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How to send an order. The cost of a registered letter of the Russian Post - detailed information. How to track registered mail

Publication date: 18.02.2018

Every year, the Russian Post sends several hundred million different postal items. More than half of all shipments are written correspondence. For example, only one Voronezh branch of the Russian Post sent more than 20 million letters in 2017. Agree, the figure is more than impressive.

True, in recent years, the epistolary genre as a means of communication has almost completely lost its relevance. Communication between people today occurs due to such modern technologies like internet and mobile communications. In view of this, over the past 15 years, the number of ordinary letters and postcards sent has sharply decreased, but the number of registered letters with so-called business correspondence has increased.

How to send a letter by Russian Post so that it definitely falls into the hands of the addressee? What types of letters are there? What conditions and restrictions apply when sending written correspondence, how to write the address correctly - all this will be discussed later.

What is a letter

Before talking about how to send a letter by Russian Post, you should decide on the very concept of "letter". After all, in addition to it, there are two more types of postal items: parcel and.

So, letter- a type of postal item with which they correspond, send documents, papers, photographs. Weight Limit- cannot exceed 100 grams. A postal item that contains the same photographs, documents or other paper products, but exceeds the prescribed 100 grams in weight, automatically falls into the "package" category. Tariffs and rules for sending parcels are already somewhat different.

Often people have a question, is it possible to send small items using a letter? For example, badges, coins, small jewelry, tea bags or magnets. According to the rules of the Russian Post - no! In practice, people sometimes put small items in an envelope and send them safely. There are also unsuccessful attempts to send, when the Russian Post returns with a note that the attachment does not match the type of postal item.

Types of letters

There are three types of letters:

  • simple;
  • custom;
  • valuable.

simple letter- in the truest sense of the word, this is the most regular letter, which is most often used to conduct some kind of personal correspondence or send not the most important documents and papers. Those letters that were previously exchanged between relatives or friends living in different cities were in most cases just simple. A simple letter is not a registered postal item, therefore it is not assigned an identifier with which it can be tracked.

Simple written mail is delivered by the postman to the address of the recipient and dropped into the mailbox. For this reason this species letters are considered not the most reliable, since, for example, they can be stolen from the mailbox. In addition, since this item is not registered, if the letter is not delivered to the addressee, it will be impossible to file a claim with the Russian Post, receive compensation or write an application for a search.

Ordered letter unlike a simple one, it is registered and is handed over personally into the hands of the addressee (or by proxy to his representative). What does it mean? Firstly, after sending the letter through the cashier-operator, a check is issued, which indicates the track number, with which you can track the movement of the postal item and find out when it will be delivered and handed over to the addressee. Secondly, the chances that the letter will be lost somewhere and not reach the recipient are much less than in the case of a simple letter.

Valuable letter - is the same as registered, but has one difference. For a valuable letter, the declared value is additionally indicated. In case of damage or loss of a valuable postal item, the amount of the declared value will be partially or completely compensated by the Russian Post to the sender. That is, in this case, the declared value is a kind of insurance. Accordingly, if you are sending important documents that are of some value, then it is better to do this using this type of mail. For example, if you decide to send a passport by letter or some document certified by a notary.

Additional services of the Russian Post (notice of delivery, inventory of attachments, cash on delivery)

Russian Post offers several additional services, which may be necessary or useful for the sender of written correspondence:

  • delivery notice;
  • attachment description;
  • C.O.D;
  • SMS notification;
  • expedited shipping 1st class.

For a simple letter -> only 1st class delivery is available.
For custom-made -> all types of services, except for the inventory of attachments and cash on delivery.
For valuable -> all kinds of services.

Delivery Notice- a special document (form) that will inform the sender when (date and time) and by whom (name of the recipient or his representative by proxy) was received mailing. The receipt must be signed by the recipient. This form is attached to the letter and sent along with it. After delivery, it is sent back and also delivered by mail.

Attachment Description- a document (form), which indicates the contents of the postal item. For each item listed in the inventory, the sender must indicate its value. At the time of delivery of a valuable letter with an inventory of the attachment, the recipient has the right to open the envelope in front of the employee and check the contents with the inventory. If any item is damaged or lost, the organization pays compensation. The inventory of attachments is of maximum relevance when sending postal items cash on delivery.

C.O.D- the amount of money that is collected on behalf of the sender from the recipient of the postal item. Cash on delivery is often used to pay for goods purchased online. In this case, the buyer pays for the ordered goods by mail only at the time of receipt. The recipient has the right to open the envelope or box before payment only if there is an inventory of the attachment.

SMS notification– a service of informing the addressee about the arrival of a letter at the post office and notifying the sender of delivery. Available only in Russia.

