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Interaction of departments with the contract manager. Regulations for the interaction of structural divisions of the Archives Service of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and the contract manager in the procurement of goods, works, services for the state

Department of regulated purchases

10.11.2014 11:02

A regulation on the interaction of participants in the procurement process of AltSTU was introduced (Order No. D-345).

Regulations for the interaction of participants in the procurement process of AltSTU

The regulation establishes the procedure for the interaction of AltSTU divisions involved in procurement activities within the framework of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013. N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (with amendments and additions) and Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services certain types legal entities(with amendments and additions).

The participants in the procurement process are:

1) Purchasing Initiator - a structural unit or an official interested in conducting this procurement due to the fact that this procurement is designed to ensure the implementation of its official duties.

2) Head of contract service duly appointed officer and providing for professional basis selection of the best supplier (contractor, performer) and compliance by the university with the requirements of the current legislation in the course of procurement.

3) Department of regulated purchases - a structural unit, the main job function which is the conduct of procurement procedures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and includes such stages as evaluation of the procurement, the possibility of its implementation, the effectiveness of the procurement and the effectiveness of contractual relations with the counterparty selected based on the results of the procurement, etc.

4) Planning and financial management - structural unit responsible for evaluating the possibility of procurement (availability of funds from the initiator of the procurement, determining the source of funding, drawing up a procurement plan and monitoring its implementation, etc.).

5) The legal department is a structural unit responsible for verification of the terms of the contract (agreement) for compliance with the requirements of the current legislation.

6) Control accounting- structural subdivision, authorized to pay monetary obligations under the concluded contracts (agreements).

7) Logistics Department - structural subdivision authorized to conclude contracts (agreements) on behalf of AltSTU, for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services.

The powers between the participants engaged in procurement activities are distributed as follows:

1. The initiator of the procurement analyzes its own activities for the previous procurement period and activity plans for the upcoming procurement period in terms of the need for goods (works, services) during the upcoming procurement period. If there is a need for goods (works, services), the initiator of the purchase formulates this need and evaluates the possibility of meeting it without making a purchase (for example, at the expense of available warehouse stocks, within the framework of already concluded contracts with suppliers, etc.).

If it is impossible to satisfy the need for goods (works, services) at the expense of the available opportunities, the initiator of the purchase brings the information in the form of a memo to the procurement economist of the planning and financial department with the rationale for the need for the purchase, indicating the volume, validity of the initiated volumes and the estimated initial (maximum) price of the purchased products, as well as the terms of the purchase in order to include this purchase in the planned current volume of purchases for the upcoming purchase period.

The Planning and Financial Department collects applications received from structural divisions of the university. Consolidation of applications is carried out by the procurement economist of the planning and financial department weekly from Monday to Friday. At the end of each working week, consolidated applications are transferred to the head of the contract service.

2. The head of the contract service assesses the need for procurement, the possibility of its implementation , the initial (maximum) price of the purchased products, as well as the terms of the purchase.

If this purchase is approved, it is included by the procurement economist of the planning and financial department in the current volume of purchases for the upcoming procurement period. Based on the results of the approval by the head of the contract procurement service of the needs of the initiators of the procurement, the procurement economist of the planning and financial department forms draft procurement plans and schedules.

The generated draft procurement plan and schedule on the initiative of the financial planning department are coordinated with the regulated procurement department with the participation of the structural divisions involved (legal department, logistics department, etc.).

The procurement economist of the planning and financial department publishes the procurement plan and schedule approved by the head of the contract service in a single information system.

If it becomes necessary to make adjustments to the approved procurement plan and schedule, the procurement initiator justifies the need for such changes to the head of the contract service, and the procurement economist of the financial planning department, if these changes are agreed, makes changes to the procurement plan, schedule in accordance with the current legislation.

3. If the head of the contract service decides to purchase from a single supplier (contractor, performer), the consolidated requests are transferred to the procurement department.

The logistics department reasonably determines the supplier (contractor, performer), concludes an agreement with him and draws up a set of documents necessary to pay for the goods (works, services) received. The entire set of documents is agreed upon:

  • with planning and financial management (clause 3.2. of the Scheme), which determines the source of financing for the purchase payment, indicating the article of KOSGU;
  • with the legal department, which checks the terms of the contract (agreement) for compliance with the requirements of the current legislation (clause 3.3. of the scheme);
  • with the department of regulated procurement, which prepares and places in the EIS in accordance with applicable law a notice and procurement documentation, and also maintains a procurement register (clause 3.4. of the scheme).

After the goods arrive at the warehouse, the logistics department (if necessary, the initiator of the purchase) transfers the agreed set of documents for payment to the accounting department. If the delivery of goods to the warehouse was carried out by the logistics department, then simultaneously with the receipt of the goods, the initiator of the purchase is informed about this.

4. If the head of the contract service decides to conduct a competitive method for determining the supplier, then the consolidated bids are transferred to the regulated procurement department.

The regulated procurement department, together with the initiator, develops procurement documentation, reflecting in it the information provided for by Laws No. 44-FZ, No. 223-FZ.

The regulated procurement department, together with the initiator of the procurement, ensures the coordination of documentation with the participation of the structural divisions involved (the legal department and the financial planning department) (clauses 4.1. and 4.2. of the scheme, Appendix No. 1).

The regulated procurement department publishes a procurement notice, procurement documentation and a draft contract (agreement) in a single information system in accordance with applicable law.

After the publication of the above documents, the regulated procurement department ensures the conduct of the procurement procedure, including the acceptance of applications from potential suppliers (executors, contractors), the evaluation and ranking of these applications in accordance with the criteria for procurement documentation, the selection and announcement by the procurement commission of the winner of the procurement, the direction of the contract (agreement) for the winner to sign.

After the procurement, the regulated procurement department publishes the necessary information, in the manner and within the time limits stipulated by the current legislation, and also conducts pre-contractual negotiations with the supplier (executor, contractor), following which the contract (agreement) is prepared for signing in the legal department and the responsible person, which was approved by the order of the rector on a competitive procurement procedure.

After signing the contract (agreement), the initiator of the procurement ensures its execution, including pre-trial settlement of disputes together with the legal department, monitors compliance with payment terms, monitors the delivery time (rendering services, work), accepts the goods (services, works) delivered under the contract ), checks the quality of the goods (services, works), signs acts at the authorized persons of the university, indicating the execution of the contract.

In cases of concluding and executing a contract under 44-FZ, the initiator of the procurement accepts the delivered goods (work performed, services rendered) together with the acceptance committee.

Accounting Department within one working day from the date of receipt of the payment document for the contract (agreement) concluded in accordance with FZ-44, with the exception of paragraph 4, paragraph 5 of article 93 of FZ-44 (purchase at the expense of the federal budget for amount up to 100 and up to 400 thousand rubles), sends a copy of the payment order necessary for the preparation and placement of a report on the execution of the contract (contract stage) (agreement) to the regulated procurement department.

5. If the head of the contract service decides to purchase from a single supplier (contractor, performer) by the purchase initiator itself, as well as contracts for the provision of teaching services, advanced training, training of the Customer’s employees, the purchase initiator reasonably determines the supplier (contractor, performer), concludes with he contract and draws up a set of documents necessary to pay for the received goods (works, services). The entire set of documents is agreed upon:

  • with planning and financial management (clause 5.1. of the scheme), which determines the source of financing for the purchase payment, indicating the article of KOSGU;
  • with the legal department, which checks the terms of the contract (agreement) for compliance with the requirements of the current legislation (clause 5.2. of the scheme);
  • with the department of regulated procurement, which prepares and places in the EIS in accordance with applicable law a notice and procurement documentation, and also maintains a procurement register (clause 5.3. of the scheme).

After the goods arrive at the warehouse, work is performed, a service is provided, and the initiator of the purchase transfers the agreed set of documents for payment to the accounting department (clause 5.4. of the scheme).

Payment under contracts (agreements) that will be executed over a long period must be endorsed by the planning and financial department, from a procurement economist.

Head of the contract service together with specialized structural divisions conducts an analysis of the procurement activities carried out, the results of which are taken into account when drawing up a procurement plan for the next period.

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to the order of the Archives Service
Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region– Ugra
dated 07.03.2019 No. 28-Pr-23


interaction of structural divisions

Services for the archives of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and

contract manager when making purchases

goods, works, services for state needs

I. General provisionsI

This Regulation on the interaction of structural units of the Service for Archives of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and the contract manager in the procurement of goods, works, services for public needs (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) establishes the requirements for the interaction of structural units of the Service for Archives of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug district - Ugra (hereinafter referred to as the Service) and the contract manager in the procurement of goods, works, services for the state needs of the Service (hereinafter referred to as procurement) in accordance with federal law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ).

The basic concepts used in these Regulations are applied in the same sense as in Law No. 44-FZ.

This Regulation applies to purchases made by the Service.

Purchases are made in accordance with Civil Code Russian Federation, the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Law No. 44-FZ and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and these Regulations.

