Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The most important elements of the personnel management system. Basic elements of personnel management. Subsystem that provides regulatory conditions for labor activity

Personnel management is a purposeful and joint activity of the management of the organization. It includes the heads of the enterprise, as well as other specialists who are responsible for developing an effective concept of the personnel policy and individual methodological foundations for managing the organization's employees. In the course of managing employees, a clear personnel management system, organization and subsequent planning of personnel work, a marketing policy in the field of personnel, as well as determining the potential of each employee and his need for organization should be developed.

In a broad sense, this concept means a set of certain methods, methods, procedures and technologies for working with personnel working in any organizational structure.

There are several fundamental approaches that formulate a personnel management system, depending on which of the aspects of this phenomenon is to be considered.

IN modern world the concept of a personnel management system, as a rule, includes:

  • personnel planning)
  • definition existing need in hiring workers)
  • recruitment)
  • selection)
  • subsequent hiring of certain personnel)
  • adaptation of hired personnel)
  • staff training)
  • career)
  • grade)
  • motivational component of employees)
  • regulation of labor.

These are just the basic HR technologies that represent the range that any HR system includes. All elements of this system can be combined into three large blocks: technologies for the formation and representation of personnel, technologies for the development of personnel and technologies aimed at the rational use of the resources of existing personnel.

A system aimed at managing the personnel of an organization is one of the components of the organization as a whole. The successful development and existence of an organization in the economic space directly depends on its effectiveness and well-established nature.

Personnel management subsystems in the organizational structure

On present stage economic development the personnel management system includes, as a rule, several fundamental subsystems that specialize in the implementation of a number of specific functions.

Subsystem of general and linear personnel management in the organization

The work of this subsystem is aimed both at managing the entire organization as a whole, and at managing various production and functional divisions. Such structural divisions can be quite a lot, depending on the scale organizational structure and scale of the enterprise.

Subsystem of planning and marketing policy in relation to personnel

This subsystem includes functions related to the development of personnel policies and strategies for managing them, as well as functions aimed at analyzing the potential of personnel and the labor market as a whole, organizing the planning of existing personnel, planning and subsequent forecasting of the existing need for new and current personnel.

Subsystem for accounting for existing personnel in a given organization

The essence of its functioning is connected with the organization of hiring employees, providing interviews, quantitative and qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the selection and admission of certain personnel to the organization. This also includes the professional orientation of employees, the rational use and distribution of personnel among existing divisions in the organization, employment management in general and accounting for the reception, promotion, movement, and dismissal of each employee.

Subsystem aimed at managing organizational relations

It is a component without which personnel management would not be able to stably exist and develop. Organizational relationship management includes the following functions:

  • analysis and subsequent regulation of both personal and group labor relations of current employees of an enterprise,
  • analysis of the relations of direct managers,
  • management of conflicts at work and emerging stressful circumstances,
  • psychological diagnostics in the field of business relationships.

Subsystem that provides regulatory conditions for labor activity

This component is aimed at compliance with certain requirements and rules in the field of labor protection, environment, technical aesthetics and ergonomics labor process.

Subsystem that manages the development of personnel

Engaged in training, retraining, advanced training of existing personnel. The management system would not be effective without the periodic assessment of employees, the implementation of measures aimed at adapting new personnel, the promotion of certain employees up the career ladder and the organization of a personnel reserve.

The subsystem responsible for the motivational component

The work of this division is connected with the management of the motives of the behavior of employees, the regulation and tariffing of the production process, the development of wage systems for employees, forms of their participation in capital and profits, and the organization of morally positive reinforcement of personnel in the form of incentives.

Subsystem managing social development

Organizes a regulated Catering, development organizational culture employees and their physical education, as well as providing recreation and health protection, employee social insurance and housing management.

Subsystem aimed at developing the structure of organizational management

This component analyzes the management structure already established in the organization and is responsible for developing the staffing schedule.

Rights Enforcement Subsystem in the HR Management System

Solves legal issues in the field of relations at work, coordinates administrative and other official documents on personnel management.

Organizational structures that make up the personnel management system

These organizational structures are responsible for managing the personnel management system and various types of labor support:

  1. Staffing is a qualitative and necessary composition of employees of the personnel department of the organization.
  2. Methodological and regulatory support, consisting of two fundamental elements:
  • documents of a different nature (for example, organizational and methodological documents, technical and administrative))
  • reference regulatory materials that are needed to establish regulated rules, norms and methods used to solve various problems in the organization of labor, labor relations and personnel management systems)
  1. Business support. As a rule, this component is responsible for creating the proper conditions necessary for working with documentation, which are used by the personnel management system. These conditions must be maintained throughout the entire workflow once they have been developed or received by the HR staff.
  2. Information support is a certain set of all implemented decisions related to the volume, placement and forms of organization of information that is present and circulates in the personnel management system. Information support consists of operational, reference-normative and reference-technical information. There are certain requirements that are mandatory for employees to comply with in the framework of information support - these are the efficiency, complexity, systematicity and reliability of the relevant information.
  3. Organizational support is the work of specially created units that perform certain tasks and functions for managing the organization's personnel.
  4. Technical and material support implies the allocation of various technical, material and other means necessary for proper work with employees.

Based on this, we can conclude that an effective personnel management system should consist of absolutely all procedures for working with personnel, starting with the definition and compilation of basic ideas for the interaction of administration and management with employees, and ending with the dismissal of employees. Moreover, all subsystems must clearly function and interact with each other.

