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Scenarios of children's game programs for Easter. Game competition program "meet Easter". sitting hands under the chin

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We will be celebrating soon. In these days of May, it's so great to get together with your family, friends, relatives and spend time together. But you should not just sit at a richly laid table, especially if children take part in the celebration of Easter.

How to organize an Easter holiday for children, what to do at home or in nature, what to think of children's scenario for Easter, so that everyone would be joyful, fun, noisy, and the holiday will be remembered for a long time? Will tell you about it .


We have selected a lot for you and the children interesting competitions, active games outdoors and in the house, creative ideas and unforgettable entertainment. You can use this Easter script in kindergarten, at school or with their friends who came to visit with their children on a holiday.

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It is best to arrange a resting place in Easter motifs - multi-colored ribbons and balls that look like Easter eggs, painted Easter bunnies and chickens, baskets and compositions with flowers and angel figures - so that the meaning of this bright holiday is not lost in general fun.

Think about what Easter songs for children you can prepare, and also briefly tell the story of Easter for children. Games and competitions must be held in a friendly atmosphere so that no tears, no insults, no contention arise on the bright Easter holiday.

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Easter games: "Egg fights"

Perhaps the most popular Easter entertainment, which is known to both children and adults, and is necessarily included in the scenario of the Easter holiday, is krashenka fights, when everyone fights with Easter eggs, hitting their neighbor with their krashenka. The one who has Easter Egg remained intact until the very end.

  • Easter Eggs: Bowling Contest

It is clear that real Easter eggs for children can be replaced with toys - multi-colored balls, plastic cups, etc. - so the product will be saved, and the clothes will be cleaner. A white egg is laid in the center of the room or platform, and the task of each of the participants standing around is to roll their eggs as close as possible to it.

  • Easter bunny racing

Prepare the props: large bags according to the number of participants, and to make the Easter holiday scenario more elegant and cheerful, draw the silhouettes of rabbits on them with colored paints. Give the children bags, and put on headbands with bunny ears. Whoever jumps first in a bag to the finish line is declared a speedy Easter bunny.

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  • Guessing Contest: "Easter Basket"

Easter souvenirs, for example, pysanky, kinder surprises, sweets, gingerbread, egg coasters, toy bunnies, chickens, angels, Easter-themed figurines, etc. are put in an elegant Easter basket in advance. The task of the players in turn is to put their hand into the basket, choose a souvenir by touch and, without looking, tell everyone what Easter gift he got. The guesser takes a souvenir as a prize.

  • Easter game-pantomime "Each creature in pairs"

Educational game on Easter holiday: a story for children tells how, on the eve of the global flood, Noah built an ark and took a pair of each creature. An even number of children must participate in the game. The facilitator distributes cards with an animal drawing to all participants or whispers the name in everyone's ear. It is important that all animals are repeated twice. The task of the participants is to portray their animal (without sounds) and find their mate among other children as quickly as possible.

  • Easter relay race with pysanky

This fun relay requires two teams to complete a route from start to finish with an Easter egg in a spoon without dropping or breaking it. Whose team is the first with a minimum number of losses - she won.

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  • Game-quest "Search for Easter treasures"

For this entertainment, you need to prepare in advance a lot of plastic multi-colored eggs with Easter surprises inside: sweets, cookies, souvenirs, etc. Then hide the eggs in the grass and bushes throughout the site, give the children Easter baskets and send them to collect treasures. To avoid disputes, you can immediately announce the number or a certain color of eggs for each participant. The prizes are in the eggs themselves.

  • Extreme game "Egg volleyball"

A fun game for older players. Those who do not feel sorry for the eggs and their clothes can play. The essence of the game is to throw a raw egg to each other. Who missed - he lost.

  • Easter Contest: "Bring a Pysanka"

This competition will also need a pair of participants. All couples are given multi-colored balloons. The ball must be pressed against each other by the sides and so run from the start to the finish without losing the ball. Which pair is the first - that one won.

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  • Easter contest "Painting Easter eggs"

For this calm creative task, children will need unpainted boiled eggs or wooden figures, paints, brushes and other materials, as well as sparkles, ribbons, threads, glue and fantasy. Whoever gets the most beautiful pysanka wins. Don't forget to praise all the participants.

