Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Scenario of the last call on the topic of a sea voyage. Scenario for the last bell The stage is equipped like a sea ship. N. Koroleva - "Little Country"

Last call

2011 - 2012 academic year.

"The ship of childhood - sails away into childhood."

Physics teacher

MBOU gymnasium "Eureka"

Atamanova Galina Anatolyevna


Korotkikh Elena Anatolyevna.

Construction on the site 1-10 classes.

School melodies are playing.

Gymnasium! Get ready for the solemn line dedicated to the Last Bell holiday.


Friends, do you hear how the sea roars, seagulls cry, anchors ring?


A brass band is playing on the shore, the mourners are wiping away tears ...


And at the pier, a ship is waiting to sail.


But a ship cannot sail without a crew.


Yes sir! The crew of graduates in the 11 "A" and 11 "B" classes to arrive ...

Graduates come out.


Here they are fighting and brave pass before us. In the crew:

Alumni report.

Graduates go to their places.

Deputy Director for GPR:

Gymnasium! Attention! Alignment with flags! Enter flags.

The march of the buglers is being performed.

Deputy Director for GPR:

The anthem sounds Russian Federation.

Sounds like Anthem of the Russian Federation, music by A. Aleksandrov, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov.


We ask you to come up to the captain's bridge of our helmsman, who, despite all the storms and storms, boldly leads the ship called Eureka forward.


The floor is given to the director of the gymnasium, Honored Teacher of Russia Galina Grigoryevna Filippova.

An order for admission to exams and a welcoming speech to graduates are read out.

Vocal and choreographic composition "Captain".


There are guests at our party.

(introducing guests)


I see a slight wave on the sea.


This is the concern of parents seeing their children off for a swim.


Without the parting words of the parents, the crew cannot go to the open sea. The word is given...

Presentation by parents.


I see a boat with cabin boys. Oh!

Something with my binoculars. They are so small.


Yes, everything is in order with your binoculars. The boys just need to grow up. After all, they are only freshmen.

First grader 1:

Since they gave us a microphone,

Let him not shut up!

We will miss you

But our hour will come!

First grader 2:

Let me be unsightly now

freckled student,

I will grow up and become

Be called a graduate!

First grader 3:

The last school call

We came to you today

Good luck to you

brought as a gift!

First grader 4:

We won't be for very long

Praises for you to sing!

Just what is that word?

I need to look somewhere...

First grader 5:

We also know about the buffet

In vain is it at school for a whole year

Half a lesson "freezes"

There are gymnasium people in it!

First grader 6:

You scientists, of course!

From such a cool study

You can break your head!

First grader 7:

Nothing, don't worry!

Knowledge is power, not a burden!

A month or two get together

And go straight to the university!

First grader 8:

We promise you today

Follow the high school!

Increase her glory

All that is asked is to learn!

First grader 9:

Sing beautifully and without falsehood!

Let's respect adults

And take the exam for five.

First grader 10:

Final exam coming soon

The time is coming

We sincerely wish

You don't have a feather!

First grader 11:

So that you don't forget

Your school days

From the bottom of our hearts we give you

Gift bells!

First graders give bells to eleventh graders.


What a holiday without a wonderful sailor dance!


You're right! Dancers on deck!

Vocal and choreographic composition "Sailors".


Let the years rush desperately and boldly,

Like the waters of fast rivers


But the harbor of childhood

But the haven of childhood

The school will remain forever!


Yes ... the excitement at sea is getting stronger.


It is the perpetrators of today's celebration who are worried.


On the occasion of the holiday, the crew of the 2012 edition sends congratulatory radiograms to their mentors.

Graduates read out the radiogram and give teachers marine souvenirs.

Teachers, along with graduates, are built on the steps.


Filippova Galina Grigorievna - director of the gymnasium, captain of the ship "Eureka".


Ready to go free swimming. We keep our nose to the wind. We take with us all the baggage of knowledge.


Bass Anatoly Nikolaevich - Deputy Director for the GPR, "sea wolf" and experienced sailor.


The safety and vitality of the ship is ensured. Thanks for the science.


Tikhankova Nadezhda Alexandrovna - Deputy Director for Water Management, responsible for the logbook.


The intelligence of the team is high, ready for scientific activities. There are ideas, although there is still a lot of water in them. We will go around the underwater reefs of the Unified State Examination exactly along the given fairway.


Belavkina Natalya Ivanovna - Deputy Director for AChR, responsible for shipbuilding.


The property is in perfect order. Locks and latches in place technical means in good order.


Kaverzina Elena Konstantinovna and Merkina Lyudmila Yuryevna - the first mentors of the crew of class 11 "A" and 11 "B".


Alphabet ... Morse studied to perfection. Thank you for the science that helped us move from the category of greenhorns to the category of experienced sailors.


Dybova Olga Vladimirovna - the steering crew of class 11 "A".


The team is bursting with creativity, leisure is provided, we celebrate the holiday in good mood and in a warm saloon.


Atamanova Galina Anatolyevna - port dispatcher and class 11 "B" steering crew.


We stay afloat according to the laws of physics. Crew efficiency is high. Discipline is normal, randomness is minimal. We are going exactly on schedule, there are not enough cabins, as always, the cockpits are filled to capacity.


Buzlukova Natalya Karpovna - teacher of mathematics.


According to our calculations and according to the theory of probability, our ship will have a long voyage. Our gratitude goes to infinity.


Brykova Nina Yurievna and Starodubova Elvira Zinlevelov - teachers of the Russian language and literature.


Without your dots and dashes, we would not have composed a single radiogram. Thanks ZPT, thanks TC. Thanks dot.


Baderina Karina Evgenievna - history teacher. We set sail with a huge historical baggage.


The first treasure that we will find, according to your stories, will be sent to you, as a last resort, from a Greek galley.


Sus Irina Nikolaevna - teacher of geography and chemistry.


We go on a given course exactly according to the contour map. Acid-base balance is normal. The reaction of the crew to everything that happens is positive. After tasting sea water, we finally understood what salt is.


Zheltikova Elena Gennadievna and Viktorova Zhanna Slavikovna - foreign language teachers


Thanks to you, we have found complete understanding with the natives of England, America and even Australia, but there is no limit to perfection Thank you very much!


Bukhartsev Andrey Mikhailovich and Maskalev Yury Alekseevich.


The crew is in excellent physical and athletic shape, and if necessary, we will pull ourselves up. Physical training!


Malyavko Olga Vyacheslavovna - teacher of economics.


Familiarize yourself with currencies different countries established a trade exchange. We are not afraid of business sharks.


Goryaeva Tatyana Vladimirovna - teacher of fine arts.


Water - we draw a line skillfully and boldly. The unusual design of the ship pleases the soul and the eye. The shape is streamlined and inimitable.


Kuzmina Anna Khalilovna - a part-time teacher of home economics and ethics.


The hatches are battened down, the decks are battened down. Labor and order are provided. We are waiting for further instructions. The crew of the ship is moderately well-fed and well-mannered.


Ulanov Vyacheslav Viktorovich - system administrator, flight mechanic.


We demand complete computerization of the ship and early access to the Internet. Ready for further cooperation. We famously cope with any obstacles in the sea of ​​computer science.


Kurus Nadezhda Sergeevna - ship's doctor.


All are healthy, do not cough. Height and weight are normal. We don't care about seasickness.


Kaladzhi Tatiana Aleksandrovna - galley duty officer.


Wolf appetite. We want shark fin roast or at least navy pasta. We wish you success.


Yantsen Olga Vitalievna - head of the library.


We leaf through and read magazines with interest. Especially ships and watchmen. The book "Sea Tales" was read to holes. We are waiting for new arrivals.




Ballast and balance in openwork. We have no debts. Customs gives permission to sail.


A few who have been to the sea

After all, the sea loves the strong and brave.

And the sailors who experienced the ninth wave.

On land, nothing is scary anymore.


And you, friends, today will

Overcome great challenges.

Of course, the strongest will win.

The strongest in dexterity, ingenuity, knowledge!


Order from experienced sailors:

Teachers are reading.

Teacher 1:

Today we solemnly honor you, our dear students. We know that today your hearts are filled with excitement for the future, for a new life.

Teacher 2:

It was on such days that young Pushkin, a graduate of the Lyceum, wrote to his comrades:

"Parting is waiting for us at the threshold,

We are waiting for a cheerful light noise.