The structural divisions of the Service interact on the basis of the principles of openness, transparency of information in the field of procurement, professionalism, efficiency of procurement, responsibility for the effectiveness of meeting the needs of the Service.

II. Procurement planning and justification

1. Procurement planning is carried out on the basis of the objectives of procurement, determined taking into account the provisions of Article 13 of Law No. 44-FZ, through the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans, schedules within the time limits established by Law No. 44-FZ and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and these Regulations.

2. When forming, approving and maintaining the procurement plan, the Contract Manager shall:

formation of a procurement plan, based on the submissions by specialists of the structural divisions of the Service, initiating procurement in the form (annex to this Regulation) of applications;

approval of the formed procurement plan from the head of the Service, or a person replacing him;

publication of the procurement plan in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as the UIS in the field of procurement) and the Regional Information System in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet the state needs of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (hereinafter - GIS "Goszakaz");

if necessary, on the basis of an application submitted by the structural subdivision of the Service initiating the procurement, makes appropriate changes to the procurement plan.

3. When forming the procurement plan, the specialist, structural subdivision of the Service, initiating the procurement, provides the contract manager with an application in the form (annex to these Regulations) with the procurement justification attached.

4. If it becomes necessary to make changes to the procurement plan, the specialist of the structural unit of the Service initiating the procurement provides the contract manager with an application in the form (annex to these Regulations) with the rationale for making changes.

5. When forming, approving and maintaining the schedule, the Contract Manager shall:

formation of a schedule, based on the application submitted by the specialists of the structural unit of the Service, initiating the purchase, according to the form (annex to these Regulations);

together with specialists of the structural subdivision of the Service initiating the purchase, preparation of a justification for the purchase;

coordination of the schedule with the executive authorities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, implementing a unified state policy in the relevant area;

approval of the generated schedule by the head of the Service, or a person replacing him;

publication of the schedule in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz";

if necessary, on the basis of an application submitted by the structural subdivision of the Service by those initiating the purchase, makes appropriate changes to the schedule.

6. When forming the schedule, the specialist of the structural unit of the Service, initiating the procurement, provides the contract manager with an application in the form (annex to these Regulations), with the attachment terms of reference and justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract.

7. Applications for the formation (amendment) of the procurement plan and schedule of the application are drawn up in the form (annex to these Regulations) and signed by the head of the structural unit of the Service, initiating the procurement.

8. Purchases not provided for by the Schedule cannot be carried out.

III. Organization of supplier identification

(contractors, performers) in a competitive way

9. In order to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule , within the time limits established by Law No. 44-FZ and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and these Regulations, the specialist of the structural unit of the Service, initiating the purchase, independently carries out:

coordination of the terms of reference and justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract with the executive bodies of state power of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, implementing a unified state policy in the relevant area, in cases established by the regulatory legal acts of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra;

development of a draft contract, in terms of the name of the object of procurement, the deadlines for fulfilling the terms of the contract, the requirements for the supplied goods (works, services) and warranty obligations, taking into account the standard terms of the contract, which are placed in the EIS in the field of procurement and in the GIS "Goszakaz";

preparation of an opinion on the compliance or non-compliance of bids received from procurement participants with the provisions of the procurement documentation, as well as evaluation of bids during a tender or request for proposals;

preparation of explanations of the provisions of the procurement documentation and the provisions of the contract, in terms of the object of procurement of its volumes, deadlines for performance and warranty obligations, and submission to the contract manager no later than 16:00 on the day of transfer by the contract manager to the specialist of the structural unit of the Service initiating the purchase;

takes part in the consideration of cases on appealing the results of the procedures for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) in the part related to the procurement object;

providing the contract manager with information (documents and information) provided for by the procedure for agreeing on the conclusion of a contract with sole supplier(contractor, performer), in order to agree on the possibility of concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer) with the authority executive power Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement, in cases established by Law No. 44-FZ, no later than 3 (three) business days from the date of the decision to purchase from a single supplier (contractor, performer) ).

Information (documents and information) is transferred by a specialist of the structural unit of the Service to the contract manager in writing with the simultaneous provision of an identical copy in electronic form(on the email contract manager). Responsibility for compliance with the deadlines for providing such information, as well as for the identity of the information provided in written and electronic forms, lies with the specialist of the structural unit of the Service.

10. In order to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule the contract manager performs:

choice of method for determining the supplier (contractor, performer);

clarification as part of the justification for the purchase of the initial (maximum) price of the contract and its justification in notices of procurement, invitations to participate in the selection of suppliers (contractors, performers) by closed methods, procurement documentation;

clarification as part of the justification for the purchase of the initial (maximum) contract price of the price concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer);

preparation of notices on procurement, procurement documentation (except for the description of the procurement object), draft contracts, amendments to procurement notices, procurement documentation, invitations to participate in the selection of suppliers (contractors, performers) by closed methods;

organization of acceptance of the delivered goods, performed work (its results), rendered services, as well as individual stages of the delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services provided for by the contract, including the examination of the delivered goods, results of the performed work, rendered services in accordance with the Federal Law, and also individual stages of contract execution, ensuring the creation of an acceptance committee;

interaction with the supplier (contractor, performer) when changing, terminating the contract, as well as when applying liability measures and taking other actions in case of violation by the supplier (contractor, performer) or customer of the terms of the contract;

placement in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz" of notices of procurement, procurement documentation, in case of procurement independently;

registration and placement in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz" of protocols for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) based on decisions of the Unified Procurement Commission to meet the state needs of the Service, as well as protocols on refusal to conclude a contract in case of procurement independently;

verifying the performance of the contract in terms of the compliance of the bank guarantee with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, monitoring the term for consideration of the received bank guarantee, filing a refusal to accept the bank guarantee and informing the person who provided the bank guarantee about it, checking the availability of information about the provided bank guarantee in the register of bank guarantees;

placement in the UIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz" of clarifications of the provisions of the documentation on the basis of such clarification provided by the specialist of the structural unit of the Service;

acceptance, registration and storage of documents for placing orders, as well as storage of other documents in the field of procurement, provided for by Law No. 44-FZ;

organization of the conclusion of contracts based on the results of the procedures for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), including the preparation and submission of draft contracts (including protocols of disagreements to them);

preparation and entry of information on the conclusion / termination (amendment) of the state contract in the register of contracts in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz";

preparation and placement of a report on the execution of a state contract and (or) on the results of a separate stage of its execution in the EIS in the field of procurement and the GIS "Goszakaz";

preparation of an appeal in order to agree on the possibility of concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer) with the executive authority of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement, in cases established by Law No. 44-FZ.

preparation and placement in the UIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz" of reports and other information (if necessary) provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra;

sending to the federal executive body authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement, the information necessary for inclusion in the register of unscrupulous suppliers, about procurement participants who evaded the conclusion of contracts, as well as about suppliers (contractors, performers) with whom contracts were terminated by decision court or in the event of a unilateral refusal of the customer to execute the contract due to a material breach by them of the terms of the contracts;

application and submission required documents, to carry out the procedure for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), to the authorized body of the Autonomous Okrug in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated December 6, 2013 No. 530-p "On the authorized body, authorized institution to determine suppliers (contractors , performers) to meet the needs of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra";

taking part in the consideration of cases on appealing the results of determining suppliers (contractors, performers) and preparing materials for the performance of claim work;

development of draft contracts in terms of compliance with the legislation in the field of procurement;

exercises other powers in terms of determining suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state needs.

11. In order to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, a specialist administrative department in the direction of accounting, financial - economic support, provision of functions in the field of procurement, goods, works, services to meet the needs of the Service performs:

verification of the security of bids and execution of contracts in terms of verification of information and documents provided by the procurement participant, in case of security of the bid and execution of contracts by making Money, providing copies of payment orders for the receipt of such funds to the contract manager no later than 1 (one) business day following the day the funds are received to the account of the Service, as well as monitoring compliance with the terms for the return of funds to the procurement participant in accordance with the terms of the contract;

taking into account budgetary obligations under contracts;

provision to the contract manager in the event of the execution of the contract (including the execution of the next stage of the contract) copies of all documents confirming the fact of payment for the contract ( payment order etc.) with the obligatory attachment of copies of documents confirming the occurrence of a monetary obligation upon delivery of goods (consignment note and (or) act, invoice and (or) invoice), performance of work (act, invoice and (or) invoice) , provision of services (act, invoice and (or) invoice) indicating the volume of goods supplied, work performed and services rendered no later than 1 (one) business day following the day of drawing up documents confirming the fact of payment for the contract, as well as providing the contract the manager of information about debiting funds from the account of the Service on the day they are debited.

