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Clothing business how to start. How to competently open your own clothing store from scratch. Drawing up the concept of the future store

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 1,050,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 250,750 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 1,999,300 rubles.
  • Payback - from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will make detailed business plan shop women's clothing with calculations. But remember that this business plan can be applied to absolutely any clothing store (not just women's).

Service description

The business plan discusses the features of opening a women's clothing store designed for the middle price segment. Once again, we recall that this business plan can be applied to men's clothing, to outerwear, to underwear, etc. The amount of investment will differ depending on the cost, type of product and its quantity.

The entrepreneur manages his own store, which is located in mall. It also contains information that may be useful to the reader about other formats and possibilities in case of working with them.

Market analysis

Many people, dreaming of their own business, think about opening a clothing store. Some want it to be a luxury boutique located in the very center of the city, others choose an online store, others decide to open a clothing discount center. Of course, all this can bring income with the right approach to work. But still, before choosing one or another store format, you should carefully analyze the market, because there are quite a few competitors on it.

I must say that many people believe that opening your own clothing store requires a lot of money. This is not always the case and depends on many factors. There are also formats that require investments only in the purchase of inventory and some other expense items. To understand the picture, you need to consider in detail the possible formats of the store.

Today, in a broad sense, the following options for opening your own clothing outlets are being considered:

  • “real-time” stores (these are ordinary stores where customers come and see the available goods, can try on, choose suitable clothes);
  • online stores (this may include large online stores, one-page sites or social media stores).

Both options need to be considered separately in order to understand the aspects of working in them.

I want to warn start-up entrepreneurs : Many people naively believe that the main thing in the success of the store is investment. No one is more interested in the success of the business than the investor, because in this situation he risks a large amount of money. Experienced businessmen advise not to give the management of the store into the wrong hands, at least for the first six months. People who did otherwise, in most cases, failed and became bankrupt.

Now let's look at specific store formats.

  1. general store

This format is the most common. Two sub-formats can be included here, each of which has its own specifics:

  • Shop located in the mall

In such stores, things are usually sold in the lower and middle price segment. The undoubted advantage is the absence of the need to spend a lot of money on placing additional advertising. People, coming to the shopping center, most often visit several departments at once. That is why it is very important to choose a shopping center where the right audience will go.

  • Shop located in a separate building

In such stores, they usually sell things in the price segment above the average. This includes luxury, designer goods and creative pieces from talented designers. You will have to spend a lot of money to attract customers.

When calculating the necessary expenses, you will need to include in them:

The cost of expenses per 1 m 2 on average is about 50 thousand rubles. And this is if the store sells goods of the middle price segment.

You need to understand that initially the store will cover the initial costs. There will be net profit, but in fact it will cover only the amount of invested funds for some time. Therefore, it is very important to have a certain reserve of money "just in case".

Another very interesting option for a "real-time" store is the so-called showroom at home. This option is suitable for those who have a very small amount of initial capital. There are benefits in this case, they are quite large:

  • no rent;
  • no payroll costs.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. For example, not everyone decides to arrange a similar store at home. Indeed, in such cases, people should be invited to their territory to try on and view the available things. It is very difficult to find customers here, it is even more difficult to attract them and persuade them to buy. Although, if they come, they probably intend to buy something.

Such stores are usually used as a source of additional income. Often such impromptu outlets open hairdressers, manicurists working at home.

  1. Online store

Today, such a type of clothing sales as sales through an online store is gaining particular popularity. It is very important to assess the opportunities, competition and occupy the most preferred niche.

The savings here are significant. You do not need to spend money on equipment, staff salaries, renting premises for a store. Everything happens online. Customers do not come to try on outfits, they buy them by seeing the image on the Internet.

Most often, novice businessmen who want to work in the fashion industry start with such stores.

Above is a graph of sales and forecasting it for subsequent years. As you can see, every year there is a significant increase in the volume of products purchased via the Internet. This is a positive factor for those who are going to open a similar outlet.

According to this graph, the category "clothes and accessories" is the most popular among the population. However, we see that only 14% make purchases of these products via the Internet, while the rest prefer to visit stores on their own.

From this we can conclude that a greater volume of sales can be obtained by opening a store in "real time" mode.

I would like to add that it is better to open an online store for residents of a particular city, and not for the whole country. At least at first. Later, you can increase the reach of potential customers.

When opening an online store, you should not scatter at once on many categories of goods. It is better to stop at one variety and establish sales.

Most often, people buy clothes on the Internet on those sites where there is no pre-order. However, in this case, a large investment will be required in order to be able to send the goods immediately after the customer has placed an order.

But the expectation is suitable for those stores that offer the consumer some unusual or exclusive goods. For such things, people are willing to spend some time waiting. By the way, this includes not only expensive things, but also those that, on the contrary, are very cheap.

I would like to note that today entrepreneurs go to work on regional markets in one of the following ways:

  • opening your own store;
  • work as a distributor;
  • work on the franchising system.

It is worth noting that the latter option is most in demand today.

According to statistics, at least 1.5 - 2.25 million rubles are needed to enter the clothing market. It takes 5 times more to enter the international level.

