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Digital noise removal plugin. Get rid of photo noise in seconds! An editor you like

Have you ever been confused by digital noise in a photo? It would seem that, great frame with good light. But, if you just make a little mistake with the settings or get into difficult conditions where you can’t do without a high ISO, a problem immediately arises.

What is the problem?

Landscape photos are often shot in difficult lighting conditions. For example, at dawn or dusk, when shooting towards the sun, the scene turns out to be very contrasty with a large difference in brightness between shadows and highlights. When shooting at dusk, the contrast decreases, but the amount of light also decreases significantly, so you have to shoot at slow shutter speeds, and the thicker the twilight becomes, the less detail remains in the shadow areas. With the subsequent “development” of photographs in a RAW converter, there is a need to get some of the details from the shadows, and at this moment noise appears in the picture.

A number of examples can be continued. For example, noise will definitely appear in night photos taken at high ISO. They will be there if you suddenly make a gross mistake in exposure by 1-2 steps and then compensate for the error during processing. In general, noise in landscape photography is not such a rare phenomenon, and the ability to deal with them is an important skill for a photographer.

What to do?

The noise removal function is now available in many programs and plug-ins for Photoshop. More flexible settings usually have specialized noise reduction plugins. One of them I use in my work, and it's called Noise Ninja (not included in Photoshop, you need to install it separately). Before starting the analysis of the example, I will make a reservation that the method described below is universal and can be used with any other plugin for removing noise.

The photo we'll be working with was shot handheld at ISO400 with significant underexposure, so after adjusting the exposure to normal, the picture turned out to be noticeably noisy. Having quickly examined the frame, I identified two types of noise, which will need to be removed in different ways.

The first is noise in the sky. This type of noise is very easy to remove, since there are no objects with sharp edges, small details in the clouds, and even with strong noise reduction, the clouds will look natural and natural.

The second is the noise in the water and in the shady areas of the snow. There are many small details in these areas, and it will be a little more difficult to achieve a natural look after noise reduction.

Let's start with a simple task and get rid of the noise in the sky zone. To do this, open the photo in Photoshop, create a copy of the original layer and name it “nonoise-sky”.

The convenience of working on a separate layer is obvious, since after applying noise reduction to the entire image, we can use masks to reduce the influence of the effect on certain parts of the photo, or reduce the effect as a whole by adjusting the transparency (“Opacity”) of the layer. The next step is to launch the Noise Ninja plugin. It is located in the menu Filters -> PictureCode -> Noise Ninja. When launched, the plugin automatically builds a photo profile:

The interface of Noise Ninja is very simple. There is a large area with the original image, on the right in a small window you can see a piece of the photo enlarged to 100%, and below it are the main settings.

Let's look at the settings panel:

Everything is very simple here. There are only two main sliders: Strength and Smoothness. The first sets the noise reduction strength: the larger the value, the less noise will remain in our photo. The second one sets the degree of smoothing: the larger the Smoothness value, the less details will remain in the final image. It is with these two settings that we will achieve a natural-looking picture. On the one hand - without noise, on the other hand - while maintaining the maximum possible number of details. The Contrast slider controls the contrast of the final image, but its behavior is not very predictable, so I always leave it at its default position of 10.

Also on the panel there is a group of two settings with the word USM. They can sharpen a photo after applying noise reduction. The inclusion of these sliders here is logical, since reducing noise always results in blurry images and loss of detail. Sharpening in this case can compensate a little for this effect, but, in turn, can again show noise or add another problem to the image - visible artifacts. Therefore, I do not always use the USM group, only in simple cases where global sharpening for the entire image does not lead to other difficulties.

Another group of sliders called Colors allows you to work with colored noise separately, but in my practice there has not yet been a single case where I would like to use them. All three sliders always stand in my middle position - 10. But I always turn on the Turbo and Coarse Noise checkboxes. Turbo - speeds up the plug-in without visible quality problems, and Coarse Noise effectively removes low-frequency noise in the form of many small dots grouped into spots.

The main problem with noise reduction is to find a balance, when the amount of noise is reduced to a normal level and the photo becomes clean, while we must lose a minimum amount of detail and achieve the natural appearance of the photo. If you simply unthinkingly turn the sliders to the maximum, then the result will be a “plastic” image: yes, without noise, but also without details. Let's analyze this process using our example.

The first thing I do is turn off the sharpening (USM amount = 0). Then, I find the place in the image where the noise reaches its maximum. Usually this is the darkest area, often at the point of transition to a lighter zone. Right now we are only working with the sky, and this area is near the horizon on the left side of the photo. The first step is to increase the Strength to the maximum (20) and the Smoothness to the minimum (0). After that, gradually moving the Smoothness slider to the right, you need to stop at the moment when visible noise points do not completely disappear on 100% crop. For our example, this happened with Smoothness = 8.

