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Scenario of the holiday "Star Graduation. Scenario of the holiday of the last call "stars can do everything" Scenario of the last call on the theme of star trek





with a skit from the Star Factory



biology teacher

Andreeva Elvira Yurievna

Norilsk - 2010

Explanatory note.

School years are a wonderful and very responsible time of life. They open before the younger generation broad and bright prospects for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual.

The comprehensive development of the personality means the development of its physical and spiritual strength, creativity and talents, preparation for physical and mental labor. In the comprehensive development of the younger generation, the role of the general education school is very important. It equips children, adolescents and youths with knowledge about nature, society and man and ensures the mental development of the individual. At school, the foundations of the worldview are laid and moral principles are formed. The school is recognized to solve the problems of labor, aesthetic and physical education of the younger generation. All this, ultimately, is aimed at the implementation of the main goal of the school - the comprehensive and harmonious development of the human personality. The school, as the main link in the system of education, solves many complex and important tasks. But all of them are subordinated to its main goal - the comprehensive development of the individual.

This goal is achieved, first of all, in the process of schooling, assimilation by the young generation of the basics of science. At the same time, a variety of extra-curricular educational work carried out by the class teacher during extracurricular time has a serious impact on the comprehensive development of schoolchildren. With help various forms and methods, they contribute to the mental, moral-political, labor, aesthetic and physical education of students.

Each student can independently and voluntarily choose the form of work he is interested in after school hours. In this sense, extracurricular activities are voluntary for students. But for school leaders and for class teachers, the organization and conduct of extracurricular educational work is mandatory. Extracurricular work provides the richest opportunities for the comprehensive development of students, to prepare them for life and practical activities.

To achieve this goal, a lot of attention is paid to traditional school-wide extracurricular activities, in the preparation for which both the students themselves and their mentors are involved: class teachers, organizers, educators of additional education.

The following events have already become traditional in our school, during the preparation and conduct of which the children open up, improve and form as individuals:

1. Teacher's Day

2. School birthday

3. Autumn ball

4. Mother's Day

5. New Year's carnival

6. Day of Defenders of the Fatherland

8. Victory Day

For students in grades 9 and 11, the final event is, of course, the Last Bell, where the guys demonstrate everything they have learned within the walls of our school. This holiday - as a result of their achievements, the guys demonstrate to their teachers, and to the guests who came to this holiday, and to their parents.

The scenario of such an event, held by me in 2006, is offered for your review.

The script was submitted to the regional screenwriting competition in October 2008, as a result of which a diploma was received. I degree.

Scenario last call.

(at the exit of the presenters, instead of fanfare, it is better to include a song about our first school, words by E. Nonin, Vershinin's music “Hello, my first school”).
1 led:Spring is in the yard, the calendar reads the last days of May. From year to year, on this beautiful sunny day, teachers gather in schools all over the country, guests of honor, parents, to say good parting words to our graduates and wish them to successfully pass the exams.2nd:Soon they will appear here, niche graduates - the culprits of today's holiday, graduates. With what excitement and trembling we waited for him, how much we had to overcome. And now, this long-awaited day has come! Greet them, these are the graduates of the 64th edition of our first school! (graduates enter to the music, take their places.)

1 led: Early morning knocks on the windows

We will not rush the call.

'Cause this can't happen

To forget the school years.

2 Vedas: Hello dear graduates! Exactly 10 years have passed since the moment you first crossed the threshold of the school. And today we are escorting you to the big road of life. Our school ladder, along which you walked hand in hand with your teachers and parents, will end as soon as your farewell bell rings.

1 led: In difficult and difficult times, we leave the school doorstep. Today, more than ever, a person lacks kindness, love, respect for each other, mutual understanding. I would like to believe that it is we who will be able to bring kindness and faith, honesty and nobility, love and affection into the world. This will fill our life, and we will be happy.

2 Vedas: Did you study at this school?

Top ten in life years,

But the years have gone by quickly

And there is no return to the past.

1 led: Today in our school holiday,

But this is a sad day for us.

Dear 11th Graders

They came to class for the last time.

(background of the director's words)

2 Vedas: On behalf of those who helped you go through a ten-year school path, who constantly thought about you, experienced all your joys and sorrows with you, rejoiced at your victories, grieved at your defeats, on behalf of the school teachers, the director of the very first school in our northern city addresses you Sergei Ivanovich Lomov.

(director's speech)

1 led: You will remember more than once

That good planet

Where with rays of eyes

There are dawns.

Here the clouds are not visible,

Here from smiles closely

Under the sail of spring

The "Planet of Childhood" is flying!

The word for reading the order on the admission of students of the eleventh grade to the State exams is given to the deputy director for educational and educational work Olga Borisovna Andriainen.

(the order for admission to exams is read)

Guests of our holiday (UO, chefs, etc.) address the graduates with parting words

(background on the first teacher "They teach at school")

1 led: Walk before the road of dawn!

And know that after sadness is not melting

My light looks with a smile and hope -

My first teacher.

We say thank you very much

For leading us through life

For loving us with all my heart,

For giving the first knowledge!

2 Vedas: She took us into her own hands.

I sat at a desk in the classroom,

Opened the world for us science,

Turned us into students.

She taught us everything for three years,

Only one knew about the difficulties.

And most importantly, she loved us all

And she understood us better than anyone!

1 led: Do you remember, dear graduates, your first teacher? Today in our hall, at our celebration, the first teacher of some of you is present. This is Barilova Galina Grigorievna. I think she has something to tell you, let's give her the floor.

(performance by the first teacher)

2 Vedas: It seems to me that the next guests of our holiday, all those present in the hall, will evoke a lot of the most pleasant, most joyful memories. Our holiday has come to our shift, the future graduates of our beloved first school. Meet, here they are!