So, we have decided that an “offline” store can bring big profits in the long run. It is his discovery that we will consider. Now you need to decide what clothes to sell (women's or men's) and what criteria to apply Special attention.

More women follow fashion than men (72% versus 45%). Yes, it is ladies who shop much more often than men. That is why it is best to open a women's clothing store. If possible, you can combine both directions at once.

When choosing clothes, people pay attention to the following features:

  • suitable item (60%);
  • quality (15%);
  • practicality (7%);
  • compatibility with other wardrobe items (7%);
  • exclusivity (5%);
  • brand awareness (1%).

Therefore, our store should sell high-quality, practical and comfortable things that fit the size.

It must be said that the middle-income stratum makes up the vast majority of the population. It is on them that you need to focus when opening a store.

Thus, our store will sell women's products at an affordable price in the mall, targeting women aged 18-45.

I would also like to say that any consumer has hidden needs. Based on them, you need to choose a work strategy.

This table informs about the latent needs of each category and helps to understand how to work with it.

SWOT analysis

Before opening your own store, you need to analyze the hidden threats and opportunities that can significantly affect the functioning own business. In such cases, factors are usually divided into external (which cannot be changed) and internal (which can be changed).

External factors include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • high and constant demand for goods in this category;
  • relative inelasticity of demand in a given market segment;
  • the possibility of expanding the assortment with other categories of goods and adding items for men and teenagers to the product matrix;
  • the opportunity to order goods at competitive prices.
  1. Threats:
  • high level of competition in this market segment;
  • lack of a controlled market share;
  • increased competition;
  • it is possible to tighten the legislation, which will create obstacles for work in this segment;
  • economic downturn affecting economic indicators shop.

Internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • increasing the motivation to work among the staff;
  • the ability to find bona fide suppliers;
  • the ability to work at high wages;
  • a wide range of goods;
  • the ability to set a fairly wide range of prices for goods;
  • convenient and advantageous location for sales;
  • convenient working hours.
  1. Weak sides:
  • lack of experience in this field;
  • lack of knowledge;
  • lack of business reputation and loyal consumers;
  • lack of a circle of regular customers;
  • lack of a network of suppliers;
  • unknown store;
  • lack of trained staff.

Opportunity Assessment

Our store will operate according to the following schedule:

Total: 79 hours per week, 338 hours per month.

There will be 2 shifts in the store according to the schedule 2 through 2. There will be 2 workers in each shift, since the premises will be quite large. Cleaning will be done by the staff of the shopping center.

Through the online store, the entrepreneur will not sell products. It will be necessary to promote your own brand, attract customers.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Perhaps or. It is worth noting that the registration of an LLC in this case is inappropriate.. When registering, it is important to indicate codes according to OKVED. In this type of activity, this can be:

52.42.1 Retail sale of men's, women's and children's clothing;

52.42.2 - Retail sale of underwear;

52.42.3 - Retail sale of fur products;

52.42.4 - Retail sale of leather clothing;

52.42.5 - Retail sale of sportswear;

52.42.6 - Retail sale of hosiery;

52.42.7 - Retail sale of headwear;

52.42.8 Retail sale of clothing accessories (gloves, ties, scarves, belts, suspenders, etc.);

52.43 - Retail sale of footwear and leather goods;

52.43.1 - Retail sale of footwear;

52.43.2 - Retail sale of leather goods and travel accessories.

Note! In your case, there may be more codes or some of the presented ones may be missing. Therefore, it is important to accurately understand what you will be doing in your own store in order to reflect all types of planned activities at once, and not to make changes to the documents every time.

  1. An entrepreneur can choose either UTII. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. A certificate of entry in the general commercial register is required. In our case, the store will be opened on the territory of the shopping center, which will lead to the receipt of the necessary document.
  3. You will need to obtain a permit to carry out trading activities.
  4. Conclusions of the State Fire Supervision and Rospotrebnadzor are required.
  5. Be sure to have an official lease agreement, a contract for garbage collection.
  6. Permission required for outdoor advertising, if one is expected.
  7. Do not forget to fix the KKM in the tax office.
  8. Goskomstat codes will be required.
  9. If you plan to sell any products that require a license, then you will need to obtain it.
  10. Employees must have medical books (do not forget about the regularity of passing commissions).
  11. You will need a list of goods and certificates for them.
  12. Do not forget about the need for a sanitary passport.
  13. For cashless payments, it is necessary.

Documents such as a contract for the removal of solid waste may not be needed if the cleaning is carried out at the expense of the landlord and he has a general contract for the maintenance of the entire building. In this case, a certified copy will suffice.

Marketing plan

Of course, in many respects the promotion and advertising of the department will depend on the shopping center. Some of them take on the job. But do not forget about your own promotion. So, the marketing plan will include the following promotion methods:

  • Increasing customer loyalty. This technique is based on holding commodity days, when the cost of specific goods is reduced to the cost price or close to it. At the same time, it is very important to present the idea in an interesting way so that the store is remembered by the consumer, and he came here to shop again.
  • Informing your consumers through a group in a social network, your own website. It is very important here that the site and the group are active. To do this, it is necessary to add relevant and interesting information to them in a timely manner - about possible promotions. You can hold draws, for example, to receive a 50% discount.
  • Contextual advertising. This method will also be effective and more or less affordable. But it's still not worth getting carried away with them.

