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Funny games children's day. Scenario of the competition program for the Children's Day. We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

On June 1, we celebrate International Children's Day. Every year the guys look forward to their day. They are waiting magical holiday, fun and entertainment. On this day, many receive gifts, someone is taken to the park.

In order for the holiday to go off with a bang, you need to prepare in advance a script for June 1 - Children's Day with contests and games.

In order for the child to receive a lot of emotions, parents need to think about how best to celebrate this day, because the celebration will be remembered by children for a long time. You can come up with various outdoor games for children.

The first step is to go to the park, where festive concerts are usually held on this day, master classes are held and. Children can participate in the competition "The most best drawing on asphalt. Also, the child can ride on the rides or take to the cinema.

You can gather a large friendly family with children and go on a picnic. Settle down in a green meadow, bake potatoes on a fire, play badminton balls. You need to think carefully about how you will spend holidays. Compose interesting scenario on June 1 - Children's Day with contests and games.

From gifts, children usually receive clothes or. From expensive surprises - a tablet, an electronic toy, a doll with a stroller, a bicycle, a book with fairy tales. Here, parents are guided by the wishes of the child and their capabilities.

In some yards, new playgrounds open on June 1, children from neighboring yards come. Competitions are arranged, a festive program is held. Cheerful music plays throughout the yard, children have fun, receive gifts, a new playground is being opened where kids and their parents can spend the whole day.

Holiday symbolism

The main symbol of the celebration is a green flag, which depicts a planet, on which children's figures of different races and nationalities are located. Children stretch out their hands to each other, which symbolizes friendship and unity of peoples.

On the same day, an action is held with a flag depicting a white flower. Fundraising for seriously ill children is announced.

The best games for a children's party

The most interesting pastime with children is with games. Invite the children to play the game "Together!".

Couples are allowed to participate in these competitions, for example, with a girlfriend or with a friend. The game consists of 3 stages of 30 minutes each.

Additionally, the presenters come up with organizational points:

  1. Each participant must apply to participate.
  2. Participants must come up with their own unique sign (or a common handicap element). You can wear the same caps or T-shirts. The team must have a distinctive badge.
  3. The presence of game cards and notebooks.

Special actions: general team building;

  • roll call of couples;
  • greetings;
  • shouting chants and slogans.

    Do you have children?

1st round

Each pair of participants is given a set of letters written on cardboard cards. The leader of the competition asks questions. Pairs must guess the word and show it on the cards, that is, make it up from the available letters.

What questions can be (examples):

  1. Damaged item? (the answer is "marriage").
  2. Part of a ship? (the answer is "board").
  3. Tennis practice area? (the answer is "court").
  4. A blind animal living in the ground? (the answer is "mole").
  5. Poisonous snake? (the answer is "cobra").

In general, questions should be asked in such a way that the guys can guess the answers without much difficulty. If holding an event with cards is not very convenient, then instead of letters, the children can be handed out leaflets and pens where they will write down the words. The one with the most words wins.

2nd stage

This script for June 1, for Children's Day with contests and games is very fun. After summing up the results of the first competition, the second stage begins. Participants are given the task to compose a story in 7 minutes, which will begin with a certain letter. Or the children will have to come up with an ending for the famous fairy tale "Turnip", "Pockmarked Hen" or "Teremok".

They also come up with a task - to dance with an unusual object that is never used in dances.

3rd stage

This stage is the final one. If the previous 2 competitions were aimed at the intellectual knowledge of the participants, then this one will be more entertaining. Here the guys will have to run, jump and pass the baton.

  1. First run: participants run in pairs and hold the ball only with their heads. the main task- do not drop the ball.
  2. Second run: participants clasp their hands under their elbows and run back and forth.
  3. Third run: each partner is tied with one leg (one - the right, the other - the left). With their feet tied, they must run the entire obstacle course.

The results of the game are held in 3 rounds. You can choose multiple prizes. The winners receive a box of chocolates, a ball, board game or books.

Whoever takes first place will be awarded a special big prize.

"Fun Zoo"

We prepare pictures with images of animals in advance (dog, lion, fox, monkey, bear, snake, cat, etc.). If you do not find pictures, you can simply make inscriptions on landscape sheets. Small pins are also useful, with which you can attach pictures to the clothes of the players.

