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Inet electronic reporting. What is the best software for electronic reporting and how to choose it? How soon will the electronic signature be ready?

  • submit a report in person
  • transfer through a representative by proxy,
  • send by mail
  • send over the internet.

Some types of reports can only be submitted via the Internet. For example, a VAT return. And if you have more than 100 employees, then all types of reports must be sent via the Internet.

Why is it better to submit reports online?

  • You save time: no need to go to the tax office and stand in line.
  • You avoid personal communication with regulatory authorities.
  • If you do business in one city, but are registered in another, then submitting a report in person is not an easy task.

Online tax reporting

What you need to send a report via the Internet:

  • electronic signature, which you need to get at the certification center, at the individual entrepreneur or director of the organization,
  • an agreement with a specialized telecom operator that will carry out the transfer of reporting itself.

In Elba, you can sign reports with an electronic signature and send them to the tax office via the Internet.

Sending a report is as follows: you exchange with the tax special files of the electronic report format. They are signed not with the usual manual signature, but digitally. A digital signature is, simply, a file with a certain set of characters. All documents signed in this way have the same legal significance as paper documents.

Stages of reporting to the tax

  1. Sending a report— the special operator generates a confirmation of the date of dispatch.
  2. Getting a report- the tax office sends a notice that it has received your report.
  3. Verification protocol:
    • Notification of rejection - the report was not accepted, you need to correct the errors and resend the primary report.
    • Receipt of acceptance - the report is accepted. You are deemed to have returned it on the date of dispatch.
    • Notice of clarification - the report needs to be corrected. Correct the report and resend with the next correction number.
    • Notice of input - it's over, you submitted a report.

The paperwork usually takes up to two days.

NCA will implement complete solution at a price of 125 rubles / month.- automate the workflow with the IFTS, state and non-budgetary funds with benefits!

Important: Since 2015, reporting to the Tax Office in electronic format is mandatory. Its untimely submission or absence entails fines, prohibitions on financial transactions ...

A tariff that gives you everything you need

  • Submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service
  • Subscriber registration in the System
  • Software for generating, verifying and submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service
  • Setting up a taxpayer workplace

For only 1,500 - 5,500 rubles per year, electronic reporting via the Internet will become convenient and reliable:

Where to begin? Or without which accreditation for TP is impossible:

THREE components of the electronic process:

Multifunctional program for submission of reports to the Tax Office (and Funds). hardware- software Responsible for preparing, reviewing and sending reports. You can choose to implement a remote - "thin client" or install software on your PC. The latter option has an advantage - the Internet is not needed to generate documents.

Operator acting as an intermediary between the declarant and the Federal Tax Service (pension/insurance fund). After signing, the reporting package "leaves" to the operator, who sends you a notification of receipt. For inspection, the date indicated in this notice is proof of timely delivery.

The THIRD and mandatory element of reporting via the Internet is an electronic signature. Without it, the documentation will not have legal weight!

To connect reporting via the Internet, prepare:

  • Passport, SNILS IP or head of LLC
  • A document confirming the status of a legal entity. person/entrepreneur

Electronic reporting to the Tax Office is not only an obligation. Acceleration and automation of routine operations - that's what it gives! Get armed...

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The norms of legal acts provide for the obligation of business entities to send certain forms of reporting to the tax authorities, Rosstat, extra-budgetary funds and other recipients. For some time now, electronic reporting has been in effect. Moreover, for some categories of organizations, it should be carried out without fail.

Business entities have several ways to submit reports to recipients, including the following:

  1. Directly to the inspector personally- the most affordable way for small businesses and entrepreneurs. It is necessary to bring reports on paper in two copies to the supervisory authority and hand them over to the inspector. If the documents are submitted by a representative, it is also necessary to present documents establishing his authority. However, this method has limitations. For certain reports, it is not available if the number of employees specified by the legislation is exceeded.
  2. - in this case, reports on paper are placed in an envelope, their inventory is made, and the letter is sent to the regulatory body by registered order. As with in-person reporting, this method is not available to some entities due to existing restrictions.
  3. Submitting reports to in electronic format - this method of sending reports to regulatory authorities is available to anyone who has access to the Internet and electronic digital signature. For certain categories of business entities, this option should be used.

