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Selling used items: how to open a thrift store? Buying and selling equipment and tools How to open a gold buying business

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Business on the purchase of non-working equipment

Finding a job with a good salary and excellent bosses can sometimes be extremely difficult. And many people have to sit at home for a long time, without doing anything. However, nothing prevents them from starting their own small business in the comfort of your own home. For example, if a person is well versed in technology, then it will not be difficult for him to eliminate any breakdowns. And on this he will be able to earn not bad money, unless of course he tries hard.

How to make money buying broken equipment:

In order to start making money right at home, a person needs to purchase modern, but not working equipment at a low price. People, as a rule, sell such equipment quite cheaply. In order to make such profitable purchases, you just need to go to the Internet, because there are many sites where people post such ads. The main thing is to buy such equipment that does not require large and expensive repairs, otherwise it will not be profitable at all.


In order to engage in such work, a person needs to have small savings with which he can buy the necessary equipment. Further, it will be necessary to repair it qualitatively, and it will be possible to exhibit it on the same sites in order to sell the equipment. As a result, a person will be able to receive from each sale not bad difference which will be enough for him to live. If the volume of work is large, then its income can be no worse than in any other job. And he will no longer have to endure bad bosses and a disgusting team.


A person will need to acquire his own room in order to make a real workshop out of it. Repair of equipment is a rather serious occupation, and it will be better if no one distracts a person. It is for this that he needs to have his own separate room for work. He can use the attic, basement, garage or any room in the house as a workshop. The main thing is to properly equip it with everything necessary so that it is convenient for a person to work there, comfort in this matter is very important.
If this business goes well, then in the future a person may be able to open his own workshop. Hire workers, and get more significant profit from this. So the prospects in this case are quite good.
When a person has any skills or abilities, he can always find a way to make money. The main thing is to think carefully, and a good solution will definitely be found. There is no need to sit idle, such an occupation will not benefit a person. It is better to start moving forward, despite the difficulties, then you will definitely succeed in any business.

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Businessman, investor.
For communication:

Opening your own business is the dream of many people who are tired of working for their uncle. To be your own master, not to depend on the authorities and the imposed work schedule, to set the rules yourself and rely only on your own skill and luck. One of the safest and most effective (in terms of costs and risks) businesses is to open a thrift store or a buyout store.


A thrift store differs from the usual one in that it sells not new goods received from wholesalers, distributors or manufacturers, but second-hand goods that are accepted on commission from the population. The undoubted advantages of such a store include the fact that at the initial stage it does not require large expenses for the purchase of goods, since you can only pay the seller after selling his thing, charging a certain percentage of the transaction amount. In fact, a thrift store is more of an intermediary organization than a trading one.

Unlike a commission, a buying store gives people the opportunity to immediately receive money for their goods, placing all the risks associated with the sale on the store. Naturally, it is necessary to buy things 10-20% below the selling price. Many people need money right away, so a store like this is unlikely to run out of stock.

First you need to decide what exactly you intend to buy. The most popular option is to buy small electronic equipment, cell phones, jewelry from the population. The advantage here is that you don’t need a large sales area to sell such a product, which means you can save a lot on rent, while a multi-purpose thrift store needs large enough sizes to display and store goods.

Having chosen the direction of activity and having received all the necessary permits (you can do this yourself or with the help of lawyers who provide services for registering entrepreneurs), you can start looking for appropriate place for rent. Do not aim for the central shopping malls city, as the cost of rent there is very high. It is much more efficient to rent a few square meters in the market or in mall in the sleeping area. Depending on the degree of provinciality of the city, rent will cost about 5-15 thousand rubles a month. You also need to lay the cost of equipping the outlet, cash machine, showcases, counters.

At first, you will be able to work behind the counter yourself, so as not to spend money on wages. Of course, in order to correctly evaluate the goods brought to you on commission, you need to have some special knowledge (understand electronics, precious metals, old coins and books).

In order to avoid buying up stolen items, it makes sense to require the seller to provide documents for the goods.

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Often at the entrances of houses, bus stops and just on the fence you can see announcements that various equipment is being bought. It's about mostly about broken things or those that are morally obsolete. The population thus has the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary garbage. For a businessman, buying up old, worn-out TVs is a good opportunity to earn money.

