Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

What can energy be generated from? Sources of electricity. The god Quetzalcoatl is a feathered serpent. Temple of Quetzalcoatl

The power of the water flow to generate electricity has served humanity faithfully for more than 100 years. But what is the first thing that comes to mind of FORUMHOUSE users when it comes to hydropower? Usually, the imagination draws a cyclopean structure in the form of a hydroelectric power station that blocked the river.

Now imagine a small water turbine made of modern composite materials that can be installed by two people in a stream of water and has enough power to power a refrigerator, TV and laptop. Sounds like fantasy, doesn't it? But Japanese engineers at Ibasei don't think so, having announced their latest development last year, a miniature water turbine called the Cappa.

The turbine does not require earthworks and can be installed in the water stream on special mounts. And at a flow rate of 2.0 m/s, this system can generate 250 watts of power.

According to company representatives, the turbine is based on a special-shaped diffuser, due to which even a small flow of water is accelerated and rotates the turbine blades, generating electric current.

The generated energy is converted into electricity using a generator. Then, with the help of the controller, the direct current is converted into alternating current, with a frequency of 50/60 Hz, which can be used at home.

As preliminary tests have shown, the wind generator, with a sail diameter of 120 cm, generates electricity with a power of 400 to 600 watts. And in this moment The company's engineers are working on improving the design of the plant.

Thus, with the help modern technologies expands significantly, allowing you to give your country house greater autonomy and independence from energy suppliers.

FORUMHOUSE users can learn more about alternative energy from the corresponding forum. This article reveals the issue of using a wind generator. The application of heat pumps is being discussed.

And after reading this video, you will see how a geothermal pump provides heat to a house in the absence of main gas.


I. The main ways of obtaining energy…………………….3

1. Thermal power plants……………..…………………3

2. Hydroelectric power plants…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Nuclear power plants……………………..…………6

II. Non-traditional energy sources……………………..9

1. Wind energy……………………………………………9

2. Geothermal energy…………………………………… 11

3. Thermal energy of the ocean……………………………….12

4. Energy of ebbs and flows…………………………...13

5. Energy of sea currents…………………………………………13

6. Energy of the Sun………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

7. Hydrogen energy…………………………………………17




Scientific and technical progress is impossible without the development of energy, electrification. To increase labor productivity, the mechanization and automation of production processes and the replacement of human labor by machines are of paramount importance. But the vast majority technical means mechanization and automation (equipment, instruments, computers) has an electrical basis. Electrical energy has been especially widely used to drive electric motors. Power electrical machines(depending on their purpose) is different: from fractions of a watt (micromotors used in many branches of technology and in household products) to huge values ​​exceeding a million kilowatts (generators of power plants).

Mankind needs electricity, and the need for it is increasing every year. At the same time, the reserves of traditional natural fuels (oil, coal, gas, etc.) are finite. Stocks are also finite nuclear fuel- uranium and thorium, from which plutonium can be obtained in breeder reactors. Therefore, it is important today to find profitable sources of electricity, and not only from the point of view of cheap fuel, but also from the point of view of simplicity of construction, operation, cheapness of materials needed to build a station, and durability of stations.

This essay is a brief overview of the current state of human energy resources. The paper considers traditional sources electrical energy. The purpose of the work is, first of all, to get acquainted with the current state of affairs in this unusually wide range of problems.

Traditional sources primarily include: thermal, nuclear and water flow energy.

Russian energy today it is 600 thermal, 100 hydraulic, 9 nuclear power plants. There are, of course, several power plants using solar, wind, hydrothermal, tidal energy as a primary source, but the share of energy produced by them is very small compared to thermal, nuclear and hydraulic plants.

I. The main ways of obtaining energy.

1. Thermal power plants.

Thermal power plant (TPP), a power plant that generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during combustion organic fuel. The first thermal power plants appeared in con. 19 in and received predominant distribution. All R. 70s 20th century TPP - the main type of power plants. The share of electricity generated by them was: in Russia and the USA, St. 80% (1975), in the world about 76% (1973).