IV. Purchasing from a single

supplier (contractor, performer)

12. In order to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule , the specialist of the structural subdivision of the Service independently carries out:

preparation of terms of reference (description of the procurement object). When describing the object of procurement, methodological documents (methodologies) approved by the authorized body for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) to meet the needs of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (hereinafter - the authorized body of the Autonomous Okrug) published on the website of the authorized body;

preparation of justification for the initial (maximum) price of the contract. The preparation of a justification for the initial (maximum) price of the contract is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 2, 2013 No. 567 “On Approval methodological recommendations on the application of methods for determining the initial (maximum) contract price, the price of a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer)”;

in cases established by Law 44-FZ, justifies the impossibility or inappropriateness of using other methods of determining the supplier (contractor, performer), as well as the price of the contract and other essential terms of the contract, in a documented report signed by a specialist of the structural unit of the Service, agreed by the immediate supervisor and approved by the head of the Service , or by a person replacing him;

approval of the terms of reference for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services and justification (calculation) of the initial maximum price of the contract with the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug, implementing a unified state policy in the relevant area, in accordance with the list of individual goods, works, services for which terms of reference and justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract are subject to mandatory agreement with the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug, implementing a unified state policy in the relevant area, government bodies Autonomous Okrug, determined by the Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated December 6, 2013 No. 530-p "On the authorized body, authorized institution to determine suppliers (contractors, performers) to meet the needs of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra";

development of a draft contract, in terms of the name of the object of procurement, the deadlines for fulfilling the terms of the contract, the requirements for the supplied goods (works, services) and warranty obligations, taking into account the standard terms of the contract, which are placed in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "State order"

organization of the conclusion of the contract, as well as sending the supplier (contractor, performer) of the original contracts;

control over the timing of the contract (delivery of goods, provision of services, performance of work);

acceptance of the results of the execution of the contract (stages of the contract) (acceptance of goods, works, services) in accordance with the terms of the contract;

organizing and conducting an examination of the delivered goods, performed work, rendered services, as well as individual stages (if it is provided for by the contract) for compliance with the terms of the contract. Based on the results of the examination, draws up an expert opinion;

together with the contract manager, interaction with the supplier (contractor, performer) when changing, terminating the contract, as well as when applying liability measures and taking other actions in case of violation by the supplier (contractor, performer) or customer of the terms of the contract;

provision of information (documents and information) necessary for inclusion in the register of contracts to the contract manager on the day they are drawn up and (or) signed;

providing the contract manager with a copy or the original of the conclusion based on the results of the examination of the performance of the contract (or its separate stage) of the delivered goods, work performed or services rendered and a document confirming the acceptance of such results on the day they are drawn up and (or) signed;

13. In order to determine suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule the contract manager performs:

preparation and placement of information on procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) of the UIS in the field of procurement and the GIS "State Order" in cases provided for by Law No. 44-FZ, and on an electronic platform for posting information on small-scale purchases;

preparing a notice of procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) and sending it to the executive authority of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement, in cases provided for by Law No. 44-FZ;

checking the enforcement of contracts in terms of monitoring the term for consideration of the received bank guarantee, filing a refusal to accept a bank guarantee and informing the person who provided the bank guarantee about it, checking the availability of information about the provided bank guarantee in the register of bank guarantees;

entering information about the concluded / terminated contract, about making changes to the register of contracts, in cases established by Law 44-FZ and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in the field of procurement;

preparation and placement in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz" of a report on the execution of a state contract and (or) on the results of a separate stage of its execution;

preparation of materials for conducting claim work;

generates information on the purchase of a small volume and uses price information provided by potential suppliers (contractors, performers), using the GIS "Goszakaz".

In order to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state needs, in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule, an administrative specialist Department in the direction of accounting, financial - economic support, provision of functions in the field of procurement, goods, works, services to meet the needs of the Service performs:

payment for the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of contract execution;

checking the enforcement of contracts in terms of verifying the information and documents provided by the procurement participant, in case of securing the execution of contracts by depositing funds, providing copies of payment orders for the receipt of such funds to the contract manager no later than 1 (one) business day following the day of receipt of funds funds to the account of the Service, as well as monitoring compliance with the deadlines for the return of funds to the procurement participant;

return of the security for the performance of the contract, within the time limits established in the contract (in the event that the supplier (contractor, performer) provides security in the form of cash to the Customer’s settlement account), subject to signing the document on acceptance of the goods (performance of work, provision of services);

taking into account budgetary obligations under contracts.

provision to the contract manager in the event of the execution of the contract (including the execution of the next stage of the contract) copies of all documents confirming the fact of payment for the contract (payment order, etc.) with the obligatory attachment of copies of documents confirming the occurrence of a monetary obligation upon delivery of goods (invoice and (or) acceptance certificate and (or) invoice), performance of work, provision of services (act of completed work (services) and (or) invoice and (or) invoice) indicating the volume of goods supplied, work performed and rendered services no later than 1 (one) business day following the day of drawing up documents confirming the fact of payment for the contract, as well as providing the contract manager with information on debiting funds from the account of the Service on the day they are debited.

V. Responsibility

14. Persons participating in the procurement process to meet the needs of the Service shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the division of powers provided for by these Regulations.

VI. Final position

15. In all other respects not specified in these Regulations, persons participating in the procurement process to meet the needs of the Service are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and other regulatory legal acts in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet government needs.

Appendix to the Regulations in the attached files.

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Document's name: (as amended on January 29, 2018)
Document Number: 177
Type of document: System order Krasnodar Territory
Host body:
Status: current
Acceptance date: December 25, 2015
Revision date: January 29, 2018





Document as amended by:
(for the application procedure, see paragraph 4 of the order of the Department for Regulation of the Contract System of the Krasnodar Territory dated January 29, 2018 N 5).

Pursuant to the order of the regulatory department contract system of the Krasnodar Territory of December 15, 2015 N 167 "On the appointment of an official responsible for procurement to meet the needs of the department for regulating the contract system of the Krasnodar Territory", in order to implement the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", coordination of activities and determination of the main activities and directions in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state needs, I order:

1. Approve the Procedure for the interaction of the contract manager with the structural subdivisions of the department when planning and making purchases to meet the needs of the department for regulating the contract system of the Krasnodar Territory (Appendix).

2. Head of the department of information and technical support of the department E.V. Nechaev to ensure the placement of this order on home page site, as well as in the section "Contract system in the field of procurement".

3. To impose control over the execution of the order on the first deputy head of the department I.B. Akulov.

4. The order comes into force from the date of its signing.

Head of department



by order of the department
for regulation of contract
systems of the Krasnodar Territory
dated December 25, 2015 N 177

1. General Provisions

This procedure for the interaction of the contract manager with the structural divisions of the department when planning and implementing procurement to meet the needs of the department for regulating the contract system of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed in order to streamline the joint work of the contract manager with the structural divisions of the department when planning procurement, determining the supplier (contractor, contractor), conclusion of contracts, execution of the results of the execution of contracts for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services in accordance with the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to ensure state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - Law N 44-FZ).

This Procedure applies to procurement through a request for quotations, electronic auction, an open tender, a tender with limited participation, a two-stage tender, a request for proposals in the event that an auction is recognized in electronic form, or a repeated tender has not taken place in accordance with Law N 44-FZ, as well as for procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer).

2. Concepts and definitions

2.1. The state customer is the department for regulating the contract system of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the department).

2.2. Procurement notification - a set of information on the procurement by the department, provided for by the relevant articles of Law N 44-FZ, depending on the method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer).

2.3. Procurement documentation - documentation for the implementation of the procurement procedure, posted in a single information system or before the commissioning of this system on the official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the official website), when using competitive methods for determining suppliers (contractors) , performers).

2.4. EIS is a unified information system in the field of procurement.

2.5. Procurement documentation - documentation for the implementation of the procurement procedure, posted in the EIS when using a competitive method for determining the supplier (contractor, performer).

2.6. Procurement initiator - a structural subdivision of the department that initiates the purchase of goods, works, services in order to implement the powers, tasks and functions of this structural subdivision, department.

Additionally, in order to implement the powers, tasks and functions of the department itself, the initiators of the procurement of goods, works, services are:

a) in the field of providing services, the costs of which are formed in accordance with the standards established by federal and regional regulatory legal acts, the purchase of stationery, household supplies, medical examinations of state civil servants of the department - the department public service, personnel and budget accounting;

b) in the field Maintenance and repair of organizational, computer equipment, server equipment, refilling cartridges, access to the Internet, purchase of software, computer and organizational equipment, components for it - department of information and technical support.

Any structural subdivision of the department can also be determined as the initiator of the purchase in accordance with the instructions of the head of the department.

