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Can I take a picture of a sleeping person? Photo takes years of life from a sleeping person

Photography has great strength. She can stop time. With its help, you can damage a person or, on the contrary, heal a patient. Today, taking a photo is available to almost everyone, it’s not even about the fact that anyone can afford to buy a camera, but about what is currently the most budgetary mobile phone in most cases equipped with a camera. Here it appears on the page in in social networks a huge number of photos - people take pictures of everyone and everything - themselves in different poses, animals, nature and even food. However, few people know, but there are several signs associated with photographs. The most common belief is that you can not photograph sleeping people, while the ban on this kind of photography exists not only among superstitious people, even professional photographers they are unlikely to agree to capture the sleeping person.

Where did it come from that you can’t photograph a sleeping person

If you dig deep into history, you can find information that in the distant XIX century in most European countries there was a tradition to photograph dead people as if they were just sleeping. So, you could see photos that captured dinner in the family circle, and the dead man sat at the head of the table. Certainly, modern man this picture may seem, to put it mildly, strange, but in those days it was quite normal.

Modern explanations of the taboo on photographing sleeping people

It was from the above theory of the emergence of superstition that it went that if a person is captured in the photo with his eyes closed, then he is no longer in the world of the living.

Currently, the more common version is that if you take a picture of a sleeping person, then in this way you can call trouble on him and, even worse, bring the day of his death closer.

It is not recommended to photograph a sleeping person for one more reason.. The fact that the soul travels in a dream is an indisputable fact. When taking a picture, you can wake up a person, and if his soul was near the body, then it can be damaged, but if it flew somewhere far away at that time, then upon returning it may not find its physical body. By the way, for the same reason, it is not advised to transfer a sleeping child to bed.

And finally, the most common version of why there is a taboo on photographing sleeping people is that the human soul leaves the body during sleep and makes it very vulnerable. Photographing a sleeping person can adversely affect his energy.

It has been proven that photography is able to store the bioenergetics of the person captured on it. That is why, if a picture of a sleeping person falls into the hands of an envious person or, even worse, a black magician, then it will not be possible to escape from trouble. Therefore, if you have a photograph in which a person dear to your heart is captured sleeping, then try to hide it from prying unkind eyes. In addition, we know that thoughts are material, which is why, looking at a photograph depicting a sleeping person, an association with the dead may involuntarily arise, thus one can invite death.

Why You Shouldn't Photograph Sleeping Babies

A sleeping child is a touching picture: a sweet smile, smiling eyes ... Well, how can you not take a picture of him so cute ?! And yet, try to overcome your desires, because by taking a picture, you can scare your child's Guardian Angel. In addition, such a photo session can wake up and frighten the baby, and this, if you rely on the opinion of believers, will not lead to good.

As already mentioned, the photo captures not only the physical body, but also the biofield. In babies, even during wakefulness, it is rather weak, but is it worth talking about the photo ?! Touched by a sleeping baby in the photo, you can jinx it.

How about in other religions?

The Christian religion says that photographing a sleeping person can scare the Guardian Angel and he can leave the person forever. However, Sharia also discourages photographing people while they sleep. This is explained by the fact that when taking a photograph, a person wants to become like the Almighty, which is considered a great sin, and for this the photographer is expected to suffer torment in hell. There is another interpretation of the prohibition of photographing a sleeping person from the point of view of the Islamic religion, for example, man-made images can lead to polytheism, and this already blows disbelief in Allah.

Certainly, modern society far from some prejudice, which is why many shamelessly photograph their loved ones during sleep. We want to say that to believe in signs or not is your own business. Just do not forget that if you strongly believe in something, then it will definitely happen, so believe in the best. Good photos to you, beautiful and different!

Sleeping people sometimes look cute in a dream, so sometimes you really want to take a picture of them as a good memory. Despite the fact that we have all the technologies for this, we sometimes cannot photograph a sleeping person. There is an opinion that photographing a sleeping person is a bad omen.

