Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Approximation. Antagonism with opponents and enemies outside and a deep union with them in the soul - this is the true state of the master. Gua lower, kun. Earth. obedience. mother. southwest. stomach

Happiness. Get into the divination. Primal Eternal Fortitude. There will be no bullshit. Wouldn't it be better to come right away? Latecomer - misfortune.

Possession of the truth - approach it. - There will be no hula. Possession of the truth is the filling of the jug: in the end it comes. - There will be happiness for others.
Approach him from within. - Fortitude - fortunately.
Approach him - the villain.
Approach him externally. - Fortitude - fortunately.
Apparent approximation. The king (when hunting) needs to put beaters (only from) three (sides) and release the game that goes ahead. - (If) you do not put restrictions on the townspeople, (then there will be) happiness.
Approaching him is devoid of the main thing. - Misfortune.


Bi (Approximation): unite, make an alliance; spiritual connection between people; organize things into categories, choose and compare; find an occupation to your liking; harmonize, combine; neighbours; equal, identical; to work together. The hieroglyph depicts a person who has stopped and looks around, studying.

figurative row

This is the time to organize the existing and create categories. The ordering process must be guided not only by the mind, but also by the heart. Look for the original properties of things. Compare and sort things according to their nature. Don't be afraid to ask questions to clarify your connection to people and events. This is not the time to calm down. The situation is changing rapidly, ties are broken and restored. If someone hesitates, the path for him may be closed. Get rid of old ideas. You have to find new ways of relating things. Change doesn't have to be painful. Let joy, harmony and pleasure serve as guidelines for you. Give each event its own place, where it will look natural next to others. Take advantage of this opportunity and make a difference now. If you are late, the path will be closed.

Outer and Inner worlds

Water and Earth

The connection with the outer world breaks down, while new ways of grouping things appear in the inner world.

The classification of beings according to their qualities contains hidden opportunity getting rid of obsolete forms.


There must be room for a group in the set. Realizing this allows you to use the approximation.


Approach means joy.


Water flows over the earth. Approximation.

The rulers of antiquity appointed vassals to rule over the entire host of cities.

Hexagram lines

First six

Draw close to the one who owns the truth.
There will be no bullshit.
He is full of truth, like a filled jug.
If you come to him, there will be happiness for others.
The situation is conducive to establishing a connection with the spirits. Approaching disinterestedly, you will gain benefit for yourself. Still just getting started.

Six second

Approach your goal from within.

way out inner peace to the outside is open. Do not lose the feeling of inner connection with your goal.

Six third

Approaching the goal, but it is not the same.

The approach is not over yet. If this is a person, leave him alone, if this is an ideal, then not the one you need.

Six fourth

External approach to the goal.
Resilience is a blessing. The path is open.

Your target is now visible. You have done your best and the path is open. Keep going in the same direction.

Nine fifth

clear approximation.
The king should place beaters only on three sides.
And release the game that goes ahead.
Then there will be no prohibitions for the townspeople, and there will be Happiness.

In reaching your goal, be like a king who goes hunting. Do not block all escape routes. Then the prey will be that which comes to you. You do not need to bind people with prohibitions in order for them to obey you. The way is open (happiness).

Top six

Approaching the goal is devoid of the main thing.

In the end, there is a situation of overdevelopment. The goal is suddenly lost, leaving only the movement of inertia. The path is closed. Move on to a new stage, otherwise trouble awaits you.

General interpretation according to Y. Shutsky

Achieving victory - conquest - is only a moment, the result of which must be consolidated. Action aimed at consolidating victory characterizes this situation. It consists in the mutual rapprochement of the victor and the area he conquered, which is possible because victory means the destruction and subjugation of everything that is alien, that is not capable of rapprochement. For the latter, it is necessary here to make a correct forecast of future development, and for the time being it is not so much about achieving the well-being of the conquered area, but about preventing external forces that act destructively. If for the previous situation the moment of victory is last moment, then for this situation it acts as its beginning. It contains those initial ratios that are subject to stable preservation for the whole future. This is how things stand from the point of view of the one to whom (it) approaches. For those who approach it, it must be borne in mind that in a given situation the most beneficial approach is possible, which all those capable of approaching should immediately take advantage of. Being late under such conditions is tantamount to a refusal, tantamount to turning from an accomplice of victory into a defeated and defeated one. - In the process of cognition, while new knowledge has not yet been achieved, one has to perform various actions to achieve it. Here is the opposition of knowledge to ignorance, and the bringing into harmony of the chaos of experiences, and the penetration into the still inaccessible element of the not yet known, and the delimitation from random, interfering ideas. But knowledge has been won. This means that all these actions have been brought to a positive result. Then in the realm of cognition everything related to it is achievable, nothing alien to it hinders it. It is possible and necessary to bring the new, higher knowledge closer to the previously known. That which retains in the latter the power of persuasiveness, in spite of the attainment of a new cognition, standing on a higher level, is immediately united with it in single system knowledge. The same knowledge of the previous stages, which in this moment are latecomers, i.e., no longer fit, are doomed to death. Such is the intermediate situation between the conquest of victory and its future educational action. The text expresses it this way: Approach. Happiness. Penetrate into the oracle, and there will be no blasphemy from the original eternal steadfastness. Wouldn't it be better to come right away? Whoever is late, that - misfortune.