Individual cards are distributed to all guests at the very beginning of the event. The main condition is that players should not see their animal. To do this, the picture is immediately attached to the back of the player.

Each participant must guess which animal is depicted on his back. Leading questions are asked throughout the evening. You can answer them "yes" or "no". The first person to guess their character wins.

You can not stop and continue the game until all participants guess the animal, and all the animals come together.

In holding a fun holiday, it is important to think over the script for June 1, for Children's Day with competitions in advance, so that the children are not bored and remember this day.

When carrying out any children's holiday adults always have the same problem: you need to find and prepare interesting contests for kids. And what are they, interesting, and where to get them? Every year we want something new! It is precisely to help such caring parents that we have prepared this selection, in which we have collected the most funny contests for kids. Most of them, like other children's games, can be played as well. And on almost any holiday, starting with the New Year, and ending with Children's Day. Choose, learn and play!

Competition "Sleight of the legs"

Children line up in two teams. Each team has a chair or other “target” a few meters away. Each child is given an inflated balloon. At the command of the leader, the child pinches the ball with his feet and jumps to the chair, runs around it and returns to his team.

The team that finishes the competition the fastest wins. The balls remain for the children, and the winning team is awarded with souvenirs.

Competition "Eat - do not eat"

The leader is selected. He says a word to each child in turn and asks: “Are they eating?” The child must quickly answer "yes" or "no". Whoever makes a mistake is out, whoever is the last one wins.

Competition "The most agile"

A very famous game that was loved by children of different generations. It is necessary to put the chairs in the form of a circle, turn the backs to the center of the circle. There are one fewer chairs than children. At the signal of the leader, the children run around the chair. At another signal, everyone should take the chair closest to him as quickly as possible. Whoever is left without a seat is out. With each next round, one chair is removed. The winner is the one who remains last.

Competition "Haired horses"

Children are divided into two teams. They are tied with a ribbon at the ankle level. On a signal, each of both teams must jump to a chair that is 5 meters away from them, go around it and jump back to their team, passing the baton to the other. Whose team will cope with the task faster - she won. Of course, safety rules must be observed here: there should not be any obstacles on the way. This competition is best done outdoors.

Contests for children on Children's Day

Children's Day, which is celebrated on June 1, children are looking forward to. It has been so established for many years that on this day in all cities all parks are open for children and all attractions work for free. But the holiday will not be complete and memorable if adults do not prepare for it in advance.

Contests and entertainment are very reminiscent of contests for a child's birthday. But there is a significant difference. Since the holiday is for all children, it is necessary to draw up a script for the holiday in such a way that, if possible, every child is involved in competitions. What can be offered?

Contest "Drawing on asphalt"

This competition is the most popular among children of any age. Children, especially small ones, draw wherever a child's pen can reach: on the walls, on the floor, on tables. In this competition, asphalt was provided to children for their use. All children are given multi-colored crayons and offer children to show their creativity in the form of a drawing, not limiting it either in the “easel” area or in fantasy. Then all the children choose the best drawing. Of course, no child is left without a gift.

Competition "Sing a song"

All children listen to a verse of a famous song in a “live performance” (in this case, the recording will not work). Suddenly, the singer stops, and the children must sing this song in unison. The children love the choral singing. Even a shy child sings along with his favorite song, not being afraid to be funny, because he is, as it were, “in the shadows” and no one pays attention to him.

Musical competition "Dancing to karaoke"

A child or several children are invited to the stage. He is invited to sing his favorite song to children's karaoke. And so that the children have fun and not get bored, they perform an incendiary dance to this song. Again - who knows how.

Musical competition "Disco"

Similar to the previous competition, but with a slight difference. A child or even a whole group of children from a dance studio is invited to the stage, which performs some kind of dance to musical accompaniment, where it is not required to perform in pairs, and the children are happy to participate in the process, repeating simple movements.

Competition "Mysteries"

Riddles are made to the children from the stage, and all the children answer them in unison. Then the children optionally go on stage and guess their riddle. For this they receive a candy or a small souvenir.