And everyone looks down the road

With the excitement of proud, young thoughts ... "

Teacher 3:

How many years have passed since then, but the mood, sensations, excitement are still the same. Those that are inherent in youth. In anticipation of parting with school, remember:

Teacher 4:

The most good field is the service of goodness and truth;

Teacher 5:

The most sacred concepts are mother, father's house, Motherland;

Teacher 6:

The surest road is the road of honest labor;

Teacher 7:

The most significant thing is that which you yourself have chosen and to which you are devoted;

Teacher 8:

The most courageous act is to admit one's own mistakes;

Teacher 9:

The strongest foundation of life is knowledge.

Here behind the years of your study ....

And the first rise, and the first fall ...

And I really wanted to

Do you remember every moment...

While you are together, in class, still nearby ...

And ahead is a long, difficult path.

But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look

Ask for forgiveness for anything!

Class teacher 11 "A" class

I wish you strength, inspiration,

Fewer failures and tears.

And in our difficult age - more patience!

And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams and dreams!

Class teacher 11 "B" class

So that you find a job to your liking!

To meet true love!

Forward, graduates, step boldly,

We wish you happiness and success again!

Graduates perform the song "Give me a hand" music words

The rest of the graduates sing a song and take the teachers to the opposite side of the site.


Departs childhood to distant countries,

Forever leaving your pier.

We do not say goodbye to childhood,

And we whisper after a short "Farewell."

The song "Ship of Childhood" is performed by a vocal group of graduates.


Friends, let's check the clock. There is not much time left before the departure of the crew.


Just enough time to dance the farewell waltz to the graduates.

Sounds "School Waltz" music by A. Flyarkovsky, lyrics by A. Didurov

The graduates dance the waltz, on the third verse the teachers join them.

After the waltz, all graduates get on the ship (on the steps), and teachers take places with their parents.


So it happened on land and at sea - before a long journey to be silent, to remember whether they took everything with them. Who are we? Where? Where and why are we sailing?


And now the moment has come for which we have gathered on this shore.


The right to give "Last Call" is granted

students of 1 "A" and 1 "B" classes.

While the first-graders are preparing, poetry is read.

Graduate 1:

Year after year, for decades

Any village, town

Cheerful and a little sad laughter

Gives school years a call.

Graduate 2:

In a piercing but gentle chime

I hear childhood... Where are you, wait?..

It's leaving... No, it's here at the school...

In our beloved "Eureka" native.

Graduate 3:

Never be a schoolgirl again

Do not rush to skip to the lesson,

Mischievous and sad bell

Our last bell will ring.

Graduate 4:

Will ring! But my heart is in turmoil

The girls are in tears. Why?

So we've been waiting for this moment

How many years have you been preparing for it?

Graduate 5:

Close and a little far

School - our second home -

Like a bright and strict memory,

We will take it with us to our hearts.

Graduate 6:

It's time to say goodbye to the school desk,

Blackboard, textbook and expensive class.

We confess to you that we are a little hurt

Leave the house that has become dear to us.

Graduate 7:

We look anxious and joyful eyes

In anticipation of new ways and roads.

Now it will be distributed through all the corridors,

sad, farewell, last call.

Graduate 8:

We can't get away from these minutes

And each of us is familiar with this feeling.

And that means not only school childhood

Leaving us with that school bell.

Graduate 9:

Here are the last pages

We closed our diaries.

And now I'm a graduate

My friends are graduates.

Graduate 10:

All hopes and expectations

Look, life, do not deceive!

And at this hour in a quiet building

Ring the bell, ring, ring!

The school bell sounds.

Deputy Director for GPR:

Gymnasium! Attention! Alignment with the flags of the Russian Federation, Kuban and Anapa! Take out the flags!

The march of the buglers is being performed.


Graduates are the first to leave the line. They invite you, dear teachers, parents, guests to the traditional fairy tale, which will take place at 11.00 in the assembly hall

The melody "School Years" sounds music O. Ukhnalev.


After the graduates, students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. leave the line. classes.

School songs are sung.

In this scenario, materials published on the sites are used:

  9. www.festival.1september


Last call

"Flying ship"

Safronova Elena Gennadievna

Place of work, position MOU "School No. 156", Kazan, teacher of Russian language and literature and teacher of physics.

Musical arrangement:

The song "My school bell", music. V. Rutashevsky

Words by E. Gorbanskaya

Song "City of childhood" Music. Gilkuson. T

Words by R. Rozhdestvensky

Song "On the French side" music. D. Tukhmanova

Words by L. Ginzburg

The song “How unhappy we are princesses” and “I am a water one”

Words by Y. Entin, music by M. Dunaevsky

The script uses music from the film "The Flying Ship" by M. Dunayevsky and music by Igor Kornelyuk "The City That Doesn't Exist"

Poems from the collections are used:

Kumitskaya "Scenarios of the last calls"

V. A. Lobacheva "Classic and non-traditional graduation parties"

"The World of Last Calls and Proms"

The event is dedicated to alumni of the school.

Venue: school auditorium

Decoration: The stage is decorated with balloons, posters, a flying ship and the inscription "Last call" on the back stage curtain.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, screen.

Event progress

Target: show Creative skills students to leave a positive impression of the school.

1 slide

2 slide

1 leader. Again spring in the world 3 slide

On the school joyful planet.

2 leader. Nature comes alive again

Ringing, blooming, fragrant.

1 leader. And this is a miracle in our hall:

What kind of people we have gathered here!

2 leader. Here is a sea of ​​​​smart, clean eyes,

1 leader. Here youth enchants us.

2 leader. Here the souls are full of expectation,

1 leader. Love by an unexpected confession.

2 leader. Soars solemnly with excitement,

1 leader. And finally, the intro sounds

2 leader. They have been waiting for this motive for a long time

1 leader. These are graduates! They…

Together. Before you!!! 4 slide

Music sounds. Graduates enter

2 leader. 5 slide

Hello dear boys and girls! Yes Yes! This is how our teachers have addressed us every morning, in spring, winter and autumn, in recent years. Every day six times we got up from our desks, greeting them… We asked a thousand questions and received a thousand answers. We solved problems and wrote cheat sheets...

1 leader. And now this is all coming to an end. You can breathe a sigh of relief - now no one will call you to the blackboard at the most inopportune moment, no one will make a remark for the lack of changeable shoes ... In a few minutes, the last bell in our school life will ring for us. The floor is given to the director of the school ...

2 leader. 6 slideTime goes on inexorably... It seems that it was a very long time ago, when we timidly and uncertainly entered the first class.

1 leader. Years passed, we grew up, and now - the end of school ...

2 leader. 7 slide

How many winters, how many years have passed since then,

But we are back in the familiar school yard,

A poplar leaf falls to the ground timidly,

And I feel like I'm walking into a fairy tale.

1 leader. Here one parent is eager to speak, let's give him the floor.

The king enters. 8 slide

Tsar. I am the king of the Far Far Away kingdom, the Far Far Away state. 11 years ago, I sent my daughter Zabava here to study, and today I want to congratulate her on her successful completion of her studies. Fun!

Fun runs.

Fun. Here I am, you are my father!

Tsar. 9 slide Enough, daughter, to be weird,

It's time to get married.

Groom in store for you -

Top class and top class!

Hey, Polkash, come out

Look at the princess.

Polkan comes out.

He is both famous and rich.

Not a groom, but just a treasure!

He faithfully serves me, the king,

And his salary is great.

Fun. 10 slide I don't want to get married, dad

And not the main thing is the salary.

All my friends are here

They enter the institute.

I've been dreaming since childhood

The local university!

Tsar. Yes, you are obviously joking, daughter!

You will marry, period!

I'm old, the hour is uneven,

I will leave you with God.

And your husband will be king,

Autocrat, sovereign!

Fun. I won't marry him!

Tsar. Then you won't get out of here!

Staged the song “How unfortunate princesses we are” 11 slide

During the chorus, he throws things around.

Tsar. I took out all the dowry.

The princess sings the song "Ticket to Childhood" 12 slide

Fun. I remember my school years.

I want to stay there forever

To run to the lesson, having heard the ringing of the bell.

And chat with your girlfriends, of course,

I want to return to the light class,

Sit down at a desk and have a little chat.

And remember how the very first time

The school road opened in front of me.