About 75% of all electricity in Russia is produced at thermal power plants. Most Russian cities are supplied with thermal power plants. Often in cities, CHPs are used - combined heat and power plants that produce not only electricity, but also heat in the form of hot water. Such a system is rather impractical. unlike electric cable, the reliability of heating mains is extremely low over long distances, the efficiency of district heating is greatly reduced due to a decrease in the temperature of the coolant. It is estimated that with a length of heating mains of more than 20 km (a typical situation for most cities), the installation of an electric boiler in a detached house becomes economically viable.

At thermal power plants, the chemical energy of the fuel is converted first into mechanical and then into electrical energy.

The fuel for such a power plant can be coal, peat, gas, oil shale, fuel oil. Thermal power plants are divided into condensing (CPP), designed to generate only electrical energy, and combined heat and power plants (CHP), producing, in addition to electrical thermal energy in the form of hot water and steam. Large IESs of regional significance are called state district power plants (GRES).

The simplest fundamental IES scheme, working on coal, is presented in fig. Coal is fed into the fuel bunker 1, and from it - into the crushing plant 2, where it turns into dust. Coal dust enters the furnace of the steam generator (steam boiler) 3, which has a system of pipes in which chemically purified water, called feed water, circulates. In the boiler, the water heats up, evaporates, and the resulting saturated steam is brought to a temperature of 400-650 ° C and, under a pressure of 3-24 MPa, enters the steam turbine 4 through the steam pipeline. The steam parameters depend on the power of the units. Thermal condensing power plants have a low efficiency (30-40%), since most of the energy is lost with flue gases and condenser cooling water.

It is advantageous to build IES in the immediate vicinity of fuel extraction sites. At the same time, consumers of electricity can be located at a considerable distance from the station.

A combined heat and power plant differs from a condensing station by a special combined heat and power turbine with steam extraction installed on it. At the CHPP, one part of the steam is completely used in the turbine to generate electricity in the generator 5 and then enters the condenser 6, and the other part, which has a high temperature and pressure (dashed line in the figure), is taken from the intermediate stage of the turbine and used for heat supply. Condensate pump 7 through the deaerator 8 and then feed pump 9 is fed into the steam generator. The amount of steam extracted depends on the needs of enterprises for thermal energy.

The efficiency of CHP reaches 60-70%.

Such stations are usually built near consumers - industrial enterprises or residential areas. Most often they work on imported fuel.

Considered thermal power plants in terms of the type of the main thermal unit - a steam turbine - belong to steam turbine stations. Thermal stations with gas turbine (GTU), combined-cycle (CCGT) and diesel plants have become much less widespread.

The most economical are large thermal steam turbine power plants (TPPs for short). Most thermal power plants in our country use coal dust as fuel. It takes several hundred grams of coal to generate 1 kWh of electricity. In a steam boiler, over 90% of the energy released by the fuel is transferred to steam. In the turbine, the kinetic energy of the steam jets is transferred to the rotor. The turbine shaft is rigidly connected to the generator shaft.

Modern steam turbines for thermal power plants are very advanced, high-speed, highly economical machines with a long service life. Their power in a single-shaft version reaches 1 million 200 thousand kW, and this is not the limit. Such machines are always multi-stage, i.e., they usually have several dozen disks with working blades and the same

the number, in front of each disk, of groups of nozzles through which a jet of steam flows. The steam pressure and temperature are gradually reduced.

From the course of physics it is known that the efficiency of heat engines increases with an increase in the initial temperature of the working fluid. Therefore, the steam entering the turbine is brought to high parameters: the temperature is almost up to 550 ° C and the pressure is up to 25 MPa. The efficiency of TPP reaches 40%. Most of the energy is lost along with the hot exhaust steam.

According to scientists, the energy industry of the near future will still be based on thermal power engineering using non-renewable resources. But its structure will change. The use of oil must be reduced. Electricity generation will increase significantly nuclear power plants. The use of giant reserves of cheap coal, which have not yet been touched, will begin, for example, in the Kuznetsk, Kansk-Achinsk, and Ekibastuz basins. Natural gas will be widely used, the reserves of which in the country far exceed those in other countries.

Unfortunately, the reserves of oil, gas, coal are by no means endless. It took nature millions of years to create these reserves, they will be used up in hundreds of years. Today, the world began to seriously think about how to prevent the predatory plunder of earthly wealth. After all, only under this condition, fuel reserves can last for centuries.