Easter is one of the most ancient Christian holidays, which is celebrated with family and closest relatives. Preparation for the holiday at all times was accompanied by special care and scrupulousness. Easter is quite a serious event, so often children get bored on it. This is not surprising, because at their age every child wants to participate in fun games and competitions. Given this nuance, you should take care in advance about entertainment program for this day. Children will be extremely happy and happy to participate in exciting games and competitions. It is worth providing and fulfilling their dreams, because such bright moments remain in the memory of children for life. The main attribute in many competitions is the Easter egg, which is a symbol of this holiday. Below are the most interesting and fun contests and games for Easter.

Competition "Fanta"
To conduct this competition, the presenter needs to prepare in advance the most simple tasks. Then he collects all the children, and adults, who lead a round dance together. The leader, in turn, becomes the center of the resulting circle, and begins to spin counterclockwise. Cheerful Easter music is turned on and the competition begins. Then the host suddenly stops, and in front of whom he stopped, he hands him a phantom, that is, a simple task that the participant must complete. You should not come up with conditions that will be difficult for the child to fulfill. It will be enough just to recite a verse or sing a song. The winners are sure to receive prizes in the form of Easter eggs or a symbolic toy of this holiday.

Competition "Successful summer resident"
At least three children can take part in this competition, to whom the host must first ask one important question and then distribute one egg at a time. The question will be: “For what purpose and why did the ancient Slavs roll colored eggs on the ground on Easter?” Only after the participants give the correct answer, the competition begins. You can’t tell parents and adults, let the children guess for themselves. After that, all participants need to roll the egg on the ground, but without the help of hands. How to do it? Everything is very simple, you need to roll your nose to a certain mark. The winner will be the one who copes with the task much faster and at the same time does everything according to the rules. As a reward, the presenter should be given a badge with the inscription "Successful summer resident".

Competition "What is put in the cake?"
Easter cake is the most favorite delicacy of all children, and this contest is connected with it. The facilitator selects several participants, who are given one blank sheet and a pen each. Their task is that they should try to write the ingredients of this delicious pastry. Almost since childhood, we have watched our mothers bake it, so for some children it will not be difficult at all. The competition is not only interesting, but also good for the development of the child. The participant who can write as many ingredients as possible wins. The prize will, of course, be a big and tasty cake.

Competition "Yula"
The funny competition "Yula" will be exciting not only for children, but also for adults. The rules are the simplest and easiest. Several volunteers come out, to whom the host gives out one colored egg each. Their task is that they need to promote this attribute. The competition should be fun with music. The winner will be the one whose painted testicle spins the longest. Children from participating will receive great amount positive emotions and positivity. To add a little excitement and intrigue, you can re-run the competition, only with the participation of adults. The loser's dyed egg will be the winner's gift.

Competition "The most unusual egg"
In this competition, children will creative work, in which they can create the most beautiful eggs with the help of their imagination. The host puts boiled eggs and various decorative elements on one table to decorate the krashenka. The assistant turns on cheerful children's music, and the children begin to craft. They will fulfill a wide variety of ideas and plans without the help of their parents. After the children's colored eggs are ready, they can give them to anyone they want with the words "Christ is risen." Thus, painting the main symbol of Easter will bring them great pleasure, and they will also be able to master the Easter rite even better.

Easter egg rolling game
How much children will enjoy this game is simply beyond words. It is this competition that brings a little competitive spirit into the mood of each child. All children take part, whom the leader divides into two equal teams. A chair is placed near each group. Then he gives the first team members one egg each. The task is that each participant must roll the attribute to the chair, walk around it and back, while the egg should not break. In order not to lose, you should carefully perform the actions, and most importantly, do not rush. The team that can quickly complete the task and complete everything in accordance with the rules will win.

Egg rolling game
In this game, participants need to choose a pair for themselves, and then sit on the floor opposite each other. Each leader gives out one painted Easter egg. Cheerful music turns on, and couples begin to roll eggs. No doubt they will run into each other along the way. Whoever has an egg broken or cracked, he lost. The whole game continues in this manner. Each winner of the pair plays with another winner. It will be no less fun and interesting.