3. Functional responsibilities of the contract manager and structural subdivisions of the department in the planning and implementation of procurement for the needs of the department

3.1. Contract manager:

3.1.1. When planning purchases:

a) develops a procurement plan, prepares changes to be made to the procurement plan, places the procurement plan and the changes made to it in the EIS (in cooperation with the head of the civil service, personnel and budget accounting department);

b) ensures the preparation of a procurement rationale when forming a procurement plan, schedule;

c) develops a schedule, prepares changes to be introduced into the schedule, places the schedule and the changes made to it in a single information system (in cooperation with the head of the civil service, personnel and budget accounting department);

d) organize the approval of the procurement plan and the procurement schedule;

e) generates a description of the procurement object in accordance with the order of the department of February 5, 2016 N 16 "On approval of the application form for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), the procedure for sending it to the department for regulating the contract system of the Krasnodar Territory" (hereinafter - the order of the department N 16 *) forms, if necessary, corrects columns and rows from the approved forms in agreement with the supervising deputy head of the department, coordinates with the initiator of the purchase;
by order of the Department for Regulation of the Contract System of the Krasnodar Territory dated January 29, 2018 N 5.
* Hereinafter in the text the words "department order N 1" in the corresponding cases are replaced by the words "department order N 16" in the corresponding cases - .

f) determines and justifies the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) when forming the procurement schedule;

g) determines the method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer).

3.1.2. When determining suppliers (contractors, performers):

a) specifies the preliminary description of the procurement object, the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer);

b) establishes advantages and limitations in the course of procurement in accordance with the norms of the current legislation;

c) ensures the implementation of purchases from small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations establishes, if necessary, the requirement to involve subcontractors, co-executors from among small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations in the execution of the contract;

d) prepares and sends in writing or in the form of an electronic document explanations of the provisions of the procurement documentation;

e) ensures the conclusion of contracts, sending the necessary documents for concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer) based on the results of failed procedures for determining a supplier in cases established by Law N 44-FZ to the relevant authorities;

f) substantiates in a documented report the impossibility or inexpediency of using other methods for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), as well as the price of the contract and other essential terms of the contract in case of procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) for the conclusion of the contract;

g) organizes the sending to the federal body authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement, information about procurement participants who evaded the conclusion of contracts, for inclusion in the register of unscrupulous suppliers (contractors, performers).

3.1.3. When executing, changing, terminating the contract:

a) ensures the acceptance of the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of the delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services (in cooperation with the initiator of the purchase);

b) organizes payment for the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of contract execution (in cooperation with the department of civil service, personnel and budget accounting);

c) interacts with the supplier (contractor, performer) when changing, terminating the contract, applies measures of responsibility, including sending the supplier (contractor, performer) a demand for payment of penalties (fines, penalties) in case of delay in the performance by the supplier (contractor, performer) of obligations (including the warranty obligation) stipulated by the contract, as well as in other cases of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the supplier (contractor, performer) of the obligations stipulated by the contract, performs other actions in case of violation by the supplier (contractor, performer) of the terms of the contract (in cooperation with the organizational and legal work);

d) organizes the examination of the delivered goods, performed work, rendered services, if necessary, ensures the involvement of experts, expert organizations;

e) prepares a document on the acceptance of the results of a separate stage of the execution of the contract, as well as the delivered goods, work performed or services rendered;

f) publishes in the UIS a report containing information on the performance of the contract, on compliance with the intermediate and final deadlines for the performance of the contract, on improper performance of the contract (indicating the violations committed) or on the non-performance of the contract and on the sanctions that have been applied in connection with the violation of the terms of the contract or its non-performance, change or termination of the contract in the course of its execution, information about the change in the contract or termination of the contract, with the exception of information constituting a state secret;

g) organizes the inclusion in the register of unscrupulous suppliers (contractors, performers) of information about the supplier (contractor, performer), with whom the contract was terminated by a court decision or in connection with the unilateral refusal of the department to execute the contract;

h) draw up and place in a single information system a report on the volume of purchases from small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations;

i) organizes inclusion in single register state and municipal contracts information on contracts concluded by the department.

3.1.4. When exercising other powers provided for by Law N 44-FZ, including:

a) organizes, if necessary, consultations with suppliers (contractors, performers) and participates in such consultations in order to determine the status competitive environment in the relevant markets for goods, works, services, determining the best technologies and other solutions to meet public needs;

b) organizes a mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, work or services, based on the results of which, if necessary, prepares changes to be introduced into the procurement plans, schedules, procurement documentation or ensures the cancellation of the procurement;

c) takes part in the approval of requirements for certain types of goods, works, services purchased by the department (including the marginal prices of goods, works, services) and (or) standard costs for ensuring the functions of the department;

d) If necessary, participates in the consideration of cases on appealing against actions (inaction) of the department, including appealing against the results of determining suppliers (contractors, performers), and prepares materials for the implementation of claim work (in cooperation with the department of organizational and legal work);

e) checks bank guarantees received as security for the performance of contracts for compliance with the requirements of Law N 44-FZ;

f) informs in case of refusal of the department to accept a bank guarantee, the person who provided the bank guarantee about this, indicating the reasons that served as the basis for the refusal;

g) organizes the return of funds deposited as security for the performance of contracts;

h) forms and sends to the procurement monitoring department information on procurement (including planning, identifying suppliers (performers, contractors), concluding (executing) contracts in the manner and within the time limits established by the department.

3.2. Department of organizational and legal work:

3.2.1. Develop standard draft contracts for the department.

3.2.2. Coordinates draft contracts in preparation for procurement.

3.2.3. Provides the necessary legal assistance to the contract manager when changing, terminating the contract, applying liability measures to the supplier (contractor, performer), including when sending the supplier (contractor, performer) a demand for payment of penalties (fines, penalties) in case of delay in performance by the supplier (contractor) , performer) of obligations (including a warranty obligation) stipulated by the contract, as well as in other cases of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the supplier (contractor, performer) of obligations stipulated by the contract.

3.3. Department of organization of tenders for goods, works, services:

3.3.1. Carries out actions in accordance with the Decree of the Head of Administration (Governor) of the Krasnodar Territory dated February 26, 2014 N 133 "On the Procedure for Interaction between the Executive Authorities of the Krasnodar Territory, State Public Institutions of the Krasnodar Territory, budget institutions of the Krasnodar Territory in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet the state needs of the Krasnodar Territory with the department for regulating the contract system of the Krasnodar Territory "(hereinafter referred to as Resolution N 133) in the case of procurement through open tenders, tenders with limited participation, two-stage tenders, auctions in electronic form in cases where the initial (maximum) price of the contract exceeds five hundred thousand rubles, requests for proposals in the event that an auction in electronic form (if the initial (maximum) price of the contract exceeds five hundred thousand rubles) is recognized, a re-tender failed in accordance with Law N 44 -FZ;

3.3.2. Interaction with the contract manager at the procurement stage, providing consulting and technical assistance.

3.4. Bidding support department:

3.4.1. Prepares minutes of meetings of procurement commissions based on decisions made by members of the procurement commission;

3.4.2. Provides organizational and technical support for the activities of procurement commissions, including verification of:

a) compliance of participants, applications of participants with the requirements established by Law N 44-FZ;

b) attracts experts, expert organizations (in accordance with paragraph "d" of subsection 3.1.3 of section 3.1 of this Procedure);

c) carries out an examination of the applications of participants and provides the contract manager with the result of the examination no later than 2 days before the meeting of the procurement commission;

d) places in the UIS the protocols provided for by Law N 44-FZ;

e) ensures the safety of envelopes with applications for participation in procurement, security, inviolability and confidentiality of those submitted in the form electronic documents applications for participation in procurements and ensures consideration of the content of applications for participation in procurements only after opening the envelopes with applications for participation in procurements or opening access to applications for participation in procurements submitted in the form of electronic documents;

f) provides an opportunity for all procurement participants who submitted applications for participation in the procurement, or their representatives to be present at the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the procurement and (or) opening access to applications for participation in the procurement submitted in the form of electronic documents;

g) ensure the implementation of an audio recording of the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in procurement and (or) the opening of access to applications for participation in procurement submitted in the form of electronic documents;

h) ensures the storage, within the time limits established by the current legislation, of the minutes drawn up during the procurement, applications for participation in procurement, procurement documentation, changes made to the procurement documentation, clarifications of the provisions of the procurement documentation and an audio recording of opening envelopes with applications for participation in procurement and (or) opening access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in procurement.

3.5. Department of Civil Service, Personnel and Budgetary Accounting:

3.5.1. Provides information for the formation of a procurement plan for each purchase:

a) on codes for the type of expenses according to the budget classification of the Russian Federation, determined in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation for inclusion in categories 34 - 36 identification code purchases;

b) volume financial support to make a purchase.

3.5.2. Provides information for the formation of a procurement schedule for each purchase:

a) the amount of the advance payment (if the payment of the advance payment is provided), the stages of payment (if the execution of the contract and its payment are provided for in stages);

b) KBK code.

3.5.3. Carries out:

a) payment for the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of the execution of the contract;

b) the return of funds deposited as security for bids or security for the performance of contracts.

3.5.4. Coordinates the generated procurement plan and the procurement schedule on paper.

3.5.5. Forms a forecast of the volume of products purchased for state needs at the expense of the budget of the Krasnodar Territory and extrabudgetary sources of funding.

3.6. Heads of structural subdivisions of the department:

3.6.1. They form a preliminary register of the needs of the structural unit for the next financial year and planning period in order to form a procurement plan and schedule, provide the minimum characteristics of the procurement objects included in the preliminary register of the needs of the structural unit, and the estimated initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer).

