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Essay: "The person you want to be like." The person I want to be like (School essays) I want to be like my friend


Every person wants to be like someone else. Whether it be some celebrity, actor, fairy-tale hero, historical figure, perhaps an athlete or someone from his close circle of friends. So, in my case, this person is from my family. However, speaking personally about me, I cannot choose as my role model someone whom I personally do not know well or do not know at all. The thing is, in order to want to be like someone, you need to know in detail how this person lives, what were the steps and features of the success of this person. After all, if you do not know this, you can get the wrong guidelines. People do not always openly report, due to what exactly they have achieved a certain success. Very often, success is achieved due to something that one does not want to talk about, but they say that success was achieved due to great human qualities, hard work and extremely strong character. Unfortunately, these stories cannot be trusted. That is why my desire to be like someone could only arise in relation to someone whom I know personally and well enough.
I know my brother well, he is my role model. I want to be like my brother and I know exactly why. Firstly, my brother raised me from an early age, taught me what no one taught him, taught me how to make money and how to use it correctly. Secondly, because he possesses the highest human hardness. Often I witnessed how my brother made responsible decisions and confidently brought them to the end. Making a decision is far from always easy, especially if there are a lot of people around you who question success. Nevertheless, he made such decisions, which ultimately led to success. Thirdly, my brother is strong in spirit, he is not afraid of problems and is always sure that any problem can be dealt with. I think that this is a very important human quality, because it is thanks to him that any problem or conflict situation can be resolved. Fourthly, my brother treats his family responsibly. Fifthly, my brother graduated from high school and entered the Karaganda State Polytechnic University for free education. Receives a scholarship and helps parents with finances. And I also want to enter the Karaganda State Polytechnic University for free education, study well and receive a scholarship. Because I don't want my parents to pay for my studies. And don't forget pocket money. I want to be as resourceful as my brother. Find Good work. Do what you love and enjoy life. I would like to borrow from him some qualities that I don't have. After all, diligence is his middle name.

That's who I want to be like.

Bekbolsynov Diaz,

student 11 "A" class

(Kazakh language teacher: Mustafina N.K.)

KSU"Secondary School No. 59"


Karaganda region

The ideal is something sublime. Therefore, when they say about a person "He is my ideal", then they put just this into these words. Probably, this is a person who wants to imitate, who wants to be like. It is interesting that from knowing what kind of person this is, one can easily understand our essence, our inner "I". Who do we look up to? Who do we want to imitate? These are the simplest questions. And those that follow them are already deeper. What is our measure of success in life? What do we want to achieve in it? What goals are we pursuing? Yes, all this can be understood by learning about the person we want to be like.

I also want to talk about this person. When I was in middle school, I was lucky to have a rest in the All-Russian Children's Center "Eaglet".

About the days spent there, you can write a separate essay. Everything was just wonderful! Sea, sun, rest, new friends. What I liked the most was that although our season was in May, in school time, but we were exempted from studies. At that age, that was probably the most important thing! But now is not about that. While there, I was fortunate enough to briefly interact with a man whom I still admire.

It was our squad leader, Volodya. Although he was much older, everyone called him that. Actually, of course, this is the tradition of "Eaglet", to call counselors simply by their first names. Despite the fact that they are still teachers, and not just friends. In each division of this children's center two counselors. The second leader of our detachment, Natasha, was also very good. She tried to help us and took care of us as best she could. We respected her. But everyone just fell in love with Volodya! He is actually a teacher capital letter! When he first met, he immediately remembered everyone by name. And there are thirty young mischievous people in the detachment! Moreover, he has been working in Orlyonok for several years. And this means that in a year he had eleven such detachments. It is unlikely that he, of course, remembered afterwards everyone. But that from the first time he remembered us all and was not mistaken - we noticed this and were quite surprised. For a couple of days, before addressing anyone, he paused a little, and then, without error, called by name. It went on without pause. This impressed us! Then, his usual address. When he addressed the boy, he spoke as follows. He called the name and then added: "my boy." And if to a girl, then he would definitely add: "my girl." This brought us very close to him.

