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Rating of Russian IT companies. The CNews100 rating of the largest IT companies in Russia has been released. Main activities

Answer without hesitation: which company has more capital - Microsoft or IBM? Hewlett-Packard(hp) or Cisco? or VMware? It's hard to answer right away. BusinessInsider magazine has published a ranking of IT companies with the largest market capital.

Nowadays, the most successful and profitable companies are companies operating in the IT sphere. This statement is an axiom of the modern world, and, following it, many companies change course in order to enter the IT market. (Editor's note. When compiling the list, GoogleFinance materials were used).

No. 20: Workday


Market price:~$15 billion

What the company does: Workday provides HR software financial management. Currently, this company can compete with such giants as Oracle and SAP. The company beat all investors' expectations for the last quarter in terms of its income and fulfilled its annual plan. The company is currently developing software for hiring employees, project management and cooperation within the company.

Doubts: Skeptics say the company doesn't have much to look forward to in terms of value, even though many cloud companies are sacrificing most of their profits to increase capacity. Also of concern to investors is the fact that Oracle recently approved a customer takeover strategy from Workday.

No. 19: Seagate Technology

Company: Seagate Technology

Marketprice: ~$17 billion

What the company does: Seagate Technology is engaged in the creation of hard drives and storage systems. There are prospects for development in the field of cloud storage. Due to the fact that modern world- the world of information, more and more places are needed to store it.

Doubts: On the one hand, Seagate Technology is a manufacturer of hard drives, and on the other, an emerging cloud service - two opposite concepts in the field of data storage. Transition ordinary users to cloud storage systems may mean not buying hard drives.

#18: LinkedIn

Company: LinkedIn

Market price:~$20 billion

What the company does: LinkedIn is professional social network, as well as a way to search for specialists for employers. In the future, it is planned to retrain into a blogging and journalistic platform. In February of this year, LinkedInm became available to any Internet user, instead of the expected restriction on registration on the social network.

Doubts: The problem is to pick up the growth rate of the number of registered users again. Earlier, in May, a six-fold slowdown in the growth of the social network was recorded.

No. 17: WiPro

Company: WiPro

Market price:~$28 billion

What the company does: WiPro is an Indian outsourcer (consulting, business intelligence company) that competes with Cognizant and Infosys. The company has recently been expanding its reach in Europe in the utilities sector.

Doubts: At the end of 2013, WiPro was forced to terminate the contract with software makers, which suffered heavy losses due to falling sales of personal computers. The company needs to develop a strategy for the implementation of software that is in the company's assets.

No. 16: Infosys

Company: Infosys

Market price:~$29 billion

What the company does: Infosys is also an Indian outsourcer looking to enter the engineering and biosciences market.

Doubts: For years, Infosys has been one company with a huge reputation in India, however, slow growth (compared to its competitors) has led to employees and managers leaving their jobs, not to mention that the company is now looking for a CEO .

No. 15: Cognizant Technology

Company: Cognizant Technology

Market price:~$30 billion

What the company does: Cognizant, like the two previous companies, is an Indian outsourcing company that has been rapidly gaining momentum until recently, offering its services to the mobile and cloud industry markets.

Doubts: At the moment, growth has slowed tremendously, in particular in the US healthcare market, where the company has large customers. The company was forced to warn investors that real profits were far below those predicted by analysts.

No. 14: Adobe Systems

company: Adobe Systems

Market price:~$32 billion

What the company does: Adobe develops software for web developers, graphic design and text content. A couple of years ago, the company took the bold step of moving completely to a subscription system, and it worked. The company received 1.8 million subscribers paying subscription fees for products.

Doubts: Adobe has some problems in the area of ​​user protection. At the end of 2013, hackers stole 38 million (!) passwords and software license keys.

No. 13:


Marketprice: ~$33 billion

What the company does: IN modern life more and more things can be controlled via the Internet, chips, sensors, or special applications. has the potential to host (storage) these applications using SalesforcePlatform. In the future, such a service may become as common as cloud storage data.

Doubts: On this moment the company is already 15 years old, and it is still a Startup. Let's see what investors say about further development, which will lead to loss of profits.

#12: VMware

Company: VMware

Market price:~$42 billion

What the company does: VMware changed the computer server industry forever and is now trying to do the same with the industry computer networks. The company has acquired leading network programmable startup Nicira, which will later make internal corporate networks less expensive and easier to maintain.