When is electronic reporting required?

Legislative standards fix the cases when reporting via the Internet should be carried out:

  • If business entities submit VAT returns - this report provides only electronic form change.
  • For organizations and individual entrepreneurs with more than 100 employees. These entities must submit reports to the tax authorities only in electronic form. The rule applies both to newly created companies with more than 100 employees, as well as to existing ones if they have more than 100 employees in the previous year.
  • Reports to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund must be submitted electronically if business entities have an average number of employees of more than 25 people.
  • Electronic reporting to the IFTS is mandatory for calculating insurance premiums and personal income tax if the number of employees in the company is more than 25 people.
  • Organizations recognized as the largest taxpayers.

Attention! Business entities should remember that if they do not comply with the reporting methods provided for them, they may be held accountable under the law.

What do you need to file a report online?

In order to submit reports electronically, you must first fulfill a number of conditions:

  • With some regulatory authorities, it is necessary to sign an implementation agreement before submitting reports electronic document management. This agreement deals with the reporting procedure and how to behave in controversial situations.
  • Acquisition of an EDS - All documents involved in electronic document management must be signed with an EDS, which allows you to identify the sender. If it is absent, then no reports can be sent directly to the supervisory authority. However, you can contact a special operator who has the right to send electronic reports by proxy, signing the documents with his signature.
  • Purchase of software - to send reports, you can use services on the Internet (for example, the tax website) or purchase specialized programs that allow you to compile reporting forms and send them to regulatory authorities. When buying a program, you need to decide on the volume and list of forms that the subject needs to take, since there is a gradation of them - for the simplified tax system, for the OSNO, etc.

Attention! You can purchase an EDS from a specialized certification center along with the appropriate software. For example, you can purchase an EDS from the operator Kontur. It must be taken into account that EDSs come in different scopes.

What kind of reports can be submitted online?

It is possible to submit reports in electronic form to the regulatory authority, provided that it has the technical capability for electronic document management.

In order to submit reports to the tax in this way, the user must:

  • Obtain an identifier using a special service "Service for obtaining a subscriber identifier";
  • Install on the computer a special program "Taxpayer of legal entities";
  • Install a set of root certificates and public keys.

When submitting reports in this way, the user still has the obligation to obtain a qualified ES from one of the special operators, which will be used to sign reports when sent. Since the signature serves as a kind of sender identifier, change without it is not possible.

Thus, this method is relatively free - there is no need to pay for a special software product every reporting period, but the obligation to annually renew the EDS remains.

On the other hand, paid services offer the opportunity to submit reports immediately in all directions - not only to the Federal Tax Service, but also to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, Statistics, etc. The service package also includes round-the-clock user support.

Attention! There is also a legal way to use paid services for free for some time - many of them provide a free trial period during which all the features of the service are available.

For example, in the "Kontur-Extern" system, it is 3 months. But this opportunity is available only once, the second time you won’t be able to take free months.

There are dozens of advantages to filing reports electronically. These include saving money and time, the ability to send documents even half an hour before the deadline, work from any city, automatic error checking, quick responses from regulatory authorities, and much more. Now there are several services that are designed for filing reports electronically. To do right choice, it is worth paying attention to each of them.

Although all of these software are designed to solve the same problems, the specifics of the services vary greatly. And we are talking not only about the cost, but also about the interface, reliability, functionality, amount of work and other nuances.