Egg rolling game
Another game in which participants must roll eggs. This time they have to do it from the hill. At the command of the presenter, the children lower their dyes from the hill and watch their skating. The one with the longest egg roll wins. As a reward for the victory, he takes the dyes of the losing participants in the game.

Easter Gift Game
This game will not leave indifferent even adults, because it will be a pleasure to take part in it. The host lays out various small gifts. These can be sweets, souvenirs, etc. After that, each participant in the game, in turn, starts knocking down souvenirs with the help of a painted egg. All the gifts knocked down by the child remain to him as a prize. Children from this game will have incredible emotions and admiration, and parents, in turn, will be curious and very pleased to watch their child.

The game "Easter bells"
Since ancient times it has been a tradition to dance, play and sing at Easter. However modern world improved in many ways that many began to forget the customs of Easter rites. This game will be able to remind all the guests of the holiday about the traditions. The host must make the best selection of folk songs in advance, which no one will perform. Why? Because in Russia on this day the bells were ringing at full speed. So it is in this game. Several people can take part, each of which chooses a song for himself. His task is that he must perform a well-known composition without words. Instead of refrains and refrains, he melodiously pronounces "ding-ding-ding". The winner will be determined by the audience, but it must be the one who can perform the song more accurately to the motive while being very interesting and fun.

Game "Blow off the testicle"
Another exciting game in which all participants should be divided into two teams. The host must prepare a raw egg in advance without all the contents inside. You can make it empty with a needle. Next, both teams sit at the same table against each other. The prepared attribute must be placed in the middle of the table. At the command of the facilitator, the participants begin to blow the egg in the opposite direction of the table with all their might. The team that completes the task first wins.

Game "Find the hare"
Chocolate, toys and various souvenirs have always been among the favorite accessories and delicacies of children. In this game, they will be able to get it all. The competition can be held both outdoors and indoors. The host must hide a certain amount of sweets, toys and chocolate hares in advance. Next, gather all the children, explain the rules. The conditions are that the participants, at the command of the leader, must find all the hidden elements. You need to search everywhere. Whoever can find the best way wins. more accessories and goodies. As a reward, the child will be given all the things and chocolates that he found. It will be incredibly fun and interesting to watch how children with great curiosity are in search of their favorite sweets and toys.

Holiday greetings: Easter

The competition is quite simple and does not require much effort from the guests. The host asks questions, whoever raises his hand first from the audience, he answers. If the answer is correct, the participant earns his point. At the end, 3 prizes can be distinguished, for example, with certain awards. Questions may be of the following nature: bread kvass is distributed in the Orthodox Church, and they say that if you drink it on an empty stomach, you can get rid of all diseases (artos); name the product or object that is made before Easter in Bulgaria, it is thrown out of the window for the holiday, and the one who picks up a fragment of this object will find happiness (pot); the word "Passover" comes from - from the Hebrew word meaning "passes by", from the Egyptian expression "gives light" or from the Romans "unearthly joy" (from the Hebrew); this is the name of the solemn bell ringing for Easter (blagovest); and Easter cookies in Poland, and the name of the dance (mazurka) and so on.

Painting eggs is an art

This is a simple competition as a warm-up for the brain. Whoever remembers and gives the answer the fastest wins a prize. Questions are: eggs with their own pattern? (drawings); eggs in the same color? (dyes); eggs painted using a special technology? (pysanky); eggs with a solid background and spots or stripes? (specks); painted eggs with a scratched pattern? (drapanki); decorative eggs made of wood, for example, or beads? (eggs).

Bey don't be afraid

The guests are divided into pairs. The host makes riddles for each pair, and whoever guesses first gets the right to beat the egg first. Riddles can be very different, depending on the age and circle of guests, for example: the sun is shining brightly and birds are singing around, everyone has red ones on the table today ... (testicles); painstaking work before the holiday in the oven to bake delicious and rich miracle - ... (cakes); everything is clean in the house, but the soul is joyful, like in a fairy tale, because everyone has prepared for ... (Easter) and so on. Then in pairs, the participant who first guessed the riddle beats the egg of his partner. Whoever has an egg left intact, he has the right to make a wish, which the guest fulfills, with a broken egg.

funny rides

In this competition, children will simply be interested, and adults can resort to the knowledge of physics and mathematics, calculating the trajectory and speed. The task of the participants is to roll their egg down a hill, which can be a board, or make a special slide out of plastic. Whose egg stops the furthest, he won. Multiple winners may be selected for general interest.