(the background sounds at the exit and performance of first graders)


1 led: Dear Guys! Today we say goodbye to the school, but you remain in it - its present and future. We are sure that you will continue to implement all our school traditions. We hope that thanks to you, joyful children's laughter will always sound within the walls of our school, an atmosphere of love, creativity and constant search will reign, an atmosphere of unity between the student and the teacher. Thank you for the kind words that you said to us, and according to a good tradition, first-graders and graduates exchange memorable gifts. (gifts are being exchanged)

2 Vedas: Dear, kind hearted

my good teachers

I say goodbye to childhood and school

I just don't say goodbye to you.

Thank you for loving us

Although they were sometimes strict with us,

For teaching us how to think

For everything, for everything you have done for us!

Sincere sons thank you

We say to all teachers

Be young and happy

Peace, many years, health to you!

(background music for words about parents)

1 led: How not to say goodbye about those

Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter,

Who was going to school every day,

And from shame for us sometimes burned?

2 Vedas: Parents! We are nowhere without you!

Any trouble with you is not a problem.

And joy, so full of fun!

After all, together we work and learn!

1 led: We love you with our heart and soul,

We love you and we are proud of you.

And our gratitude to you for everything,

Probably beyond words.

We love you for affection, for warmth,

For that, we were surrounded by care,

And all your health and peace

On the sacrificial altar you laid.

2 Vedas: Thank you with my heart and soul.

"Break a leg!" wish us

And us, while we pass the exams,

More and more you scold.

And we want to promise you now,

That we will justify all your hopes.

We will successfully pass the exams

And we will bring home our diplomas.

(all together: Thank you!)

The word is given to our wonderful, best, beloved parents.

(background music, a performance by representatives of the parent committee, a gift to the school from the 64th edition)

1 led: Today, at our holiday, all those present in the hall said a lot of kind, good words addressed to us. Now it is our turn to answer you in kind.

KAPUSTNIK (response word of graduates)

(the main program is “Star Factory”, cheerful music sounds, two presenters appear on the stage).

1ved: Good afternoon, good afternoon to all those whom we see today in our hall.

2ved: For more than 60 years, the factory of teachers has been continuing its work within the walls of school No. 1.

During the existence of the factory, many nominees had to leave it, because. they did not withstand all the demands that their teachers put forward to them.

1ved: But we hope that the most worthy, most devoted students of our factory have reached our today's reporting Friday concert.

2nd: The fact is that our today's reporting concert is unusual in itself. Our vocal, artistic and dance teachers decided to tighten the requirements for our factory students.

1ved: And today the honor of the nominee will be defended not by himself, but by a support group prepared by him. Teachers working at the factory want to see in their students how they master their main specialty - the profession of a teacher.

2nd: As you already understood, we will see today what our nominees were able to teach their support groups.

1ved: According to the draw, our Friday concert will be opened by the support group of the next nominee. Here it is a brief description of. This student appeared at our factory quite recently, in place of the former leader of this team, who left due to a change in the project. During his stay at our factory, he managed to show himself as a diligent, accurate, fair student. He showed interest in all sciences at once, let's hope only for the best results in all our disciplines.

2ved: And so, meet the support group of our first nominee Sergei Ivanovich Lomov.

(there is a number, after it the presenters ask those present in the hall: is this nominee worthy of support, after that he asks assistants (assistants) to present a sign of support to the nominee and he is awarded a star and flowers - this procedure is repeated every time after the performance).

1ved: Our next nominee for a very long time could not decide which line of performance to choose for her. The fact is that this student sins a split personality. Moreover, this bifurcation, Vitaly, is somehow unusual. In both roles, she has outdone herself. I think that I, as a mentor in some disciplines, will be able to be proud of the fact that I was engaged in and gave advice on pedagogical skills to such a student. And now I will ask you to welcome the support group of the nominee Olga Borisovna Andriainen!

2ved: Alexandra, you know, the next two nominees "melted" to such an extent at our factory that they refused to perform one by one. They even had one support group for two.

1ved: And what can we say interesting things about these two nominees? I know, don't interrupt me. They are very meticulous, demanding of themselves and of everyone around them. Their interest in the success of other students sometimes becomes paranoid - they constantly have to discuss the success of other students with someone. But they themselves are constantly learning something, improving their skills. I am talking about our students Elvira Yuryevna Andreeva and Oksana Osipovna Sidorishin.

2nd: Meet, before you is the support group of the first of this duet of nominees: Oksana Osipovna Sidorishin.

1ved: Vitalya, do you think our students at the factory like to play pranks?

2nd: Of course, moreover, the next nominee has been punished by teachers more than once for various tricks. She even managed to smuggle the skeleton into the factory, dress it up as a cowboy, and give it the name "Erik".

1ved: Let's now see what she came up with for her support group. Meet the support group of Elvira Yurievna Andreeva.

2nd: Here, Sasha, and confirmation of our words with you (points to the ceiling, where balloons filled with helium flew off during the performance). They did business again.

1ved: Yes, Vitaly, you are right. You know, our teachers, who teach our students at the factory, decided to diversify their tasks. They introduced into the program of training students, assignments for acting.

2nd: And what is the result of this experiment?

1ved: The two nominees joined forces to complete these tasks, and they succeeded. One of the students of this creative group now often uses words such as: my crumbs, lapun, blue in her speech.

2nd: And the second student is now worried all the time what mark these manufacturers will leave in the history of the factory.

1ved: Meet the support group of Tamara Ivanovna Kovalenko and Larisa Alekseevna Koneva!

2nd: Alexandra, look at the outfit (shows off her glasses).

1ved: Why are you wearing glasses now?

