Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Production is being mechanized. Complex mechanization and automation of building production. The mechanization of production labor is the replacement of muscular human energy through the use of mechanical machines and mechanisms that are produced

MECHANIZATION OF PRODUCTION, replacement of manual means of labor by machines and mechanisms using for their action various kinds energy, traction in branches of material production or processes labor activity. M. p. also covers the sphere of mental labor (see, for example, Mechanization of accounting, Information retrieval and etc.). Main The goals of M. p. are to increase labor productivity and free a person from performing difficult, labor-intensive, and tedious operations. M. p. contributes to the rational and economical use of raw materials, materials and energy, reducing costs and improving the quality of products. Along with the improvement and updating of technical means and technology L. item is inextricably linked with raising the level of qualification and organization of production, changing the qualifications of workers, and using the methods of scientific organization of labor. M. p. is one of the main areas of technical. progress, ensures the development productive forces and serves material basis to improve the efficiency of societies. production, developing by intensive methods. To tech. The means of M. p. include working machines with engines and transmission devices for them that perform specified operations, as well as all other machines and mechanisms that are not directly involved in these operations, but are necessary so that this production process can be carried out at all e.g. ventilation and exhaust systems.

Depending on the degree of equipment of production processes technical means and the kind of work distinguish between partial and complex L. p.

At partial L. the item mechanizes otd. productions, operations or types of work, Ch. arr. the most time-consuming, while maintaining the share of manual labor, especially in auxiliary. loading and unloading and transp. works.

A higher level is the complex M. p., at which manual labor is replaced by machine labor on all basics. technological operations. process and auxiliary works of productions, process. Integrated production is carried out on the basis of a rational choice of machines and other equipment operating in mutually agreed upon modes, coordinated in terms of productivity and ensuring the best performance of a given technological process. Manual labor with complex M. p. can be preserved on a separate. non-labor-intensive operations, mechanization to-rykh is not essential for facilitating labor and is not economically feasible. The person also has the functions of managing the process of production and control. Integrated production method predetermines the possibility of using in-line production methods, helps to improve its quality, and ensures the preservation of uniformity, the degree of accuracy, and the constancy of the specified parameters.

The next step after the complex M. p., the stage of improving production processes is their partial or complete automation (see. production automation).

The means of labor, being an integral part of the productive forces, are created and improved in the process of social production. The invention of new tools and the introduction of new technologies. processes are directly related to the development of natural science and are carried out on the basis of the knowledge and use of its laws. Before industrial revolution 18th-19th centuries the tools of labor remained manual and the number of working tools that a person could act at the same time was limited by his natural tools, i.e., the organs of his body. The forces of nature used included water, wind, and domesticated animals. In the manufacturing period, preceding the prom. revolution, the division of handicraft labor and its professions, as well as the specialization of tools, reached such a high degree that prerequisites arose for the connection of tools in a machine and the replacement of a worker's hand with a tool by a mechanism. “As a machine,” noted K. Marx, “the means of labor acquires such a material form of existence, which causes the replacement of human power by the forces of nature and empirical routine methods - by the conscious application of natural science” (Mark K. to Engels F., Soch., 2 ed., vol. 23, p. 397). Improvement of tools and methods of labor, the emergence of a universal steam engine, the use of machines and mechanisms to facilitate labor was called into con. 18-beginning 19th centuries a sharp jump in the level and scale of production. Replacing manual labor in the implementation of technological. and transp. functions, mechanical the means of labor were the starting point of tech. progress in various branches of industry, played an important role in the formation of capitalist. production method. Prom. The revolution created the conditions for the manufacturing industry, primarily weaving, spinning, metalworking, and woodworking. The possibility of using the power of a steam engine to drive a number of working machines led to the creation of a wide variety of transmission mechanisms that grew into many. cases in a widely branched mechan. system.

With an increase in the size of the motor and transmission mechanisms, with the complication of working machines, with the advent of new materials that are difficult to process, there is an objective need to use various machines and mechanisms in the machine building itself. production Having started the production of machines by machines, big industry thus created a technical equivalent to her. basis. Throughout the 19th century Industrial production quickly penetrates not only into individual links of production and process, but also conquers one branch of industry after another, displacing old traditions. forms of production based on manual labor and primitive technology. Mechanizir. production is widespread in all developed countries.

With the development of large-scale industry, the design is being improved, the power and productivity of the means of M. p. 19th century along with the steam engine, a more economical and compact internal combustion engine, to-ry allowed to create new workers and transp. tractors, automobiles, excavators, motor ships, airplanes, etc. New methods of energy conversion are emerging, based on the use of steam and hydraulic power. turbines connected to electric generators. current. Development and improvement of electric. machines leads in the first floor. 20th century to the widespread introduction of group and individual electric drives of working machines in metal-cutting, woodworking, weaving and other machine tools, forging and pressing, mining, hoisting and transport machines, rolling mills, etc.

In the system of machines, the object of labor sequentially passes through a series of interconnected partial processes, which are carried out by a chain of heterogeneous, but mutually complementary machines, mechanisms, and apparatuses. Mechanical system means of labor leads to continuous-line production in a developed form.

The further development of M. p. is aimed at max, intensification production processes, reduction techno-logical. cycle, release work force, the implementation of complex mechanization in the most labor-intensive industries of production.

Among the technical means of M. p. have been developed combined machines - combines, in which units located in the technological. sequences automatically affect the object of labor. The development of combination, complex mechanization and automation led to the creation automatic lines machines, workshops-automatic and automatic. factories with high production efficiency.

Under the conditions of capitalism society and the relations of production peculiar to it, the means of labor, acting as a machine, immediately becomes a competitor of the worker, one of the main means of his exploitation and the most powerful weapon in the hands of the capitalists to suppress the indignations of the workers. "... The introduction of machines increased the division of labor within society, simplified the functions of the worker inside the workshop, increased the concentration of capital and further dismembered the person" (Marx K., ibid., vol. 4, p. 158). The expediency of using new means of production under capitalism is ensured by the fact that their value must be lower than the value of the labor power they replace.

