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Motivation training. Training “Improving the motivation of professional activity. Exercise "Even if..."


Whoever wants to achieve great things must muster his strength.

Motivation is one of the most important problems of modern psychology, and one of its most intriguing and mysterious areas.

Our ability to use this or that phenomenon may be ahead of our understanding of this phenomenon.

Motivational training is a space that is gradually filled with elements of experience, as a canvas is filled with the stitches of an embroiderer or the strokes of an artist. In order to get a holistic work, it is necessary to fill the entire space of the canvas with “stitches” - elements of experience.

“A classic example of the inconsistency between skill and understanding is a thermometer, which perfectly measured temperature both during the time of phlogiston and after the advent of molecular kinetic theory” (Levich A.P., 1993, p. 116).

This idea is the basis of the motivational training I created: we need to choose the appropriate blades for a mill or a sail system for a ship so that the power of motivation beyond our control begins to work for our tasks.

Well, here's my concept. I believe that every person strives to go beyond his existence, limited by space and time. This is the main driving force, taking an infinite variety of forms and often not represented in the human mind. But it remains the main driving force in those cases when it is conscious, and in those cases when it is not conscious.

The psyche is one of the ways to realize this main aspiration of all living things. The main active force that has generated and is generating more and more new forms of existence is the desire to overcome the finiteness of existence in space and time. Life began as an attempt to reach the infinity of existence. The psyche is the next attempt to realize this desire.

The proposed material is only one of the possible options. The final decision on the conduct of the training, on the use of this or that etude or exercise, is decided by the facilitator. We emphasize once again that at the same time he must remember the extent of his professional responsibility for the results that will be obtained during the training.

This technique is a psychological tool for studying the strength and direction of a person's motives and deals mainly with two main aspects - the motivation to achieve success and the motivation to avoid failure.

1. Theoretical understanding

The concept of motivational training is based on the idea that training should be motivating. After the training, its participants should not only be able to use the new that they received in the training, but also strive to use new knowledge and new experience.

The training is addressed to those who manage people and in their activities inevitably face the need to solve various motivational tasks. The manager has to encourage other people to perform certain activities, bring the direction of their motivations in line with the objectives of the organization, orient them to achieve a certain result, inspire them and maintain their energy and perseverance, help them overcome apathy and fatigue, etc.

An effective solution of motivational problems is hampered by the fact that motivation as a system of motives of a certain person exists according to its own laws, which are not always clear and, moreover, not always accessible for regulation from the outside. Motivational forces arise, develop, collide and fight with each other, weaken and freeze according to their own laws, like forces of nature. It is necessary to use these forces for the benefit of your organization, but at the same time not to the detriment of the bearers of these forces - people.

The force of the wind can be transformed into the movement of the millstones of a mill, into the rapid movement of a sailboat, into the boiling of water over a fire. Natural, organically inherent in a person, natural motivation can be transformed into an increase in sales, an increase in the quality of a product, an improvement in office work, and the creation of new projects. Participants of the training should experience the effect of motivational forces on themselves during the training process and learn how to use them to solve motivational problems then outside the training.

To do this, the manager should not be afraid to enter the wide expanse of the natural element and solve motivational tasks, in accordance with the laws of this element.

“Many people are accustomed to thinking that a person goes to work in order to “expend effort”, get tired, endure, overcome difficulties, suffer from confusion and disorganization, show cunning to avoid repression, return home like a “squeezed lemon” and get paid twice a month. all these troubles are monetary compensation called wages ... We are facing a revolution in the attitude of a person to work ... and the manager in this most noble of all revolutions is a key figure ... To create high motivation, you need to create conditions for satisfying needs. It is necessary to turn work from an occupation in the production of products into an occupation in the realization of the needs of an employee (Kaverin S. B., 1998, pp. 55-57).

Locked in with ideas of responsibility, agreements, compensation for effort, and so on, most leaders try to create wind movement in a closed space. Expecting to develop motivation, they appeal to the rational conscious principle in a person. Meanwhile, motivation is largely irrational and unconscious. “The scale of the unconscious is unknown,” wrote 3. Freud. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to address these layers of motivation as well? Or maybe, and above all - to them?

