Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Insurance house sun. Insurance company Vsk Vsk group

JSC "VSK" is a large universal company that took seventh place in terms of fees among the largest Russian insurers in 2018. The company is one of the key players in the MTPL market – at the end of 2018 it ranks 5th with a market share of 7.7%. The insurer's regional network includes more than 500 branches and offices throughout the country. The head office is located in Moscow. The company is the main participant of the VSK Group, which also includes VSK-Life Line LLC, SK INTERI LLC and VSK-Miloserdie LLC.

history of the company

Insurance joint-stock company "VSK" was founded in 1992 with the participation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It was headed by Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Tsikalyuk, who at that time worked in the Main Political Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. VSK specialized mainly in compulsory state insurance of military personnel: thus, by the mid-1990s, the company’s clients included the largest ministries and departments, including, in addition to the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Border Service, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, etc.

By 1997, VSK branches were already operating in 80 cities of the country, and the company was firmly among the top 10 largest insurers in Russia in terms of collections. True, most of the collected premiums (over 70%) came from compulsory state insurance.

In an effort to diversify its business, VSK set a course for the development of voluntary types of insurance. As a result, in 1999 its voluntary insurance collections accounted for more than half of its total premiums. And soon the company became one of the main players in the emerging bancassurance market. In addition to Sberbank, of which VSK was a partner almost from the moment of its founding, the company began to cooperate with other large credit institutions of the country - Alfa-Bank, MDM Bank, VTB and others, offering them full list banking insurance products.

The company began operating under the new name “Insurance House “VSK”” in the fall of 2001. By this time, the regional network of the insurer amounted to about 300 branches and offices throughout Russia. It was then adopted new strategy company, implying a transition to a client-oriented business model (a shift in focus to working with private clients), new retail insurance products and a new service were developed.

In 2002, one of the world's largest insurance companies, American International Group (AIG), showed interest in VSK. In the fall, the head of AIG, Maurice Greenberg, said that intensive negotiations were underway with VSK (the transaction amount was estimated at that time at $25–30 million). As market participants believed, the purchase of a company with client base and a wide branch network would help AIG quickly reach Russian market. However, the deal never took place.

The next time the main owner of VSK, Sergei Tsikalyuk, announced a possible sale of a stake in the company in 2008. Then it was either about selling a blocking stake in the company to a minority shareholder, or about the company conducting an IPO. By that time, VSK was growing at a rate twice as fast as the market, and the network included almost 500 branches and offices. At the end of 2011, it became known that 25% of VSK shares would be purchased by one of the largest domestic insurers, RESO-Garantiya. It was assumed that the insurers would create a united insurance group, but this deal also did not take place: in 2013, the parties announced that there would be no purchase.

As of October 3, 2018, VSK is included in the list of insurers that are entitled to provide liability insurance for developers (the list includes 11 companies and one mutual insurance company). The company is accredited by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities” (FSUE “TsENKI”) for space risk insurance.

The company is a member of such non-profit and public organizations as: All-Russian Union of Insurers (VUS), Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA), National Union of Liability Insurers (NSSO), National Association of Nuclear Insurers (NASAO), Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers (RAAKS) ), National Union of Agricultural Insurers (NAA), Association of Russian Banks (ARB), etc.

Major deals

In May 2016, shareholders of the insurance company VSK and the Bin group signed an agreement on the integration of insurance businesses. The project was implemented on the basis and under the management of VSK, whose shareholder retained control of the capital.

Implementing a strategy to strengthen market positions, including through the acquisition of insurers, VSK in March 2017 announced its intention to acquire 100 percent control over LLC "Europlan" from PJSC "Europlan". Insurance Company"Europlan". In June 2017, VSK completed integration with this insurer.

In July 2017, VSK Insurance House closed a deal to acquire control of VSK – Life Line LLC, a company specializing in providing life insurance services. VSK became the owner of 99.9% shares in Azbuka+ LLC, which is the 100% owner of VSK – Life Line LLC.