The furthest from the winner and at the same time the most pliable circle of subordinates is deprived of the opportunity to act independently. He strives in the most intense way to approach the conqueror, for he especially feels the distance from the conqueror, who (taking into account the previous comment) appears here as the bearer of new, true knowledge: as "the owner of the truth." Relations here, at the beginning of rapprochement, are still extremely simple, devoid of pretentiousness and artificiality. Therefore, the "possessor of the truth" is full of it, like a simple unsophisticated earthen jar is full of water. Its appearance is not the point, but its content. Everyone approaching him, even acting for his own sake, still does what the situation requires. Therefore, coming to him unconditionally, to the end, he creates happiness not only for himself, but also for others. Passively keeping his knowledge, he joins with it in the whole system of the newly won level of understanding of the world and forms for the latter, as it were, a boundary that shapes it. This is the useful action of simple human reason, common sense, which is replaced by other types of cognition at later stages. The text expresses this in the following words: In the beginning, a weak line. Draw close to the one who has the truth. There will be no bullshit. He is full of truth, like a filled jug. You will fully come to him, and there will be happiness for others.

The approximation that is conceived here is not an external, not purely spatial closeness, but a convergence in essence, for which only internal consonance is decisive. Therefore, in the process of this situation, first of all, its rhythm and consonance of this rhythm are taken into account. We have repeatedly seen that the process expressed in one or another hexagram represents the rhythm of two waves, in which the second and fifth positions express the highest points of development of each wave. Therefore, there is such an inner affinity between them. Here it is still supported by the opposition of the forces of Light (5) and Darkness (2), and, consequently, by their mutual attraction. With all this, here both of these forces occupy their positions normally. Therefore, it is between them, perhaps, the most correct, most fruitful rapprochement. If it contains the whole essence of this hexagram, then in this line it is expressed most of all in essence only in concepts, while its figurative development in representations will be shown in the text of the fifth line. It also marks that moment in knowledge, which is characterized by passion, the attraction to knowledge, but also the full opportunity to realize this attraction. It is, and nothing prevents it. The latter is even expressed purely graphically: after all, between the second trait (the subject of desire) and the fifth (the object of desire) there are no strong traits that can resist. However, on this stage it means only an approximation, but not yet the achievement of the object of desire. And if for the fifth position, as we shall see, complete and perfect knowledge will be characteristic, then for the given position only the striving for it and the possession of it is not real, but only in the ideal. The latter, nevertheless, is possible, because the line between the inner and the outer is destroyed here by the force of their consonance and mutual gravity. These thoughts are given here only in a hint of a very stingy text, but they undoubtedly follow from the entire system of the monument and are necessary for a worthy saturation of an overly laconic text: A weak feature is in second place. Approach him from within. Resilience is a blessing.

The striving for the object - the highest ideal - remains here too, but more favorable conditions have already passed. Here we are talking about latecomers, which are mentioned in the text of the hexagram itself. The striving itself is strength, and the presence of strength necessarily causes confrontation. Thus, the subject here confronts face to face all the negative forces that are sometimes considered in the commentary literature as infernal. This is also expressed in the fact that here there is only a striving for the ideal, with the complete impossibility of realizing it, because the qualities that had such a beneficial effect on the previous stage: consonance, normality, concentration, are completely absent here. The latter is possible only on the second and fifth (central in the trigram) steps, while the first and second are absent in this position: both the third and sixth positions are occupied by homogeneous and therefore dissonant forces, and the third, odd position is occupied not according to the norm by a weak feature. This is embedded in the words of a laconic text: Weak trait in third place. You approach him, but he is not the same.

After the crisis experienced, the approach is again possible, but the inner affinity is no longer recoverable. For him, time has already passed. And the only thing that is possible here is external, spatial proximity, which is also significant under these conditions. - If it was about the internal affinity of concepts, now it is about the proximity of their comparison. At the same time, of course, the facets of the compared concepts separate them, just as they connect them, i.e. "bring together". All that is needed for success here is the perseverance of maintaining such a status quo. The most ancient commentary tradition considers this closeness to be close to the ruler of his advisers, between whom it can be maintained not due to internal consonance, but only due to the subordination of advisers to the supreme authority. In the text we read only: Weak trait in fourth place. External approach to it. Resilience is a blessing.

