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Is it possible to sell personal items? How to take a good product photograph. As a rule, we see headlines of the same type and not catchy! why is this happening

This year April 12th is Maundy Thursday. On this day, it is customary to put things in order in the house, tidy up and wash everything.

And if there are still unnecessary old things gathering dust on your mezzanines that should be thrown away, it’s a pity, read this article urgently and you will find out what to do with them to your advantage!

First of all, don't store it.

Make it a rule that you don’t need something you haven’t worn in over a year. Don't save things for when you lose weight, get fat, or go back to work. When this happens, better buy yourself a new one as a reward!

According to Feng Shui, negative Sha energy accumulates in old things. It is this energy that does not allow wealth and prosperity into our home. Moreover, according to the law of conservation of energy, old unnecessary things should be replaced by new ones: beautiful and fashionable. If you don’t believe in all sorts of “high matters,” just remember the mass of dust that old things accumulate, plus old woolen things are just a storehouse for moths.

Therefore, feel free to go into battle - to dismantle cabinets and shelves!

Secondly, do not rush to immediately take things to the trash.

So, the cabinets are disassembled. And your wealth lies before you. Sort all your clothes into two parts: good things and those that you should throw away. You can safely give great things to one of your relatives or friends. Or sell it. Bad ones - throw them in the trash. Alternatively, donate it to any charity center. Just don’t forget to prepare your things – wash and iron them.

I'll start with the good news - in order to sell, you don't need to run around posting ads on fences. Although this method of advertising is used quite widely even in our age of technology. Used items can be offered to friends, children's suits can be offered to neighbor's mothers in the yard. If you don’t want to sell in person, take your goods to a consignment shop.

But I like selling “without leaving the computer.” All you need for this is city websites with bulletin boards. In the vast majority of cases, all Internet flea markets are free.

Children's things accumulated the most in our house. This is understandable, children grow up, things are bought very often. I’ll share with you some secrets on how to quickly sell the same children’s clothing. Although all my tips can be applied to the adult range.

Secret No. 1. Photo! Many sites have a function to show ads only with a picture. This means that by posting an ad without a photo you automatically lose a certain number potential buyers. Ideally, the picture should be of good quality and not just one. Dirty, muddy photos only hurt sales.

Do general form, and then some details: embroidery, sticker, possible defect, etc. If it is absolutely impossible to take a photo, look for an analogue on the Internet and copy the image.

Secret No. 2. Description. It seems there is nothing easier than writing ad text. And yet, quite often the size or price is not indicated. But there are a lot of common words: “beautiful jacket”, “outfit for a real princess”, etc. Everyone’s concept of beauty is different, so try to skip loud epithets and write real product characteristics instead. For example, “I’m selling an elegant silk dress, height..., total length of the product..., color..., manufacturer... Excellent condition, used 2 times. Price. You can specify the area and delivery option. The main rule for any descriptions is to write correctly! If you are not able to write a competent text, copy the model description from the manufacturer’s website. Convert foreign sizes to the Russian equivalent, or at least specify what height/age it is suitable for. If the item was not purchased in Russia, indicate the place of purchase; buyers are usually attracted by the wording “Branded clothing from Europe.”

Secret No. 3. Price. Typically, used items are sold at half the price of a new one. If in doubt, look for analog ads or use the Yandex market. As a last resort, write that you are ready to give in for the price offered by the buyer.

You can play with the price in different ways. Starting from banal bargaining and ending with real promotions: “only today two things for the price of one” or “a dowry bag for a newborn at your price.” It is more than appropriate to write how much the item was purchased for.

Secret No. 4. Exchange. Many mothers will be happy to exchange winter overalls of size 98 for 104. And a sled for a stroller. Think about what you can replace this thing with and feel free to write about it. Let me also remind you about specialized exchange sites, when some trifle can ultimately be exchanged for something worthwhile for you.

Secret No. 5. Bonus. Often, you can offer a scarf or a Panama hat to go with the dress. To go with the T-shirt - shorts. Make the price a little higher, but offer a gift with purchase. This works too.