Competition "Water Carrier"

Children are divided into two teams and line up one after the other. Near each team there is a full bucket of water, and in front, 5-6 meters from them, there are two empty buckets. Children are given clean sponges. Whistle ahead standing child dips the sponge in a bucket of water and runs to his empty bucket, squeezes the sponge and returns to his team, becoming "in the tail". This competition takes place under the cheerful cries of the fans - children. Which team fills the bucket with water the fastest wins.

Competition "Thirst"

A circle is made in the middle of the platform plastic bottles with a little water. Those who wish to participate in this competition are invited. The number of children must be one more than the number of bottles. Music plays and the children start running around the bottles. As soon as the music stops, the children should grab one bottle at a time. Whoever doesn't get it is out. One bottle is removed, and everything is repeated until only one child remains. He is rewarded with a souvenir.

Competition "Who is stronger"

Children are divided into two teams. The children of each team grapple with each other with their elbows. The first is the team captain. The captains also grapple with each other at the elbows. The boundary between them is drawn in chalk on the pavement. At the command of the leader, the children try to pull the other team to their side. The strongest wins.

Competitions for children 10 years old

Children of this age can no longer be offered to play with balloons. Ten-year-old girls and boys need "intellectual" games for entertainment, in which they could demonstrate all their abilities. And if the competitions are mobile, then the child's capabilities are taken into account. And the contests must be fun!

Competition "Hairdressers"

Children are divided into small groups. Each group is given combs, bows, rubber bands and hairpins. On command, the children must do a haircut for one of the guests in 2 minutes. Those “hairdressers” who make the most interesting and funny hairstyle win.

Competition "Boxers"

Two participants are given boxing gloves, and they must put them on and unwrap the candy. Whoever copes with this faster gets the “cup”, which must be cut out of cardboard in advance.

Competition "Mimic exercises"

A thin strip of paper is glued to the participant's face with the help of water, and he must only get rid of it with the help of facial exercises. This competition is very fun and gives a lot of positive emotions to children.

Hearing test contest

This competition has another, but the most popular name. Remember what? Let's check it out! 🙂 Write in the comments! All children sit in a row. The facilitator whispers a word very quietly into the ear of the first participant. The first child also whispers this word to the next. And the last child must say this word aloud. If the word is guessed correctly, he becomes the leader. This entertainment is very popular with children.

Competition "Sniper"

Stretch the rope across the room. And behind it, hang various small souvenirs on strings. Each child in turn takes scissors and, blindfolded, tries to cut one thread with a present. The gift, of course, goes to this child. The number of souvenirs should be more than children.

Entertainment "Paint the picture"

Each child receives a sheet with a started drawing in the form of shapes and lines. Children are invited to finish their pictures as they wish, showing imagination. And then they all look at children's drawings together.

Competition for children "The most dexterous"

The competition is held outdoors. Children are divided into two teams. In front of each team, 5 meters from them, there is an empty small bucket, and plastic cups of water are on the table next to them. There should be more of them than children. At the signal of the leader, the children one by one run up to the bucket, trying not to spill the water, and pour it into the container. They return to their team and stand in the “tail” of the team. The team that fills the bucket the fastest wins.

Competition "The most accurate"

Children are divided into two teams. They are all given the same number of balls or small balls. Two buckets are placed 3 meters from them. Children take turns throwing balloons, trying to hit him, until the balloons run out. The team with the most balloons in the bucket wins.

Competition "Cold or hot"

This competition is more about entertainment, but children love it very much! One child leaves the room, and other children hide some thing. The child comes in and starts looking for it, listening to the advice of friends: “cold” means that the thing is far away. If the child approaches the hidden object, then they encourage him: “It’s warmer ...” And if he stands near the hidden thing, then “hot!”

Of course, all these same contests can be used in any other place where more than two children gather at the same time. The main thing here is desire and good mood! What other contests do you recommend?


And about. directors


E. N. Ermakova

« 29 » April 2014

scenario plan competitive gaming program

"The Magical World of Childhood"

dedicated to International Children's Day

Date: 04.06.2014

Time: 11.00 – 12.00

Location : Komsomolsky park

Target : to teach organization, composure and cohesion in joint activities in a team, to develop interest in socially significant holidays, to contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood.