In the socialist machine society and all other technical. means of labor mechanization are created and used not for competitive purposes and not for the exploitation of the worker, but to increase labor productivity, economic efficiency social production, to facilitate and improve conditions labor processes which is ultimately aimed at improving the material well-being and cultural level of the people. “Earlier,” wrote V.I. Lenin, “the whole human mind, all its genius created only in order to give some all the benefits of technology and culture, while depriving others of the most necessary - education and culture. Now all the wonders of technology, all the conquests of culture will become the property of the whole people, and from now on the human mind and genius will never be turned into means of profit, into means of exploitation" (Poln. sobr. soch. 5th ed., vol. 35, p. 289).

In a planned socialist x-va creates the most favorable conditions for the rational use of M. p. as the basis of technical. progress in the industry and with. x-ve. "Large-scale machine industry and its transfer to agriculture is the only economic basis for socialism..." (V. I. Lenin, Poli. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 44, p. 135). In the socialist M.'s society of the item is the powerful tool of the person for all-round simplification of work and steady growth of social pro-va. The introduction of mechanization in the socialist. national economy also occurs in those cases when its result is not only a material effect, but also an improvement in working conditions, an increase in its safety. Contributing to the elimination of heavy manual labor, the reduction of the working day and the improvement of cultural-but-technical. and the material level of workers, M.p. plays an important role in the implementation of scientific. organization of production, in the erasure of creatures, the differences between mental and physical labor.

In the USSR, industrial production was the basis for the industrialization of the country and the collectivization of the village. x-va; it predetermines the rate of growth in the productivity of societies and labor on the basis of the further development of comprehensive mechanization and automation of production and processes.

Implementation of M.p. depends primarily on the equipment of industry, construction, transport, etc. x-va the most advanced machines, mechanisms and devices (see table.). Most rapidly in the USSR, the production of machines, mechanisms, installations and equipment in the leading industries of industry (energy and electrical engineering, machine tool building, mining and chemical engineering) developed. High growth rates are also characteristic of instrument making, production of radio equipment, automation and computing equipment, equipment, household appliances and mechanisms. The level and efficiency of M. p. of a certain branch of production or process, in practice, is evaluated according to various indicators. Such indicators can be: the level of mechanization of labor, the level of mechanization of work, the mechanization and power-to-weight ratio of labor, etc. The level (coefficient) of mechanization of labor is understood as specific gravity mechanic labor in the total labor costs for the manufacture of certain products or for the performance of work in a section, workshop, enterprise, etc. This indicator is determined by the ratio of the time spent on the execution of mechanization. and handicrafts. A similar purpose has an indicator of the degree of coverage of workers mechanizir. labor, to-ry is determined by the ratio of the number of workers performing the work of the machine. way, to the total number of workers. The specificity of certain types of production necessitates the introduction of such an indicator as the level (coefficient) of mechanization of work - the ratio of the volume of products performed by mechanization. way, to the total volume of production. This indicator is used in the foundry and forging industries, in transport and construction work, etc. The mechanical-labor ratio of labor is usually estimated by the cost of the machines and mechanisms in production, per worker on average. The power-to-weight ratio of labor (or, in some cases, the electrical power-to-weight ratio) is expressed by the ratio of the number of mechanical. and electric (or only electric) energy consumed in the production process per 1 man-hour worked or per 1 worker. These indicators are used conditionally for a comparative assessment of the mechanization of individual processes. When choosing technical means of small-scale production, the cost of which is included in the capital costs and is transferred to the cost of the product for the entire time of their use, the weight and dimensions, payback periods, energy consumption, and reliability in operation are taken into account;

Development of the production of some of the most important means of mechanization in the USSR

Means of mechanization

Metal-cutting machines, thousand pieces

Forging and pressing machines, thousand pieces

Turbines, thousand tons no

Generators for turbines, thousand tons no

AC motors current, thousand n no

Metallurgical equipment, thous. T

Coal cleaning combines, pcs.

Trucks, thousand units Tractors, thousand units

Combine harvesters, thousand units

Diesel locomotives main, sections.

Mainline electric locomotives, pcs.

Excavators, pcs.

Weaving machines, thousand pieces

wear resistance of components and parts, maintaining the constancy of the main parameters for the entire period of operation, speed of adjustment, the ability to readjust to perform other similar operations, ease of maintenance, technical. inspection and repair.

M. p. in the sectors of the national economy of the USSR. Creation of a major socialist prom-sti, capable of solving the most complex scientific and technical. problems and national economies. tasks, is the greatest conquest of owls. people, the triumph of Lenin's socialist ideas. industrialization. Revolutionary. important are the major measures for the mechanization of work in various sectors of the national economy, carried out during the years of Soviet power. Developed and implemented in the production of thousands of samples of modern. high-performance dit. gun machines. Machine systems are being created for the integrated mechanization and automation of the main industries, processes in industry, construction, and village. x-ve and on transport. Based on technical improvement the level of production is consistently reduced the use of manual and heavy, as well as unskilled labor in all sectors of the national economy. At the same time, the need for technical means to complete complex mechanization in all sectors is steadily increasing.