If you stubbornly fail to sell an item, try using secret number 6. I'll give it away for free. Many quite high-quality things are often given away for free. Although there is also one trick here. It seems like it’s free, but at the same moment: “for a chocolate bar,” “for a kinder surprise,” or “a package of juice.”

I honestly gave things away for free. But in the ad she wrote that I would be grateful for a few apples or bananas. That is, if they didn’t bring fruit, I would still give it away. Nevertheless, absolutely all the recipients brought apples. And everyone was happy. If you do not want to carry items that you donate yourself, be sure to write: “pickup from such and such an area.”

Secret No. 7. Honesty. No matter how much you want to sell something, don't lie. Do not write “new condition” if you know that the skirt is heavily worn. All defects are easily detected.

Although it is not only sellers who deceive. One day, a very respectable-looking lady came to see me and, with sobs in her voice, said that on the way to see me, she dropped into a pharmacy and urgently spent all the money there on a child. She wanted to pick up the suit and bring the money in the evening. I didn’t agree, although everything looked very convincing.

It won't hurt you to be vigilant when selling things. Do not give them to “try on” - “try” without payment. You may never wait for her. And if you buy something secondhand, inspect it carefully and study the labeling. And buy only if you are satisfied with everything.

Good luck with your sales and purchases!

Throughout life, every person “accumulates” one or another number of things. Whether necessary or not, they accumulate, occupying living space, and creating a feeling of cramped, stuffy, and cluttered. You should get rid of unnecessary things on time and with a pure heart, before they bury all the inhabitants of the home.

The point here, by the way, is not only the need to make room for new acquisitions. Old things bear the imprint of the past, they load psychologically and “slow down” the onset of change. The Chinese think so. And not only them: in some countries there is a tradition of New Year throw away everything unnecessary. “Decluttering” is really useful. The therapeutic effect of cleansing your home is comparable to a change of image, rearrangement or a short trip. True, for this you need to carry out a radical cleaning of the nest.

It is much easier and more correct to get rid of unnecessary things systematically and little by little.

Throwing out outright “junk” is not difficult, but what about functional things that no longer have a place in your home, but which can serve for many years? It's truly a shame to throw away such things. The smart solution is to find a new owner for them.

The site will tell you how to do this without spending a lot of time, effort, and nerves, and get a legitimate reward.

There are different options for getting rid of unnecessary things:

  • Give to charity. For example, take the child’s belongings to an orphanage.
  • Send to the “link” to the dacha. A fairly reasonable option, but there is a risk that things will wander to the dacha non-stop and the problem of clutter will simply change its location.
  • Give as a gift to relatives, friends, friends of friends or just acquaintances. It's simple and noble. But, most often, it's free. As a reward, you receive either a symbolic gift or moral satisfaction from a good deed.
  • Sell ​​to relatives, friends, etc. Not nearly as noble as giving away for nothing. At least, deep down, almost every happy owner of a used item will think so.
  • Sell ​​online. Perhaps the most effective solution Problems. With the help of online ads, you can sell anything and get back at least part of the original cost of the item.

What can you sell online?

The above phrase “sell anything” sounds quite vague. Let's be specific. The following product categories sell well online:

    Mobile phones, accessories and spare parts for them;

    Cameras - from DSLRs to point-and-shoot cameras;

    Laptops, computers and their components, other home office equipment;

    Clothes - adults, children, dogs;

    Baby baths, walkers, changing tables, strollers and other items from this series;

    Household appliances in working order;

    Furniture, even old, will definitely be useful to someone.

Select a platform to place your ad.
Intermediation services between seller and buyer are provided by,, If you know others, share them in the comments. You can use groups in in social networks. Look for communities such as “flea market”, “sell cheap” and insert the name of your city into the query.

Decide on the price. When setting the price, keep in mind that when buying a used item, people have one goal - to save money. Want to sell quickly? Set the real price, not the store price. Advice: look through similar offers on the site and build on the information received. Competitor analysis will also help you in writing ad text.

Try to give a comprehensive description: indicate the size, degree of wear, defects, if any. Don't hide the shortcomings you know - this way you will narrow the circle of potential clients to truly interested people. And, at the same time, save both parties from unpleasant disappointments.