Volodya never cursed. The detachment, to be honest, was slovenly. We were often late for various events throughout the camp. And all because of the fact that they could not get together in time. Some people can't wake up, others don't have time to get dressed. That's some other trouble. So somehow they got it. We were even laughed at once on the line of the entire camp. The detachment was called by us "The Rhythm of the Planet". Well, they composed a poem about us and read it in front of the whole camp on the line. “Rhythm of the Planet is in no hurry to exercise, to the line. But he runs to the dining room faster than the very first!” Yes, we were not late to eat. But otherwise - always! And Volodya got hit by the senior counselor for this, but he never scolded us and did not build. He only said: “The main thing is not to leave anyone, so that we all come together. Otherwise, someone will fall behind - it will be a shame for him. It is better to wait for everyone.”

And one day we saw him feeding the birds. They landed right in his arms! How much we wanted to repeat it later - it did not work out! And Volodya only said about birds: "They are like children, they also want to eat." He also has a good relationship with birds, not only with people!

Yes, he won our children's hearts. I still remember him fondly. I also want to have good relations with everyone. What is needed for that? I try to imitate this man, with whom I had the opportunity to communicate for only thirty days in my life.

Open classroom

Topic: "People I would like to be like"

Teacher: Kokoeva A.T.

March 2016


1. Increasing the intellectual and cultural values ​​of students.

2. Formation of critical thinking among students.

Teacher: Hello guys. The topic of our today class hour: "People you'd like to be like." Based on the topic of our class hour, the question arises - what kind of people are you who you would like to be like? Of course, these are people who have achieved something in life, have become famous for something or something. For example, these are people who have achieved success in sports, science, professional activity, culture, etc., whose actions serve as an example for others. Question: “Please remember, for example, great athletes who have achieved success, Paralympic athletes.”

Question “Do you have acquaintances, friends or relatives who have actively shown themselves in something, in which you would like to be equal to them?”

Teacher: Let's listen to the two most interesting compositions written by ordinary Russian schoolchildren, who they would like to be like.

The person you want to be like...

Usually at our age they choose their idols from movie or television stars. We learn about these people from newspapers and TV shows. And it is unlikely that we will ever get to know them personally. And is it necessary? After all, it may turn out that in real life these people are not at all the same as we are used to seeing them on the screen. Do I want to be like them? I cannot answer unambiguously. Probably, they have a very interesting, eventful life. But, on the other hand, the profession obliges them to constantly be in front of everyone, give interviews, attend events, smile, take pictures with fans, even if they this moment don't want this at all. I don't think that's what I would want: close attention to my private life. It seems to me that the entourage, rather than the personality, attracts more here. After all, the person you would like to be like should evoke some kind of warm response in your soul.

I learned a lot about him. But it was after personal communication with Sergei Lvovich that I took a different look at my life. I tried to imagine myself in his place. At the age of 16, he lost his parents. The father was shot as an enemy of the people, the mother was sent into exile, where she died. The young man had a dream - to enter Moscow State University. But this was not destined to come true, because the children of enemies of the people have no place in such a prestigious university. Slandered, like many of his friends, on a false denunciation, Sergei ended up in exile, first in Dudinka, and then in Norilsk. He was only 20 years old. It would seem that life has failed, and nothing good lies ahead. But he never lost heart, and this faith in the highest justice helped him to endure. He was constantly engaged in literary creativity, published in the camp newspaper, wrote poetry, essays, club reviews. After his release, in 1946, he remained in Norilsk, graduated from the Correspondence Polytechnic Institute, and already worked as an engineer at the construction of the Norilsk Combine. And all this time he wrote. In his own words, throughout his life he was pursued by a passion, a passion for literary creativity. Sergey Lvovich devoted almost half a century to journalism, published thousands of essays, correspondence, reports, stories, poems in magazines and collections. As a literary pseudonym, he chose a definition dear to him - Norilsk. After rehabilitation, in 1961, Sergei Lvovich moved to Tula, but did not lose contact with Norilsk. His essays are published in Zapolyarnaya Pravda, Tula News, he continues to work on a new book, and also works on a voluntary basis as chairman of the board of the Tula regional branch of the Memorial society. But he is already 92 years old! But, as it turned out, his name is almost unknown in Norilsk. We can easily list the line-ups of popular bands or name infamous celebrities. And we do not know the people who built the city in which we live. In this city passed them best years, they were also young, they also wanted happiness and love. And they found this happiness - in work, creativity, among friends. No denunciations and exiles could break them, break their love for life. I often think - could we do the same as they did? .. I'm not sure.

