Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Sunrise 35. Hidden opportunity. Extended interpretation of the sign

Jing (Sunrise): grow and prosper (the image of young plants illuminated by the sun); move forward, grow, progress; get promoted, rise, go up; saturate, permeate. The hieroglyph depicts flying birds at dawn.

The illustrious prince should be granted horses in great abundance.
In the cycle of the day, take subjects three times.

You rise slowly and surely as the sun rises, great power giving and receiving gifts. This is the time to attack. You will receive a blessing from above. Be calm and majestic, as befits a noble prince. Contribute to the emergence and development of things. Give them your strength and spirit. It's time to take a fresh look at yourself and the circumstances of your life. The energy of light carries you forward - don't resist it. Bathe in radiance. Connect with other people to make the light of your great idea shine even brighter. Use your inner light to realize the Tao.

The image given in this hexagram is deciphered from the images of the trigrams that make it up. Here below is a trigram denoting the earth, and above is the radiance, which is sometimes interpreted as the sun, i.e. before us is a picture of the sun rising above the earth, which is also indicated by the very name of the hexagram, which we translate accordingly with this word - Sunrise. If we compare this hexagram with the previous ones, then the next line of development of the situation is outlined. You need to start with the 31st hexagram, which is a synthesis of all previously acquired qualities and forces in their complete fusion, in marriage. Further, it was said that these forces must be subjected to some permanent law, after which this permanent law should be tested and deepened in the solitude of a person who has retired from activity for a while. This solitude leads to the development of a person of that great power, which in the future can guarantee favorable activity outside.

Only after all these situations can one finally appear that represents a real way outward, symbolized in the image of the sun rising above the earth. people around. Here, more than anywhere else, total generosity must be shown. Just as the sun generously distributes its rays to the entire environment, so the activity of a person should be directed to the benefit of all the people around him. Thus, activity can be deciphered, of course, on different scales, because a person's environment can extend to a greater or lesser number of people. But Wan Yi here even speaks of the development of generosity to cosmic dimensions. However, this is on the conscience of this commentator, because the text in the Book of Changes, which took shape in the specific conditions of the early feudal society in China, expressed this in images that still have nothing to do with the cosmic scope of thoughts.

External and inner worlds: Fire and Earth

Light emerges from darkness and fertilizes the earth, spreading prosperity.

Prosperity and enlightenment contain the hidden possibility of realizing the existing difficulties.


You can't build greatness forever. Realizing this allows you to enjoy the sunrise.


Sunrise means the beginning of the day.


Fire spreads over the earth. Sunrise.
The noble man gives birth to light in order to make clear the path of strength and virtue.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First six

If, stepping out and retreating, you remain steadfast, there will be happiness.
There will be no trust.
But if you treat it generously, there will be no blasphemy.

You act indecisively and do not meet the trust of others. However, be generous and don't blame them for your initial failures. The situation will change, and you will get the opportunity to brilliantly show your abilities.

In the first position, where this process is just beginning, the coming outward, the rise has not yet been outlined with complete obviousness. He is still indecisive to a certain extent, so that sometimes he even resembles a retreat. Therefore, it is possible that less empathetic people will not be able to notice the performance itself. And therefore, a person who is characterized in this situation may not meet the trust of others. However, he must learn to look at such non-recognition of his rising from those around him as something self-evident and treat those around him with complete generosity. Then blowjob this situation, and a person will still get the opportunity for a brilliant manifestation of his activity outside. Therefore, the text speaks here (minor discrepancies compared to the translation given above are explained by the fact that this is an interpretation from the point of view of Wan Yi).

Line 2

Six second

If you remain steadfast in promotion and depression, there will be happiness.
You will receive great favor from the mother of your sovereign.

You are saddened or depressed about something. Don't worry: the way is open. Show patience. You can count on outside help - in this position, she is symbolized by the feminine, which is invested with power.

The second position, as the apogee of the internal development of the hexagram, indicates the presence of a person in himself. For such a person who is in a situation of sunrise, being only in himself is inextricably linked with some depression. However, having realized that this depression is a temporary state, a person can continue to strive steadfastly for his sunrise. In any case, his stamina will eventually lead to a favorable outcome, and this is especially because here a person can count on outside support. According to the symbolism of the “Book of Changes”, this support can come from the one who is designated by the fifth position of this hexagram. Since the fifth position is occupied here by a weak feature that characterizes a woman, and since the fifth position in the social context is symbolized by the sovereign (the word “leader” is restored paleographically, a later understanding of the word is given here), insofar as it speaks of the support of the sovereign’s mother.