2nd: In order not to be blinded by the support group of the next nominee, who devotes all his free time to the study of astronomical bodies: the sun, stars, comets. He even chose a topic for his speech from this area for his support group. Meet the support group of Mikhail Nikolaevich Tregubov

1ved: And in our factory, for more than two years now he has been trying his hand, one more is blowing. True, they are not timid guys, but they are embarrassed to openly declare themselves in front of others. They even periodically switch to an incomprehensible language for others.

2ved: (Vitaly says some phrase in English)

1ved: So you knew about these illegal activities?

2ved: Yes, and I liked them, so I know all the members of the support group who will support our new duet Tatyana Ivanovna Prokhorova and Lyudmila Dmitrievna Rezepova.

1ved: Vitalya, did your throat dry up by any chance from our chatter?

2ved: If you offered me a cup of coffee or tea, I would not refuse.

1ved: Please! (makes tea and it turns crimson)

2ved: What's this? This is tea?

1ved: No, it's just my joke that I was taught in special effects class.

2ved: I wonder what Tatyana Anatolyevna Kabakova taught her support group, because in the special effects classes she had no equal. Meet her support group.

2ved: What do you think, Alexandra, how much does our project cost 1 minute of air

1ved: I can’t answer this question, but for some reason you reminded me of one of our nominees, who, like Scrooge Magdak, constantly walks around the factory and counts something. She even found out how expensive our simple project costs the treasury.

2nd: I understand you're talking about our next nominee, who has formed his own support group. And we meet her. Before you is a support group of Lyudmila Alexandrovna Ivanisova.

1ved: Listen, Vitalya, with such a load, you can simply undermine your strength. Did the teachers of our factory somehow care about the health of our nominees?

2nd: Yes, they introduced factory and health promotion classes to the contestants. And two of our manufacturers were very fond of these activities.

1ved: It is their support group that we will now see with you. Meet the support group of Nelya Viktorovna Ratnik and Sergey Vyacheslavovich Pervushin.

2nd: Alexandra, All the information that we all received today at the reporting concert. As you understand, it needs to be processed. And without the next nominee, we will not be able to cope with you.

1ved: Let's watch the speech of the support group of Svetlana Nikolaevna Markeeva.

(there is a number, after it the hosts ask those present in the hall: is this nominee worthy of support, after that he asks assistants (assistants) to hand over a sign of support to the nominee and he is awarded a star and flowers)

2nd: So our reporting concert of the teacher factory ended high school number 1. They urgently have to reorganize in a new educational way according to the requirements that their teachers put forward for them. We were glad to spend this time with you. We wish you good luck and say thanks again to all those for whom we have prepared this performance. Thanks to all the teachers, I will teach for educational work and the organizer, secretary, health worker, canteen workers, technical staff. May you all be just fine in the next school year!

(the final song sounds for all teachers and guests present in the hall)

1 led: An ancient, beautiful tradition -

The student gives you flowers.

At this moment, your faces brighten,

At this moment, you realize:

Your work was, of course, not in vain,

And sometimes it was hard for you

But how wonderful it is

Give yourself to your students!

(background music, graduates go to the hall and give flowers to all teachers sitting in the hall, at this time the first couple of presenters return)

1 led: Today is our farewell call

A sad waltz roams the school.

Goodbye school years

You will never return.

2 Vedas: It's hard for my heart to believe now

That the bell won't ring for you
And without us from the maple branch in the schoolyard

The red leaf will fall in September.

1 led: It's getting quieter in the hallway

melts kids time miracles;

Goodbye dear school

We send you our last greetings.

Goodbye our class, goodbye

The school desk is also goodbye.

Wish your wishes come true

new meeting wish us all.

2 Vedas: And you keep looking with a blurred eye,

On the eve of new ways and roads.

It will soon be distributed through all the corridors -

We can't get away from them for minutes,

And each of us is familiar with this feeling.

And that means not only school childhood

Leaves us with this call.

1 led: Like a Christmas tree holiday, fairy tales end,

Like tapes in a movie, dreams break

No longer relying on someone's clues

We must solve all problems ourselves.

Ring over the past, over the present,

Ring over what you saved, did not save,

Ring over my departing childhood

Sad, farewell, last call.

We know that the hour of parting is soon,

Minutes flew by, the hour has come and the time has come

Ringing, not ceasing, along all the corridors

Sad, farewell, last call.

(the bell rings, the graduate carries the first grader)

(lyric background music)

2 Vedas: Departs childhood to distant countries,

Forever leaving your pier

We do not say to childhood: "Goodbye"

And at this hour the last parting

Mixed suddenly and joy and sadness

We do not say "Goodbye" to childhood

And we whisper in the trail short - goodbye!

1 led: It's time to say goodbye to the school desk,

Board, textbook and expensive class,

Admit it, we are now, of course, hurt

Leave the house that has become dear to us.

And only the school waltz leads its whirling,

Spin the earth! Universe, spin!

We came here from the ship "Teaching",

Let's get out of here - to the ship "Life"!


2 Vedas: So our holiday of the last call came to an end. Everyone is a little sad because we are saying goodbye to childhood, to our school friends and teachers. But we still have a lot of interesting things ahead of us. We have passed the first important milestone in our life, the end of this milestone will be exams. Let's wish ourselves "No fluff, no feather!".

1 led: And now, as the end of our holiday, a farewell waltz sounds for teachers, students and their parents.

(waltz music sounds, students invite teachers and parents to dance)

Scenario of the last call in grade 11 (2016)

"Star Constellation"

Planetarium. Music sounds.


Attention! Attention! Listen everyone!

First! Now! Here and with us!

The most extraordinary!

Star show!

The hosts take the stage.

Presenter1: No wonder there is an opinion: stars are not born ...

Presenter 2: ... They become stars!

Presenter1: So, our current graduates, graduates of 2016, became our stars in the sky ...

Presenter1: And the school turned into a planetarium ...