Methods of coordinated work of the personnel management system

In order for the operating organization to have a well-established management system, for staff, employees personnel service apply certain methods aimed at building a management structure. These methods can be combined into two large groups:

  • the first group includes those that characterize the immediate requirements for the formation of a coherent system for personnel management)
  • the second includes methodological principles responsible for determining directions for the development of the management system.

System analysis is considered to be the main method used in building an employee management system. This methodological principle refers to a systematic approach and helps to solve the problems associated with the improvement and improvement of such a phenomenon as a personnel management system. There are also other fundamental methods.

Comparison method

Its essence lies in comparing the employee management system already existing in the enterprise with a similar management system in a successful and popular organization. Comparison will give an effective and positive result when comparing homogeneous management systems.

The principle of sequential substitution

With the help of it, the influence on the operation of the personnel management system of each of the factors that make up the current system is studied separately. Factors are ranked and selected the most optimal and significant.

Decomposition method

It operates on the principle of dividing complex phenomena into simple ones. If the elements are as simple as possible, then the penetration into the very depths of the phenomenon under study will be more complete.

Principle of dynamics

It provides for the position of certain data in a series of dynamics and the subsequent exclusion of random and erroneous deviations from it. This principle is usually used when examining a variety of quantitative indicators that characterize the personnel management system.

Structuring goals

Responsible for both qualitative and quantitative substantiation of any goals and strategies that exist in the organization, as well as the goals that the current personnel management system adheres to, comparing them with the goals of the enterprise.

Expert analytics

The basis of this method is to attract highly qualified experts in the field of personnel management, as well as management team organizations to this process. With help expert analysis it is possible to identify various directions for improving the management system in the field of personnel of an organization or enterprise, to assess the causes of possible existing shortcomings of this system.

Regulatory principle

Responsible for the application of standards that determine the content and composition of a set of functions in the field of personnel management, for the number of employees for this set of functions, the type of organization structure and certain criteria by which the personnel management apparatus and the organization as a whole are built.

Parametric principle

It is used to identify and establish functional dependencies observed between the parameters of the current personnel management system and the parameters of the set of elements of the production system to establish compliance.

Morphological analysis

This method is a kind of tool used to study various possible combined variations of organizational decisions. These solutions are developed for the implementation of individual functions so that the personnel management system works effectively.

They do it this way: they write down all the existing functions of the system in a column, and then opposite each of them, line by line, all possible methods and options for implementing a particular function are indicated. The result is the so-called morphological matrix. The main idea of ​​this principle lies in the fragmentation of a complex problem into smaller ones, since it is much easier to solve them one by one separately.

Creative meetings

This is the principle of collective discussion by managers and specialists of various areas in which the personnel management system should develop. What is the effectiveness of this "verbal" methodological element? The fact is that when one of the leaders expresses an idea, then other interlocutors evoke several more new ideas, and this happens until a large stream of decisions is formed. In the course of this, you can really find a lot of ways to improve the structure of the organization.

Organizational personnel management system and its design

This type of design in the field of personnel management, as an organizational one, is a process during which projects are developed to organize effective employee management systems at a particular enterprise. The personnel management system in this case will be the basis of the entire existing management system that has developed in the organizational structure under consideration.

Stages according to which the system of organizational personnel management is designed

A project being developed to build a management system for an organization should consist of the following steps.

feasibility study

In other words, a "feasibility study" of the need and expediency in the field of improving the existing personnel management system. This stage is needed in order to justify the production and economic necessity and technical and economic feasibility. Includes sections such as:

Design assignment

This is the source document required for the system to organizational management staff began to improve. It is advised to include the following necessary sections in this assignment for organizational design:

  1. direct basis for developing a project to improve the management system of personnel working in the organization)
  2. development goal)
  3. results obtained during the analysis of the state of all existing production and management in the organizational structure under study)
  4. a list of requirements that the organizational personnel management system must comply with)
  5. suggestions and recommendations for improving the production system and personnel management system)
  6. content, composition and direct organization of work on the development and implementation of this project)
  7. information sources that are used to develop this project.

General project

According to it, a system of organizational personnel management will be developed. It is based in accordance with the task approved by the higher management for direct organizational design. At this stage, the documentation includes: general system, line management, target subsystem, functional subsystem and documentation on support subsystems.

working draft

It is the basis for the implementation of a personnel management system in the organization under study. This stage follows after the approval of the overall project. The purpose of the working draft will be to develop working documentation, which is required for internal use and execution.

Next target this stage– carrying out work on acceptance and delivery and ensuring the normalized operation of the personnel management system at the enterprise. The detailed design documentation consists of similar parts observed in the general design.

Direct implementation of the project

The project for the operation of the personnel management system should include the following stages:

  • logistical preparation)
  • professional training of employees in the field of management at this organization)
  • socio-psychological training of all employees of the organizational structure)
  • incentive system for the implemented project)
  • implementation of the developed project)
  • implementation progress control)
  • calculations of economic and actual effects from the implementation of the developed project)
  • carrying out works on acceptance and delivery.

Goals and functions of the personnel management system

Regardless of the type and structure of the organization, its goal will be any specific state or desired set of results that this organizational structure ideally wants to achieve. In order to develop the goals of the organization, and especially the goal of the personnel management system itself, it will take a lot of effort, since this task is quite laborious.

Summarizing the system of goals that the organization wants to achieve, at least four blocks can be distinguished, classified according to the type of target orientation:

  • Economic strategies and goals - are, as a rule, in obtaining an estimated amount of profit through the sale and marketing of products or services.
  • Scientific and technical goal - should be to ensure a specific level of development and products offered, to increase labor productivity labor activity by introducing new and improving old technologies.
  • A commercial production goal is the manufacture and subsequent sale of a particular product (service) in a volume determined by management and with a rhythm set by management.
  • Social goals - are to achieve a certain, given at the enterprise under study, the degree of satisfaction of social needs of all personnel, different in typology.