Each private trader must show imagination and ingenuity. At the “start” command, each guest participant must go in search of items whose names will begin with the letters of the holiday, that is, “p”, “a”, “s”, “x”, and “a”, for example, a stick or a saw, a pen or an orange, sugar or a rolling pin, bread or brushwood, an album or an antenna. The first round ends when everyone has collected items for all letters. And whoever gets it right first will be the winner. And the second round will be for each participant to be able to beautifully present the items they brought, for example, a stick to drive away all sorrows, a fountain pen so that you can write your happy life stories, sugar so that every day of your life is sweet, bread so that your table is never hungry, an album to leave only bright and cheerful pictures in it. Which of the participants will have the most beautiful and creative explanation, he also receives a prize.

Each of the guests takes turns writing on a common sheet of 3 words that he associates with today, for example, holiday, joy, eggs, and so on. Then the presenter announces that the turn has come to compose a story or sing a song, that is, each of the guests, only in reverse order from the beginning of the sheet (from the first words) should make sentences from which the Easter story will be built. At the request of the guests, you can compose not a story, but sing a song, who is good for what, in general.

A sip of solar life

Easter is a bright holiday on which you need to forget all the bad things and enjoy the sunlight, life, and the surrounding beauty. Each participant receives the same orange, knife and deep plate. On the command “start”, the participants cut their orange in half and squeeze orange juice into their plate, symbolizing sunlight. As soon as all the guests have squeezed out the juice, the winner of the first round is determined, who has the most juice. Then the second round begins - each participant must drink his juice without the help of hands and any other objects (like a cat near its bowl). Whoever drinks the "sunshine" first will get the second prize.

The fastest eggnog

Each participant receives the following set: spoon, bowl, egg, sugar. On the “start” command, the participants must break the egg and separate the protein, add sugar to it and beat until you get eggnog - a filling for the top of the cake. Whoever manages to do it first and provides a ready-made eggnog, he will become the winner.

funny coloring pages

For this competition, you will need egg blanks (wooden, chicken, paper, and so on), paints and brushes. For a certain time, each of the guests must decorate his egg in his own way, while trying to do it very beautifully and better than the others. By voting, they choose the best decorated Easter egg (maybe several), for which guests receive their prizes.

Explanatory note.docx

Yurchenko Oksana Sergeevna

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Children's and Youth Center" of the Industrial District, teacher-organizer

"Bright holiday - Easter" (a festive educational and game program for children and parents)

The main goal of the program is to acquaint children with the history of the Russian people, with its customs and traditions, instilling a sense of love for their homeland, strengthening family relations through joint creative leisure.

Preparatory work:

1. Selection of musical arrangement.

2. Selection and preparation of poems with children.

3. Preparation of posters with sayings by children and parents.

4. Preparation of costume elements.

5. Preparing props.


The wall is decorated with rustic window decoration. In front of the window there is a table /samovar, painted bowls with sweets, muffins, colored eggs/, above the table there is an "Easter wreath".

The tables in the hall are decorated with bowls of green grass and Easter eggs.


    Petrov V.M., Grishina G.N., Korotkova L.D. Spring holidays, games and fun for children. - M .: TC "Sphere", 1998.

    OOO "ABZATS - K". Happy holiday (Scripts and tips) - Novosibirsk: TETRA - 99 LLC, 2001.

Event script.docx

Characters: presenter, Hornet (brownie).

Music sounds with a bell ringing.

Leading: Christ is risen, good people!

(Hall answers the greeting.)

The bright holiday of Christ has come again - Easter. Everyone's favorite, long-awaited. The people go to church in a string, according to an old custom, to consecrate the Easter meal: Easter cakes, Easter, eggs.

Do you have cookies at home? And the dyes? Have you been to church?

(Hall answers.)

Nothing, I think, those who didn’t go to church also celebrated Easter: the whole family was going to partake of Christ, look into each other’s eyes, laugh. Taste treats. Am I saying right?