M. p. in the energy sector is associated with the commissioning of large electric. stations and the creation of unified energy systems. Consolidation of the capacity of power plants makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of labor, materials and fuel for the production of electricity, to apply effective means of monitoring, regulating and managing both individual units and power plants as a whole. The energy capacities of the USSR will increase Ch. arr. due to the construction of thermal power plants with large power units with a capacity of 300, 500, 800 MW, and in the future with a capacity of 1000 MW and higher. The maintenance of such power units is completely mechanized, which significantly reduces the need for labor force per unit of installed capacity. The standard of production in the thermal power industry is aimed at improving the means of preparing, loading, and supplying fuel, methods of water treatment, ash removal, and so on. Turbines with a capacity of 500 MW(Bratskaya HPP) and turbines with a capacity of 630 MW(for the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP). On nuclear power plants reactor plants with a capacity of 1000 MW and more. A distinctive feature of nuclear power is the complex mechanization and automation of technological processes. processes, which allows, due to the reduction of labor and material costs, to ensure its high competitiveness in relation to traditional energy industries.

In the mining industry, mining is aimed at reducing the time required for opening, preparing, and putting into operation new deposits and horizons, as well as at reducing the cost of maintaining working workings, which is associated with the expansion of complexity in the mechanized processes of underground and open pit mining. In mines are applied vysokoproizvodit. narrow-cut combines and plows operating in combination with moving face conveyors and individual metalworkers. or hydrofic. fasteners (see Coal complexes). As a result of the introduction of machines and mechanisms, in 1972 the level of mechanization of coal heaping in flat and sloping longwalls amounted to sv. 90%; delivery of coal, underground haulage of coal and rock and loading of coal into the railway. wagons are fully mechanized. Ways are being introduced deserted coal mining, providing a significant increase in labor productivity. Hydraulic coal mining is developing. way (see Hydromechanization). Developing rapidly open pit mining with the use of complex M. p. on the basis of high-performance equipment: draglines, bucket-wheel excavators, transport-and-shaft bridges, powerful dump trucks, electric locomotives, dump cars, diesel trolley cars, etc.

In the gas and oil industry, the application is highly productive. The financial resources of the fuel supply contributed to an increase in oil and gas production and an increase in their share in the country's fuel balance. Powerful drilling equipment is used in the oil fields, including rigs for drilling deep wells, and integrated hydroficers are being introduced. drilling rigs with discrete tripping, mechanization and automation of all drilling processes. The equipment of oil-producing enterprises with block-complete automation continues. installations that provide significant savings in labor, cost and time. An increase in the level of mechanization and industrialization of the construction of gas fields, underground gas storage facilities, gas processing plants is ensured by the use of block and block-but-complete technological. installations, prefabricated buildings and structures with metal frames. For gas transportation, gas pipelines with a diameter of 1420 are widely used. mm at working pressure 7.5 MN/m2. As a result of the introduction of complex mechanization and automation, the compressor stations of gas pipelines being built in the Arctic and other hard-to-reach regions of the country operate practically without service personnel.

In metallurgy, metallurgy is aimed at completing the mechanization of individual labor-intensive work and at carrying out integrated metallurgy in blast-furnace, steel-smelting, and rolling shops. The most difficult work at the hearths of blast furnaces, all the necessary operations for servicing tapholes, have been mechanized. The production of mechanized equipment for servicing blast furnaces with a volume of 3200 m 3, developed a set of mechanizir. equipment for blast furnaces with a volume of 5000 m 3. The operation of new units with increased blast pressure and the use of oxygen makes it possible to accelerate the melting process, reduce fuel consumption and improve the quality of cast iron. In the steelmaking industry, advanced filling machines are used, the processes of breaking and laying the lining of ladles, loading large-capacity electric furnaces are mechanized, and the use of automatic systems is expanding. regulation of oxygen consumption in converters, control of carbon content in metal, systems for controlling the thermal regime of open-hearth furnaces, etc. The converter method of steelmaking using converters with a capacity of 250-300 T and continuous casting of steel with a high level of complex metallurgy. To improve the quality of steel, the development of such mechanized processes as metal treatment with synthetic slags, out-of-furnace evacuation, and electroslag and vacuum remelting of metal is envisaged. For new technological processes, machines and equipment have been created that operate on the principle of automatic. regulation of production processes and complex mechanization of operations for the preparation of charge, loading units and pouring metals. In the steelmaking industry, natural gas is widely used. In the rolling industry, a complex-mechanism is put into operation. mills for hot and cold rolling of sheet steel with aggregate lines for applying metal sheets to sheets. and non-metallic coatings; provides for the creation of precision and special. mills for the production of high-precision rolled products and economical profiles, mechanized and automated lines for finishing (adjustment), straightening, sorting, stacking and packaging of sheet and rolled products. In mechanical engineering M. the item is connected hl. arr. with quantities, composition and structure of the metalworking park. equipment, since the most time-consuming in the manufacture of products is the operation of mechanich. detail processing. In mass engineering. production of complex mechanization of mechanical processes. processing is carried out by using aggregate, special. and a specialist machine tools, machine tools and semi-automatic machines. The fleet of machine tools for electro-physical. and electrochemical processing methods that allow you to replace many time-consuming, tedious and even unhealthy manual operations in the manufacture of dies, molds, turbine blades, carbide tools, as well as parts of a particularly complex shape or from materials that are difficult to process with conventional tools, the use of machine tools with numerical control and adaptive devices is expanding, and in the future, it is planned to create and use various types of programmable manipulators And robots. This means that the development of the production of blanks, which, in terms of norm and size, as close as possible to finished parts, will have an impact on the manufacturing process in mechanical engineering. For this purpose, the reconstruction of existing and the creation of new specializations is carried out. enterprises for the production of castings and forgings. The specific gravity of metal forming is increasing (see. Forging and stamping production). For foundry equipment will be created in the form of a technological sets, for example, equipment for sand preparation areas, sets of equipment for investment casting, mechanizir. lines for molding, pouring, knocking out castings, etc. Comprehensive metallurgy will be developed significantly in the processes of welding, heat treatment of parts, and assembly of machines.