Shareholders: PJSC SAFMAR Financial Investments (formerly PJSC Europlan), which owns 49% of the shares, JSC Azbuka Profit (24.66%), JSC Insurance Syndicate (21.92%) and Sergey Tsikalyuk ( 4.42%). The ultimate controlling party of the Group is Sergey Tsikalyuk, who owns 100% of the shares of Azbuka Profit JSC and Insurance Syndicate JSC.

Board (as of December 12, 2018): Oleg Ovsyanitsky (CEO), Nadezhda Abramova, Ilya Boychenko, Andrey Redko, Alexander Abramenko, Alexander Tarnovsky, Anton Smulko, Natalya Sokolovich, Olga Sorokina, Mikhail Kolenkin.

Board of Directors: Sergey Tsikalyuk (Chairman), Oleg Ovsyanitsky, Sergey Almazov, Oleg Andriyankin, Said Gutseriev, Avet Mirakyan, Anna Rybina, Bilan Uzhakhov, Roman Frolov.

Company partners

Auto centers: Carglass, Hyundai.

Banks: PJSC "Binbank".

Among the company's clients are Rosneft, Miratorg, Bank of Russia, Trubnaya metallurgical company, LUKOIL, Russian Railways, Rosatom, Russian Technologies, Sollers, Moscow Regional Energy Grid Company JSC, DEK PJSC, Sozvezdie Concern JSC, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft JSC, Uraltransmash JSC, JSC "Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan", JSC "Smolensk Aviation Plant", JSC "Votkinsky Plant", JSC "RAO ES of the East", LLC "Eastern Stevedoring Company", JSC "Vympel Shipbuilding Plant", FKP "Plant named after Ya.M. Sverdlov", LLC "Chelnyvodokanal", JSC "Terminal Vladivostok", etc.

Reinsurance partners: Hannover Re, Munich Re, Swiss Re, Partner Re, SCOR, Lloyd's syndicates, RNPK JSC, etc.

The VSK Group includes the following insurance companies: JSC VSK, LLC VSK-Life Line, LLC SK INTERI (formerly SK Europlan), LLC VSK-Miloserdie.

VSK membership in non-profit and public organizations
  • All-Russian Union of Insurers (VSU)
  • National Union of Liability Insurers (NULI)
  • Russian Anti-Terrorism Insurance Pool (RASP)
  • Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers (RAAKS)
  • Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA)
  • Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool (RYSP)
  • National Association of Nuclear Underwriters (NANAO)
  • Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on entrepreneurship in the construction sector
  • National Union of Agricultural Insurers (NAA)
  • Russian Union of Industrialists (RUU)
  • Russian Union of Travel Industry
  • Association of Russian Exporters
  • Association of Industry Unions
  • Association of Regional Banks
  • Association of Russian Banks
  • National Union of Malting Barley and Malt Producers
  • Russian Union of Flour Millers
History 2019: Cooperation with BestDoctor 2018

VSK Insurance Group summed up its results for 2018 international standards financial statements (IFRS). Net profit for the reporting period increased 1.3 times and amounted to more than 8 billion rubles.

Compared to 2017, the Group’s collections increased by 30.5% and amounted to 96.3 billion rubles. The largest contribution was made by life insurance (fees for investment and accumulative life insurance reached 22.3 billion rubles), motor hull insurance (fees exceeded 20 billion rubles), and accident and illness insurance (fees exceeded 20 billion rubles).

The combined loss ratio excluding life insurance was 92.6%. Return on equity is more than 34%.

The group's assets, according to consolidated statements, grew by more than 30% to 133 billion rubles, capital to 26.5 billion rubles.

The group's financial statements were audited by the auditing company PwC, which noted full compliance of the information contained therein with international standards.


VSK is developing modern sales channels and is the first among insurance companies in Russia to begin selling policies through specialized insurance terminals.


At the end of the year, VSK Insurance House confidently entered the top five leading insurance companies in Russia in terms of insurance premiums and once again confirmed its leading position in the segments of bank risk insurance, insurance in the leasing sector and professional liability insurance of tour operators.