Equipment and materials : holiday plan, plates with the name of competitions, evaluation sheets, posters, banners, music center, microphones.

Members : students of the day camp MBOUSOSH No. 52 (50 people) and MBOUSOSH No. 59 (50 people).

Holiday progress:

    Opening of the holiday (children's songs sound).

Hello our dear friends! The administration and teachers of the "Station of Young Technicians" congratulate you on the holiday of Sunny Summer - Children's Day!

Today is your day guys!

All children of the vast Earth

They rush to each other with congratulations,

Wishing you health and love!

And we wish you, relatives, -

Grow and delight us

May your wishes come true

And the world will be kind to you!

The song "Childhood" is performed by Goncharova Natalya Alexandrovna.

    Familiarization with the holiday plan:

Today we have prepared an educational and entertaining game for you, consisting of 5 contests, in which not only the speed of the task, but also the quality will be evaluated. You must divide into 5 teams and choose captains. The team captains will be given scorecards indicating the sequence of competitions. You have no more than 10 minutes to participate in each competition. At the end of the game, the team captains give me score sheets for summing up. The guys who were not included in the team are divided into two groups: the first group goes to the master class "Cosmodrome", the second group - to the master class "Kite". Those who wish can take part in the competition of drawings on asphalt “Childhood is joy, childhood is us!”.

Good luck guys! Reade set Go!

A. Game.

In each competition, all team members complete tasks, the results are recorded in the evaluation sheet (from 1 to 5 points).

Competition "Fun Stadium"- resp. Goroshko A. A.:

- throwing at a target(3 attempts per participant);

- jump rope relay (At a distance of 8-10 m from the start line, put a rope and a hoop. After the leader’s signal, the first participant runs to the rope and makes three jumps on the spot. Then he leaves her in the same place and runs back. The team that finishes their tasks the fastest wins.)

- « Octopussy"- 4 people each take each other by the arms and run a race with the other team.

- Sharp footballer.(Each player in turn puts on the headband, makes a circle around where he thinks the ball should be, and then kicks the ball.

The task of the player: without seeing the ball, hit it with his foot the first time. And for the point to be counted, it is enough just to move the ball from its original place, that is, to touch it with your foot.)

Competition "Safe Childhood"- resp. Kuznetsova O. G.:

Quiz (questions about safe behavior on water, road, at home);

Competition "Planet of Mysteries"- resp. Petrakova I.Yu.:

Riddles (for each correct answer - a plate with a letter, a key word must be added from the letters);

Competition "Let's Grow a Tree"- resp. Koteneva S.V.:

Making trees from colored paper (circle your hand and stick the leaves);

Competition "Music Box"- resp. Goncharova N. A.:

Songs from cartoons (guess the names of songs or cartoons).

B. Master class "Cosmodrome" - resp. Petropavlovskaya V. B. (production and launch of rocket models);

B. Master class "Kite" - resp. Burakova I.A. (manufacture of flying saucers)

G. Master class "Airfield "- resp. Marina I.Yu. (manufacture and launch of paper planes)

D. Competition of drawings on asphalt "The Magical World of Childhood"

Rep. Yudina D.S.


In case the teams receive equal points, a competition of team captains is held - the quiz "Tula Artisan".

Winner's reward ceremony.

    Holiday closing.

And so our holiday came to an end.

Many holidays in the world

Loved by adults and children

Meet them together!

But today is Children's Day.

celebrating the whole world,

From Paris to Hong Kong

The message is on the air:

Congratulations! We love! We believe!

We will save the world!

Grow up! Smile!

We will protect you!

Have a warm summer, happy holidays and a good rest, dear guys!

(Children's songs sound).

Teacher-organizer O.G. Kuznetsova

SCEI AO for orphans and children left without parental care"Smile"

Entertaining - game program

by stations

children's day

Prepared by:


Gabdullaev T.S.


    creating a warm festive atmosphere


    Develop the ability to work in a team; the opportunity to recognize and feel their role in the team.

    Reveal "hidden talents" (skills, skills).