Write a clear title that reflects the essence of the ad. You shouldn’t be particularly original, otherwise many people won’t understand what exactly you offer and will simply “pass” by.

Stand out from the crowd. In the previous paragraph, we wrote that you shouldn’t be too clever with the title. But there is no need to slide into dullness. Show healthy creativity, which will not come at the expense of clarity.

Take high-quality photos. Ideally, your ad should include photos from multiple angles and, close-up, - labels and stickers containing key information about the product. You should always remember that the main thing in online sales is a beautiful picture.

Place an ad and don’t even doubt that there will be a buyer for every item.

Sell ​​old things via the Internet: organizational issues and the human factor

By posting an advertisement for sale, you launch the mechanism of trade, and any trade is a human relationship. Even venerable online stores cannot completely depersonalize the communication process between seller and buyer. You have to communicate directly with every interested citizen. It is important to tune in to communication in advance and be prepared for the following points:

They will ask you for a discount. Almost always. Decide in advance which maximum discount you are ready to do and do not deviate from what you planned. Don’t get lost and remain firm, even if the buyer talks about his unfortunate fate and his sick dog.

They will try to impose a feeling of guilt on you.“And there’s a scratch, but you didn’t mention it,” “but the coat is faded, not the same as in the photo...”, etc. If you compiled the ad in good faith, then such claims are not justified, are a kind of bargaining and refer us to the first point.

You will be asked to bring things “to your home”. When dealing with certain types of customers, you sometimes get the impression that they are doing you a favor. This is quite unpleasant, but similar footage will probably come across more than once. “Turn on the armadillo” and insist on a meeting format that is convenient for you. Of course, there are exceptional cases when concessions can be made, but all attempts at pressure and manipulation must be nipped in the bud.

What you need to agree on in advance

Even the most beneficial deal for both parties can turn into a disaster if important things such as delivery method and postage fees are not agreed upon in advance. Decide for yourself whether you want to be involved with the shipment of the goods and discuss whose wallet will pay for it. It is a common practice for expenses to be divided in half. Start making any movements towards the forwarding point only after prepayment.

Delivery of large items such as furniture requires the involvement of a third party. If your husband is an altruist and the owner of a Gazelle car, has a lot of free time, remarkable physical strength, or two or three loader friends, then it will probably not be a hassle for you to bring the sofa to the buyer. And if not? Always insist on pickup. Let the buyer decide for himself who, how and for how much will deliver the purchase to the address.

Please bring a sum of money for settlement.

Part with unnecessary things without regret. Your home will benefit from this, but always weigh your decision carefully. You should not sell family valuables (we are not talking about jewelry). For example, getting rid of a teddy bear made by your great-grandmother and passed on from generation to generation is criminal. But don’t fall into excessive sentimentality either - a dress from the best vacation of your life, which now only fits on your leg, is definitely not worth keeping. Good luck with your sales and adequate buyers!

Very often people are faced with a situation where too many old things accumulate. As a rule, these things are no longer needed. Accordingly, the idea arises of selling them, because they are not needed anyway, but someone will find them useful, plus you can get money. IN modern world There are even specialized stores and websites where anyone can either sell their things or purchase something at a very low price. But few people think about the question: Is it possible to sell personal belongings? We will try to understand this issue further.

Energy of things

Indeed, any thing we use or wear absorbs our energy, our thoughts, our good or negative mood. Therefore, when we give away something, we give away a part of ourselves. Surely everyone has a talisman or thing that brings good luck or once did, and everyone also has something that is associated with bad memories. It’s good when you want to give away a “good” thing, thereby sharing positive karma with others, but what if the thing is saturated with negativity and will only bring harm to another person? Each thing has its own history and is charged with its own energy. When buying something from someone else, we try on this energy for ourselves, completely unconsciously we think about the owner, thereby tuning into his wave. In general, buying old things carries a huge risk: on the one hand, this thing can turn out to be a real talisman of good luck, and on the other hand, it can be a source of troubles and misfortunes.

Keep or sell?