On this stage we have found the boundary position of the smoothing parameter, that is, in fact, we have found out the threshold for the size of a part, after which it is considered noise. Now we need to reduce the effect of noise reduction so that the image does not look plastic. A small grain will still appear, but it will look natural and natural.

For noise suppression in the sky, the Strength value remains quite high (14), but for clouds without fine details, this is normal. When reducing noise in the more detailed parts of a photo, the effect is usually much lower. Also note that the Turbo and Coarse Noise checkboxes are enabled. Apply the settings with the OK button.

Now, if we look at the photo at 100% zoom, we can see that the sky now looks much cleaner, but the details in the ice and snow are hopelessly blurry. Let's fix this by limiting the effect of noise reduction to the sky area only. To do this, add a mask to the 'nonoise-sky' layer and draw a linear gradient from white to black over it, making the bottom of the layer transparent.

Let's look at the photo again at 100% magnification:

Now everything is all right. The sky is noise-free, and details from the original image have returned to the snow and ice.

Now let's deal with the noise in the detailed part of the photo. Here the approach will be different, since we can't lose a lot of details and we won't be able to raise the Strength value too much. It turns out that the impact force should be minimal by definition, but in this case it will not be possible to get rid of all the noise. The good news is that the noise in the image is not evenly distributed. There is less noise in bright areas, and more noise in dark areas. Therefore, the main idea of ​​dealing with noise in areas with high detail is to “soften” the image a little, make it not so sharp and micro-contrast, and then limit the noise reduction effect only to dark areas. Let's try to implement this in Noise Ninja.

Create another copy of the original layer and name it "nonoise-water".

Open Noise Ninja, set the Smoothness value to maximum (20), and then use the Strength slider to select the desired degree of softening of details in the water and snow area. The image will become slightly less detailed, but still with enough detail so as not to lose the natural appearance.

Apply the settings with the OK button. Then we add a black mask to the “nonoise-water” layer, take a soft white brush with a transparency of about 20% and carefully draw problem areas on the mask. As a result, the mask may look like this:

What is this all for?

The main goal of the fight against noise is not to completely suppress them, but to reduce their influence on the image to an acceptable level, while maintaining the natural look of the final photo. Some noise is perfectly acceptable. And this degree of tolerance itself is dictated by the purposes for which you are preparing the image. For example, in stock photography there is a very intolerant attitude towards noise, microstocks are especially reverent towards it. Therefore, if you are preparing a photo for stock, you would rather lose detail, but get rid of noise almost completely. If we are talking about preparing a photo for printing, then here, on the contrary, it is better not to get carried away with noise reduction, retaining more details. For publication on the Internet, the fight against noise is practically meaningless, since when the image is reduced to 900-1200 pixels, all small details, including noise, will be lost by themselves. Therefore, even very noisy photos taken at ISO1600 and above will look very decent and high quality on a blog or website page.

I hope now you will have complete order with noisy photos. Tell your friends on social media about my method. May they be fine too. 🙂

AKVIS Noise Buster is a digital noise reduction software for images.

Denoising is one of the essential pre-processing steps for most photos. It is better to do this procedure from the very beginning than to have color spots suddenly appear during image editing.

Unfortunately, even the use of the latest innovations in digital photography does not guarantee getting rid of this problem. Matrix noise can occur for a number of reasons, for example, when using digital zoom, due to setting a high sensitivity (ISO), in low light, during long shooting, when pixels overheat, due to “broken” pixels, when using the JPEG format when photographing.

Even if you don't see noise on your computer screen, noise can show up unexpectedly when printing and ruin your photo.

AKVIS Noise Buster suppresses digital camera sensor noise and noise that appears when scanning a photo, reduces graininess and eliminates non-uniform color spots in the image, while maintaining detail and edge sharpness.

The program removes brightness noise, so color(chromatic). The first appears as distorting elements that differ in brightness (for example, bumps on the skin), the second - in the form of small spots that have a difference in color (spots of red or blue). Noise Buster does its job in both cases.

Your photos look much better after processing with AKVIS Noise Buster!

The program supports batch image processing, which is used to correct series of photographs taken under the same conditions with the same camera settings. IN batch mode, the noise reduction algorithm is applied to all images in the folder at once.

Frames taken in poor lighting or low-quality equipment are often covered with a grid of multi-colored dots. This unpleasant effect is called digital noise, and it significantly spoils the appearance snapshot. To save a photo, use the PhotoMASTER program. Read the article and you will learn how to easily remove noise from photos using our handy editor.

The picture is transformed, as if by magic!

