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What does second hand mean? What is second hand? Unusual textiles for home

Second hand, what is it? In countries Western Europe And North America Such establishments are considered the norm, which cannot yet be said about our country. Until now, most of our compatriots treat such purchases with a degree of disgust. Others, on the contrary, faced with a low price, cannot deny themselves the pleasure, and greedily take out full trunks from there. Finding at home the absence of branded labels, they are horrified by the realization that someone has already worn these outfits.

Distinctive features

If we talk about second-hands from the point of view of consumers, then their opinions can be safely divided into two groups. Representatives of the first group are ready to rake through huge piles all day long in search of unique items, sales of which in branded showrooms are closed forever. People who have the exact opposite vision bypass buildings with bright signs, wrinkling their foreheads with disgust and indignation.

Unfortunately, people who believe that such places sell dirty, cheap and low quality goods, - a constant majority. This trend cannot be reversed even by those who try to cite the example of European countries where such stores are incredibly popular. But skeptical citizens, fortunately, are not able to influence the development of this area, which is why now second-hand stores are appearing in incredible numbers in all major cities of Russia. Therefore, we recommend that everyone who is planning to make a foray into one of these retail outlets in the near future familiarize themselves with all the intricacies of “special” purchases.

Advice! If you consider yourself to be in the category of people who are disdainful of putting things on from someone else’s shoulder, we recommend that you reconsider your views. All receipts are carefully processed with chemicals, which eliminates the possibility of infection with skin and infectious diseases.

Stock, thrift or vintage?

It is not surprising that the sites we are discussing are often confused with vintage clothing boutiques. Indeed, if we draw a parallel, we can find great amount common features. The border between them is so thin that sometimes it is very easy to confuse them. It is advisable to immediately dot all the i’s: historians and fashion trendsetters argue that only those outfits that were popular in past centuries can be called rare. Products move into this category only when their age exceeds 30 years. At the same time, one condition must be maintained: the clothing must contain decorative elements or cuts that were considered fashionable at the time of its origin. Second-hand stores usually stock items from past collections that are of no value to society and are intended for use not on the theater stage, but in everyday life.

Some people often confuse these outlets and with thrift stores. But here, in most cases, you can find a large number of outfits for special occasions. A simple example: a young couple had a wedding several years ago, but the tuxedo and dress continue to gather dust in the closet. They take them to a second-hand store, the store employees sell them, and the spouses are paid a certain percentage.

Stock stores are another similar area. But absolutely new things flock here, which for some reason were not sold in branded boutiques. Large manufacturers cooperate with such institutions, due to which the cost of their products becomes very low.


As mentioned earlier, in places where used goods accumulate, you can always find the so-called “treasure” - collectibles for symbolic money. At the same time, there is a high probability of encountering high-quality materials that are no longer sold in modern showrooms. Now we will give a few facts about second-hand stores and their visitors.

  • The vast majority of people come here to purchase a basic wardrobe, and only a small percentage are looking for truly unique and original ensembles. Here you can easily find jackets that were popular in the 90s, denim vests and trousers from the collections of the beginning of the millennium, and sneakers that were worn in the United States under Bill Clinton.
  • Modern manufacturers strive to make as much profit as possible, so they make casual clothes from low-quality materials, since people below the middle class can afford them. Among the hangers and display cases of second-hand stores, you can often find fabrics that have delighted their former owners with their perfect condition for more than a year, and will delight you for the same number of years.
  • Old Levi's lines that used to be produced in England or Belgium are often displayed here. Also here come products from the once sensational brands Lacoste Burberry.
  • Fashionistas know for sure that trends from past decades tend to return, so by buying another jumpsuit or dress for little money, you will make profitable investment into your own image.
  • When wearing “new clothes,” the risk of contracting fungal infections is minimized, since the entire assortment is treated with disinfectant gas at the initial selection stage.
  • You may be embarrassed by the crumpled state of your jacket or skirt. But this is just a small misunderstanding. Each outfit must be carefully inspected for contamination. Not all of them can be removed even by dry cleaners. Old stains are very difficult to remove.
  • No seller will give you information about where the jacket you like came from. But you should know that Russians rarely donate unnecessary wardrobe items to such establishments. Basically, the flow comes from countries near and far abroad.

Who are the buyers?

Of course, among visitors to second-hand stores there is an absolutely motley crowd. Many people are driven to such a decision by extreme need and lack of money to buy new clothes. Others are looking for ways to save money by building their seasonal wardrobe. Still others are trying to find rare elements that will decorate everyday looks. They are the potential owners of interesting ensembles, so it is difficult to accuse them of lacking taste and sense of style.