Knowing about the power of things, you should think a hundred times before getting rid of it. If you feel that you want to get rid of the item and buy something new in return, then you can safely sell it. The main thing is the ability to say goodbye. For example, take an unnecessary thing that you want to sell, close your eyes and remember how you got it, what connects you with it, feel it. Imagine how you make a ball out of memories, and then mentally pierce it, this way you will rid the thing of its energy. After such a ritual, you can sell the item without worrying about the consequences.

But, there are also things that we don’t seem to need, but are so expensive that we simply feel sorry for giving them away. In this case, it is better to keep it for yourself, because it is on it that part of ourselves is most deposited. Things that we literally wear out remain connected to us forever. Therefore, if you decide to get rid of an “old friend,” then it is better to burn him, breaking all communication.

Remember that you cannot give away something you feel sorry for. It will take a part of you, your energy and memories, and if you regret for a long period of time, your energy will only drain away. Of course, such a sale is not worth the effort.

Well, if you decide to do good deeds, and, say, give an item for donation to the poor or to the church, you must understand that, first of all, this is a gesture of a generous person who gives without demanding anything in return. If you are driven by selfish thoughts, even a good deed can cause harm. Only pure intentions can give you something new and bright. Give with a pure soul.

What is the risk in accepting other people's things?

Everyone is wary when accepting other people's things, but for good reason, they carry a lot of risk. For starters, you can't be sure who owned an item if, for example, you buy it at a second-hand store. A person may not wish harm to anyone, but the thing is still imbued with his energy, negative or positive. The consequences can be serious, from the slightest trouble to a threat to life.

You can't carry things. And the point is not at all in their death, but in the fact that by wearing such things, we will remember the deceased and aggravate ourselves, this thing will cause a certain fear, which will then develop into negative energy.

Many doctors have proven that it is better to refrain from buying things that have not undergone special chemical cleaning. Since the carrier could have suffered various skin diseases, hepatitis. This is very dangerous to health and can cause a real threat. You should not buy someone else's shoes, since each person's foot has its own characteristics, such shoes will be uncomfortable.

Think before you buy things at a second-hand store, remember the threat they can cause to you, because there are many cases where people are absolutely healthy after buying such things.

Second hand

These “special” shops or spontaneous markets have always been popular, and have been the point of contact for many disputes. On the one hand, you can purchase a high-quality, fashionable and unique item at a completely meager price, but on the other hand, we cannot know who owned this item before. This is always a big risk, since a completely cute and harmless blouse can cause damage, attract bad luck and make you feel worse. And many people are simply disdainful of buying clothes at second-hand stores. There are absolutely contradictory opinions here. One thing can be said, there is nothing wrong with such purchases, but you should also remember about the strength of things and basic processing. No one wants to harm themselves and increase the risk of contracting any dangerous disease.

  1. Mirrors. They are the guardians of souls, they are able to remember the images of everyone who has ever looked into them. Therefore, you should not sell them, inviting failure on yourself.
  2. Favourite things. You shouldn't sell something you'll regret later. The best way get rid of - send such things to charity.
  3. "Dead" things. All things that are somehow associated with dead energy: lifeless flowers, stuffed animals, feathers, shells, should not be sold, so as not to lose your energy and vitality.
  4. Photos. If you have a photo that you don’t like, it’s better to burn it, and under no circumstances sell it, as you can jinx yourself.
  5. Broken watch. This is a very bad sign, don’t bring trouble on yourself, a broken watch always promises misfortune.

Thus, we can say that selling your own things is always a huge risk, do not be afraid to part with unnecessary things, but remember how to do it correctly. Be careful when buying other people's things, don't tempt fate and then luck will follow you.

In the modern world, new products enter the market every minute. It’s not for nothing that the 21st century has been called the “era of consumption” - people are constantly selling and buying something. If you live in a city, then, most likely, you are not alien to the desire to update your things or car, replacing the old and boring ones with new ones. So why not make money from it? The Avito website provides this opportunity to everyone, and you can read about how to quickly sell your goods on it in this article.

