, or you can simply post a notice at the entrance to the entrance.

Here are some texts of traditional carols:

Kolyada, Kolyada,

Give me some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or half a buck,

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a comb,

Or a bunch of hay,

Or pitchforks to the side!


Another day of Christmas!

Who will serve the pie?

That's the yard of the belly!

Who won't give me the pie?

That's why the gray mare

Yes, the grave is torn!


It's Christmas Eve!

Good auntie,

The pie is delicious

Don't cut, don't break,

Serve it quickly!

Two, three,

We've been standing for a long time

Let us not stand!

The stove is heating up

I want some pie!

You, master, don’t be tormented,

Give it quickly!

What about the current frost?

Doesn't tell me to stand for long

Orders to serve soon:

Either pies come out of the oven,

Or a penny of money,

Or a pot of cabbage soup!

God bless you

A yard full of bellies!

And to the stables of horses,

Into the calf barn,

To the guys' hut

And take care of the kittens!

Greet the Magi,

Meet the Holy

Christmas has come

Let's start the celebration!

The star comes with us

Sings a prayer:

Your Christmas

Christ our God...

Little guy

He sat down on a sheaf.

plays the pipe,

Kolyada is amusing.


Give me a dumpling,

a spoonful of porridge,

Sausage ring.

This is not enough

Give me a piece of bacon.

Take it out quickly

Don't freeze the children!

The sparrow flies

Twirls his tail.

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests

Happy Christmas!

A little boy

Sat down on a glass

The glass is fragile!

Give me a ruble!

And another traditional Christmas entertainment is fortune telling. As a rule, young unmarried girls do fortune telling. The most surprising thing is that according to church laws, fortune telling is a great sin, but on Christmastide, fortune telling is allowed. In general, fortune telling is a dangerous game; there is always a risk of encountering evil spirits. During Christmas time, the risk is much less: “Christ was born, and all the evil spirits have their tail between their legs, spinning around uselessly, and cannot harm...” This opinion of one of the literary characters is probably worth listening to.

Fortune telling for Christmas

Wax fortune telling

For this fortune telling you will need a candle and a bowl of cold water. The candle is set on fire, and each participant in the fortune telling takes turns pouring the melted wax into a bowl of water. By the resulting figures you can guess your future. Much in this fortune telling depends on the imagination of the participants, but some figures have a special meaning:

A lot of small drops of wax in a bowl means money;

The fan is always associated with work; as a rule, such a figure predicts difficulties in the service, friction in the team;

Grapes are always a very good sign, predicting love, friendship, luck, prosperity in the home;

Mushroom - vitality, longevity;

Dragon - fulfillment of hopes, completion of work, sometimes the birth of a child;

Bell - wait for news; if the bell is crooked, then there is bad news; if there are many bells, then there is alarming news;

Tree leaf - envy, intrigue from others;

Monkey - false friend, pretense, ambiguous situation;

Apple - wisdom, health; if the apple is crooked - a temptation that should not be succumbed to;

An egg is the beginning of something new.

Fortune telling with dice

For fortune telling you will need two dice. The participant rolls the dice. If a double is rolled, he receives a prediction. You can roll the dice six times. If in six throws there is no double, it means that the time for fortune telling has not yet come for this participant, and fate does not want him to look into the future. Doubles value:

Two units - failure in business;

Two deuces - quarrels with friends and loved ones;

Two threes - travel, new acquaintances;

Two fours - success in business;

Two A's - material well-being;

Two sixes are great love.

Fortune telling on a scarf

For fortune telling you will need a square scarf or scarf. Fortune telling checks the attitude of a particular person towards the fortuneteller. To do this, the fortuneteller holds the four corners of the scarf in his hand and invites this person, with whom the relationship with him is important, to choose any corner of the scarf. After this, the fortuneteller himself also chooses a corner of the scarf. If adjacent corners of the scarf are chosen, then the relationship will be successful, if the opposite corners are chosen, problems in the relationship are possible.

Fortune telling on the fence

This fortune telling takes place on the street. It determines whether the fortuneteller will marry in the New Year. You need to find some kind of fence with longitudinal bars (the main thing is that the fence is not solid); it can be anything: wooden, iron. The fortuneteller stands facing the fence and closes his eyes. Then he randomly grabs a certain number of rods with his hands, then opens his eyes and counts the rods. If there is an odd number of twigs, then the fortuneteller will not get married this year, but if there is an even number - to go down the aisle soon.