2. Methodological justification. Organization principles

This motivational training is built on the idea that a person's natural motives should be given freedom of expression. However, if the trainer phrases it in such terms, the participants can understand it in the sense that it is possible (and necessary) to give free rein to their passions and wild impulses, such as sexuality and aggressiveness. The fact that this interpretation occurs most often, I had the opportunity to be convinced many times when giving lectures on motivation to leaders, politicians, students.

In order to shift the focus from the problem of releasing "unallowed" impulses to the broader and more productive problem of using living natural energy, I created a biological metaphors training model in which participants are invited to turn to the vital activity of plants: flowers, fungi, bacteria, and animals.

So, metaphorical biologization is the first and main principle of motivational training (see Table 1.1).

Appeal to the engines of behavior in animals and plants plays another role. It opens new world, unexpected and attractive. It attracts attention, gives impetus to research, to attempts to understand and learn how to use what was previously outside the usual field of vision. In other words, turning to motif-zoology and motif-botany is motivating in itself. This implements the second principle of training - its motivating power. The memory that during the training I myself was motivated is the best assistant in motivating other people or self-motivating outside of the training.

The third principle of training is paradoxicality. Isn't it paradoxical to transform wind power into flour? Are the impulses and transformations of the forces of nature not paradoxical? Similarly, paradoxical is the variability of the motivational element, its inconsistency, its whims and storms, its ability to transform into an expedient, orderly, and most importantly productive activity only because the sail or wing of the mill was turned in time and in the right direction. An important element The concept of training is its organization in which participants get the opportunity to experience the paradoxical nature of the action of motivational forces - for example, the Zeigarnik effect, the Lissner effect or the mechanism of motive autonomization.

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International Business University

Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

Training on the topic "Motivation"


Muhamadi Aigerim

Kuatov Didar

Samahunova Kamalat

Checked: d.k. Kulnazarova A.Zh.

Almaty 2013

Motivational training

Motivation- one of the most important problems of modern psychology, and one of its most intriguing and mysterious areas.

The mental processes, phenomena and states we are considering (sensation, perception, memory, attention, will, character, temperament) provide mainly the regulation of behavior. As for his motivation, that is, stimulation, direction and support, it is associated with the concepts of need, motive and a number of other motivational factors.

The term "motivation" has two meanings. In a broad sense, motivation defines the area psychological research associated with the identification and study of factors that encourage and direct, supporting human behavior.

Knowledge of motivation and motivational training is necessary for anyone who is trying to encourage other people to work or who wants to work with interest, easily and naturally.

Goals of motivational training:

1. mastery of techniques positive thinking and formation of the vector striving for success (constructive overcoming of the motive of avoiding failure); mastery basic strategy motivation "from" and "to";

2. diagnosis and awareness individual card motives - identifying common and individual features hierarchies of motives;

3. mastering the techniques of working with dreams and desires (including professional ones); comprehension and selection of dreams. Transformation of significant desires into a goal (combining common standards for individual approaches in the process of motivation);

4. mastering the method of phased movement planning to achieve the goal;

5. mastering the methods of forming practical skills for managing one's motivation;

6. formation of a focus on practical applications training results (in the form of skills) in practical life and future professional activity students.

Tasks: create conditions so that participants can first experience the action of motivational forces, then learn to control them, and then learn to allow these forces to manifest freely and specifically call them when it helps to achieve the maximum result.

Leading the training: Didar, Aigerim, Kamalat.

Age: 2nd year students (18-20 years old).

List of participants: 25.

Working mode: 30 minutes;

Relevance: The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that, having understood the mechanism of formation of the motivational sphere of a person, we will be able to purposefully influence the formation of the motivation of our children with the help of educational influences; managers will be able to effectively manage personnel, increasing the productivity of the enterprise by motivating their employees, we will be able to manage our own lives more effectively, adequately perceive not only the people around us, but the whole situation of interaction, enjoy the present, listening to our needs and desires, make plans for the future based on their true motives.

