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Photo session of the sisters. Barely different: a series of sensual photos of two sisters in the lens of their mother Family photo session of sisters


Two sisters, photo. Photo of sisters, two girls - Two sister girls, elegant clothes, Russian outfits, flowers in their hands. Nesterov, painting, drawings, photo, biography

Memoirs of Mikhail Nesterov:

“Who does not know that memories, memoirs are the lot of old age: she lives in the past, shrouded in a haze of past times. And this gives them a special aroma of flowers forgotten in a long-read book of life. In the proposed essays, in some memoirs about people, about their deeds , about what people once thought, guessed, reading the essays, perhaps, will find a lot of subjective, but it cannot be otherwise, since it was not my task to keep a record of what I saw, heard, and in my essays I speak as I understand, I feel, without any pretense of infallibility ... "read more "

Travels of Mikhail Nesterov:

Biography of Mikhail Nesterov:

Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov, a young artist from distant Ufa, burst into the artistic life of Russia boldly and swiftly. His painting "Vision to the youth Bartholomew" became a sensation at the 18th Traveling Exhibition in Moscow. The youthful dreams of a provincial about recognition, about glory began to come true. His father half-jokingly used to say that only then would he believe in the success of his son, when his works were acquired by Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, the famous Moscow collector. Getting into the Tretyakov Gallery meant more than having academic titles and awards. And now two paintings by Nesterov were bought by Tretyakov...

Introducing family photo session of two sisters from photographer Evgenia Pavlova called "Memories and a bit of retro." Before that, we already talked about her other shoot.

You can enjoy other works of Evgenia on her website.

Evgenia comments on her shooting:


And Lina and Yana, sisters, wanted to spend joint photo session, while they had a desire to shoot in retro style, with beautiful decor. In the process of discussion, a direction emerged - the old premises, forgotten photographs, a return to the past, a little nostalgia. We started working on this idea, how to show the passage of time, memories of the past and life in the present.


We decided to hold a photo session in a photo studio, chose a room with minimal furniture and loft-style decor - old brick factory walls, a huge fireplace, a sagging sofa made of cracked leather; was determined warm studio colors- caramel, brown, gray muted tones.

Color scheme and makeup

The heroines of the shooting picked up black dresses - as the most suitable retro option, without any distracting details and elements. Emphasis has been placed on girls makeup– arrows and red lipstick completed the look. For creating atmosphere due to interesting details it was decided to involve a decorator. Project decorator Ekaterina Kislitsyna talks about her work on this project:

How the scenery was chosen

The theme of the photoset was defined as "Europe of the 30s - 40s", hence the color scheme of the scenery was determined: muted tones, soft colors.

Since the scenery was created for shooting two girls, I wanted to bring a little romanticism and soulfulness to them. Hence the plot "looking at old photos for a girl's tea party" appeared. Photos of girls that were used in the frame, as well as tea-set were found in antique shop.

Vintage items for decorations

Each shooting is individual, and I try to choose accessories specifically for the task. You could say that I'm always looking for interesting stuff, which may be useful for a particular scene.

For vintage shoots, I consider a rich source of inventory old dachas; as a rule, neighbors or acquaintances have a lot of interesting things: old fishing chest, gramophone, broken bicycle, etc. And after restoration, these things are ready to participate in photography. Basically all decor have to acquire. I use a small warehouse for storage. This makes it possible to give things more than one "life".

Where do ideas come from

Shooting plot development can take place in different ways: sometimes some interesting thing can determine the character and idea of ​​​​the scenery, and sometimes it’s worth specific task, the plot, based on which the decor is selected.

I love my job and willing to spend resources. This gives me the opportunity to work out the scene in detail without rigidly limiting myself in use. only available accessories.

How long does it take to decorate

There was a lot of time to create these scenery, about 3-4 weeks. Most of this time was spent thinking about the plot and accessories. But it also happens that the scene is created in one day.

Photographer Evgenia Pavlova comments further:

Shooting scenario

There were no falsities as such in the implementation. We came up with a scenario, how events developed, and began to embody it on the set:

Here Alina came, with a suitcase in her hands, she returned to the old house, looked around, found an old watch- they stopped and it was as if time had stopped.