With regard to such a personnel management system, each unit in the personnel management service has its own specific purpose and functions performed.

Human Resources Department

The main goal of this division can be called the retention of demanded and highly qualified employees in the conditions of unstable production, as well as the recruitment of new personnel. The main functions of the HR department, as a rule, are:

  • providing the operating organization with personnel (hiring them, placing them and dismissing them),
  • management and accounting of personnel records,
  • analysis of staff turnover and labor discipline,
  • accounting for the movement of personnel operating at the enterprise,
  • development of various personnel orders.

Department responsible for employee training

Without it, the system of organizational personnel management would not be stable, coherent and effective. The purpose of this unit should be the appropriate training of both managers and various specialists and workers located in the organization. The list of functions of this department is as follows:

  • organization of training for management positions, as well as other specialists and employees, in the basics of conducting a market economy, in accordance with certain programs)
  • training and subsequent certification of all employees in compliance with the rules and requirements of working safety, as well as labor protection)
  • organization of the process of advanced training, retraining of managers and all other specialists of the enterprise through courses, trainings, lectures and internships)
  • various educational and methodical works in the field of industrial and economic education through the training or retraining of employees who are part of the personnel management system in the production structure)
  • study and subsequent generalization professional experience the best employees)
  • organization and responsibility for different kinds industrial practice of students in educational institutions students.

Labor department and department responsible for employees' wages

The purpose of the activities of this functional unit will be the development of an objective assessment of the professional results of each of the employees in order to maintain an effective, effective motivation for his direct labor activity in the organization. The functions of this department are as follows:

  • Development of a structured staffing table and making changes to it, according to the statements of the structure of the entire organization as a whole and a specific labor process in particular, harmonization of this staffing table in certain established structural units.
  • Systematic tracking of the number of personnel for a particular division of the enterprise (without this, the organizational personnel management system will not function without fragmentation).
  • Introduction of various modern systems remuneration, which will be focused directly on the final result.
  • Improvement of existing and development of new principles and systems for assessing the performance of employees, the formation of an objective assessment of bonuses for team members.
  • The introduction of such a form of staff recruitment in the organization as a contract.
  • Formation of a collective agreement and control over its execution, making adjustments.
  • Organization of work aimed at certification of workplaces.
  • Development of a regime, work schedule for an existing organization, shifts and subsequent coordination of the developed schedule with higher management.
  • Analysis of the technical and economic indicators of certain units in the structure of the labor organization.
  • Compilation of statistics and planned reports on labor personnel indicators.

Social development department

Its goal is to realize the rights and all kinds of guarantees of social protection of all personnel that make up the system of organizational personnel management. With regard to the functions of this department, the social protection division is engaged in the development and planning of social insurance funds for company employees, the organization of various assistance funds, as well as:

  • handles pensions,
  • works with people who have received the title of "veteran of labor",
  • carries out various types of insurance, loan payments,
  • is responsible for resort and sanatorium vouchers and their provision to employees of the enterprise, for social protection younger generation.

Occupational Health and Safety Compliance Department

The system of organizational personnel management would be unstable without this unit, since its main goal is to provide personnel with normal, safe conditions for the performance of their duties. In terms of functions, this department deals with:

  • organization and coordination of work in the field of labor protection in the existing organization and all its substructures)
  • monitoring compliance with all legislative and any other regulations relating to the labor activity of team members)
  • consultation of employers, managers and all other participants included in the system of labor relations on labor protection issues)
  • analysis of injuries at work and identification of various diseases associated with professional activity employees)
  • coordination developed in the organization project documentation and part of its compliance with measures relating to labor protection)
  • analysis and synthesis of proposals affecting the issue of spending funds from the fund dealing with labor protection and labor relations)
  • reporting in the field of labor protection.

Sociology Laboratory

The purpose of the unit's activity will be the formation of a favorable psychological climate for the employees of the organization. With the help of the social laboratory, the personnel management system will be adequate and non-destructive. The functions of the division are:

  • increasing the stability of the entire team of employees, its initiative and labor activity)
  • the study of various sociological or psychological factors and problems related to the organization of effective work of employees)
  • development of ways to solve the identified problems)
  • psychological and social education of employees)
  • development of such a phenomenon as an effective system of good neighborly relations in the field of personnel management, organization culture.

Functions of managerial positions that make up the organizational personnel management system

One of the most important positions in the system personnel management is the Deputy Director in Human Resources of the organization. It has a certain set of features. So, the person holding this position is also involved in the approval of documents such as:

  • staffing,
  • salary regulations for employees
  • work schedules of organizational units of the enterprise,
  • schedules of activities aimed at testing the qualifications of company employees,
  • all kinds of provisions for assessing the activities of employees,
  • investigative acts industrial injuries and accidents,
  • vacation schedules for employees.

Also, Deputy Head of Human Resources, signs:

  • orders for the appointment, dismissal or transfer of all specialists and managers, with the exception of the directorate of branches and deputy directors of the organization)
  • various orders aimed at issuing benefits to women working in the organization who have children under the age of 3, as well as documents for the payment of other social benefits.
  • orders aimed at granting holidays without pay and with pay)
  • orders authorizing qualifying category one employee or another)
  • orders to reduce the number of working employees)
  • any other instructions that the personnel management system service prepares for him.