A significant influence on the level of mechanical engineering in mechanical engineering is exerted by the widespread development of the unification and standardization of assemblies and parts for general machine-building applications (bearings, gearboxes, couplings, flanges, chains, etc.). as well as normalized tools and standard equipment, the manufacture of which is organized at specialized enterprises.

In hoisting-and-transport and loading and unloading operations, L. p. is achieved by using lifting cranes, reloaders, means of floor lifting and transport. equipment, containers, building, lifts, lifts, ropeways, monorail feeding systems. Among the lifting and transport. means also include small-scale mechanization: blocks, cats, chain hoists and other lifting mechanisms. The choice of mechanization means for lifting and transporting and loading and unloading operations is determined by the type of cargo (piece, long, liquid, bulk), type Vehicle(wagons, ships, cars), containers, the volume of work performed, the distance of movement of goods and the height of the lift. Of great importance is the complexity and mutual conformity of the methods of lifting, moving, loading, unloading and stowage of goods at the points of departure and arrival. The volume of these types of work depends on the number of cargo transshipments. The level of mechanization of hoisting and transport and loading and unloading operations is determined by the ratio of the amount of goods processed with the help of mechanization to the total volume of processed goods. Important to reduce labor costs for prom. enterprises has the introduction of mechanization in order to completely replace manual labor in the intrashop and intershop loading and unloading of materials, parts, semi-finished products, loading and unloading railway. wagons, trucks and trailers, stacking semi-finished products and finished products in shop and factory warehouses. Main ways of implementing a comprehensive M. item of these works: the rational organization of the warehouse x-va enterprises, max, the approximation of warehouses to consumer shops, the unification of transport and warehouse operations with technological. basic processes. production; equipment of loading areas and warehouses modern. means of mechanization (stacker cranes, floor electric stackers, loaders, etc.); centralization of the work of intra-factory transport, the introduction of route transportation; the use of progressive transp. funds (conveyors And monorails with automatic addressing of cargoes, electric tractors, pneumatic transport), introduction of uninterrupted transportation of goods based on the widespread use of package and container traffic from using a unified reverse packaging; mechanization of auxiliary operations at the loading and unloading operations themselves, related to the slinging and unslinging of goods, the use of containers with autoslings, the formation and disbanding of packages on pallets, etc.

In the construction of M. p. associated with the peculiarities of the technology of construction, production, to the Crimea include a large load capacity and a change in the scope of work. Small-scale production in construction facilitates work and shortens the time for putting objects into operation. It is directed to arr. on the transformation of construction production into mechanizir. in-line process of assembly and installation of buildings and structures from large-panel elements and assemblies manufactured for a special purpose. w-dah. An increase in the production of construction equipment, the widespread introduction of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, new builds, materials, high-performance. methods of work ensured in 1960-70 the growth of labor productivity in construction by 60%. Achievements in the field of creating new structures of structures, improving technological. construction methods, production, an increase in the volume of mounted elements contributed to a change in a number of parameters of construction, machines, and sometimes their radical reconstruction, led to the emergence of new, previously unused machines. Powerful earth-moving, road-building, construction machines have been created and successfully used - bucket-wheel excavators, rotary and chain trenchers, wheeled shovel loaders, etc. The level of integrated mechanization of the heaviest and most labor-intensive earthen, concrete and installation work in 1972 it was 90-97.5%. Loading and unloading of stone, sand, gravel, crushed stone, wood, metal are mechanized by 97%. The mechanical-labor ratio of labor in construction increased 2.5 times in 1960-72. The construction of large-sized buildings, elements, assemblies, panels and blocks with a complete assembly of load-bearing and enclosing structures is approx. 4/4 of the total volume of construction and installation work, labor is being mechanized at a high rate in the preparation of concrete, the preparation of mortar. Fundamentally new designs of small-scale mechanization and manual machines: self-propelled machines for rolled and non-rolled coatings prom. buildings, machines for applying and grouting plaster, painting nozzles with protective air screens, etc. A further task of the production line in construction is the introduction of machines for loading and unloading cement, for plastering, painting and plumbing. works, the implementation of an integrated M. item in the construction and industry of building materials.

On transport M. p. determined by the specifics of the vehicles. On the yellow On the roads, the production of mass production is achieved by using progressive means of traction (electric and diesel locomotives), increasing the power of locomotives (with a corresponding increase in the mass of trains and their speed), using heavy-duty and self-unloading cars, and equipping railroads. automatic blocking lines, dispatcher centralization, etc. The level of mechanization of loading and unloading operations is increasing based on the use of lifting and transporting machines on railroads. roads and access roads enterprises. If in 1960 at the freight yards of the main railroads. roads was carried out in a complex-mechanizir. 50% of the total volume of loading and unloading operations, then in 1972 this indicator of mechanization amounted to 84%. The mechanization of road transport is being further developed. In the car park, the proportion of heavy-duty vehicles and road trains is increasing. The use of truck cranes, machines with a tail lift, semi-trailers-container carriers, self-unloading road trains-metal carriers will make it possible to mechanize loading and handling operations in a number of industries. A high level has been reached by international transport in water transport. By 1972, the sea and river fleets included more than 90% of diesel-electric ships and motor ships, including dry-cargo and oil tankers equipped with the latest navigation and navigational instruments. Sea and river ports have such means of mechanization as portal cranes, electric forklifts, special equipment. hold machines, floating loaders, etc. St. 90% of the total volume of cargo in seaports is processed in a complex-mechanized manner. way. On river transport with the use of mechanization, 99% of loading and unloading operations are performed. It means that the expansion of the capacity of sea and river ports, the creation of special. highly mechanized transshipment complexes for loading and unloading containers, bulk and timber cargo. Due to the increase in the country's fuel balance of the share of liquid and gaseous fuel mechanization is developing at a rapid pace. pipeline transport For oil(see section Oil production), oil products and natural gas. Length oil pipelines in the USSR in 1973 amounted to 42.9 thousand. km, gas pipelines - St. 70 thousand km. The world's largest oil pipeline was put into operation "Friendship from the USSR to the countries of the socialist community.