1 class- an accelerated type of delivery of postal items, involves air shipment. You can find out about the terms for delivery in the usual way and 1st class on the official website of the Russian Post. You should not use this type of delivery within one locality, and also if there is no air connection between your city and the city of the addressee, since the delivery speed will most likely be the same as in the usual case. However, 1st class shipping will be more expensive.

How to send a simple, registered or valuable letter by Russian Post

General information.
All letters are sent in envelopes, which may vary in size:

  • minimum size 110 x 220 mm (Euro envelope) or 114 x 162 mm (C6 format);
  • maximum size 229 × 324 mm (C4 format).

Envelopes can be:

  • no marks and
  • with printed brand.

The printed stamp can be with a different letter (letter): A, D, B.
Such envelopes allow you to send some types of letters without additional gluing of stamps. It is impossible to send letters in an envelope that does not have stamps on it at all! Brand - is a kind of payment for the delivery service.

If you purchase an envelope without a stamp, then you will need to purchase stamps for it, the cost of which should be equal to the cost of sending one or another type of letter at the rate of the Russian Post. For example, if you send simple letter weighing up to 20 grams, then it is subject to a tariff of 23 rubles (for 2020). That is, on an envelope without a stamp for such a letter, it will be necessary to stick stamps for 23 rubles. If this is a registered letter up to 20 grams - 50 rubles.

Stamps at the post office are sold in different denominations: 10, 15, 25, 30, 50 kopecks; 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 25, 50 and 100 rubles. Appearance they may differ.

How to send a simple email

For a simple letter weighing up to 20 grams, purchase either an envelope with an already printed stamp (a stamp with the letter A), or an envelope without a stamp and an additional stamp for 23 rubles. You need to stick them in the upper right corner. Indicate all the data on the envelope (index, full name, address of the recipient and sender). Seal the letter and carry it to send. To send, drop the envelope either into the mailbox located inside each post office, or into the street box of the Russian Post, or hand the letter over to the operator of the Russian Post.

To send a simple letter weighing more than 20 grams, you should contact the Russian Post operator for help. The fact is that for such letters every subsequent 20 grams are charged. The operator will weigh your letter and glue the required number of stamps himself.

If you have scales, you can weigh a letter heavier than 20 grams yourself. For each subsequent 20 grams, you will need to glue stamps for 3 rubles.

How to send a registered letter

You can send a registered letter weighing up to 20 grams in an envelope you bought with a printed stamp (with the letter D); or in an envelope on which you will stick stamps for 50 rubles on your own. It is impossible to send a letter in the same way as a simple one, dropping it into a mailbox. Moreover, in this case you will not receive a check. According to the rules, it is necessary to send at the post office through an employee.

Written correspondence weighing more than 20 grams must also be sent through the operator. The employee will independently weigh the letter and calculate the amount of payment for it. If you decide to weigh the letter yourself, then you should know that for the next 20 grams, you need to glue stamps for 3 rubles (2020 tariff).

If you wish to send a letter in 1st class, then inform the operator immediately.

If you decide to send a registered letter with an acknowledgment of receipt, then take a free form and fill it out, then give it along with the letter to the operator.

How to send a valuable email

A valuable letter must be sent through an employee of the Russian Post. Only in this case will you receive a check against which you can make a claim if something happens to the letter.

Based on the weight of the letter, the declared value indicated by you and the additional services you have chosen, the cashier-operator will calculate the exact cost of your shipment.

For a valuable letter on an envelope, in addition to the data of the sender and addressee, you will most likely be asked to indicate the declared value.

A letter with a declared value of up to 20 grams at the rate of 2020 costs 110 rubles without VAT and 132 with VAT. Each subsequent 20 years will cost 3.00 without VAT and 3.60 rubles. with VAT, as in the case of simple and registered letter mail. Payment for the declared value: for each full or incomplete 1 ruble of the estimated value: 0.03 and 0.04 rubles.

If you want to send a letter from - then ask the operator for the attachment inventory form f 107 and fill it out. If the letter is with an inventory, then provide it to the operator in an unsealed form. The postal employee must check the compliance of the contents of the envelope with what you indicate in the inventory.

If you want to send a letter cash on delivery - ask for a form for postal order f 112 and fill it out.

If you want to send a letter with acknowledgment of receipt - fill out.

How to write an address in a letter

The main rule when writing an address is to write as legibly as possible! Only in this case, you can count on the fact that your shipment will definitely fall into the hands of the addressee.

The recipient's address must be indicated in the lower right corner of the envelope. The sender's address is in the upper left corner.

The address must include:

  1. full name of the recipient (in the format "Surname First Name Patronymic") or the name of the organization;
  2. street name, house number, apartment number;
  3. name of the locality;
  4. the name of the district, region, territory or republic;
  5. postcode.