Doubts: VMware now dominates a market that the company created itself (software that allows a single server to run on multiple operating systems). VMware is looking to expand the market and recently acquired AirWatch for $1.5 billion, the company's largest acquisition. AirWatch is a company in the mobile security market, which is saturated today.

No. 11: Accenture

Company: Accenture

Market price:~$53 billion

What the company does: Accenture is a global consulting and technology company. Earlier this year, the company was awarded a contract to build and maintain the US government website and an online insurance service. Like all IT companies, Accenture wants to work towards the cloud service by launching its own Accenture Cloud Platform this spring.

Doubts: The CEO, George Benitez, who had been with the company for a long time, resigned because he could not find ways to expand the consulting direction of business development amid the declining popularity of this sector.

No. 10: EMC Corporation


Market price:~$54 billion

What the company does: EMC and its subsidiary VMware, like many IT companies, have launched their own cloud storage service, Pivotal, run by former VMware CEO Paul Maritz.

Doubts: EMC is the largest supplier of storage products to large companies. This sector of the IT industry is gradually dying out due to the high cost of equipment. EMC constantly rejects endless offers from startups and young companies.

No. 9: Hewlett-Packard (hp)

Company: Hewlett-Packard(hp)

Market price:~$63 billion

What the company does: HP is currently investing in every possible branch of the IT industry - new computers running on ChromeOS and Android, new types of printers with new types of ink, new servers with minimal energy consumption, and, of course, new cloud storage services.

Doubts: HP has some problems providing for its employees. Recently, HP announced that it could double the number of employees who will be subject to layoffs (about 50,000 jobs). HP is still trying to get back on track with the growth of the company, after a decline due to a large number of acquisitions over the past 10 years.

No. 8: SAP AG

Company: SAP AG

Market price:~$91 billion

What the company does: SAP is known for its administration and company resource planning software. The company has successfully launched the super-fast HANA database. Now all the assets of the firm should be collected in single system startups and applications.

Doubts: SAP must adapt legacy applications to meet the needs of today's cloud storage services. The company has had a change of management collegiate body Board of Directors came CEO Bill McDernott. He must convince his German partners to move towards the development of cloud services.

No. 7: Cisco

Company: Cisco

Market price:~$128 billion

What the company does: Cisco creates equipment for corporate networks. However, they also plan to snatch a piece of the cloud services market: to create their own service and a network of services of smaller providers. This will allow the company to increase sales of its equipment and switch to the modern realities of the information storage market.

Doubts: New technology using programmable network parameters is a way to create networks using cheaper hardware. Even Cisco will not be unsettled by the entry of such equipment into the market, it may suffer a large loss in profits.

No. 6: Amazon

Company: Amazon

Market price:~$144 billion

What the company does: Amazon's approach to cloud storage has forever changed the world of the IT industry. Now Amazon is King Kong in the cloud services market, which is rapidly gaining momentum.

Doubts: The next step on the path to growth should be to increase the confidence from the client companies of this service that this cloud hosting is reliable and should not be considered a platform for testing, short-term development and use for minor projects. Amazon is working on this at a crazy pace.

No. 5: IBM

Company: IBM

Market price:~$186 billion ($185.77)

What the company does: IBM also has a market share in the cloud industry, but the company needs something to stand out. Therefore, WatsonIBM is re-profiling its project to develop the "smartest" computer in the direction of a cloud service.

Doubts: New contracts from IBM in the cloud industry do not provide quick profits, and IBM loses on sales of hardware and software.

No 4: Oracle

Company: Oracle

Market price:~$186 billion ($186.43)

What the company does: Over the past couple of years, Oracle has evolved from a software developer to a hardware and cloud services company. The CEO set the task for the developers - to create computers with high speed with their own software, which will be better and cheaper than any analogues.

Doubts: Like many IT companies, Oracle had to fight to expand. The company currently dominates the database market. However, companies are reluctant to pay for software, using cloud services instead. The company needs to keep customers from moving to competitors (like Workday and

No. 3: Microsoft

Company: Microsoft

Market price:~$331 billion

What the company does: With a new CEO, Satya Nadella, the company is refreshed. The end of support for WindowsXP finally forced many companies to update their software and use new Microsoft products, including cloud services.