The modern realities of our lives have forced us to reconsider our vision of our own image. Mass markets offer a huge range of impersonal clothing at low prices. Sometimes they are deprived not only individual characteristics, but also basic compliance with the rules for processing seams. But there are still “hipsters” among us who prefer not to follow such blindly imposed stereotypes. They often become regular buyers of second-hand clothes in the USA and European countries.

Girls who dream of finding vintage options often come here too. The probability of finding such a treasure is, of course, small, but it still exists.

People old age- another profit providers. Some of them turn to retail outlets to purchase even old, but very high-quality “new things” that will last, as they say, until “the end of their lives.” But there are also those among them who desperately miss the era of scarce Adidas tracksuits and Levis jeans.

Another interesting category is people in the “topic”. They consider themselves real hunters of stylish things, so they do not miss the opportunity to buy a jacket in a stylish, flashy color, which a Brazilian woman may have danced in at one of the famous carnivals.

Now let's move on directly to the description of the instructions that you can follow when choosing products from a second-hand store:

  • Try on each model you like. Sizing charts change regularly, so there is a good chance that your standard neckline will be too small.
  • Spend your first hikes in the company of friends. Low prices can turn your head and you will bring home huge bags, which will therefore be sent to the balcony for eternal storage among old newspapers and glass jars.
  • Disappointment comes quickly, but you may never be able to return your purchases. Therefore, we remind you once again that low cost is not a reason to clutter your closet with unnecessary dresses, sundresses and trousers.

Advice!In second-hand stores you can find outfits that have never been worn except in boutique fitting rooms. They are given away by people who, like you, purchase things without bothering to check them against individual appearance parameters.

How to recognize such options in the general mass? Here are some guidelines to consider.

  • Any product has a label on which the manufacturer puts information about the size and washing characteristics. If you find clear letters and symbols on it, this may mean that the fabric has not been in prolonged contact with water and powder.
  • Examine the zippers, seams and back of the legs. Evidence of long wearing will be pilling and abrasions in places of contact with the skin.
  • Fading of the fabrics is sometimes observed under the arms - this indicates that the person wore a jacket or shirt in the hot season.

Now let's talk about things with obvious signs of use. Before purchasing such products, carefully inspect the entire surface of the fabrics. The fact is that some traces of wear can significantly spoil the overall picture. For example, an elegant black short dress (a classic of the genre!) will look worn out if there are abrasions near the fasteners. Don't be afraid of pellets - they can be easily removed using special devices. They are sold in any hardware store and are inexpensive.

Now about processing. It's no secret that only washed clothes can be worn on a naked body. And if they are endowed with a specific odor, a mixture of warm water and ammonia will help to cope with it. Leave the new clothes in the solution for several hours, and then wash them in the usual way. And one more warning: carefully study the composition of the materials of children's products. They should not contain fibers of artificial or natural origin, which can cause allergic reactions in your baby.


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There are usually only two opinions about second-hand stores: some are “fans” of the process of searching and buying old things for ridiculous money, while others, on the contrary, try to avoid second-hand stores, because the residents of Russia have a relationship with such stores, compared to Europeans or Americans began to take shape quite recently. And, despite the fact that second-hand stores are increasing every year, and the variety of assortment in them makes one’s eyes widen, the opinion of many about such stores remains unequivocal - they sell dirty, low-quality and cheap clothes that are dangerous to even pick up. Let's find out what things you should go there for, why buying clothes in such stores is even useful, and how the price of things is determined.


In Europe and the USA, second-hand is any used item, be it a car, a book, or even information not obtained from the original source. However, in the Russian language, tracing paper from English was fixed almost only for clothing.

Quite often, second-hand stores are confused with vintage clothing stores. And, indeed, this is a rather fine line. In fashion and design, “vintage” usually means an original item from a previous generation (that is, at least 30 years old) that reflects the fashion and style of the time it was created. Second-hand stores usually end up with clothes from previous collections, which, however, do not represent a certain “value” - they are intended for everyday wear. Also, do not confuse second-hand stores with consignment stores, where a certain percentage of an item entering the store is returned to the owner upon sale. As a rule, thrift stores do not carry basic items - evening dresses, fur coats, expensive bags and shoes are held in high esteem there. Second-hand stores are even further away from stock stores, where they get completely new clothes, but at a big discount.

About things.