This man left an indelible mark on my life. I see history differently now. I'm beginning to realize that these are not dry facts. Behind them are people, their destinies, their lives, their feelings. It is impossible to convey what a charge of optimism the conversation with Sergey Lvovich on the phone left in my soul when we called Memorial in Tula. We did not expect to find him there, after all, the man is already in old age. And he was there, and he talked with us with joy and interest, answered our questions, and said hello to the Talnakh Museum. Nikolai Sakhno is right, “nature almost did not preserve such people.” But we can still keep the memory of them, because, as you know, there is no future without the past.

Question: “In what did you see the important features of a person whom the author would like to be like?”

Teacher: Let's listen to another composition by a Russian schoolboy.

Presentation "You should be equal"

Teacher: I would like to tell you about another famous personality, who became famous not only for his pedagogical, medical and social activities but also an invaluable feat.The video "Janusz Korczak" is being staged

Teacher: Guys, write a short essay in a few sentences about who you would like to be like.(The children's compositions are listened to).

Teacher: Guys, let's build a pyramid of qualities a person needs for success:





Self confidence



Ability to grow up



Having a will


Question “Guys, think about whether you have at least some of the qualities we have listed?”

Teacher: Even if you do not possess some qualities, it is not so scary. Everything comes with time, the main thing is to have a desire, to learn how to develop the necessary successful person quality. They will not come immediately, gradually, the main thing is to have patience.

You think the path was easy
People who set big goals?
And believed in the idea, plans, growth,
Were doors open for them everywhere?

And just once, just knocking on one of them,
On a saucer with a gold border
Suddenly received instantly
All the glory, honors, love of descendants?

You shouldn't think so, my friend!
Going forward, could be wrong,
After all, it's all a lot of work.
What should we look up to!

You can too, just believe
After all, there is something to strive for, to achieve,
It's real - this goal
Everything is in your hands! Worth the effort!

Conclusions: People who you want to be like differ from the main mass with their qualities: purposefulness, diligence, perseverance, willpower, courage and many other qualities. They were able to overcome the main barrier, overcome themselves, were able to rise above themselves. And this is the key to success.

Essay on the topic: "Who do I want to be like?" 4.28 /5 (85.60%) 25 votes

Everyone has a role model in their life. Sometimes this example is some celebrity, it also happens that this is a relative. In general, people are different, they have different criteria about success, so it is not surprising that many people choose as examples those whom they do not personally know. After all, the image of a celebrity is not necessarily completely different from the real character and essence of this person.

However, speaking personally about me, I cannot choose as my role model someone whom I personally do not know well or do not know at all. The thing is that in order to want to be like someone, you need to know in detail how this person lives, what were the steps and features of the success of this person. After all, if you do not know this, you can get the wrong guidelines. People do not always openly report, due to what exactly they have achieved a certain success. Very often, success is achieved due to something that one does not want to talk about, but they say that success was achieved due to great human qualities, hard work and extremely strong character. Unfortunately, these stories cannot be trusted. That is why my desire to be like someone could only arise in relation to someone whom I know personally and well enough.

Personally, I know my father well, it is he who is my role model. I want to be like my father and I know exactly why. First, because he possesses the highest human hardness. Often I witnessed how my father made responsible decisions and confidently brought them to the end. Making a decision is far from always easy, especially if there are a lot of people around you who question success. Nevertheless, he made such decisions, which ultimately led to success. Secondly, my father is strong in spirit, he is not afraid of problems and is always sure that any problem can be dealt with. I think that this is a very important human quality, because it is thanks to it that any problem or conflict situation can be resolved. Thirdly, my father is responsible for his family. I am convinced that the most important thing in a person's life is the family, and in relation to the family one must behave as responsibly as possible. So that no one doubts that you love your household.

I don't want to point it out to anyone, but I still want to say that it's funny to see how some people want to be like celebrities or other personalities they don't know. For me, this is completely unacceptable.
