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Job description of the chief engineer from x enterprise. Job description of the chief specialist of the department of agriculture, processing industry and environmental protection. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities of the main

A secretary is an indispensable assistant in any office. This position can be attributed to the clerk, and the personal assistant of the head, and the receptionist. The secretary-referent deals with the document flow of the company, monitors the storage and use of documents. How did this profession come about?

It originated during the active reform activities of Peter I, who introduced such a concept as "secretary rank". At first, it was precisely the officials who were involved in the accounting and numbering of incoming letters. At the beginning of the 20th century, the profession of a secretary became widespread, and by 1875 in many large cities of Europe and America it was possible to get special courses for typists. With the invention of the typewriter in 1880, the profession gradually took on a feminine face. By the end of World War I, finding a male secretary was almost impossible. At the time, it was one of the few jobs available to women. The most ambitious of them completed courses and got jobs in firms and offices around the world. They were respected and well paid. The position of assistant secretary was one of the first steps towards women's emancipation.

Today, the profession has already lost its former prestige, but the demand for office professionals is still high. The latest trend is remote secretaries, whose presence is not even necessary in the office. The services of online assistants are used by many Internet platforms that need to maintain communication with customers.

Responsibilities of a secretary

There are many jokes and sayings about secretaries among the people. But despite their bad reputation, official duties the assistant secretary has a lot. If you want to work in this specialty, then you will not be able to do without discipline, responsibility and certain knowledge. What are the duties of such an employee?

  • Paperwork: Women have the daunting task of scrupulously checking all the papers and keeping them in order. Help may be needed by all employees of the company, and, as a rule, in large firms, several people are recruited for the position of assistant secretary.
  • Organization of meetings, trips, meetings: the secretary should always be aware of all the news and keep his finger on the pulse. He not only usually coordinates the work schedule of the management, but also prepares business trips and business meetings.
  • Receiving phone calls: the system of direct duties of an employee includes communication with customers, partners and other people.
  • Reception of visitors: personable appearance very important for this profession, because often the first person seen in the company is the secretary.
  • Ordering stationery and other life support of the office.
  • Compliance with management requests. In some companies, this article takes up most of the working time. Therefore, getting a job, you need to immediately clearly discuss the scope of your duties with your future boss.

As you can see, the responsibility of the assistant secretary is quite high. And the list of requirements, too, inspires awe. What qualities should a secretary have in order to be hired?

Requirements for this job

  • Good computer knowledge and high speed print. Modern systems replaced the former typewriters, but the main provisions of the job description of the assistant secretary remained the same: the ability to handle office equipment and the speed of recording.
  • Representative appearance: the law of the Russian Federation prohibits any discrimination on the basis of race, gender or age when recruiting employees. But a neat and tidy appearance, polite speech and the ability to keep up the conversation will be your undoubted advantages.
  • Punctuality and organization: these qualities will not interfere with other specialists, but for a secretary they are especially important.
  • Secondary vocational education or higher.
  • Some vacancies may require knowledge of English. This is especially true in large firms.

Employee Rights

Working as a secretary involves a lot of responsibility, but employees also have rights that they can protect in case of violations by superiors.

  • The secretary has the right to request and receive information necessary for the correct performance of his duties.
  • The employer must provide the employee with conditions for work and the safety of documents.
  • The secretary-referent can put forward ideas for improving the work process. He can also make independent decisions within the limits of his job descriptions.
  • The secretary-referent may miss work for health reasons and deterioration in well-being.

The profession of a clerk, according to statistics, is one of the “longest” on the market: workers are often left after hours. Knowing his rights and obligations, the employee can act in his own interests for the benefit of the company.

What education do you need to get this job?

The job description of the assistant secretary states that the applicant for the vacancy must have a higher or secondary special education and at least one year of experience. If you do not have experience yet, you are not familiar with office programs and you are not very confident in typing, then you can complete special courses for a secretary-assistant, in which you will be taught to lead business correspondence and handle the computer at the level of a confident user. You can get all this knowledge on your own by finding information in books or the Internet. A little practice - and you will definitely be accepted into a company that needs such a specialist.

Where to find a job?