Doubts: Development of Windows 8 and purchase of Nokia. Consumers and businesses are still not thrilled with Microsoft's new operating system. Nadella must either improve Windows 8 or release a Windows 9 antithesis. He must also devise a competitive strategy for Nokia by convincing the cell phone maker not to switch to software from Chrome and Android.

#2: Google

Company: Google

Market price:~$383 billion

What the company does: Google makes most of its revenue from online advertising, however, in Lately more and more attention is paid to the development of products for business. Google is doing great harm to Microsoft with its GoogleApps product. Google has also released custom-designed devices for businesses that run ChromeOS. Google is also focusing on the cloud industry market.

Doubts: Like Apple, Google is not a well-known supplier of business hardware and software, compared to Microsoft.

No. 1: Apple

Company: Apple

Market price:~$540 billion

What the company does: While everyone was watching Apple make super profits selling products to ordinary consumers, the company took a big step towards cooperation with large companies. CEO Tim Cook reported this to Wall Street analysts at a quarterly conference call.

In April, he reported, “In the corporate service market, many leading companies are looking to replace older devices and systems with iPhones and iOS. … Nearly every member of the Top 500 richest people (98%) uses an iPad in their daily lives.”

Doubts: According to Cook, Apple will not be easy to break into this market. It will be necessary to make huge expenditures, analyze the market and organize technical support. At the moment, Apple does not have a tenth of what Microsoft has in this market.

Tab. 1. Russian IT market companies

Company (group of companies)

Main activities

Index characterizing the scale of business

Growth in 2016 compared to 2015, %

National Computer Corporation (incl. Systematics Group, OCS, Aquarius Group)

diversified IT-holding; classic distribution — about 70%*

diversified IT-holding; classic distribution — 50%

offshore programming, system integration, consulting

Softline Group (incl. Develonica)

deliveries of software and computer equipment at retail and wholesale; cloud services

Technoserv group of companies (including Reksoft)

system integration (share of project deliveries - 18.5%)

JSC Kaspersky Lab

system integration (share of project deliveries - 43.5%)

I-Teco (incl. Servionics)

system integration (share of project deliveries - 49%)

Cognitive Technologies

software development and implementation

sale and implementation of your software

Croc Inc.

system integration (share of project deliveries - 30.5%)

Compulink Group of Companies

system integration (share of project deliveries - 28.6%)

development and implementation of software for banks; processing services

GC "Asteros"

system integration (share of project deliveries - 48.3%)

"Jet Infosystems"

system integration (share of project deliveries - 45.9%)

GC "Optima"

system integration (share of project deliveries - 44%)

service support; IT outsourcing

NVision Group (subsidiary of MTS)

system integration (share of project deliveries - 66.3%)

system integration; consulting (share of project deliveries - 6.3%)


software development; IT services; software distribution (20%)

SKB Kontur (Yekaterinburg)

software development and implementation

ICL Group (Kazan)

diversified IT-holding

IT Group

consulting; system integration (share of project deliveries - 25.7%); education; software development and implementation

TEGRUS (former MERLION Projects)

system integration

NIP "Informzashchita"****

« open technologies 98"

system integration (share of project deliveries - 49.6%)

system integration (share of project deliveries - 39%)

Group "Borlas"

system integration; consulting (share of project deliveries - 25%)

RAMEK VS (St. Petersburg)

computer production. equipment (30%); system integration (share of project deliveries - 41%); distribution

software development and implementation

"Security code"****

Software and hardware for support systems information security

software development, system integration

NCIT "Intertech"

consulting; system integration

Korus Consulting (St. Petersburg)

system integration (share of project deliveries - 51.6%)

Parus Corporation

software development and implementation

"System software"

retail and wholesale software deliveries

Corporation "Galaktika"

software development and implementation

RDTech (Protvino)

IT outsourcing services; retail software

"Aladdin R.D."

development of information security systems (share of project deliveries - 41.4%); classic and component distribution (49%)

Ascon (St. Petersburg)

software development (computer-aided design systems)

IT outsourcing services

GC "Neolant"

development and implementation of CAD and PLM systems

First Line Software (St. Petersburg)

custom software development

ITPS Group (including Parma-Telecom)


training and certification

Digital Design (St. Petersburg)

development, implementation and support of software

"Electronic office systems"

development and implementation of software for workflow automation

GC "Netrika" (St. Petersburg)

software development

computer production. equipment (project deliveries - 64.5%)

"Monolith-Info" (St. Petersburg)

software development and implementation

* RBC+ estimate
** Growth of EPAM Systems foreign exchange revenue — 27% (in dollars).
*** Growth in foreign exchange earnings of SAP CIS - minus 0.2% (in euros).
**** The Informzashchita Group of Companies includes NIP Informzashchita and the Security Code company, which provided a third of the group's revenue.