Advantages of selling on Avito

Nowadays, the phrase from the famous cartoon “In order to buy something unnecessary, you must first sell something unnecessary” takes on new meaning. You want to buy a new car, but first you need to sell your old one. Or you have your eye on a new smartphone model, but why do you need two? Or appeared in the store new collection clothes, but the closet no longer closes? It is in such cases that intermediary sites for selling things come to the rescue.

You can find a lot of such companies, so why Avito? There are many reasons for this. The company appeared on the market in 2007. The site was originally conceived as an analogue of Ebay, but its creator quickly realized that you couldn’t get far at auctions. Therefore, since 2009, Avito began to position itself as a site with advertisements for the resale of things. Now it is one of the most visited sites on the Runet. Thousands of people sell goods on it every day. And where else, if not to him, should you turn your attention when selling equipment, cars and clothing. Avito will help you do this simply, quickly and efficiently. But the amount of time you spend waiting for buyers directly depends on how correctly you formatted the text and ad settings. How to quickly sell goods on Avito?

How to write an ad correctly

The mistake many newbies make in sales is underestimating the importance of ad text. However, not only the time of sale, but also its price will depend on how attractively the product is described. It's better to spend an extra 20 minutes and write good text than to then explain everything a hundred times to every person who calls you. What needs to be done in order to quickly sell on Avito?

  1. Before selling an item, you must first carefully inspect it for possible damage. Maybe it has been lying on the far shelf of the closet for a long time and you will have to explain for a long time where the crack on the glass of your smartphone came from. It would also be a good idea to collect all the receipts and documents left with you after purchasing it.
  2. Correct pricing of the product is also very important. Look at items of a similar category on Avito and compare them with the quality of your product. But the final cost also depends on how urgently you need to sell the item. The faster, the lower the price.
  3. Take a photo of the product in its best condition. If you sell clothing, be sure to ask someone to “pose” in it for a photo. If you want to sell your car, wash and clean it. The visual component is very important for successful sales.
  4. After you go to Avito and click the “Submit an ad” button, select the correct section. Products listed in the wrong category are simply rejected by moderators.
  5. Come up with a capacious and attractive title. The rule is similar to writing a book: a good title is already 50% of success. Among thousands of identical products, people need to catch their eye on something in order to open the link. The name must contain the type of product and some characteristics. For example, instead of “Used sweater,” you can write “Very warm wool sweater.” Simple but meaningful phrases immediately attract the attention of buyers.

If you have correctly composed an ad, but still receive no calls, and you need money urgently, then do not despair. There are several ways to quickly sell on Avito. How? There are several tricks for this:

  • Reduce the price little by little. If no one wants to buy your item or equipment, reduce its price by 100 rubles. They will be displayed at a discount in the search column, which will attract new customers.
  • Call to action. It is not enough to indicate the parameters of the item: add at the end of the ad something like “Call us, the sale is valid only until the 27th.” This will make it more likely that someone will call you.
  • Leave the opportunity to contact you not only by phone number. Modern people They don’t really like talking to strangers on the phone. Many people find it much more comfortable to write a message on the website. Avito provides this service for free: the main thing is not to forget to view your personal account on time.
  • Respect seasonality. How to sell faster on Avito? Nobody canceled the tricks. Sell ​​winter goods in December or November. Then you can sell it at a higher price.

How to take a good product photo

Most of all clothes and shoes are sold on Avito. Due to high competition this type used items sell the worst. But how to sell clothes faster on Avito? Do good photo! A 2003 point-and-shoot camera is not suitable for this. Take a high-quality photo with a smartphone with a good camera or an inexpensive DSLR. Believe me, such photographs stand out noticeably from the general gray mass.

How to write a selling text

Apart from a good and eye-catching title, writing quality copy is also a very important task. You can read entire lectures on how to sell shoes on Avito quickly. But try not to confuse your readers with too long headlines and characteristics copied from the Internet. It will be better if the description is written from the heart. Tell us honestly about the advantages, smooth out the shortcomings a little. Be sure to include the reason for sale. It is better to break the text itself into small paragraphs with subheadings, which will indicate the name, parameters, status and other important details. Write simply and clearly, in your own words.

