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How to shoot in extreme conditions. Go Pro - the best extreme camcorder For extreme shooting

Trendsetter in the world cameras for extreme sports is GoPro. The manufacturer offers a wide range of mounts and accessories that will help to securely fix action camera on a helmet, snowboard, skis or on the chest. And lovers of windsurfing or cycling will appreciate the fasteners on the pipes. Thanks to a special box, the device will be protected from snowfall, in addition, it will allow you to shoot underwater or when falling into a snowdrift. And if you additionally purchase a telescopic cane, then you can even shoot yourself in the most incredible angles. In most cases, a basic set of mounts is sufficient.

How to choose camera for extreme sports

To buy right action camera, a number of important points must be taken into account. One of the most important is specifications. Since the shooting will be done in active motion, the number of frames per second comes to the fore. The indicator is especially important if you plan to record all sorts of tricks or various sudden movements. With high frames per second in the future, you can view the recording in slow motion and parse each action. In addition, modern video editors will help you get the desired effects.

If you want to choose the right action camera, evaluate the conditions in which it will be used. Well, if the device will have a waterproof case. Moreover, this characteristic is important not only for shooting underwater, but also in normal conditions. So, for example, if it rains unexpectedly, you will not miss the opportunity to make a high-quality video. On the other hand, you can limit yourself to a moisture barrier that will withstand splashes and light rain.

Determining the quality of shooting

Choosing action camera for extreme sports, it is important to choose its optimal resolution. So, if the recording will be viewed only in non-full screen mode, then 480p (WVGA) resolution should be enough. However, to watch video on the LCD TV screen, such indicators will not be enough. On the other hand, such cameras will help to achieve maximum cost savings, since they are inexpensive.

Cameras that shoot in 720p resolution (ActionHD) allow you to get more quality image. The picture will good quality, even if it will be viewed in full screen mode on a computer. On the other hand, owners of plasma panels will appreciate devices that allow you to get a resolution of 1080p (FullHD). It is the highest to date.

It's also good to think about additional accessories you might need. For example, an increased capacity battery, the presence of a liquid crystal screen, or other points that expand the functionality of the device.

The AvtoProfi store presents sports cameras from the best manufacturers. Each model is highly reliable, and thanks to a wide range, you can easily choose the most optimal device for you. Contact us! We will help you capture the best moments of your active life!

And then everything else. In recent years, GoPro hasn't always been at the forefront of action cameras around the world, but more and more names - famous and not - are sending their cameras of all sizes and shapes into battle. This level of competition has created several suitable niches for cameras and recording devices to move quickly.

From cameras to filming underwater world and before cameras capable of filming in space were introduced to consumers so that they could record their adventures. With so many offerings, the market can be saturated with promises of high resolution and incredible frame rates.

Determining the right action camera, that's a big one practical experience, isn't it a banal reading of the specification. In which the company can claim that their camera works for 18 hours using 60 fps, but in the hands of real person, all these figures are nothing more than lies. Since you probably don't have the time or money to test every one of the hundreds of cameras, here are the 4 best action cameras for extreme shooting.

Price: 4976 rub.
If we evaluate the structure and operation of the camera according to GoPro standards, then the SJ4000 can be thrown away with a clear conscience as an unsuccessful imitation. But if you check its capabilities, it turns out that this "smart" and durable baby was created for survival, and for a novice extreme operator with a limited budget, it can be an excellent first tool. Working at maximum load, when recording video with a resolution of 1080p, it can only do 30 frames per second, but at any lower resolution, including the minimum for HD 720p, it clicks at 60 frames.

This is quite enough for clear action shooting - only the wings of a hummingbird will turn out blurry. In addition to video, the camera can take regular photos with a wide range of settings, and the noise during its operation is minimal. The Easy GoPro Mount allows you to easily mount the camera to drones, special grips and helmets with a single screwdriver or a minimal set of tools.