In the series of New Year's events, Christmas is of particular importance - a wonderful holiday that brings faith in the best, love for people and life, for its eternal renewal. Every year the night before Christmas is shrouded in a unique aura of mystery and romance. And every morning on January 7th is marked by cheerful ritual carols and games, in which both children and young people in the village take part to this day. How to organize a wonderful folklore holiday with children on Christmas Eve is described on the pages of this section. Here you will find hundreds of different scenarios for holidays, entertainment and leisure activities dedicated to the Nativity of Christ.

The whole world is celebrating - Christmas is coming to us!

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Showing publications 1-10 of 605.
All sections | Christmas. Christmas holiday scenarios for children

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Christmas is perhaps the brightest and most joyful holiday of the year; it is not without reason that both adults and children look forward to it so eagerly. On this day, kids need to be given Special attention, explaining the importance and conveying to them the essence of this festival, so that Christmas becomes not just an occasion for fun, but a day filled with deep symbolism. If they are coming to you for Christmas and you want to please them with a children's party, you need to approach this responsibly.

In order to competently create a holiday scenario for Christmas, you need to take into account the age of the little guests, their preferences and possible food restrictions, choose age- and gender-appropriate entertainment in which the religious nature of the celebration can and should be incorporated. Bright childhood emotions, cheerful laughter and colorful memories of this event will serve as gratitude to you.

Create a magical Christmas story for children!

Preparing a children's party for Christmas

First, determine the parameters of the holiday in order to properly organize the table and space. Based on the age of the children, since it is much more difficult to monitor babies than older children. To ensure that the holiday passes without unnecessary incidents, invite no more than 4-5 children aged 4 to 6 years. If your guests are in the older age category (from 7 years), it is quite possible to organize a party for six or more guests.

Talk to the children's parents and find out if their child adheres to a sleep schedule - this will make it easier for you to determine the optimal time for Christmas celebrations. Discuss with your parents the approximate duration of the celebration. The best ending for the kids is receiving Christmas gifts, so prepare in advance (it's best if they're the same).

We decorate the room and create an atmosphere

For children's party they need space - unlike adults, they will not be able to just sit at the table for a long time. To make all guests feel comfortable, you need a large room without unnecessary furniture and fragile items. If you decide to organize competitions, dances or a round dance for children near the Christmas tree, take care of the musical accompaniment - prepare a track list made up of soundtracks from your favorite cartoons and themed Christmas and New Year songs.

Take care of a cozy festive atmosphere indoors

Turn on music only for competitions, since not all children tolerate prolonged noise well. Don’t forget about decorations, because children pay special attention to them and love to look at them. Choose a place for the New Year tree: if the room is large, you can install it closer to the central part to conduct round dances. If the space is not so large, then it is better to move the forest beauty to a corner.

In addition to traditional balls and toys, you can hang gingerbread, tangerines and sweets on the Christmas tree, and at the end of the evening you can distribute goodies to little guests. Sweet gifts for Christmas are generally relevant, so stock up on a couple or three. In addition, decorate the room with Christmas paraphernalia - angels and wreaths. Hang colorful LED garlands on the windows and decorate the glass.

Christmas table for children

The Christmas treat for a children's party should be thought out especially carefully, after talking with the parents of the little guests about possible allergies to a particular product. Remember: babies should not be given fatty or fried foods. Do not prepare several changes of dishes, because not every child will be able to evaluate and try everything. It’s better to stick to proven versions of everyone’s favorite treats.

You can choose baked meatloaf, turkey meatballs or oven-roasted chicken. For snacks, offer children sliced ​​cheese or bell pepper boats. The side dish can be limited to vegetable salad, mashed potatoes or French fries (this dish can only be served to older children). For dessert, serve fruit salads with yogurt dressing, marshmallows, gummies, cakes or pastries. As for drinks, it is better to opt for compote, uzvar, juices and fruit drinks.

When thinking over the menu, be sure to consult with the children’s parents

When setting the table, take into account the fact that in food for children it is important appearance, so you need to approach the design with imagination. For example, cottage cheese can be served in the form of mini snowmen with noses made from pieces of carrots, and fly agaric snacks can be made from eggs and tomatoes. If the process of organizing a full menu seems too complicated for you, simply set the table with fruits, cookies, gingerbread, waffles, compotes and juices.

The main thing is to choose beautiful Christmas-themed dishes and colorful napkins, as well as place themed figures on the table. In the style of a winter holiday, you can even decorate glasses for guests: an inverted glass must first be dipped in syrup and then dipped in sugar so that “snow” appears on the edge.

How to entertain children at Christmas?

When thinking through the holiday scenario, consider the age of your guests. The baby’s attention will not be able to concentrate on one activity for a long time, so the fun should be simple, understandable and not too long. It would be better to discuss the games with the mothers of the young guests so that the baby has time to master them at home, in a familiar environment.