When choosing a program for filing electronic reporting, the following criteria should be considered:

  • Ease of installation and connection. Availability of a full online version, if required.
  • To which regulatory authorities can I submit reports.
  • Additional functionality that can simplify the work of an entrepreneur or accountant.
  • Price policy. It's about not only about the rates for reporting. Some services offer packaged solutions that are not fully relevant for the user - sometimes you have to overpay for unnecessary options.

The cost of the program may be affected by:

  • The number of regulatory authorities to which reports can be submitted electronically.
  • Availability of additional modules. Some of them are not related to reporting, but increase the cost of the license.
  • The number of users who will be able to use the program. This is especially true for corporate clients.

It is necessary to take into account the costs of the program itself. Not all services offer free option. It is also important to compare annual or quarterly costs for an electronic reporting program.

Some services offer a free trial period. In addition, you can pay attention to promotions - this will save you money.

Best Electronic Reporting Programs

To get on the list of the most deserving, services must meet several requirements. In particular, we selected electronic reporting programs that guarantee the confidentiality of user data, easily integrate with systems accounting, have a user-friendly interface and do not require long training and special skills. The less effort required to master the program, the better. Also an important criterion is the minimum risk of errors in the preparation of reports.

The basic functionality of the services that we will consider is almost the same. Each of them allows you to generate tax reporting taking into account the requirements of the Federal Tax Service and encrypts all electronic documentation, preventing its transfer to third parties. In addition, each of them makes it possible to send documents to the FIU or tax service through the Internet.

Also, electronic reporting programs may have common shortcomings. In particular, although they all offer 24/7 technical support, it is not always easy to get in touch with them. This is especially true during reporting periods, when many users ask questions at the same time.

Although services often provide for the possibility of consulting with a tax inspector, clients often prefer to contact the Federal Tax Service directly.

Let's take a closer look at the best services.

"Kaluga Astral" ("1C-Reporting")

The program is called "1C-reporting" - in fact, this is one of the built-in options of "1C". It is supposed to work with the crypto-provider CryptoPro CSP. To use the service, only "1C" and a cryptoprogram are required. The client can receive electronic certificate remotely without visiting the company's office.

"Tensor" (VLSI)

Tenzor is the market leader in electronic reporting in terms of growth client base. It has retained this advantage since 2012. The electronic reporting program of the Tensor company is called VLIS. Its feature is a combination of flexible billing and wide functionality. On the this moment this reporting tool via the Internet is considered one of the best - it is used by more than a million companies throughout Russia.

Ease of connection and installation

Separate program. Can be integrated with "1C".

additional services

Printing reports, including those with a two-dimensional barcode. Detailed instructions for filling each line, built into the service. Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP (the number is not limited). Comprehensive cameral check. Financial and management analysis, business value calculation, company reliability assessment. Tax audit risk assessment. Choosing the optimal taxation system. Calculation of the amount of a possible loan using banking methods. Selection of tenders and tenders according to various criteria. Online registration of CTT in the Federal Tax Service.

Which authorities can report to?


The cost of connecting one legal entity in Moscow and the Moscow region

From 500 rub. in year

Taxcom (1C-Sprinter)

The electronic reporting program is integrated into 1C and is similar in functionality to 1C-Reporting. Works with the cryptographic information protection system "CryptoPro".

SKB Kontur (Kontur-Extern)

Feature - work through a web application without installing software on a computer. It is also possible to install the program - and this option has advantages over the online service. For example, you cannot send several documents at the same time through web applications, work with reports different organizations and large files.

What to consider when choosing an electronic reporting program

Particular attention should be paid to functionality. It is important that it meets your needs. Well, if you can use one service to solve several problems at once, instead of paying for 2-3 types of software.

Each business entity is required to report on its activities to some regulatory authorities - the tax service, Rosstat, social funds and others. A very convenient way to do this is electronic reporting. The regulations establish who can use it at will, and who must submit data electronically without fail.