If in the previous approximation, the approach was considered from the side of those who are approaching, now it is considered from the side of the one to whom they are approaching. This object of approach is expressed by a single line of light, to which, due to polarity, all the others gravitate. Here, one quality of this object, its clarity, is enough, which imparts a shade of clarity to the entire process of approximation. However, this is not a passive assumption of a formless and free approach, but a completely definite shaping of the freedom of those approaching. It is expressed in images borrowed from the rituals of ancient China. As one of the significant commentators, the Sung Cheng Yi-chuano, points out, already in the Chou dynasty there was a cult rite of royal hunting, in which beaters were placed only on three sides of the field. The fourth side was open, and the game that fled from the hunting king could freely escape death. Thus, only those animals were killed that went straight to the hunter, who "did not need life" and they "themselves gave it to him." It was believed that such an action of the king is a powerful prototype for the entire population, that any prohibitions turn out to be superfluous. This is how this freedom is expressed, yet framed by the framework of necessity. A relatively common text expresses this in the following words: Strong feature in fifth place. Apparent approximation. The king should place beaters only on three sides and let the game ahead. Then there will be no restrictions for the citizens. Happiness.

The last step indicates some overdevelopment. Such is the overdevelopment of approximation. The feeling of the object of approach is lost in it, and only the approach itself remains unknown to what. One aimless desire. The hopelessness of this state in a laconic phrase of the text is expressed as follows: Above is a weak feature. Approaching him is devoid of the main thing. Misfortune.

Canonical text

Happiness. Get into the divination. Primal Eternal Fortitude. There will be no bullshit. Wouldn't it be better to come right away? Latecomer - bad luck.

  1. Possession of the truth - draw near to it. - There will be no hula. Possession of the truth is the filling of the jar: in the end it comes. - There will be happiness for others.
  2. Approach him from within. — Fortitude — fortunately.
  3. Get close to him - the villain.
  4. Approach him externally. — Fortitude — fortunately.
  5. Apparent approximation. The king (when hunting) needs to put beaters (only from) three (sides) and release the game that goes ahead. - (If) do not put restrictions on the townspeople, (then there will be) happiness.
  6. Approaching him is devoid of the main thing. — Misfortune.

Achieving victory - conquest - is only a moment, the result of which must be consolidated. Action aimed at consolidating victory characterizes this situation. It consists in the mutual rapprochement of the victor and the area he conquered, which is possible because victory means the destruction and subjugation of everything that is alien, that is not capable of rapprochement. For the latter, it is necessary here to make a correct forecast of future development, and for the time being it is not so much about achieving the well-being of the conquered area, but about preventing external forces that act destructively. If for the previous situation the moment of victory is the last moment, then for the given situation it acts as its beginning. It contains those initial ratios that are subject to stable preservation for the whole future. This is how things stand from the point of view of the one to whom (it) approaches. For those who approach it, it must be borne in mind that in a given situation the most beneficial approach is possible, which all those capable of approaching should immediately take advantage of. Being late under such conditions is tantamount to a refusal, tantamount to turning from an accomplice of victory into a defeated and defeated one. - In the process of cognition, while new knowledge has not yet been achieved, one has to perform various actions to achieve it. Here is the opposition of knowledge to ignorance, and the bringing into harmony of the chaos of experiences, and the penetration into the still inaccessible element of the not yet known, and the delimitation from random, interfering ideas. But knowledge has been won. This means that all these actions have been brought to a positive result. Then in the realm of cognition everything related to it is achievable, nothing alien to it hinders it. It is possible and necessary to bring the new, higher knowledge closer to the previously known. That which retains the power of persuasiveness in the latter, despite the achievement of a new cognition, standing on a higher level, is immediately united with it into a single system of knowledge. The same cognitions of the previous stages, which at the present moment are latecomers, i.e. no longer useful, are doomed to perish. Such is the intermediate situation between the conquest of victory and its future educational action. The text expresses it this way: Approach. Happiness. Penetrate into the oracle, and there will be no blasphemy from the original eternal steadfastness. Wouldn't it be better to come right away? Whoever is late, that - misfortune.


The furthest from the winner and at the same time the most pliable circle of subordinates is deprived of the opportunity to act independently. He strives in the most intense way to approach the conqueror, for he especially feels the distance from the conqueror, who (taking into account the previous comment) appears here as the bearer of new, true knowledge: as "the owner of the truth." Relations here, at the beginning of rapprochement, are still extremely simple, devoid of pretentiousness and artificiality. Therefore, the "possessor of the truth" is full of it, like a simple unsophisticated earthen jar is full of water. Its appearance is not the point, but its content. Everyone approaching him, even acting for his own sake, still does what the situation requires. Therefore, coming to him unconditionally, to the end, he creates happiness not only for himself, but also for others. Passively keeping his knowledge, he joins with it in the whole system of the newly won level of understanding of the world and forms for the latter, as it were, a boundary that shapes it. This is the useful action of simple human reason, common sense, which is replaced by other types of cognition at later stages. The text expresses this in the following words: In the beginning, a weak line. Draw close to the one who has the truth. There will be no bullshit. He is full of truth, like a filled jug. You will fully come to him, and there will be happiness for others.