2. Hydroelectric power plants.

Hydroelectric station, hydroelectric power station (HPP), a complex of structures and equipment through which the energy of the water flow is converted into electrical energy. The hydroelectric power station consists of a series of hydraulic structures that provide the necessary concentration of water flow and the creation of pressure, and energy. equipment that converts the energy of water moving under pressure into mechanical energy rotation, which, in turn, is converted into electrical energy.

According to the scheme of use of water resources and the concentration of pressure, HPPs are usually divided into channel, dam, diversion with pressure and non-pressure diversion, mixed, pumped storage and tidal. In run-of-river and near-dam HPPs, the water pressure is created by a dam that blocks the river and raises the water level in the upstream. At the same time, some flooding of the river valley is inevitable. In the case of the construction of two dams on the same section of the river, the area of ​​flooding decreases. On lowland rivers, the highest economically feasible

the area of ​​flooding limits the height of the dam. Run-of-river and near-dam HPPs are built both on low-lying high-water rivers and on mountain rivers, in narrow compressed valleys.

In order to get electricity, you need to find the potential difference and the conductor. By connecting everything into a single stream, you can provide yourself with a constant source of electricity. However, in reality, it is not so easy to tame the potential difference.

Nature conducts electrical energy of enormous power through a liquid medium. These are lightning discharges that are known to occur in air saturated with moisture. However, these are just single digits, and not constant flow electricity.

Man assumed the function of natural power and organized the movement of electricity through wires. However, this is just a transfer of one type of energy into another. The extraction of electricity directly from the environment remains mainly at the level of scientific research, experiments from the category of entertaining physics and the creation of small low-power installations.

The easiest way to extract electricity from a solid and wet environment.

Unity of three environments

The most popular medium in this case is the soil. The fact is that the earth is a unity of three media: solid, liquid and gaseous. Small particles of minerals are surrounded by drops of water and air bubbles. Moreover, the elementary unit of the soil - a micelle or a clay-humus complex - is a complex system with a potential difference.

A negative charge is formed on the outer shell of such a system, and a positive charge is formed on the inner shell. Positively charged ions in the medium are attracted to the negatively charged micelle shell. So electrical and electrochemical processes are constantly taking place in the soil. In a more homogeneous air and water environment, there are no such conditions for the concentration of electricity.

How to get electricity from the ground

Since the soil contains both electricity and electrolytes, it can be considered not only as an environment for living organisms and a source of crops, but also as a mini power plant. In addition, our electrified dwellings concentrate in the environment around them the electricity that "flows" through the ground. This cannot be ignored.

Most often, homeowners use the following methods to extract electricity from the ground located around the house.

Method 1 - Neutral wire –> load –> soil

Voltage is supplied to the living quarters through 2 conductors: phase and zero. When creating a third, grounded, conductor, a voltage of 10 to 20 V arises between it and the zero contact. This voltage is enough to light a couple of light bulbs.

Thus, to connect consumers of electricity to "ground" electricity, it is enough to create a circuit: neutral wire - load - soil. Craftsmen can improve this primitive circuit and get a higher voltage current.

Method 2 - Zinc and copper electrode

The next way to generate electricity is based on the use of land only. Two metal rods are taken - one zinc, the other copper, and placed in the ground. It is better if it is soil in an isolated space.

Isolation is necessary in order to create an environment with high salinity, which is incompatible with life - nothing will grow in such soil. The rods will create a potential difference, and the soil will become an electrolyte.

In the simplest version, we get a voltage of 3 V. This, of course, is not enough for a home, but the system can be complicated, thereby increasing the power.

Method 3 - Potential between roof and ground

3. A sufficiently large potential difference can be created between the roof of the house and the ground. If the surface is metal on the roof, and ferrite in the ground, then a potential difference of 3 V can be achieved. This indicator can be increased by changing the size of the plates, as well as the distance between them.


  1. Studying this issue, I realized that modern industry does not produce ready-made devices for generating electricity from the ground, but this can also be done from improvised material.
  2. However, it should be noted that experiments with electricity are dangerous. It is better if you still involve a specialist, at least at the final stage of assessing the level of system security.

Employees of the University of Alberta have found a fundamentally new way to generate electricity from water. The first prototype electrokinetic battery produced 1 milliamp of electricity at about 10 volts, enough to light an LED.