Price: RUB 17,990
Those who consider GoPro cameras too similar to banal boxes, the Session will surely calm down - the lack of a specially protected box makes it the smallest in the GoPro family, but does not interfere with being completely waterproof. The more compact size reduces the chance of the camera being twisted or lost when mounted on a helmet and special grips. At the same time, however, the functionality compared to other GoPro models has also been reduced in favor of compactness.

Due to the small number of built-in functions, connecting the camera to an Android or iOS device is almost mandatory. The degree of control is higher than other all-in-one cameras, but only when combined with the above device. You can go anywhere with the camera and shoot video from 1920x1440 at 30fps to 1280x720 at 100fps, as well as take photos in normal and high-speed mode with amazing sharpness for its size.

Price: RUB 34,790
This camera can hardly be considered a standalone device as it is designed to work with other Garmin products or ANT+ devices. In terms of tasks, Virb XE handles full HD at 60fps. - Pretty good for research and personal video. “Down” to a resolution of 720p, we will see that the camera comes to life and shoots everything in a row at 120 frames / sec. even if the subject is fluttering in the frame like a ballerina across the stage.

Access to GPS proved to be a very useful and convenient feature for determining the speed and position of objects when shooting georeferenced. Syncing stuff through vívosmart or other Garmin products is about as user-friendly as it gets. If the original Virb Elite was as disappointing to you as it was to us, Virb XE is a complete rehab.

Price: RUB 22,745
Bandit's video resolution is clearly ahead of action cameras

Until recently, action cameras were considered an attribute of extreme people. Time passed and the advantages of miniature video cameras were appreciated by ordinary users. It is not necessary to go in for extreme sports to become the owner of an action camera, it is worth buying it anyway. After all, with no camera and mobile phone it is not possible to achieve such an angle and image quality that a tiny camera for extreme shooting will provide. They are not afraid to get wet, which significantly expands the range of application.

Someone will argue that not everyone can afford to buy an action camera. And it is. Rather, it was so while American extreme cameras dominated the market. The modern niche of miniature camcorders designed for shooting in difficult conditions is filled with many options for gadgets from different manufacturers. Inexpensive action camera available under $100.

At one time, the world was excitedly discussing the “GoPro killer” - the Yi action camera from the Korean company Xiaomi.

Singapore-based company MIXBERRY LABS has released a line of mini cameras for everyday life and extreme shooting. For the model and other extreme cameras, many proprietary applications are offered. For example, Selfiemania App is a program with which the camera can be controlled remotely. The Wi-Fi module allows you to pair the camera with other devices and synchronize content with cloud storage and social networks.

International distributor XRide Electronics sells action cameras for non-professionals under the motto: Turn it on, take it off, turn it off. The model comes with a box for underwater shooting and a remote control.

In the arsenal of the Japanese company JVC is action with an ultra-protected body and the possibility of live video broadcasting. Weighing just over 100 grams and the size of a pack of cigarettes, the camera has a 5-megapixel camera, a 1.5-inch monitor, a digital image stabilizer, a lens with support for continuous focal length. She is not afraid of shaking and vibration.

Polaroid is true to its traditions. The 50-gram action camera, in full accordance with the name, is made in the form of a miniature cube with an edge length of 3.5 cm. A 5-megapixel camera that shoots video at a speed of 30 frames per second is in a sealed, waterproof case. With it, you can swim and shoot underwater at a depth of up to 5 meters. But the main highlight is a powerful magnet on the back of the case. With it, the camera firmly sticks to any metal surface.

The ubiquitous Chinese did not doze off either. Today, Chinese-made extreme cameras are on sale, whose parameters are comparable to, and in some cases even surpass them.

The Chinese firm Shenzhen AEE Technology has been working for its government for fifteen years, developing electronics for the professional military. Therefore, their cameras withstand not just extreme, but super-extreme conditions. Tiny action cameras, as if from the arsenal of the famous spy James Bond, the size of a match or . They shoot in HD in conditions far from studio lighting, equipped with shock sensors and the possibility of remote control. They can be attached to clothes, a helmet, a bicycle, used as a DVR in a car. For several years in a row, the AEE action camera has been in the top sales. In addition to FULL HD video at 120 frames per second and the ability to shoot underwater at a depth of up to 100 meters, the buyer receives a removable monitor, mounts for all occasions, ground-in plugs for charging slots and microphone holes, and a set of cables.