The law establishes cases in the occurrence of which the subject must submit reports in electronic form:

  • If it is necessary to report to the Federal Tax Service for VAT - for this tax, the standards provide only for electronic submission of the report;
  • For companies and entrepreneurs if they employ more than 100 people. They must submit any reports to the tax authority only electronically. This rule applies both to newly organized companies and individual entrepreneurs that have hired more than 100 people, and to existing business entities if they have reached this mark during the year.
  • If the subject employs more than 25 people, then he must send reports to the FIU and the FSS only in electronic format;
  • If the subject employs more than 25 people, then he is obliged to send the calculation of insurance premiums and the final report of 2-NDFL only electronically.
  • If the organization is recognized as the largest taxpayer.

Attention: if a business entity does not submit reports in the way that the law establishes for it, then it can be held accountable for this various types responsibility. In particular, a report submitted in the wrong way will not be considered accepted, which may result in a fine and penalties.

What kind of reports can be submitted online?

It is possible to send electronic reporting to one of the regulatory authorities if it has the technical ability to electronically exchange documents.

Currently, reports can be sent electronically to the following authorities:

  • Tax authority;
  • Pension Fund;
  • Social Insurance Fund;
  • Territorial subdivisions of Rosstat;
  • Bodies that control the sphere of circulation of alcoholic products;
  • Body of Rosprirodnadzor;
  • Service that regulates tariffs;
  • Service for the control of financial markets.

Electronic reporting operators: comparison table

Currently, there are more than 120 EDI operators operating in the country. At the same time, the Big Four companies can be distinguished among them - these are the four operators that currently control 85% of the entire online reporting market.

This includes SKB Kontur, Tenzor, Taxcom and Kaluga-Astral. It should be noted that "Takskom" in Lately is being forced out of the market by the Kaluga Astral company, since it offers a delivery module through 1C, but less convenient than that of Kaluga.

Some independent cloud operators that have access to electronic reporting to tax and other authorities are in fact supported by one of the Big Four companies.

All proposed solutions can be divided into two general groups:

  • Reporting through the program - it must be installed on a computer or flash drive. Work will be possible only from the computer on which it is installed.
  • Delivery of reports through a cloud service - you can work through any computer with Internet access through a browser. However, some solutions require the installation of additional solutions (for example, CryptoPro encryption software).

Attention: however, for each of these methods, reports can be compiled directly in the service itself, or you can upload a file generated in a third-party program to it (for example, directly in 1C).

Usually each operator offers its services in the form of a package.

In addition to the direct transmission of reports, it may include:

  • Release ;
  • Training services for working with the system;
  • Consulting services of various directions;
  • Access to the database of legislative acts;
  • Backup of the database of sent reports.
Name of the system, operator Features of work Service price
VLSI++ (Tensor operator) One of the most popular systems for the transfer of tax reporting. It can be sent to all government agencies, has additional options for document management with them, checking control relations in documents, etc. From 2600 to 24000 rubles. based on the desired services and the tax system. New customers rent the first 6 months free of charge.
1C-Reporting (operator Kaluga-Astral) This is a special module that is already installed in the 1C Accounting program. However, to activate it, you need to purchase a special license. The advantage of this system is that the preparation and submission of reports will be carried out directly from the program itself. You can submit reports to all government agencies. From 2200 to 5900 rubles.
Astral-Report (Operator Kaluga-Astral) An independent program for preparing and sending reports to all government agencies. It is considered an outdated solution and is gradually being replaced by the 1C-Reporting system From 2900 to 10500 rubles based on the tax system, as well as a set of additional options.
Accounting. Circuit, Circuit-Extern (operator SKB Kontur) Services from one of the leading solutions for accountants. "Kontur-Extern" allows you to prepare and send reports to any government agencies, while "Kontur-Accounting" is a full-fledged cloud-based accounting solution. They require the installation of the CryptoPro encryption complex on the computer. For the "Kontur.Extern" system from 1700 to 29000 rubles. based on the tax system and the subject of the country.
Courier (operator Rus-Telecom) One of the independent popular reporting systems. It can be used as a cloud server, or with the installation of a separate program on a computer. There is no price list available. The price is available upon personal request from the site.
Report of the Chief Accountant (operator Kaluga Astral) Service for sending reports from the leader of the business literature "Action-Press". It only allows you to send files generated in other programs - there are no reporting tools of its own. It is provided free of charge to users of the Glavbukh system, the price of which is from 62,000 to 168,000 rubles.