How to start a business for buying old equipment?

TVs bought with little money can be dealt with in different ways. Most often they are dismantled for parts. The received parts are sold to different productions, where they are received. New technologies today allow the use of spare parts for the second time. This makes it possible for an entrepreneur to receive a stable income. Often the purchase of household appliances has the format home business. Investments in it are minimal, and knowledge is practically not required. To develop your business, you will need mobile communications, the Internet and your own residential or non-residential area. To this we must add ingenuity, imagination and a great desire to receive satisfaction from their work.

Most of the inhabitants do not even realize that they have unique and rare things in their apartment. These are old TVs, radios, walkie-talkies. Any old technology is valuable today. If you do not have such items in your house, then your relatives probably have them. Grandparents are often happy to get rid of those things that take up space in the house, but have not been useful for a long time. How many of them are still in the homes of our friends and relatives!

Now the question arises, we organized the reception of old Soviet televisions, but what is their value? The fact is that the manufacturing technology of many parts of old equipment provided for the addition of precious metals and copper to them. Silver, gold and even platinum were added to the boards. A quite fair question arises, how many of these metals were there before, if they are even in technology? Previously, without them, the device simply could not work. These precious metals are the purpose of our business. It is the “gold” that makes the acceptance of old products profitable and cost-effective.

In addition to precious materials, old TVs have a lot of non-ferrous metals. These are pieces of copper, aluminum. You can select them from the parts mechanically. Gold and silver, for example, are extracted only through chemical reactions. How much aluminum or copper is in a TV can be judged by a specific model. As for copper, it was used as a winding in transformers. Usually, 500-800 grams of copper can be extracted from one TV, and sometimes even more than 2 kg. 1 kg of it costs 145 rubles on the market, and aluminum is valued at 50 rubles.

The reception of Soviet technology and the extraction of valuable materials and copper from its parts form the basis of our home business. Even if the entrepreneur does not have the knowledge to isolate metals, the boards can be sold to people who know a lot about radio engineering. Even under such conditions, the purchase will be profitable.

Below are the minimum prices for some TV radio components. Here's how much it might cost:

How much money do you need to start?

Buying old receivers and TVs is a business. It requires a commercial approach and some organization. In addition to information on poles, you can advertise that old equipment is being bought up in newspapers and on the Internet. Advertising and reception costs can be minimal. You will need some funds for gasoline and a car. It must be roomy. In order to save money, it is better to plan the route in such a way as to receive equipment from several addresses at once. A room for appliances can be allocated in your own apartment. Better if it will a private house. Then the reception can be organized even in your own territory. It is necessary to calculate the costs for the sale of copper and precious metals.

How much can you earn buying TVs?

Buying up old radios will then be profitable when the entrepreneur learns to accurately set prices for them. How much you can earn depends not only on the state of technology, but also on the ability to bargain. As such, there are no price lists or market prices for TV reception. Their cost is always determined approximately. The benefit of the owner is the last thing that is taken into account when buying takes place. A businessman must be sure that he will earn on the purchased item, on the sale of copper and metals from it. The cost of an old TV can be several dollars or even several hundred conventional units. Japanese televisions released several decades ago are highly valued. This technique was and remains the most reliable.

Trade has always been and remains one of the most profitable types of commercial activities. When organizing production, production lines, consumables, workshops, many workers, and so on are needed. And to start trading, you only need a platform - a kiosk, a store or a place in the market and goods. The main difficulty of such a business is the development of the concept, the choice of goods and the ability to provide a stable flow of customers.

Thrift store business plan: how relevant is it today?

Reference from the Encyclopedia: “A thrift store is a trading company that sells used things. It differs from second-hand stores in that the goods for sale do not come from wholesale warehouses, but from individuals who sell them on commission ( monetary value) and receiving payment after the sale.

Market research over the past few years shows that the interest of the population in consignment stores is constantly growing. This is confirmed by the fact that the number of outlets increases both in the capital and in other large cities of Russia.

Commission trade has flourished since the days of the Soviet Union. At that time, it was the center of second-hand, but often high-quality and scarce, and sometimes having artistic value, things. Goods in commission shops were sold at high prices, and the buyers in them were often wealthy people. Now it's a completely different matter. Thrift stores are attracted primarily by their democratic prices and a wide range of essential goods: clothes, shoes, dishes, household appliances, etc.