3.6.2. If necessary, they act as initiators of purchases and take part in the acceptance of goods (works, services).

4. Interaction of the contract manager with structural subdivisions of the department at the procurement planning stage

4.1. Heads of structural subdivisions of the department:

a) annually form a register of needs of the structural unit for a period corresponding to the term of the regional law on the budget of the Krasnodar Territory for the next financial year and planning period, in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure;

b) submit by January 20 the register of needs of the structural unit to the contract manager, formed and agreed with the supervising deputy head of the department.
(Subparagraph as amended, put into effect by order of the Department for Regulation of the Contract System of the Krasnodar Territory dated January 29, 2018 N 5

4.2. Contract manager:

a) forms a consolidated preliminary register of the needs of the department (Appendix No. 2), coordinates it with the deputy head of the department supervising the work of the contract manager;

b) conducts a preliminary market research in order to form descriptions of the objects of procurement for goods, works, services included in the consolidated preliminary register of the needs of the department (to be agreed with the initiator of the procurement), as well as to identify their prices from open sources of information;

c) makes adjustments based on the results of the preliminary study in the consolidated preliminary register of the needs of the department, coordinates it on paper with the supervising deputy head of the department and approves the head of the department;

d) before February 15, submits the approved consolidated preliminary register of the needs of the department to the departments of civil service, personnel and budgetary accounting and regulation in the field of procurement;
(The subparagraph as amended, put into effect by order of the Department for Regulation of the Contract System of the Krasnodar Territory dated January 29, 2018 N 5, is applied when planning for 2020.

e) in order to analyze the purchases made in the reporting year and make a decision on the need (no need) to make changes to the departmental list of certain types of goods, works, services in respect of which the department has defined requirements for consumer properties (including quality) and other characteristics (including the marginal prices of goods, works, services), annually, before February 1 of the current year, submits to the department of regulation in the field of procurement information on the purchases made by the department for the reporting financial year in the context of the following criteria for each object of procurement:

OKPD code 2;

the name of the purchased goods (works, services);

the amount of payments in rubles under contracts, information about which is included in the register of contracts;

the number of concluded contracts, information about which is included in the register of contracts;

the number of concluded contracts, information about which is not subject to inclusion in the register of contracts.
(The subparagraph is additionally included by order of the Department for Regulation of the Contract System of the Krasnodar Territory dated January 29, 2018 N 5)

4.3. Head of the Civil Service, Personnel and Budget Accounting Department:

a) within the period established by the Ministry of Finance of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Finance), on the basis of a consolidated preliminary register of the needs of the department, forms a preliminary estimate of the department and a register of the needs of the department (Appendix N 3), approves the head of the department, sends to the Ministry of Finance a copy of the preliminary estimate with with a copy of the register of needs of the department attached to it, supplemented with information about the CSC for each item, transfers to the contract manager for the formation of a preliminary procurement plan for the department;

b) after the Ministry of Finance reports the target figures, it generates a draft cost estimate and makes adjustments to the register of the department’s needs, supplements it with the information necessary for the formation of the procurement schedule (approximate time for placing an order and executing the contract, based on the planned financing conditions and obtaining the scope of rights by the department in monetary terms), agrees with the deputy head of the department, approves with the head of the department and transfers to the contract manager within 10 working days from the moment the Ministry of Finance brings the control figures;

c) after the department receives the volume of rights in monetary terms to accept and fulfill obligations, within two working days it forms an estimate of expenses and a register of the needs of the department, coordinates it with the supervising deputy head of the department, approves it with the head of the department, transfers it to the contract manager.

4.4. Contract manager:

a) after receiving the approved draft cost estimates with the preliminary register of the needs of the department attached to it, forms a preliminary procurement plan by July 1;

b) after receiving the cost estimates approved by the head of the department and the register of the needs of the department, supplemented by the information necessary for the formation of the schedule:

Makes appropriate adjustments to the department's procurement plan;

Forms a preliminary procurement schedule of the department, coordinates it with the supervising deputy head of the department;

Forms a description of the procurement object, coordinates with the initiator of the procurement, approves from the head of the department;

Carries out activities to form the initial (maximum) contract price, the price of a contract concluded with a single supplier, contractor, performer in accordance with Article 22 of Law N 44-FZ;

Based on the results of the measures taken to form the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier, contractor, performer, makes changes to the register of department needs, the preliminary schedule of the department, coordinates them with the supervising deputy head of the department;

c) after the department receives the volume of rights in monetary terms to accept and fulfill obligations, receive an estimate of expenses and a register of the needs of the department:

Within eight working days, adjusts the procurement plan, the schedule of the department in accordance with the provided documents, coordinates them with the supervising deputy head of the department, approves with the head of the department;

Within three days from the date of approval of these documents, the information contained in them is placed in the EIS.

The period for approval of the plan, the procurement schedule of the department may not exceed ten working days from the date of receipt by the department of the volume of rights in monetary terms to accept and fulfill obligations.

The term for posting on the official website of the procurement plan, the schedule of the department may not exceed three working days from the date of approval of these documents.

4.5. Department of rationing in the field of procurement:

a) analyzes the purchases made in the reporting financial year;

b) determines:

the share of payment for certain types of goods, works, services under contracts, information about which is included in the register of contracts, in the total amount of payment for contracts included in the specified register;

the share of contracts for the purchase of a particular type of goods, works, services in the total number of contracts concluded in the reporting financial year;

c) on the basis of the calculations made, makes a decision on the need (absence of the need) to make changes to the departmental list of certain types of goods, works, services, in respect of which the department has defined requirements for consumer properties (including quality) and other characteristics (including limiting prices of goods, works, services);

d) if necessary, make changes to the relevant legal act Department on rationing in the prescribed manner.
(Clause 4.5 is additionally included by order of the Department for Regulation of the Contract System of the Krasnodar Territory dated January 29, 2018 N 5)

5. Interaction of the contract manager with structural subdivisions of the department at the stage of procurement

5.1. Before each purchase, the contract manager:

a) carries out work to clarify the description of the procurement object drawn up at the procurement planning stage, makes adjustments if necessary, coordinates the description of the procurement object with the initiator and approves it from the supervising deputy head of the department, or from the head of the department;

b) forms the rationale for the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), approves with the head of the department;

c) forms a draft contract, coordinates it with the department of organizational and legal work and approves it with the head of the department.

5.2. Purchase from a single supplier (contractor, performer):

The contract manager forms a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), signs it with the head of the department.

5.3. Procurement through open tenders, tenders with limited participation, two-stage tenders, auctions in electronic form in cases where the initial (maximum) price of the contract exceeds five hundred thousand rubles, requests for proposals if the auction is recognized in electronic form (if the initial (maximum) price contract exceeds five hundred thousand rubles), the re-tender failed in accordance with Law N 44-FZ.

The contract manager together with the department for organizing tenders for goods, works, services, the department for ensuring the conduct of tenders:

a) carry out actions in accordance with Decree N 133;

b) the application provided for in paragraph 3.4 of Decree N 133, the contract manager signs with the deputy head of the department in charge of it, with an accompanying memo, transfers it to the supervising department of the organization of tenders for goods, works, services of the deputy head of the department for further actions in accordance with Decree N 133.

5.4. Procurement through requests for quotations, auctions in electronic form in cases where the initial (maximum) price of the contract does not exceed five hundred thousand rubles, requests for proposals, with the exception of the recognition of the auction in electronic form (if the initial (maximum) price of the contract in accordance with the documentation on auction in electronic form exceeds five hundred thousand rubles) failed in accordance with Law N 44-FZ.

5.4.1. Contract manager:

a) generates procurement documentation and approves it from the supervising deputy head of the department, or from the head of the department;

b) generates a notice of the procurement, develops and approves the procurement documentation (hereinafter referred to as the documentation), with the exception of previously approved documents and information;

c) places information on the procurement provided for by Law N 44-FZ in the UIS;

d) makes a choice electronic platform where electronic auctions will be held;

e) on the basis of a request for clarification of the provisions of the documentation, forms, sends and places in the EIS responses to requests for clarification of the provisions of the documentation;

f) generates and places in the EIS information on amendments to the notice of procurement and (or) documentation in the manner and within the time limits provided for by Law N 44-FZ;

g) generates and places a notice on the cancellation of the determination of the supplier (contractor, performer) by the EIS;

h) informs the bidding support department with a memo about the placement of a notice on the implementation of the procurement and all stages of its implementation.

5.4.2. Bidding support department:

a) accepts applications for participation in the request for quotations in accordance with the norms provided for by Law N 44-FZ;

b) attracts experts, expert organizations in cases provided for by Law N 44-FZ;

c) carries out actions to determine suppliers (contractors, performers) provided for by Law N 44-FZ.