Line 3

Six third

The trust of many.
Repentance will disappear.

The trust that you have not been given before has finally come. You don't have to hold yourself back. Get busy and don't be afraid.

If in most cases the third position is associated with a crisis that precedes going out, then here, where the whole situation is going out, the third position is devoid of its characteristic feature of the crisis as something negative. On the contrary, here finally appears such a manifestation of a person in the external, which is perceived by the people around him, and therefore the trust on the part of other people, which was not shown to the person who stands in the given situation in the first position, is fully present here.

Line 4

Nine fourth

If you move out like a hamster, then the stamina will be terrible.

You are making the mistake of passing off seeming or wishful thinking. Perseverance will bring you trouble. Get rid of old ideas and be open to new ones.

The mistake that can be made in the fourth position is as follows. The fourth position is only preparatory to the fifth, because the center of the hexagram is in the fifth. The fourth position, so if used erroneously, it can become something like a fake, replacing the real with fake. This is expressed in the image of a hamster. By the way, Wan Yi, in order to make this exotic image understandable, tells the following: “Once upon a time, having just arrived in the Ming region, I saw a man selling a white hare. People, arguing with each other, wanted to buy it for 100 gold coins, but they did not succeed. The merchant fed a lot of hares, and then the price for them gradually fell to one money with something. Fans of strangeness tried to kill them and boil them, but they were so fetid that it was impossible to eat them. And it became so that not a single person bought them. We can say that this is not a white hare, but just a hamster. Alas! In essence, he is an insignificant rat, and he was fraudulently given the name of a white hare. This means that he, not having the necessary merits, took a high place. So it is with people of this kind.” After this story, perhaps the image given in the text will seem strange to us.

Line 5

Six fifth

Repentance will disappear.
Take neither loss nor gain to heart.
Performance - fortunately.
Nothing inauspicious.

The path is open, boldly carry out your plans. Now you are like the sun, which generously endows everyone with its warmth, making no distinction between big and small. Your actions will benefit those around you.

The fifth feature, representing the most perfect manifestation outside, is most of all associated with the image that is given in the symbolism of the trigrams that make up this hexagram. This sun, rising above the earth, is so full of strength and so generous that no loss and no gain can upset him. And the person who occupies this position, correcting all the mistakes he made in the past, in full generosity gives his strength to the environment.

Line 6

Top nine

Raise your horns only to punish your city.
This situation is terrible, but it is fortunate.
There will be no bullshit.
Durability, unfortunately.

Use your power wisely. You can accomplish great things, but this is only the outward manifestation of what has been achieved before. The situation is unstable, so you must carefully monitor yourself and adapt to the requirements of the current moment. In general, this period ends favorably.

Since the third feature of the upper trigram is strong (as the maximum manifestation of this radiance on the outside), most of all characterizes the qualities of radiance, to the extent that in society the unfavorable sixth position here is devoid of this quality. But this is only an external manifestation of radiance, completely devoid of essence, as something most extreme that has gone outside, it is expressed in the form of horns. They may be an outward manifestation, but only an outward manifestation. And here is an image of clarity on the outside in the absence of clarity on the inside. Therefore, the forces present in a person here can, of course, be enough for some deed, but it is not as great as the deed of generosity expressed in the previous position.


Demand, instead of love for humanity, hatred for everything that lies on the road and hinders progress.
Alexander Herzen




Sunrise. Progress. Forward movement.

Structure Explanation

Fire above the Earth is a symbol of Clarity, Illumination, Ascension to the heights of the Spirit (including).

The structure of both guas



Every advancement comes with initial difficulties. A child who is learning to walk will fall many times before taking the first step, but this is a necessity on every journey.


Learn from the forefathers, observe the continuity of traditions and experience.


Compliance with the rules and laws is mandatory. The expression of will, which allows doing great things, must be brought up.



Human vices hinder the enlightenment of consciousness.


One should not regret what is lost and what has not yet been gained. We must remember: what you gave is yours.


Only by one's own strength, by experience, is it possible to move forward, the progress of millions consists of millions of progress.

The main thing in gua

Softness. Yin, advancing, occupies the level of the Ruler. Clarity is shown above the Earth, moving from Obedience to Radiance (Beauty).

Main thesis

Clarity is the image of flourishing, illumination of everything on Earth.

Divinatory Aspect

Social and spiritual advancement as a given from above.
For the most part, gloomy forebodings will not come true.
Help from more powerful, influential people is guaranteed.

Correspondence with Tarot

May be assigned to Arcanum XIX, the Sun. The Sun Arcana is rightfully considered the best of all the Tarot Arcana. It means the realization of the Supreme in oneself.