The approximation that is conceived here is not an external, not purely spatial closeness, but a closeness in essence, for which only internal consonance is decisive. Therefore, in the process of this situation, first of all, its rhythm and consonance of this rhythm are taken into account. We have repeatedly seen that the process expressed in one or another hexagram represents the rhythm of two waves, in which the second and fifth positions express the highest points of development of each wave. Therefore, there is such an inner affinity between them. Here it is still supported by the opposition of the forces of Light (5) and Darkness (2), and, consequently, by their mutual attraction. With all this, here both of these forces occupy their positions normally. Therefore, it is between them, perhaps, the most correct, most fruitful rapprochement. If it contains the whole essence of this hexagram, then in this line it is expressed most of all in essence only in concepts, while its figurative development in representations will be shown in the text of the fifth line. It also marks that moment in knowledge, which is characterized by passion, the attraction to knowledge, but also the full opportunity to realize this attraction. It is, and nothing prevents it. The latter is even expressed purely graphically: after all, between the second trait (the subject of desire) and the fifth (the object of desire) there are no strong traits that can resist. However, at this stage, only the approximation, but not yet the achievement of the object of desire, is meant. And if, as we shall see, the fifth position is characterized by complete and perfect knowledge, then for the given position only the striving for it and the possession of it is not real, but only in the ideal. The latter, nevertheless, is possible, because the line between the inner and the outer is destroyed here by the force of their consonance and mutual gravity. These thoughts are given here only in a hint of a very stingy text, but they undoubtedly follow from the entire system of the monument and are necessary for a worthy saturation of an overly laconic text: A weak feature is in second place. Approach him from within. Resilience is a blessing.


The striving for the object - the highest ideal - remains here too, but more favorable conditions have already passed. Here we are talking about latecomers, which are mentioned in the text of the hexagram itself. The striving itself is strength, and the presence of strength necessarily causes confrontation. Thus, the subject here confronts face to face all the negative forces that are sometimes considered in the commentary literature as infernal. This is also expressed in the fact that here there is only a striving for the ideal, with the complete impossibility of realizing it, because the qualities that had such a beneficial effect on the previous stage: consonance, normality, concentration, are completely absent here. The latter is possible only on the second and fifth (central in the trigram) steps, while the first and second are absent in this position: both the third and sixth positions are occupied by homogeneous and therefore dissonant forces, and the third, odd position is occupied not according to the norm by a weak feature. This is embedded in the words of a laconic text: Weak trait in third place. You approach him, but he is not the same.


After the crisis experienced, the approach is again possible, but the inner affinity is no longer recoverable. For him, time has already passed. And the only thing that is possible here is external, spatial proximity, which is also significant under the given conditions. - If we were talking about the internal affinity of concepts, then now it is about the closeness of their comparison. At the same time, of course, the facets of the compared concepts separate them, just as they connect them, i.e. "bring together". All that is needed for success here is the perseverance of maintaining such a status quo. The most ancient commentary tradition considers this closeness to be close to the ruler of his advisers, between whom it can be maintained not due to internal consonance, but only due to the subordination of advisers to the supreme authority. In the text we read only: Weak trait in fourth place. External approach to it. Resilience is a blessing.


If in the previous approximation, the approach was considered from the side of those who are approaching, now it is considered from the side of the one to whom they are approaching. This object of approach is expressed by a single line of light, to which, due to polarity, all the others gravitate. Here, one quality of this object, its clarity, is enough, which imparts a shade of clarity to the entire process of approximation. However, this is not a passive assumption of a formless and free approach, but a completely definite shaping of the freedom of those approaching. It is expressed in images borrowed from the rituals of ancient China. As one of the significant commentators, the Sung Cheng Yi-chuano, points out, already in the Chou dynasty there was a cult rite of royal hunting, in which beaters were placed only on three sides of the field. The fourth side was open, and the game that fled from the hunting king could freely escape death. Thus, only those animals were killed that went straight to the hunter, who "did not need life" and they "themselves gave it to him." It was believed that such an action of the king is a powerful prototype for the entire population, that any prohibitions turn out to be superfluous. This is how this freedom is expressed, yet framed by the framework of necessity. A relatively common text expresses this in the following words: Strong feature in fifth place. Apparent approximation. The king should place beaters only on three sides and let the game ahead. Then there will be no restrictions for the citizens. Happiness.


The last step indicates some overdevelopment. Such is the overdevelopment of approximation. The feeling of the object of approach is lost in it, and only the approach itself remains unknown to what. One aimless desire. The hopelessness of this state in a laconic phrase of the text is expressed as follows: Above is a weak feature. Approaching him is devoid of the main thing. Misfortune.

External - Immersion, internal - self-giving. In Immersion, Yang is still enclosed in a shell of Yin, but with full dedication, this process can already mean an approach to the Absolute. And since it manifests itself in the form of accidents, you should give them the opportunity to influence your life. So you can drive game from all sides and at the same time its fate will be predetermined, or you can leave chance to decide the outcome of the hunt: the king on the hunt needs to put beaters only on three sides and release the game that goes ahead. However, such an approach is not enough for a wise man, he needs a more complete knowledge of the Absolute - a simple approach to it is devoid of the main thing.

Haislip interpretation

Now the worst is over. But some difficult problems remain unresolved. Success will accompany you only if you act in cooperation with other people, and therefore do not avoid common affairs, try to participate in them. Don't neglect your responsibilities. Be true to yourself, because mutual understanding and respect are just as necessary in relationships between people who love each other, as between a teacher and a student. Heed the advice of your friends and your superiors; this largely depends on the fulfillment of your desires. Not the right time to gamble.