And sometimes we don’t know where such a belief came from, it exists and that’s all. So it is better not to risk and not expose yourself and loved ones to any danger. And it does not matter that science has since advanced far forward and can give a completely reasonable explanation for many things. Since the omen is bad, then it is impossible, as many argue.

However, let's see why you can't photograph sleeping people. Can it really cause harm and what is behind all this.

Where did this omen come from?

To get answers to questions, you need to go back to ancient times, when the technique that allowed photographing people had not yet been invented. Then they were simply painted. But it was not always possible to draw a person during his lifetime, especially if he was poor.

Artists took too much money for their services, not everyone could afford it. And if such a person died, the relatives wanted to keep his image as a keepsake. And then they still had to turn to the artists.

The deceased person was dressed up in beautiful clothes, seated so that the artist could draw him as if he were alive. Then cameras appeared and the dead were simply photographed.

Even if the eyes of the dead were opened, trying to show that he was alive, the photographs always showed that the dead person looked unnatural.

Such pictures of dead relatives were kept in every family. Since then, people have begun to fear images of people with their eyes closed. You never know what can happen later, and suddenly a person really dies after that, they thought. That is why there was a belief that when a person is sleeping, you can not photograph him.

Other mystical reasons for the ban

Our ancestors did not know exactly why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people, they gave different answers to this. In the past, there were many superstitions that were formed rather from a lack of knowledge. Consider the most common of them.

  • People believed that the soul leaves the human body during sleep and travels where it pleases. When a person wakes up, the soul returns to him again. If you try to take a picture of a person during sleep, then the click of the camera may scare him. And people were afraid that the sleeper would wake up so quickly that the soul would not have time to return to him, and he would die.
  • The fear of frightening a person's guardian angel also underlies this superstition. An angel, just like a soul, can be frightened by a sharp click and fly away to heaven. After that, a person is waiting for all sorts of troubles in life, he begins to get sick, lack funds, etc.
  • During sleep, the human energy field is destroyed, it becomes weak and at this time it will be easy to damage it. If you give a photo of a sleeping sorcerer, then he can easily do this. Everyone knows that sorcerers and magicians usually ask to bring a photograph of a person who wants to harm.

  • If we turn to Greek mythology, we can see that the god of death Thanatos and the god of sleep Hypnos looked like similar friend on a friend. Therefore, people thought that sleep and death were one and the same. A sleeping person is no different from a dead person. If you depict a sleeping person, then this will bring his death closer. And if there are any spots in the picture, then the person will die from various ailments.
  • There was another superstition among the people. It was believed that a photograph of a person during sleep steals his fate. If you take large pictures, then there will be more theft. This is especially dangerous for young children who have not been baptized in the church. These children are not protected in any way, and they do not even have their own guardian angel.

Why you shouldn't take pictures of newborns

Children were considered weaker, so it was impossible not only to photograph them, but also to admire them. That is why newborn children were not shown to anyone for 40 days, so as not to jinx them. In addition, children's photographs could not be shown to anyone, so that people would not jinx them and steal a happy fate.

Is it possible to take pictures in Christianity and Islam

Listening to various legends, people are imbued with them and begin to believe in the supernatural. But in the Christian religion, there are no prohibitions against photographing people at any time. Christian leaders are skeptical of the belief that the guardian angel can be frightened by the click of the shutter and fly away.

In Islam, photography is not allowed, but for a completely different reason than bad omens. The fact is that in Islam you cannot take pictures of living people in general. Religion forbids it.

So is it worth it to be afraid of some beliefs that arose in those days when people were illiterate and were afraid of everything.

What can really happen

Popular superstitions are not the law for many people, you can believe in them, you can not. However, the ban on photographing sleeping people can be explained logically.

  • If you take a picture of a person during sleep, then he can really get scared when he hears a loud click of the shutter, and a bright flash will terrify him. He's just not ready to respond to it all adequately.