Insta360 literally broke into the market for electronic equipment for photo and video shooting in 2014. The model shoots in 2k, 3k, 4k formats at 30 frames per second and is equipped with a powerful 5000 mAh battery. Owners of apple smartphones will surely appreciate the mini camera. The camera connects to an iPhone, shoots 3k 360-degree video, streams it to the Internet, takes 8-megapixel photos, sends the footage to social media. The box in which the camera is sold is not simple cardboard packaging, but the real glasses of virtual reality.

Another Chinese company SICAM is extremely popular with extreme sportsmen of all stripes. Produces action cameras of the SJ line. One such camera is the SJ4000 SJCAM. Belongs to the budget segment. It costs the same as the GoPro from five years ago and is three to four times cheaper than the latest models. American company. Unlike the GoPro, the SJCAM SJ4000 action camera has a 1.5-inch 4:3 screen. Captured photos and video clips can be immediately viewed and re-shot if you do not like it. This is definitely an advantage. To view the material, for example, in the model, you will have to purchase an external connected monitor. Or, using the Wi-Fi module, synchronize the camera with a smartphone and use it as a screen.

The GoPro camera has three control buttons, while the SJCAM SJ4000 has four. It would seem that there is one more key, but the convenience of control for the user increases significantly. Both cameras are shooting with a wide viewing angle. GoPro has a variable 170-degree field of view. The SJCAM SJ4000 action camera also offers a 170-degree FishEye lens and 4x optical zoom. The American camera has a 5-megapixel matrix, the Chinese one has a 3.5-megapixel Aptina matrix with interpolation up to 12 Mp. Both action cameras provide HD format, but not without nuances.

GoPro shoots Full HD video at up to 60 frames per second, and in HD resolution at up to 120 frames per second. The same 60 frames per second are declared in the characteristics of the SJCAM SJ4000, but in practice, Chinese manufacturers cheated and called double 30 frames 60 frames. The camera simply duplicates each frame, as a result, 60 frames “honestly” appear in the file information. In practice, the action camera shoots in Full HD quality at 30 frames per second and in HD quality at the same 30 frames per second.

The GoPro action camera was originally designed for extreme athletes, whose somersaults are extremely difficult or impossible to film with a regular video camera. Just because the GoPro shoots better doesn't mean the SJCAM SJ4000 shoots badly. For regular user, whose sports "exploits" are associated with a beach holiday, nature trips in the company of friends or passionate about skiing, the capabilities of the SJCAM SJ4000 will be more than enough.

GoPro shoots video, takes photos and photo series up to 30 frames per second and time-lapse (time-lapse - slow motion). The SJCAM SJ4000 action camera can do the same, plus high-contrast HDR photos. It also has a motion sensor. This function allows you to expand the basic potential and use the gadget as a security camera for home security, a car recorder, take pictures of what pets and children do in the absence of their owners. SJCAM SJ4000 does not turn off and quietly continues to shoot while charging. Paradoxically, the battery in the American camera is weaker than in the Chinese one. The action camera SJCAM SJ4000 is equipped with a 900 mAh battery, which provides an hour and a half of shooting in FullHD video mode, and GoPro can withstand 40-50 minutes at the same load.

The undoubted advantage of SJCAM SJ4000 is that additional GoPro accessories are suitable for it. The mounts and covers of the "American" will fit the Chinese camera just right. And SJCAM is an extremely equipped action camera, the price of which includes a full set of accessories. The set includes a lot of mounts for all occasions and an aquabox with a special bracelet to secure the camera on your wrist. And in the SJCAM SJ4000 kit there is a latch-clothespin for fixing the camera on the cap visor, chest pocket, backpack strap. Whereas a GoPro with one single mount and a waterproof case will cost 2.5-3 times more.