Presenter2: Bright guides for the Stars were and are YOU, dear teachers and dear parents!

Presenter1: Today is about to be unforgettable!

(leaders leave the stage).

Music sounds, a constellation is brought onto the stage, a lantern lights up and graduates come out of the constellation. The song "Fire"

Host 2: Meet! A constellation consisting of the 8 brightest stars of our school, headed by their class teacher, Rubanova Nina Nikolaevna.

1. Talented Anna

2. Charming. Ksyusha


4. Gallant. Ruslan

5. Good Irina

6. Unpredictable Natalia

7.Strong. Alexander

8. Mysterious. Sergey

Graduates line up at the bottom of the stage.


Host (one takes the stage): Look, in our sky, the most important star of our school began to shine brighter and brighter - thisunique, charming, business-like and fair, and most importantly - the best director in the entire universeAlferova Irina Viktorovna

Speech by the director of the school, the presentation of flowers.

Presenter 2 (go on stage) : What our Graduate Stars have become bright and beautiful! I wonder what they dream about?

Presenter1: And now we will find out ...

The kids line up on the stage...

(approaches each student and puts on a magic hat that reads the minds of graduates).

    Alferov R

    Vakulenko S

    Kaplunov A

    Kochergina K

    Lykova N

    Svinareva D

    Khmeleva I

    Chernetsova A

Presenter2: How amazing! What are the thoughts of the class teacher?

Presenter1 : Now let's see ... (Puts on a hat to him).

Classroom teacher: I really want all my Stars to be admitted to state exams!

Presenter2: This is a very good wish! And you know, I think it is in our power to fulfill it!

Presenter1: The floor is given to those who all these years have been aiming at the progress of the entire educational process of our stars.

The floor for reading the order for admission to state exams is given to the head teacher for educational work STRELCHUK Svetlana Valerievna.

Speech by Strelchuk S.V., reading out the order,

Presenter 2 (enters the stage alone): Our guests also join the words of greeting.

The floor is given to the head of the administration of the village Davydenko Anatoly Dmitrievich

Delivery of flowers.

Presenter1: Here I look at graduates and think how much I want to be like them!

Presenter2: Don't worry, you still have a long way to go!

Presenter1: Yes, but I'm not the only one dreaming about this.

Host 2: According to the tradition of the school, congratulations to first-graders are our little stars!

Music sounds fashionable.

Smart first-graders appear on the stage.

First Grader 1:

I'm almost like this

Also smart, big -

Subtract and add numbers

And I walk in heels.

Barely with a graduate

Distinguish us by portfolios!

First grader:

I don't understand something.

What are portfolios for?

First Grader 2:

The difference in our portfolios.

In knapsacks, what do first-graders have?

Russian, mathematics -

Reliable friends.

Notebook, pencils and pens

Also inseparable from us!

First grader:

And in the girls' briefcase

Aren't there books?

Do not lie notebooks, pens?

First Grader 3:

Ah, they have other things!

There, in the portfolio of graduates

There is mascara for eyelashes!

For styling and hairstyles

There is a massage comb.

to stay attractive

A mirror is a must!

And lovely sweet...

And only one notebook!

First grader 2:

Ugly! Ugly!

Climb on other people's portfolios!

First Grader 4:

Yes, I'm kidding, I'm kidding

I want to be like that too!

smart, knowledgeable, beautiful

And strong in all sciences!

be reasonable

And any example to solve!

Make friends with computer science

Excel in math!

First grader 5:

We are still dreaming about

And congratulations today...

Dear graduates

From all of us students!

First grader 2:

Congratulations, friends.

Happy last day of school!

And we want to with a medal

You left school.

It sounds like trendy music.

(Chocolate medals are given to graduates of the school).

Presenter 1 (go on stage): Thanks first graders. For 11 years, the Stars have been gaining wisdom, patience, the light of knowledge, and in this they have been helped by very wise and talented planets - these are the Teachers!

Presenter2: Who was the first to come to their aid?

Presenter1: And the very bright and wise planet Saturn was the first to come to the aid of the still small stars, where their first teachers live, who became a mentor and friend for the Stars, and accompanied them. These are Mordvintseva Galina Gennadievna and Ratkina Yulia Alexandrovna. And then, Strelchuk Svetlana Valerievna became the mentor of the Stars.

Verse for the first teacher:

we have very little left

the bell will ring,

but keeps, cherishes the memory

your very first lesson.

you led us by the hand

by the wisdom of the sciences.

all the good that is in us,

we took from your hands.

The word for congratulations is given to the first teacher Strelchuk S.V.

Presenter 1:

It is not easy to climb the heights of knowledge,
You can stumble, you can break,
Only upwards they stubbornly went straight,
With them was a reliable, cool guide!

Song to the class teacher:

on the motif "mammoth"

we all begin the path to adulthood

but we will remember always and everywhere,

but we will always remember

and we will remember everywhere.

how we had fun, fell in love, studied,

and how carelessly we circled in childhood,

but childhood is gone forever

and we can't go back (2 times)

we'll all hurry to the teacher

we are here! we came to shout to her,

we will scream to our mother,

we will scream our cool.

and cool mom will hear, come,

because a cool mom will always understand us.

will help solve all problems.

answer different topics (2 times)

and we will all remember the teacher,

give all the joy, love and flowers.

because it does not happen in the world,

so that the teachers forget the children (2 times)

Speech by the class teacher ... Rubanova N.N.

Presenter2: In addition to the class teacher, from year to year next to our stars were their parents, who gave them their warmth and affection.

Parents: "It's great that we are all here today"

Our dear mothers, our dear fathers,

We say goodbye to school, and ahead of the whole life.

And let the last bell ring for us today.

And together with us at the university to gnaw the granite of science.

Dear dads, moms, thank you for being with us.