    Eliminate insecurities and increase self-esteem.

    Identify growth areas for each participant.

    Form positive attitude for active work.

Members: group educators and pupils

The song sounds


Hello guys

Boys and girls!


We welcome you from the bottom of our hearts,

On theour holiday!

Leading 1 :

holiday dedicated toInternational Day child protection .

Host 2:

When we meet the dawn

We tell him… (hello)


With a smile, the sun gives light,

He sends us his ... (hello)


When we meet after many years

You will call out to your friends... (hello)


And smile back at you

From a kind word ... (hello)


And you remember the advice:

Give to all your friends ... (hello)

Presenter 1:

Let's all answer together

We will tell each other ... (hello)

Host 2:

The sparks of childhood fly into the sky

Beckoning for a far, far away

There are hundreds of guys here today

They believe in a dream, and the soul is so easy!


And spinning, spinning our planet

She is warmed by the palms of the sun.

And warm the planet much warmer

The smiles and laughter of so many children.


After all, the truth, friends, is good on the planet,

When the masters on the planet are children!


Children are a lot of things


Children are a lot of ideas!


And the adults gathered

And adults thought

At the beginning of June

Children Protection Day!


Fun today, joyfully with us!

FROMchildren's holiday congratulations!


Today we invite you to take part in an entertaining and game program by stations, which we called "The Universe of Childhood". The motto of our holiday is “We play together, create and grow together!”.

Host 2:

We have5 stations are:

    sports station.

    theatrical and intellectual station.

    dance station.

    music station.

    art station.

Presenter 1:

Each team is given a route sheet, which will indicate the order of passage of the stations, the location of the stations, an appropriate assessment based on the results and a signature of the responsible person on the passage of this station.

At the end of the passage of all stations, the teams gather at the central site to summarize.

Program progress:

    Station "Sportivnaya" (playground)

children walk on a log, then look forburied tennis balls in the sand. Find them in 30 seconds. How many balls, so many points.

Labyrinth. At the start, a letter is tied on a string, and scissors at the finish line. The child must temporarily hold the letter along the thread to the scissors, cut the rope and pick up the letter.

    Station "Theatre-Intellectual Station" (cool room)

"Silent actor" Children, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, depict the characters of Russian fairy tales, and other participants must guess who exactly their comrades portrayed.

1. Riddle

For a certain time (12 minutes) you need to guess the riddle of the old man. “We are very dependent on it, but it is not on us. We go with it, but we can turn back, but it cannot. And it gets smaller every moment.” (time) “Sometimes there are two of me and I can't tell the difference between us, except that I can be heard and he can't. As soon as I take a few steps to the side, it disappears. And I'm scratching my head: who is it? (mirror image) For younger children, simple riddles can be used: “What is growing on the field, Pies are stuffed with what, What did Antoshka want to eat? We call her…” (potato)

2. Listen to the poem and find a word that does not contain the letter "c".

The sun has set behind the village

Tits are sleeping, jays are sleeping,

The mustachioed catfish sleeps in the river,

The forest, and the steppe, and the garden are sleeping.

The herd is sleeping, the shepherd and the dog,

Sleep took away to his country

Find an analogy in Russian.

1. German proverb “Whoever hopes for a neighbor’s dinner will remain hungry” (“Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf”)

2. Proverb of the peoples of Africa “The son of a leopard is also a leopard” (“An apple does not fall far from an apple tree”).