People have always had a desire to save money, to buy something at a discount. Everyone who is looking for an inexpensive refrigerator (for the country house), branded clothes (albeit last year's collection) or an iPhone at half price is your potential customers.

Start off own business commission trading with the lowest costs and minimal investment risk is profitable right now - at the time of the economic downturn in the country. Experts are sure that demand in this retail segment still exceeds supply, and in the near future it will only increase.

Scheme of work of commission stores

The scheme of operation of the used goods trade enterprise is simple and transparent. The goal of the owner is to sell someone else's goods and receive a certain percentage of the sale for this.

Individuals who provide goods for sale in commission stores are called consignors. The usual scheme practiced by commission owners is to place goods on a showcase on certain period(from a month to three or more). If during this period the product remains on the shelf, it is returned to the owner (sometimes a storage fee is charged - from 3 to 5 percent, at the request of the store owner). If the goods are sold, the committent fills out a special contract form, which refers to the transfer of ownership of the buyer to this product.

Your job as owner trade organization, acting as an intermediary in the transaction, to monitor compliance with obligations by both parties. In order to avoid unforeseen situations, lawyers advise that each transaction of sale and purchase must be recorded on paper with the signatures of the parties. Forms of contracts must be prepared in advance by you in sufficient quantities. Of course, they require a qualified lawyer to draft them.

In the used goods trade, the following commission scheme usually operates: than more expensive thing, the smaller the percentage of the store. For example, when implementing mink coat for 50 thousand rubles. your share from the sale can be 10% (5 thousand), and when selling a coat or jacket for 1 thousand rubles. - up to 30% commission (330 rubles). Thus, you have a commercial interest in selling different things - both expensive and cheap. The turnover in the low price segment is faster, and the percentage of profit is higher, but for the sale of one expensive item, you can immediately get a significant amount.

Of course, the store owner can set the interest rate at his own discretion (as an option, the same for all goods). But marketers recommend using the aforementioned commission system, since it has proven itself best in the field of commission trading.

Choosing a specialization for selling used goods

From right choice the concept of the future store largely depends on the success of the future enterprise. Exists several popular formats:

  1. How to open a consignment clothing store? Range clothing market very wide - this is the opening of commission stores for children's goods, everyday women's and menswear, children's goods, footwear.
  2. Technology store. Offer buyers used Cell phones, TVs, laptops, any household appliances from irons to washing machines. These are everyday goods that break down quite often, and not everyone can buy new ones. In this case, you may need transport to transport bulky goods.
  3. Jewelry or antique thrift store. In such exquisite shops they sell antique furniture, rare books, paintings, figurines, dishes, watches, and jewelry. The range of visitors to these outlets is very limited.
  4. Branded store. They can be engaged in the sale of both used goods and new ones, which for some reason did not suit the former owners.
  5. Furniture store. When moving to another place of residence, it is sometimes more profitable to rent furniture good quality in a commission than to pay for its transportation. In this case, a thrift store is just a godsend.
  6. Cars. Such a business will require large retail space with an adjacent area for the exhibition of cars in front of the store.
  7. The “Thousand Little Things” format combines several areas at once: clothes, goods for children, appliances, household utensils, CDs, books, interior items – all this can quite peacefully “get along” on neighboring shelves. The most efficient way to run a business.
  8. Sale of children's used clothes and toys. How to open a children's thrift store is not an easy task. But quite real.

Sometimes entrepreneurs open a clothing store and then, with favorable circumstances, expand the business by adding other departments.

Room selection

Consider in which area of ​​the city your store should be located. Rent in the center can be much more expensive than in any of the outlying areas. In which part of the city do most of the people who belong to you live? target audience? Do not forget that these are mostly people with below average incomes: pensioners, students, young mothers on maternity leave. Perhaps, in densely populated sleeping areas, trade will be more lively than in respectable central ones. It's great if your commission is located next to grocery store, school, clinic, public transport stop.