The company made the largest insurance payment in the history of the Russian agricultural sector. More than 2 billion rubles. ABH Miratorg received compensation after a fire at a production complex for the production of semi-finished products in Kaliningrad.

An accelerated procedure for paying insurance compensation (within 5 days) to VSK clients under the direct settlement procedure for compulsory motor third party liability insurance (MTPL) under the “MTPL excellent!” program has been introduced throughout the branch network.

In the development of the regional network, VSK Insurance House invested more than 200 million rubles, which made it possible to open more than 200 offices and sales points of various levels during the year.

The company changed its name to Insurance Open Joint-Stock Company"VSK" (abbreviated as SOAO "VSK"), in accordance with the current marketing strategy, and registered the trademark “All-Russian Insurance Company”.

year 2009

VSK is completing a project to create automated system processing requests. The system is designed to provide information support for the primary settlement of insurance claims.

According to the results of the project “Leaders of Bancassurance – 2008”, conducted by the magazine “ Banking Review", VSK Insurance House confirmed its title as the leader of domestic bancassurance, becoming a laureate in the most prestigious category "Comprehensive Banking Risk Insurance".

VSK Insurance House topped the list of TOP 10 insurers “most successfully coping with the challenges of the crisis,” published by the National Banking Journal in March 2009.

VSK Insurance House received a license to carry out activities in insurance of civil liability of the owner of funds railway transport. According to FSSN order No. 68 dated February 12, 2009, the license is valid throughout the territory Russian Federation.


VSK Insurance House, one of the leaders of the Russian insurance business, in February opened the doors of a new central office for clients and partners at the address: Moscow, Ostrovnaya St., 4.

According to the rating of the Economic News Agency, VSK Insurance House is the most actively and steadily developing insurance company in Russia.

“Expert RA” confirmed the unconditional leadership of VSK Insurance House in the professional liability insurance segment.

VSK Insurance House has implemented the IBS personnel management system. The purpose of implementing the system is to streamline personnel management processes, including those related to the selection and accounting of personnel, certification, training and development of employees.

VSK Insurance House, according to the FSSN, rose from sixth to third place in the top 50 largest insurers in Russia in terms of premiums.

VSK Insurance House automates the system for processing customer requests based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. The implementation of the system is designed to improve the level of customer service through the use innovative technologies and automation of work regulations.

VSK Insurance House again improved its position in the Expert-400 rating, rising to overall 112th place in the rating of the largest Russian companies(vs. 121st in 2004 and 208th in 2003).

As part of the “Leasing in Russia” project, VSK Insurance House was awarded the Diploma “The Most Popular Insurer in the Leasing Industry - 2006”.

2005 year

Construction of a new head office of VSK in Moscow has begun.

The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation summed up the results of the competition to select an organization to provide insurance services for compulsory state personal insurance for its employees. VSK was recognized as the winner of the competition.


VSK Insurance House won in the category “Comprehensive protection of the interests of banks and their clients” of the “Banking Rating of Insurance Companies” competition.

After receiving a new version of the license that combines all licensed types of insurance,

VSK Insurance House offers its clients 103 insurance products.


VSK was recognized as the winner of the competition for the right to insure the life and health of military personnel Federal service protection of the Russian Federation.

VSK Insurance House became one of the winners of the tender Central Bank Russian Federation for the right to insure its property interests.

VSK Insurance House was recognized as the winner of the open competition of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties for the selection of an organization for compulsory state personal insurance of tax officials.

On May 21, 2003, VSK Insurance House and the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency signed a cooperation agreement, according to which the company was accredited with the Agency.

On June 6, 2003, VSK Insurance House was one of the first to receive a license from the Department of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for the right to provide compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.

VSK became the winner of an open competition of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation to select an insurance company to provide compulsory state personal insurance services to FSB employees.


The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin expressed gratitude to the VSK team for their great contribution to the development of the insurance business (Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 31-rp dated January 25, 2003).