Placing information in the media will cost a lot. Yes, and these costs are unlikely to pay off. Therefore, it is better to refuse such methods of promotion if we are talking O small shop, designed for representatives of the middle price category and below average.

Calculation of projected income

It is quite difficult to calculate possible income. We will proceed from the sum of the costs for the purchase of goods and the average size of the commodity margin in the industry.

The average margin in this industry is about 100%, sometimes more. Let's take the revenue equal to 35,000 rubles per day. The amount is averaged, based on the indicators for the whole week. Subsequently, revenue will increase.

Thus, the monthly income will be about 1,050,000 rubles. And the cost of purchasing the product will be 525,000 rubles.

Production plan

The shop premises will have an area of ​​70–90 m 2 . You can rent it in a shopping center for 80,000 - 90,000 rubles.

Wherein special costs it will not be required for repairs, but it will simply be necessary to equip it. You will need:

  • signboard (40,000 rubles);
  • shop windows (25,000 rubles);
  • racks (20,000 rubles);
  • mirrors (35,000 rubles);
  • hangers (45,000 rubles);
  • KKM (8,500 rubles);
  • computer (30,000 rubles);
  • anti-theft system (40,000 rubles).

We will also need furniture:

  • shelves (15,000 rubles);
  • mannequins (60,000 rubles);
  • sofas (35,000 rubles).

You will also need various lamps and other ways of lighting.

The salary of employees is 30,000 and 25,000 rubles for a senior seller and an ordinary one, respectively, including taxes. The total cost of wages is 110,000 rubles.

organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 1,050,000 - 755,000 = 295,000 rubles.
  • Tax (calculate the simplified tax system 15% of the difference between income and expenses): 44,250 rubles.
  • Net profit: 295,000 - 44,250 \u003d 250,750 rubles.
  • Profitability: 250,750/1,050,000*100% = 23.88%.
  • Payback period: 1,999,300/250,750 = 7.97. Therefore, the store can pay off in 8 months.


The following risks can be identified:

  1. An increase in the cost of rent.

This risk can lead to a serious decline in sales revenue. Another option is a forced increase in the cost of the proposed product. This, in turn, has a negative impact on demand and sales.

To avoid this risk, it is necessary to work out in detail the contract of the agreement with the landlord. Important conclude a contract for a long time, fixing the cost and the critical point of attendance, upon reaching which the parties revise the rental price.

  1. Increasing competition.

Due to the onset of such a situation, the number of visitors will decrease, as well as sales volumes.

The following ways to overcome the situation are possible:

  • develop and use a unique store concept;
  • to offer its customers a unique product;
  • conducting various promotions and offering discounts.
  1. Unprofessionalism of sellers and other staff working in the store.

As a result, visitors may not be satisfied with the service. As a result, total sales will decrease, and business reputation can change from positive to negative.

It is possible to overcome these risks with an integrated approach, including:

  • ongoing staff training related to sales and service trainings;
  • informing about the features of fabrics, materials, goods and care for them;
  • development and use of financial and non-financial motivational levers;
  • placement of CCTV cameras (they will also reduce the number of thefts in the store).
  1. The exit of goods from fashion, their irrelevance.

This can lead to a rather serious freezing of positions, a decrease in the purchase price and, as a result, a decrease in the overall profitability of the business.

To avoid such problems, it is necessary to constantly monitor the media and other sources of information. Additionally, it is worth holding regular sales so that there are no leftovers of stale goods.

franchise business

You can also consider opening a clothing store franchise, where you will receive a fully step-by-step model of opening a branded store. Franchising is a less risky start because the business model has been tried and tested and works well.

Use ours to find a franchise!

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

The specifics of the store is such that the opening can be planned either based on the available space, or on the basis of the assortment with which you want to work. I propose to consider general principles selection of the territory and area of ​​the store.

Clothing can be sold both in the Shopping Center and in a separate retail outlet. The shopping center is an excellent solution for opening a middle-class clothing store with an area of ​​up to 150 m 2 . Good traffic will ensure stable revenue, and most of the problems with advertising and approvals will be solved by the administration of the shopping center. This option is ideal for large cities.

A stand-alone store is worth opening if you decide to work with an elite or, conversely, a stock assortment. Such stores also pay well for themselves in small towns and central regions.

Documents accompanying the product

When working with suppliers or making independent purchases, do not forget to take care of the documents. Women's clothing does not apply to goods subject to mandatory certification, but must have a declaration of conformity with GOST R, which is issued by certification bodies.