How great that we are all gathered here today (2 times)

Presentation by parents.

The word for congratulations is provided __________________________

Presenter1: So you say - planets, stars ... but it's so difficult for me to understand our big solar system…..and I can't imagine how our graduates managed to do it!

Presenter2: In fact, everything is very simple. I will tell you now and at the same time show you how our stars traveled through the solar system, gaining the light of knowledge.

Presenter1: And now we will go on a short journey through our solar system. The planet Mercury is closest to the sun. And science settled on itChemistry , geography, biology because this planet is named after the god of commerce. And since there is only chemistry in our world now, this is quite understandable. Let's see what Solovieva T.V. taught them.

Alumni presentation.

Song teacher BIOLOGY

If long - long - long
Something to look for in the skeleton
If you dig into it for a long time
Among the muscles and vertebrae,
Perhaps, then of course
That's probably - right - right,
It's possible - it's possible - it's possible
You can find something!

Ah, where are you, bones, that thick?
Ah, where are your muscles, that wide?
Ah, where to find you - I don't know
Oh, and I don't want to know
Ah, don't ask me!
Ah, don't ask me!

Presenter2: Yes, they didn’t just have to….Oh, what a beautiful planet!!! I like her so much!!

Presenter1: And not by chance! Because this planet is named after the goddess of beauty -Venus . And what do you think, what kind of science settled on it?

Presenter2: If we are talking about beauty, then this is the beauty of the Russian language and literature. Let's remember how our Stars were trained on this planet with the teachers of the Russian language and literature Sidelnikova L.A. and Snezhko A.A.

Verse Literature:

Literature lesson ... oh, they wouldn’t just ask!

And today there was Blok, why do I need another deuce?

Well, what's wrong again? She looked at me

And the expression of the eyes is like a prediction of execution.

Song for teachers of LITERATURE

Tarygina T.Yu. "Who told you"

If you want, I'll look into your eyes, look into your eyes

And I will remember the lessons, and I will repeat again:

Who told you, who told you

Who thought that I don't love you?


I keep every test, every KIM of yours in my soul.

And I can never stop loving your subject.

And you love, you always love me

Presenter2: And we're moving on. Venus is followed by a planetEarth . Our most beloved planet! She is named after the mother of all gods. On it settled such an object asEnglish language.

Presenter1: I wonder what our graduates were doing on this planet?

Alumni presentation.

English verse:

Languages ​​are foreign and rather strange

You cram, you cram transcriptions, and ... nothing in your brain!

And we do not need a maximum, we only need a minimum,


(to the motive "What do you need")

You came to the lesson with a gentle affectionate look,

And you want to have a dialogue...

Your words are very difficult for us to understand,

That's why we don't make contact.

You say in Russian what you need, what you need,

Then, maybe, there will be a sense. (2 times)

Presenter2: Yes, the training was fun... Let's get back to our planets... And the next one on the way isMars .

Presenter1: I heard that this planet is named after the god of war, so maybe that's why it's so red?

Presenter2: Maybe. Mars represents strength, power, beauty and security.

Presenter1: Then such an object asphysical training.

Presenter2: Right. Let's see how things are on this planet with our stars ...

Physical education verse:

Sports teacher, great coach!

And your subject for us Svetlana Nikolaevna was the main one!

Song for physical education teachers

("Victory Day")

This finish

How far he was from us

We are running the second lesson in a row.

Where is the finish

Somewhere there is a line in the dust,

We crawled up to it as best we could.


This is physical education:

Games, running, jumping.

Physical training

Help to become healthy.

Physical training

Learn to live and not grieve.

Physical education, physical education, physical education!

Presenter1: I see our guys are mentally and physically ready for any life situations. And I continue ... Following Mars is a planetJupiter , named after the king of the gods - Zeus. This planet has many moons...

Presenter2: What an interesting story! I wish I knew more about this!

Presenter1: And you will definitely find out when you grow up a little and go to this planet to get acquainted with such sciences ashistory, social science. And our graduates have already visited it more than once together with Gordyushova I.N.

Verse story:

Tell me, Anya, it's not for nothing,

Moscow, burnt by fire, given to the French?

So the survey begins: a question-answer, and another question.

On the back desk, as in a trench, the French are angry and eager to fight!
our patience runs out, let's get a couple, friend, with you!

Song to the history teacher on the motive "blue wagon"

We are sitting on history, worrying: will they call, or will it blow over again?

If you didn’t prepare for the lesson, then it won’t be in vain!


Dates, events in my head are confused.

If only one more time to look into the book!

Each of the summoned speaks slowly...

45 minutes slowly drag on.

Presenter2: look, this is a very serious planetUranus , and an equally serious object settled on it ...

Presenter1: Physics!

Physics teacher.

The melody of the song "Sun" by the group "Demo"

I'm off the ground

Overpowering the force of gravity

And I will fall with acceleration back. Falling corner of mine -

Proven a long time ago

The angle was equal to the ratio.

It's clear?


Sun's clear beam,

Just emerging from behind the clouds,

Pass through a glass prism

And on the seven-color spectrum

will fall apart.

Everywhere and always

This world needs physics

And for everyone it is important

If you suddenly have to enter Stankin.

Presenter1: Oh, and the path of learning is not easy ... But our guys did not retreat and stubbornly walked forward, towards the next planet -Neptune!

Presenter2: I know this planet! She was named after the God of the Seas! I wonder what kind of science can settle on this planet?

Presenter1: This is mathematics.

Alumni presentation.

Math verse:

Seventh lesson, the board is white with chalk.

The hand is tired, the back is numb ...

We are staring at each other...

And yet the problem is solved!

Song for a math teacher.

Hey honest people, look around

We draw on the board a rhombus, a square and a circle.