The sun speaks of growth, maturity, success beyond expectations.

Arcanum XIX expresses the highest sky in the divine world, the Sacred Truth in the intellectual world, quiet happiness in the physical world. This is the Arcanum of intuition, it gives an idea of ​​the God-revealed simplicity of knowledge, endowing the spirit with a deep penetrating gaze, undisturbed by either doubts or indecision generated by doubts. It is seeing things as they really are. Arkan teaches to receive simple and pure impressions without any intellectual add-ons. These impressions reveal things in their original form.

Therefore, when we talk about parental love, about rituals, for example, about prayers with a rosary, we do not deviate from the topic of this Arcana and this sign - on the contrary, we comprehend their deep essence. The sun in general is a symbol of achieving the unity of the mind and spontaneous wisdom or intuition.

If there is a sunrise, then there is a sunset. If there is an advance, there is something that will harm him, therefore, they accept it through the sign MIN YI, DEFEAT OF CLARITY.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Public position, politics.

Achievements in different areas depend on more powerful people. Spiritual growth is a given. Gradual ascent to the heights of success.

2. Business (everything connected with the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

In business - law and order, compliance with agreements. Accuracy. Success comes when you take small steps towards it.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Love relationships develop gradually. While you are at the beginning of the journey, but in the future you will find mutual love. Perhaps it will develop into a desire for marriage.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

In interpersonal relationships - a strict distribution of roles, everyone has their own place on your hierarchical ladder, and fair.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Blood problems, in the future they can become quite serious. Progressive advancement, ascent to the heights.


Arcanum XIX, the Sun, Arcanum of the connection of reason and spontaneous wisdom, Arcanum of intuition.

"By their fruits you will know them. Do they gather grapes from thorns or figs from burdock? So every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor a bad tree can bear good fruit" ( Gospel of Matthew). So is the fortuneteller, who in the layout fell this good sign, will receive good, good. What he desires, what he hopes for, will be fulfilled for him by fate.

Vera Sklyarova. Card canon "I-Ching"

dropped out to you hexagram "Jin" represents, as it were, the culmination of the development of several previous situations. You have already managed to accumulate strength and knowledge, think in detail about the stages of the upcoming activity and, of course, acquire like-minded people. And only now, after a rather long period, your activity begins to bring the first tangible results. It is this symbol of uplift and general success in business that is reflected in the namehexagrams - "Sunrise".
Thus, the whole course of events pushes you to active, fruitful activity. But there is a little trick here that you need to unravel before you plunge headlong into various cases. According to the text of the Chinese classic "Book of Changes", your actions will be successful only if you direct your strength and skill to work that will benefit not only you, but also those around you.
It is difficult to speak about the scale of your help to others. For the most part, it all depends on your abilities, knowledge, experience and, of course, the desire to work for the benefit of other people. On the this stage you should show a certain amount of disinterestedness, otherwise your affairs will not be as effective as you would like.

Start with relationships with others: after all, where else can you find a sphere so convenient for revealing your talents and abilities. It will be better if you try not only to get into the state of affairs of your friends and buddies (of course, not just out of curiosity), but also to involve them in your plans and intentions.
Do not rush, however, to achieve everything at once: calculate your strength and do not forget that your options are limited. Don't make empty promises; try also that your actions do not make other people dependent on you.

Your job should also not be limited to personal gain. Of course, we do not urge you to spend all your strength and knowledge on solving other people's problems: this way you will start your own business very quickly.
However, it does not hurt you to think about how exactly you can help the people around you. After all, you're not going to live the rest of your life all alone, are you? Therefore, you yourself will have to turn to others for support more than once. And if you want your requests for help to be met favorably, try to come to the rescue of your friends in advance.

Fulfillment of your desire largely depends on how specific stakeholders behave in the current situation. This does not mean at all that you yourself are not able to influence the course of events - not at all. You just have to constantly understand that all your actions should be coordinated with the actions of other people. Only in this case you get a real chance for the quick realization of your desire!

Canonical text

The illustrious prince should be granted horses and receive (subjects) three times in the cycle of the day.

  1. In advance and in retreat! — (If you stay in) fortitude, (there will be) happiness. There will be no truth. (But if you treat it) imperturbably, (then) there will be no blasphemy.
  2. In promotion and depression! — (If you stay in) perseverance, (there will be) happiness. You will receive such great prosperity from the mother of your king.
  3. The trust of many. - Repentance will disappear.
  4. (If) you advance like a hamster, (then) stamina (will be) dangerous.
  5. Repentance will disappear. Take neither loss nor gain to heart. — Performance — fortunately, nothing unfavorable.
  6. Show your horns only to punish (your) city. - (The situation) is dangerous, (but it) is fortunate: there will be no blasphemy. Resilience unfortunately.