When issuing a declaration of conformity with GOST R, it is necessary to provide a certain package of documents. For products made in Russia:

  • NTD for certified products
  • a lease agreement for the occupied space or other document certifying the right of ownership
  • quality certificates for the materials used

For clearance import declarations the following documents are required:

  • application for a declaration of conformity GOST R
  • copy of the contract
  • company charter
  • state registration certificate OGRN, TIN
  • product description (composition, properties, appearance, scope, etc.)
  • manufacturer's country quality certificates

Required approvals

While the documents for the goods are being prepared, you can deal with the documents for the store. To open a business retail approvals from Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Department are required. If a store opens in a shopping center, then the administration of the center takes care of all these documents, but separately standing store the entrepreneur will have to take care of everything himself.

For Rospotrebnadzor it will be necessary to make a PLC (program production control over the implementation of laboratory research and testing of factors production environment and labor process at workplaces). This program will spell out all the points on which you need to report to Rospotrebnadzor and the frequency of their implementation.

This usually includes all the necessary measurements for the store, compliance sanitary norms, control over the maintenance of health records of employees, schedules for various briefings. The program is done once.

To obtain the conclusion of the Fire Inspectorate, it is necessary to equip the premises with a fire alarm, an evacuation plan, fire extinguishers and take a package of documents to the regional division of the State Fire Supervision. This usually includes an application for the issuance of an opinion, a lease agreement, documents for an individual entrepreneur, a plan for the BTI store, an agreement on installing an alarm.

After the departure of the inspector to familiarize himself with the object, they may issue an order to eliminate the defects found. But if most of the measures are completed, then they are usually allowed to open a store for letter of guarantee. Naturally, all claims will need to be eliminated over time.

You will also need to coordinate the showcase, conclude an agreement for garbage collection and landscaping. Somewhere they demand landscaping of the territory near the store. All requirements can be found in the Administration of the district in which the store is located.


Next, you need to think about how you are going to present the goods on the trading floor. The wall equipment for clothes is the same type and differs only in material, color and design. The ideal solution is modular systems such as Global or Solo, they allow you to perfectly display the goods due to different types weight.

It is advisable to purchase the so-called island equipment and tables for displaying goods: they will create a direction for the movement of customers and beautifully present the goods. This is the basics of merchandising, the science of how a product can sell itself. It is desirable to install mannequins in the trading floor, which will demonstrate the clothes "live".

Fitting rooms should be comfortable and bright. Mirrors should be positioned so that when trying on you can see how the product looks from behind.

In addition to equipment for displaying clothes, you need a computer, a cashless terminal and a cash register registered in tax office. However, when choosing UTII as a taxation system, individual entrepreneur is able to work without cash register. Then you can limit yourself to purchasing a check printing machine or work on sales receipts.



At the same time we are engaged in recruitment. The number of people working in a clothing store depends rather not on the area, but on the customer traffic.

significantly increases sales

In season, which occurs twice a year in the clothing trade (August-October and April-June), it is necessary to bring more people to work shift. The rest of the time, you can work with a minimum staff, strengthening the team for the weekend.

Usually on an area of ​​​​100-150 square meters. m. cope with three or four sellers and a cashier. In a smaller store, you can limit yourself to 2-3 people. In advance, it is necessary to consider the requirements for personnel, the need for training and certification, since the turnover will largely depend on the goodwill and competence of the sellers in the hall.

♦ Capital investments – 1,500,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 1.5−2 years

The conventional wisdom is that people will always buy clothes, shoes and food.

That is why entrepreneurs make out an individual entrepreneur or LLC and begin to look for detailed information about how to open a clothing store or grocery.

Oddly enough, but it is the ready-made dress stores that lead two completely opposite ratings: the easiest startups to start from scratch and those that go bankrupt most often.

And this is no coincidence.

It’s not enough just to say to yourself: “I want to own a clothing boutique.” It is necessary to think over all the nuances, backing up the idea with sufficient capital investments.

Such businessmen are expected to succeed, not financial collapse.

How to open a clothing store: choose a business concept

If you are tired of sitting at home or suffering from a low-paying job and decide to go into business, then probably the first thought that occurred to you was: why not open a store.

According to statistics, women most often open clothing stores (commission or boutique), men - grocery or specialized (construction, household, auto, etc.).

If you belong to the first category, then you should start by thinking through the concept of your future store.

This is very important and necessary in order to earn as quickly as possible. client base and stand out from the competition.

And then it is worth starting to implement all the other stages, including the purchase of equipment.

The most promising options for business today are:

  1. Boutique of high-quality foreign clothes of popular brands.
    Quite a lot of people who will become your customers are ready to purchase even fewer clothes, but better ones.
    For such clients, it is necessary not only to bring famous brands(“Zara”, “Next”, “Mango”, etc.), but also to open new brands.
  2. Thrift store or .
    Used but in good condition, quality clothing is in demand among buyers.
  3. Market selling clothes of domestic manufacturers.
    More and more domestic fashion houses are beginning to sew beautiful and high-quality clothes, so you can safely choose just such a startup to launch.
  4. Luxury brand store.
    This is often opened by non-poor fashionistas right at home: going abroad for shopping, they take more clothes than they need, and then sell the surplus.
    And no expenses for opening an individual entrepreneur, purchasing equipment or renting.
  5. Inexpensive clothes.
    Yes, she is no different. good quality but if you set low prices to attract customers, you can make your store profitable.
  6. Single brand store.
    Such a business can be opened as a franchise, having received financial assistance, sensible advice, equipment, documents ready for registration, etc.
  7. original startup.
    For example, you collaborate with a talented designer and sell in your store clothes that he sews at home. We also accept custom orders.
    For example, the client liked the model, but did not like the color.
    For a fee, you are ready to provide him with the dress of his dreams.