Here she sat on the edge of the sofa look at old photos who left sometime before leaving. The photographs carried her memories back to her childhood, here is her mother, and here is her sister with funny ponytails.

Yana just sat down next to the sofa, and they are together looking at the family photo archive, and then they drink tea and laugh, remembering funny incidents from childhood.

There are two of them - and they are part of each other, and at the same time each of them has their own life and family, each of them already in itself.


During the filming process, I offered to take certain poses - stand up or sit down as best, voiced the emotion needed for the frame and offered to live it, to pass through. And the girls, not being professional models, did an excellent job.

Shooting technical data

The shooting was carried out in March, the room was quite dark, and I used studio light. Mostly used two light sources, one on the key light, the second either on the backlight or on the fill. Nozzles - softboxes. Filming was done mainly on 35mm f/1.4 lens, some close-ups taken on a lens with focal length85mm f/1.2.

Lightroom and Photoshop processing - retouching on large portraits by frequency decomposition, color correction, toning.
Photo shoot: "Memories and a bit of retro"
Photographer: Evgenia Pavlova
Makeup artist-stylist: Tatyana Rudzik
Decorator: Ekaterina Kislitsyna (dam_decor)
Models: Yana and Alina
Location: photo studio: Loft 19.0.5, room 901, Moscow

Who can be closer than a sister? It doesn't matter what your age difference is. Of course, the smaller it is, the wider the community of interests; the more, the more seriously the generational difference leaves its mark. One thing is invariable - this is the closest and dearest person. Over the years, life can take you to different parts of the world, scatter you around the world. But that connecting thread that your parents gave you will stretch through years and distances. You will always be important and need each other.

Ideas for a photo shoot

We offer several ideas from which you can definitely choose the ones that are right for you. Most photo shoots are for two sisters, but it often happens that not only relatives, but also cousins ​​and more distant sisters participate in it. Depending on the season, you can choose to shoot in a pavilion or outdoors.

Family photo session of sisters

Photos in the home interior will keep the memory of the father's house. Play back everything you did together. Poses will tell you memories.

  • In the kitchen. Cooking pancakes, pies and any other dishes. Laughing sisters with floury hands and noses. While you are fooling around, the photographer will shoot the whole story. Option: they drink tea, in the hands of a cup, in front of them is a stack of cooked pancakes or a vase of baked pies.
  • With books. The sisters lie on the carpet, propping their cheeks with their fists, each reading their own book. Option: back to back, leaning on each other. You can add a bitten apple in your hands.
  • Photo album. Together they look at the family album, pointing to the photo, as if asking: “Do you remember?”.
  • With parents. The most touching part. It can be a feast, a conversation on the couch, parents look out the window, in which children, looking around, wave to them on the street.
  • Order and find out Additional information about a family photo session

    A photo session does not have to be carried out in an apartment; you can create an atmosphere at home in a studio. It is enough to equip it with a table, sofa and other furniture, add decor and accessories. Home clothes - a bathrobe or a suit - will make it stylized.

    Remember childhood

    Childhood memories are the most persistent and joyful. You can recreate them in a playful way.

    • With toys. There are definitely some memorable toys that have survived to this day. There are 2 sisters in the frame - the eldest passes the younger doll. Option: the younger one takes away the toy from the older one, or vice versa.
    • Evening get-togethers. Both are sitting on the bed in pajamas, hugging pillows and chatting enthusiastically. Option: one whispers something in the other's ear, sharing a secret. Emotion: the one who listens puts her finger to her lips, promising to be silent, or covers her mouth with her palm in surprise.
    • Pillow fight. In the same pajamas, they fool around on the bed, throwing pillows. Option: jump on the bed.
    • Dream. The older one puts the younger one to bed, carefully straightening the blanket of the sleeping one.
    • Board games. Postures - both sit on the carpet or at the table and play some Board games. Option: draw in albums or on easels, peeping at each other.
    • Place: house, swimming pool, village house, playground, circus. In a word, any space with which childhood memories or associations are associated.

      A photo shoot with your little sister can be serious and you will have to play. Or mischievous, then it will pass easily.