First time description hexagram is found in the book of the ancient Chinese treatise "I-ching", or "Book of Changes", where 64 hexagrams . Each of them reflects the relationship between human life and cosmic processes that affect its course. Hexagrams are 6 dashes written in a column and having a unique meaning.

In ancient China, divination on hexagrams could be performed in various ways. The simplest and therefore most popular was divination using coins of happiness - coins, on the sides of which 6 hieroglyphs are depicted: 4 on the yang (male active) side and 2 on the yin (female passive).

It was carried out as follows: a fortuneteller randomly chose any 3 coins of happiness and tossed them. According to the results of the throw, a hexagram was compiled. Whole stripes meant the power of Yang, intermittent - Yin. Now divination on hexagrams has not lost its popularity and is now available even in the online version.

Hexagram 8, which sounds like “Bi” in Chinese, is translated as approach, closeness. Almost all lines in this hexagram, except for the second one, are broken. Each individual trait has its own meaning.

    The first says that if you want to unite with someone to achieve the goal, then nothing will work without trust and honesty on the part of both partners. If the partners have been working in the same direction for a long time, then the line indicates a well-coordinated and harmonious relationship.

    The second feature calls for 100% investing in business, using all your talents and skills, otherwise you can lose everything and even more.

    The third line indicates erroneous judgments. You need to rethink your judgments.

    The meaning of the fourth line is close to the first: it also speaks of partners in business, but indicates that they must be prudent and patient in business. Good advice and support from the fortuneteller will help them.

    The fifth line calls for unity with those who have similar impulses, then success will be guaranteed.

    The last feature indicates the need for trust as a link, without which joint work and achievement of the goal will become impossible.

Thus, the general meaning of the hexagram can be interpreted as the onset of the best moment for active action and calls on all who have been given this Chinese hexagram: "Learn to work together."

The dropped hexagram 8 indicates that in order to achieve the final victory, it remains only to consolidate, in principle, the already almost achieved result. The fortuneteller, by his own efforts, has already brought the desired to himself as close as possible. Many difficulties were overcome and now it remains only to correct minor roughnesses and get the long-awaited result.

The feeling of closeness in getting what you want should often give fresh strength for the last push, at which point a second wind can open to achieve the goal. This chance should not be missed - you need to get together and start implementing your plan, since there will be no second time, because time will be irretrievably lost. In the event of hexagram 8 falling out, it is worth concentrating the efforts of all those involved in the case on its final completion.

The Chinese hexagram calls to stop fighting alone, but to join forces with like-minded people or simply listen to the advice given by colleagues and relatives, which will allow, effectively using the positive qualities of each of the participants, in the end to achieve benefits for everyone. When achieving the goal, it is not at all necessary to play the role of a leader, you can be a simple executor of instructions. Honest performance of their duties, loyalty to the common cause and movement towards the goal will be stable and guaranteed. Do not get involved in gambling, now is not their time.

By the way, if 64 Chinese hexagrams are superimposed on an astrological circle, then planet Mars will correspond to hexagram 8. In the horoscope, this planet is attributed to inducing a person to strong-willed and vigorous activity, which, together with hexagram 8, calls for uniting with like-minded people and vigorous activity in order to achieve a mutually desired result.

Chinese hexagram 8 is an amazing symbol that carries and practical advice: love your surroundings, trust your friends and acquaintances, support them in turn, give yourself to the cause with all your heart and the result will not be long in coming.

Divination in the name of the betrothed "My beloved"

The name is guessed quite often. Any girl wants to know what the name of her future husband will be, and whether there are people with that name among her acquaintances. There are a lot of ways here. For example, all...

When the conquest according to the previous pictogram is successful, there comes the moment of consolidating the triumph, which consists in the unity of the two sides.

Hexagram 8 has a peaceful interpretation, but everything that resists becomes humiliated by force, therefore the subordinate area must be developed and protected. At this stage, according to the book of changes, external forces with a destructive effect should be eliminated in time, because victory in battle is only the start.

Hexagram 8, Bi, Approximation (Comparison).

  • Kan (Water) from above. Danger. middle son. North. Ear.
  • Kun (Earth) from below. obedience. Mother. Southwest. Stomach.

Happiness. Get into the divination. Fortune telling about the eternal for good luck. Wouldn't it be better to come right away? Latecomer - bad luck.

The pictogram consists of a pair of trigrams. The inner symbolizes Immersion, and the outer symbolizes Self-giving. In the literal sense, Yang is immersed in the shell of Yin, but complete dedication ensures movement towards the Absolute. According to the book of fate, the Absolute is a series of accidents, so they must burst into life and change it. Similarly, the royal hunt is always left to the will of fate.