Training structure:

1. Org. moment - 4 minutes

2. Introduction - 5 minutes

3. Purpose of the task - 3 minutes

4. Warm up - 5 minutes

5. Main part -15 minutes

6. Reflection - 3 minutes

7. Org. end - 3 minutes

motivation motivational training

The course of the training session

1. Warm up

"Motivational Appeal"

The coach announces the introduction: “We are all managers of a factory for the production of felt boots. The situation of our factory is very disastrous. The salaries are very small. The outlook is unclear. Employees get out of hand, do not want to work. Please divide into 3 subgroups. Each subgroup should prepare a motivating appeal to subordinates.

During the speech of the representative of each of the subgroups, all other members of the group become ordinary employees of the factory.

The trainer gives instructions to each group and gives time for preparation (20 minutes).

The success of the task is determined by the voting of ordinary employees for a particular group of managers.


“I want you to imagine that a photocopier broke down in your office this morning and they just fixed it. Now it is 16.30, and at 17.00 everyone usually goes home. But by tomorrow morning, by 8:30, 20 sheets of conference materials must be placed in each of the 150 folders. Your task as office manager is to convince the appropriate person to stay and prepare copies. Unfortunately, the matter is complicated by the fact that this man, as you know, has purchased tickets for the only jazz concert that the world-famous band is playing tonight. This employee stood in line all night to get tickets and talked about the upcoming concert for several weeks.”


How will motivation come in handy in the future?

Org. end:

How to motivate yourself?

Always and under any circumstances drive away negative thoughts from yourself! Keep in mind - all thoughts are material! And if you think about the bad for a long time and imagine it in all colors - this is bad for you and it will happen!

Make a promise to yourself that you will wake up early - regardless of the weekend! The best motivation is the motivation that starts in the morning!

Thank you very much for coming to our training, we hope that it will not pass without a trace in your life, we hope that something will be useful to you and that you have thought about something and will work in this direction.

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Motivational training

Stand "Saying of the day"

Participants: psychologist

Purpose: a positive attitude based on self-hypnosis - a powerful mechanism for programming one's behavior and state with the help of affirmations.

A psychologist on a special stand hangs out a statement as a quote of the day.

Draw the problem on A4


Instructions for the self-portrait test: draw yourself the way you imagine and feel at the moment.

It can be a portrait or a full-length figure, you will do something or just stand, you will be dressed in something or not, there will be some kind of background around or not. Try to draw all the details that are important to you now. You can use any means of art therapy: pencils, paints, ballpoint pen, draw with your fingers.

Finished? Most likely, you have already experienced some relief, because you have “released” some of your experiences and tension on paper (the main principle of art therapy). Now they are outside. We will work just with the "external" experiences about ourselves. First, you can evaluate your self-portrait by analyzing the meaning of the picture. Surely you will learn a lot of interesting things about your condition and attitude towards yourself.

Crumpled paper exercise

Purpose: This exercise demonstrates the importance of setting goals.

Time: 10 minutes

Group Size: Any

For this exercise, you will need A4 paper and a wastebasket.

Using this exercise as an example, it is very convenient to show the results of goal setting. We invite a volunteer for this exercise. We ask him to stand two meters from the basket and throw as much paper as possible into it. After a minute, we stop it and recount the paper. For example, it turned out 20 sheets.

Now call the next volunteer. His task is to throw more than 20 sheets. As a rule, he gets more - 25-30 sheets.

Now it's the turn of the third volunteer. We call him and give an introductory: “You saw what results the previous participants achieved. What do you think you will achieve?"

Do you think we can relate this exercise to goal setting?

In your opinion, when did participants achieve the best results - when they just threw paper, or when they had a certain task in front of them?

Exercise "Goldfish"

Purpose: The exercise teaches participants to correctly formulate their goals.

Time: 15 minutes

Group Size: Any

Any volunteer is called (or the leader himself calls). Start talking faster so that there is a moment of confusion. Plus, throw a phrase into the audience: “Look carefully what will happen now.”