In addition, the person in this position must agree the following types employment with the following management members:

  1. Coordinate with the director of the enterprise or division the appointment of managerial positions, such as the director of a branch, deputies of management, etc., as well as the training or internship of certain employees who need it.
  2. Coordinate with the Deputy Director in the field of material and economic issues estimates of expenses, expenses and income, as well as the use of funds from the consumption fund for any purpose.
  3. Coordinate with the deputy head in the field of commercial issues the provision of the management department and other departments with all the necessary office equipment.
  4. Coordinate with the directors of the branches of the existing enterprise (if any) a set of measures under the collective agreement, as well as staff schedules, salary levels, all kinds of structural changes.

Next managerial position in the system of organizational personnel management, this is a person holding the position of a personnel manager. He must have a set of necessary and modern knowledge of personnel management in all existing aspects. After all, it is he who carries out direct work in the field of employee management, starting with researching the labor market and hiring certain full-time employees for various positions and ending with measures for their dismissal or retirement. Its functions are as follows:

  • Development of an effective personnel management strategy and responsibility for making the personnel management system clear and coherent.
  • Development of personnel policy and workforce planning.
  • Analysis of the potential of working employees.
  • Forecasting and determining the need for any new specialists in a particular field of activity.
  • Marketing to staff.
  • Maintain business professional relationships and connections with employment centers and services, as well as with recruitment organizations.
  • Planning and control of training, advanced training and retraining of all employees.
  • Evaluation of business, professional and some personal qualities of employees for their rational use in production.
  • Creation of favorable conditions for the systematic growth of personnel, as well as for their professional promotion.
  • Participation in the development of organizational structures, staff schedules, as well as various other ideas and proposals aimed at the selection and placement of specialists holding a particular position in an existing organization.
  • Organization of movement and direct accounting of personnel.
  • Learning all possible causes employee turnover and the development of measures to reduce it.
  • Personnel management.
  • Registration of the admission of new people to certain positions, as well as the transfer and dismissal of employees.
  • Participation in the development and subsequent implementation of various plans and projects that are aimed at directly social development an existing organization.
  • Work on professional orientation of employees.
  • Formation of the workforce at the enterprise, responsibility for their psychological climate, interpersonal relationships and group interactions, identifying motivation and increasing it with an insufficient level of employee interest in the labor process.

Summarizing all the elements, you can see that the goals of the personnel management system are extensive and varied, as well as the functions. However, it all depends on the scale of the enterprise or organization in which this very system is implemented.



The eighth series of the series “Shine and poverty of Russian holdings”

Yuri Ogurtsov, Olga Shapoval

Continuation. For the beginning, see PC Week/RE, nos. , /2000.

The company's staff is one of the most important resources that ensure the successful development of the business. Along with financial and material resources, it is also subject to management, which should be built in such a way that the achievement of the company's strategic and tactical goals is supported by adequate and timely measures to change the organizational structure, streamline the duties of managers and employees, timely professional orientation of employees and their proper training. The condition for the successful development of the enterprise is the balance of interests of its owners, staff and customers. Therefore, organizational improvement and personnel management becomes one of the main functions of the company's management. Naturally, the personnel management system depends on the enterprise management structure - whether the enterprise is independent or is it a holding structure consisting of a parent company and many subordinate firms. But even in holding structures, different management models are used - from concentration within the parent company of a holding company to a number common functions and, accordingly, the operational management of processes at its enterprises to the “shareholder” management model, when the enterprises are basically independent, and the holding controls only the profitability and efficiency of the enterprises included in it. These models dictate their requirements to the personnel management system. However, along with the specific ones at each enterprise, there are basic elements of personnel management.

These basic elements include:

Operational accounting of personnel;

Organizational improvement;

Assessment of personnel competence and control over labor productivity;

Control of labor discipline.

If personnel accounting is a quite clear and fairly regulated task, then organizational improvement, control over the professional compliance of personnel and labor productivity require an expert approach, analysis of many factors and, consequently, processing of a large amount of information. In our opinion, to solve such problems without special tools (meaning software) qualitatively and at the lowest cost is impossible. It should also be noted that from an informational point of view, the elements of personnel management listed above should be integrated as much as possible. Personnel accounting (together with payroll) is the core of the system, it serves as a supplier of information for other controls.

Organizational Improvement

At each point in time, the structure of the company must adequately match the goals of the business. Ideally, when restructuring an enterprise - moving from the “as is” state to the “as it will be tomorrow” state, it is first necessary to carry out reengineering, i.e., describe future business processes, determine new functions of departments or new performance chains, and only after that proceed to the creation of a new organizational structure. Each stage of the restructuring requires an appropriate company structure, staffing, job descriptions. Planning an organizational structure based on an analysis of the company's business processes and estimating the cost of personnel costs is a must today.

Regulations on divisions, as well as job descriptions, should, as far as possible, correspond to the business processes of the company. Otherwise, all the shortcomings of the functional management model will be fully manifested. Definition official duties and requirements - the most important element of a professional approach to ensuring successful business development. Availability of unified directories of functions for the company, where all aspects of production activities, goals and objectives of departments, necessary professions are recorded, typical positions and qualification requirements, helps to creatively approach the process of preparing documents and conduct a variety of analysis.

Analysis of the production functions of departments and employees that ensure the implementation of certain business processes, and identifying the intersection of these functions by departments and will optimize the organizational structure.

Personnel Compliance Assessment

Periodic assessment of the business qualities of personnel (competence, responsibility, work efficiency, etc.) through certification, passing exams in retraining courses allows you to analyze the effectiveness of departments through the prism of personnel quality and optimize its headcount.