What do you need to file a report online?

In order to be able to send reports to regulatory authorities in electronic form, the following is required:

  • Sign with some regulatory authorities that are recipients of this reporting, a special agreement on the use of electronic document management.
  • Purchase a qualified EDS - It is necessary for signing all documents that will be sent electronically. EDS is used to identify the taxpayer. If it is not purchased, then not a single report can be submitted to the regulatory authority. It is possible to submit reports without EDS. To do this, you need to conclude an agreement with a special operator who can sign taxpayer documents by proxy and send it with his EDS by proxy. It is important to take into account the scope of the EDS.
  • Buy special software - Currently, you can purchase a special program in which you can generate reports and send them through it, or use services on the Internet (IFTS website). When choosing a program, you need to decide on the volume of reports to be submitted, the taxation system used. Many programs are divided into: for the simplified tax system and for the OSNO.

Is it possible to submit a report through a personal tax office

The Federal Tax Service provides access to electronic reporting through Personal Area on the FTS website. An enterprise or an entrepreneur must register on the site to receive it.

The registration process is free. At the same time, the capabilities of this system allow you to send and receive documents, perform reconciliations, and register online cash registers.

However, it is not possible to prepare and submit reports through a personal account.

Attention: the Federal Tax Service has another service on its website that allows you to send electronic reporting. But for its use, a qualified digital signature is required.

Online reporting software

Access to the delivery of electronic reporting can be carried out through a cloud service or by using a specialized program. If the latter option is used, then this software product must be installed on the computer from which the reporting is planned to be sent.

In this regard, sending reports is tied to a specific computer and it becomes possible to send declarations from other machines if these programs are present on the corresponding computers.

Another disadvantage of this method is the need to install a program update on the computer every time it comes out. When changing the forms of declarations, you must first update the program so that all reports get up with the current form.

If your computer has been used for several years, its performance will degrade, so the upgrade process may take considerable time. Also, do not forget that if the computer fails and the hard drive burns out, the data on it can be lost forever.

Attention: Currently, operators offer the following software products for sending electronic reporting - VLIS++, 1C-Reporting, Astral-Report.

Electronic reporting to the tax office for free - is it possible

In 2011, the Federal Tax Service authorities opened the service on their website, through which reports can be submitted via the Internet. This service makes it possible to send reports to a wide range of subjects.

However, it is important to consider that to use this method, you will need the following:

  • Issue an identifier using the "Service for obtaining a subscriber ID" service.
  • Install on the computer software package"Taxpayer LE".
  • Install public key certificates and root certificates.

Attention: business entities should also obtain an EDS. At the same time, the electronic digital signature must be qualified so that it can be used to sign reports to the tax authority. It allows you to identify the taxpayer who prepared and sent the declaration to the regulatory authority.

As you can see, this method of sending electronic reporting is not entirely free. The subject does not need to purchase a specialized software product and periodically renew its license. But the obligation to reissue the EDS for him to submit reports in electronic form remains permanent.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that software products allow reporting not only to tax authorities, but also to other recipients of mandatory forms - statistics, PFR, FSS, Rosprirodnadzor, Rosalkogol, etc. Many operators also offer round-the-clock support and customer advice .

Many operators provide an opportunity to get temporary access to paid services in order to get acquainted with their functionality, benefits, etc. This access is provided for a certain period.

Important: in the "Kontur-Extern" system, free of charge is three months. Such surrender is provided to the organization only once. There will be no second free access.