Tab. 2. Software development



2016 to 2015, %

offshore programming

JSC Kaspersky Lab

development of software for information security

Cognitive Technologies

software development and implementation

sale and implementation of your software

GC Center for Financial Technologies (Novosibirsk)

Bank software

SKB Kontur (Yekaterinburg)

software development and implementation

custom software

Corporation "Galaktika"

systems corporate governance

software development and implementation

Parus Corporation

corporate accounting systems

"Security code"

Software for information security systems

custom software

First Line Software (St. Petersburg)

custom software

Ascon (St. Petersburg)

computer-aided design systems

ICL (Kazan)

custom software

Digital Design (St. Petersburg)

software development and implementation

RT-labs (subsidiary of Rostelecom)

custom software

GC "Netrika" (St. Petersburg)

custom software

"Electronic office systems"

Workflow automation software

IT Group

custom software

"Monolith-Info" (St. Petersburg)

corporate governance system

GC "Neolant"

CAD and PLM systems

* Growth of currency revenue of EPAM Systems — 27% (in dollars).
** For representative offices Western companies performance indicators were not calculated.

4 — the share of government orders in the company's total revenue, %

Tab. 3. IT services


2016 to
2015, %

Technoserv group of companies

ITG (Inline Technologies Group)

GC "I-Teco"

Croc Inc.

Compulink Group of Companies

GC "Asteros"

"Jet Infosystems"

GC "Optima"

"NVision Group"

IT Group


NIP "Informzashchita"

"Open Technologies 98"

ICL Group (Kazan)

Group "Borlas"

RAMEK VS (St. Petersburg)

Korus Consulting (St. Petersburg)

NCIT "Intertech"


RDTech (Protvino)

ITPS Group (including Parma-Telecom)

Computer Training Center "Specialist" at Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman

Center computer technology Vekus (St. Petersburg)

1 — the share of project deliveries in the company's revenue from IT services, %.
2 is an index that characterizes the scale of the business (taking into account income from project deliveries).
3 - business performance indicator (relative to the category average).

Tab. 3a. Consulting


2016 to 2015, %

ITG (Inline Technologies Group)

Technoserv group of companies

GC "I-Teco"

IT Group

NCIT "Intertech"

Compulink Group of Companies

ITPS Group (including Parma-Telecom)

NIP "Informzashchita"

"Jet Infosystems"

GC "Optima"

GC "Asteros"

ICL Group (Kazan)

Group "Borlas"

1 — the share of consulting in the company's total revenue, %.
2 is an index that characterizes the scale of the business.
3 - business performance indicator (relative to the category average).
4 — the share of government orders in the company's total revenue, %.

Tab. 4. Distribution and retail


OCS (entry to NCC)*

LANIT (incl. Treolan and CompTek)

"System software"


"Aladdin R.D."

RAMEK VS (St. Petersburg)

ICL (Kazan)

RDTech (Protvino)

* RBC+ estimate.
1 is an index characterizing the scale of the business.
2 - business performance indicator (relative to the maximum in the category).

Tab. 5. Production of high-tech equipment


ICL (Kazan)

RAMEK VS (St. Petersburg)

"Security code"

Center for Computer Technologies "Vekus" (St. Petersburg)

1 is an index characterizing the scale of the business.
2 - business performance indicator (relative to the maximum in the category).
3 - performance indicator (relative to the category average).
4 — growth/decline for this type of activity in 2016, %.

Companies are ranked by a dimensionless index characterizing the scale of their business. For 90%, it is determined by the revenue that companies received in 2016. But not only. The overall staff of the company, customer diversification of the business (a value corresponding to the number of customers per one productive specialist) and the scale of the branch network also contribute to the index. The index is calculated by the formula:

Index (i) = 0.9 x Ai/Amax + 0.05 x Bi/Bmax + 0.025 x (Ci/Bi’)/(C/B’)max + 0.025 x Di/Dmax,

Where AI- the company's revenue for the reporting period; Bi- general staff Bi' is the number of productive specialists; Ci- the number of contracts for the reporting period; Di- the number of branches, subsidiaries. All values ​​are normalized to the maximum value for the group.