The position of secretary-referent is available in almost every company. The job market is replete with various offers, among which you can find an option with suitable availability and salary. But keep in mind that the competition in this area is also high. To get a place, you need to stand out from dozens of other applicants. Moreover, in small firms official duties The duties of the assistant secretary are often not clearly regulated, and the employee has to perform a lot of varied work. To avoid this, choose large companies, they usually clearly define the scope of your responsibilities. If you do not have such an opportunity, then simply discuss in detail all the duties that you have to perform at a new job.

How much do business professionals earn?

The average salary of specialist secretaries ranges from 25-45 thousand rubles. Executive assistants usually receive a little more than clerks. In addition, assistant secretaries can, during their work, learn from the unique work experience of their superiors. A novice employee is unlikely to receive wages above 25,000 rubles even in such large cities as St. Petersburg and Moscow. But with the growth of experience and knowledge, the salary rate will also increase.

Getting a job as a secretary is much easier if you know what is being asked in interviews. Ability to work with Word and Excel programs are decisive when applying for a job. You will also need high speed printing. On the Internet, you can find special programs for teaching touch typing, which significantly reduces the time for typing. For faster hiring, it is useful to update your resume on job search sites, and for interviews, prepare a small portfolio describing your skills and abilities.

To dress for a meeting with a potential employer, you need to wear a strict office suit in dark shades. He will immediately set the tone for the meeting and show you as a responsible and professional employee. If you are applying for the position of assistant manager, then remember that in this case you should behave very thoughtfully. Research the history of the company before the interview. The employer will see that you have thoroughly prepared for the meeting, and you will avoid a number of annoying mistakes.


Despite the large list of duties and requirements for assistant secretaries, anyone can handle this job. With proper preparation, it is also not difficult to pass an interview. And even if you do not have experience, do not despair, try to get a job in a medium-sized company first. By following some simple rules, you can make a career in office work.

Application No. ___ to the employment contract

General manager
LTD ____________
"___" _______________

Assistant Secretary


  • 1.1. The secretary-referent belongs to the category of specialists of the enterprise, is accepted and dismissed by the director.
  • 1.2. The main tasks of the assistant secretary are organizational and documentation support management activities.
  • 1.3. The secretary-referent reports directly to the director of the enterprise.
  • 1.4. In his work, the secretary-referent is guided by:
    • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
    • the Charter of the enterprise;
    • Regulations on the functional services of the enterprise;
    • orders (instructions) of the enterprise management;
    • regulatory and methodological materials for the organization of office work;
    • this job description.
  • 1.5. Persons with higher, secondary specialized education and work experience of at least 1 year or no work experience are appointed to the position of assistant secretary, but on condition that they take courses for assistant secretaries.
  • 1.6. The secretary-referent must own the questions:
    • prospects for the development of the enterprise, its financial and economic activities;
    • organization of work with documents, preparation of documentation;
    • organization of managerial work;
    • the use of computer and organizational technology;
    • translation of official documentation into foreign language commercial partner;
    • work culture and work ethics;
    • occupational health, safety and fire protection.


    The secretary-referent is entrusted with the following functions:

  • 2.1. Information and reference service according to the documents of the enterprise.
  • 2.2. Methodological guidance and control over the organization of office work in structural divisions and branches of the enterprise.
  • 2.3. Documenting the activities of the advisory bodies of the enterprise.
  • 2.4. Operational and organizational management service.
  • 2.5. Maintaining the execution of personnel documentation and accounting (in the absence of a personnel inspector).


The secretary-referent must:

  • 3.1. Prepare required documents to ensure the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.
  • 3.2. Provide reception, accounting, registration, control over the execution of documents, information and reference services and storage of documentary information.
  • 3.3. Control the quality of preparation, the correctness of the preparation, coordination, approval of documents submitted for signature to the management of the enterprise.
  • 3.4. Monitor the execution of documents and instructions of the management, take prompt measures aimed at their timely and high-quality execution.
  • 3.5. To carry out the organization of preparation, decision-making and bringing them to the direct executors. Analyze references and reports provided to management, give competent opinions on them.
  • 3.6. To carry out operational communication with third-party organizations (both commercial and government) and individual citizens on the current activities of the enterprise (telephone, fax, etc.).
  • 3.7. Receiving visitors.
  • 3.8. Perform work on documentary support of the personnel activities of the enterprise:
    • execution of orders for personnel;
    • registration of personal cards of the T-2 form or personal files;
    • registration of work books;
    • registration and maintenance of labor contracts (agreements);
    • preparation of travel documents;
    • registration of disability sheets;
    • keeping a time sheet;
    • issuance of certificates of employment and wages.
  • 3.9. Provide typing and photocopying.
  • 3.10. Use a PC as a means of automating the documentation support of an enterprise.
  • 3.11. Conduct an annual selection of documents for archival storage or destruction.
  • 3.12. Carry out separate instructions of the management on the profile of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.