Both cameras have advantages and disadvantages. GoPro - Worldwide famous brand. This camera shoots faster and at a slightly better resolution. But SJCAM SJ4000 interrupts the dignity of the American rival at an affordable price.

If you have pets, if you are going on vacation, if you have Small child, if there is a significant event ahead, but you are still wondering if you need an action camera ... Buy, buy and buy again. This is a gadget that is worth every penny invested in it. The cost of it is more than paid off after the first use, thanks to its simplicity and many options for use. If you are thinking about purchasing a DVR, wouldn’t an action camera be better - its price is several times cheaper, and the possibilities are wider. Many minicameras are already in the factory settings have a "video recorder" mode. In it, video recording is looped to a memory card exactly as regular car DVRs do.

Over the past decade, photo and video technology has come so far that athletes and thrill-seekers have been able to easily capture their achievements with the help of portable action cameras. "Popular Mechanics" was interested in how exactly shooting takes place in the most difficult conditions and what difficulties the conquerors of industrial facilities most often face. To find out the answer to this question, we interviewed the three most daring extreme urbanists.

How is the shooting during the poles?- Now I personally take with me an impressive set of equipment, because in addition to photography, we are also engaged in video filming. For it, we use action cameras that are attached to the head, and in the event that we climb the spire, we use a monopod. To make the shot more “extreme”, the camera needs to be raised as high as possible, and besides, you always have to choose the most interesting angle, and this is not easy. Of course, an ordinary camera is also always with us, with its help you can sometimes take interesting city views. A telephoto lens helps here, which is useful for interesting shots, and a wide-angle lens, which is better suited for shooting on the edge, where it is important to capture both the person and the surrounding landscape in the frame." >Link to full video
The next guest of Popular Mechanics was Denis Lenchevsky, a well-known base jumper and stunt performer. Base jumping is an extreme sport that uses a special parachute to jump from fixed objects. Due to the high risk of going into a random fall during a jump (because the athlete does not have time to correct the position of the body in the air, like an ordinary skydiver), this sport is considered very dangerous and in order to practice it, you need to have a sober head and steel will. Denis has been jumping for 19 years now, and until now, each jump for him is a separate event, full of vivid emotions. — What causes you the most trouble while jumping?— You know, although I personally do not consider base jumping a sport, although I participated in world-class competitions, it is still a technically complex event and deep psychological practices. This complexity is akin to parachuting, but if most of your actions are determined by the leader of the jumps at the airfield - when to jump, where, from what height - then here you are left to yourself, and this imposes on you the burden of additional responsibility for your life. You yourself must understand the weather reports and take into account the features of the relief and local features of the climate, up to folk signs. For example, if a “cap” (a cloud of a special shape) hangs over the top of Elbrus, then in the near future the weather will change dramatically. Often it takes more than one day to climb to the jump point, so you involuntarily learn to be pedantic.
- After 19 years of jumping, do you still get the same thrill as before? Many experienced skydivers complain that jumps get boring over time. - Indeed, for skydivers, ordinary jumps quickly become monotonous. It doesn't matter where you jump, in Russia or Argentina, the picture changes, but the essence remains the same. Base jumping is completely different. We try to be progressive athletes and are constantly discovering new places from which no one has ever jumped, and in this case, jumping always brings a different feeling. In base jumping, you can be both a geographer and a pioneer at the same time. — How is the process of shooting while jumping?- It depends on the format. Sometimes we shoot each other by prior arrangement, sometimes we mount the camera on our suit. We started filming a long time ago, because there were projects on Channel One, and just feature films. Among other things, I am also a stuntman, so sometimes I dubbed actors during filming, while a film crew independent of me worked on the set.
... And that means that you need to navigate in flight and make decisions very quickly. Author of the photo: Andrey Kamenev
In the case when personal shooting is carried out, now action cameras are most often used, and at one time we started shooting on film. There was a period when I jumped with a film camera and with a film camera on my helmet, and now hardly anyone can repeat this. Modern cameras are sold already in a protective case, and you just need to press the button in time. Imagine what it was like before: we had to make our own fiberglass boxes and custom camera rigging. During the jump, you will not be able to shoot with the camera manually, it is very dangerous. Therefore, it was possible to take a baby's pacifier into your mouth, inside of which there was a terminal: you clench your teeth - the circuit closes and the device works, and in the same way it was possible to bring the button to the index finger of your left hand. Today, the equipment is incredibly light and practically does not interfere with athletes, but then we had to make anatomical helmets that allowed us to correctly distribute the load. In the case of jumps with heavy movie cameras, the helmet even had shoulder rests in order to unload the neck at the moment of the jerk at the opening. — Over the past 19 years, technology has certainly stepped forward. In your opinion, do modern cameras that allow you to carry out are superior in quality and convenience to those that were in the late 90s? - Of course, if we are talking about comfort while shooting, modern action cameras are beyond any competition, although the film equipment was very good. Everything has become much easier and more convenient, but the resolution of the picture, in my opinion, is even ahead of its generation. For example, I have the ability to shoot video in 4K resolution, but not every computer is able to process it. Cameras are definitely evolving faster than software, so modern devices still have a very long period of time ahead of them, during which they will remain relevant. Link to original video
Another person who shared with us the secrets of professional excellence was Roman Usatov, director of the AlpProm company, which provides services industrial mountaineering. It is these people who carry out high-altitude work on building structures where it is not possible to place a suitable support. Roman's professional experience is 16 years, 7 of which he personally had to hang on the walls of buildings in the heat, and in the snow, and in the rain. For him, mountaineering is just a job, but Usatov assures that those who, in their free time, cope with their duties best of all. labor activity time is fond of speleology and mountain climbing. — What kind external factors most affect the work of an industrial climber?- First of all, of course, the weather. There is a strict binding to height and wind: the higher the building and the stronger the wind, the harder it becomes to work. For example, if the height of the building is 150 meters, while the work is carried out at a height of only 20 meters, then the rope is very long and the amplitude from the attachment point is very large. Due to this, the wind can push you away from the building, resulting in a strong impact on its surface when you return. There is a special insurance system for this, it does not have a clear regulation - we develop everything ourselves. When the wind reaches more than 16 m / s, it becomes unsafe to work, and in rainy weather, visibility is seriously impaired. Temperature also plays an important role, first of all, the comfort of the climbers themselves depends on it. In addition, they play an important role architectural features. There are places where we never let beginners. In difficult situations, speleologists are the best at coping, who combine work with their hobby.