3. Finnish proverb “The one who asks will not get lost” (“Language will bring to Kyiv”).

4. Tibetan proverb “Where the shovel leads, water flows there” (“Where the needle goes, the thread goes there”).

5. English proverb “After dinner you have to pay” (“If you like to ride, love and carry sleds”).

6. French proverb “A scalded rooster runs away from the rain” (“Burned in milk, and you will blow on the water”).


1. What musical style can pioneer chants be attributed to? (Rap).

2. What is the identification mark of Australian aircraft? (kangaroo).

3. Younger brother Baldy? (hare).

4. Austrian composer, “king of the waltz” (Strauss).

5. What occupation did the prophet Mohammed call worthy of a man? (trade).

6. Which street follows Vinogradnaya? (Shady).

7. Elected robber position (ataman).

8. Sleepy insensibility (narcosis).

9. Outgoing complaint, which Moscow does not believe (tears).

10. An ancient state famous for its harsh upbringing (Sparta).

11. What line cannot be read by any scientist? (Sewn on a sewing machine.)

12. Mammal of the Sidorov family (goat).

13. The simplest shoe (ciliate).

14. An athlete lifting an elephant with one hand (chess player).

15. Ladies' cocked hat (scarf).

16. Which animal and which warship have the same name? (Battleship.)

17. Which fish always lies on its left side? (flounder).

18. Under what pseudonym did Paul the First travel all over Europe? (Count Northern).

19. A mix of mink and ferret (hanorik).

20. Country, birthplace of champagne (France).

21. MHL champion 1994–95 season (“Dynamo” Moscow).

24. What plant smells like a fox? (violet).

25. The warmest sea current (Gulf Stream).

    Station "Dance" (Auditorium)

Waltz, polka, rock and roll, twist.

lady, gypsy, lezginka

    Station "Musical" (game)

exercise. Stage the song.

a) "There was a birch in the field."

b) "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass."

c) "Antoshka"

d) "A gloomy day is brighter from a smile"

Chorus karaoke

    Station "Artistic"

(Playground to the right of the orphanage)

Exercise - drawmy planet.



Dear children, once again we congratulate you on the upcoming holiday,

Happy children are sewn up.


We wish you to be healthy

Don't be sad and don't get sick

And always, everywhere and everywhere

All desire to burn!


See you again.

June 1 - Children's Day and the script of the holiday will help to prepare a fun event for educators and teachers. This day is dedicated to children, and as you know, children love to play most of all. So for Children's Day better fit game scenario with multiple contests. Of course, you can't do without a funny and popular character and a fabulous atmosphere.

All this is provided for on Children's Day, which is recommended for kindergarten and elementary school students.

Scenario of the holiday Children's Day

The song "Childhood" sounds

Presenter 1:
June, June, June came
Birds are chirping in the garden
Just blow on a dandelion
And it will all fall apart!
Sun Festival! How many of you,
Dandelions in summer!
Childhood is a gold reserve
For our big planet!

The first verse of the song "Solar Circle" sounds

Presenter 2:
Dear friends, the long-awaited holiday of the sun has come for us, the longest holiday - the Sunny Summer Festival! Every day of this joyful big holiday will swing open like a new page of an interesting and bright, colorful book. This is a book in which there will be songs, and pictures, and games, and fairy tales, and riddles, and trips, and adventures! Every day of the summer calendar is red, because every day of summer is joy, relaxation, celebration! And most importantly - it's a peaceful sky above us!

Presenter 1:
Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated to the International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear children. :

The old woman Shapoklyak comes out:
Hi all! Girls-swirls, boys-stumps! I am a cheerful old woman Shapoklyak. And you got to visit a fairy tale. Why did you come here? (play, have fun).
Yes?! I also love to play. I know such wonderful games. Here, for example, smear a bench with glue, and when someone sits on it, there will be laughter! Ha ha ha! Good game? (No!)
Then another: a man walks down the street, and I pour a bucket of water on top of him. Great? (No!)
Well, then another game. Boy, come here. Here I was walking down the street and lost my wallet, boy, help me, lift my wallet. (The boy tries to lift, Shapoklyak pulls the rope). Oh how fun! Like my game? Not?
Oh, how boring you all are... You don't like my games. Well, what do you like to play? (children's answers).
Okay, I'll play "your games." But first I want to listen to poems about summer.

Children read poetry

Child 1:
We celebrate the holiday of summer
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
Come visit us.
We are always glad to have guests.

Child 2:
Birds will fly to the festival
Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.
Will click and whistle
Sing songs with us.

Child 3:
Dragonflies buzz around
Smile poppies, roses.
And the tulip will dress
In the brightest sundress.

Child 4:
We celebrate the holiday of summer
Festival of the sun, festival of light
Sun, sun, brighter gray
The holiday will be more fun.

Child 5:
The first day of summer, become even brighter!
Meet the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is the Day of protection of all children,
People celebrate it for a reason!