      "Continuation" of old photos

      IN Lately the reproduction of children's photos by noticeably grown-up heroes has gained extraordinary popularity. Former children put on similar clothes as in old pictures, take the same poses. Comparison of photographs will certainly cause an explosion of positive emotions both for the participants in the portrait and for all the acquaintances and those involved in it.

      Emphasis on differences

      If adult sisters are similar, then opposition can become a means of emphasizing:

      • white-black (brunette-blonde);
      • "good" - "evil" (costumes);
      • serious-funny (emotions);
      • large-small (shooting in perspective).

      Poses for a photo shoot can be chosen according to the chosen concept.

      For twins, looking for differences can be an exciting experience. It is best to make a list of them in advance and try to beat them.

      Festive photoset

      Most often, a New Year theme is used for a festive photo shoot. Here, the poses next to the dressed-up spruce are endless. This is the transfer of gifts, and the expression of joyful emotions, and conversations with a glass of champagne, and the joint eating of sandwiches with caviar.

      There are a few more ideas:

      • Wedding. One of the sisters is the bride (roles may change). You can use not only photos, but also videos.
      • Birthday. Cake, candles, gifts, contests.
      • Carnival. Costumes and ideas can be picked up in the dressing room of any theater or the Palace of Culture.
      • Shooting in reportage style. Just behave as always - relax, have fun, celebrate the holiday. Or follow a pre-made script. And after - enjoy the successful shots that the photographer took!
      • You can order a photo session on our website. The price includes from 30 photos, color correction and photo processing. All photos will be sent to you within a week.

        Photo session of sisters in the studio

        The variety of topics for a photo shoot in the pavilion depends solely on the imagination of the photographer or the sisters themselves. Conduct a joint brainstorming, write down all the proposals. In the process of discussion, original ideas will certainly appear. After that, a script is drawn up, where the theme, interior, decor and poses are prescribed.

        The options are countless.

        • Historical reconstruction. It can be interiors of any era - from the ancient world to the modern military. For example, the boudoir of the empress or the hold of a pirate ship, the temple of Hellas or the disco of the 80s, the cave of a prehistoric man or Butcher shop the time of the NEP.
        • Modern interior of a luxury hotel.
        • An empty studio with only two sisters in focus. Poses - "emotions".
        • literary heroes. Famous and recognizable characters in their respective interiors. For example, Captain Nemo's cabin, three (or two) sisters in the Cherry Orchard, Tatyana and Olga Larina.
        • Movie. Options: superheroes, or rather, superheroines in appropriate costumes; bandits from the film of the same name; enchanted.
        • etc.

        Ideas and their implementation are limited only by imagination and budget.

        Photo session in nature

        Photographing outdoors depends on the seasons. You can stretch the process for twelve months to take photos in the snow, and in the green grass, and in the autumn abundance, and in the awakening nature.


        A photo session can take place on the shore of a reservoir, in a forest, in a field, in a summer cottage.

  1. Against the background of the sunset. Two backs of sisters sitting next to each other.
  2. Porch of a village house. They sit on different steps.
  3. Shore. They sit on the shore with their legs clasped in their hands.
  4. Field. Photo in motion. The sisters run hand in hand. Option: dance.


  1. On the grass. The sisters lie head to head "jack". Shooting from above. Option: lie side by side among the thick grass and hold hands.
  2. Dandelions. Blow white flower heads at each other. Option: one blows, the other squints and laughs.
  3. Flowers. Wreaths of any flowers, bouquets that cover the floor of the face, emphasis on the eyes.
  4. Road. They walk along the dividing strip of an asphalt or in the middle of a country road, hugging each other. The elder's hand is on the shoulder, the younger one is on the waist. Barefoot.
  5. Forest. Hand in hand with baskets.
  6. Berth. The sisters sit on the edge, leaning on their hands, feet in the water, looking at each other, talking.


  1. Sunflowers. Photos with this large flower have a symbolic meaning.
  2. Wreaths of multi-colored leaves, such as maple, are worn on each other's heads.
  3. Grapes and other autumn fruits and vegetables. Photo against the background of compositions from them.


  1. They play snowballs, make a snowman together.
  2. Are standing ski ammunition, wearing glasses, embracing.
  3. They go down the hill.
  4. Winter forest or park. Shake the snow from the branches at each other.