We write the index according to the model:

On demand letters - the name of the street, house number and apartment number of the recipient do not need to be indicated. Instead of these data, you need to write "On demand".

An example of a correctly filled address is below:

When filling out an address, most people write the name of the region (krai, republic) at the beginning, then the name of the settlement, and only at the end the street, house number and apartment. There is nothing wrong with this.

Many people write the name and patronymic of a person in abbreviated form (To Ivanov N.I.) - such a spelling is not correct, but for simple letters it is generally acceptable. For valuable and registered written correspondence, always write the full name and patronymic.

Some people write the name of the sender and recipient in the nominative case, and not in the genitive and dative, as it should be according to the rules. This is not entirely correct, but valid for all types of letters.

If you made a grammatical mistake or missed some letter in the address (name of the district, city, street), this is bad, but your shipment will most likely reach the addressee anyway. The main thing is not to make mistakes in the index, house and apartment numbers.

Is it necessary to write a return address in the letter? According to the rules of the Russian Post - mandatory. But sometimes they can accept a letter without the sender's data. Some people specifically do not include their address and name.

Remember, they work at the post office ordinary people and not robots. Therefore, an employee can simply “turn a blind eye” to some permissible violations of the rules.

If you have any questions or it is not clear to you how to send a letter by Russian Post, write in the comments.

An out-of-court procedure for settling disputes may be established by law or by agreement. In these cases, sending a claim by mail to the subject that violated the rights of the applicant is mandatory. In addition to the mail channel, there are other ways to send a complaint. These include:

  • filing a claim in person;
  • through the Internet.

Claim work can also play another role: in particular, it helps in solving practical problems. For example, if one of the participants in a legal relationship does not perform or improperly performs its obligations, the party whose rights have been violated has an urgent need to solve problems to stimulate its counterparty to fulfill its obligation. In this case, it is necessary to record the fact of a violation by the party of the terms of the contract, to find out the opinion of the participant on an issue that is controversial for both parties. This will help you submit a claim. e-mail or through other communication channels.

Form and type of claim

There is no unified form for writing a claim. But the document must reflect certain provisions:

  1. Claim addressee.
  2. Information about the applicant.
  3. The essence of the complaint on the merits of the case.
  4. A clear statement of the requirements for the person who violated the rights of the applicant.
  5. An indication of the applicant's intentions if his requirements are not satisfied within the agreed time.
  6. The date of writing the document, the signature of the person who compiled it, the transcript of the signature.

The date and signature of the document are mandatory details, without them the claim is invalidated. The claim is drawn up in two copies: one is transferred to the person who violated the rights of the applicant, the second remains with the compiler of the complaint, on which the persons who accepted it leave a signature. But what if the claim is not submitted in person, but through the mail?

postal channel

How to send a claim by mail? The law allows filing a complaint postal service. It is not necessary to send a statement through the mail in a simple letter, since there is a high risk that it will not reach the addressee, or the addressee will deny receiving the claim in court. Mail provides various options for sending letters. How to send a claim by mail? In the following ways:

  • notification letter;
  • valuable letter;
  • a valuable letter with a description of the attachment;
  • a valuable letter with a description of the attachment and notification.

Claim by registered mail with notice. The recipient of the document signs for it, so in the future it will not be possible to refer to the fact that the recipient is not familiar with the claim. However, it is better to send a claim by a valuable letter, but with a description of the attachment. The sender will spend a little more time on this compared to the first option. But this type of postal correspondence will be in the post office until the recipient comes to the post office and picks up the letter against signature. Although there is no guarantee that the addressee will necessarily take the document addressed to them.

The best option

If you list all the options for sending the document in question through the mail, then the best of them is to send a valuable letter with an inventory and a return receipt. In this situation, the recipient will be notified that the letter has arrived to him, in addition, he can familiarize himself with its contents. The process for submitting a claim with a description of the attachment and notification is as follows:

  1. You need to prepare two copies of the application.
  2. For the inventory of the attachment, the mail issues the bank of the unified form F-107. Fill out the form at the post office.
  3. Form F-107 records the address, index of the recipient, name of the organization, list of papers attached to the claim. In the "declared value" field, you can put a dash or specify the amount.
  4. The sender of the claim must sign each of the forms and hand them over to the postal officer. It is in his competence to check the correspondence of the inventory and data of the recipient. If the inventory corresponds to what is stated in the attachment, the postal employee certifies the acts with a signature, a seal of the post office.
  5. One copy of the act in a certified form is enclosed in a letter, which is sealed. The second copy is sent to the sender.