Free or paid sale

Most ads on the Avito website are free. However, there are certain restrictions. In a number of cities and in certain areas, supply free ads may be limited to 1-3 advertisements. This is not due to the greed of the site, but to the increased number of stores that have literally flooded the site with their duplicate products. What are the advantages of paid sales?

  • Your ad will be visible at the top of the page.
  • The product will be seen by more users.
  • They will buy it faster.

It makes sense to use paid services when selling expensive items: cars or real estate. If you have own store, then you will most likely need this option too. How to sell a fur coat on Avito quickly? Take advantage of the VIP announcement. In other cases, standard placement will be sufficient.

How to make money selling things

Now there are many ways to make money on the Internet. You can also organize your own on Avito small income and even build a business. How to make money on this platform?

  • Use for its intended purpose. Everyone understands that it is more profitable to sell things rather than throw them away. Maybe a door that you think is unnecessary is very suitable for another person. Post all your excess junk on Avito - you’ll earn money and free up space.
  • Resell - yes, this is not an entirely honest business, but it is very effective. At least once a day, products appear on the site at 1.5-2 times lower than usual. If you have time to buy such an item, you can resell it with a 50 or even 100% profit.
  • Buy in summer - sell in winter. If you have some available funds, you can invest it in seasonal goods. For example, if you buy a motorcycle in December and repair it a little, you can sell it in May for several times more. There are few such product categories, but enough to make money.

What products can be sold fastest on Avito?

You can sell everything on Avito, but not every item on display is bought. To find out how to quickly sell on Avito, you must first select the most popular product categories:

  • Equipment: computers, laptops, tablets. Things from top manufacturers are especially in demand.
  • Household appliances: microwaves, small refrigerators, multicookers. Such products are always in demand and popular.
  • Children's goods: strollers, cribs, outerwear. Toys that can be purchased at a low price in regular stores sell much worse.
  • Furniture: sofas, cabinets, tables - all this can also be quickly sold on the website.
  • Cars: "Avito Auto" has become one of the most visited sections in the last year. By listing your car on this site, you significantly increase your chances of selling your car.
  • Outerwear: fur coats, down jackets, warm clothes. The main conditions for the quick sale of such goods are adequate cost and good quality things.


You can sell unwanted clothes through a consignment store. Today, consignment stores are becoming increasingly popular, as they have begun to sell fairly high-quality items purchased abroad, including from the collections of famous fashion designers or simply clothing from popular brands. With a more than affordable price for clothing, buyers have a chance to find very high quality and often even new items.

This method of selling unnecessary items has been known since Soviet times, and since then the rules for accepting goods have remained virtually unchanged: you need to bring clean items, if possible attach labels to them if the items are still new or a dry cleaning coupon if we're talking about about suits, jackets, coats or fur coats. It is best to contact specialized consignment stores - there is a greater chance that they will buy the item there.

Among the advantages for the seller thrift stores First of all, we can name the following: quick sale of things, no communication with each buyer is required. Among the minuses there will be low price sales of goods, their markdown, if they are not sold and the amount of commission.

You can sell things yourself; to do this, you should ask your friends whether they need your former things and who they might be suitable for. However, it is usually not so profitable to sell to acquaintances; they rely on big discounts or even ask to give them things for free. Therefore, you can use the services of free advertisements and place several in newspapers in your city. Usually, with the help of “From Hand to Hand” or similar publications, things are sold quite quickly and successfully, if prices are not inflated.

Another option to quickly get rid of unnecessary clothes is to sell them at a flea market or flea market. Such markets usually operate on weekends, you can set the prices for things yourself, and the time of all things will depend on their condition, price, originality and how actively you describe the advantages of each thing. The downside of this method is the possibility of losing more than you earn, because you will have to pay for the place.

With the spread of the Internet, flea markets are also taking over this space. Numerous groups are appearing on social networks, where everyone can post photos, prices, and their items. Then all that remains is to receive calls from clients and agree on a time convenient for the sale. You can also place such advertisements on special websites - general message boards that sell used goods, for example, Slando, Avito, eBay, and others. To make a sale successful, you should use the services of several services at once.