VSK Insurance House took part in insuring a unique international project - the launch of a satellite to the Moon using the Dnepr space rocket (an analogue of the RS-20B intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

VSK entered into cooperation agreements with the all-Russian public professional association"Russian Board of Auditors" and with Public organization « Russian society appraisers." The VSK Insurance House insures the film crew of Sergei Bodrov and the equipment used in the filming of the new film. The total liability limit of VSK Insurance House is over $2.3 million.

VSK Insurance House took part in the program social partnership as part of the All-Russian Population Census of 2002. The VSK insurance house provided accident insurance coverage for 423 thousand census takers throughout Russia.

year 2001

VSK entered the insurance market with a new trademark.

A new strategy for insurance activities has been developed: from a product-oriented to a client-oriented Company.

VSK became one of the first insurance companies in Russia, which was authorized by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to provide insurance against serious illnesses.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation CEO VSK S. A. Tsikalyuk was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, for his services to the state and his great personal contribution to solving social problems of military personnel.


VSK is part of the General Manager of the Presidential Program “State Housing Certificates”.

During the year, branches of the Company were opened in 3 more cities of the Russian Federation.


An agreement was concluded with the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation on compulsory state personal insurance for customs officers.

VSK is part of the Russian Nuclear Pool.

The company entered into an agreement with the Russian Ministry of Justice on compulsory state insurance for judges.

VSK has been accepted as a member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

VSK has begun implementing the Life Line accumulative insurance program.

During the year, branches of the Company were opened in 3 more cities of the Russian Federation.

Russian Biographical Institute, for social support military personnel, General Director of VSK Group Sergei Tsikalyuk was recognized as Person of the Year.


The central office moved to a new building. VSK has a new legal address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Lubyanka, 11a

Lord Mayor of London John Colston and representatives of the English insurance business visited VSK

On November 29, the head of VSK S. A. Tsikalyuk spoke at a meeting of the Government Commission on social issues military personnel. The government positively assessed the activities of VSK and the Supervisory Committee of VSK insurers and recommended that the State Duma of the Russian Federation take into account the Company’s experience when preparing federal law on insurance of military personnel

VSK participates in the formation of the Pool for insurance of restoration work in the Chechen Republic, the Fire Pool, and the Association of Aviation and Space Insurers.


February 11 is the founding day of VSK. The company was created with authorized capital 5000 rubles. The Moscow Registration Chamber issued certificate No. 008278.

On July 27, the first insurance contract was concluded for military personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation who are part of the peacekeeping contingent in Transnistria.

On September 15, the first license No. 448 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation was received for the implementation of voluntary types of insurance.

INN: 7718976560, OGRN: 1147746393376

- is a manager in 2 organizations (operating - 1, inactive - 1).
- is a founder in 2 organizations (operating - 1, inactive - 1).

The company with the full name "LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "VSK GROUP"" was registered on April 10, 2014 in the Moscow region at the legal address: 107392, Moscow, M. Cherkizovskaya street, building 64, room. 255 com. 2.

Registrar "" assigned the company INN 7718976560 OGRN 1147746393376. Registration number in the Pension Fund: 087409009020. Registration number in the Social Insurance Fund: 773805211077381.

Main activity according to OKVED: 73.11. Additional views activities according to OKVED: 11.18; 18.12; 18.13; 18.14; 58.13; 58.14; 58.19; 82.99.