We don't have any problems

We will tell everyone who is the master of equations and schemes here.


Let's take the root!

We reduce fractions!

Hey teachers, listen here

Everyone knows that there is only one queen of sciences in the world

Well, no hands

Even a fizruk will agree with us.


Come on baby, look here

If you don't learn math, you're in trouble.

Well, cheer up and wake up,

Mathematics is our whole life.


Presenter2 : And so we approached the most wonderful planet - thisSaturn ! Look at her belt!

Presenter1: Very beautiful, but where did he come from?

Presenter2: Saturn is a planetteachers primary school , and the belt around is all the graduates who always remember their first teachers and never part with them forever, but return again and again ...

Presenter1: Therefore, the planet Saturn will never be alone!

Verse for primary school teachers:

Primary School we love you very much!

And we will not forget your lessons!

For your attention, for your kindness

Please accept our gratitude from the heart.

You put in us the basics of the basics,

Your way to the top all our guys

You started in the past once!

Presenter2: And now the most important thing - all these planets circle around the brightest and most powerful star namedSun !

Well, our entire school administration, headed by director Alferova Irina Viktorovna, lives on the Sun!

Song head teacher and director

(Motive "Song about bears").

Somewhere in the world

The school has a principal.

And she has countless questions and problems.

Head teacher next to her

No time to rest

They need to lead

No time to eat and sleep.

Chorus: La-la-la-la-la-la

School life is sweet to them. (2 times).

They come to our classes

teachers teach,

So that every year

Made wiser.

Then the teachers' council is held,

That "on the carpet" is called,

Write their orders

They live happily.


Following the last call

The first call will come

Again they are first-graders

Will bring you to school.

There will be other children

Break the rules,

Only the director

Scold them with the head teacher.


Presenter1: Well, that's all! ... Oh, I almost forgot about the very last planet! It is often overlooked, but we simply cannot do without it - this is a planetPluto , where the librarian, canteen workers, technical staff settled ...

Alumni presentation.

Verse for the librarian:

Svetlana Valentinovna

you know so many great poets

and your possession is the library:

like a realm of novels, poems and poems!

progress always helps horizons

and although the Internet has been around for many years,

your advice is always relevant: for knowledge

There is no better source than a book!

A verse to school workers:

We wish you well, we wish you well

So that tomorrow in your life is better than yesterday.

May your strength not decrease, may joy shine in your eyes

Let happiness not leave you not in your life, not in business.

Presenter2: In our planetarium, the release of stars into the universe is announced by a small bell. So let the ringing of this bell remain in your memory, as last minute outgoing childhood.


Freeze for a moment, stay at the threshold

On the eve of new ways and roads,

Let's dream a little

Listening to this last call...

Host 2: The right to give the last call is granted to a graduate of grade 11 _________________ and a student of grade 1 _________________

Presenter2: Look, before you are charming, mysterious, brilliant, unique Stars of our school. And today we escort them to the Universe so that they shine brighter than everyone else and never go out!

Presenter 1: The ball is a symbol of childhood, with which you are parting today ... the ball is your innermost dream ... make a wish, and may it come true ...

Host 2:

Release colorful balloons into the sky

Children's dreams, let them fly away.

You have now become more serious and should,

Dream bigger than even a year ago.

The song sounds under which the balls are released .... "Last time"

Presenter 1:

The last school waltz is both joyful and sad.

Melody floats from the school porch.

The school year is over, the classrooms are empty today,

A farewell waltz sounds, and there is no end to sadness.

Waltz sounds. Graduates dance.

Anthem sounds:

Presenter 1: this line is declared closed. The right to be the first to leave the line is granted to our stars in the sky of the 2016 graduate of the 11th grade and 9th grade students.

Song when we leave the school yard.

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 9577 Human

How school is like the army. Every year, newcomers join it and experienced ones leave. And discipline, regime - like in the army: from bell to bell. As part of this issue, the vast majority are young men, and the class teacher is a teacher of special training. ...

Scenario of the holiday "Last call".

13.05.2014 | We looked at the script 10373 human

Song ("We start KVN).
A group of guys sing a song:
Again in our hall, there is no empty space in our hall.
This means the school, which means the school accompanies you.
On this day, spring will sound for you
last call,

But first, let's say, let's say how we...

Last call. Scenario

13.05.2014 | We looked at the script 11307 Human

The waltz "School Years" sounds. Signal: "Attention everyone!".

1st leader. School! Attention! We meet graduates of the 20th academic year.

The orchestra sounds, the graduates are sent to the hall.

2nd leader. Dear friends! Today is an unusual day for us. Graduates...

Scenario of the holiday of the last call "Station of childhood"

13.05.2014 | We looked at the script 10495 Human

Scene 1. Introduction
Phonogram: "For the Last Time"
The hall includes graduates of grades 9, 11
Soundtrack: R. Clauderman "Dolannes melody"
* The stage is designed as a station platform. The Leader appears, they are then the Head of the station and the Educator


Scenario of the holiday "Last Call" "Space Journey"

13.05.2014 | We looked at the script 2812 Human

Sounds like space music
Host 1: Attention! Attention! This is Mission Control speaking.

Today, a space squadron is setting off on an interplanetary journey from the Shkolny cosmodrome.

Presenter 2: 9 "A" class is invited to the start, representing ...

Scenario of the solemn line "Last school bell"

13.05.2014 | We looked at the script 3619 Human

Fanfares sound_01

Presenter 1:
Attention attention!

Host 2:
This May morning
This warm spring
Everything is as before, as if
Everything is in sequence.

Presenter 1:
Only everything at the parade,
With smiles, flowers,
The yard is in a beautiful outfit,
And guests...

Scenario of the holiday "Last call."

12.05.2014 | We looked at the script 3354 human

1st leader.
A cheerful day broke out
The streets are noisy with the sea,
From the open windows of the school
Children's voices are heard.