It is possible to study the business qualities of personnel on the basis of a comparison of the qualifications of various employees within professional groups. The volume of actual knowledge of each employee determines the level (profile) of his qualifications. The amount of required knowledge given in the job description determines the level (profile) of requirements for the employee. Assessment of the professional compliance of personnel is based on a comparison of the levels (profiles) of requirements and qualifications of each employee.

The assessment of the professional conformity of personnel within one professional group using the suitability coefficient serves as the basis for the development of relevant measures aimed at improving its qualitative characteristics (training, rotation, reduction, etc.).

Having developed a methodology for calculating the employee's suitability factor, taking into account the required quality (measured in points and set in the job description) and the actual quality (obtained from the results of a personnel quality study), the HR director will be able to manage the qualitative composition of employees in professional groups, divisions, branches.

Comparison of the business qualities of different employees of departments throughout the corporation as a whole is the basis for accepting management decisions, such as changing line managers, organizing assistance to management in working with personnel, and to strengthen curatorial activities.

An analysis of the quality of personnel will help evaluate the effectiveness of the existing organizational structure and management system as a whole.

Thus, the results of personnel quality assessment serve as the basis for following directions personnel work:

Professional training. Continuous training of employees, especially in today's dynamically developing areas, will allow the company to respond to market changes in a timely manner and adjust its business. The prompt identification of employees who have an actual assessment below the required one in certain areas of knowledge will help to correctly form a calendar-thematic plan, determine and justify the training budget. Without an understanding of what and who should be taught, it is impossible to effectively conduct vocational training.

Personnel rotation. main goal personnel rotation system is the optimal placement of personnel at various levels throughout the company and the productive development of the business. Personnel rotation - internal reshuffling of personnel in accordance with the career and professional growth of personnel. It serves to improve the work of specific departments, which, according to their indicators of business development, do not achieve their goals, whose managers do not cope with their duties. The rotation system also allows you to solve the problem career development managers of various levels and provides them with the opportunity to realize their personal and professional potential.

The rotation is based on the selection of candidates who, in terms of qualifications, experience and professional training, meet the requirements specified in the job description.

Formation of a personnel reserve and career planning. Based on the personnel reserve (external or internal), personnel are rotated for certain positions. Specialists included in the personnel reserve are ranked by skill level (or by suitability coefficients). Thus, at any time, you can select an employee whose qualifications meet the requirements established in the job description as much as possible.

In the event that the qualification requirements for the position are well known, career planning can be carried out on the basis of objective criteria and rules known to each employee.

Performance monitoring and business valuation

If the job descriptions establish standards for the functions performed (in quantity, volume, monetary terms and other indicators), and for a particular employee - the actual workload according to production functions, it is possible to analyze and control labor productivity. This approach allows not only to make managerial decisions on personnel, but also to create a system of motivation at the enterprise, depending on labor productivity.

Given the amount of personnel costs, standard indicators for the functions performed and the described business processes (as a sequence of functions), it is possible to conduct a functional cost analysis of business processes, products, and customers of the enterprise. On fig. 1 shows a logical diagram of the separation of costs for the functional cost analysis of business processes.

1 - consolidation of costs for a full-time position ( wage, travel expenses, training, workplace cost, etc.); 2 - distribution of non-operating expenses (rent, telephone expenses, security, etc.) between departments according to the appropriate algorithms, depending on the types of expenses; 3 - allocation of total non-operating expenses by regular positions; 4 - distribution of the consolidated costs for full-time positions by production functions, depending on the actual workload; 5 - consolidation of costs for production functions for business processes; 6 - income consolidation (by accounts, postings) by products for the business processes that implement them.

The difference between income and expenses allows you to evaluate the profitability of the business process (product profitability) and allocate profits to customers (customer profitability).

As can be seen from the diagram in Fig. 1, to implement the assessment of the functional cost of business processes, you must have:

Their description as a sequence of functions performed;

Job descriptions as a list of functions performed at the workplace;

Cost splitting ratio for workplace(full-time position) by functions performed (actual workload by functions);

Algorithms for posting by cost type.

Control of labor discipline

Labor discipline is an element of the corporate culture of the enterprise. Control should serve to identify not only negligent employees, but also cases of significant processing of working time, i.e., be a factor in the study of the existing technology and the root cause of its reengineering.

The authors of the article have developed software that implements the above elements of personnel management in an integrated form, allowing you to quickly receive information for factor analysis, use at one stage of management the results of another.

For example, in the process of organizational improvement, it is possible to obtain information about the qualitative composition of department employees, personnel costs, business processes planned in accordance with the goals set, etc. Another example is when creating a personnel reserve, career planning, and planning for training, it is possible to receive not only information in the personnel records system, but also the results of an assessment of the professional level of personnel and determine the required level of qualification of employees.

On fig. 2 shows a general logical diagram of the interaction of personnel management elements.

a brief description of used objects:

1. Business processes. A hierarchical object that stores a description of all business processes of an enterprise; each can be considered on its own, as well as as part of larger processes or through constituent sub-processes.

2. Functions. An object that contains a description of the functions of the entire range of production activities (for a bank, about 5000 positions), from which complete business processes can be designed. Functions are used to form regulations on divisions and job descriptions. It can serve as a standard reference book (knowledge base) for enterprises of one type or another.

3. Qualification requirements. An object containing a description qualification requirements enterprises to typical and full-time positions, having as parameters the required level (in points) of knowledge, the coefficient of importance, etc.