Camping, parties and pranks -

All this school, fun time.

And for the last time we realized right away,

We are leaving school forever.

Ivan appears.

Staged the song "On the French side" in the form of a dance.(He sits at the table, bored. The girls take turns bringing him books, forcing him to read. He pushes the books aside and is bored further. At the end, he throws the books off the table) 13 slide

Vania. 14 slide I'll get you out of here, and we'll go to university together.

Fun. How will you get me out, Vanya?

Vania. 15 slide Let me build a flying ship.

Fun (shouting). I will only marry someone who builds a flying ship!

Tsar (Polkan). Will you build?

Polkan. I will buy!

Song "Dream"

I wish for blue skies 16 slide

Bright sun, warm bread.

So that everyone enters any university,

And the way to our school, so you don't forget.


Ah, if my dream came true

What life would then be!

Ah, if the dream came true

What life would then begin!

And here I wish, standing here with you,

So that people in the world live a dream.

And people believed in a good deed,

And the heart so that everyone sings with joy.


We wish everyone good luck, luck,

And all the teachers have a lot of patience. 17 slide

Rather, on the road - the whole world is in front of us, 18 slide

AND blue bird we will catch ourselves.


Vania. Well, I'll go find out how I can build a flying ship.

Idea, sees a group of guys.

And I'll ask them now. 19 slide

2 leader. These are ordinary students

But fabulous school.

similar to you

But not like that.

Similar in age

But others.

They didn't like to study very much.

But they wanted to achieve a lot in life.

1 leader. The children did not yet know

What brings joy only in the world,

What is hard-earned

And it's headed for good.

And our fairy tale begins with

How children dream in the spring at school.

1st Why are you so gloomy?

What lesson do you have?

2nd I was at the disco yesterday

And now I'm nothing.

3rd And now we have a window

I don't care at all...

If there were no protection,

I would have gone to the movies!

4th Here's something to dream about!

You have to think about who to become.

5th What is there to think - a deputy!

Anyone can be this...

Just go to the podium

And it's hard for people to lie.

1st So what?

2nd Well, what about power?

And you can eat well.

3rd And I will become a firm.

I don't care about MP.

I will drive in a Mercedes

And don't think about anything.

I'll take care of myself,

Girls - a whole round dance,

I will go to the Canaries

Vacation there all year round!

4th Beauty is power

She will understand everyone.

I organize a salon

Cosmetic services.

1st Money, power and beauty -

And almost effortlessly...

Well, while I'm in flight,

I'm thinking while...

5th You don't have to suffer, do you?

You can become an artist.

You don't leave the stage

That's why you shouldn't get down.

3rd Become a pop star

Maybe even mute.

Open your mouth wide

The phonogram will sing everything.

2nd Ah, selfish people you are!

You would have money and honor,

Therefore, in our Russia

Grooms ahead.

Here to find a spouse

I don't get a damn thing.

foreign man

A girl's soul yearns.

They leave.

Vania. Yes...these are unlikely to help. Nothing to do but move on.

He walks and stumbles. 20 slide

Ah ah ah!

Water. What are you making noise?

Vania. Who are you?

Water. I am water.

Dramatization of the song "I am a water" 21 slide

Vania. And how I want to fly! Merman, don't you know how to build a flying ship?

Water. Okay, I'll help you, Vanya. You need to contact your teachers, they will help.

Graduates. 22 slide

If there were no teacher

That would not have been, probably

Neither a poet nor a thinker,

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

And we would not be Icarus,

We would never soar into the sky,

If in us his efforts

Wings were not grown.

Without him, a good heart

The world was not so amazing.

That's why we're so precious

The name of our teacher.

We are in the classroom, maybe not often

You were greeted with a show of hands,

But on this day there are many beautiful words

The students want to tell you.

Let the years pass by

With teachers, life is always new,

And serve as a guiding star

We have wise words in our life.

Your experience, knowledge, generosity and participation

Leave a generous trace in our souls.

Teacher's happiness builds up

From our student victories.

The song "School time" sounds 23 slide

Here comes this morning

The last bell is ringing for us.

Tears will be hard to hold back

But life is arranged wisely

The last lesson of life does not end.


School time

And in all weather

A cheerful bell greeted us at the door.

We will never forget about school

Let's not forget classes and teachers.

Our notebooks and books 24 slide

We don't have long to read.

Let the boy wait for us

We're too busy

He didn't have long to wait.


School time

And in all weather

We have to take exams in the morning.

And suddenly it hurt so much

Leave the alleys of the native courtyard.

Vania. Why am I so worried, because I was taught a lot at school. So I will build a flying ship myself. 25 slide

Fragment from m / f "Flying Ship". Ship building. 26 slide

Vania. 27 slide I built a flying ship. Now we need to learn the cherished words so that the ship will fly. Maybe these funny girls know.

Chastushki Babok-hedgehogs. 28 slide

Let's sing ditties now

Ah, about the school years.

10 years is not a toy for you

Childhood you are free.

So we came to the 1st grade,

The teacher met us here.

They ran, they ran,

All on "5" studied.

Three years have passed

Here comes the 5th grade, hooray!

We are still cute

Tumbler dolls.

Suddenly the millennium has arrived

He called us to the new age.

We still dreamed

What awaits us, we do not know.

10th grade has arrived.

Here love twisted us.

Should be learning

But we want to get married.

We slept all year together.

Eh, you are school childhood.

We don't want to study.

Here we stand happy.

They run away.

Vania. Wow, I listened, and did not have time to ask! What are the babies? And they're probably first graders. They are so smart now, they know everything. 29 slide

First graders.

In life 11th grade

We are escorting now

And we give you goodbye

Our first order.

May you be good fellows from the picture,

Let the hairstyles be too fashionable

And the forty-fifth is on your shoes,

But you still have to listen to us!

You worked with a computer

I solved the equations

But once "two plus eight"

You counted on your fingers!

Remember how you wrote hooks,

He drew a large oval,

Tongue movement of the pen

Slowly repeated.

You and I have completed our studies.

We go for a walk, and it's time for you to take exams ...

Wish us good fun.

We wish you:

Together. Break a leg!

We want you not to forget

Our school and your last lesson,

On which in this school hall

Your last call will ring.

We wish you to walk through life boldly,

We wish everyone to find happiness.

Let it come true. What everyone wanted

Together. On the road, friend! Bon Voyage!

Graduate. Dear our 1st class,

We thank you for everything.

We give goodbye books

And we give this order:

To get up on time

Ran to school on time

So that you don't go astray

And they didn't get lost anywhere.

And one more tip:

Take care of our school

And love your teachers!

Vania. And what about sacred words? Maybe our parents can help me? 30 slide


1. We still have to say at this hour

About those who gave us life,

2. About the closest people in the world,

About those who helped grow

And it will help a lot.

3. Parents follow us invisibly

And in joy, and at the hour when trouble came,

4. They seek to protect us from sorrows,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

5. Forgive us, dear relatives,

After all, there are no people more valuable than you.

6. As they say, children are the joy in life,

And you for us...

All. Support in it!

2 leader. The floor is given to the parents.

The song "Oh, mother, mother"

First class with flowers

Mom and I went to school

We were so worried, everything was new to us:

First grades, copybook and meetings

So they recruited

Little by little knowledge

So they recruited

Little by little knowledge


Oh, mother, mother, I am already seven years old. (I am many years old)

Years have passed, youth has come.

Here he graduated from school, life scored with a key.

The days will fly, the wedding and diapers,

Nowhere without mom, dear girls.


And mother, mother, will give me advice,

"Where are you, little one? The world is full of troubles.

“Ah, mother, mother, I am no longer small

Oh, mother, mother, I am many years old.

Vania. Well, as always, you have to go to the class teachers. 31 slide


Our school teachers!

We treat you like parents!

But especially dear to us

Our awesome leaders!

You have always been with us.

We brought you sorrows and joys.

And sometimes we upset you

And did not see your fatigue.

We grew up before your eyes

Grow up and get a little wiser!

But over the years you have become for us

Only closer, clearer, dearer.

Today we say goodbye to you

Whether our path is near or far,

We want you to remember

This is the last call!

Vania. 32 slide Natalya Anatolyevna, Elena Gennadievna, tell me the cherished words!

Class leaders.

Vania. Thank you for your help!