For the service of compiling a reconciliation and notification of receipt, the post office charges a fee. The amount is small, but if the sender decided to compensate for his expenses, then he can recover them from the person who violated the terms of the transaction. When the addressee picks up the letter, the applicant will receive a notification about it. This will serve as evidence that the other party is aware of the requirements set out in the complaint.

A letter that may contain important documents or must be guaranteed to be delivered to the addressee is best done as a registered letter. Registered letter Russian Post without fail registers and assigns him a number by which tracking is possible. Sending is carried out only through employees of post offices and has a number of distinctive features.

A registered letter is always delivered faster than usual, but it also has other fundamental differences:

  1. The sender always has the opportunity track registered mail with Internet access, unlike . However, the cost of simple letters is also the most inexpensive, so they can be used if your letter does not carry much value.
  2. Delivery time usually ranges from one day to two weeks.
  3. The sender can send such a letter with an acknowledgment of receipt, thanks to which you can find out when the addressee received the letter and whether he received it at all.
  4. A registered letter, according to the rules of the post office, is stored in the office for five days from the date of delivery. Such a letter is not dropped into the addressee's box at the place of residence: the person, having received the appropriate notice, picks up the envelope himself.

This option is recommended when sending abroad: mail employees treat such letters more carefully than simple ones, because if necessary, the sender can track the location of the sent mail. There were precedents when, after the expiration of all possible delivery times, senders sued the Russian Post, and such cases were won in the vast majority of cases, so postal employees are interested in ensuring that there are no such excesses.

Such sending of letters can also be used to send reports to the tax office, however, the best solution would be to do this with the help of an attachment list, which lists the attached documents. As a result, if there is an inventory in the tax office, they will no longer be able to say that some document was not provided by you.

Limitation on the volume and weight of the letter

In terms of size, all letters sent by the Russian Post must comply with a certain size and weight, the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bof which are 229x324 mm and 100 g, respectively. There is also a lower threshold for the size: the dimensions of the envelope cannot be less than 110x220 mm (in Russia) or 114x162 mm (for sending abroad).

The cost of sending depends on the weight of the letter. Despite the fact that this is not a lot of money, it must be remembered that if the addressee does not receive a letter within a month, it will be sent back to the sender, who will have to re-pay for sending at the same rates.

How to send a registered letter

Sending a registered letter occurs in the following order:

  • the sender chooses an envelope, which can be an ordinary paper or a more expensive strong package;
  • the addresses of the sender and recipient are indicated on the sealed envelope;
  • a registration form is filled in, in which it is necessary to duplicate the data indicated on the envelope, and also indicate whether to deliver a letter with a notification;
  • the postal employee glues stamps on the envelope and stamps it with a registered letter, after which a unique number is indicated on it, which is necessary for tracking.

How to track registered mail

The identification number (track code) is used for tracking, and since it is impossible to find out where the letter sent by mail is located in another way, the check issued at the post office with this number must be kept until the letter is received by the addressee.

This number, which consists of 14 digits, is used to enter in the appropriate section on the Russian Post website, where you can find out where the letter is located by the track code. You should not check such information immediately after you have sent it: during the day (sometimes more) the letter may be in the post office until it is sent with the whole batch.

For example, if the letter is coming from St. Petersburg to Stavropol, most likely it will go through Moscow. In this case, on the first day, at best, you can get information on the website that the letter has left the “native” post office.

In some situations, this status may not change for several days. This does not mean that the letter is in the same place all the time. It may already be in one of sorting centers Moscow, however, until its employees enter this information into the database, the letter will still be listed as “on its way to Moscow.” You can read more about that in this article.

How to fill out a notice of delivery of a registered letter

In the event that documents in a registered letter are very important, it is better to play it safe and issue a notification of delivery. This is a special form in which information about the recipient and addressee is entered. Upon receipt of the letter, the addressee signs this attached notice, after which it makes its way back.

The recipient is only required to sign in the appropriate field of the document, and the sender is required to take a responsible approach. The fact is that the notification has two sides: the recipient's data are indicated on the front, and the sender's data are indicated on the back. On the standard form, indications about this are made so unsuccessfully that senders are often confused and indicate information about themselves on the front side. This is not scary - after all, the letter will reach the addressee in any case. But you cannot be sure when this happened, and if it is impossible to contact the recipient in other ways, this can be critical.


When tracking a letter, you can use not only the track code. Russian Post offers such an alternative option as SMS notifications. In this case, the track number is also assigned to the letter, but entered into the special mailing database, where it will be linked to the sender's phone number. Information about the intermediate stages of the letter's path is not received, however, the sender will receive a message about the receipt of the letter, and the addressee, if his phone number is indicated by the sender, will receive an SMS that the letter can already be picked up at the post office.