You have caught a goldfish. You have 15 seconds to make her three wishes.

Next, the coach counts or bends his fingers in seconds. Silent? Thought, but did not speak. If you haven't spoken your wishes, how will they know? If spoken, the host repeats them exactly as it was said.

A house, a lot of money, a car...

The coach draws a house.

What's this?

House. Get it!

Or: Okay, I'll have a house next year. You didn't say who you wished for a house, did you?

A lot of money.

Throw off the ruble! Get it.

I want to be happy!

Definitely: next month you will be happy, even several times. Or you will always be happy, starting in 2050.

Beloved woman?

In 150 years you will have it.

I won't live!

And these are your problems.

More members can be invited...

Coach: "I can bet any amount of money that even now none of you can handle this!"

What happened now?

How did you need to make wishes so that they were fulfilled?

The trainer leads the participants to set goals according to the SMART scheme:

Specific - specific

Measurable - measurable

Agreed - agreed (with higher level goals)

Realistic - realistic

Timed - defined in time

Another exercise option:

All participants imagine that they have caught a Goldfish that will fulfill three wishes - one personal (for example, I want a new car), and two workers (for example, I want to work less, etc.). Participants write down their desires on pieces of paper. The leaves are collected, and the trainer does the same work with them.

Often participants, after the first “fulfilled” desires in this way, display some SMARTs themselves.

Was this goal set by someone or by them?

Exercise "Three years later"

Purpose: The exercise allows you to more clearly prioritize your current life, start working more on important goals.

Time: 30 min.

Group Size: Any

Participants are given the task - to make a small list and write in it the most important things that occupy them in a given period of life, and the biggest problems at the present time, no more than 5 points.

While making a list, the participants try to imagine themselves being three years older and then think about these issues and things as if three years later.

When thinking about this task, you should answer the following questions.

What can you remember about this problem?

What happened to her and how does she affect life now, after three years?

If this problem appeared in front of you right now, would you find a solution to it? What would it be?

The task of this exercise is to analyze all life problems, in accordance with your future. It allows all participants to think about important activities. So, psychologists have officially established that about 80% of success can be achieved through only 20% of our efforts, and the remaining percentage of efforts helps to ensure 20% of our achievements. Analysis from the "future" allows you to realize the degree of importance of certain cases.

After the exercise is completed, it is discussed. Participants ask themselves the following questions:

Which activities seem to be more important with this view and which are not?

Does this opinion fully coincide with the position of the present time?

What impression does the fact that in 3 years you will not remember a single problem or case that you are solving today make?

Each participant must draw certain conclusions only for himself.

Exercises: - formation of skills of introspection, self-understanding and self-criticism; - identification of significant personal qualities for joint training work; - deepening knowledge about each other through the disclosure of the qualities of each participant.

Suggested to play commission shop. The goods that the seller accepts are human qualities, for example, kindness, stupidity, openness. Participants sell their character traits, both positive and negative, then they are invited to make a bargain, in which each of the participants can get rid of some unnecessary quality, or part of it, and acquire something necessary. For example, someone lacks eloquence for an effective life, and he can offer for him some part of his calmness and poise.

Exercise "Map of the Future"

Purpose: The exercise allows you to more clearly understand your goals.

Time: 30 min. plus a discussion of the exercise - 3-5 minutes each. for each participant.

Group Size: Any

Draw a map of your future. Designate your global goals as points in the area where you would like to be. Designate also intermediate big and small goals on the way to them. Come up with and write names for the “goal points” you are striving for in your personal and professional life. Draw also the streets and roads that you will walk on.

How will you get to your goals? The shortest or workaround?

What obstacles do you have to overcome?

What help can you expect?

What areas will you have to cross on your way: flowering and fertile lands, deserts, deaf and abandoned places?

Will you make roads and trails alone or with someone?

Discussion of the results of the exercise:

Where are the most important targets?

To what extent do they fit together?

Where are you in danger?

Where will you draw strength in order to achieve what you want?

What feelings does this picture evoke in you?