In a dream, we are relaxed and defenseless, a sharp sound frightens us to cause inappropriate behavior. An adult can still cope with all this, but a small child may have problems. The nervous system of the child is rather weak, so he will begin to stutter, he will be tormented by nightmares, he will be afraid to go to sleep.

  • Camera flash can disrupt sleep. In order for the body to rest during sleep, it is necessary to provide certain conditions. The room should be dark and absolutely silent.

Only in this case, the human body will produce melatonin, which will contribute to the health of the body. But a bright flash and a click of the shutter can interfere with positive processes in the body. As a result of this, the person will feel tired after sleeping.

  • A sleeping person may look unhygienic. During sleep, a person does not control himself, so his facial expressions and postures can be ridiculous. No one likes to look at themselves while drooling or having a funny expression. You can take a photo of a person while sleeping, but after that ask him if you should leave this photo or if it should be deleted immediately.

When photography is allowed

Sometimes we just can't help but take a photo of a person who is cute to us, especially when he is sleeping. Most often these are small children. They are growing up so fast, and we want to capture the wonderful moments of his childhood.

In addition, such a photograph can later become a wonderful surprise. After all, a sleeping person can really look cute. Not all of us believe in superstitions that existed in the distant past. It is enough to watch American films where people simply relate to photographing a sleeping person.

They do it for fun and nothing happens to anyone after that.


And if you decide for yourself that it is possible and necessary to photograph a sleeping person, then follow the safety rules so as not to harm a person during sleep.

Provide a calm environment. Try to operate the camera silently so as not to scare the sleeping person.

Many modern cameras silent, try to take just such. Do not use camera flashes, but try to use natural light. It is possible that after this the sleeping person will not even feel that he is being photographed.

If you feel anxious and are haunted by the thought that folk omens could not arise from scratch, then refrain from photographing. After all, bad thoughts can really lead to negative events in life. Therefore, it is better to insure yourself and maintain peace of mind.

Nothing will stop you from enjoying photos of your loved one when he is awake. You can capture the sweet moments of your baby's life without any fear for his health and well-being.

There is such a belief, known since ancient times, which says that in no case should the sleeping state of people of any age be photographed or captured in any other way! Because of this, many masters of this art do not practice shooting sleeping people. Why in general and who needs such a memory so much?

The first superstitions associated with photographing a sleeping person

A large percentage of non-superstitious individuals are trying to find best options answers to their questions. What is the reason for the superstition about pictures of sleeping people is unknown. of people? At the beginning of the 19th century, a very popular activity among the past generation was to capture the deceased person in the form of a sleeping person. Such perpetuation was considered fashionable and widely used. In addition, the deceased person was not filmed in a coffin as a dead person. In the photograph, everything should have looked as if the person had fallen asleep and was sleeping sweetly and soundly. Various poses (even sitting on a chair), smart dress and the necessary interior to create an atmosphere were required for this. And they were at that time almost all the people who lost loved ones or relatives. Photographers among themselves called such albums "books of death." It's creepy and scary to say the least!

Features of modernity

For us today, such tricks are considered wild and to some extent cruel in relation to the deceased. Perhaps it is with this period and moments that the custom is associated not to capture people in a sleeping state. Because immediately there is an association with death, which you don’t want to invite.

Another of the options for why it is impossible to photograph sleeping children is that it is possible for a posing person to invite trouble and soon die tragically and unexpectedly. Thus, as if a call to death is being made by the sleeping person depicted in the photo.

Superstition and predictions

It is believed that a sleeping person is just a physical body that the soul has left for a while. Previously, the state of sleep was called the "little death." This meant that when photographing such a person, the soul is not able to protect him from the evil influence of otherworldly forces. And as a result, the body was negatively affected by bad energy.