If you are late in the process of rapprochement, then the transformation into a defeated army will become inevitable. Deciphering the sign suggests that the process of cognition at this stage requires many steps on the way to achieving new information: building chaotic experiences, opposing ignorance and knowledge, separating random ideas, penetrating into the unknown. As soon as a positive result is achieved, the obstacles no longer interfere, but it is necessary to bring the higher new knowledge closer to the past, previously achieved. This is the only way to create a unified system of knowledge. And late knowledge is doomed to perish.

Hexagram 8, Bi, Approximation (Comparison) in a general sense is the process of studying people and building relationships in the army system. You need to join the right team.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Six first. Feelings of guilt are not dangerous to those who are faithful. Good luck will come from the outside. The truth is like a full bowl. Yao testifies that to a person to strive for results is very determined. Relationships are built on the basis of sincerity. The patient is expected to recover. You can connect with spirits. Selflessness leads to profit.
  • Six second. It is necessary to show loyalty on the way inward, while the path to external world already open. You can't lose touch with own purpose. Happiness comes to the persistent. You need to help yourself, then people will support you. Emotional actions must be stopped in time. The patient's health is deteriorating.
  • Third six. The oath of allegiance was made to the wrong people, to other people's ideals. The end is still far away. According to the Yijing book, this Yao speaks of the guilt of even the most just and sincere person. Ahead is a difficult search for the right standard. You should not promise someone a loan.
  • Six number 4. The target is already visible on the horizon. The path is open, and the same direction must be followed. One must show fidelity outwardly and be persistent, then happiness is expected. Ahead of promotion thanks to the authorities and sincere advice from good people.
  • Fifth six. It is not necessary to cut off all the ways for the escape of the prey, then the result will be by chance. Do not bind others with your prohibitions to obey. You don't have to be careful to attract good luck. You shouldn't hit a lying person. If the key problem is resolved, then the overall situation will shift from the point. A breakthrough from the tight siege is inevitable.
  • Six at the top. Overdevelopment sets in, so the goal is lost. It is necessary to move by inertia, although the path is closed. The symbol says that endless regrets, difficulties and failure are possible. The point of being faithful has disappeared. The strength of the spirit grows stronger along with misfortunes.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. Submissive subordinates away from the winner do not act on their own. Such a team tries to get closer to the leader, since he is not only the commander of the army, but also the bearer of new knowledge, and therefore the owner of the truth. The process of rapprochement has just begun, the relationship is characterized by simplicity, not pretentiousness or artificiality.
    Everyone who moves towards the winner, even in conditions of self-interest, works for the benefit of the situation. So the leader ensures happiness for himself and others. A person keeps knowledge in himself and enters with it into the system of understanding of the world, forming borders for it. This is the effectiveness of human common sense, then replaced by other types of knowledge.
  2. According to the Chinese book, approximation does not have a spatial significance, but rather an internal consonance, a similarity in essence. Rhythm is very important in this process.
    As a rule, the second and fifth features are identified with the highest points in the development of two waves. Here it is also supported by the mutual attraction of opposites - Light (line 5) and Dark forces (line 2).
    There is every chance for a fruitful correct rapprochement. A multidimensional study of the trait shows that in cognition it is a passionate moment of attraction to knowledge, combined with the possibility of realization. Between 2 and 5 features, i.e. there are no resisting lines between the subject and the object of desire. But it is still too early to reach the object, it is still only an ideal.
  3. Favorable conditions are behind, but the desire for the object of knowledge remains. This position is dedicated to latecomers. Aspiration is a force, and this causes confrontation.
    The subject in fact remains in the face of negative forces. But here there is not enough consonance, concentration, normality for the movement towards the ideal.
  4. The crisis is over, you can again approach the object but without the former inner relationship. The Yijing book at this stage reduces the interpretation of the hexagram only to external proximity. Previously, it was about the similarity of concepts, and now only about their comparison. Good luck comes to those who maintain their position and show steadfastness.
  5. Approach here begins to be considered from the position of the one to whom they are moving. The object is expressed by a line of light, and its main characteristic is clarity. Thanks to this quality, it is possible to shape the freedom of all those approaching.
  6. The Chinese Book of Changes connects the meaning of the last step with re-development. The feeling of the approaching object is lost, so you have to move in complete obscurity. This is hopelessness and aimless striving for an incomprehensible horizon. At this stage, even a strong group decision made without a responsible leader will fail.

Extended interpretation of the sign

This hexagram indicates the clear benefit and necessity of divination. It is Yijing that gives a person the necessary indications and warnings for the future. The book of changes connects the interpretation of this sign with thoughts about the high. It is necessary to move away from material goals and reflect on why this or that meeting is needed, what is the role of each person. Thus, the fortuneteller's desire to learn about the team and his environment comes in handy. The prediction of the Chinese book speaks of danger, and therefore one must be vigilant, be fully armed. Knowledge of associates is also useful information if not late.

The most significant moment in current situation- open heart and desire to communicate. Move forward and pay attention to inner qualities of people. It is in this that the truth lies, and not in the external image. A variety of personalities will appear on the way, but you do not need to accept unreliable ones.

Be sure to decide on the position of the leader, chosen by conscience, and not by sympathy. High-ranking personalities will be in your environment, so you can notice their mistakes in secular and business area. The nobility of these individuals will not allow them to recoup their subordinates.