Presenting their future as a map of the area will allow participants to more clearly understand their goals. Metaphorically expressing goals as points on a map, and ways to achieve them in the form of streets and roads, helps participants create a visual picture of their future in their imagination. After creating such a map, everyone will be able to relate the goals to each other and understand how they fit together, what obstacles are encountered on the way to them, what new opportunities open up.

SELF-PORTRAIT (analysis)

Now you can change your self-portrait to be the person you would like to be (or feel like). For example, it can be a brighter, more cheerful, active person, or, conversely, a calm, serious, strong person. You can transport yourself to the seashore or a couple of steps up the career ladder. You can change your profession and change your appearance - whatever you want. Finish drawing.

Now you see your goal in front of you - what you really want to be. You had the problem of "I'm not happy with myself", and now there is an opportunity to "become what I want to be." Remember this new state and strive for it.


All participants stand in a circle. The host goes to the middle of the circle and says: "I can do well ...". He names what he does well. For example, cook. If someone from the circle is also good at this skill, he takes a step forward and says: “I can also do it well.” The others applaud them, saying, "This is great." Everyone can brag in the center of the circle only once. For example, I can keep secrets, I can make friends, I can love friends, etc.

At the end of the task, the results are summed up and impressions are discussed.

Instructions: Please stand in a circle. I want to invite you to participate in a small ceremony that will help you express your feelings of friendship and gratitude to each other. The game goes like this: one of you stands in the center, the other comes up to him, shakes hands and says: “Thank you for a nice day!” Both remain in the center, still holding hands. Then a third student comes up, takes either the first or the second by the free hand, shakes it and says: “Thank you for a nice day!” Thus, the group in the center of the circle is constantly growing. Everyone is holding each other's hands. When the last child joins your group, close the circle and end the ceremony with a silent, firm triple handshake. This is how the game ends.

If the opportunity presents itself, try to be in the center of the circle as well.


What did I learn new?

What feelings did I have during the training?

What did I like the most?

When did I feel awkward?

My mood after the training?



Motivational training

(Write problems and solutions on the board.)

Stand "Saying of the day"

Participants: psychologist

Purpose: a positive attitude based on self-hypnosis - a powerful mechanism for programming one's behavior and state with the help of affirmations.

A psychologist on a special stand hangs out a statement as a quote of the day.

Draw the problem on A4


Instructions for the self-portrait test: draw yourself the way you imagine and feel at the moment.

It can be a portrait or a full-length figure, you will do something or just stand, you will be dressed in something or not, there will be some kind of background around or not. Try to draw all the details that are important to you now. You can use any means of art therapy: pencils, paints, ballpoint pen, draw with your fingers.

Finished? Most likely, you have already experienced some relief, because you have “released” some of your experiences and tension on paper (the main principle of art therapy). Now they are outside. We will work just with the "external" experiences about ourselves. First, you can evaluate your self-portrait by analyzing the meaning of the picture. Surely you will learn a lot of interesting things about your condition and attitude towards yourself.

Crumpled paper exercise

Purpose: This exercise demonstrates the importance of setting goals.

Time: 10 minutes

Group Size: Any

For this exercise, you will need A4 paper and a wastebasket.

Using this exercise as an example, it is very convenient to show the results of goal setting. We invite a volunteer for this exercise. We ask him to stand two meters from the basket and throw as much paper as possible into it. After a minute, we stop it and recount the paper. For example, it turned out 20 sheets.

Now call the next volunteer. His task is to throw more than 20 sheets. As a rule, he gets more - 25-30 sheets.

Now it's the turn of the third volunteer. We call him and give an introductory: “You saw what results the previous participants achieved. What do you think you will achieve?"


Do you think we can relate this exercise to goal setting?

In your opinion, when did participants achieve the best results - when they just threw paper, or when they had a certain task in front of them?

Exercise "Goldfish"

Purpose: The exercise teaches participants to correctly formulate their goals.

Time: 15 minutes

Group Size: Any

Any volunteer is called (or the leader himself calls). Start talking faster so that there is a moment of confusion. Plus, throw a phrase into the audience: “Look carefully what will happen now.”