The image given in this hexagram is deciphered from the images of the trigrams that make it up. Here below is a trigram denoting the earth, and above is the radiance, which is sometimes interpreted as the sun, i.e. before us is a picture of the sun rising above the earth, which is also indicated by the very name of the hexagram, which we translate accordingly with this word - Sunrise. If we compare this hexagram with the previous ones, then the next line of development of the situation is outlined. You need to start with the 31st hexagram, which is a synthesis of all previously acquired qualities and forces in their complete fusion, in marriage. Further, it was said that these forces must be subjected to some permanent law, after which this permanent law should be tested and deepened in the solitude of a person who has retired from activity for a while. This solitude leads to the development of a person of that great power, which in the future can guarantee favorable activity outside. Only after all these situations can finally appear that which represents the real exit to the outside, symbolized in the image of the sun rising above the earth. But in such a way outward, it is absolutely necessary to direct one's activity not only for the benefit of oneself, but also for the benefit of the people around. Here, more than anywhere else, total generosity must be shown. Just as the sun generously distributes its rays to the entire environment, so the activity of a person should be directed to the benefit of all the people around him. Thus, activity can be deciphered, of course, on different scales, because a person's environment can extend to a greater or lesser number of people. But Wan Yi here even speaks of the development of generosity to cosmic dimensions. However, this is on the conscience of this commentator, because the text in the Book of Changes, which took shape in the specific conditions of early feudal society in China, expressed this in images that still had nothing to do with the cosmic scope of thoughts: In the text, these thoughts are expressed as follows: Sunrise. The illustrious prince should be granted horses in great abundance and receive subjects three times in the cycle of the day.


In the first position, where this process is just beginning, the coming outward, the rise has not yet been outlined with complete obviousness. He is still indecisive to a certain extent, so that sometimes he even resembles a retreat. Therefore, it is possible that less empathetic people will not be able to notice the performance itself. And therefore, a person who is characterized in this situation may not meet the trust of others. However, he must learn to look at such non-recognition of his rising from those around him as something self-evident and treat those around him with complete generosity. Then this situation will blow over, and the person will still get the opportunity for a brilliant manifestation of his activity outside. Therefore, the text says here (slight discrepancies compared to the translation given above are explained by the fact that this is an interpretation from the point of view of Wan Yi): At the beginning, a weak line. If, while advancing and retreating, you remain steadfast, there will be happiness. There will be no trust. But if you treat it generously, then there will be no blasphemy.


The second position, as the apogee of the internal development of the hexagram, indicates the presence of a person in himself. For such a person who is in a situation of sunrise, being only in himself is inextricably linked with some depression. However, having realized that this depression is a temporary state, a person can continue to strive steadfastly for his sunrise. In any case, his stamina will eventually lead to a favorable outcome, and this is especially because here a person can count on outside support. According to the symbolism of the "Book of Changes", this support can come from the one who is designated by the fifth position of this hexagram. Since the fifth position is occupied here by a weak feature that characterizes a woman, and since the fifth position in the social context is symbolized by the sovereign (the word "leader" is restored paleographically, a later understanding of the word is given here), insofar as it speaks of the support of the sovereign's mother. In the text, this is expressed in the following words: Weak trait in second place. If you remain steadfast in speech and depression, then there will be happiness. You will receive such great favor from the mother of your sovereign.


If in most cases the third position is associated with a crisis that precedes going out, then here, where the whole situation is going out, the third position is devoid of its characteristic feature of the crisis as something negative. On the contrary, here finally appears such a manifestation of a person in the external, which is perceived by the people around him, and therefore the trust on the part of other people, which was not shown to the person who stands in the given situation in the first position, is fully present here. Therefore, the text here only says: Weak trait in third place. The trust of many. Repentance will disappear.


The mistake that can be made in the fourth position is as follows. The fourth position is only preparatory to the fifth, because the center of the hexagram is in the fifth. The fourth position, so if used erroneously, it can become something like a fake, replacing the real with fake. This is expressed in the image of a hamster. By the way, Wan Yi, in order to make this exotic image understandable, tells the following: “Once upon a time, having just arrived in the Ming region, I saw a man selling a white hare. People, arguing with each other, wanted to buy it for 100 gold coins, but they did not succeed. The merchant fed a lot of hares, and then the price for them gradually fell to one money with something. Fans of strangeness tried to kill them and boil them, but they were so fetid that it was impossible to eat them. And it became so that not a single person bought them. We can say that this is not a white hare, but just a hamster. Alas! In essence, he is an insignificant rat, and he was fraudulently given the name of a white hare. This means that he, not having the necessary merits, took a high place. So it is with people of this kind." After this story, perhaps the image given in the text will seem strange to us: A strong trait is in fourth place. If you move out like a hamster, then the stamina will be terrible.