6. Procurement in the event of circumstances that could not be foreseen at the date of approval of the schedule

6.1. Purchasing Initiator:

a) coordinates the need for procurement with the supervising deputy head of the department or the head of the department;

b) agrees with the head of the department of public service, personnel and budget accounting on the financial possibility of making a purchase, the estimated initial (maximum) price of the contract, or the price of the contract, when purchasing from a single supplier (contractor, performer), the timing of placing an order and executing the contract, the procedure payment, budget classification code;

c) transfers to the contract manager information about the need to make a purchase with a minimum description of the object of the purchase in the form approved by order No. 16 of the department.

6.2. Contract manager:

a) prepares appropriate changes for inclusion in the schedule, procurement plan;

b) approves the schedule with the changes made by the head of the department and places it in a single information system.

All subsequent actions of the contract manager and employees of structural units are carried out in the manner prescribed by this regulation, depending on the method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer).

7. Conclusion, execution, modification and termination of the contract

7.1. Contract manager:

a) organizes the signing of the contract by the parties;

b) organizes the placement of the draft contract in a single information system (before its entry into force - sending the draft contract through the operator of the electronic trading platform) when determining the supplier (contractor, performer) by holding an electronic auction, as well as the subsequent placement of the signed contract in a single information system in the prescribed manner;

c) sends, within the prescribed time, a draft contract to the person with whom the contract is to be concluded (with a copy of the minutes of the commission meeting in the cases provided for by Law N 44-FZ) during tenders, requests for quotations and requests for proposals, and also sends to the specified person one copy of the contract, signed by the department;

d) forms and sends, in the prescribed manner, an appeal to the executive authority of the Krasnodar Territory authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement to agree on the possibility of concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer) in accordance with paragraphs 24, 25 of part 1 of article 93 of Law N 44 -FZ;

e) enters information about the concluded contracts into the "Register of contracts" section on the official website of state and municipal procurement and transmits the relevant information (state contract, printout from the register of contracts on the inclusion of information about the concluded contract, in the cases established by Law N 44-FZ) with accompanying a note to the head of the department of public service, personnel and budget accounting;

g) sends information to the control body in the field of procurement when the winner of the selection of the supplier (contractor, performer) evades the conclusion of the contract, and whose application or proposal is assigned a second number, or when the sole participant who submitted the application or proposal evades and with whom the contract is concluded;

h) checks the bank guarantee provided by the procurement participant as a security for the performance of the contract for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the procurement. Decision coordinated with the head of the department of organizational and legal work.

7.2. The head of the department of civil service, personnel and budget accounting checks the security for the performance of the contract sent by the procurement participant (if the person with whom the contract is concluded is elected as security for the performance of the contract, the transfer of funds to the account specified in the documentation).

7.3. The procedure for the interaction of the contract manager with other structural divisions during the execution, amendment and termination of the contract:

1) Contract manager:

a) Controls the fulfillment by the supplier (contractor, performer) of the terms of the contract;

b) carries out a set of measures together with the head of the department of organizational and legal work when the head of the department makes decisions on the need to change, terminate the contract, apply liability measures to the supplier (contractor, performer).

8. The procedure for the interaction of the contract manager with other structural divisions when accepting goods (works, services) and paying for the delivered goods (works performed, services rendered)

8.1. Contract manager:

a) ensures the acceptance of the delivered goods (work performed, services rendered, results of a separate stage of contract execution) together with the acceptance committee;

b) organizes the examination of the delivered goods, work performed, services rendered, involvement of experts, expert organizations in cases provided for by Law N 44-FZ;

c) transfers the documents for payment received from the supplier (contractor, executor) to the head of the department of public service, personnel and budget accounting with a memo.

8.2. The head of the department of civil service, personnel and budget accounting pays for the delivered goods (work performed, services rendered) and, within one day from the date of payment, transfers the relevant documents confirming the fact of payment to the contract manager.

9. Interaction of structural subdivisions of the department in determining the norms for the quantity and price of goods, works, services

(The section is additionally included by order of the Department for Regulation of the Contract System of the Krasnodar Territory dated January 29, 2018 N 5)

9.1. When a structural subdivision of the department of goods, works, services, the quantity and price standards of which are not determined by the act of the department, is included in the register of needs, the following actions are carried out:

9.1.1. The head of the structural unit initiating such a purchase:

a) forms a reasoned justification for the need to purchase such a product, work, service, indicating, among other things:

Functions of the department, which is provided by the purchase of such goods, works, services;

Purpose of the purchase;

The expected positive result achieved through the use of the supplied goods, work, services;

b) indicates the characteristics of the goods, works, services sufficient to identify the object of procurement (minimum description of the object of procurement) and the formation of a request for the provision of price information in the manner prescribed by Article 22 of Law N 44-FZ, as well as an approximate range of prices in a functioning market. If there is a need to purchase goods from a specific commodity producer, this need is also subject to justification;

c) coordinates the need with the Department of Civil Service, Personnel and Budgetary Accounting for the availability of limits on budgetary obligations and / or budgetary allocations for this purchase;

d) coordinates the need with the first deputy / deputy head of the department in charge of the department's activities (carried out if there are limits on budget obligations and / or budget allocations for this purchase). In case of temporary absence (vacation, sick leave, long business trip, etc.), the need is agreed with the person empowered to perform duties during his absence;

e) coordinates the need with the head of the department;

f) submits the above documents simultaneously with the register of needs of the structural subdivision of the department to the contract manager.

9.1.2. Contract manager:

a) carries out a set of measures to determine the price of purchased goods, works, services, taking into account the provisions of Article 22 of Law N 44-FZ;

b) submits to the Procurement Regulation Department the documents specified in subparagraph 9.1.1 of this section and the price information received as a result of the implementation of the measures provided for in paragraph "a" of this subparagraph no later than March 10.


During 2018, the period specified in this subparagraph is equal to a calendar month from the date of approval of the consolidated preliminary register of the needs of the department - order of the Department for Regulation of the Contract System of the Krasnodar Territory dated January 29, 2018 N 5.

9.1.3. Department of rationing in the field of procurement:

a) examines the documents received from the contract manager for their sufficiency to determine the quantity and price standards. If it is necessary to obtain additional documents and information, sends the relevant request(s) to the structural unit(s);

b) after receiving the missing documents within a period not exceeding a calendar month, perform the following actions:

Submits for consideration at a meeting of the Public Council under the department the issue of the need to make appropriate changes to the act on the regulation of the department;

Ensures the formation, signing and placement in the EIS of the minutes of the meeting of the Public Council under the department, adopted following the consideration of the issue specified in paragraph "b" of this subparagraph;

Develops a draft of the corresponding order, explanatory note to him;

In order to conduct public control, it places a draft order and an explanatory note to it in the EIS;

Based on the results of the discussion, for the purposes of public control, if necessary, ensures the adoption of a decision on amendments to the draft legal acts, taking into account proposals public associations, legal entities and individuals;

Ensures the signing of the draft order by the head of the department, places it on time in the EIS;

Informs the structural subdivision of the department that initiates the purchase of goods, works, services, the department of civil service, personnel and budget accounting, the contract manager about the determination of the quantity and price standards for the relevant procurement object.

9.2. If during the financial year there is a need for the purchase of goods, works, services, the standards for which are not defined, the structural subdivisions of the department carry out the activities provided for in clause 9.1 of this Section (except for the need to create a register of needs of the structural subdivision), within the following terms:

a) contract manager - within a calendar month from the date of receipt of a complete set of documents;

b) the department of rationing in the field of procurement - within a calendar month from the date of receipt of the last document necessary to determine the standard for the quantity and price of goods, works, services.

9.3. In the course of determining the standard for the quantity and price of goods, work, services, the procurement department has the right, in agreement with the head of the department, to request from the structural unit of the department initiating such a purchase additional documents and information regarding the procurement object, confirming the validity of its purchase.

Head of department


Appendix No. 1
to order
interactions of the contract manager
with structural subdivisions of the department
in planning and implementation
procurement to meet the needs of the department
for regulation of contract
systems of the Krasnodar Territory


for regulation of contract
systems of the Krasnodar Territory
_____________ (FULL NAME.)
"___" ___________ ___ G.


FOR ________________ YEAR

unit of measurement

Quantity, volume

Orien. art, rub.

Need justification


Head of Department




Head of department
for regulation of contract
systems of the Krasnodar Territory


Appendix No. 2
to order
interactions of the contract manager
with structural subdivisions of the department
when planning and making purchases
to meet the needs of the department
regulation of the contract system
Krasnodar Territory


department for contract regulation
systems of the Krasnodar Territory
________________ (FULL NAME.)
"___" ___________ ___ G.

deputy head of department
on the regulation of the contract system
Krasnodar Territory
________________ (FULL NAME.)
"___" ___________ ___ G.

deputy head of department
for regulation of contract
systems of the Krasnodar Territory
________________ (FULL NAME.)
"___" ___________ ___ G.

I approve
head of department
for regulation of contract
systems of the Krasnodar Territory
________________ (FULL NAME.)
"___" ___________ ___ G.