2nd leader.
Today the school bell will sound,
Which will not be quite normal.
The thread of that habitual series will be interrupted,
When the lesson changed to...

Scenario "Last call"

12.05.2014 | We looked at the script 3291 Human

Music noise, vanity,
Rainbow holiday, nights without sleep -
In a school notebook, written to the skin,
Spring will put an end today.

All the turmoil swirled spring,
But, as usual, in due time,
Our successes, mistakes, accomplishments -
All ...

Scenario "Last Call"

12.05.2014 | We looked at the script 1785 Human

Head teacher. (Speech option.) Dear guys! Today the last school bell will sound for you. Soon you will pass your final exams, and unforgettable school years will be left behind. In ten years you have learned a lot: mastered the basics of...

Scenario "Last call with Smeshariki"

12.05.2014 | We looked at the script 1606 Human

Principal: - Dear children, today we meet before the exams for the last time, and we will meet again when you are graduates. And today we should get a charge of vivacity and fun before proceeding with this ...

Fanfare sounds.
Cut Andrey Mironov "Let's be quiet."
The A-Teens song "Super Trouper" plays, and the graduates enter.

Lead 1. Hello, today we have gathered you here to tell you the most pleasant news. What's with the inspector? No, no ... today we have gathered you to inform you that ...

Lead 2. That today the students of the 11th grade have prepared a holiday for you. They ran around the school with cameras, set up cameras in the teachers' room, recorded everything they heard ... in a word, they were creative to the fullest and behaved as befits decent students.

Lead 1. However, let me remind you that this is the last holiday prepared for you by students of the 11th grade, yes, yes ... no need for tears ... they have a strictly set time, and in general, there is no need for tears.

Lead 2. In the end, there are positives everywhere: someone, for example, will finally stop being afraid of being mentioned in the script ...

Lead 1. Today we will show you an excellent hodgepodge made of skits, songs and dances and seasoned with excellent school humor.

Lead 2. Please note that the information that you will hear today cannot in any way be used against those who obtained and wrote it ...

Lead 1. No, of course you can come up with something, but ...

Lead 2. It will be too late (evil laugh)

Lead 1. That's all about the rules... and, well, and one more thing... just try to smile: We thought for a long time where we should start our concert...

Lead 2. Finally, we decided that we had to start… from the beginning.

Lead 1. And therefore, in order to set everyone up for the surprises that they will see, we decided to start with surprise too ...

Cut from the movie "Fast and the Furious". The song we say byaki-buki.

1. They say we are byaki-buki,
How the earth carries us
Science is not given to us
People are telling the truth.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
People are telling the truth.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la

2. Sphere, tangent, median,
Algebra again...
I call my mother for help
Or you can't see three.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
We are joking about three
We need, we need...

3. Biology was taught:
Crossover is a class
Mitosis and meiosis together
I remember every hour.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
We'll go to biology
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la...
Be afraid.

Lead 1. Eph ... Yes, a good start has been set ...

  1. A student of school 297 is any student who knows the name, surname and patronymic of the director of school 297.
  2. A student at school 297 is any student who knows the principal's birthday297 and does not know the year of birth.
  3. Every student of school 297 must know the rule of school 297:

The director is always right!
– And there is no 2nd point.

  1. Any student who does not greet Natalya Sergeevna (our head teacher) is not a student of school 297.
  2. A school 297 teacher is any teacher who arrives at the school earlier than the students and leaves later.
  3. School 297 teacher is any teacher who is not allowed to move more than 2 meters from his office, and also does not need water, food and a toilet.
  4. If his native teachers see him at home for more than 3 hours, then he is not automatically a teacher at school 297.
  5. Natalya Mikhailovna (physical education teacher) of school 297 is any person, at the sound of whose voice everything in Sviblovo rises to a low start.
  6. Rimma Vladimirovna (teacher of biology) of school 297 is any person who goes to work a week before September 1st in order to weed the school flower beds.
  7. A member of the 297 team is any student of school 297, whose name is mentioned at the teachers' councils at least once a month, and who has not attested in 5 or more subjects.
  8. The diary of a student of school 297 is any printed product in which the name, surname and patronymic of the director of school 297 are written.

Lead 1. Well, now let's move on to one of the most interesting parts of our program ... now subject teachers will appear for your merry court. Many make this order according to the position of the subject in the magazine ... but we are not like that!

Lead 2. therefore, we decided to start everything very logically - from the top, thus giving the physics teacher the opportunity to lead and open our teacher-subject block of the concert ..

Song to the motive "Happiness suddenly" from the film "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession."

1. Happiness suddenly, in silence, knocked on the door.
Really, you are in our class. We believe and we don't believe.
Snow fell, dawn swam, autumn drizzled.
How did we learn physics without you.


Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked.
Everything is clear to us now.
With you, we are not afraid of Newton.
We will analyze any law.
Only thanks to you
Physics was not taught in vain,
It certainly wasn't in vain.
It was not in vain.

2. And they came, and lit, and without an answer.
There will be no questions about this subject.
The one who waits will understand everything, so that we do not teach.
We love physics, no matter what they say.


Young people in red skirts come out and dance.

Lead 1. Oho-ho .... physics is, of course ... smart science ...

Lead 2 (snily, looking at 1) Well, or the one who tries to learn it is stupid ...

Lead 1. Ha ha .. Friends, we continue to move along the 5th floor and what do we immediately see? That's right, the chemistry room.

Losing. Group Hie Fie "Vanilla Flavors".

Chemistry teacher. good morning children . Hey, child from the 3rd desk, go to the blackboard and write the equation for the reaction of sodium carbonate with the participation of the radical.

Pupil. For what, I'm sorry.