The fifth feature, representing the most perfect manifestation outside, is most of all associated with the image that is given in the symbolism of the trigrams that make up this hexagram. This sun, rising above the earth, is so full of strength and so generous that no loss and no gain can upset him. And the person who occupies this position, correcting all the mistakes he made in the past, in full generosity gives his strength to the environment. This is reflected in the text in the following words: Weak trait in fifth place. Repentance will disappear. Take neither loss nor gain to heart. Nothing inauspicious.


Since the third feature of the upper trigram is strong (as the maximum manifestation of this radiance on the outside), most of all characterizes the qualities of radiance, to the extent that in society the unfavorable sixth position here is devoid of this quality. But this is only an external manifestation of radiance, completely devoid of essence, as something most extreme that has gone outside, it is expressed in the form of horns. They may be an outward manifestation, but only an outward manifestation. And here is an image of clarity on the outside in the absence of clarity on the inside. Therefore, the forces present in a person here can, of course, be enough for some deed, but it is not as great as the deed of generosity expressed in the previous position. Nevertheless, in general, the favorable nature of this position (of course, only in the context of this hexagram) is expressed in the text as follows: Above is a strong feature. Show your horns only to punish your city. This situation is terrible, but it is fortunate. There will be no bullshit. Resilience unfortunately.

In the outer - Cohesion and clarity, in the inner Fulfillment and dedication. A clear and harmonious external, with the still complete absence of manifestations of the absolute in the internal. It resembles the awakening of the inner - sunrise.

Haislip interpretation

Luck is near. You have not vainly counted on recognition and respect, they are rightfully waiting for you. In the future, you will be rewarded even more than now. Boldly and decisively step forward, rely on your lucky star. Your wish will not come true immediately, but don't let that sadden you. You are waiting for a meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a very long time. Do not overspend, be a little more economical; this will help you a lot in the future.

The symbol is lucky and predicts a big reward in the future if you can be economical at the present time.

Good luck is on the way. The recognition and respect that you rightfully count on is waiting for you in the near future. In the future, your reward will only increase.

Feel free to move forward towards the goal, relying entirely on fortune and your lucky star.

You will meet a person who has already been forgotten and has not been seen for a very long time. This will come as a surprise to you.

Save money, moderate your spending, in the near future your restrictions will pay off handsomely.

The desire will be fulfilled with a slight delay, don't let it sadden you.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 35. Sunrise

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation for the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question - Jin - Sunrise

The hieroglyph depicts birds flying at dawn.

Young plants illuminated by the sun. Grow and prosper. Progress, grow, move forward. Go up, go up, get promoted. Penetrate, saturate.

Semantic connections of hexagram 35. Jin

Read associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the sunrise great strength giving and receiving gifts. As the sun rises, you receive a blessing from above and rise slowly and surely. As befits a noble prince, be majestically calm. Encourage the emergence and help the development of things. Share your strength and spirit with them.

This is the time to move forward and take a fresh look at the circumstances of your life. You are carried forward by the energy of light. Bathe in radiance and don't resist it. To make the light of your idea shine majestically and brightly, connect with other people and bestow your power on them. Take full advantage of your inner light and spirit to realize the Tao.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation canonical text perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the thirty-fifth hexagram.

[The illustrious prince should be granted horses in great abundance

and in the cycle of the day receive (subjects) three times]

I. At the beginning of the six.

Stepping out and retreating, [if you remain] steadfast, there will be happiness.

There will be no trust. But if you treat it with equanimity, then there will be no blasphemy.

II. Six second.

In promotion and depression. If you remain persistent, there will be happiness.

You will receive such great favor from the mother of your leader.

III. Six third.

The trust of many.

- Repentance will disappear.

IV. Nine fourth.

If you move out like a hamster, then the stamina will be terrible.

V. Six fifth.

Repentance will disappear.

Take neither loss nor gain to heart.

— Performance — fortunately, nothing unfavorable.

VI. Top nine.

Show your horns only to punish your city.

- [The situation] is terrible, but it is fortunate: there will be no blasphemy.

Resilience unfortunately.