Previously, according to the society of bygone times, children succumbed to the negative effects of mystical forces very strongly. As a result, the mystical concept of why it is impossible to photograph sleeping children appeared. Such a picture is fraught with a lot of different information, which in the truest sense of the word can be used against a posing person.

Damage with a photo

It was believed that from the moment of the appearance of photography, magicians, sorcerers, shamans inflicted curses, damage with the help of photography. It was assumed that in order to use it in rituals, images of sleeping people would be more successful for the sorcerer. Why be in danger and fall under Negative influence? If you believe everything that happened in the deep past, you can draw certain conclusions why it is impossible to photograph sleeping children. In modern times, in almost all cities of the planet, there are still a large number of various fortune-tellers and psychics who perform various kinds of rituals using images of people. Although, it would seem, we live in an era of the greatest scientific discoveries, with the maximum level of enlightenment in issues that were previously of interest to mankind and inexplicable phenomena.

Photography is a large flow of information and energy

People with superpowers (magicians, psychics, esoterics) with the help of photography can tell you in full and in detail about everything past, past, present and even tell the future. At least, this is what the non-skeptical part of the population of our planet thinks so. And this means that no matter what the photo is, it still retains all the bioenergy of the person who is depicted on it. Such a small particle, with which you can cause irreparable harm to the person himself or his health. If there is also such a picture, which depicts a sleeping person, then in this case his fate becomes more malleable and sensitive to an unexpected event or situation.

Answers on questions

Having received such a volume of necessary information about why it is impossible to photograph sleeping children, one can come to certain conclusions. After all, children's energy, according to psychics, is much weaker than that of adults. This also gives us the answer to the question of why it is not allowed to photograph sleeping people. The right in the decision is given to you, whose words and legends to believe and what to resort to.

Modern views on the superstitions associated with photography

Although not as superstitious as a hundred years ago, they still do not allow taking photos of their children in the process of sleeping. The answer to the question of whether you can photograph sleeping children will be different for each person you ask it to. After all, each person perceives and reacts to circumstances differently.

Sleeping babies and photography are incompatible things

A small child during sleep is very sensitive, and the slightest rustle can disturb, scare him or even wake him up. Toddlers and babies have not yet formed their biofield and energy. If you believe the signs, then it is these cards that are the most sensitive and vulnerable in unfriendly hands. A bright flash from a camera, clicks and typical sounds can really scare a child when you try to capture him in an interesting pose. From this it immediately becomes clear why it is impossible to photograph a sleeping child. Because of one cute frame, you can deal with the consequences for more than one hour, especially if your child suddenly woke up not in the mood or, even worse, scared.

You don’t need to be superstitious and believe in all predictions in order to understand why you can’t photograph sleeping people, signs are a strong thing. They did not arise just like that, but were formed over the years by many people. And even if you are indifferent to your personal fate, then you must certainly carefully worry about the health and future of your child right now. This is especially important if there are evil and unscrupulous people in your environment who can cause harm by sending all sorts of curses or evil eyes on your child.

Why it is impossible to photograph a sleeping child, probably, everyone who has read the information and arguments on this subject given in the article has already understood. Adhere to such stereotypes or act in your own way - it's up to you. But it’s best to be careful once, and still follow the banal clues, than later regret the troubles that arise due to negligence and excessive skepticism.

Is a sleeping person photogenic

If you really believe in the fact that a person is completely defenseless during sleep, then this is a good reason why you should not be photographed sleeping at all. Not even every master will undertake to conduct a session with a sleeping person, except perhaps for an experiment, for fun or for a collection. Based on facts and theory, it is possible to preliminarily summarize why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people, including children:

  • These photos don't always turn out well, as the person isn't set up to take the picture.
  • The probability of a frame falling into the hands of a bad person.
  • A banal, albeit superstitious way to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.

Take photos in huge quantities, because they are the main source of memories associated with pleasant moments. But still try to avoid those where you or your children sleep. Even in every lie there is a small amount of truth. You don't have to play with fate. It is better to miss a beautiful shot once than to cry about an unpleasant incident that happened later.