4. Employees. An object with data about employees of the enterprise (full personnel records).

Examples of personnel quality analysis using an integrated system

Level 1 - analysis of individual indicators. The result of the analysis is an assessment of the employee in terms of his suitability to perform the tasks assigned to him (defined in the job description). Individual indicators are the information base for the analysis and control of the level vocational training personnel.

On fig. 3 shows a comparison of the profile of requirements and qualifications on the example of the cashier of the exchange office Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

On fig. Figure 3 shows deviations from the required level of knowledge - lack of qualifications.

2nd level - analysis of the quality of personnel within one professional group. At this level of analysis, suitability coefficients are compared on the example of a selected professional group of employees.

On fig. Figure 4 shows the fitness coefficients of employees of the professional group “Cashiers”.

On fig. 4 it can be seen that the cashier Smirnov S.N. is the least prepared to fulfill the tasks assigned to him. Depending on the ongoing personnel policy, it is necessary either to train Smirnov S. N., or demote him in his position, or dismiss him.

3rd level - analysis of the quality of personnel of different professional groups. On fig. Figure 5 shows the availability rate of personnel in different branches - the minimum in Branch 2.

If the profitability of Branch 2 is the lowest, then (ceteris paribus) the quality of the staff is one of the factors of its poor performance. In this situation, such managerial decisions as the change of middle managers are relevant. It is possible to plan events for personnel training, conduct internal rotation.

If the profitability of Branch 2 is high, then we can talk about an excess of personnel. In this case, measures to train personnel and improve their qualifications should lead to even higher financial performance or ultimately allow a reduction in the number of personnel, depending on the policy pursued.

On fig. 6 shows the change in the fitness coefficient in Branch 2 by occupational groups. The least trained groups are cashiers and programmers. Personnel and managerial decisions should first of all be applicable to these professional groups.

(To be continued)

Management theory considers an enterprise as a set of connected and in a certain way ordered parts that have integrity and form a unity when interacting with the external environment. Management always involves two main parts:

the object (subject) of control, to which the control action is directed for its implementation;

the subject (body) of management, which develops the control action and controls its execution.

If the combination of these two parts forms a stable integrity in the process of their interaction, then it is called a control system.

Everything that is not included in this integrity is considered as an external environment. Sometimes the subject of control is called the control subsystem, and the object is called the controlled subsystem. To study or develop these subsystems, they can be considered as independent systems.

Management is the process of influence of the subject of management on the object of management in order to ensure the latter's effective functioning and development. Personnel management determines and establishes the nature of the relationship and ways of their implementation between the subject - the head and the object, which can be an individual or labor collective. Communication of the main parts of the management system, their relationships are characterized through information that reflects material flows and production processes.

The review of educational and reference literature made it possible to single out the main approaches to the conceptual apparatus. The concept of a personnel management system is interpreted by various authors in different ways. According to some sources, these are methods, procedures, methods of influencing the organization on its employees in order to maximize their potential to achieve organizational development goals. The personnel management system implies professional selection, placement, rotation of personnel, certification and formation of a personnel reserve, training and advanced training of employees, development of motivation and incentives, analysis of working conditions and remuneration, management style, control features.

"The personnel management system is a set of methods, procedures and techniques, by implementing and improving which the organization provides itself with the required level of personnel and influences their behavior in order to achieve organizational goals."

The personnel management system is traditionally defined as an integral system for managing the personnel direction of an enterprise, focused on solving three strategic tasks:

prompt and complete satisfaction of the needs of the enterprise in workforce required specialization and skill level;

formation and maintenance of a complex of organizational, economic, as well as socio-psychological conditions conducive to the most effective performance by employees of the functions assigned to them;

ensuring the necessary level of interconnection between personnel management and other areas of the organization's management.

One of the approaches is based on the opinion that the personnel management system includes two main elements: personnel policy and personnel strategy.

Personnel policy is a system of rules and norms (which must be understood and formulated in a certain way), leading to human resource in accordance with the strategy of the company (hence, all activities for working with personnel should be planned in advance and consistent with a common understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization). The main goal of the personnel policy is the timely provision of the organization with personnel of the required professional level and the required number. Personnel policy is inextricably linked with the methodology and concept of personnel management, proceeds from their theoretical requirements, integrates managerial knowledge, accumulated past and present domestic and foreign practical experience work with personnel.

Personnel strategy - a specific set of personnel activities, basic principles, rules and objectives of work with personnel, specified taking into account the types of organizational strategy, organizational personnel potential, type of personnel policy and formalized in single system to achieve the set goals. main goal HR strategy is the development of interrelated mechanisms for working with personnel, allowing to increase and activate the labor potential of employees in accordance with the needs of the organization and the requirements coming from outside.

According to Kibanov A.Ya. “The personnel management system of an organization is a system in which the functions of personnel management are implemented. It includes a subsystem of line management, as well as a number of functional subsystems specializing in the performance of homogeneous functions.

Functional subsystems

Figure 1 - Personnel management subsystems

IN study guide under the leadership of Marchenko O.I. the personnel management system includes the following elements of personnel work, shown in the figure

Figure 1 - Elements of the enterprise personnel management system

The list of elements is not “frozen”, it can be supplemented and modified.

The personnel management system of an enterprise can be represented in terms of resource provision. The composition includes: regulatory and methodological support; organizational support; information, documentation, tool support; financial security. Regulatory and methodological support is considered as a set of external and internal regulations, as well as other documents that:

establish external requirements and restrictions in the activities of business entities in the personnel direction (for example, labor law);

determine the internal regulations of personnel management, independently established by the enterprise based on its own needs and having a regulatory nature for all its divisions and employees (for example, job descriptions, regulations on remuneration);

explains, comments and offers various options for solving specific management tasks within the system.