Be prepared immediately for the fact that the holiday may not go according to the pre-planned plan, because children's behavior is difficult to predict. Just try to react quickly and make changes to the script as you go. Alternate between quiet activities and active games so that children have time to have fun and relax. If a child does not want to play the proposed fun, then do not force him - let him watch how other children are having fun, stop being scared and decide to join the rest of the guests.

Plan to alternate outdoor games with creative activities

Games and entertainment for kids

You can have fun with your kids at a children's party in the following ways:

  • dance around the tree, simply moving in a circle or imitating the gait of various animals;
  • sing a few New Year and Christmas songs. Tell your parents in advance which songs will be used at the holiday, and offer to practice them a little at home;
  • perform a Christmas-themed puppet show. Choose a simple Christian scene and show it to the children, introducing them to the history of the holiday and Orthodox traditions in game form;
  • play active games like “Freeze! Get lost!”;
  • do it with moms. For example, you can make blanks for Christmas wreaths, prepare bows, gilded pine cones, tinsel, and invite children to create their own holiday wreath by gluing decorations onto the blank.

Games and entertainment for older children

For babies school age you can plan more complex entertainment. Offer them:

  • take part in making a Christmas ball with your own hands. To do this, buy light-colored plastic balls, prepare rhinestones, stickers, markers and glue. Children will be happy to make their own version Christmas decorations. You can also offer to make your own Christmas wreath or decorate an angel figurine. All kinds of activities related to creativity are primarily aimed at girls;
  • take part in the “Magic Bag” competition - the bag is filled with small objects, and the child must randomly pull out the object and, without looking, guess what it is. The person who guesses correctly can take the item for themselves, so buy a lot of small gifts of different shapes in advance;
  • play "Who's Last?" The presenter asks each of the children to name a word related to Christmas. You can think for no more than 10 seconds. If there is no option, the participant is eliminated;
  • organize a children's Christmas theater. Prepare the props, prepare a script for the Christmas scene and invite the children to participate in the production. It is best to assign roles to the actors in advance and rehearse the production at least a couple of times. You can show the skit to the assembled parents.

Introduce children to Christian customs in a playful way

Christian scenes for Christmas

With children you can put the following simple Christian scenes(scripts can be written independently or found on the Internet) that will tell them about the acts of Jesus and biblical events.

  • A scene about robbers. The story begins with the murderers holed up in a dark forest and waiting for the next traveler. The scene takes place before Christmas. When a lone passerby appears, the bandits attack him, but only find a piece of paper with a Christmas carol praising Christ. The traveler and the thieves sing a song, the criminals repent of their actions, rethink their lives and go to greet Jesus along with the traveler;
  • Sketch about an unbeliever. It tells about a man who did not believe in God. One Christmas Eve he had an accident and, while unconscious in the hospital, he heard voices arguing whether he should die or not (this is an angel and a devil). The voice that said it was time to die makes concessions, but with one condition: if there is someone who is ready to die for an unbeliever, then the person will receive another chance at life. Then the man woke up and told this vision to his mother, who was a believer, thinking that he had dreamed everything. Mom explains that he survived because someone was found who died in his place (Jesus);
  • Scene about the birth of Christ. Through the production, children are told about Christmas events, shown the arrival of the Magi, the spread of the good news about the birth of the Savior, the role of Jesus in the salvation of people;
  • A sketch about Bethlehem. The youngest children can take part in it. The presenter, dressed as an angel, will tell them about how he brought the joyful news of the birth of Jesus to the shepherds. Children dance in circles and sing a Christmas song;
  • Fairy tale production “The Star of Bethlehem”. It takes place in the form of an interactive matinee. This is a whole performance in poetic form, which tells about the wise men, shepherds, and the deeds of King Herod. Throughout the performance, children are asked biblical riddles, and at the end everyone sings songs;

Christmas performances will tell children about biblical events
  • A skit about an unbelieving girl. Several friends go to a festive church service on the eve of Christmas. They meet an unbelieving girl who asks where they are going and why. The girls take turns telling her about the birth of Jesus, his deeds and how he went to die for us;
  • A skit about animals talking around a fire. Christmas is coming and various animals gather around the bright fire of the fire. They tell gospel parables, for example, about David taking his sheep from the lion, or about the rooster that crowed before Peter denied. The smallest sheep recites poems about the birth of Jesus;
  • Scene “Christmas greetings”. The mini-performance is designed for the youngest children. The children's costumes are made in the form of postcards, each of them taking turns coming out and reciting;
  • Scene “Three Christmas Angels” is about a stingy man who hates Christmas. On the night of the holiday, three angels come to him and talk about his bad deeds, show him pictures from past life and talk about his possible future. A person repents and begins to do good;
  • Song performance “What is Christmas?”. It tells the story of a boy who asked his family what the Christmas holiday was, but no one could answer him. The boy gets upset and goes outside. There he meets other children who sing him songs about Christmas.