There comes a time of determination, because luck is in full swing. Do not be afraid to be a simple performer, because you are in the army of the winner. The advice of the leader and friends in such a situation is very useful. You have to be honest, understanding and respectful. Gradual communication must be preserved in the love area. A serious relationship is your goal, but check if your partner is ready for such a turn. Remember that now is not the time for gambling.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • Round moon in the sky. There is a successful career.
  • A scientist is drinking under the moonlight. It's time to rest and relax.
  • The process of intoxication. The book of changes connects the interpretation of hexagram 8 with sadness at the highest point of happiness.
  • A jar for creating medicines is on the far shelf. Symbol of excellent health.
  • The old tree has dried up, but blossomed into flowers. A sign of the arrival of good luck after a long black streak.
  • Central image - the North Star is surrounded by bright flashes. The earth is flooded with water.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wang

  1. Fortune telling in this case helps to understand whether a person is suitable for high standards. If he shows due perseverance, success is assured.
  2. A full study of the symbol suggests that loyalty leads to good luck. The arrival of assistants is expected, albeit uncertain.
  3. The pictogram refers to July. It is good in the winter-summer period, but in the spring it predicts illness.
  4. Help will come from all directions.
  5. You don't have to do to others what you don't want for yourself.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

  • In politics, the struggle will end in your victory. Success in public affairs will come in the form of rapprochement with important people and leaders. It is possible that the path will not be easy, but one cannot achieve victory alone, so contacts are very important.
  • In business, you must follow all the established rules. Observe the description of the contract and agreements. Get the help of a lawyer to sign new contracts. Remember attention to detail, punctuality and exactingness.
  • In gender relations, strive for trust and communication while there are opportunities. The love sphere is characterized by slow progress. Encourage your environment fairly and from the heart, both in words and materially.
  • Health is slowly declining. The probability of ailments of the pulmonary system is especially high.

Hexagram 8 associates its interpretation with slow convergence. It is this step that will lead to the development of frankness and trust. Remember to be impartial in your choice of team leader. Good allies will lead to success.

The worst is behind us, but some difficult problems still remain. Participate in common affairs, success awaits you in cooperation with others.

Be faithful, do not neglect your duties. Those who love each other need mutual respect and understanding just as much as a teacher and a student.

Fulfillment of desires largely depends on how you use the advice of superiors and friends. It's not the right time for gambling.

Achieving victory - conquest - is only a moment, the result of which must be consolidated. Action aimed at consolidating victory characterizes this situation.

It consists in the mutual rapprochement of the victor and the area he conquered, which is possible because victory means the destruction and subjugation of everything that is alien, that is not capable of rapprochement. For the latter, it is necessary here to make a correct forecast of future development, and for the time being it is not so much about achieving the well-being of the conquered area, but about preventing external forces that act destructively.

If for the previous situation the moment of victory is the last moment, then for the given situation it acts as its beginning. It contains those initial ratios that are subject to stable preservation for the whole future. This is how things stand from the point of view of the one to whom [it] approaches. For those who approach it, it must be borne in mind that in a given situation the most beneficial approach is possible, which all those capable of approaching should immediately take advantage of.

Being late under such conditions is tantamount to a refusal, tantamount to turning from an accomplice of victory into a defeated and defeated one. - In the process of cognition, while new knowledge has not yet been achieved, one has to perform various actions to achieve it. Here is the opposition of knowledge to ignorance, and the bringing into harmony of the chaos of experiences, and the penetration into the yet inaccessible element of the not yet known, and the delimitation from random, interfering with the idea.

But knowledge has been won. This means that all these actions have been brought to a positive result. Then in the realm of cognition everything related to it is achievable, nothing alien to it hinders it. It is possible and necessary to bring the new, higher knowledge closer to the previously known.

That which retains the power of persuasiveness in the latter, despite the achievement of a new cognition, standing on a higher level, is immediately united with it into a single system of knowledge. The same cognitions of the previous stages, which at the present moment are latecomers, i.e. no longer useful, are doomed to perish. Such is the intermediate situation between the conquest of victory and its future educational action. The text expresses it this way:

Approximation. Happiness. Penetrate into the oracle, and there will be no blasphemy from the original eternal steadfastness. Wouldn't it be better to come right away? Whoever is late, that - misfortune.

The furthest from the winner and at the same time the most pliable circle of subordinates is deprived of the opportunity to act independently. He strives in the most intense way to approach the conqueror, for he especially feels the distance from the conqueror, who (taking into account the previous comment) appears here as the bearer of new, true knowledge: as "the owner of the truth."

Relations here, at the beginning of rapprochement, are still extremely simple, devoid of pretentiousness and artificiality. Therefore, the "possessor of the truth" is full of it, like a simple unsophisticated earthen jar is full of water. Its appearance is not the point, but its content. Everyone approaching him, even acting for his own sake, still does what the situation requires. Therefore, coming to him unconditionally, to the end, he creates happiness not only for himself, but also for others. Passively keeping his knowledge, he joins with it in the whole system of the newly won level of understanding of the world and forms for the latter, as it were, a boundary that shapes it. This is the useful action of simple human reason, common sense, which is replaced by other types of cognition at later stages. The text expresses this in the following words:

Weakness in the beginning. Draw close to the one who has the truth. There will be no bullshit. He is full of truth, like a filled jug. You will fully come to him, and there will be happiness for others.