Child 6:
First day of colorful summer
He brought us together, friends.
Festival of the sun, festival of light,
Holiday of happiness and kindness!

Presenter 2:
The holiday dedicated to "Children's Day" is considered open Hurrah!

All together: Wow!

Guys, if you agree with me say "YES"
- what is the mood, in?
- all of this opinion?
- all without exception?
- have we grown up?
Have we done everything?
Have we been everywhere?
- one for all?
- and all for one?
- health in order?
- Do you have fun?
- can you play?

Presenter 1:
There are many games in the world
But do not tell everything.
Loved by adults and children
Play different games.
We are starting Fairytale Relays

The song "Come Fairy Tale" sounds. Children are divided into two teams.

So the teams are here! And first of all, we somehow need to name our teams! We are given one minute for you to come up with a team name related to the fairy tale.

Presenter 2:
And I ask you to loudly introduce your teams in chorus!

Contest 1

Before the start of the relay, I read an excerpt from a fairy tale, the first team to correctly guess the name of the fairy tale gets an extra point.

The mouse ran, touched the tail, the testicle fell and broke
Answer: "Ryaba hen"

Competition 2

Carry a tennis ball in a tablespoon, pass the baton to the next.

Contest 3

The next contest is called "Humpbacked Horse". The humpbacked horse shook itself, stood up on its paws and started up. He clapped his mane, grunted and flew like an arrow.

Running with a basketball behind your back to the finish line and back.

Competition 4

The father had three sons, and he left them an inheritance: an old mill, a donkey and a cat. Let's start the competition "Puss in Boots". The first player puts on a boot, runs to the finish line and back, passes the boot to the next one.

Contest 5

Carlo entered the closet, sat down on the only chair by the legless table, and turning the log this way and that, began to cut a doll out of it with a knife. Competition called "Pinocchio".

The team is divided into two people: this is the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. The cat is blindfolded and put on large slippers, the fox leads him to the finish line and back, the blindfold and slippers are passed to the next pair.

Game with spectators

Conducted by Shapoklyak:
How do you live? - Like this! (put thumb forward)
How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)
How are you sailing? - Like this! (imitate swimming)
How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)
How sad? - Like this! (sad)
Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)
Do you threaten? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

2 game with spectators

You need to complete the sentence correctly.

-The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly ...... (four)
- I have a dog, she already has tails .... (one)
- There is a funny sign, it snowed, meet .... (winter)
-The blizzard howls like a drill, stands in the yard .... (February)
- Birthday on the nose, we baked .... (cake)
- Irinka and Oksanka have tricycles .... (bike).

Competition 6

I came up with! I found! Let two of you take a twig in their beaks, and the third one will cling to it in the middle. You will fly and the frog will ride. Let's call this contest "Traveling Frog".

Teams are divided into 3 people. Two children put a stick on their shoulders and hold it with their hands. The third - a frog - hangs on his hands, legs crossed. You need to quickly reach the finish line and come back.

Competition 7

Remember the fairy tale "Kolobok"? The old woman took a wing, scraped the box, broomed the bottom of the barrel, and scraped two handfuls of flour.

Participants need to roll the ball with a hoop to the finish line and back, pass the hoop and the ball to the next player.

Competition 8

The first participant runs to the finish line and back, the second one joins him, holding his waist, and now they are running together. Then the third one joins, and so on.

Contest 9

Emel got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took buckets and went to the river.

The first participant takes buckets filled with water, runs to the finish line and back, passes the buckets to the next player.

The song is "Don't kids time» all the spectators get up, go to the site and repeat the dance movements after Shapoklyak.

Presenter 1:
For the rulers of the country
Guys are all equal.
Both red and white
Both strong and brave
Cheerful and noisy
And very, very smart.
Everyone is waiting for a gift or a prize
And this is all a surprise for you.

Sofia Rotaru's song "I am you he is she" sounds.

Summarizing. Presentation of gifts.

The holiday, Children's Day, held according to this scenario, the guys will remember for a long time and get a lot of pleasant impressions. By the way, soon the children will go on vacation, and it will certainly come in handy for every organizer.