How to open a clothing store: advertising

Whatever type of clothing store you open, including commission, you need to think of a good advertising campaign so that in the first month after opening you will be visited by many customers who would turn from random into regular ones.

First of all, you need to come up with a name for the clothing store.

The name should be short and bright, look good on promotional products and be easy to remember.

Foreign names make a good impression on buyers, which seem to hint that luxury clothes are sold here.

Do not spare money for a sign: it should be large, easy to read and be seen from afar.

  1. Outdoor advertising: all kinds of announcements, banners, posters and more.
  2. Flyers to be handed out in the most crowded place in the area near your boutique.
  3. Announcements on radio and television.

To free but enough effective ways advertisements include social media and city forums.

How to open a clothing store: calendar plan

Interesting fact:
In the Middle Ages, a fine could only be imposed for the fact that a person is dressed better than a person of higher ranks. Clothes that were considered “illegal” in those days were simply confiscated.

Experienced businessmen have no doubts where to start launching any business: from writing a financial plan with specific calculations in order to understand how profitable a startup is.

And rightly so, but in addition to the financial plan, you also need to draw up a calendar plan that will help you understand how long it will take to implement the idea.

To open a clothing store from scratch (including a commission) it will take from 3 months - up to six months.

Working with the premises
Purchase of equipment
Team search
First purchase

How to open a clothing store: a phased launch of a startup

The success of a business directly depends on the entrepreneurs themselves:
  • how carefully they approached the opening of the business;
  • were you able to choose the right concept ( commission shop or sale new clothes);
  • how long did it take to complete all the documents;
  • did you manage to save at the initial stage, for example, on the purchase of equipment;
  • whether they found a passage place to open a clothing store;
  • whether they reasonably formed the assortment and pricing policy;
  • and even from the choice of the form for registration: individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Doubt where to start?

Of course - from the registration procedure and the choice of suitable premises.


You should start dealing with the registration procedure by choosing the form of the future business: sole proprietorship or LLC.

Remember that the area of ​​your store must be up to 150 square meters, otherwise you will need to open an LLC.

Yes, you don’t need a market larger than 150 square meters to open a clothing store from scratch - it’s too risky a startup.

By registering as an individual entrepreneur, you can choose a simplified form of taxation, for example, UTII. You will then be registered with Pension Fund presenting all registration documents.

And you definitely need to take care of the legalization of your outlet.

It is desirable to issue documents before the purchase of equipment and the delivery of goods.

To legalize a point, you will have to:

  1. Register with the Chamber of Commerce.
  2. Create a Buyer's Corner.
  3. Set up a cash register.
  4. Obtain permission from the Fire Service and SES.
  5. Sign contracts for garbage collection and more.

Even more difficult, because you also have to conclude a contract for each accepted unit of goods, so it makes sense to still open a new clothing store, and not a commission.


You can not open a business, motivated only by cheap rent.

With the same success, you can start opening a clothing store at home in the hope that suddenly customers will still find you.

Climbing far to the outskirts, you must understand that you will have to spend a lot of money on an advertising campaign and create such attractive competitive advantages, for example, low prices so that customers are not too lazy to get to you so far.

The choice of a place with high traffic plays a really important role in opening a clothing store (and it doesn’t even matter if you are running a commission or not market).

The ideal place is:

  1. Shopping mall.
  2. Premises on the ground floor of a high-rise building in the city center.
  3. A sleeping area where houses of people with a decent income are located.

Also, you need to make sure that:

  1. There were no direct competitors nearby.
  2. It didn't take long to find your clothing store (it's located on the main street, not somewhere in the yards).
  3. Equip parking. If you open an elite boutique, then you should draw up documents so that only your customers can park their cars in this parking lot, and not everyone who wants to.


To open a clothing store from scratch, you will have to spend a lot of money anyway (only for the first purchase you need at least 400,000 rubles, plus equipment, plus rental costs, etc.), so it’s better to find a room that does not need major repairs.

The size of the premises depends on how large a clothing store you decide to open, but it is better not to rent a room with an area of ​​​​less than 50 square meters, as you will create inconvenience for yourself and customers.

The interior of the room depends on the concept of your business:

  1. Use bright colors for decoration.
  2. An elite boutique should amaze with luxury.
  3. Designer fashion house - creative ideas.
  4. For an inexpensive clothing market, it is enough to do everything neatly, while choosing discreet colors.
  5. But if you decide to open a thrift store, then the interior is not too important, the main thing is the right assortment and prices.


The cost of purchasing equipment directly depends on the size of your future store.

If your market area is large and you are focused on wealthy customers, then you will have to shell out a large amount to purchase all the necessary equipment and fully stock your clothing store.