(Hall answers.)

She laid krashenki, Easter cakes and other food on the table. While I was talking to you, the krashenki disappeared from the table! Looks like Sheshunya, the brownie will mischief. He loves to do it, he will play and give, and now he is hiding somewhere. Can you help me call him?

(Hall answers.)

You just need to whisper to call him: Sheshunya!

The hall repeats three times: “Sheshunya!” following the leader, but Sheshunya does not appear.

Leading: I remembered! You have to knock.

Leans down to the floor and knocks. Brownie Sheshunya appears.

Brownie Sheshunya: What was it called? I will return the colors. I'll play a little and give it back. Don't be afraid... I'm bored, so I'm having fun.

Leading: Think dyed eggs. And I have so many beautiful Easter eggs that you can't take your eyes off! And what other children have!

(Takes a few eggs out of his pocket and turns to the audience.)

Show me who has some Easter eggs?

Sheshunya looks at the raised hands with Easter eggs. Runs around the room, amazed.

Brownie Sheshunya: Wow, how many of them around! Ouch! What kind! I only have dyed ones. It's okay, I'll run now and take away Easter eggs from everyone ...

Tries to take away Easter eggs, but no one gives. Returns to leader.

Leading: Yes! You can't play any games with one testicle. I suggest

you win testicles from the guys. For example, you can take them down the hill

take a ride, organize a “top” competition and paint a fight!

Brownie Sheshunya: And let's play!

Leading: Yes, you, go, and you don’t know how to play!

Brownie Sheshunya: Or maybe you can teach me?

Leading: Let me first talk about the symbol of the holiday.

According to ancient belief, the testicle is our whole world, the whole Universe. “Before the birth of white light, the world was shrouded in pitch darkness. There was only Rod in the darkness - our Ancestor. Rod - the Spring of the Universe, the Father of the gods. In the beginning, the Genus was enclosed in an egg, it was an unsprouted seed, He was an unopened bud. But the end came to imprisonment. Rod gave birth to Love - Mother Lada. The clan destroyed the dungeon with the power of Love, and then the world will be filled with Love. And He gave birth to the kingdom of heaven, and under it created the heavenly. The umbilical cord was cut with a rainbow. He separated the Ocean - the blue sea from the heavenly waters with a firmament of stone. He erected three vaults in the heavens. Divided Light and Darkness, Truth and Falsehood. The sun came out of His face... A bright moon - from His chest... Frequent stars - from His eyes... Clear dawns - from His eyebrows. Dark nights - from His thoughts ...

Violent winds - from the breath ... Rain, snow and hail - from His glory ... Thunder and lightning - His voice ... Heaven and all under heaven were born for Love ...

The genus is born by itself and will be born again... The genus is what was and what is to come, what was born and what will be born...”

Brownie Sheshunya: That's how it was among the Slavs ...

And according to the Christian rite, the white egg turned red after the resurrection of Christ. Mary Magdalene brought a white egg to the Roman emperor Tiberius with the news of the resurrection of the God-man. He did not believe it, but the egg turned scarlet before his eyes. Since then, the painted egg has been a symbol of Easter.

Leading: People came up with a lot of games with krashenka.

For example, they competed, whose egg will spin the longest. On command, children and adults spin their dyes. Whose egg spins longer is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

(The game is over.)

For many centuries, the favorite Easter game in Russia was egg rolling. To play, you need a wooden or cardboard "skating rink". Whose egg rolls further is the winner.

(Egg rolling.)

Leading: And here's another game. Prizes are placed on the table: whistles, toys, dolls, sweets. The task of the players is to knock out the thing that they liked with their egg. You have to take turns. Started! Each player receives the prize that he knocked out of the table with his egg. The game continues until all prizes are won.

(Children and adults knock out prizes.)

The brought eggs are laid out on the table and covered with hats. There are also hats on the table, under which there is nothing. Then the caps are moved across the table. One of the participants in the game at this time is outside the room. They call him and ask: “Where do you soar?” The driver raises his hat and, if there are dyes, takes them for himself. The game continues until the eggs are gone. Whoever is luckier will take home a whole hat of eggs.