There are several reasons that they try to explain why it is impossible to photograph a sleeping person:

  • so you can steal fate or health;
  • the person being photographed may not wake up;
  • suddenly waking up, a person can be very frightened;
  • the person being photographed will have a bad rest or will not get enough sleep;
  • the person depicted in the photograph sleeping resembles a dead man;
  • in a photograph, a sleeping person may turn out badly;
  • according to the photograph of the sleeping person, it is easy to cause damage or the evil eye;
  • you can scare the guardian angel and he will leave the sleeping man forever;
  • associations with post-mortem photography and the tradition of photographing the dead;
  • images and photographs of people are forbidden by the religion.

Let's divide them into groups and analyze in more detail.

mystical reasons

Unexpected health problems

There is an opinion that it is impossible to photograph a sleeping person, because the energy field of a sleeping person is somehow similar to the energy field of a dead person. Therefore, by photographing a sleeping person, this state can be confirmed in reality, after which a person may suddenly fall ill or die.

Sudden death

Another, more common opinion says that the soul of a person who is in a dream goes to another dimension, and during awakening returns to the body. Therefore, if a person suddenly wakes up from the clicks of the shutter or the flash of the camera, then the soul may not have time to return and the human body will die.

There is also an opinion that in photographs the facial expressions and closed eyes of sleeping children or adults may outwardly resemble the faces of the dead. It is because of these associations that some superstitious people believe that the picture can bring death to the sleeping person depicted on it.

Evil eye or damage

Magicians, healers and bioenergy therapists claim that the photo shows the ego energy field along with the person. And since during sleep this field is considered weaker than during wakefulness, this means that it will be easier for an ill-wisher or sorcerer to put damage, evil eye or other curses on the photographed person from a photograph of a sleeping person.

For the same reason, it is believed that it is impossible to photograph sleeping children, especially small ones, because their biofield is much weaker than that of adults, so they are more susceptible to the "evil eye". There is an opinion that a baby can be jinxed even just by admiring him sleeping in the cradle.

Loss of a guardian angel

There is also a religious belief that explains why sleeping people cannot be photographed. It is believed that in this way you can scare away the Guardian Angel, and he can leave the sleeping one forever.

Religious reasons

Followers of Islam argue that it is forbidden to photograph sleeping people because the creation of sculptures and images of people and animals (which includes photography) is prohibited by Sharia. This is explained by the fact that by creating a man-made image, a person is trying to become like Allah, which is a sin and which is followed by severe punishment and torment in Hell.

Another reason for the ban is that man-made images and sculptures can lead to polytheism. Also, according to Islam, the creation of images can be interpreted as disbelief in Allah.

More realistic explanations

Fright due to abrupt awakening

The most understandable and logical explanation, according to which it is not advised to photograph sleeping people, and especially children, is a possible strong fright in a suddenly awakened person or child.

Sleep disturbance

There is also an explanation from the point of view of biology, which claims that melatonin is synthesized in the human body during sleep, which regulates circadian rhythms. For the proper production of this hormone, complete darkness is necessary, so camera flashes can interfere with the full recovery of the body during sleep and, upon waking up, a person will feel sleepy or overwhelmed.

Appearance in the photo

In addition, a person who was photographed sleeping may come out unattractive and remain unhappy with their picture. This situation may occur because during sleep, the human face and body are usually relaxed, and the position in which a person sleeps is sometimes not quite suitable for shooting.

Some note the similarity of the photographs, which depict sleeping people, with photographs in the medieval style "post-mortem", which are now hunted by collectors. The appearance of this style in the middle of the nineteenth century was associated with the invention and development of photography, which made it possible to take photographs in memory of a deceased relative. people on posthumous photographs turned out very realistic, really like alive.