Tsar. Polkan, you see, Ivan got ahead of you, he built a flying ship. And your money didn't help you either. Don't be king!

Polkan. What am I, what am I...

Tsar That's what I thought, maybe Zabava is right. Maybe she really should achieve everything herself, not relying on her father. Let him go to study.


Have you been taught to be birds?

Birds soaring over the sea

Birds with magical faces

Pure, tall and proud.

Vanya and Fun: School, goodbye! Good luck!

Class leaders. 34 slide

A flying ship flies across the blue sky:

If you want - higher, if you want - faster -

Command, don't be afraid

Fly and look!

And how many more are ahead of you!

What are you afraid of on the free path?

35 slide Think it's rain

36 slide - Think snow!

37 slide - Thunderstorm for a minute,

38 slide - And the sun forever!

39 slide - Let it be a warm ray

And a clear spark in silence

May you remember for a long time

These school days.

1 leader. 40 slide Today is a fine and gentle day,

Today is not an easy day.

Summer smells of flowers and fairy tales.

The sun is in the sky like a golden ball.

2 leader. This day is full of mysteries for us,

And looking forward to it

To those who hear stealthily

Childhood farewell call. 41 slide

2 leader. Today the guys will make their own

From childhood to youth step.

For you, our graduates

The last call sounds.

The bell rings. 42 slide


43 slide - We say, a little worried:

“Childhood has flown by, hello Life!”

44 slide - Now we will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where sunrises meet with rays of eyes.

45 slide - Where are the sunny dreams;

46 slide - Where are the star paths;

Where chuckles and sadness are heard in the songs;

47 slide - Where they believe in magic and are friends with miracles;

Where fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

48 slide - Where the clouds are not visible;

Where from smiles closely.

49 slide - Sailing dreams

All. Our childhood is over!

Final song to the melody of I. Kornelyuk "The city that does not exist" 50 slide

Ten years ago we came here

Mom and dad took us to school.

And there were a lot of problems around us.

Here, in one moment, childhood flashed by,

We didn't succeed all at once.

Day after day, step by step,

And not knowing what awaits us in the future life.


Here the bell rang for us.

He helped us to know the truth.

We now have many roads

And all this is the school of life.

We have all been waiting for this day and hour,

And now we sing only for you.

We want to tell you today about

That for us was always our second school house.

1. Good afternoon, dear passengers! We are glad to welcome you on the deck of our comfortable liner Education Center!
2. Every year on this bright May spring day, we gather with you to send graduates of the basic school to the sea of ​​life.
3. Noise, worrying, graduation classes,
Ringing farewell echo voices,
The school ship set sail.
And now other paths are waiting for him.
Let's salute the brave
Past storms of stormy school years.
Going into life on the road of victories -
Graduates solemn and important!
1.: We are going on a cruise and waiting for the main participants of our voyage and the most important members of the team - midshipmen - our graduates of 2017 and their class teacher …………………………..
Music (For those who are in the sea ...)
2: Masts, seagulls, sailors… What is it?
1: This is the sea. This is a ship.
2: What other ship? Is Chapaevsk a port city?
1: It's not just a ship. This is the same ship!
2: The one?
1: Well, yes! A ship that does not need a real sea, a port. A ship that sails on the waves of our dreams! In general, this is the ship of childhood.
3: Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.
Here the clouds are not visible, here from smiles it is crowded,
The planet of childhood flies under the sail of dreams!
4: Are we children?
3: For now, yes. But today we say goodbye to our childhood.
So let's look back
And see what we were
When a noisy flock of cheerful guys
For the first time, they sailed on the school sea.
The song "SHIP OF CHILDHOOD" (background slide photo with kids)
4: It's clear now. Today we have a farewell cruise on the ship of childhood along the waves of our memory and dreams.
3: That's right!
4: Then we need to pick a team.
1: The team is ready. Now its composition will be announced by the captain. He will tell you who has passed all the tests and is ready to sail through storms and storms into adulthood.
2: The floor for the announcement of the order for the school on admission to the state final certification is given to the director of the GBOU secondary school "Education Center" Prikhodko Svetlana Ivanovna
Speech by the principal of the school.
The ship is sailing on the waves of knowledge, And you are at the helm. You are clearly and skillfully leading the entire crew of the ship.
Of course, sometimes it stormed, But you could convince everyone That the storm is just a whiff, That it's only two miles to the ground.
3: Thank you, Comrade Captain of the very first rank.
(students give flowers)
4: We are welcome to our lineup guests of honor. The word is given:

(flowers for guests)
1: The captain has assistants.
They are good workers.
Organize school holidays
Write a plan or report.
2: Be able to schedule,
So that algebra and drawing
According to all laws to place,
How to download children -
It's not easy, it's not easy
But Marina Nikolaevna is given!
The floor is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work Yamanova Marina Nikolaevna.
/ student gives flowers /
3: (looks through binoculars) I see, I see our first navigator in the boat!
4: What-what?
3: I see our first navigator!
4: Time flies quickly, it would seem that quite recently, with a briefcase in our hands and a bouquet of flowers, we went to grade 1, and the 1st call called us to the 1st lesson.
1: On the threshold of the school we were met by our first teacher Bazhutova Svetlana Grigoryevna
2: Brochures are Enthusiasts and Builders,
But to be honest with you,
I am the street in honor of the First Teacher
I would love to name it!
3: And let a big school stand on it,
Like a bell it rings a bell,
And so that they rush to her with a cheerful crowd
Boys and girls at the lesson.
The days of school life are the joy of surprise,
They have no price and their experience is great.
They are the source, the beginning of becoming
Your destiny is the coming graduate!
Walk forward on the path of dawn,
And know that after, sadness is not melting,
Looks with a smile and bright hope
Your first teacher.
We thank her very much
For leading us through life
For loving us with all my heart,
For giving us the first knowledge!
Yes, we will be more serious over the years,
The mind will ripen, the thought will inspire,
But these years will be like a foundation,
The one on which life is built!
4. Words of parting words to her first-graders are addressed by the First teacher. / student gives flowers /
1. Well! Does this mean that as soon as the entire team of graduates leaves, and we send our ship of childhood to sail, will there be no shift left for them at school?
2. Well, why, there are little cabin boys in our port.
1. Ask where they are from.
2. They say that from the island of Childhood. Invite?
Who is not afraid of storms and storms, Who has only recently read the primer, Who, like you, strives to become a cabin boy, I came to congratulate you today.
Hall team:
First graders shout “Whistle everyone upstairs!”, (dressed in vests)
Cap white
A little awkward You came to school. And how many good comrades you found here. And how many songs you sang, And how many you didn’t have time, And how much knowledge you collected for the future in this period. With shining eyes, Don't remember - look at us now. Sometimes you cried, Sat aground. Teachers of your cheat sheets, Your "swept up." , KVNs, contests, Dancing, jokes, laughter. And we congratulate you, We wish you success, So that, choosing the right path, You won’t turn off it. Everything will work out for you. We wish you good luck, patience in addition, pass the exam! Bye! No fluff! Not a pen!

All: Accept from us a ticket for a long voyage! (give a drawn ticket)
The kids are leaving.
4: Aren't you afraid to sail on such a ship? After all, a dream is a fragile creation. Is our ship ready for storms and storms?
1: Let's ask our teachers. So, pre-departure interview. Let's turn to the teacher of mathematics Filkina Elena Nikolaevna. How, in your opinion, is the ship ready for a round-the-world voyage?
Math teacher: According to my calculations, everything is in order. Statistically, accidents happen to every second ship. And our ship is the first, therefore, nothing threatens us.
2: Thank you, Elena Nikolaevna, for teaching us how to do the most complex calculations. Thanks to you, we will not drown in the ocean of numbers and overcome the reefs of the most difficult tasks!
/ student gives flowers /
3: And what does the physical education teacher Pavlova Tatyana Vadimovna think about our idea?
Physical education teacher: I think the crew is trained. Well, if someone is weak, let them catch up. Times 15! In short, there is strength - the mind would be needed. AND healthy lifestyle life!
4: Thank you, Tatyana Vadimovna, for instilling in us a love for sports, for teaching us the science of winning!
/ student gives flowers /
1: Well, the team is ready, parting words have been said, the idea has been approved - it's time to
2: Stop, stop! If we do not capture it all on film, history will not forgive us!
3: Well, history sometimes even forgave us a lot.
4:: And how much the history teacher Ilyushina Olga Gennadievna forgave us, although she pretended to be strict and impregnable ...
1: Forgive us, Olga Gennadievna, if we were not always like the great statesmen and heroes, and sometimes we could be called "historical figures" only in quotation marks. Believe me, we learned a lot from your lessons and we are grateful to you for that. / student gives flowers /