The approximation that is conceived here is not an external, not purely spatial closeness, but a closeness in essence, for which only internal consonance is decisive. Therefore, in the process of this situation, first of all, its rhythm and consonance of this rhythm are taken into account. We have repeatedly seen that the process expressed in one or another hexagram represents the rhythm of two waves, in which the second and fifth positions express the highest points of development of each wave. Therefore, there is such an inner affinity between them. Here it is still supported by the opposition of the forces of Light (5) and Darkness (2), and, consequently, by their mutual attraction. With all this, here both of these forces occupy their positions normally. Therefore, it is between them, perhaps, the most correct, most fruitful rapprochement. If it contains the whole essence of this hexagram, then in this line it is expressed most of all in essence only in concepts, while its figurative development in representations will be shown in the text of the fifth line.

It also marks that moment in knowledge, which is characterized by passion, the attraction to knowledge, but also the full opportunity to realize this attraction. It is, and nothing prevents it. The latter is even expressed purely graphically: after all, between the second trait (the subject of desire) and the fifth (the object of desire) there are no strong traits that can resist. However, at this stage, only the approximation, but not yet the achievement of the object of desire, is meant. And if, as we shall see, the fifth position is characterized by complete and perfect knowledge, then for the given position only the striving for it and the possession of it is not real, but only in the ideal. The latter, nevertheless, is possible, because the line between the inner and the outer is destroyed here by the force of their consonance and mutual gravity. These thoughts are given here only in a hint of a very sparse text, but they undoubtedly follow from the entire system of the monument and are necessary for a worthy saturation of an overly concise text:

Weak trait in second place. Approach him from within. Resilience is a blessing.

The striving for the object - the highest ideal - remains here too, but more favorable conditions have already passed. Here we are talking about latecomers, which are mentioned in the text of the hexagram itself. The striving itself is strength, and the presence of strength necessarily causes confrontation. Thus, the subject here confronts face to face all the negative forces that are sometimes considered in the commentary literature as infernal.

This is also expressed in the fact that here there is only a striving for the ideal, with the complete impossibility of realizing it, because the qualities that had such a beneficial effect on the previous stage: consonance, normality, concentration, are completely absent here. The latter is possible only on the second and fifth (central in the trigram) steps, while the first and second are absent in this position: both the third and sixth positions are occupied by homogeneous and therefore dissonant forces, and the third, odd position is occupied not according to the norm by a weak feature. This is nested in the words of a concise text:

Weak trait in third place. You approach him, but he is not the same.

After the crisis experienced, the approach is again possible, but the inner affinity is no longer recoverable. For him, time has already passed. And the only thing that is possible here is external, spatial proximity, which is also significant under the given conditions. - If we were talking about the internal affinity of concepts, then now it is about the closeness of their comparison. At the same time, of course, the facets of the compared concepts separate them, just as they connect them, i.e. "bring together". All that is needed for success here is the perseverance of maintaining such a status quo. The most ancient commentary tradition considers this closeness to be close to the ruler of his advisers, between whom it can be maintained not due to internal consonance, but only due to the subordination of advisers to the supreme authority. We only read in the text:

Weak trait in fourth place. External approach to it. Resilience is a blessing.

If in the previous approximation, the approach was considered from the side of those who are approaching, now it is considered from the side of the one to whom they are approaching. This object of approach is expressed by a single line of light, to which, due to polarity, all the others gravitate. Here, one quality of this object, its clarity, is enough, which imparts a shade of clarity to the entire process of approximation. However, this is not a passive assumption of a formless and free approach, but a completely definite shaping of the freedom of those approaching.

It is expressed in images borrowed from the rituals of ancient China. As one of the significant commentators, the Sung Cheng Yi-chuano, points out, already in the Chou dynasty there was a cult rite of royal hunting, in which beaters were placed only on three sides of the field. The fourth side was open, and the game that fled from the hunting king could freely escape death. Thus, only those animals were killed that went straight to the hunter, who "did not need life" and they "themselves gave it to him." It was believed that such an action of the king is a powerful prototype for the entire population, that any prohibitions turn out to be superfluous. This is how this freedom is expressed, yet framed by the framework of necessity. A relatively common text expresses this in the following words:

Strong trait in fifth place. Apparent approximation. The king should place beaters only on three sides and let the game ahead. Then there will be no restrictions for the citizens. Happiness.

The last step indicates some overdevelopment. Such is the overdevelopment of approximation. The feeling of the object of approach is lost in it, and only the approach itself remains unknown to what. One aimless desire. The hopelessness of this state in a laconic phrase of the text is expressed as follows:

Above is a weak feature. Approaching him is devoid of the main thing. Misfortune.