Organizational support includes a set of requirements and conditions that determine the organizational aspects of the functioning of personnel management (formalized requirements for specific positions, personnel selection criteria, resource provision of jobs).

Information support is defined as a formalized set of initial data for making specific personnel decisions and is differentiated into two areas: external information that improves the efficiency of work with personnel and information on all issues related to the organization's personnel management system. A number of requirements are imposed on the development of information support for the personnel management service:

rational integration of information processing with minimal duplication of information in information base, reducing the number of forms of documents;

the possibility of machine processing of information contained in documents and in the intramachine sphere;

the necessary redundancy of information support, allowing users of different levels to receive information with varying degrees of detail.

Application results information technologies in the organization's personnel management are:

improving the efficiency of enterprise management as a whole through the rational use of human resources;

use of up-to-date and reliable information in the decision-making process;

increase in labor productivity by accelerating the workflow of personnel;

intensification of analytical activities due to the automation of routine operations and reducing the labor intensity of personnel records;

automated preparation of all reporting forms ( Pension Fund, tax office, statistical offices);

streamlining HR processes;

operational control over the implementation of management decisions;

a general increase in the culture of working with employees of the organization.

One of the important areas that provide the functions of personnel management is documentation support. Personnel documentation is a wide range of documents containing information about the employees of the enterprise and the activities of the personnel service. This includes personal and accounting documents, planning and reporting and statistical, as well as organizational and administrative documents.

The material and technical support of the personnel management system provides for the allocation of certain material and technical means for work with personnel.

A number of requirements of a general methodological nature are imposed on the management system of small and medium-sized businesses, the violation of which can lead to negative consequences for the enterprise as a whole. Experience in this area allows us to formulate the following most significant requirements:

When forming the system, it is necessary to take into account the specific features of small business and the features of the personnel system of the enterprise.

The functioning of the system should be ensured at all levels of enterprise management.

The system must be designed according to a predefined concept strategic development enterprise, that is, reflect its prospective needs and tasks.

At the system development stage, a rational combination, on the one hand, of the necessary level of stability of its elements, and on the other hand, a high degree of their adaptability to predicted changes in the external and internal environment where small businesses operate.

The system should ensure, as far as possible, the multifaceted nature of the impact on the direct object of management, that is, include the widest possible range of administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods.

A necessary element of the personnel management system should be a formalized process of its practical implementation, operation and subsequent development.

Thus, the personnel management system involves the formation of goals, functions, organizational structure of personnel management, vertical and horizontal functional relationships of managers and specialists in the process of justification, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. If we consider the management of the organization as a single balanced system, then the personnel management system in importance is on the same level with such areas of activity as strategic management, project management, quality management, day-to-day management and marketing.

Control questions

Personnel management is a set of principles, methods and means of purposeful influence on personnel, ensuring the maximum use of the intellectual and physical abilities of employees in the performance of labor functions to achieve the goals of the organization.

Personnel management - development and implementation of decisions on the state and development of personnel. In connection with the ongoing economic reforms in Russia, there has been a sharp revival of the entire personnel management system at enterprises of any form of ownership. The marketing service, as the most important link in the enterprise, needs to improve and develop the personnel management mechanism. The modern marketer must know theoretical basis personnel management, based on the laws and categories of a market economy, and successfully apply them in practice.

At the same time, the activities of personnel management of the marketing service should be considered as activities to ensure the functioning of the marketing system along with the organization of marketing, controlling, monitoring, and auditing. Further, it should be noted that personnel management of the marketing service has much in common with personnel management in the enterprise as a whole.

Staff- this is the personnel of the organization, including all employees, as well as working owners and co-owners. Main signs of personnel are:

  • the presence of his labor relationship with the employer, drawn up by an employment contract;
  • possession of certain quality characteristics(profession, specialty, qualification, competence, etc.), the presence of which determines the employee's activity on specific position or workplace;
  • target orientation of personnel activities, i.e. creation of conditions for the employee to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

Providing a single and comprehensive impact on the personnel of the enterprise as a whole, personnel management performs the following functions:

  • integrated into the overall enterprise management system, linking it with strategic objectives and corporate culture, as well as with the planning of research, production, marketing, quality improvement, etc.;
  • includes an extensive system of permanent and program measures for the regulation of employment, job planning, organization of selection, placement and training of personnel, forecasting the content of work, etc.;
  • involves careful consideration of the qualities and professional characteristics of employees, as well as an assessment of their activities;
  • centralizes labor management in the hands of one of the managers of the enterprise, and also takes measures to improve the mechanism of personnel work.

The construction of a personnel management system is based on certain principles that are implemented in interaction: complexity, efficiency, scientific character, specialization, rhythm, etc.

Personnel management methods are divided into three groups:

  • administrative (formation of the personnel management structure, recruitment and selection of personnel, etc.);
  • economic (material incentives and the establishment of material subsidies, the establishment of economic norms and standards, etc.);
  • socio-psychological (social-psychological analysis of the employees of the team, moral stimulation of the staff, etc.).

With their help, methods of influencing teams and individual workers are developed to carry out their activities.