2. To learn your native language is a sacred thing, Or you will have to blush every day. There is no limit to our gratitude, After all, you were not too lazy to instruct us.
3. In Russian and world literature, we would have strayed without your wise words. Thank you for opening the foundations of all the foundations so kindly and peacefully.
4.Our gratitude to Retina Yana Vladimirovna and Kolesnikova Valentina Vladimirovna
/ student gives flowers /
1: Can anyone tell me where we are going?
2: Sailors don't swim, they walk! It was Archimedes who swam in the bath until the law was discovered.
1: What law? Nautical?
2: Read physics! There is such legislation: Archimedes has his own law, Ohm has his own, Pascal has his own. Some, however, have one for two.
1: Who has it?
2: Boyle and Mariotte, Joule and Lenz.
1: And you, I see, do you know physics well?
2: A sailor cannot do without physics! The sea of ​​ignoramuses does not tolerate! Thanks for this Zyablov Anatoly Ivanovich and Migina Elena Fedorovna
/ student gives flowers /
3: And yet, where are we going?
4: Yes, not far - around the world.
3: Wow - not far! Is there even a map?
4: Of course there is! Here it is - a map! (Shows a slide)
3: She's old!!! Where did you get it?
4: Geography teacher gave. She said: you will understand and swim yourself.
3: How, yourself?! We can't do it ourselves!
4: Do you have a "2" in geography? Me too, sailors! Look: here is the land, here is the sea, here are the islands. And these are pirates! Here, most often, ships disappear if sailors are not friendly with geography!
We are grateful for the science to the geography teacher ____ Terentyeva Oksana Petrovna ___ _ / the student hands flowers /
1: What is the chest here in the corner of the map?
2: Shhh! this I marked the place where, according to my calculations. Buried treasure!
1: Treasure!? Captain Flint's golden piastres?
2: I don't know, maybe there are piastres. But the main thing, which is much more important, is that the philosopher's stone is kept there, which turns base metals into gold!
1. Where is the Philosopher's Stone?
It's just a chemistry textbook...
2: What would that mean?
1: I guessed! It's very simple: learn chemistry, gentlemen!
2: And a wonderful teacher helped us in this _ Ulyanova Irina Maksimovna _____ / the student hands flowers /
3: Attention! Attention! In a few minutes our ship crosses the equator! According to the new maritime law, when crossing the equator, the team gives radiograms. On the occasion of the holiday - do not encrypt radiograms, call everyone by their proper names, do not save on dots and dashes.
4: To the teacher of computer science __ Movsumova Natalya Petrovna __. Your logical schemes have taught us to always answer NO, to find a different way of solution, AND EVERYTHING IS TO ACHIEVE THE GOAL.
/ student gives flowers /
1: And also to teachers foreign languages _Mokrushina Yulia Valerievna and Kuznetsova A.M.__for the fact that during any trip the language can bring us not only to Kyiv, but also to London, Wales, Washington.
/ student gives flowers /
2. Among the worlds in the twinkling of the stars
One star we repeat the name
And because we love you very much,
And because you love us!
3. We grew and matured before our eyes
We will not become five-graders again
Thanks for everything to our cool mom,
And letting go doesn't mean losing.
4: Dear sailors! Graduates are greeted by the closest people. And who is the closest person in school to a student? That's right: class teacher! We invite the class teacher to the deck of our ship: _
Filkina Elena Nikolaevna:
- Yeah, got it? Where were you yesterday at the test? Well, I'm waiting: addresses, appearances, ciphers, call signs!
1: Calm down, Elena Nikolaevna, we have references for everything ...
2: ...and explanatory! (Shows a pile of papers.)
Music. Song "Five Reasons" (I. Nikolaev).
Class teacher: How did this all happen:
Half the class did not come to the lesson,
No one came to school!
All: And we have a hundred reasons for this!
The first reason is the cold
And the second is the ear, throat, nose,
Boys: The third reason - it's not my fault:
They sent us to the military registration and enlistment office!
The fourth reason is spring,
She won't let us go to school
All: The fifth reason is appendicitis,
And the sixth - just a toothache.
Seventh and eighth - breakdown,
Nobody fed me in the morning
The ninth reason is sclerosis,
The tenth reason is beriberi.
Class teacher: Stop-stop-stop, what do you think, I will listen to all your hundred reasons? So, so, for every reason, everyone writes me an essay on 15 pages in triplicate on English language. Deadline for submission in 15 minutes!
Well, seriously though……..
1. Dear friends, remember how 9 years ago a sailing flotilla set sail from the pier of Childhood to the open sea. A fair wind merrily fanned the scarlet sails, there was not a cloud in the blue sky. For a long time our ships were winding along the ocean of Life, and, finally, the island of Graduates clearly appeared in the distance.
A wonderful way of learning and knowledge.
From the school desk to great heights, From the primer to the mystery of the universe, With one fiery motto: "Forward!" So - full speed ahead, dear graduates!
3: I see the bay!
4 . In that bay, on the pier, parents sit, Worrying and sad, they look at the sea. In the sea of ​​life in storms it is so difficult to hold out. Who is the best to help you stay afloat? 4.
Hurry up, raise your sails and swim up to Parental Bay!
1 . Severe and exhausting is the rolling of the sea, and therefore from time to time travelers make short and long stops on the shore. But the most reliable and comfortable berth for us has always been our parents' house.
2. It was they, the parents, who were patiently waiting for their cabin boys to return to the shore, helping to put in order the sea-salt-soaked and sun-bleached vests and pea coats. Mothers fattened their children with enviable persistence, and fathers looked with interest at the ship's log every day in order to check their progress in navigation.
3. Thank you, our dear parents, Forgive us if you were offended by something, For sleepless nights, tears, excitement, For young pride and impatience.
4 . Attention!
With parting words to the graduates addresses __________________________________________________________!
Presentation by parents.
1. So, our ship is strictly on course! The mood of the crew is fighting!
2: To everyone who made sure that we were interested, fun, cozy and warm at school: the leader structural unit Partsvanie Ekaterina Alexandrovna, librarian _Cherenkova__ Elena Alexandrovna, deputy director for households. parts, secretary, cook and technical staff. Thank you to all school staff!
Music sound. The fuss behind the scenes, Rainbows of the holiday, nights without sleep - In a school notebook, written to the skin, Spring will put an end today.
Any dream will surely come true
The heart will keep the memory of childhood,
Like the first waltz, it will not be forgotten
It sounds like the first waltz in the soul.
TOGETHER: Waltz. Waltz. Waltz.
1. Ah, school friends,
Our ship is leaving from childhood.
Here we were taught to live,
Appreciate and believe in kindness.
The trees are all in bloom
Nose exam!
So wish us
Break a leg!

Spring has swirled everyone, Our successes, mistakes, accomplishments. But, as usual, in due time, everything will be summed up by the last call!
3. And we will remember, of course, more than once,
IN lucky days and in bad weather
Last call, and 9th grade,
And children's school happiness!
4: Dreams, hopes, expectations -
Everything is in the future, everything is ahead.
Well, now in a quiet building
Ring, ring, ring, ring!
Final song call.
Graduates leave the hall.

Last call-2015

(The stage is equipped as a sea "ship", flowers, balls. Callsigns sound.) A soundtrack is turned on with the noises of the sea, the cries of seagulls. Fanfares sound, presenters enter the stage.

Presenter 1 . Hello dear friends! (background music playing)
Lead 2 . We are glad to welcome all of you to our holiday!

Presenter 1 . The wind filled the sails
Along the way blowing in the back.
And distant places await
In the endless blue of the ocean.
Lead 2. The ocean of life is raging
But there are piers and moorings,
To stick to the mainland.
To see off and meet.

Lead 1.

Today our pier sends,
Cruise ship to distant lands.
On it we will send on a journey,
The already grown-up crew of the ship.

Host 2: Attention! Attention! From the port "School No. 179" the ship of graduates of 2015 sets off on a journey across the ocean of Life. (ship horn sounds)

Request: mourners turn off Cell phones.