You should go to a second-hand store, first of all, for quality - sometimes there is much more better quality than in stores. And you can always find a lot of interesting things in second-hand stores - this is a treasure trove for a shopaholic. 60 percent are looking for basic things, the rest need something rare: bright jackets, vintage dresses from the 1960s, rare models famous brands. Many already have a completely European attitude towards second-hand goods: not as clothes for the poor, but as a way to get a unique item and often for little money. Plus, such things, unlike new things in the mass market, if they were able to last for several years, they will be able to last for a long time, since the quality is incomparably better.

Some still believe that second hand is for the poor, or that it is not hygienic... I would like to dispel this opinion. In fact, now only in second-hand stores you can find British or Belgian-made Levi's jeans, French Lacoste, English Burberry, and all of them have the perfect cut. These are things that are 20-30 years old, and they can still be worn for as long.

Regarding the danger of things, these are prejudices. All items are treated with a special disinfectant gas (fumigation), even at the stage of shipment to Russia. Therefore, in terms of “getting infected,” you don’t have to worry. Yes, things can be wrinkled and dirty, but once you wash them, iron them, they come back in order. Besides, we take things from friends and girlfriends to wear - this is the same second-hand thing.

Even last year’s collections rarely end up in second-hand stores. However, fashion is cyclical, and sometimes things come from old collections of cult brands that suddenly become relevant again, and for 10 dollars you can buy a skirt that shopping centers sells for 100 or more.

I would like to say that in our time of difficult relations with the environment, second-hand is a big plus, since things do not go to landfill, polluting the environment, but continue to live.

About visitors.

It is difficult to describe the diversity of people who come to thrift stores. There are those who are driven solely by the desire to save money, there are those who, for certain reasons, cannot afford new things of the same quality, and there are those for whom going to a second-hand store is not a necessary measure, but a pleasure. These are people who are not so much interested in fashion as in style. For example, at the last party you met five people wearing identical dresses, so you will look for a dress for your next “outing” at a second-hand store. Also those who value individuality and avoid the mass market, who prefer world-class quality famous brands for little money. Plus, there are many European companies in thrift stores that are not represented on Russian market. And, of course, vintage hunters: retro style is increasingly popular, and things with history make our lives more interesting and warmer. If we take second-hand shops in general, then, of course, everyone of any age goes there. Elderly people are looking for something warm, made from natural fabric. Anyone who is “in the know” is looking for luxury or European brands. Second-hand shops are also often visited by people who were fashionistas in their years, when there was a shortage of everything in the USSR, and they paid a lot of money for Levi's jeans and Adidas sneakers.

Before you go to a thrift store, you need to get rid of the prejudice that things were taken from corpses and they are contagious. And if you go to a second-hand store, be prepared to look and try on almost every item, because this is not an ordinary store - all the items are different and not repeated.

As a rule, people who regularly visit second-hand stores are well versed in the range and quality of items. We advise newcomers to come to such a store with friends who are well versed in fashion and have good taste.

Don't be tempted by low price, buy only what you really like and suits you. Often people pick up a lot of things at 80-90% discounts in thrift stores, but in the end they don’t know where to put them.

By the way, in second-hand stores there are a lot of things that have not been worn at all. Such a product can be identified by the following criteria.

Firstly, on unworn items the patch on the inside is located in the same place as the label. And the label on the side of the item should look like new - with a clearly printed font, because if the item of clothing has already been washed, the paint will wash off. Smooth, non-rigid seams also indicate the absence of wear and washing; unfrayed bottom edges of trousers and skirts. On worn items, abrasions are clearly visible under the arms, on the stomach, elbows and chest.

If there is a pattern on the clothing, it can hide stains on the fabric. Therefore, it is better to turn the item inside out and look at it from the other side.

Most valuable buying advice clothes in a second-hand store- carefully consider all the things you like. For example, no matter how high-quality jeans are, it is advisable to refuse to buy them if they have elongated knees or the fabric in these places has become worn and lightened, as well as if there are frayed seams on the inside of the thighs.

Second-hand skirts are rarely very worn, but in this case the main thing is to find a modern style.

Often in such stores you can buy high-quality tweed or cashmere jackets. It is important to pay attention to the absence of abrasions and elongated elbows.

Special requirements must be made for knitted products - there is no point in buying elongated and frayed sweaters. True, if the shape of the sweater has been preserved, but there are a small number of pellets, they can be removed with a razor.

What to do with things bought at a second-hand store?