Photo shoot in retro style

For shooting in retro style, special preparation is needed: the development of a detailed script, the design of the studio, containing the maximum number of relevant details. The photo should contain costumes and poses, the ideas of which can be gleaned from the albums of the time you are going to reproduce.

For example, the 20s are characterized by the simplicity of outfits and makeup. The style of "Chicago" suggests pretentiousness and outrageousness. The 50s are characterized by renewed grace and femininity, where puffy skirts, corsets, and exquisite accessories are back in fashion. The 80s are all about bright colors in clothes and sporty looks.

The black-and-white execution of the pictures, stylized as the beginning of the century, adds authenticity to the retro photo shoot.

Emphasis on similarity

Sisters tend to look alike. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes it's subtle. The task of the photographer is to emphasize this. It can be difficult to do this if 2 or 3 sisters come to the photo shoot. What methods can be used:

  • identical poses;
  • uniformity in accessories, clothing or its color;
  • the same objects in the hands, for example, the same flowers;
  • wigs, makeup

Finding the similarities of three sisters is a professional challenge and an interesting task for a photographer.

Portrait photo session

A portrait photo shoot takes place in the studio. A make-up artist, stylist, costume designer take part in the preparation for it. This job requires the highest qualifications from the photographer. Here the sisters will have to strictly fulfill all the tasks set by the master: take bizarre poses, give out the emotions that he requires.

Several options for such work:

In this soulful series of shots, the photographer Anna Larson, who is also the mother of these two girls, wants to show that love has no limits. Anna has three children - two of her own, and one girl from Ethiopia, adopted five years ago. The sisters' love for each other is so tender and so genuinely honest that it can be felt even through the photographs.

Anna Larson(Anna Larson) says her heart has always been open to adopting someone else's child. After school, she went to volunteer in Haiti, and in the process developed a strong bond with one of the children she cared for. Upon returning home, Anna learned that the child had died after suffering from an illness caused by HIV. " Having experienced such a strong emotional trauma, I realized that adoption is something without which my family would not be complete. And although my two children are my own, I am extremely grateful for what my experience with my adopted daughter has taught me. It's a wonderful experience, not easy, but worth it anyway."

Anna started her project two years ago, when her daughters Semenesh and Haven were about three and a half and one and a half years old. " They have an amazing connection, they are ready to play with each other at any moment. Yes, sometimes they quarrel, not without it, but most of the time they spend in friendship and love. They are each other's closest friends."

The project is called Barely different"(Barely Different), and it's deliberately filmed in black and white to emphasize similarities rather than differences." I want to show the rest that the color of the skin has nothing to do with human affection,"explains Anna Larson. -" Two souls were born at different ends of the world, joined together through adoption, and united great love and care. It opened my eyes to the potential we have to love and accept each other as brothers and sisters. Just like my girls."

Family ties need to be sealed not only by joint deeds, but also by joint photographs. Sisters - can become the closest friends, female friendship, as you know, is the strongest. There are legends about her. And if you have such a sister, then you should arrange a photo shoot with her. After all, such professional photography is not only beautiful pictures but a lot of emotions and even strengthening friendships. You will capture your relationship for many years, such pictures will refresh your feelings in many years. When you feel that your sisterly friendship is cooling down, pick up the album and remember how it was before. This will help rekindle your feelings.

Ideas for a photo shoot of sisters

Sisters can take a photo session anywhere and at any time of the year. Neither cold nor heat is an obstacle for such shooting. In any weather, you can find a suitable and original idea for photography. Also, such shooting can be carried out indoors, for example, at home or in a studio. If you use accessories in a photo shoot, you can get additional sophistication of the shooting.

In order for photography to be successful, the first thing to do is to determine its direction, style and plot. There are many options for photography, including:

Gatherings in the home, family circle;

One can play with contrasts or differences between sisters;

The idea of ​​shooting on joint interests;

Photoshoot with girlfriends;

Shooting during the holidays.

Let's take a closer look at some ideas.

Photo session of sisters in the family circle:

The atmosphere of home comfort can be created not only at home, but also in the studio with the help of decorations and accessories. During studio photography, you can realize interesting ideas and images, and for this you can additionally add various details.