But even a small boutique (area - 50 squares) involves the purchase of the following commercial equipment:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:250 000 rub.
Racks and shelves
30 000
Showcase for accessories (jewelry, etc.)
20 000
Racks and hangers
20 000
Equipment for two fitting rooms
20 000
10 000
Cash machine
10 000
25 000
Bathroom equipment
15 000
Service room equipment
40 000
Other60 000


Naturally, any store needs sellers who will:
  • polite, helpful, smiling;
  • have a good understanding of the product that is being sold;
  • have strong nerves and are indulgent about the shortcomings of clients, such as nervousness, impatience, tactlessness, etc.

Today, it is rare that clothing stores work, closing for the weekend, so form two shifts of sellers at once.

The number of consultants on one shift directly depends on the size of your store and the range of goods in it.

If we are talking about a modest corner in a shopping center, then one employee is enough.

If the area trading floor more than 25 squares, it is better to hire 4 sellers at once (2 per shift).

To incentivize your consultants to sell better, don't put them on a bid. This scheme of work is more effective: a small rate (for example, 5,000 rubles) +% of sales.

In addition to salespeople, you need to hire 1-2 cleaners (if you want your clothing store to always be clean, it’s better to hire two cleaners so that they also work in shifts) and an accountant (an alternative is an agreement with an outsourcing company).

If you decide to open a large clothing store from scratch and are not too limited in funds, then you can hire a manager who will help you figure out all the nuances of a new business.

Or you can manage on your own if you feel like you can handle it.

For the salary of the staff, you expect the following monthly expenses:

As you can see, salary costs will not be the same every month due to the fact that sellers do not have a fixed rate, their earnings depend on the amount of sales made.

How to open a clothing store: expenses

Naturally, entrepreneurs who decide to open a ready-made dress market are interested in the question “How much does it cost to open a clothing store?”.

You will receive an exact answer to this question only when, with an indication of specific amounts for equipment, rent, repairs in the premises, depending on its condition, etc.

Before making such a plan, study the pricing policy in your area in order to operate with exact, not indicative figures.

If we talk about opening a store of 50 square meters on the ground floor of a multi-storey building in the central part of the city with a population of 300-400 thousand people, then the costs will be approximately as follows:

This amount will increase due to financial plan you will have to pay the cost of running a clothing store until your monthly income covers these expenses.

To maintain the normal operation of the boutique, you need at least 150,000 rubles a month.

That is, in order to open a clothing store from scratch, it is desirable to have 1.5 million rubles.

Opening a clothing store - is it profitable or not?

AND financial analysts, and experienced entrepreneurs, answering the question: “Is it profitable to open a clothing store?” say: “It is profitable, if you choose the right place for business, to sell quality goods at reasonable prices and constantly remind customers of yourself with sales and interesting promotions.

The average payback of this business is 1.5-2 years.

Let's try to explain how the numbers work with a specific example.

Let's say you sell 4 items worth 8,000 rubles a day.

Let's immediately subtract the % of sellers who persuaded customers to make a purchase, let's say it's 10%, that is, we have 7,200 rubles left. For a month, the profit of a clothing store (already minus the% of the consultant) will be over 200,000 rubles.

Remember that the amount of mandatory monthly expenses is 140,000 rubles (we take the minimum amount, because we have already deducted% to the consultant), that is, you are left with 76,000 rubles of profit.

At least 20% of this amount should be set aside for the next purchase.

Little is left?

Then you have to attract more clients so that your personal income as a boutique owner is even higher.

Now you know almost everything about how to open a clothing store.

It remains only to collect the amount start-up capital and think through all the nuances of launching a startup to avoid disappointment.

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The business of selling women's outerwear at first glance looks very attractive - there is no need to invest to start significant funds and you don't have to wait a long time to make a profit. This industry is great for small businesses with a small start-up capital, which means that anyone can do it.

In order to successfully launch a business retail women's outerwear, you need a desire to do this, basic knowledge in legal and economic spheres and understanding the laws of the market. In addition, several issues need to be addressed:

  • choice of location for the outlet;
  • Selection of commercial equipment;
  • selection of a range of goods;
  • search for a supplier.

These points are essential for successfully building a business selling women's outerwear: jackets, coats, short coats, raincoats and windbreakers.


Selection retail space important not only in terms of the cost of rent and average traffic, but also the social environment. It is unlikely that a store with expensive branded models located in a working area or a middle-class shopping center will be highly popular, just as it is not worth selling budget and mid-price models next to boutiques of famous brands - it is obvious that this will not give the desired results, and subsequently the business will become unprofitable.

For start-up entrepreneurs who are just learning the intricacies of the women's outerwear market, the best option will be a place in a shopping center with medium traffic. Firstly, it will be easier to pass inspections in all necessary instances, and the average traffic of the shopping center will make the rent acceptable to young business.

It also makes sense to pay attention to the youth segment - if there is a fairly large educational institution, by opening a store with a large number of youth models nearby, you can get a fairly serious flow of customers.