During work, do you often shoot the object?- Yes, sure. It is always interesting for the customer to receive a visual report on how the work is proceeding and what defects need to be eliminated on the building. As a rule, we shoot with action cameras, or we shoot from below, using a powerful camera. Sometimes climbers shoot each other to get a better shot. In this case, weather conditions play a key role: visibility often deteriorates due to urban smog, and there is simply no point in shooting during fog or heavy snow - not only is nothing visible, but there is also a risk that expensive equipment will suffer from hitting moisture or dust. IN similar situations help out, which are well protected and are not afraid of bad weather. — If you could record videos in ultra-high resolution and shoot in 360°, would it help you in your work? — Yes, in the conditions that our team works, it would play into the hands of both us and the customer. First, we can get much more visual representation about the problem, especially if it is global. Secondly, it will simply help to shoot much better and more interesting material, and this, it seems to me, will be useful in any field of activity, and not just for climbers. Link to full video In conclusion, I would like to note that now such types of extreme urban tourism are available to everyone. But if you want to not only experience the thrill yourself, but also share it with your friends, then a good action camera is a must for you.

American company Woodman Labs, which owns the GoPro trademark, has long been known to people who lead an active life, love extreme sports and want to capture their passions in the form of photos or high-definition video. It produces a series of compact and reliable Full HD camcorders, which, together with a rich set of attachments and accessories, is able to shoot in conditions where other camcorders will not do it due to their size or absolute unsuitability.

The best camera for extreme sports

GoPro cameras can be mounted on the arm, on the wing or fuselage of an aircraft, on a helmet, on skis, on a snowboard, on a boat, on a car, on anything - making the possibilities of these cameras truly endless.