    The secretary-referent has the right:

  • 4.1. Request from functional services necessary materials, as well as explanations about the reasons for the delay in completing tasks and instructions from the management.
  • 4.2. Review documents and send them for execution to managers and specialists of the enterprise.
  • 4.3. Require performers to finalize documents prepared in violation of the established rules for their preparation and execution (GOST 6.38-90), international rules for the preparation of documents (ISO).
  • 4.4 Approval of documents of management activities within their competence.
  • 4.5. Submit proposals for consideration by the management on improving the documentation support of the enterprise, improving the forms and methods of managerial work based on the use of electronic technology.
  • 4.6. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated in the activities of the enterprise.
  • 4.7. Work with documents marked "CT" or "Confidential".
  • 4.8. Make decisions within your competence.
  • 4.9. Interact with all services (employees) of the enterprise to verify the execution of documents and provide the necessary information to management.


    The Assistant Secretary is responsible for:

  • 5.1. The quality of documents submitted for signature to the management of the enterprise.
  • 5.2. Careless, negligent attitude to registration and maintenance of documents.
  • 5.3. Preservation of documentation, disclosure of information classified as "Confidential" or "CT".
  • 5.4. Unclear and untimely performance of official duties provided for by this instruction.
  • General manager ________________ __________________________

    Legal Counsel ________________ __________________________

    I am familiar with the instruction ________________ __________________________

Assistant Secretary- this is often just a more solid title for the position of a secretary, and the duties of an assistant secretary are similar to ordinary secretarial ones. Therefore, the sample job description of the assistant secretary may not differ in any way from the standard job description of the secretary. At the same time, more serious functions can be assigned to the secretary-referent, and accordingly, high qualification requirements(necessarily higher education, knowledge of office work, possession English language decent level). The job description of the assistant secretary should reflect these features.

Job description of the assistant secretary

General manager
Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The secretary-referent belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The secretary-referent is appointed to the post and dismissed from it by order CEO companies.
1.3. The Assistant Secretary reports directly to the General Director.
1.4. During the absence of the assistant secretary, his rights and duties are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of assistant secretary: higher education, experience of similar work from a year, knowledge of office equipment (fax, copier, scanner, printer), Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel), office work, English.
1.6. The secretary-referent is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the company, Internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Responsibilities of the assistant secretary

The secretary-referent performs the following official duties:
2.1. Prepares the necessary documents, provides reception, accounting, registration, control over the execution of documents, information and reference services and storage of documentary information.
2.2. Controls the quality of preparation, the correctness of the preparation, coordination, approval of documents submitted for signature to the management of the enterprise.
2.3. Controls the execution of documents and instructions of the management, takes prompt measures aimed at their timely and high-quality execution.
2.4. Carries out the organization of preparation, decision-making and bringing them to the direct executors. Analyzes references and reports provided to management, gives competent opinions on them.
2.5. Receiving visitors.
2.6. Carries out work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the head (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants of the time and place of the meeting, agenda, their registration), maintains and draws up minutes of meetings and meetings.
2.7. Forms cases in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety and submits them to the archive in due time.
2.8. Performs other official assignments of his/her immediate supervisor.

3. Rights of the assistant secretary

The secretary-referent has the right:
3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve the assigned tasks.
3.2. Provide management with suggestions for improving their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Request from the functional services the necessary materials, as well as explanations of the reasons for the delay in completing tasks and instructions from the management.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents resulting from the activities of the company.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility of the assistant secretary

The secretary-referent is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.