(A game with caps.)

They also played hide-and-seek on Easter.

One of the adults went out into the garden early in the morning with a large bag of gifts, and returned empty-handed ...

"Children and Youth Center"

industrial area

« Bright holiday - Easter "

(festive educational game program

for children and parents)

Yurchenko Oksana Sergeevna,

Municipal budget educational

institution of additional education for children

"Children and Youth Center",


Barnaul, 2012

Masha and Anya are sitting on a bench, playing with a rag doll. There is a table next to it. Willows, paints, brushes, a samovar, cups are on the table.

Quiet music plays. Nastya runs.

Nastya: Masha, Anya, come here quickly! Look what I found!

Masha: Oh, a whole basket of eggs!
Dear readers, I bring to your attention a site where you can order Santa Claus for a New Year's corporate party.
Nastya: This is probably our Ryabushka demolished. Here's an Easter gift!

Masha(considering). They are all white and smooth. Here I am holding a fresh egg in my hands, I look at it carefully with a thought: no bones, no feathers, because there are no eggs in it.

Anya: How does it happen?

Where to find the answer?

The bird suddenly comes out

from egg to light!

Nastya: This is the miracle:

God made it so

That a raw egg turned into a bird.

Anya: The same power of God will gather our ashes.

And from the ashes the body will come to life again.

In this we are guaranteed a miracle of miracles:

Firstborn from the dead

Christ Himself is Risen!

Masha: He died on the cross

So he loved us

What for us sinners

Shed his blood.

Masha: Nastya, let's color these testicles!

Nastya: What for?

Masha: For a long time, a testicle, red as blood,

Love reminds us of Christ.

Anya: They always paint eggs at Easter. Let's go to grandma

Let's make an Easter gift.

Nastya, Anya, Masha sit down at the table and pretend to paint

eggs and put on a plate.

Anya: To my friend Yegorka

I'll draw a moth.

Without paternal let no spanking

His life will be easy.

Masha: Well, I'm Olya's girlfriend

I'll paint everything with beans -

She will have a rich groom,

Cute, fluffy.

Nastya: And I'm the neighbor's twins

I'll draw the sun.

Let's look more often

The sun is at their window.

(Grandma enters with a bowl and spoon, knead the dough).

Grandmother: Where did you get shot! Oh - oh Easter is in the yard, and we

break the fast - that's nothing! Something with our Ryabushka

It happened. It's been a whole week

there are no eggs.

Anya: Yes, you are a grandmother! Can not be!

Grandmother: True, Ryabushka does not carry eggs. I already you

did not want to upset. (sadden).

Masha:(from behind) Grandma! Christ is Risen!

(holds out a hidden egg from behind his back).

Grandmother: Truly Risen! My dear, where did you get the eggs?

Nastya: And I'm a grandmother, I want to congratulate you Christ is Risen

(holds out an egg).

And Ryabushka tried to please you. 'Cause we're under

shop found a whole basket of eggs.

Anya: And take an egg from me. Christ is Risen!

Grandmother: Truly Risen!

Nastya: We decided to give you an Easter gift, Ryabushka

laid eggs, and we painted them with love and joy for

Happy holiday - Easter.

Grandmother: Well, you made me happy old. Let's have a seagull together

let us drink, but first let us pray before eating food.

(the Easter troparion is sung).

(They sit down under the table, they are going to drink tea)

Grandmother: And now my granddaughters, I want to tell you where

this Light holiday begins.

(the granddaughters ask their grandmother to tell

holiday, the grandmother slowly begins the story).

I will tell you now

Wonderful story.

That was a long time ago,

My great-grandmother said

Like Mary Magdalene

She gave the egg to King Tiberius.

It was all white

It was all round

gave, donated

"Christ is Risen," she said.

And Tiberius took

The gift was not rejected

I said that I would believe

If I see a miracle myself.

He held an egg in his hands

I thought to myself:

"Let the testicle blush

Then on Sunday, I will believe.”

The egg seemed to hear

Blazed with scarlet color

Tiberius in the hands -

Horror was in his eyes.

That's such a miracle! That's such a miracle!

I will not argue with you.

This is a miracle of miracles!