You have caught a goldfish. You have 15 seconds to make her three wishes.

Next, the coach counts or bends his fingers in seconds. Silent? Thought, but did not speak. If you haven't spoken your wishes, how will they know? If spoken, the host repeats them exactly as it was said.

A house, a lot of money, a car...

The coach draws a house.

What's this?

House. Get it!

Or: Okay, I'll have a house next year. You didn't say who you wished for a house, did you?

A lot of money.

Throw off the ruble! Get it.

I want to be happy!

Definitely: next month you will be happy, even several times. Or you will always be happy, starting in 2050.

Beloved woman?

In 150 years you will have it.

I won't live!

And these are your problems.

More members can be invited...

Coach: "I can bet any amount of money that even now none of you can handle this!"


What happened now?

How did you need to make wishes so that they were fulfilled?

The trainer leads the participants to set goals according to the SMART scheme:

Specific - specific

Measurable - measurable

Agreed - agreed (with higher level goals)

Realistic - realistic

Timed - defined in time

Another exercise option:

All participants imagine that they have caught a Goldfish that will fulfill three wishes - one personal (for example, I want a new car), and two workers (for example, I want to work less, etc.). Participants write down their desires on pieces of paper. The leaves are collected, and the trainer does the same work with them.

Often participants, after the first “fulfilled” desires in this way, display some SMARTs themselves.

Was this goal set by someone or by them?

Exercise "Three years later"

Purpose: The exercise allows you to more clearly prioritize your current life, start working more on important goals.

Time: 30 min.

Group Size: Any

Participants are given the task - to make a small list and write in it the most important things that occupy them in a given period of life, and the biggest problems at the present time, no more than 5 points.

While making a list, the participants try to imagine themselves being three years older and then think about these issues and things as if three years later.

When thinking about this task, you should answer the following questions.

What can you remember about this problem?

What happened to her and how does she affect life now, after three years?

If this problem appeared in front of you right now, would you find a solution to it? What would it be?

The task of this exercise is to analyze all life problems, in accordance with your future. It allows all participants to think about important activities. So, psychologists have officially established that about 80% of success can be achieved through only 20% of our efforts, and the remaining percentage of efforts helps to ensure 20% of our achievements. Analysis from the "future" allows you to realize the degree of importance of certain cases.

After the exercise is completed, it is discussed. Participants ask themselves the following questions:

Which activities seem to be more important with this view and which are not?

Does this opinion fully coincide with the position of the present time?

What impression does the fact that in 3 years you will not remember a single problem or case that you are solving today make?

Each participant must draw certain conclusions only for himself.

Exercise for personal growth training "Consignment shop"

Exercises: - formation of skills of introspection, self-understanding and self-criticism; - identification of significant personal qualities for joint training work; - deepening knowledge about each other through the disclosure of the qualities of each participant.

It is proposed to play in a thrift store. The goods that the seller accepts are human qualities, for example, kindness, stupidity, openness. Participants sell their character traits, both positive and negative, then they are invited to make a bargain, in which each of the participants can get rid of some unnecessary quality, or part of it, and acquire something necessary. For example, someone lacks eloquence for an effective life, and he can offer for him some part of his calmness and poise.

Exercise "Map of the Future"

Purpose: The exercise allows you to more clearly understand your goals.

Time: 30 min. plus a discussion of the exercise - 3-5 minutes each. for each participant.

Group Size: Any

Draw a map of your future. Designate your global goals as points in the area where you would like to be. Designate also intermediate big and small goals on the way to them. Think of and write names for the “goal points” you strive for in your personal and professional life. Draw also the streets and roads that you will walk on.

How will you get to your goals? The shortest or workaround?

What obstacles do you have to overcome?

What help can you expect?

What areas will you have to cross on your way: flowering and fertile lands, deserts, deaf and abandoned places?

Will you make roads and trails alone or with someone?

Discussion of the results of the exercise:

Where are the most important targets?

To what extent do they fit together?