In agricultureM.p. is one of the most important problems in increasing the efficiency of production and improving working conditions. Productivity with. x-va, along with selection, chemicalization and moisture regulation, is determined by the level of mechanization of all types of agriculture. works. In 1972 energetic. power with. x-va amounted to approximately 265 million. ket(362 million l. With.), of them to the share of mechanical. engines accounted for St. 99%. The power-to-labor ratio in 1973 was 10.3 ket(14 l. With.) for 1 worker. Agricultural Park machines totaled in 1973 St. 2.1 million tractors, more than 670 thousand combine harvesters, approx. 1.3 million trucks, St. 40 thousand cotton pickers. A high level of mechanization has been achieved on collective farms and state farms in the basic field work (plowing, sowing grain, planting potatoes, cotton and sugar beet, harvesting grain, tea, silage crops, etc.), in the inter-row cultivation of sugar beet, cotton, and cleaning grain, harvesting corn for grain by combines, loading grain when hauling it from the currents, etc. At the same time, sowing and planting vegetables in 1972 were mechanized only by 72%, hay stacking by 74%, loading potatoes by 37%, distribution of feed on farms major cattle by 17%, on pig farms by 39%. Kolkhozes and sovkhozes will be equipped with tractors of increased power and high productivity. grain combines, wide-cut and multi-row machines, as well as combines. machines that perform several passes in one pass. operations. The supply for the village is significantly increased. x-va earth-moving and reclamation equipment, off-road vehicles and load-carrying capacity, dump trucks, automobile and tractor trailers, specialized vehicles. In animal husbandry and poultry farming, the development trend is to create large specialized farms industrial type, the introduction of electric machine technology, the use of flow technological lines (milking and primary processing of milk, preparation and distribution of feed, etc.). In the timber industry, lumber production is also primarily aimed at lightening the work of heavy and labor-intensive timber harvesters. works (see logging equipment). The most mechanized processes are felling timber, transporting timber to the upper warehouses and hauling it out. For logging. enterprises by 1973 had St. 72 thousand tractors different types, St. 35 thousand cars, 1.6 thousand diesel locomotives; various machines and mechanisms were used for felling trees, debarking logs, loading, skidding and hauling wood, etc. of work is 99% of the total volume of work performed on felling timber, transporting wood to the upper warehouses - 98%; timber haulage is fully mechanized. In felling trees, hydraulic wedges, electric and chainsaws operated by one person and allowing cutting trees with trunks up to 1 m. Machines for chokerless forest skidding have been created. For the transportation of timber to the railway. transport uses powerful timber trucks with special. trailers. Developed high-performance semi-automatic lines for cutting tree-lengths, machines that comprehensively perform tree felling, delimbing, cutting wood and forming packages. 75% of all wood is sent for processing, used for the production of furniture, how to build, material and raw materials for pulp and paper industry.

In the light and food industries, production is aimed at facilitating labor-intensive and tedious operations, for which the labor of women is mainly used. Small-scale production in the light industry is associated with the organization of new types of production from newly created materials and raw materials, as well as with the expansion and rapid change of the range of products. Light industry is equipped with a mechanizir. production lines, has almost 500 thousand units of automatic. and semi-automatic equipment. In the industry, they work in a complex-mechanic-nisir. sites, workshops, entire enterprises. The enterprises set high-productivity. carding machines, draw frames with a high output speed, spinning-twisting and pneumo-mechanical. spinning machines, automatic looms instead of obsolete mechanics, etc.

Mechanism is being introduced in the food industry. and complex mechanizir. lines for the production of bread and bakery products, prepare dough. units of continuous and periodic. actions, production lines for production confectionery. The level of mechanization in the meat industry is increasing: conveyor lines for slaughtering and cutting livestock, a flow-mechanizer are being put into operation. lines for the processing of by-products, the production of semi-finished products, the manufacture of sausages, dumplings, cutlets, etc., systems are being introduced

complex mechanization and automation of workshops-refrigerators. The fishing industry is replenished with ships equipped with machinery. fish processing lines that provide comprehensive processing of the catch and the full use of waste for the production of feed flour.

IN consumer services Mechanization of production is aimed at equipping household enterprises with means of mechanization and the use at home of various machines, instruments, and devices that replace manual labor in food processing and cooking, washing and ironing linen, cleaning rooms, etc. (see. utility vehicles).

Further development and improvement of the means of M. p. associated with the use of technical achievements and scientific discoveries based on the development of natures. Sciences. The most important areas of scientific and technical. progress and the creation of new means of labor are: the further development of synthesis, the direct transformation of energy, the depth of

Mechanization of production, i.e. the replacement of manual labor with machine labor is one of the main directions of scientific and technological progress in industry. Consistent introduction of mechanization is the most important source of facilitating labor, increasing its productivity, increasing the volume of production and saving labor costs.

The level of mechanization of the main production (workshops, enterprises) is determined by the following indicators: the degree of mechanization of labor Cm.t, the level of mechanization of production processes Um.p.p.

The degree of labor mechanization (in%)

where Chm - the number of workers in the main production engaged in mechanized labor; H - the total number of workers in the main production.

Level of mechanization of production processes (in %)

where Tz - total labor costs in the main production, expressed in conventional norms of manual labor, man-hour; Tr - the cost of the remaining manual labor in the main production, man-hours.

The labor costs of production workers are taken as conditional norms of manual labor per unit of production of the main production, provided that all labor processes are performed manually without any elements of mechanization.

Total labor costs for the main production shop expressed in conventional manual labor rates (in man-hours)

where T1, T2, ..., Tn - conditional norms of manual labor per 1000 gave of products for each scheme (operation) of processing wine materials, man-hours; Р1,Р2,…,Рn - volume of processing of wine materials according to each scheme (operation) of processing, thousand decalitres; n is the number of operations.