Christ is truly Risen!

Children: Oh how great!

Grandmother: Since ancient times, many of the brightest and kindest traditions are associated with the Easter holiday. For the holiday, they baked Easter cakes, made Easter from cottage cheese, dyed eggs and lit them in the church. The egg has become a symbol of Easter. The egg has always been treated with special reverence - life is born in it.

Anya: Granny, why is the last week before Easter

called Holy Week?

Grandmother:'Cause this week we're remembering the last

days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ. his suffering and

death on the cross. Each of these days has a name


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday dedicated to memories

the last conversations of Jesus Christ with the people and disciples.

Anya: And what about Thursday?

Grandmother: On Thursday we remember the Last Supper of Jesus

Christ with his disciples.

Masha: What about Friday then?

Grandmother: Oh granddaughters, Good Friday is the most mournful

day, because it was on this day that the crucifixion and

The death of the Savior.

But on Saturday, Holy Week - the day of stay

the body of the Lord Jesus Christ in the tomb.

Nastya: And on Sunday - what is Easter already?

Grandmother: Yes, on Sunday we celebrate the triumph of celebrations

Easter is the greatest of all holidays - Resurrection

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

(Grandma, Anya, Masha, Nastya get up from the table facing the audience).

Grandmother: People, wake up! Spring is coming to you

And with spring - and Easter brings joy to you.

Masha: Joy that our Savior has risen from the grave!

He gave deliverance to children and adults.

Nastya:"He has risen from the dead"! - the whole earth sings.

And soon He will come to earth again.

Anya: Sing, people: "Our Christ is Risen"!

There is salvation for people, and there is hope!

Grandmother:(Turning to the audience - children).

Dear children, don't forget to wish happy Easter to your

parents and relatives and give an egg with the words:

"Christ is risen"! wish

health, happiness, peace. Please your parents

good deeds and righteous deeds! After all,

The Lord after His Resurrection commanded everyone:

"Rejoice!" and may your soul be bright in warm

rays of love of Jesus Christ!

Christ is risen!

All children: Truly Risen!!!

Granddaughters: Grandma, did Easter last only one day?

Grandmother: No, granddaughters, the first day of Easter is Sunday

usually spent at home, in the family circle. From the second day

Easter is celebrated during the week) began

folk festivals. And they led round dances, and dances

arranged and of course played games, remember I

did she tell you about folk, ritual games? That's

play with the kids now.


The guys are spinning eggs on the floor. The game is played in pairs. Whose egg will scroll longer. The winner is awarded with a medal "Cool"


Dexterity challenge. You need to roll the egg from the left sleeve of the clothes to the right. Who quickly?


We need 16 people.

The guys become pairs, knocking eggs among themselves. The one whose egg does not crack wins.


Around him, in an equal place (on the floor), candy prizes are laid out. Whoever knocks down the prize takes it. Children from a distance of 1m. Eggs are rolled on the floor towards prize candies, if the egg touches the prize, the player takes it for himself.


There are five eggs on the floor. Six children are playing. While the music is playing, the children dance near the eggs. As soon as the music stops, the children should have time to take the egg. Whoever fails, leaves the game. The host removes one egg, the game continues until the winner.


Children take turns calling words that are related to the celebration of Easter (Egg, Easter cake, willow, resurrection, etc.) the last one to name the word receives an Easter prize. (egg)


Two teams of 6 people. On command, on an outstretched hand, you need to bring an egg in a spoon without dropping it. Rounding the chair and quickly return, giving the spoon and egg to another player.


Roll, roll egg.

Vedas. Now everyone stand in a circle.

Grandmother: I have a surprise for you.

(Pulls out a "wonderful bag").

Here's a riddle for you. Guess what's in my "wonderful


"Red rolling - all over the world

the miracle is illuminated!

That's right, an Easter egg.

(pulls out a red egg) Let's play with it.

Children stand in a large spacious circle. The driver gives the egg in a circle, they pass it to each other while the music is playing, when the music stops, whoever has the egg in their hands is out of the game.

Well, guys, this was the last game. Happy Easter, Happy Sunday!

See you soon!

Prepared by: methodologist folk art MUK "MPTSD MO" Tarakanova A.P.