Name of types of products (goods, works, services)

Procurement initiator

unit of measurement

Minimum required requirements for the subject of the contract

The term of delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services


Contract manager
____________________________ ______________________

(signature) (full name)

Head of department
for regulation of contract
systems of the Krasnodar Territory


Appendix No. 3
to order
interactions of the contract manager
with structural subdivisions of the department
when planning and making purchases
to meet the needs of the department
contract regulation
systems of the Krasnodar Territory

first deputy head
department for contract regulation
systems of the Krasnodar Territory
_____________ (FULL NAME.)
"___" ___________ ___ G.

I approve
head of department for
contract regulation
systems of the Krasnodar Territory
______________ (FULL NAME.)
"___" ___________ ___ G.


Name of types of products (goods, works, services)

Procurement initiator

unit of measurement

Estimated cost, rub.

Justification of the purchase (in accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law N 44-FZ)

Minimum required requirements for the subject of the contract

The term of delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services


Document's name:
Document Number: 177
Type of document:
Host body: Department for regulation of the contract system of the Krasnodar Territory
Status: current
Published: The document has not been published.
Acceptance date: December 25, 2015
Revision date: January 29, 2018


Director of ISMAN

"___" _________ 2014


contract service interactions

with structural divisions

1. General Provisions

1. This Regulation defines the mechanism of interaction of the contract service, which exercises the authority to purchase goods, works, services for the needs of ISMAN.

2. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in order to automate the main operations of planning the procurement of goods, works, services, identifying suppliers (contractors, performers); conclusion and execution of contracts, control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Terms and definitions

The following concepts, terms and definitions are used in these Regulations:

OSSP - Responsible specialist of the structural unit

IZ - purchase initiator

NMTsK - the initial (maximum) price of the contract;

UIS - unified information system;

IS ISMAN - ISMAN website

KS - Contract Service;

PEO - Planning and Economic Department;

OMTS - department of material and technical supply;

EC - single commission

OKVED - All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity

OFAS - Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Moscow Region.

3. Regulations of interaction

No. p \ p

Current events




for performance


Enforcement units*


The documents






Stage 1. Formation of a schedule for placing orders

for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of ISMAN (hereinafter referred to as the schedule)

Informing the heads of departments about the drafting of the schedule for the next financial year from the funds received under budget programs and topics:

a) separation funds (OKHNM);

b) programs of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

c) subsidies provided from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation;

until October 25 of the current year

Head of the CC

The SC provides IS with methodological assistance in determining and justifying the NMCC

Memos addressed to the heads of departments with justification * for the need to purchase STFZ (the need to purchase this particular product (work, service), indicating:

Name of the subject of the contract;

The term for placing an order;

The term of the contract;

Justification of the need to involve experts, expert organizations at the stage of acceptance.

Provision of draft plans-schedules from departments for the next financial year in paper form and in in electronic format in the format Excel by e - mail : pion @ ism . ac. en

Within 10 working days from receipt of the service note

Heads of divisions

Draft schedules (in the form of Appendix No. 1) from departments for the next financial year, indicating the officials responsible for the execution of contracts.

The schedule includes all purchases, including contracts concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) in accordance with Art. 93 FZ-44 of 01.01.2001

Drawing up, approval of a consolidated schedule for the next financial year and its publication on the official website on the Internet

Within 10 working days from receipt of the schedules

Head of the CC


Plan-schedule approved by the director for the next financial year.

Placement on the official website within 3 working days, but no later than December 31.

Stage 2. Formation of packages of documents for the purchase of goods, works, services for the needs of ISMAN

Provision of documents necessary for registration and publication of purchases (documents are provided on paper and in electronic form.

Until the 20th day of the month preceding the month in which the notice is planned to be published on the official website

Heads of divisions**

Procurement initiator, CU

Memos addressed to the Deputy Director in charge of procurement with the following documents attached to paper form and on electronic media:

1. Memo.

2. Terms of reference agreed by the head of the department and approved by the director of ISMAN.

3. An agreed and approved list of codes for goods, works, services in accordance with OKVED;

4. Draft contract agreed with the legal adviser and the head of the unit;

5. Agreed by the head of the department and approved by the director, the schedule for the supply of goods, the provision of services, the performance of work;

6. An agreed and approved payment schedule, with a breakdown of the estimated amounts and terms of payment by months;

7. Estimated documentation approved by the head of the structural unit and approved by the director of ISMAN;

8. In the case of construction and installation works, it is necessary to provide:

Agreed and approved project documentation;

An agreed and approved list of types of work that affect the safety of facilities capital construction(according to the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 000).**

Preparation of a package of documents required for registration and publication of purchases in accordance with the schedule

Within 5 working days after receiving a package of documents from departments.

Head of the CC


1. selection of the method of substantiation of the NMTsK calculation of the substantiation of the (initial) maximum price according to the formula in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 01.01.2001. No. 000, procurement documentation, consisting of procurement information, terms of reference, draft contract, notice

2. Criteria for evaluating applications and final proposals (for the competition);

3. other documents (if necessary).

Coordination of the package of documents with departments.

2 business days after the package of documents required for processing and placing orders.

Head of the CC

CS, PEO, legal adviser

Service note with an agreed package of documents.

Issuing an order

Approval of documentation and notice of purchase

1 working day

Director (acting director)


An application approved by the departments with a package of documents and approved by the director of ISMAN.

Placing a purchase in the EIS

Within 1 business day

Head of the CC

The process of "Change to the schedule"

Preparation of information characterizing the rationale for making changes to the schedule in accordance with Part 13 of the StFZ dated 01.01.2001.

Not later than 12 calendar days before the date of posting on the OS of the notice of the purchase (in case of purchase from a single supplier 12 days before the date of conclusion of the contract

Responsible specialist of the structural unit


A memo on the cancellation or postponement of the purchase with justification.

Order to amend the schedule

Amendments to the schedule, placement in the EIS

Within 3 days

Head of the CC


Approved schedule by the director of ISMAN

Stage 3. Participation in purchases. Conclusion of contracts and control of their execution

Amendments and clarifications to the procurement documentation.

Within 1 working day from the date of receipt of the request

Head of the CC

Procurement initiator, CC, legal adviser

Participation in tenders and preparation of an opinion on the merits of the submitted proposals for a competitive method for determining suppliers (contractors, performers)

Terms according to Federal Law-44 dated 01.01.2001.

Chairman of the unified commission

CC, single commission

Conclusion on the merits of the submitted proposals (formulation of the minutes)

After determining the winner of the competitive method for determining suppliers (contractors, performers)

Terms, according to the Federal Law-44 dated 01.01.2001. (depending on how the provider is defined)

Head of the CC

CS, legal adviser, PEO

Send to the winner the protocol and the draft contract with the inclusion of the winner and the bidder, with annexes (specification, terms of reference, calendar plan, estimate) for signing

After the contract is signed by the winning supplier (contractor, performer), the contract is signed by the customer or an authorized person (depending on the procurement method).

On the day of signing the contract

Head of the CC


Informing the heads of departments about the supplier (contractor, performer) with the issuance of a copy of the concluded contract for execution

Submission of information to the OS on the conclusion of the contract

Within 3 working days after signing the contract

Head of the CC

Information about entering the contract into the register of contracts with the assignment of the OS registration number to it with the scanned contract attached.

Control over the execution of the contract

Throughout the term of the contract

OSSP, head of the CS, head of the OMTS, IZ

KS, OMTS, IZ, commission for acceptance, accounting

Signing the act of acceptance, consignment note and other accompanying documents. Timely payment

Providing information on the decisions taken by the customer to recover from the supplier (executor, contractor) a penalty (fine, penalty interest) in connection with non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations stipulated by the contract

Department head


Memo addressed to the head of the CC with copies of relevant documents Concluding an additional agreement, issuing penalties, fines, termination of the contract (depending on the method of procurement)

Making changes to the register of contracts in the EIS

within 3 days

Head of the CC

Authorized person of the director

Information about the change, termination of the contract with the scanned files.

Providing information about the termination of the contract by court order.

Within 1 working day after the relevant decision is made

legal adviser

legal adviser

A memo addressed to the head of the Constitutional Court with copies of court decisions.

Preparation and placement in the EIS of a report on the execution, amendment, termination of the contract or on the results of a separate stage of its execution, in accordance with the Government Decree of 01.01.2001. No. 000)

Within 1 working day after the execution, modification or termination of the contract.

Head of the CC

Authorized person of the director

Report form (Appendix No. 2)

Submission to the Constitutional Court of a report on the impossibility of using other methods to determine the supplier, justify the price of the contract and other essential conditions for the execution of the contract when purchasing from a single supplier to meet the needs of ISMAN (Article 93, Part 1, Clause

1 working day

Department head

Submitted report, in electronic form and on paper

Preparation and placement of a notice of conclusion of a contract with a single supplier on the official website on the Internet

head of the CC


Coordination of the contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer) on the basis of Article 93 of the Federal Law-44 of 01/01/2001.