OGRN 1147746393376
TIN 7718976560
checkpoint 771801001
Organizational and legal form (OPF) Limited Liability Companies
Full name of the legal entity LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "VSK GROUP"
Abbreviated name of the legal entity LLC "VSK GROUP"
Region Moscow city
Legal address
Name Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal tax service No. 46 in Moscow, No. 7746
Address 125373, Moscow, Pokhodny proezd, building 3, building 2
Registration date 10.04.2014
Date of assignment of OGRN 10.04.2014
Accounting with the Federal Tax Service
Date of registration 10.04.2014
Tax authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 18 for Moscow, No. 7718
Information about registration with the Pension Fund of Russia
Registration number 087409009020
Registration date 15.04.2014
Name of territorial body State institution - Main Directorate Pension Fund RF No. 7 for Moscow and the Moscow region, Bogorodskoye municipal district of Moscow, No. 087409
Information about registration in the FSS
Registration number 773805211077381
Registration date 15.04.2014
Name of the executive body Branch No. 38 Government institution- Moscow regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, No. 7738
Other information History of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Date: 04/10/2014
    GRN: 1147746393376
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for changes: Creation of a legal entity
    - Legal Entity Charter
    - Decision to create a legal entity
    - Power of attorney
    - Letter of guarantee
  • Date: 04/10/2014
    GRN: 8147746242724
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for changes: Submission of information on registration of a legal entity with the tax authority
  • Date: 04/16/2014
    UAH: 8147746408450
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for changes: Submission of information on registration of a legal entity as an insurer in executive body Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
  • Date: 04/21/2014
    UAH: 8147746756996
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for changes: Submission of information on registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  • Date: 03/01/2019
    GRN: 7197746791686
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for changes: Entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of information about the unreliability of information about legal entity(results of checking the accuracy of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • Date: 11/27/2019
    GRN: 9197748447701
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the changes: The registration authority made a decision on the upcoming exclusion of a legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (the presence in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of information about a legal entity in respect of which a record of unreliability was made)
    - Decision on the upcoming exclusion of an inactive legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Legal address on the city map Other organizations in the directory
  • , Lipetsk - Liquidated
    INN: 4825029819, OGRN: 1024840835326
    398032, Lipetsk region, Lipetsk city, Universalny proezd, 2
    General Director: Molkova Irina Vladimirovna
  • , Vladivostok - Liquidated
    INN: 2536219380, OGRN: 1092500001824
    690005, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok city, Lugovaya street, 21, apt. 4
    President of the Foundation: Balin Stanislav Alexandrovich
  • , Nizhny Novgorod region - Active
    INN: 5229005826, OGRN: 1035204612431
    607503, Nizhny Novgorod region, Sergach district, Tolba village, Yuzhnaya street, building 21A
    Chairman of the parish council: Bogolyubov Dmitry Nikolaevich
  • , Tver - Active
    INN: 6950160839, OGRN: 1126952030941
    170025, Tver region, Tver city, Elevator village, COOLING FACTORY BASE
    General Director: Lapkina Oksana Aleksandrovna
  • , Perm region— Current
    INN: 5951041134, OGRN: 1055907563370
    617877, Perm region, Oktyabrsky district, Ishimovo village
    Director: Gaptulov Rinat Khalitovich
  • , St. Petersburg — Liquidated
    INN: 7804455360, OGRN: 1117847059362
    190000, St. Petersburg, Admiralteyskaya embankment, building 10, letter A, room 11H
    General Director: Belousova Svetlana Sergeevna
  • , Rostov-on-Don - Liquidated
    INN: 6168913058, OGRN: 1046168007401
    344015, Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Dovatora street, 142, A, apt. 37
    Director: Melnikov Sergey Nikolaevich
  • , Novosibirsk - Liquidated
    INN: 5401294156, OGRN: 1075401015381
    630000, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk city, Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 28/1
    Director: Cherepanova Elena Aleksandrovna
  • , Novosibirsk - Active
    INN: 5402170523, OGRN: 1025401025209
    630049, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk city, Lineinaya street, 41
    Director: Bryukhova Irina Alekseevna
  • , Moscow - Liquidated
    INN: 7731541015, OGRN: 1067746453125
    121357, Moscow, Artamonova street, 14, building 1
    General Director: Arsentyev Dmitry Konstantinovich
  • — Liquidated
    INN: 7713749606, OGRN: 1127746458146
    127591, Moscow, Keramicheskiy proezd, 53, building 1, room I
    General Director: Vasily Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov
  • — The registration authority has made a decision on the upcoming exclusion of a legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (the presence in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of information about a legal entity in respect of which a record of unreliability has been made)
    INN: 7718976560, OGRN: 1147746393376
    107392, Moscow, M. Cherkizovskaya street, building 64, room. 255 com. 2
    General Director: Vasily Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov
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