  1. To get rid of odor, second hand items it is necessary to treat with a solution of ammonia and water: if the item is small, 20 ml per 5 liters of water is enough, for larger items - 100 ml of ammonia per 10 liters of water. This procedure will take you from 30 minutes (items made of cotton and other light materials) to 6 hours (synthetic, fur items). Next, things need to be washed and dried in the open air. Such treatment will also neutralize the effect of poisons that are used to destroy fungi, pathogenic bacteria, etc. on second-hand items.
  2. If you are buying things for small children, then first put the item on the child for a short period of time to see if he or she has an allergic reaction or other health problems from wearing these items.

Origin of the term

In Europe and the United States, second hand is any used item, be it a car, a book, or even information not obtained from the original source. However, in the Russian language, tracing paper from English was fixed almost only for clothing in post-Soviet times, as this business developed in the respective countries.

Starting a business

IN becoming second-hand as a business, the main factors were:

  • the economic well-being of Europeans in the second half of the 20th century, which allows not only to buy clothes, but, if desired, to completely change the wardrobe for the season, while the clothes practically do not have time to wear out.
  • a culture that does not allow one to simply throw away another good thing.

There were enterprising people who organized a collection of things and found a sales market in countries with a lower standard of living than that of Europeans. There was a demand for good quality clothing, even if worn, and the business was put into production on an industrial scale.

Second-hand items are collected by both commercial and non-profit structures. The latter are engaged in humanitarian aid. The best known of these non-profit structures is HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE (, which unites 28 national associations. They collect clothes, sell some of them to sorting companies or sell them through a network of their retail stores and with the proceeds they purchase medicines, food, etc. for the poorest countries in Africa (Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Uganda, Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Benin Republic, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, etc. ). Part of the funds goes to education and the fight against AIDS. At the same time, these organizations provide employment to the population (jobs) and safety environment, since most of the collected raw materials are recycled. The fibers are used to make home and automotive insulation, in filtration systems, etc.

Activities of such non-profit organizations supported by the state, including special laws that motivate citizens to donate their property to charity (for example, tax reduction or a discount in a store).

Second hand assembly

There are three main types of second-hand clothing assembly.

Home assembly (family)

Employees of private companies or charitable clothing collection organizations go door to door offering to donate tired, unnecessary clothes. Everyone has their own arguments. There is another way. Once a month, people receive an envelope with a leaflet in the mail and plastic bag inside. The leaflet asks you to collect clothes and shoes in accordance with any promotion carried out by various public organizations. According to the rules, all clothing must be clean and in good condition. Shoes should always be paired and tied with laces. Bed linen and blankets are very welcome.

At a certain hour, a car drives by and collects these packages.

Container assembly

In residential areas, near supermarkets and parking lots, special containers are placed in which anyone can leave a package with unnecessary clothes and shoes. Items remaining after sales in stores are also sent here. They say that container collection is poorer and more chaotic, since various household utensils are often found there. To give you a little idea of ​​the scale of container fees, let’s take the example of the Finnish non-profit humanitarian organization UFF ( It collects clothes in 120 municipalities in Southern Finland. Has 900 containers on 800 container sites. In 2006, UFF collected and recycled six million kilograms of clothing.

School assembly

School students are asked to bring clothes and shoes from home that they no longer need in everyday life.


A product assembled in any of the three ways is called original, which is sold to sorting companies. Sometimes the same company is engaged in collection, sorting and sale to the end consumer.

At sorting factories, all items are sanitized with steam and disinfectant gas, for example, methyl bromide at a dose of 20 g/cub.m. for 20 hours at 20 °C. This measure ensures the destruction of vegetative forms of pathogens of infectious diseases and insects that carry them (a special certificate is issued for each batch of goods). After this, the clothing is sorted into adult and children's clothing, taking into account seasonality, wear and tear, and packaged in bags and/or packages. In serious companies, the entire sorting process goes through three levels of control. At the first stage, the quality of incoming clothes is checked, at the second, specially certified inspectors evaluate the work of each sorter, and at the final, third stage, a random check of the already collected goods is carried out. If desired, the client can do a spot check himself during or before loading his shipment. Such measures create additional responsibility for triage teams.

Some companies are adopting a new way of sorting clothes. The sorter is remotely connected to the computer and controls it through a voice controller. The computer distinguishes commands and directs the thing in the desired direction with a push of air.