The main elements of the personnel management system are:
1) personnel policy enterprises as a system of theoretical views, requirements, principles that determine the main areas of work with personnel, as well as the methods of this work, allowing you to create a highly productive cohesive team;
2) personnel planning of employees as a solution to the problem of determining the needs of an enterprise for personnel of the required number and quality;
3) recruitment and selection of personnel as a process of recruitment and selection of personnel, consisting of several stages:

  • search for candidates to fill vacancies;
  • detailing the requirements for a candidate to fill a vacancy;
  • selection;
  • recruitment;

4) adaptation of new employees as familiarization of a new employee with the enterprise, its policies, working conditions, labor protection, safety, etc. By orientation, adaptation can be professional, psychophysiological and socio-psychological;
5) professional training and development of personnel, including several types of professional training and development of personnel in the enterprise:

  • on the job in specialized institutions;
  • with a break from production in specialized institutions;
  • at work;
  • self-education;

6) assessment of employees in the form of traditional certification. The purpose of appraisal is to periodically evaluate and critically review the potential capabilities of personnel;
7) management of personnel behavior, understanding that the behavior of personnel is a form of interaction of an individual with the surrounding production environment. An important element of managing the behavior of employees is the ability to manage conflicts in the enterprise;
8) personnel office work in the form of a number of works united by the concept of office work.

What are the main elements of the personnel management system? Learn how to properly design a management system to ensure sustainable development and economic stability of the company.

From the article you will learn:

What elements of the personnel management system underlie the effective operation of the company

Elements of the personnel management system are developed taking into account the specifics of the company's activities. Managers take into account that in the process of functioning the organization is faced with the need to solve typical and particular issues. Change in area market relations, the economy requires prompt replacement and improvement of existing management systems. The development of elements of subsystems allows you to effectively cope with the current and strategic tasks without changing all the elements of the interconnected system.

The main elements of the personnel management system are based on the following sequential actions:

In choosing and setting the order of interaction between employees

Helps to create an effective interaction process, systematize all company activities

In setting the order and sequence of functions performed

  • managment structure, based on the development of a system of relationships between the main subjects of management;
  • management process, based on the inclusion of such functions as the development and implementation of management decisions, the formation of communication systems, information support;
  • control technology includes systems of organizational tools, document management programs.

The main elements of the personnel management system consist of:

  1. methods, or methods of influencing personnel;
  2. setting tasks and options for finding appropriate solutions;
  3. goals, when the task is aimed at achieving the desired, necessary and possible;
  4. laws with the creation of relationships between existing phenomena;
  5. communications based on the processes of interaction or opposition through the transfer of information;
  6. decisions made;
  7. operating functions;
  8. developed principles.

How to develop the main elements of a personnel management system

The elements of the organization's personnel management system are a set of tools, principles and methods that help to purposefully influence the personnel. In the process of management, methods are being worked out with the help of which it is possible to ensure the most efficient use of the intellectual and physical abilities of employees. This is aimed at the qualitative performance of labor functions, which in turn helps to achieve the goals set by the organization.

When developing guidance systems at the same time, decisions are being made on the long-term design of the systematic development of personnel. Changing market and economic conditions dictate the need to pay increased attention to the development of employees. Improvement is the main stage successful implementation set goals. Modern theoretical and practical foundations management are based on taking into account the requirements of a market economy in the relevant areas of production activity.

The development of elements of the personnel management system is carried out taking into account the basics of marketing, monitoring, audit and control. Personnel includes all employees who have entered into labor Relations with an employer. A certain set of characteristics, such as: profession, level of education, work experience, qualifications, competence, allows you to perform the appropriate labor function aimed at strengthening the economic situation, ensuring competitiveness and development of the organization. As the foundations of the entire management system, they consider the creation of conditions for labor activity, ensuring development to achieve the goals set.

Related articles:

When developing elements of a personnel management system, attention should be paid to the functions:

Integration of all systems into a single holistic management model

Linkage is carried out with strategic objectives, corporate culture, planning of all elements of production activities

An expanded system of program activities

Jobs are planned, selection and hiring of applicants are organized, placement and training of personnel is carried out

Accounting for professional and personal qualities

A systematic assessment is carried out, certification

Centralized work management

Structuring the HR system

What elements of the organization's personnel management system can be distinguished

The elements of the personnel management system are methods that allow you to create complexity, efficiency, rhythm, scientific character and specialization of all management options. It must be taken into account that the methods of managing the organization and the team are divided. But it is worth using administrative elements moderately and only in organizations where the specifics of production activities imply authoritarian leadership.

Today, most companies opt for socio-psychological methods. According to statistics, the team works more smoothly and productively if administrative methods not used or used very rarely in emergency situations.

The elements of the personnel management system include:

  1. personnel policy of the organization. It is based on the whole system of theoretical views, relevant requirements, principles that determine the direction effective work with personnel, methods of this work, allowing to form a highly productive close-knit team;
  2. personnel planning. Problem solving is carried out by the method of determining the organization's needs for personnel, taking into account the required number and corresponding qualities;
  3. recruitment and selection of personnel. The process consists of several stages: search for candidates, specification of requirements, direct selection;
  4. adaptation of new employees. A method of familiarizing new employees with the enterprise, current policies, working conditions, labor protection, safety measures. Professional, psycho-physiological and socio-psychological adaptation is faster if all elements of the management system are worked out;
  5. staff training and development A. Traditionally, several types of vocational training and development are used: on-the-job, carried out in specialized institutions, on-the-job and at the workplace, in Lately more and more often self-education is used;
  6. employee assessment, certification. Periodic assessment helps to identify the degree of professionalism of the staff, as well as to determine whether additional training, training, and advanced training are needed;
  7. personnel behavior management. The main element in the management of the behavior of employees are the methods of conflict management and their rapid resolution;
  8. personnel office work. A number of works that are combined general concept"workshop".