Noise like never before

Even strong noise can be eliminated without Photoshop, using the handy tool of the PhotoMASTER program. This is done in just a couple of minutes, and the result will pleasantly surprise you. Let's look at the steps you need to take to turn a photo with a significant defect into a photo that is not embarrassing to show to friends.

  • Step 1. Getting Started

To start editing, you will need a program to remove noise from a photo. Download the PhotoMASTER distribution kit from our website and install the editor on your computer. Double click on the shortcut to start processing the image. In the program window, click the "Open Photo" button.

The program for eliminating noise in the photo

  • Step 2. Photo preparation

In a folder on your computer, select the photo you want to edit. When it appears in the working window, find the "100%" button on the bottom panel to view the image in 1:1 scale. This will allow the most correct way.

Uploading a photo with a defect

  • Step 3 Eliminate Noise

Select the “Tools” section, and then find the “Photo Noise Removal” function on the right. A scale with a slider will appear on the screen. Slowly move it to the right until the noise disappears. Usually it is enough to move the slider to a value of 20-30. You should not get carried away, otherwise the image will become too blurry. When you're happy with the result, don't forget to click the "Apply" button to save your changes.

Remove noise by moving the slider to the right

  • Step 4: Sharpening

When the noise removal from the photo is successfully completed, you may notice that the picture is a little blurry. This is an inevitable consequence of the work of the tool, but do not worry! The consequences are eliminated very easily, directly without leaving the editor. There are sharpness settings for this. Go to the "Enhancements" section and then to the "Sharpness" tab. Set the slider to the optimal value at which the details become clearer. Make sure the noise doesn't come out again.

Increasing the sharpness value

Ready! An unpleasant defect will no longer spoil a great photo. To compare the original image with the processed one, click on the "Before/After" icon located on the bottom panel. Now you can clearly see that the program for removing noise from photos really works wonders!

Compare before and after photos!

Let's make your photo even better

PhotoMASTER is a versatile editor where digital noise reduction is just one of dozens of tools. Need to ? No problem! Want to apply filters? Please! Feel like a professional retoucher, able to pull out any, even the most nondescript picture.

These are not all the tools that the photo editor has! As you can see, in addition to the ability to get rid of noise in the photo, the program offers to take many more actions to improve the quality of the image. Now every frame will get a chance to be flawless!

An editor you like

PhotoMASTER will not scare you with a complicated interface. Even a novice user will get comfortable in ten minutes. Remove digital noise from the photo, crop, smooth the skin of the face and apply effects in just a few simple steps. No defects will make you send successful shots to the trash anymore. Let the photo albums be filled with great pictures!

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What is the best noise reduction software for removing noise from an image? This is a difficult question even for professional photographers. Each noise reduction program has its own features for attractive customers.

When you need to remove noise in images for different programs. The article introduces the features and functions of the top 8 noise reduction programs Just read the article to choose the right program accordingly.

Part 1: Noise Reduction Instructions

The process of removing noise from certain photographs is noise reduction. People divide noise reduction into four types in audio. These are one-sided pre-recording systems, one-sided hiss suppression, one-sided surface noise suppression, as well as codec systems or two-sided systems.

As for salt and pepper noise in photographs, the pixels in the image have nothing to do with the colored surrounding pixels. This image noise looks like dark and white dots, as a result you need a noise reduction camera or choose a photo equipment to remove the noise and save High Quality digital photos. To get a better image, you can use noise reduction software instead.

Part 2: Best Noise Reduction Software for Computer

Top 1: WidsMob Denoise: Universal Noise Reduction Software

WidsMob Denoise should be universal noise reduction software for both smartphone and DSLR images. It has a special algorithm for portrait and landscape. What's more, you can simply adjust various settings to remove image noise for moving objects, low light, old image, and more.

1. The batch function of the noise reduction software is a great help to remove a lot of photos.

2. Generic Noise to reduce image noise for all file types, whether RAW or JPEG files, landscape or portrait.

3. Deliver exceptional detail, outstanding image quality and a distinctive natural look.

4.Easy process to reduce noise and touch up various pictures within a few seconds.

Top 2: Topaz Denoise: Superhero Noise Reduction Software

As for the most popular noise reduction software, removes distracting image noise while preserving image details. It can fix JPEG artifacts, frivolous photos in any situation with confidence. Topaz De-Noise is an easy-to-use noise reduction software, it only takes a few seconds to solve image noise and other problems.

1. Several presets come with Topaz De-Noise to reduce image noise in different categories.

2. The noise reduction app detects areas to apply noise filters and keeps the sharpness of the areas intact.

3.If you are using the plugin version of Topaz, you can also apply Photoshop masking.