Total labor costs in the main production of an enterprise (association), expressed in conditional norms of manual labor (in man-hours)

where Тзц - total labor costs in the main production of the i-th workshop, expressed in conventional norms of manual labor, man-hours; n is the number of workshops of the enterprise.

The cost of the remaining manual labor (in%):

where Tm is the actual technological labor intensity of the production of the shop (enterprise), man-hours; Cm - the degree of mechanization of labor in the shop (enterprise),%.

Actual technological labor intensity of products (in man-hours)

where N is the number of workers in the workshop (enterprise) employed in the main production; t is the annual fund of working time of one worker, h.

Determination of the level of mechanization of auxiliary production and PRTS (loading and unloading, transport and warehouse work) works. When determining the level of mechanization of auxiliary production of secondary winemaking enterprises, it is necessary to proceed from the same methodological provisions as when determining the level of mechanization of the main production. Wherein structural units auxiliary production of the enterprise should be considered as independent production units that produce the corresponding products.

The total labor costs in the auxiliary production of the winery, expressed in the conventional norms of manual labor, Tz (in man-hours) can be calculated using the formula:

where Тз р.о - total labor costs for the repair and maintenance of equipment for the year, man-hours; Tz t.x - total labor costs for maintenance of thermal and refrigeration plants for the year, man-hours; Тз з.с - total labor costs for maintaining buildings and structures in working condition, man-hours; Tz p.r - total labor costs for PRTS works, man-hours.

The total labor costs for the repair of equipment for the year, expressed in conventional norms of manual labor, Tz r.o (in man-hours) will be:

where Er.o is the conditional rate of manual labor for the repair and maintenance of equipment in 1 conditional repair unit (Repair unit is a conditionally selected amount of repair work performed at a certain ratio of labor costs of repair workers of various professions. overhaul equal to 35 standard hours), man-hours; Vр.о - the average annual volume of repair work, conditional repair units.

The formula for determining the level of mechanization of production in the whole winery is as follows:

where Tz O - total labor costs in the main production in the conditional norms of manual labor per annual production volume, man-hour; Tz E - Total labor costs for the maintenance of thermal and refrigeration installations, expressed in conventional norms of manual labor, man-hours; Tz Z.S - total labor costs for maintaining buildings and structures at the enterprise in working condition, expressed in conventional norms of manual labor, man-hours; Tz G - total labor costs in the enterprise's cargo flows, expressed in conditional manual labor rates, man-hours; Tz P.O - the cost of the remaining manual labor in the main production, based on the annual volume of production, man-hours; Tz R.V - the cost of the remaining manual labor in auxiliary production, man.h.

The calculation of production mechanization indicators for departments and for the plant as a whole is made on the basis of data on the number of workers in the main, auxiliary production and PRTS work.

According to the above methodology, we calculate the indicators of the level of mechanization of production processes by type of production (table 4).

Table 4

Indicators of the level of mechanization by type of production

The relatively high level of mechanization of the main production of the enterprise is explained primarily by the fact that the vast majority of technological processes are associated with the pumping of wine materials, which, as you know, is carried out in a mechanized way, in addition, in the bottling shops such labor-intensive operations as washing bottles and bottling wine into bottles, and also marriage finished products and labeling, fully mechanized.

In order to identify the reserves of labor mechanization at the winery, it is advisable to analyze the structure of the number of workers by type of production.

Currently, 63 people are employed in the main production of Udarny OJSC, which is 37.3% of the total number of workers; 43 people, or 25.4%, in auxiliary production, 63 people, or 37.3%, in PRTS jobs (Table 5).

Table 5

The structure of the number of workers by type of production

Table 5 shows that in general, in the surveyed enterprise, more than half of the workers (54.2%) are engaged in manual labor. Particularly large is the share of workers engaged in manual labor in PRTS jobs (58.8%). In auxiliary production, this figure was 51.2%.

The results of the analysis of the structure of the number of auxiliary workers and workers employed in the PRTS works are shown in tables 6-7.

Table 6

The structure of the number of auxiliary workers

Support production functions

Number of workers

specific weight, %

employed in manual labor

employed in mechanized labor

total person

specific weight, %

total person

Specific weight, %

Repair of equipment

Energy supply

Maintenance of buildings and structures in working order

Thus, despite a significant degree of labor mechanization at the Udarny OJSC enterprise, more than half of the total number of workers are employed by manual labor, which is a large reserve for further labor mechanization (see tables 5, 6, 7).

Table 7

The structure of the number of workers employed in PRTS works

Mechanization and automation of production processes- This is a set of measures that provide for the widespread replacement of manual operations by machines and mechanisms, the introduction of automatic machine tools, individual lines and industries.

Mechanization of production processes means the replacement of manual labor by machines, mechanisms and other equipment.

The mechanization of production is constantly developing and improving, passing from lower to higher forms: from manual labor to partial, small and complex mechanization and further to the highest form of mechanization - automation.

In mechanized production, a significant part of labor operations is performed by machines and mechanisms, a smaller part - manually. This partial (non-complex) mechanization, in which there may be separate weakly mechanized links.

Integrated mechanization- this is a way to perform the entire complex of works included in a given production cycle, machines and mechanisms.

The highest degree of mechanization is automation of production processes, which allows you to carry out the entire cycle of work without the direct participation of a person in it, only under his control.

Automation is a new type of production, which is prepared by the cumulative development of science and technology, primarily by transferring production to an electronic basis, using electronics and new advanced technical means. The need for automation of production is caused by the inability of human organs to control complex technological processes with the necessary speed and accuracy. Huge energy capacities, high speeds, ultra-high and ultra-low temperature conditions turned out to be subject only to automatic control and management.