It took about 30 minutes to take a picture in a stationary state, which was quite difficult for living people, and especially for children, so they photographed mostly the dead, and the deceased was seated or laid down in such an environment as if he were alive, and just sleeping or , for example, reading a newspaper over a cup of tea. Later, in the USSR, there was also a tradition of photographing the dead as a keepsake, which lasted until the 60s of the 20th century.

And since for a long time images of a person with his eyes closed have been strongly associated with photographs of the dead, some superstitious people argue that it is impossible to photograph sleeping children and adults in order to avoid such associations, because such thoughts, even involuntarily appearing, can materialize and cause harm.

Photography has become an integral part of our lives. We photograph everything - ourselves, the environment, nature, various documents, and so on and so forth. But sometimes we should put down the camera. Because there are things that are simply not worth photographing. And among them are sleeping people, and especially children. We already know that you can not take pictures in the mirror - this can lead to serious consequences. BUT

Why can't you take a picture of a sleeping person?

Photography is our real reflection in the virtual world. And not a simple display, but a display that has absorbed a particle of our energy. It depicts not only us, but also our soul. And in a dream, according to the beliefs of almost all peoples, the soul of a person flies away to wander around other worlds. And, if a person is photographed sleeping, and then given the photograph into the hands of an ill-wisher, harm may be done to him. Some view the question of why you shouldn't photograph a sleeping person as a superstition, but it has long roots and it's worth paying attention to the caution regarding such photographs.

Where did the ban on photographing a sleeping person come from?

In the old days, dead people were often captured after death among the living, especially dead children. Of course, before the advent of cameras, they were simply drawn, but with the advent, they began to photograph. The deceased was dressed in a beautiful outfit and tried to "introduce him into the circle of life" - they put him at the dinner table, photographed with family members. Of course, his eyes remained closed at the same time, but this was written off as "accidentally blinked."

So it turns out that the sleeping person in the photograph looks like a dead person. And why should a living person be transferred to the category of a dead one? No need. This means that it is undesirable to photograph him sleeping - you photograph a person in the form of the deceased, and involuntarily accelerate his transition "to another world."

Sleeping man and camera

Why can't you take a picture of a sleeping person? The fact is that when a person sleeps, he is vulnerable to the outside world. Yes, and it is impossible to wake a person sharply - he can not only get scared. After all, it is believed that with a sharp transition from sleep to wakefulness, the human soul, having flown away to travel the worlds, simply does not have time to return to the body, and the person may die. Or they, soulless, will be used by an evil sorcerer. Maybe they don’t believe this now, but the loud click of the camera, and especially the flash, can easily scare the sleeping person. And not only to scare, but also to bring to a heart attack, or to stuttering.

It is especially dangerous to photograph small children. After all, they are much weaker than adults and will be much more frightened if they are awakened by a sudden flash of light. And it’s good if they just get scared, but what if their little heart can’t stand it? Perhaps you should not tempt fate, because cheerful and cheerful child it looks much more fun in the photo, but you can admire the sleeping baby just like that.

Photography as a magical "tool"

A photograph of a person, being his real reflection, also carries information about his soul. In the photo, some people with strong energy can even see the aura of a person. There is nothing dangerous in this if a person is benevolent and his energy has a positive charge. What if it's negative? Or is a person completely an energy vampire? Then, according to the photograph of the sleeping person, he can influence him through the layers of the tonal world and cause harm to a person.

Of course, not all people are subject to other people's influence and perceive "energy pressure" from the outside. In addition, those who do not believe in all these superstitions do not feel any such influence. But if a person’s energy is weak, a sufficiently strong sorcerer can harm his health and influence the course of life. And do all this through photography with him, sleeping. And children are very vulnerable in this respect. That's why you can't take a picture of a sleeping person.

So isn't it better to take pictures of your loved ones and yourself when you are cheerful, smiling into the lens and showing your joy that you are just living? Maybe you should listen to the "ridiculous superstitions" and not take photos with sleeping people?