Presenter 1: Eleven years ago, a sailing flotilla set sail from the pier into the open sea. A fair wind merrily fanned the sails. There was not a cloud in the blue sky. For a long time, the snow-white yacht was winding along the stormy school seas, and, finally, Graduates Bay clearly appeared in the distance, and somewhere in the distance the Dream Bay loomed.

Host 2: And today, a friendly team of ___ people feels confident, knows what he wants and stubbornly goes to the intended goal.

music sounds "Ship of childhood"

Presenter 1: Graduates of ___ "__" class are invited to the ship.

Host 2: We invite graduates ___ "__" class

Classroom teacher- ________________________________________________

We welcome our graduates!

Presenter 1: At the reader generously teaches us that
What will be very necessary in life:

Patience, reading, counting and writing,
And loyalty to the native Fatherland.

Lead 2. Dear graduates and guests of the holidays, let's stand and greet the pilot corps of teachers.

(Barrier song sounds)

Presenter 1: You were greeted by the Rossyp ensemble.

Lead 2 . The last call is the most touching, the most unforgettable of all school holidays. The word "last" in everyone, without exception, causes certain associations. This parting, sadness, good parting words.

Lead 1. The last bell is a symbol of the end of a wonderful school time. And this holiday should remain in the memory of graduates forever.

Lead 2. The ship sails on the waves of knowledge,
And you are at the helm.
Lead clearly and skillfully
You are the entire crew of the ship.
Of course, sometimes it stormed,
But you could convince everyone
That the storm is just a breeze
It's only two miles to the ground.

Presenter 1: Graduates have taken places according to the purchased tickets!

And an experienced captain Lyutikova Galia Mansurovna, who has seen storms and storms, rises to the captain's bridge of our ship. (fanfare plays). The director gives the floor to honored guests.

Presenter 1: Guidance given. Passenger lists have been updated.

Give mooring lines! Raise the anchor! Full speed ahead!

(Solemn music sounds from the shore and a bell on the ship)

Presenter 1: Egor, look. And here is the map of our journey

(on screen travel map)

Host 2: Yes, so long and interesting way - way life long! Evgenia Alexandrovna, what is that sparkling ahead?

Presenter 1 : These are our school beacons. They're on Yung Island. Let's land on it.

(The ensemble "Rossyp" enters the stage with the song "Nachalka")

Host 2: 11 years of sailing the seas of school life have truly turned you into sea wolves.

Presenter 1: The island is visible on the left side.

Host 2: This Island of Childhood!

So let's look back

And see what you were

When a noisy flock of cheerful guys

For the first time, they sailed on the school sea.

Presenter 1: On the deck of the ship are invited __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(fanfares sound, performance of the first teachers)

(The ensemble "Rossyp" enters the stage with the song "Childhood")

Host 2: Raise the anchor! Full speed ahead! We are sailing towards island "The coolest cool."

Presenter 1: From year to year long-distance navigation young sailors became stronger and more resilient, discovered more and more islands, penetrated deeper into the depths of the sea, comprehended secrets, became discoverers.

Host 2: Dear graduates, look what a gift this island has prepared for us. Let's solve this riddle.

Presenter 1: The subject that I will talk about is very important, it contains all the information about the students: where they live, who the parents are, and most importantly, the assessment of your knowledge in each subject. And all this is strictly monitored by a person who gave you 5-7 years of his life, his soul, shared with you joy and sorrow, followed your every assessment, every pass and absenteeism. Tell me who and what are you talking about? (class magazine, class teachers).

The floor is given to the class teachers of __________________ classes.


(Fanfares sound. Speech by class teachers)

Host 2: As old as the world, this school drama

School ladies say goodbye to children

They used to chase you for deuces,

They called home, scolded for absenteeism.

It happened when the children brought them,

The tear was wiped secretly in the office.

Presenter 1: And on the day of the last call, without hiding the excitement,

They look at you with pride and admiration.

And they seem to think with warm sadness,

What a unique release!

Host 2: I'm handing over the helm to the 2015 release. The word is given to graduates. (fanfares sound. Speech by graduates).

Presenter 1: Heavy and debilitating is the pitching of the sea. Therefore, our travelers made stops on the shore. And we stop on the shore "Dom". After all, the most reliable and comfortable berth was and is their parental home.

Presenter2: It was they, the parents, who were patiently waiting for the return of their cabin boys, cooks and boatswains to the shore, helping to put in order the sea-salt-soaked and sun-bleached vests and pea coats.

Presenter 1: Mothers fattened their children with enviable persistence, and fathers looked with interest at the ship's log every day in order to check their progress in the new business.

Host 2: The word to those who will always wait for you on the shore in any storm, in any bad weather - to your parents.

(Fanfares sound. Parents' speech.)

Presenter 1: What good weather accompanies us on the journey.

(the sound of the sea sounds in the background, the cries of seagulls)

Host 2: And there is nothing surprising in this. With us a fair breeze of kind


Presenter 1: It seems to be visible in the distance.

Host 2: Yes, I see it too. Thisisland "Teacher".

(teacher's speech)

Presenter 1: Reliable beacons in this sea element, helping not to go astray, avoid shallows, and dangerous reefs were our teachers. Dear graduates, let's once again greet our dear teachers. And all together, let's say to them - THANK YOU!

Presenter 1: Dear graduates! Let the wind of good luck blow you in all sails!

Host 2: The endless sea of ​​Life gives you only calmness!

Presenter 1: May your ship always sail past the islands of Sorrow and Defeat!

Host 2: It makes stops only in the bays of Joy and Happiness!

Presenter 1: Let the compass on your ship be always in good order and will definitely lead you to the pier of Good Luck!

Host 2: Let each of you open your lands of Love!

Host 2: May you find your uninhabited island in the ocean of life and make it a corner of civilization!

Presenter 1: We hope that, having released you into the open ocean of Life, you will worthily and confidently follow the intended path!

Leading Together: Seven feet under the keel!

(The ensemble "Rossyp" enters the stage with the song "Goodbye!")

Presenter 1: Last call...

In these sounds both joy and tears.

Last call...

Goodbye, baby dreams.

Last call...

The joy of meeting and the bitterness of separation.

Last call...

Through the years, these sounds fly.

Host 2: So all the speeches, all the wishes have been said. The most solemn and long-awaited moment is coming.

(An eleventh grader puts a first grader on his shoulders, goes around the ruler. The first grader rings the bell.)

Presenter 1: Attention! From the port of the school yard, the ship "Graduate 2015" leaves for the ocean of life.

Host 2: Now the last bell rings for graduates ____________________. Dear teachers, parents and guests, we ask everyone to go outside for graduates.

(Against the background of music, the graduates leave.)

(Music plays, everyone goes outside.)

(Background music sounds. The action takes place on the street.)

Presenter 1:

Graduate, we wish you happiness,
Don't forget school.

Host 2:

Balloon flying up
Luckily let him lead the way.

Presenter 1: The ball is a symbol of childhood, with which you are parting today ... The ball is your most secret dream ... Make a wish, and let it come true ...

Host 2: So we release our dreams, so we release our hopes...

(The song “School, school, I miss you” sounds, to which the graduates come out and release the balls.)

Host 2:

Well, our little holiday is over,
Let everyone present, participant

Will remember our yard, our school, children,

And back to school again as soon as possible!

Presenter 1: Solemn line dedicated to the Holiday of the last call,

declared closed.

(The song “Where does childhood go?”)

Municipal Budgetary

Educational institution

Murmansk gymnasium №2

Scenario High school prom
"Journey on the ship" Childhood"

Sea music sounds - the cry of seagulls. Sound of the sea

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends! We invite you to make a round-the-world cruise on the ship "Childhood". The flight is dedicated to the graduates of the elementary school of gymnasium No. 2 of the year 2013. The duration of the cruise is 4 years of school life.

Lead 2: Attention! Attention! Listen to my command! All hands on deck!

Graduates enter

Presenter 1: Dear guests, dear graduates. ceremonial line, dedicated to the holiday last call, is declared open.

The national anthem sounds

Lead 2

Dear teachers!

Dear parents!

We are pleased to welcome you on board the ship "Childhood"

The temperature outside is 12-15 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero. We wish you all a pleasant journey.