Top 3: Imagenomic Noiseware: High Performance Noise Reduction Software

Imagenomic Noiseware Another great noise reduction software that makes it easy to polish noisy photos. You can use Noiseware to remove noise in both standalone and connected versions. The advanced noise reduction software algorithm retains more detail and is 25% more efficient, while processing speed is 4 times faster with multi-core support technology.

1.New preset manager with unlimited presets, multiple categories, notes and import/export.

2. History control with an unlimited number of history steps should be another plus of the program.

3. Embedded expert system uses artificial intelligence to analyze and recognize noise patterns without relying on the camera profile.

Top 4: Neat Image: Professional Noise Reduction Software

When it comes to professional noise reduction software, ABSoft Neatlab must be one of the best noise reduction solution providers. able to minimize film grain, JPEG compression artifacts and other imperfections. It should be convenient and professional to remove noise from the luma and chrominance channels.

1. Powerful batch processing and background processing functions to reduce noise for multiple photos in a few seconds

2.Multiple preset noise profiles software noise reduction for noise reduction digital cameras or scanners.

3. Advanced noise filter with full control over noise reduction and intelligent sharpening filters.

Top 5: Photo Ninja: Photo Converter with Noise Reduction

Photo ninja it's more than a professional level noise reduction software that RAW converter can provide it provides exceptional detail, outstanding image quality. The noise filter of the noise reduction software contains both noise reduction and chrome plating with many settings for automatic noise profiling.

1. Filtering automatically adapts to varying levels of noise in shadows, midtones, highlights, and different color channels.

2. The smart preset mode can remember the settings and determine the ISO and camera model from the EXIF ​​metadata in the image.

3. Advanced ninja noise reduction algorithms with both luminance and chrome noise suppression with multiple adjustments.

Part 3: Best Noise Reduction Software for Smartphones

Top 1: Photo Noise Reducer Pro - Noise Reduction APK Android

Photo noise reduction APK can beautify images by removing noise. If you have any inappropriate behavior to cause noise, Photo Noise Reducer Pro can also create flawless images in a few clicks. What's more, you can not only use it on Mac or Windows, but also download it on iPhone and Android devices. So the noise reduction software is easy to use.

1. You can use the smooth noise slider to get flawless images. Things get light and fun to remove noise from stains and grain.

2. There are pre-designed noise-absorbing levels of light, medium and custom. You can choose from these levels of noise reduction to adjust.

3. After you remove the noisy images, you can use the comparison panel to reduce the contrast of the noise after the effects.

Top 2: Noise Master is an effective photo noise removal app

This is an iOS application that allows you to get clean, smooth, noise-free images while preserving important details. It is able to eliminate all types of noise in photos, such as high ISO, color, contrast, low light, film grain, and more. Just upload photos from album or camera, then you can easily save the optimized photo to "Photos" with noise reduction software.

1. Soften and eliminate wrinkles in portrait images and optimize noise for landscape images.

2. Slider to adjust the level of noise reduction and preserve all details and edges for image files.

3. It works with all types of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch versions.


Whichever noise reduction software you choose, you can choose the best one according to your requirement. Of course, you can also use Photoshop or Lightroom to reduce image noise. You can always find the best noise reduction software to turn noise images into neat images. If you have a question about the best noise reduction software, you can tell more detailed information in comments.

Online service remove noise from photos.

Unfortunately, not all photos we take are of perfect quality. One of the most common phenomena to deal with is digital noise. Here is an example:

As a rule, the noise in the photo occurs due to the features of the sensor (matrix) of the device or because the photo was taken in poor lighting conditions.

Inexperienced users often simply delete such "defective" pictures, but in vain ... You can try to fix them using photo editors, such as Photoshop or Gimp, and you can also use special services that do not require any special skills, and therefore are available to everyone.

With the help of the Waifu2x website, you can literally remove noise from photos online in two clicks, as well as fix JPEG compression artifacts. He copes well with his task, has a very simple interface.

All you need is:

  1. Upload a photo from a computer or provide a link to it on the Internet

  2. Specify the type of image (drawing or photograph)

  3. Set noise reduction options: low, medium, strong, and very strong.

The higher you set the parameter, the more noise will be removed from the photo, but the more soapy (blurred) the image will become. Therefore, we recommend starting with the average, which is set by default.

Do not touch the Upscale parameter - it is needed if you want to increase the image size by 1.6-2 times.

After clicking the "Convert" button, a processed photo will open in a new browser tab, cleaned from noise, which can be downloaded to your computer.

Here is an example of an image BEFORE and AFTER processing:

Of course, with the help of special noise reduction programs or the Photoshop editor, you can get a more impressive result. But it will also take much more time. The Waifu2x service allows you to remove noise from a photo online only with the help of a browser, without installing any software, which is very convenient and very fast!