Selection of commercial equipment

An important point is to equip your store with the necessary commercial equipment. In this case, you will need racks, hangers, fitting rooms, barcode scanners and cash register equipment, which you should pay special attention to, which is discussed here.


As can be seen from the previous paragraph, the choice of a place for the sale of women's outerwear is closely related to the intended range of goods. It is logical to locate a store with boutique models in the city center or in a status shopping center, a store with budget and mid-price models in a middle-class shopping center or a store located closer to the periphery, and also take into account socio-cultural factors.

However, the most logical option for a young business would be an option with a mid-price segment of goods, and, possibly, a small number of budget models. Given the limitations associated with the amount of start-up capital and the general economic situation in the country, the most massive consumers of this type of product are women with average incomes.

Whether the assortment will be designed for the youth segment or for women's models, whether it is necessary to purchase jackets and coats of large sizes and any non-standard models - it is up to the business manager to decide in each case based on market analysis and his own preferences. In any case, the assortment can always be corrected if something goes wrong, although this, of course, requires financial costs.


It is logical that in order to fill the store with goods, it is necessary to purchase it somewhere, and the question of choosing the right supplier in this case is extremely important. A good wholesale supplier of women's outerwear should meet the following criteria:

  • favorable prices for goods;
  • convenient and fast delivery;
  • correct documentation.

It makes no sense to purchase such a product, for which only the smallest margin can then be made, therefore, the criterion of the wholesale cost of the goods is most often decisive when choosing a wholesale supplier. In pursuit of more attractive prices, the geography of searches is expanding not only to the borders of the region, but also throughout the country, and here it is already important that the supplier delivers the purchased goods promptly, and safe and sound. At the same time, the goods should be convenient to pay for, payments should be made quickly, and all necessary documentation- be provided.

Where to begin?

When we talk about the garment industry, two scenarios are possible. In the first case, the entrepreneur buys equipment, hires staff and takes orders from various designers, companies and even other industries that do not have enough capacity to sew everything that is needed. In this case, there is no question of creating your own clothes and brand, you do not need to think about how to sell products.

The second case - and this is just my situation - implies that first the products will be manufactured, the demand for it will be studied and distribution channels will be found, and only then will our own factory be launched.

Both types of production can work in symbiosis, and each path has both pluses and minuses. Starting a production that works with orders will require a large amount of investment and fixed costs. The advantage of the second way is that there are no fixed costs. But at the same time, you can't control manufacturing process and deadlines for the execution of the order from the performers.

If there were factories that were taken on time and to sew products with high quality, I would not open my own production.

An unsuccessful choice of the target audience and a lack of understanding of its priorities can put an end to your entire business. Many of the jacket manufacturers closed down simply because they focused on fashion and made for young people. It was a road to nowhere, because the youth would rather go to the market and buy a fake one there, but well famous brand, and not quality clothes under a little-known brand.

I immediately decided to go the other way and chose an older audience - 30-40 years old. These are people who no longer care about the tag on their clothes. It is important for them that the products are of high quality and convenient. A little later, we reoriented ourselves a bit and now we sew clothes primarily for travel, but we also have urban models of jackets.

Keep in mind that it is not worth sewing a large batch of products right away. To begin with, it is better to make a small number of products and see how they will sell. ​​​​​​​

Having decided on target audience and products, you need to consider distribution channels. For example, you can sell your products both to wholesalers who will already resell them in their stores, and to retail buyers through your own network of stores or an online store with delivery. We use both methods in our practice. But we still focus on retail customers.

Proceed to launch own production spontaneously not worth it. An ideal option if you already have some experience in the clothing industry or light industry, entrepreneurial experience. In this case, you will have an idea about the work and certain connections in this environment. It is advisable to spy on how the work of other manufacturers is built. In addition, it is worth immediately attracting professionals to your team who can be entrusted with solving highly specialized issues in which you are not entirely competent. Good technologists, designers and production directors will save you a headache.

Investment size

The amount of investment will depend mainly on what kind of production you want. If you plan to simply take orders from others, work on raw materials to be supplied, you need at least 20-30 machines to have a sufficient production volume. With small volumes, such sewing production will not be profitable.

In addition to 20 ordinary sewing machines, you will need 10 more different devices: overlockers, button and rivet machines, and so on. Prices for such tools can be very different, but you can count on an average of 15 thousand rubles for a used car. If you work on raw materials supplied by the customer, fabric, threads, accessories and other necessary things will be provided to you by the customer, so this expense item is no longer needed.

But keep in mind that workers will have to pay salaries from the first day of the opening of production, and there will most likely not be large orders at first.

The biggest problem with any production is fixed costs.

Personal experience

I chose a fairly narrow audience - travelers - and began to act through it. I sewed a trial batch of jackets and distributed them to people who actively travel and are known in certain circles. They began to mention our products in their blogs, upload photos. But the real breakthrough came after one of the bloggers came to talk about jackets.

The conversation was not so much about jackets as about business, and the guest asked permission to record the conversation on a dictaphone. After that, he published a recording of the conversation on his blog. I was surprised that the record got so many positive reviews. After this publication, I began to receive offers of cooperation from federal newspapers and TV channels. So the coolest part of my brand PR cost me next to nothing.