Presenter 1

Ship of Knowledge on the waves

Sailing through the storm and calm

And at the helm of the ship - the director's uniform.

Leads our sailboat forward

Director at the helm

So that the world can be proud of us,

Proud of the country.

The floor is given to the director

Presenter 1: Dear passengers! Our ship is heading for Nostalgia Island. Please tune in to the wave of memories.

Dance "Birch in the field"


In what year - count

In what land - guess

Same bright morning

The students got together.

All the young people got together

Pretty and clean

A large, solid number,

From the surrounding houses.

2. Agreed and argued:

How are we going to be at school?

It'll be fun, it'll be fun

No, it will be hard for us

Eleven years is no joke!

After all, a long time is measured out

And to children - fools

You can go crazy.

3. Valek said: "Let's get used to it."

Daniel said: "Let's push."

Artyom young looked down

And he said, looking at the ground:

“Yes, we will endure, we will not be the first ... do not be afraid, men”

Presenter 2 We found a bottle overboard, and what do you think is in it ?! Your message, which you hid and your parents exactly ten years ago, for ten years, of course, the records have blurred a little, but we will try to restore them together!

Do you want to know what we have written?

Then listen carefully and continue…..

Moms washed you, combed your hair, tied white ... (bows),

the boys were corrected (ties)

You picked up a brand new and huge (briefcase),

a bouquet of beautiful (flowers)

and you were taken to (school).

And there you were met by your first, beloved (teacher)

And on this day, the first (bell) rang for you.

And a new school (life) began

In our favorite school (gymnasium No. 2)

Song "Native School"

Presenter 2: I see an island! Yes, this is Marks Island! Some strange people are crowding on the shore. Scene.


Indian Chief

To continue education in grade 5

We need special guys

Not fools, not buzzers,Not lazy, not flatterers,And as it should - well done!I order everyone to come to me,So that everyone can stand outShow your mind and stuff.All to present themselves before the leader of the eyes!Minister. I am the Minister of EducationI announce with glee:At your apartmentThe first two contenders

Leader.. The first two? Well, great!I will talk to them personally.

Minister. Come in, gentlemen!
Two Colas enter.
1st Col.
We came here
To bow at your feet
in the 5th grade to ask you.

They bow to the king.Leader.. How to call you, eagles?
2nd Col. We are Father Kola. We are Kola Kolova.1st Col.
Both of us are healthy, Both are not hunchbacks, We are noble and rich.
Leader. Well, are you friendly with diploma?
1st Col.
We don't need science.
Out of status Kolam
Bend the spine in half
Learn counting, primer.
2nd Col.
Why do we need this
Leader. ?
What?! Yes, shame on you
To the uncouth Kolam,
Wow let's go! What a disgrace!
Guard, lead Kolov into the yard,
Give me a kick without delay
To give them acceleration!
The guard takes the Koles by the collar and leads them out.

Minister.leader, some girlAlso asks for a wigwamFor you to appreciateI would invite you to 5th grade.Leader. . Let's see what the girl is.Maybe the fifth will do.I will pass the exam -maybe in the fifth and I'll take Invite the girl here.The Minister leaves and returns with Deuce.

Deuce.I bow low to the kingAnd at the same time I sayWhat is ready, so to speak,five graders representIn the gymnasium side -This mission is for me.Leader. . Well, what's your name?Deuce.Everyone calls the deuce, loving.As I walk down the streetEveryone loves me.All handkerchiefs getAnd sheds tears of happiness.Tsar.Is it friendly with grammar,Reading, math?Deuce.Why is a beautiful girlMathematics to study?I don't even know the letters.I am a columnar noblewoman

.Leader .It's just a shame!You, dove, are a know-it-allAnd a lazy bum.Not being able to read is a shame!All! End of conversation!You're not good for anything.Not needed in 5th grade!I tell you girlGet out of the quarters.the leader turns away. The two shrug their shoulders and leave.

Minister.leader, to your quartersTwo applicants are torn.It seems to be not loafers,Lasy is sharpened in Spanish:"Oh, boyfriend, monsieur, bonjour,Guten morgen, lampshade!”

Leader .Invite them to the reception,Let's see what's what here.The Minister leaves and returns with two Troyak.1st Troyak. Guten morgen, hand hoh!Every friend of us is good!2nd Troyak.We want nah cordon,Fifth grade, not London.Leader. .Well, what's your name, friends, what?1st Troyak.I am Troyak and he is Troyak!We are in terms of languages ​​-Guten morgen, be healthy!2nd Troyak.In general, a complete fantasy! Minister. goes to the map.Minister: Where are London and Paris?The Trojans randomly poke their fingers at the map.1st Troyak.London is here, Paris is over there.2nd Troyak. Near the city of Panama.In geography - we are gut!Leader . Yes, you are not gut, but kaput!I'll ask them both out!Goodbye, sorry!(to the Minister)You are the minister of education!What kind of gift is this?!Some kind of oakUneducated, rude!Answer me, eshkin cat,Where are our literate people?Is it in the great kingdomOur school stateIs there anyone smarter?Minister.Leader. let me answer.There are smart girlsThree good sistersI sent messengers to them.Leader. . Where are they, after all?Enter three girls with briefcases, bow to the king.Leader .
Come on, come on, what kind of birdsWhat smart girls?How beautiful and neatThe eyes of the king are pleasing!I could take them all to the fifth grade.What's your name beauties?1st Five.I am Five.2nd Five.I am Five.Four.And I'm the youngest Four.Minister.Are you friendly with the sciences?1st Five.All things are important to us!2nd Five. There are no secondary sciences!

Four You must know them by all means.

Presenter 1: Dear passengers! Our ship is approaching one of the most unusual islands of our fascinating journey - the island of "Surprises". Sailors run out

On the island of surprises, we found this black box. How well you know school life, we learn from the black box. Guess what's in it.

    This is a favorite item for many students. It is almost impossible for a school to do without it. It is especially important to do this in the classroom. Thanks to this, it is possible to combine the useful with the pleasant: and information (which does not require delay) can be transmitted and traced how attentive the teacher is, how his observation skills are developed. (a note)

2. It is advisable not to have this thing with you when the teacher is angry or when things are not all right with him. Indeed, for some reason, many teachers want to look there and leave a memory of themselves. (diary )

3. During her school years, she probably helped someone. Some parents use this thing often and quite successfully. And someone thinks that thanks to this particular thing, the family will be in order, the children will be "silk", the apartment will be cozy. (belt)

4. This unprecedented item deserves special attention. With this item, you can make an explosion and scare teachers in the classroom. It makes the student look like one of the pets. (chewing gum)

5. Absolutely necessary thing in school. Increases the activity of the cerebral cortex. Facilitates the rapid assimilation of information. You can pleasantly annoy the teacher in the classroom with the help of sound, rustling or rustling. (chocolate)

Well, friends, for 4 years you have known school life well

Leading 2 But I realized that the most important thing in school is a good relationship with teachers. And teachers also need an individual approach. And the teacher's horoscope will help in this.
There are horoscopes of all stripes in the world,
Adults and children love them
Only Horoscope for teachers
No one has composed on the entire planet.
It's time for us to fix this mistake.
And make a teacher's horoscope.

won't give us

Aries bleat at the blackboard -
He's a real wolf in sheep's clothing
Taurus - not formidable bulls,
And good calves by nature.
Twins couples mercilessly sculpt,
Grunting angrily: "What kind of baby talk?"
Atcrayfish very tenacious pincers,
They don’t let go of the board for a long time!
You freeze stupidity - they grab it,
lions growl, but generously reward.
Virgin appearance and diligence
More important than answers is content!
Scales everyone wants justice
Yes, but the balance is unstable.
Scorpion harbors a terrible poison,
Suddenly, how it stings - and there is a deuce in the magazine!
Shoots remarks
Sagittarius ,
Who can dodge - well done!

butt with

Capricorn impossible,
The teacher is right - he knows in advance!
And with
Aquarius It's also hard to argue
It will flood - and who will save you?
And you are silent when you go to the bottom, -
After all
Fish they love silence!

Now we know everything about teachers
And we are not afraid of any flood,
After all, the student will be unsinkable,
When will study this Horoscope!