1 working day from receipt

Subdivision leaders.

KS (legal adviser)

Contract agreed with the head of the CC

Conclusion of a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer) on the basis of Article 93 of the Federal Law-44 of 01.01.2001.

According to the schedule

department head,

IZ, KS (legal adviser)

OMTS, PEO, accounting


Signed contract

Providing information about contracts concluded on the basis of Article 93 of the Federal Law-44 dated 01.01.2001.

On the day of the contract

department head,


OMTS, PEO, accounting,

Memos addressed to the head of the CC (with copies of contracts).

Submission of information about contracts concluded on the basis of Article 93 of the Federal Law-44 dated 01/01/2001 to the official website on the Internet, over 100 thousand rubles.)

Within 3 working days after signing the contract

Head of the CC


Entering information about the concluded contract in the register of contracts.

Submission of information about contracts concluded on the basis of part 1, clause 6, article 93 of FZ-44 dated 01.01.2001 to the control body in the field of procurement in the Moscow region

Within 1 working day after the conclusion of the contract.

Head of the CC


Notification to the control body in the field of procurement

Within 7 working days after the execution of the municipal contract.

head of the CC


Submission of information about unscrupulous suppliers (contractors, performers).

Within 3 working days after the identification of an unscrupulous supplier.

Head of the CC


Letter to the OFAS for the Moscow region.

*If the purchase is found to be unreasonable in the course of monitoring, audit and control in the field of procurement, the control bodies specified in paragraph 3 of part 1 of Art. 99 of Law N 44-FZ, must issue an order to eliminate the identified violation and bring the perpetrators to administrative responsibility (part 6 of article 18 of Law N 44-FZ).

Subdivisions ensure execution within the limits of their official powers;

** - in case of providing an incomplete package of documents for the purchase of goods (works, services), the documents will be returned to the heads of departments for revision.

*** - information on the execution of the contract with an indication of the parameters of execution, including information on payment for the contract (payment for the stage of the contract) - details (type, number, date) of the document confirming the occurrence of a monetary obligation upon delivery of goods (invoice and (or) act of acceptance - transfer, and (or) invoice), performance of work, provision of services (act of completed work (services) and (or) invoice, and (or) invoice), as well as the details (type, number, date) of the document, confirming the fact of payment for the contract (payment order, etc.) ( Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for preparing and posting in a unified information system in the field of procurement a report on the execution of a state (municipal) contract and (or) on the results of a separate stage of its execution");

The responsible persons exercising control over the development and execution of contracts are the heads of structural divisions:

In the case of the provision of memos with supporting documents attached in violation of the deadlines specified in paragraphs 15, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, administrative responsibility in accordance with Art. 19.7.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation -FZ (as amended on 01.01.2001) failure to provide information or submission of knowingly false information to a body authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of 00 (fifteen thousand) rubles; for legal entities - in the amount of 00 (one hundred thousand) rubles.

Control over the implementation of these Regulations shall be entrusted to the Deputy Director

Deputy director yow

Compiled t. 46490

1. The purchase is carried out on the basis of the needs of the State Budgetary Institution "---". The need is substantiated by the responsible person in the direction (hereinafter referred to as the responsible) (Appendix No. 2.1.) in the Memo drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 2.2. on the basis of applications previously submitted to the planning and economic department for the supply of goods, works, services.

2. The procedure for concluding a contract for the supply of goods / performance of work (rendering of services) begins only after the receipt by the Contract Service of the Memo of the established form.

3. A memo is provided by persons responsible for the purchase of goods, works and services for the needs of the State Budgetary Institution "---" to the contract service in the form, in accordance with these instructions, after agreement with the chief physician.

The service note must contain:

Name of supplied goods, works, services;

The period in which the delivery of goods, works, services must be carried out;

Initial (maximum) contract price. The price must strictly correspond to the price of the minimum commercial offer, or in the case of the supply of medical equipment, it must not be higher than the average;

Initial maximum amount(if necessary) should be divided into sources of funding: funds of the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund (OMI), funds of the institution received from the provision paid services(AP), modernization, funds allocated as part of the implementation of measures social support certain categories of citizens (BM);

Group and code OKPD, works, services. Be sure to choose the final OKPD code;

OKVED code;

Date and position of the responsible person who submitted the memo;

With a service note, you must provide:

Specification on paper and electronic media (upon delivery) (Appendix No. 2.3.).

Terms of reference on paper and electronic media (when performing work, providing services) (Appendix No. 2.4.);

Commercial offers (Appendix No. 2.5.);

Calculation of the price on paper and electronic media (Appendix No. 2.6.).

The specification must contain:

The name of the supplied goods and the OKPD code opposite each item, if there are several OKPD codes;

Characteristics of the goods (all sizes must be presented in ranges and deciphered, it is forbidden to indicate manufacturer, color, if it is necessary to supply goods of a certain color, provide justification);


Delivery time (number of days, at the request of the customer or without it);

The contract price includes (cost of goods + delivery + assembly + installation, installation, dismantling, commissioning, etc.);

Availability and name of the license required for the supply of goods (if necessary);

The terms of reference must contain:

Name of the service provided, work performed;

List of rendered services, performed works;

If it is necessary to replace spare parts, all necessary spare parts are indicated in the terms of reference, with characteristics and in the required quantity;

The term for the provision of services, performance of work (number of days, at the request of the customer or without it);

The contract price includes: (cost of services + spare parts + replacement of spare parts + transportation costs, etc.);

Availability and name of the license required for the provision of works, services (if necessary);

The commercial offer must contain:

Details of the organization;

Outgoing number and date (in the absence of an outgoing number, register a commercial offer with the incoming number and date at the secretary of the head physician);

The goods, works and services presented in the commercial offer must comply with the specification, terms of reference;

Quantity necessary goods, works and services;

Price per unit of goods, scope of services, works for each item, indicating all necessary services;

The total price for the required quantity of goods, scope of services, works;

Signature (seal if possible);

The required number of commercial offers is at least 2 pieces.

Upon delivery medical equipment relating to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2011 No. 881 “On the procedure for the formation of initial maximum prices for certain types honey. equipment” you must select at least 5 manufacturers. And provide requests and answers to manufacturers with a memo.

The conditions set out in commercial offers(terms of delivery, provision of services, performance of work, payment, etc.) should be similar to the terms of a service note, technical assignment or specification.

Price calculation:

The calculation of the price according to the prices must correspond to the commercial offer.

The calculation of the price for registration must correspond to the ordinal number of the specification.

4. The responsible organizes, together with a contract service employee, if necessary, consultations with suppliers (contractors, performers) and participates in such consultations in order to determine the state of the competitive environment in the relevant markets for goods, works, services, determine the best technologies and other solutions for provision of state and municipal needs;

5. Responsible determines and justifies the initial (maximum) price of the contract, including that concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer);

6. The responsible person develops and sends to the authorized body applications for the determination of suppliers (contractors) in the prescribed form in accordance with the schedule.

7. As part of the price justification, the responsible person specifies the initial (maximum) contract price and provides the rationale for the initial (maximum) contract price as part of the application.

8. Responsible eliminates the comments submitted by the authorized body on applications for the determination of suppliers (contractors of performers), sends the relevant information in a timely manner.

9. The head of the responsible unit, together with an employee of the contract service, organizes a mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, work or services, based on the results of which, if necessary, prepares changes to be introduced into the procurement plans, plans - schedules, purchase documentation, or provide cancellation of the purchase.

10. For use by appointment of goods and materials, services are supervised by the person responsible for the direction.

11. Responsible, at the stage of conclusion of the contract:

11.1. At the request of a contract service employee, no later than one day from the receipt of such a request, checks the specification for compliance with the needs of the GBU "---". Checks the amounts specified in the specification.

11.2. At the request of a contract service employee, no later than one day from the receipt of such a request, gives an answer (regarding specialized / technical information) regarding a question / request for clarification that has arisen among procurement participants.

11.3. At the request of a contract service employee, no later than one day from the receipt of such a request, checks the proposals of the participants for compliance with the needs of the State Budgetary Institution "---".

12. Contract service specialist responsible for the execution of the contract, together with the customer's accounting department:

Make payment for the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of contract execution;

Make the payment of monetary amounts under a bank guarantee in cases provided for by the Federal Law;

Carry out an examination of the delivered goods, work performed, services rendered, attract experts, expert organizations;

Reimbursement of funds deposited as security for the execution of bids or security for the performance of contracts.

13. Department information technologies and telemedicine provides contract service from the technological side, including providing contract service with EDS Keys, Assists the contract service in working with the UIS

14. In order to verify the results provided by the supplier (contractor, performer) provided for by the contract, in terms of their compliance with the terms of the contract, the Responsible is obliged to conduct an examination on his own.

Appendix No. 2.1.

List of responsible by directions

Appendix No. 2.2.

Agree limits and define the type

Placement of the application __________________


Branch (division) ____________________________