The invention uses the effect of charge separation. There is a phenomenon called an electric double layer, when water ions flow through a channel with a diameter of 10 microns with non-conductive walls, a positive charge appears at one end of the battery, and a negative one at the other.

The prototype had about 400-500 thousand separate channels.

Professor Kostyuk believes that in the future such water batteries can be used as batteries for smartphones and PDAs.

Nothing is impossible. It seemed that two different things, two different incarnations - electricity and water, are practically antagonists, but it is possible to obtain electrical energy in this way.
To do this, you will need two metals that form the anode cathode, one of them needs to be stuck into the tree, and the other into the soil.

New technology for generating electricity from ordinary water

The Tata Group recently signed a collaboration agreement with Daniel Nosera, an MIT scientist and co-founder of SunCatalytix. The subject of their agreement was the technology developed by the scientist for obtaining electricity from ordinary water. Although aspects of their cooperation have not yet been disclosed, it is already clear that new technology energy generation will provide electricity to more than three billion people around the world! What's more, Daniel Nocer's technology is said to produce energy more efficiently than solar panels.

Nosera and his team recently discovered that artificial cobalt placed in a vessel filled with water and a silicon wafer coated with phosphate generated electricity. As in photosynthesis, this process occurs due to the “knocking out” of hydrogen from a water molecule under the influence of sunlight. All the secrets of the new way of generating electricity have not yet been disclosed, but it has already been proven that the technology allows you to get enough electricity from 1.5 liters to provide it with a small house, and a whole pool of water in which it will be updated once a day will generate as much electricity, that it will be enough to run the plant!

Despite the fact that the work is still at the testing stage, the team of Tata Group and Daniel Noser already foresees how many billions of people they can provide with electricity. True, with the proviso that areas that are especially experiencing a shortage of electricity most often feel a shortage of water necessary for their technology. Having teamed up just a month and a half ago, Tata Group and Daniel Nocera were already wondering how, based on their discovery, to implement electricity generation using land instead of water.

How to get electricity from hydrogen

The environmentally friendly production of electricity from electrolytically obtained hydrogen and oxygen is a promising technology for generating electricity. You can see this for yourself by building an electrolysis mini-power plant at home.

Step 1: Make the electrodes

Take a thin platinum wire and cut two pieces of 15 centimeters long from it. Wrap the first piece of wire tightly around the thick nail to form a spiral. Remove the spiral from the nail. Repeat the same for the second piece of wire. These two spirals will serve as electrodes.

The electrodes should be either platinum wire or platinum-plated nickel wire.

Step 2: Connect the wires

Take four short wires and strip the ends of the insulation. Then twist the end of the first wire with the end of the second and with a straight section of the wire spiral. After that, repeat the operation for the remaining spiral - twist its free end with the ends of the third and fourth wires.

Step 3: Attach the electrodes

On a wooden stick from ice cream, fix the electrodes with electrical tape next to each other so that the wires with the electrodes are located under the electrical tape, and the spirals of the electrodes themselves are not covered with electrical tape.

Step 4: Prepare the glass

Place the stick with the wires attached to it on top of the glass of water so that the coils of the electrodes are immersed in the water. Glue the ends of the stick to the edges of the glass with small pieces of electrical tape. Make sure that only the coils are immersed in the water, the wire strands must be out of the water.

Step 5: Connect Voltmeter

Connect one wire from the first coil and one from the second coil to the voltmeter. The voltmeter should show zero voltage.

Sometimes the voltmeter may show a non-zero voltage, such as .01 V.

Step 6: Connect the battery

Connect a 9-volt battery to the remaining ends of the wire for a few seconds. You will see that gas bubbles begin to form on the surface of the electrodes immersed in water. This phenomenon is called electrolysis. At the same time, hydrogen is released at one electrode, and oxygen at the other.

Step 7: Disconnect the battery

Disconnect the battery. You will see that the voltmeter still shows some voltage. It is the platinum of the electrodes that causes free oxygen to react with hydrogen, producing enough electricity to even power some low-voltage electrical devices.

In the process of obtaining such electricity, no environmentally harmful waste is generated, because all that is obtained as a result is water and water vapor.


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