In order to achieve the effect of home comfort in a photo studio, it is enough to put a kitchen table, place tea utensils on it, and in such a cozy atmosphere you can take interesting photographs. The sisters will talk, laugh and that will be enough. As clothing, you can use home, bathrobe and so on.

Similarity photography:

Sisters usually look at least a little like each other. You can build a photo session on such similarities. This can be demonstrated by finding a similarity in appearance and showing it in photographs. To make the similarity even more distinct, you can additionally add the same elements to the girls in clothes, hairstyles, poses, and so on.

If the sisters have common activities or interests, this can also be an idea for a photo shoot. Another interesting plot of the shooting can be one day in the life of the sisters. Girls can go shopping, do household chores, cook food, surf the Internet together or watch TV. Girls can go to nature, have a picnic, play games or have fun. All these ideas will help you make great photos that will add to the album.

You can also shoot while meeting with friends in nature, in the forest, on a pond, and so on. Sisters can take great pictures themselves. And the most important time of the year does not affect photography.

Remember childhood:

Probably, everyone at least once in their life wanted to return to childhood and remember those golden times. Then there were many funny moments in life and there is something to remember. Why not make such memories the subject of your photography. The sisters can remember the pranks they did at the time. You can remember how you arranged pillow fights without rules. Or stealing candy from mom and dad when they wouldn't let you eat it. All this can be a great idea for a photo shoot. And you can complement the desired style with a disheveled hairstyle, low-key makeup, and so on.

To complement this idea for shooting, you can come up with interesting poses for her:

You can clasp your hands to show the letter;

Create a sculpture from living bodies;

Lie on the floor and look into each other's eyes like conspirators.

In order to have a lot of emotions and ease during the shooting, you can remember what happened in your childhood.

Photographing in different seasons:

Summer is a great time and at this time you can arrange a photo session of sisters in nature. Natural landscapes will be a great backdrop for shooting. You can take several changes of clothes with you from a light dress to shorts and a blouse.

In winter, you can take pictures, both at home and on the street. You can have fun on the street, and at this time you can take pictures. Girls can go downhill on sleds or skis, make a snowman, throw snowballs. Photographing can be carried out in the field, in the forest in city parks.

In the golden time of autumn, the sisters can arrange a shooting surrounded by colorful leaves, you can lie in them, wrap each other around. This is a great opportunity to take beautiful, colorful photographs.

In the spring, when it gets warmer, you can take a photo shoot by the river, on the lake or near another body of water. At this time, nature blooms and this moment can be used. You can take pictures in a blooming garden in light dresses.

Photography in the style of the 30s - 40s:

If you like retro shooting in the style of the 30s - 40s, then you should decide on the color scheme for shooting. The photo session should take place in muted colors with soft colors.

If the scenery is created for two sisters, then it is worth bringing romantic notes and a little soulfulness to them. You can arrange a plot in which the sisters consider vintage photos during tea time. It is good that the furnishings and all items, such as tea sets, are in the style of the thirties and forties. Such paraphernalia can be found in antique shops.

We remove the difference in the sisters:

If the sisters are very similar, then it will be difficult to find a difference in them, but professional photographer will be able to see it. In their appearance, character, behavior, even if they are twins, there are still differences and this can be emphasized. You can build a plot on opposites, on a plot of good and evil, on external differences, for example, one brunette and the other blonde, or one older and the other younger. All this can become a plot for shooting.

Shooting during the holidays:

If you are planning some kind of holiday, then this can be a good reason for taking pictures. The festive atmosphere will help the sisters to be in good shape and in high spirits, and this is a great occasion to take beautiful pictures. We are usually in good mood always turn out great.

Another reason for shooting is that during this period the girls will be smartly dressed and look beautiful. During shooting, you can decorate the scene with additional interesting accessories. You can also use crackers, sparklers and other items that are used on holidays.

In this article, we discussed some interesting points regarding the sisters' photo shoot. We have discussed only some ideas for a photoshoot, but there are many more and in each case, you can add some individual details. If you need help in carrying out such photography, then contact our studio, we will help you.