On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ the main task parents - to turn the holiday season into a real fairy tale for children, instilling in them love and gratitude for Christ, who was born to save all people. Try to make this day not only enjoyable for the kids because of gifts, but also educational.

The bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ is revered by Orthodox Christians. Adults love it for its grandeur and the end of the Nativity fast, and children look forward to it no less reverently than the New Year, because Christmas for them is a continuation of New Year's celebrations and festivities with interesting games and sweet gifts. And if you spend this holiday not just at the table with kutya and other delicacies, but play out a whole Christmas scenario, then the Savior’s birthday will be remembered for a long time.

Christmas scenario: celebrating on the street

On a frosty and quiet evening, you should not sit exclusively at the table. You can go outside and play interesting scenario there. Many people can take part in such mass celebrations: neighbors, residents of the neighborhood, etc., especially since it is never too late to revive the tradition of going from house to house with carols and nativity scenes. If the celebration is really massive, then it is better that it be a large area with a Christmas tree installed and a platform that will serve as a stage for acting out the skit.
It is better to start the performance with the ringing of church bells and a Christmas carol. It can be performed by both children and adults. For outdoor scenes, outfits using bright scarves for women and girls, hats and sheepskin coats for men and boys are suitable. The song sounds like “Joy has come to everyone.” Next come the words of the presenters with congratulations on the holiday, poems about Christmas.

Carols are an obligatory element of mass celebrations on the street. A group of adults and children in colorful costumes, which can be scarves, gypsy skirts, satin belts for men, begin to sing carols. An important attribute of this process is the Christmas star. You can make it out of paper and place it on a long stick. Such a star is decorated with an icon and multi-colored ribbons. With carols, you can go from the place of celebration to neighboring houses, attracting more and more people to your fun.

Christmas scenario: indoor celebration

If the weather doesn't allow you to go outside, you can create an interesting Christmas scenario for indoors. The most important thing is to choose a place with plenty of space. It would be better if it was some kind of hall with a stage. Sometimes scenes are staged indoors on purpose, but not because there is no opportunity to go outside. Such scenarios are more serious and the main objective- convey the whole essence and depth of the Christian holiday.

To achieve this, it is better to create a script based on a scene depicting the biblical story of the birth of Christ. To do this, you need to make a barn as a decoration, in which the savior was born, cover the floor with straw, and also put up models of animals - sheep, lamb. It is imperative to light the Christmas star above the stable, which notified the world of the birth of the Savior. To perform the scene, the following characters are required in appropriate attire:

  • Mary and Joseph are the parents of the baby;
  • angels;
  • shepherds;
  • Magi.

Next, the skit is played out according to the biblical scenario. First, Mary and Joseph find a stable, then Christ is born, and the Christmas star lights up. Angels announce this in poems or songs. Then shepherds and wise men come to look at the baby and give him gifts. The performance ends with a Christmas song.

Christmas script for children

From childhood, any child should know what the holiday of Christmas symbolizes. But this needs to be presented in a playful way. Most people expect something fun from Christmas, and not scenes with a nativity scene, so for the little ones you can organize a holiday that will include outdoor games with Christmas or New Year's attributes. Of course, you shouldn’t completely exclude Christmas motifs. You can take angels as hosts, decorate the venue with a Christmas star, set up a nativity scene, and in between games read poems and sing songs about Christmas.

But the main emphasis in this scenario is not on skits, but on games. Here are some options for outdoor fun that older children will enjoy: preschool age and primary school students:

  • Game of freezing. When the music sounds, you need to move according to the direction of the leader. The presenter will periodically name a part of the body that should freeze and not dance. You need to continue moving only with those parts of the body that have not yet frozen.
  • Quiz. You can have a quiz. Choose questions for her related to Christmas. For more excitement, it is better to divide the children into teams.
  • Decorate the Christmas tree. Dividing the children into two teams, each needs to be given unbreakable Christmas tree decorations made of rain or plastic. Everyone must run up to the Christmas tree and hang a toy on it. The team whose Christmas tree is decorated first wins.
  • If the event is held outdoors, you can arrange snow darts by throwing snowballs at targets.

There can be a lot of options for having a fun and active Christmas celebration. Everyone can show their imagination and create their own unusual scenario Christmas.