The rating is compiled in five categories in accordance with the income structure of IT companies. When comparing software developers, revenues are taken into account not only from the sale of licenses, but also from services for the implementation and support of products. When comparing system integrators, their income from the supply of equipment and software as part of their projects was also taken into account. In the IT Services category, a rating of companies providing consulting services has been singled out. In the category of distributors and manufacturers of equipment, only three terms of the formula were used to calculate the index.

A characteristic of business efficiency is the value corresponding to revenue per one productive specialist. It was determined both relative to the maximum and relative to the average value in the base of rating participants.

Photo: Artem Goloshchapov for RBC

The cost of its implementation, according to President Vladimir Putin, amounted to 33 billion rubles. A significant part of this money was spent on the transfer of people and equipment to Syria - the Syrian campaign became a huge logistical operation. But not only: during the operation, the military tested in real conditions a variety of types of weapons, including latest designs who have just begun to enter the troops. " best teaching hard to imagine,” Putin said at the end of December.

The operation in Syria has also become a marketing event: the demand for Russian weapons has increased during its implementation, Vladimir Kozhin, presidential aide for military-technical cooperation, said with pleasure. “Everyone sees what we use there, what flies there, where it flies from. There is already, one might say, a queue for ships with Caliber systems, ”he told Interfax in March.

At the end of 2015, export Russian products military purposes amounted to $ 14.5 billion - these data were announced by Putin, and the total volume of signed contracts for the export of Russian weapons is $ 48 billion, said in November 2015 the head of the Rostec state corporation Vladimir Chemezov. None of the other technological products of Russia still can not be compared with the military in terms of demand on the world market. Therefore, do not be deceived by the first places of Yandex and Mail.Ru Group in the new rating of the largest technology companies in Russia: their leadership is undeniable, but not absolute. For this ranking, we rank companies considering not only their size, but also the profitability of the business, calculating their average annual revenue and profitability over the past five years. If we rank companies simply by average annual revenue, the positions of leaders in the IT industry will be more modest. In general, about 72% of the total revenue of 50 companies in the rating comes from state-owned companies.

But everything is not as bad as it might seem: the average annual revenue of the rating's civilian companies is almost equal to the revenue of military companies and dual-use enterprises. And a serious challenge to the domestic arms industry is thrown not only by the largest Internet holdings, but also by space, aviation, automotive, and especially machine-building enterprises, which occupy very worthy positions. Although the share of private companies in the ranking has not changed over the year - like , there are only 16 out of 50 of them.

You can read about other results of the study.

And, of course, nothing happened over the year with another feature of the rating: almost none of its participants produce goods and services for the population. An excellent illustration of the attitude towards such products can be the plan announced by Rostec for the production of the first fully Russian-assembled smartphone, which will cost up to $200. The Roselectronics holding, which is part of the state corporation, hopes to start producing these devices in three years, Igor Kozlov, CEO of Ruselectronics, said in March.

For comparison: the Ministry of Defense instructed an inconspicuous Moscow region company OJSC 766 UPTK to release the Uran-6 robotic complex in 2013. In 2014, the demining combat robot was already tested in Chechnya and Ingushetia, in 2016 it worked in Syrian Palmyra as part of a combined detachment created in the same urgent manner. Five years passed from the beginning of the development of the T-14 tank on the Armata platform to the start of its production. Private company Brothers Lobaev developed and put into production seven new models of long-range rifles in a year.

And more than half of the total volume of venture transactions in Russia in 2015 was brought by one transaction - the sale for $ 1.2 billion of a stake in the Avito classifieds website, created in Russia by immigrants from Sweden, experts from PwC and the Russian Venture Company calculated.

05/14/2018, Mon, 10:19, Msk , Text: Natalia Rudycheva / Photo:

At the end of 2017, the total revenue of the 100 largest IT companies in Russia decreased by 1.9% in rubles to ₽1,157 billion. In dollars, it increased by 12.6%. According to the CNews100 rating, released by CNews Analytics as part of the survey, “companies are actively developing their own software development. The main customers are the state and banks.

The market is growing in dollars and stagnating in rubles

Total revenue of participants annual ranking According to the results of 2017, CNews100 amounted to ₽1,157 billion. Compared to 2016, it decreased by 1.9% in rubles.

Thus, the growth of the Russian IT market that was outlined in 2015 was replaced by stagnation.