At present, with a high level of mechanization of the main production processes (80%) in most industries, auxiliary processes are still insufficiently mechanized (25-40), many works are performed manually. The largest number of auxiliary workers is used in transport and the movement of goods, in loading and unloading operations. If, however, we take into account that the labor productivity of one such worker is almost 20 times lower than that of a worker employed in complex-mechanized areas, then the acuteness of the problem of further mechanization of auxiliary work becomes obvious. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the mechanization of auxiliary work in industry is 3 times cheaper than the main one.

But the main and most important form is production automation. At present, computing machines are becoming more and more decisive in all areas of science and technology. In the future, these machines will become the basis of production automation and will control automation.

The creation of new automatic technology will mean a broad transition from three-link machines (working machine - transmission - engine) to four-link machine systems. The fourth link is cybernetic devices, with the help of which huge powers are controlled.

The main stages of automation of production are: semiautomatic devices, automatic lines, automatic lines, sections - and workshops - automatic machines, factories - and automatic factories. The first stage, which is a transitional form from simple to automatic machines, are semi-automatic machines. The principal feature of the machines of this group is that a number of functions previously performed by a person are transferred to the machine, but certain operations are still retained by the worker, which are usually difficult to automate. The highest step is the creation of factories - and factories - automatic machines, i.e. fully automated enterprises.

The main indicators characterizing level of mechanization and automation, are:

The coefficient of mechanization of production

where K mp - coefficient of mechanization of production;

V M - the volume of products produced with the help of machines and mechanisms;

V total - the total volume of manufactured products at the enterprise;

The coefficient of mechanization (automation) of labor (K ^.t)

where N M is the number of workers employed in mechanized (automated) work, people;

Np is the number of workers performing manual operations;

Coefficient of mechanization (automation) of works (Cr)

where V M is the amount of work performed in a mechanized (automated) way;

V total - the total amount of work;

The level of automation Y and in practice is often determined from the expression

where K a - the number of automatic equipment in pieces or its cost in rubles;

K is the quantity or cost of non-automatic equipment.

It should be noted that this indicator of the level of automation, determined on the basis of a comparison of the used automatic and non-automatic equipment, does not quite accurately characterize the level of automation in the enterprise.

To a certain extent, the level of mechanization of production characterizes such an indicator as the technical equipment of labor (Kt.v.) which is determined from the expression

where Fa - the average annual cost of the active part of fixed production assets;

N - the average number of employees of the enterprise or workers.

The economic and social significance of mechanization and automation of production lies in the fact that they make it possible to replace manual labor, especially heavy labor, with machines and automatic machines, increase labor productivity and, on this basis, ensure real or conditional release of workers, improve the quality of products, reduce labor intensity and production costs. , increase the volume of production and thereby provide the enterprise with higher financial results which makes it possible to improve the well-being of workers and their families.

The decisive criteria for evaluating a newly created machine are the degree of increase in labor productivity and the degree of ease and safety of work. Facilitation and safety of labor when working on a machine or any machine is achieved by mechanization and automation of manual operations.

The mechanization of the production process is the replacement of human muscular energy with mechanical energy through the use of machines and mechanisms set in motion by various engines (electric, steam, hydraulic, etc.). Mechanization excludes heavy physical work when performing basic and auxiliary operations in the production process. For example, mechanizing the process of placing a part on a machine using an electric hoist or rotary crane eliminates the hard work of manually lifting the workpiece.

Integrated mechanization is the highest level of mechanization. It consists in the use of systems of machines, mechanisms and other technical means, interconnected in terms of productivity, ensuring the execution of technical and other production operations throughout the entire cycle of the production process without the use of manual labor, with the exception of operations for controlling machines and mechanisms, their regulation and adjustment. Integrated mechanization creates conditions for the transition to the highest level of mechanization - automation and complex automation of production.

Automation involves the use of instruments, machines, devices that allow production processes to be carried out without the physical efforts of a person, only under his control. As an example, we can cite any automatic machine, automatic machine, capable of performing their characteristic work without human intervention. So, a well-established bar lathe machine will independently grind the given parts in the required tolerance until the entire bar is used up. The constant presence of a worker at such a machine is not required, he periodically monitors the progress of the machine; in this case, we are dealing with automatic processing of the part.

Integrated automation of production processes is automatic systems machines, mechanisms and means automatic control and management of operations that ensure the execution of the production process throughout the entire cycle without human intervention, while ensuring the specified performance and quality parameters of the process. Human functions in complex automation are reduced to monitoring the progress of processes, the operation of equipment and automation tools.

Automation in mechanical engineering, it is mainly used in large-scale and mass production. It has become widespread in the automotive and tractor industries, in the production of agricultural machines, electric motors, bearings, sewing machines, refrigerators, etc. In these industries there are a large number of automatic lines and installations that perform a cycle of operations of a single technological nature (manufacturing of gears, rollers, etc. parts, assembly of individual sets and assemblies), workshops and entire factories are comprehensively automated.

Since in automated production the work of the worker is reduced to observing the operation of the machines, the number of accidents associated with the direct operation of the equipment is extremely small. Accidents in automatic workshops occur, as a rule, during the adjustment, repair and installation of equipment, as well as due to irrational placement of equipment and organization of jobs. Thus, the more mechanized and automated the work, the less the likelihood of injury. Mechanization and automation are designed not only to ensure a further increase in the productivity of social labor, but also to eliminate harsh and unhealthy working conditions in the socialist economy.

Mechanization and automation should be characteristic not only for large-scale and mass production. These activities must be carried out in industries with a small range of products, i.e., in single and small-scale production. Currently, automatic lines are widely used, which have great flexibility and allow them to be used for processing parts that differ in shape and size. Opportunity quick changeover such lines greatly expands the scope of their application.