There are few requirements for the rented premises. Its area should be from 15 to 30 or more m2, depending on the specifics of the product. If you are going to sell furniture, then 200 m2 may not be enough. Thrift stores usually do not have warehouses - all goods are on display trading floor. But a small utility room, of course, will be needed.

Business registration

In order to open a thrift store from scratch, you need:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the tax office. If you plan to cooperate not only with individuals, but also with legal entities(for example, manufacturers selling non-liquid products), you will need to register an LLC. The main system applied to such a form entrepreneurial activity will be the most beneficial for you.
  2. Indicate clause 52.5 as the main OKVED code ( retail second-hand goods in the store).
  3. Register with PF.
  4. Get permits for trading activities in the local administration.
  5. Get permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority and Rospotrebnadzor.
  6. Sign a lease agreement.

Selling used items: how to start?

Use any means available to you to promote your business, because advertising is the engine of commerce. A great idea would be to open an online store in parallel, which will enable your business to master the network space, convey information to a wide audience and form the backbone of regular suppliers and customers. Create a small business card site - the costs are minimal, and the benefits can be very tangible.

Organize outdoor advertising in the area where the store is located. It is desirable that the ads were with colorful, attention-grabbing photographs. It can be other printed products - booklets, postcards. Be sure to advertise in the newspaper, on local television. The main thing is to tell potential buyers about all the benefits of purchasing goods from you.

Initially, the prices in the store should be minimal, and the quality - only excellent. And then the word of mouth will spread the good news about the appearance of your wonderful store around the area, and you will only have to watch the incoming flow of visitors with pleasure.

Business Costs (Consignment Store)

Your start-up costs will be relatively low - this is one of the important positive sides this business. Let's highlight the main points, taking for example some averaged data:

  • rent retail space(from 20 m2, on average - 1000 rubles per m2) will be from 20 thousand rubles. per month;
  • equipment: shelves, hangers, racks, showcases, mannequins (you can buy all this from your hands) - no more than 40 thousand rubles;
  • salary to the seller - from 15 thousand rubles. per month;
  • advertising - it can be completely free (for example, in a newspaper free ads) or cost fabulous money. Here it is very difficult to make calculations;
  • preparation of necessary forms and documents. It all depends on the price of a specialist who will deal with your forms (1000 rubles for each - this is the minimum price).

Is it profitable to open a thrift store?

The unanimous opinion of marketing and financial experts is that the number of consignment stores will only grow in the near future. The popularity of inexpensive second-hand goods is not afraid of the crisis, because in difficult times the demand for them only increases. The big advantage of this type of activity is the absence of risks: there is no need to make bulk purchases of goods, which, in case of instability in consumer demand, can become a dead weight.

To carry out a detailed calculation of the expected profit, you need to know the approximate amount of the store's daily check. For example, it is equal to 10,000 rubles. (this is a very modest figure). In this case, the owner's net profit may be 20% of this amount, or 2 thousand rubles. We consider: the monthly profit from the enterprise is about 60 thousand rubles, the annual profit is 720 thousand. From here, subtract the amount of monthly expenses - 35 thousand rubles. and get 25 thousand net profit per month and 300 thousand per year.

If for the purchase of equipment and legal services If you initially spent about 60-70 thousand rubles, then you will cover your costs very quickly, in a maximum of 4 months (we will add a little for unforeseen expenses). This is a very good indicator, indicating a high return on business. Not every business starts to make a net profit after such a short time.

  • On the opening day of the store, visitors should not be greeted with empty shelves, even if you have not had time to establish a sufficient number of contacts with consignors. If there is no other way out, buy the first batch of goods in stock or second-hand in bulk;
  • rent a room that is commensurate with your needs: a large half-empty hall is not only expensive, but also uncomfortable for buyers;
  • if you manage to find a room that used to house a department store, this will be an ideal option. This will reduce the cost of repairs, and possibly some of the equipment;
  • Distribute flyers advertising the store to mailboxes. Promise discounts to presenters: it is more likely that they will still look into your store;
  • The “golden” rule of pricing for used goods is no more than 50% of the cost of new ones. Do not sell overpriced items that no one is likely to buy.

Starting any business is always difficult and unpredictable. Try to make the most favorable impression of you for everyone - both for consignors and clients - and then success will not keep you waiting. Good luck!