The threshold for entering the rating increased by 31.5% compared to 2016 and reached p 730 million. 63% of the total revenue of CNews100 is formed by 10 largest companies rating - NCC, Lanit, Epam, Softline, Technoserv, Luxoft and others.

The top 20 accounts for 80% of total revenue. Thus, Russian market IT is still in the hands of a few major players.

CNews100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2017

№ 2017 № 2016 Company name Field of activity Total revenue of the company in 2017, including VAT, thousand rubles Total revenue of the company in 2016, including VAT, thousand rubles Revenue growth 2017/2016, % The number of employees in the company as of December 31, 2017 The number of employees of the company as of December 31, 2016 Growth in the number of company employees 2017/2016, in % Output per person in 2017, thousand rubles An auditor who checks the financial and economic activities of the company Proof of revenue provided
1 1 NCC Moscow Company group 189 244 079 163 958 372 15,4% 4 105 3 861 6,3% 46 101 PWC, Stolypin, Perspektiva, Terrafinance, Deloitte, Baker Tilly, City Center of Expertise
2 2 Lanit Moscow Company group 137 073 000 114 514 000 19,7% 7 749 6 426 20,6% 17 689 -
3 3 Epam* Newtown Software development 84 578 500 77 583 930 9% n/a n/a n/a n/a - Yes
4 4 Softline Moscow IT Services 71 680 886 57 291 368 25,1% 4 300 3 700 16,2% 16 670 Ernst&Young
5 5 Technoserv Moscow IT Services 50 816 574 52 442 285 -3,1% 2 657 2 725 -2,5% 19 126 -
6 7 Luxoft* Zug Software development 45 821 773 43 535 309 5,3% 13 000 12 000 8,3% 3 525 Ernst & Young LLC Yes
7 9 1С**** Moscow Software development 42 700 000 37 300 000 14,5% n/a n/a n/a n/a -
8 8 Kaspersky Lab* Moscow Software development 40 714 340 43 083 600 -5,5% n/a n/a n/a n/a -
9 10 ITG (Inline Technologies Group) Moscow IT Services 38 236 000 36 484 000 4,8% 2 653 2 425 9,4% 14 412 KPMG
10 11 I-Teco Moscow IT Services 30 707 270 29 755 104 3,2% 2 865 2 833 1,1% 10 718 -

Industry cuts

About 43% of CNews100 participants' revenue came from IT services. The share of income from the supply of hardware equipment, including within the framework of project implementation, remained at the same level of about 20%. The share of income received from software development has significantly increased - in 2017 it reached 32% against 21% a year ago. The sale of finished software products brought about 3% of revenue to Russian IT companies. The share of revenues of Russian IT companies in the production of hardware is still low - about 2%.

CNews100 revenue in 2002-2017, pbillion

Source: CNews Analytics, 2018

In 2017, the share of contracts concluded by CNews100 participants with government departments increased significantly. If in 2016 they formed 25% of the total revenue, then in 2017 - already 36%. Share financial institutions still stands at around 21%. The third major segment, telecom, generated 11% of the Top 100's revenue.

The domestic software development market is growing

The threshold for entry into the rating of Russian developers of hardware and software, including products supplied under the SaaS model, in 2017 amounted to p 725 million, which is more than 2 times higher than in 2016 (p 300 million). The leaders of the rating retain their positions - the first place is occupied by Epam, the second by Luxoft, the third by 1C.

CNews Analytics: The largest IT developers in Russia 2017

№ 2017 Company name City (headquarters location) Revenue from the sale of in-house products (JSC, software, including products supplied under the SaaS model) in 2017, including VAT, RUB thous. Revenue from the sale of in-house products (JSC, software, including products supplied under the SaaS model) in 2016, including VAT, RUB thous. Share of proceeds from the sale of proprietary products in the company's total revenue, % Products of own development (JSC, software, including products supplied according to the SaaS model)
1 Epam* Newtown 84 578 500 77 583 930 100% n/a
2 Luxoft* Zug 45 821 773 43 535 309 100% n/a
3 1C** Moscow 42 700 000 37 300 000 100% Solutions under the brand name 1C
4 Kaspersky Lab* Moscow 40 714 340 43 083 600 100% Kaspersky branded solutions
5 Sberbank Technologies Moscow 30 319 977 20 340 812 100% n/a
6 Center for Financial Technologies Moscow 15 191 191 14 670 861 66% Solutions under the trademarks CFT, Zolotaya Korona,, KartStandard
7 SKB Kontur Ekaterinburg 10 900 000 8 600 000 100% Solutions under the trademark Kontur
8 Athol** Moscow 10 211 520 2 607 820 80% Frontol software: xPOS, Manager, DTO v.6,8,9, FPrint, Magnum, Atol Own Shop, Autonomous cash desk Atol EGAIS, Mobile logistic, Atol drivers commercial equipment, UTM Atol HUB-19
9 Lanit Moscow 6 558 000 n/a 5% n/a
10 InfoTeKS Moscow 4 231 307 3 704 896 100% ViPNet Branded Solutions