The main direction of increasing productivity and labor safety in mechanical engineering in single-piece and small-scale production is the wider use of machine tools with program control. In these types of production, the worker is busy most of the time reading the drawing and choosing the best way processing, especially for precise and complex work. The principle of program control frees the worker from these operations, and the choice of the best mode of operation of the machine is made before the start of the production process. All information about the shape and dimensions of the part, the method of processing and the sequence of operations is not reported to the worker in the form of a drawing, but is transmitted using a perforated or magnetic tape, card, etc. directly to the machine.

Software control is widely used for normalized working heads (assemblies) in modular reconfigurable machines and even for the automation of conventional general-purpose wide-profile machines. When working on machine tools with program control, the worker installs and fixes the workpiece, starts the machine and removes the machined part. He does not need to be in the danger zone of the machine. Installation, fastening and removal of the part from the machine is carried out with the working heads turned off, which are retracted to a safe distance.

In recent years, rapidly expanding the new kind metalworking equipment - these are machine tools and machine tools with program control and automatic change of cutting tools, the so-called "machining centers" and "machine complexes". Distinctive features of "machining centers" are the automatic change of the cutting tool and the ability to perform turning, drilling, milling and thread-cutting operations in an automatic cycle in any place of the workpiece accessible for supplying the cutting tool. These machines have two or more tables, allowing you to combine machine time with auxiliary time, which allows the worker to install the workpiece and remove the machined part outside the danger zone.

"Machine complexes" are a combination of several "machining centers" in single system machines with the help of automatic lifting and transport devices operating according to the relevant programs. The volume of manual operations is thus reduced to a minimum.

In the general complex of tasks for automating technological processes, the operations of loading, fixing and removing parts are of great importance. Even "machine complexes" do not free the worker from the hard and exhausting labor associated with unloading and installation operations. The mechanization of loading and unloading turns ordinary non-automatic equipment into automated and significantly reduces the share of manual labor. Such machines can be used both independently and easily integrated into automatic lines. Usually the loading and unloading mechanisms are combined with the clamping devices of the machine so that the worker does not come into direct contact with the hazardous area.

When measuring parts manually during processing, it is inevitable that the hands of the worker get into the danger zone of the machine. Manual control operations are always the cause of injury. Operational safety is achieved by eliminating manual control operations, replacing manual control with various devices. Automatic and semi-automatic devices are used for continuous measurement of workpiece parameters.

Semi-automatic devices, when the part reaches the required dimensions, automatically give signals (light or scale indication) and the worker only needs to stop the machine. Automatic devices, unlike semi-automatic ones, turn on (or switch) the working movements of the machine when the required dimensions of the part are reached.

Thus, when choosing a technological process, it is necessary to be guided by the fact that the worker is freed not only from excessive physical exertion, but also from nervous tension associated with the possible danger of working on the machine. All this is primarily achieved by automation and mechanization of manual operations. If the designer or technologist, as a result of the planned automation of individual movements, is able to free manual labor from the technological process, then by doing so he will significantly reduce the likelihood of injuries.

The main goal of the mechanization of production processes is the replacement of manual means of labor by machines and mechanisms using various types of energy for their operation. The mechanization of production processes frees a person from performing difficult, time-consuming and tedious operations. Depending on the degree of equipment of production processes with technical means and the type of work, partial and full mechanization are distinguished.

Automation of production is a method of organizing production, in which the functions of management and control, previously performed by a person, are transferred to automatic devices. The goal is to increase productivity and improve working conditions, ensuring High Quality products, optimizing the use of all production resources, which accelerates scientific and technical progress.

Mode of work and rest.

The working time regime should provide for the duration of the working week, work with irregular working hours for a certain category of workers, the duration of daily work, including part-time work; start and end time of work; time of breaks in work; number of shifts per day; alternation of working and non-working days;

Features of the regime of working time and rest time for transport workers, communications workers and others who have a special nature of work are determined in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Rest time is the time during which the employee is free from the performance of labor duties and which he can use at his own discretion.

Types of rest time:

breaks during the working day;

Daily (between shifts) rest;

· Days off (weekly uninterrupted rest);

Non-working holidays;

· Holidays.

20. Methods for the analysis of industrial injuries.

· Statistical method. The level of injury is estimated by this method through two indicators - the coefficient of frequency and the coefficient of severity.

group method. The investigation material is divided into groups, taking into account certain characteristics, such as profession, type and length of service, age of the victim, time of day and year, type of rolling stock, traumatic factor, nature of damage.

Topographic method. The causes of accidents are studied at the place of their occurrence.

Monographic method. An in-depth analysis is underway industrial injuries, the technological process, the operations performed, workplace, sanitary and hygienic conditions, main and auxiliary equipment, PPE, circumstances under which the accident occurred.

Extensive indicators. Characterizing the structure of morbidity, are calculated according to the number of days of disability for one of the types of disease or according to the number of cases of disability for one of the diseases.

The indicator of the duration of one case of the disease. A report on the causes of temporary disability is drawn up in accordance with the established form No. 16 - ext.

Organization of the workplace of a car mechanic.

Before starting work, it is necessary to put the workplace in order; check the operation of ventilation, the serviceability of the guards, the starting device of the machine, the correct direction of rotation of the motors, the lubrication of equipment components, the pressure of compressed air and steam, the operation of pneumatic valves, brakes and interlocks. Workplaces must be kept clean and tidy. Tools and workpieces should be located in strictly designated places, providing safe and economical methods of performing operations. Work must be carried out strictly in accordance with technological documentation, rules and instructions for labor protection.

Responsible persons for fire safety.

the owners of the property;

Heads of bodies state power;

Heads of bodies local government;

· Persons authorized to own, use or dispose of property, including heads of organizations;

Persons duly appointed responsible for ensuring fire safety;

· Officials within their competence.