Chemistry teacher. For the sake of not getting 2 in the magazine.

Girl. Svetlana Anatolyevna! When I woke up this morning, I found that I didn't know who I was!

Student. Well, you give less to drink.

Chemistry teacher. Quiet! Listen. Dinosaurs died from lack of salt. The sodium ion is the main osmotic ion outside the cell space. In human plasma, the concentration of sodium ions is 132-150 mol/liter, which is 8 times higher than in erythrocytes. Such a content of ions is necessary to maintain the body in the norm, because. excess or lack of sodium leads to serious diseases, for example: hyperhydration of the body, parenchymal nephritis.
At home, I will ask you to do a qualitative reaction to the cations and neons of sodium chloride. And to you ... (girl) I will give a pack of salt, maybe you will remember who you are!

Girl. Yes, chemistry is tough.

Song to the motive "Uno Momento" from the movie "Count of Cagliostro".

It will be very difficult to part with chemistry.
After all, she is waiting for every step.
And today everyone will tell you bravely.
I love Chemistry and Light with all my heart...


Uno, uno, uno elemento,
Due, due, due components.
Uno, uno, uno reagent.
And received, received. received,

Lead 1. The fact is that the OBZH lesson is an exact copy of the KVN game ...
don't get us wrong, it just starts with a welcome, then smoothly transitions into a warm-up, then homework, and, if you're lucky, a music competition.

Song to the motive "Oh, the guards get up early."

Your role is honorable and enviable
You are our security king
What could be more important than OBZH?
Life has no protégé!


Oh, it's hot in a gas mask!
Class, count once or twice!
Let's march!
If a wound - a wound - one!
And we will bandage!

Lead 1. Meanwhile, on a completely different 5th floor, a charming young teacher instills in children a love for her subject.

The sound of a dinosaur roar. Then to the motive of Verk Serduchka "Lasha Tumbai".

1. Here is the zygote ah-lu-lu
Chromosomes, ein-zwei!
I love biology
Ain, zwei, dry

2. I will study vacuoles,
Protoplasm, ein-zwei!
And metoz I will embrace
Ain, zwei, dry

3. Populations kranty,
Only mutants, ain-zwei!
With sips always on you.
Ain, zwei, dry

4. I stick out from genetics,
And meiosis, ain-zwei!
I will still get 5.
Ain, zwei, dry.

5. I will sing to you!
Rimma, goodbye
Ai Won You Sing!
Rima, goodbye!

6. We love you,
Rimma, farewell!
We remember you.
Rima, goodbye!

Lead 1. That's right, happy ending...

Lead 2. By the way, about the happy endings, you still didn’t tell me how the Battle of Borodino ended?

Lead 1. If you haven't figured it out yet, then...yes, this is an unveiled hint that the next office you visit will be the incomparable history office...

Lead 2. I propose to visit this wonderful place, especially since we are just in time for the offset ...

- You know? You know? You know?
- Y-yes...
- You know?
- Y-yes...
- Tell me.
- Don't know.
- Failed. Next. You know?
- You know.
- What kind of jokes? Failed. Next. You know?
- I know.
- What do you know?
- And all!
- All? Even I don't know everything. Failed. Next. You know?
- I know.
- What do you know?
- Ask what.
- What can I ask?
- "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".
- Tell me.
- Isn't it silly...
- Lepo. Well done. You know. Next. You know?
- I know.
- What do you know?
- Material.
- What material?
– Current.
- Offset. Next.
"Sorry, we're together."
- Let's. Do you know?
- We know.
- Then answer. So-so ... What do you ask ... Offset, I suppose you want?
- Exactly. We want. Very... Both. How we want to eat.
- Well done. Offset-offset. Next.
- Already next to you.
- What is in my hand: pass-fail, pass-fail ...
- Offset.
- Guessed. Next.
- I.
- What?
- In love.
- In whom?
- Into the subject.
- In which?
- Like what? Of my love.
- And in what?
- In your.
- Well, in what?
- Which we rent.
- Which one do we sell?
- Well ... you are already nitpicking ...
- Failed. Next.
- I.
- What?
- In love.
- In whom?
- To you.
- Nahal. Offset. Next.
- We.
- Who?
– Next.
- Who?
– Kolk! Kolk! Stop sleeping, you'll oversleep!
- And what is this, still not offset?
- Off, you just fell asleep. And here already two were asked!

Musical interruption from the Comedy Club program.

Lead 1. I must admit that this form of passing tests has at least one plus - it keeps you in a constant tone

Lead 2. Oh? Really? Ladies and gentlemen…. English!

Song to the motive "My heart will go on" from the movie "Titanic".

1. Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
Every day English go on.

2. Far across the distance
And spaces between us
It will come in handy in life too.


Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
And I will always be.
Repeat present perfect
From morning to morning.

The final song to the motive "Kings of Verona at Night" from the musical "Romeo and Juliet".

1. And in this world, it happens sometimes, you can go only one path.
You need to be on time, but there is no time. We believe in ourselves and we will achieve victories.
The powerful of the world, far from the earth, let them see that we could do everything.


Our school is graduating
Opens the door to life
We're leaving but we swear
That we all come together.
Let's cherish friendship
And always worth living.
Ten years passed like a moment
We've come to say goodbye.

2. Happiness is not eternal, glory is blind, and our friendship is very strong.
We challenge fate to a duel. Together we can achieve our goal.
Games with fate are ridiculous and empty, but we do not burn bridges behind us.
Well, now knowledge is so important to us, we must enter the best universities!


List of used literature:

1. EAT. Kumitskaya, S.I. Lobacheva, V.A. Yarovenko"Classic and non-traditional proms and last calls" MOSCOW "VAKO", 2006.
2. O.E. Zhirenko"Graduation parties and last calls" LLC "5 for knowledge", 2005.