Classification of second-hand clothing depending on its quality

There is no single system for designating and classifying second-hand clothing in the world, but the most commonly used types of categories can be noted:
STOCK– new clothes or shoes
LUX, EXTRA– clothes with a minimal percentage of wear (almost new).
First category– not torn, not dirty, with a small percentage of wear.
Second category– often you come across things that are not suitable for sale.
Third category– rags, rags (if cotton, suitable for sale to car repair shops, car washes, etc.)

Clothes of all of the listed categories (except the last) can be packed in bales weighing from 10 to several hundred kilograms. Bales can be transparent (which is better) or not.

Clothes can be sorted according to any criteria. For example: shirts, blouses; shorts, swimsuits; coats, jackets; trousers, skirts. This type of second-hand clothing is called "sorting".

If things are packed into bales according to the following principle: winter, summer; men's, women's, children's (and there are a wide variety of things). These clothes are called “MIX”


Second-hand prices vary from 6 to 17 euros per kilogram, depending on the category (Cream, Luxury, Extra, 1st category and 2nd category)

see also

  • World Second Hand
  • Stock clothes

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Second-hand” is in other dictionaries:

    Noun, number of synonyms: 3 store (67) second-hand (28) general store (6) Sino Dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

    Origin of second-hand goods and types of assembly. Specifics In Europe and the United States, second hand is any used thing, be it a car (secondhand car), a book (secondhand book) or even information not obtained from the original source... ... Wikipedia

    - ((second x()e()nd)) [se, he]. [English] second hand second hands]. I. second hand and unchangeable; pl. No. m. 1. A store selling second-hand clothes. Go to a second hand store. 2. collected Used items. Wear with. II. unchanged; in sign. adj. Used, ex... encyclopedic Dictionary

    second hand- 1. (se/, he/). (English: second hand); se/kond he/nda, and, unchangeable, pl. no., m. 1) A store selling second-hand clothes. Go to a second hand store. 2) collected Used items. Wear with. 2. unchanged; in sign. adj. Used, ex... Dictionary of many expressions

    second hand- the name of the human family... Spelling dictionary of Ukrainian language

    I m. Used items (usually clothes, shoes, etc.). II unchanged adj. Second-hand; not new (usually about clothes, shoes, etc.). Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Stock - inventory of new clothes, shoes, accessories. Such items are sold in specialized stock stores or second-hand stores. Stock is sold with big discounts- 70-80% of their retail value.

How is stock different from second-hand?

Some people mistakenly confuse the concepts of “stock” and “second-hand”, since both of these categories of goods are sometimes found in the same store. In fact, Stock, unlike Second Hand, are things that are being sold for the first time, that is, they have not yet had an owner. Even if a second-hand store receives completely unworn clothes with tags, which people hand over to collection points as unnecessary, it cannot be called waste.

Where does the runoff come from?

  1. Retail chains sell off unsold stock at the end of the season, making room for new goods. The stock also includes the remaining sizes of new collections or items with minor defects (uneven inner stitching, torn button or label).
  2. Factory stock. It occurs as a result of overproduction, when more clothes are made than necessary or the delivery to the customer is disrupted.

Such things are sold to stock stores, which are popular in European countries. Due to the peculiarities of legislation, some brands do not sell their leftovers in their country - then they are sent in bulk to other countries.

What things go down the drain?

In stock stores you can find stylish items from world-famous brands at 70% cheaper than in branded boutiques. The bulk of the stock consists of mid-price clothing from chain stores, although there are also exclusive designer items. Stock suppliers send women's and men's clothing, shoes and accessories, bring and


Origin of the business

The tradition of selling used items in our country dates back to thrift stores, which existed back in Soviet years. Even then, unusual and exclusive items were obtained from thrift stores.

A flood of European second-hand goods poured into our country in the 90s. During that difficult period, affordable items were appreciated by low-income segments of the population. At that time, clothes were sold mainly by weight and were often in unusable condition: they mostly bought cheaper second-hand Original. In the 2000s, business received a more attractive face, and second-hand stores were appreciated by quite solvent people.

Where is the product from?

Our country receives second-hand goods from Europe, Canada, Australia, and the USA. In our country, people prefer to give things to relatives or friends, or, in the end, send them to their dacha. Europeans deal with things that have become unnecessary. In the West, where the bulk of goods come to us today, buying clothes or other things in second-hand stores is not shameful. In Europe or America, they do not throw away or donate things that have become unnecessary: ​​they are handed over to collection points or charitable organizations. Since dressing in new clothes there is not a cheap pleasure, an affordable option for those who want to save money are “Second Hand” stores (this is how the phrase “Second Hand” is literally translated). Along with used goods, new items with tags arrive in our stores -