One way or another, the entrepreneur is faced with the question of where to get the money to start his production. After all, 2 million rubles are not lying on the road. The very first thought is to get a loan, but in today's conditions, loans are increasingly turning into a stone that drowns a business.

The most reasonable way is gradual financing. Collecting a couple of hundred thousand rubles is quite realistic, and with this amount you can start something. This scheme is best used if you are launching your own brand.

It is very difficult to apply such a scheme to garment production using raw materials to be supplied. Therefore, it is worth trying to attract an investor, for example, by promising him a share in the business. Although investors are very reluctant to invest in production, there are many risks, and the profitability is low.

Step-by-step instruction

So, at first, you need to decide on the type of clothing production, the target audience, calculate the amount of funding and find its source. After that, you can proceed directly to the creation of production. And the first thing you need is to find suppliers of equipment and raw materials.

As you know, it is always easier to buy than to sell. There are a lot of equipment suppliers - from used to the newest and most modern - in Russia. At the same time, most of them are now extremely willing to make contact, because queues of buyers do not line up for them. It is not difficult to find such suppliers via the Internet. The main thing is to decide what kind of equipment you need and what price you are willing to pay for it.

When choosing a fabric supplier, you need to proceed from what kind of product you have. For example, if you sew outfits in the premium segment, it makes sense to spend money on expensive European fabrics. At the same time, there are a lot of suppliers on the market working with Russia and China. Fabrics from these countries can be much cheaper, so if you work for a consumer with an average income, it is better to prefer them. But it is important that the quality of the fabric remains at a decent level, and it is not produced in a handicraft factory.

If you have a large enough volume of production, then you can contact the factories directly. Although intermediaries now also do not “cheat” prices much.​​​​​​​

The main difficulty in the clothing industry is finding good staff. To begin with, you will need a production manager who will strictly monitor discipline. He must be motivated to do his job well. In addition, it is important that he understands the production process itself and can suggest how to correct something.

You will also need a cutter who can not only cut according to ready-made patterns, but can also make changes to them. For a large production, two cutters will be needed.

An important figure is a technologist who will choose the optimal operating modes, control the quality of products, improve the production process, etc.

If you plan to design clothes yourself, you will need a designer who will make patterns. But in the event that you are just going to work with third-party orders, it is also desirable to have such a specialist on staff. Often the customer does not provide any patterns, but simply brings a sample of the finished product. Therefore, there must be a person in production who, according to appearance jackets will recreate the pattern.

I do not advise taking on production of young employees, because they are not motivated, and as a result, the quality of work suffers. ​​​​​​​

The negligent attitude of the staff to work entails direct material losses: negligent employees can simply spoil good expensive material. As a rule, people of pre-retirement age approach their duties more responsibly. And it's not just experience or financial motivation. Most of these people are just ashamed to do their job poorly.

The advantage of sewing production is that the hours of work can be almost any. The main thing is that the required number of products is sewn for the shift. When I opened production in St. Petersburg, we started working at 10 am. But having moved to Veliky Novgorod, I was faced with the fact that employees want to “guess” the time of the shift so that they can catch their personal plots. Therefore, in winter and autumn, we usually work from 8 to 5, and in summer we start even earlier. The question of how many shifts to introduce at your enterprise depends on its load and on the number of orders.

When deciding where to open production, it is worth deciding not only on the area and infrastructure, but also on the city. It is best to open in small towns. As a rule, renting premises in them is much cheaper, and besides, there are more chances to establish contacts with local management, which can be very useful.

As for the location of the premises, you do not need good pedestrian traffic or a central area at all. Moreover, renting a room in the city center is quite expensive, so it is better to choose a location on the outskirts. But remember that employees should be convenient to get to work. The area of ​​the room will depend mainly on how many jobs you have. There are no special repair requirements.

Detailed requirements for sewing production are prescribed in SanPiN 5182-90, released back in 1990. But many of the requirements in it are actually outdated. For example, the document states the requirement not to exceed the noise level of 80 dBA, but in fact no separate measures to reduce the noise level are needed, since modern sewing machines work quite quietly.

The main requirement is good lighting.​​​​​​​

The sewing workshop should have sources of natural light, as well as fluorescent lamps. In addition, each workplace should be equipped with local lighting.

To start work, no permits from SES and firefighters are required. All Required documents and contracts must be provided to you by the landlord. It is also desirable to certify production in accordance with ISO 9001.

Remember that current laws prohibit inspections of a business in the first three years if you have not received any complaints. That is, you will have a margin of time in order to calmly and without haste collect all the documents, bring the premises in line with the standards, get certified and work.


In the case of garment production It is preferable to register an LLC, not an individual entrepreneur. Simply because, in the eyes of the customer, LLC looks much more reliable.

It is best to choose a simplified taxation regime. In the event that you work on tolling raw materials, choose the formula “income minus expenses”. Accounting will be more strict, but you will be able to save money, since the main expense item will be staff salaries.