Even the consumer who has not tried to shoot video can easily cope with the GoPro, since the control takes place with only two buttons. Everything in these chambers is aimed at the end result.

Service functions, "hot" keys and informative high-resolution displays are absolutely not needed for GoPro cameras, which does not affect the quality of the video, which is built-in H.264 codec immediately compressed to mp4 format. It is immediately ready for viewing on any device (mobile gadget, computer, TV), and for video editing in almost all editors that “understand” this format.

Video is recorded as a file on a micro-SD card inserted into its slot on the camera.

All GoPro cameras feature a rugged, impact-resistant body and a wide-angle fixed lens.

The standard equipment of the cameras includes a waterproof polycarbonate box, which can withstand immersion up to 60 meters, while the Hero 3+ has a lighter design and a promised depth of 30 meters.

All cameras have Wi-Fi module, which provides remote control device and transfer data to other devices. Wi-Fi remote control not included with all models GoPro Hero but can be purchased separately.

It should be said that with the help of proprietary software GoPro App the control function can be taken over by a smartphone or tablet computer, which is very convenient. Moreover, the information about what the camera "sees" in real time is displayed on the screen of the mobile device.

GoPro Hero3 White

This camera was released back in 2012, but still looks worthy among the newest competitors. It is capable of shooting video in 1080p resolution at 30 fps, 720p at 60 fps and taking photos at 5 megapixels at 3 frames per second.

The optics of this camera reduces distortion such as " fish eye”, which is typical for lenses with an ultra-wide angle of view. The audio system perfectly captures natural sounds and greatly reduces background noise.

built-in Wi-Fi module can be used to control the Wi-Fi Remote (not included with this model), or any smart device with an installed GoPro App.

Li-ion battery capacity 1050 mAh will provide the camera for 95 minutes in 720p mode, with the Wi-Fi module turned off.

The included waterproof box and a minimal set of fasteners allow you to mount the device on any convenient object. If necessary, the necessary fasteners can be easily purchased separately.

GoPro Hero3+ Silver

The next generation of these outstanding action cameras is the Hero3+ line.

Released just one year after the previous model in October 2013, this camera has taken a significant step forward. It can already shoot 1080p video at 60 fps and take 10 megapixel photos at 10 frames per second.

Improved optics even better compensate for distortion, improve sharpness by 33% and help suppress noise. The new Super View mode lets you shoot with the widest possible angle of view in 16:9.

The audio recording function has been improved, the battery life of the camera has been increased by 30%, the new Wi-Fi module “communicates” with mobile devices 4 times faster, and the updated software allows you to immediately share the captured video and photos on the Internet.

The remote control is not included with this model. The updated waterproof box has a smaller weight than previous series and significantly improved ergonomics.

GoPro Hero3+ Black

This model is the flagship of all GoPro Hero cameras at present.

It has all the most advanced features. This camera can already shoot video in the highest possible resolution 4K at 15 fps, and 720p at 120 fps.

In low light conditions, a new mode Auto Low Light automatically adjusts the frame rate for better image quality.

All other camera specifications are the same as the previous model. The Hero3+ Black comes with a Wi-Fi remote control.

GoPro Hero4

Already, GoPro Hero3+ cameras are capable of capturing video at a resolution that the vast majority of TVs and computers cannot play. It's about about 4K resolution 3840×2160 pixels.

What can the consumer who loves these cameras expect from the next generation of Hero4?

Rumor has it that the next generation camera will be equipped with a "system-on-a-chip" Ambarella A9 SoC, which will make it possible to shoot video in 4K resolution at 30fps. And in permissions Full HD And HD it will be possible to shoot "slow motion" at a speed 120fps And 240fps respectively.

Perhaps the developers will “squeeze” an even more powerful battery into the already small case, and the optical system will become even more aperture and compensate for any distortions.

Wait and see! But what is known for certain is that GoPro will not disappoint its consumers with either the characteristics of action cameras, or the quality, or the price.

Watch an amazing clip from videos shot with a GoPro camera