Presenter 1: I see the island, directly on the course of the island of "Thanks"

1 studentin the language environment
I will come to your lesson.
English is very important to me
Will I ever get there?
I know for sure that I
You teach, loving,
All irregular verbs.
I will learn English.
I will be an English ace
I'll be the best in my class!
And in the streets I sputter
I'll be the bass in English.
You are the best teachers!
Thank you for the lessons!
You gave us the most beautiful world -
The world of music and good songs,
From strict organs to fabulous lyres
That world is very interesting to us.
For this we thank you very much
We want to wish you all together
So that only happy in your life
There were melodies and songs.

Thank you_ __________________

There is a beautiful country

Wonderful people live in it -

Books, she appreciates them,

Protected for free.

There are kings in that country -

Dear tomes,

Fat men-heroes,

painted dandies,

There are hard workers, they are up to holes

The time of the dress wore off,

There are lazy people, their idol -

To keep everything calm.

And the owner of that country,

The king and god is a librarian,

Books are equal to him

He put them all in filing cabinets,

Helps us find

Needed in an instant

Run through the maze

Give us the joy of reading.

Thank you____________________

It's getting harder to live in the world
It's good that we have, in Russia,
That profession is rare, necessary,
There is a psychologist who heals our souls.
And with empathy and tolerance,
He handles our weirdness
We always go to them with sore,
And today, we applaud her.

Thank you ______________________

We repeat the da Vinci painting
It does not, in general, work.
After your lessons, we can perfectly
Depict a summer day by the pond.
And still lifes, landscapes,

We draw very easily.
We are very grateful to you for this,
We appreciate your work very much.
Thank you____________________ There are a lot of interesting professions in the world,
One of them you once chose for yourself,
After all, the speech of people is beautiful, meaningful, intelligible -
As a standard in communication, not only for you.

With children you generously share talent and skill,
Patience, care, skillful craft,
And soon all problems will disappear, no doubt.
Your meetings will be remembered with love and kindness

Thank you, Natalia Valerievna!
What would the learning process clearly

Walked in an educational institution,
The head teacher has a concern -
Find a solution to that

So make a schedule
To load evenly
Encourage children desire
Do everything at school

Head teacher keeps under control
At school, the entire educational process -
That is his significant role
The head teacher in the position is noticeable,

Without it, confusion
inconsistencies, vanity,
Where the head teacher is, it's quiet at once,
Where the head teacher is - beauty!
Thank you ___________________
Without physical education
It's hard to live in the world!
develop muscles
Adults and children must!

After all, it’s not for nothing that physical education-
A very significant item.
Like a foreign language, literature,
After all, when there is no health,
Antibiotic won't help
Vitamins, arbidol.
Just ruin your belly.
But gymnastics, football
in physical education classes,
Bars, skis and horizontal bar
Much better than potions.
Remember this, student!

Being a teacher is not easy!
Sometimes, after all, father and mother -
Native people, two adults,
Unable to cope with the child!

We wish you patience
In your difficult work,
We sincerely thank you
You are always young at heart

Thank you____________________

Our feelings unspent cup

And the living breath of spring

Our love and gratitude

Today we give to teachers.

Leading 1: Our school fairy tale lasted for four years.

Leading 2: There were good wizards-teachers in it, who were the first to open the cherished doors and led us to the land of Knowledge.

Leading 1: We thank them for helping us believe in ourselves

Host 2: Because they taught to overcome their shortcomings.

Presenter 1 : For teaching me to love my school and make friends

Host 2: This song is for them.


Word to the teachers primary school

1st graduate:
Four years have flown by
Everything was: the sun, the wind, the thunder.
But before we leave, we need to say.
Thanks to everyone who walked with us!
2nd graduate:
For four years you taught us
They led to a huge country of Good and Knowledge.
We remember how we entered the classroom for the first time,
But today we say: "Goodbye!"

3rd graduate:
Today we say goodbye to the boss

We, friends, do not forget her

We learned our homeland here

As a mother, respect and love.

4th graduate

Wipe a teardrop from your eyelashes

You are our dear teacher

Thank you for the joy of discovery

Thank you for your generosity

Thank you fellow teacher

Because we are so good!

General song for teachers

Leading: We are sailing to the island "Recognition". Today we will witness an amazing event. On Recognition Island, new stars will light up today. We all can't wait to know the names of the lucky ones.Fanfare.
Nomination "Clever and smart"!

How wonderful that there are guys in the school,
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her,
After all, it is about them that they will once say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!

Winners of the nomination "Clever and clever" The winners are: __________________.

(Medals are presented, applause.) Fanfare.
Nomination "Soul of the class".

Becoming a class leader is not easy,
Everyone needs to be interesting
It is unlikely that the stars will help you here,
It is important to know and love people.

The winner of the nomination "Soul of the class" _________.
Nomination "Miss Kindness".

Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life can't go any other way
As long as there is kindness in the world.

Miss Kindness Winners

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.
Nomination "Sun of the class".

No matter what the weather is today
Even if it's raining outside
In the soul and in the heart it is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.

The winner of the nomination "Sun of the class" of the nomination became: _____________.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

Nomination "Dream of girls".

Girls dream of princes since childhood,
And Grey, sailing scarlet, is waiting,
Not noticing that with them together
Nearby their dreams go through life.

The winner of the nomination "Dream of girls" _______.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.
Nomination "Miss Artistry".

If you are given the talent to shine,
You don't have to bury it in the ground.

The winner of the nomination "Miss Artistry" _______.

(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

Nomination "True Friends".

We are with you - you and me
4 years already friends.
Such a devoted friendship
Anyone will envy.

The winners of the "True Friends" nomination became _______.

Song by friends

Presenter 1

Today we say thank you

And, of course, to their parents.

Your care, understanding and patience

They have always helped us without a doubt!

Here they are, those who sat with us at night over a book ..

Here they are, those who wrote essays for us

The best moms and dads in the world

Thank you very much your children say.

The floor is given to parents

Scene for parents

A v o r (costume of an old man or storyteller)
In some kingdom, in some state
Not in America, not in the steppe, but in the Murmansk region,
Not on the stove, not on the straw, but in the city maternity hospital,
A baby was born to a father and mother - you will surprise the whole city!

Year after year - did not grow up ugly,
The child grows up, but the mind is not enough.
He asked his father and mother and went to look for the mind.

How long, how short did he walk,
Tired and tired.
Leaned against a traffic light
And dozed off a little.

He dreams of a hut
There is a girl in the window.

Girl (with bows in a short skirt)

What did you want to know?
Where can you find your mind?
And go and study
To our school number two.

Even I studied there.
No wiser now me -
There are teachers
that even a stump will be taught.

Conjure a woman, conjure a grandfather,
Three on the side, yours are gone.
When you wake up, you will see
Where to direct your trail.

He woke up at last
What does the young man see?
Three-story and cozy,
There is a palace in front of him. (tablet - gymnasium No. 2)

He gets up and at the door
Met my friends.
They were met by the principal of the school,
The team of teachers.

Difficult days flowed, holidays and weekdays:
I got up before dawn, taught cases.
Suffixes and tables, formulas and transcription -
Maybe I understand, maybe I don't
But many years have passed.

How many bells not to ring,
But the last one will be.
Here is the end of the initial
It's time to sum up.

The school gave knowledge
School brought you to life.
School No. 2 will be glorified
your good deeds.

Not a lot, not a little, time flew by
4 years, like a moment, everything happened:
Sad and funny, small and big,
But whatever it is, thank you teachers!

Here come the fathers and mothers,
Congratulate children
To the team of teachers
Express gratitude.

Parents (many parents come out)

For our noisy
Sometimes not very smart
sometimes playful,
A little lazy

For the fact that they taught as their own, loved,
We forgave a lot and did not frighten much
On behalf of all dads and moms
We say: THANK YOU!

But our journey through the land of knowledge does not end there. We still have a long way to go until 11th grade. Attention oath of future fifth graders:

    Do not swim in the sea of ​​deuces. We swear!

    Never pronounce forbidden words: "I can't", "I don't want", "I don't know". We swear!

    Swim only on “good” and “Excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. We swear!

    Be resilient and courageous during natural disasters such as tests and tests. We swear!

    Bind our friendship strong sea ​​knot. We swear!

    Be worthy of your captains. We swear!


We are unhappy and sad

But sometimes joyfully

Grown up, wiser

On the verge of 5th grade.


Goodbye, Primary School,

Finished the last lesson.

Today we finish studying.

Today is the last call.