It is still difficult to make plans for the current year 2018, but it can be assumed that if the current rather high energy prices remain, there are no significant geopolitical cataclysms, and given the start of the Digital Economy program, the Russian IT market has every chance to overcome complexity and begin cautious growth.

30.05.2018 10:57

Moscow, May 30 - Vesti.Ekonomika. As part of the IT Market: Results of 2017 review, CNews Analytics experts compiled a CNews100 rating, which indicates largest IT companies Russia. Below we will talk about the 10 largest IT companies in Russia.

1. NCC

Total revenue in 2017: RUB 189,244,079 thousand

Headcount: 4,105

In dollars, it increased by 12.6%.

2. Lanit

Favor of the central office: Moscow

Field of activity: group of companies

Total revenue in 2017: RUB 137,073,000 thousand

Headcount: 7,749

Experts emphasize that the growth of the Russian IT market that was outlined in 2015 has given way to stagnation.

The entry threshold for the rating increased by 31.5% compared to 2016 and reached RUB 730 million. 63% of the total revenue of CNews100 is formed by the 10 largest companies in the rating - NCC, Lanit, Epam, Softline, Technoserv, Luxoft and others.

3. Espam

Head Office Favor: Newtown

Total revenue in 2017: RUB 84,578,500 thousand

The top 20 accounts for 80% of total revenue. Thus, the Russian IT market is still in the hands of a few major players.

4. Soft line

Favor of the central office: Moscow

Field of activity: IT services

Total revenue in 2017: RUB 71,680,886 thousand

Headcount: 4,300

About 43% of CNews100 participants' revenue came from IT services. The share of income from the supply of hardware equipment, including within the framework of project implementation, remained at the same level of about 20%.

5. Technoserv

Central office location: Moscow

Field of activity: IT services

Total revenue in 2017: RUB 50,816,574 thousand

Headcount: 2,657

The share of income received from software development has significantly increased: in 2017 it reached 32% against 21% a year ago.

The sale of finished software products brought about 3% of revenue to Russian IT companies.

6. Luxoft

Head Office Favor: Zug

Field of activity: software development

Total revenue in 2017: RUB 45,821,773 thousand

Number of employees: 13 thousand.

The share of revenues of Russian IT companies in the production of hardware is still low - about 2%.


Favor of the central office: Moscow

Field of activity: software development

Total revenue in 2017: RUB 42,700,000 thousand

Number of employees: no data

In 2017, the share of contracts concluded by CNews100 participants with government departments increased significantly.

If in 2016 they formed 25% of the total revenue, then in 2017 - already 36%.

8. Kaspersky Lab

Favor of the central office: Moscow

Field of activity: software development

Total revenue in 2017: RUB 40,714,340 thousand

Number of employees: no data

The share of financial institutions is still about 21%. The third major segment - telecom - generated 11% of the top 100 revenue.

9.ITG (Inline Technologies Group)

Favor of the central office: Moscow

Field of activity: IT services

Total revenue in 2017: RUB 38,236,000 thousand

Headcount: 2,653

The threshold for entry into the rating of Russian developers of hardware and software, including products supplied under the SaaS model, in 2017 amounted to 725 million rubles, which is more than 2 times higher than in 2016 (300 million rubles).

10. I-Teco

Favor of the central office: Moscow

Field of activity: IT services

Total revenue in 2017: RUB 30,707,270 thousand

Headcount: 2,865

Experts note that it is still difficult to make plans for the current 2018, however, it can be assumed that while maintaining the current rather high energy prices, the absence of significant geopolitical cataclysms, and also taking into account the launch of the Digital Economy program, the Russian IT market has every chance to overcome the difficulties and start a cautious growth.