Where are you in danger?

Where will you draw strength in order to achieve what you want?

What feelings does this picture evoke in you?

Presenting their future as a map of the area will allow participants to more clearly understand their goals. Metaphorically expressing goals as points on a map, and ways to achieve them in the form of streets and roads, helps participants create a visual picture of their future in their imagination. After creating such a map, everyone will be able to relate the goals to each other and understand how they fit together, what obstacles are encountered on the way to them, what new opportunities open up.

SELF-PORTRAIT (analysis)

Now you can change your self-portrait to be the person you would like to be (or feel like). For example, it can be a brighter, more cheerful, active person, or, conversely, a calm, serious, strong person. You can transport yourself to the seashore or a couple of steps up the career ladder. You can change your profession and change your appearance - whatever you want. Finish drawing.

Now you see your goal in front of you - what you really want to be. You had the problem of "I'm not happy with myself", and now there is an opportunity to "become what I want to be." Remember this new state and strive for it.


All participants stand in a circle. The host goes to the middle of the circle and says: "I can do well ...". He names what he does well. For example, cook. If someone from the circle is also good at this skill, he takes a step forward and says: “I can also do it well.” The others applaud them, saying, "This is great." Everyone can brag in the center of the circle only once. For example, I can keep secrets, I can make friends, I can love friends, etc.

At the end of the task, the results are summed up and impressions are discussed.

Exercise "Thank you for a wonderful day"

Instructions: Please stand in a circle. I want to invite you to participate in a small ceremony that will help you express your feelings of friendship and gratitude to each other. The game goes like this: one of you stands in the center, the other comes up to him, shakes hands and says: “Thank you for a nice day!” Both remain in the center, still holding hands. Then a third student comes up, takes either the first or the second by the free hand, shakes it and says: “Thank you for a nice day!” Thus, the group in the center of the circle is constantly growing. Everyone is holding each other's hands. When the last child joins your group, close the circle and end the ceremony with a silent, firm triple handshake. This is how the game ends.

If the opportunity presents itself, try to be in the center of the circle as well.


What did I learn new?

What feelings did I have during the training?

What did I like the most?

When did I feel awkward?

My mood after the training?

A selection of practical exercises for self-motivation. Methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation.

A selection of self-motivation exercises below is intended for Participants of the online courses "School of Destiny Control".

The pattern is as follows - the initial emotional rise "This is what I have been looking for for a long time !!!", is replaced by opposite emotions, like "Everything is useless ... I will remain like this forever ...".

These emotions, of course, are not expressed in such a clear form, but manifest themselves as general apathy, loss of desire to do anything, disbelief that changes are possible, etc. and so on.

This is a NATURAL stage of personal growth. And the normal situation in our emotional world. The fact is that euphoria, born of the hope that life can be changed for the better, collides with life experience. And he says that you have already tried many times, so what? That's about it.

And after a while, the situation in the soul again jumps into the “super” zone, and the Participant happily continues the journey along the course.

To make it easier to get through emotional downturns, I offer a selection of exercises below.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

Self-motivation exercise 1. Identification with your favorite animal.

By identifying (identifying) with someone or something, one can accelerate the motivational transformations of one's personality.

When we identify with a hero, when, in an effort to inherit him, we imagine situations in which we carry out socially desirable actions, then this has a certain effect on our personality.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

Corresponding changes are also observed when identifying with a beloved animal (which, overcoming obstacles, seeks to achieve its own). By identifying with such an animal, you are able to actualize your perseverance and increase the motivation for achievement.

  1. Choose one animal that has the traits you are trying to develop. Try to identify, associate with an animal that will persistently, despite difficulties and obstacles, go towards its goal.
  2. Stay in the image of this animal and try to overcome difficulties in your imagination for at least five minutes, trying to achieve your goal.
  3. Answer the questions:

What animal did you identify with (associate with)?

What situations related to achieving the goal did you imagine?

What did you feel, experienced at that moment?

Self-motivation exercise 2. Pointing out mistakes - note the improvement.

Quite often, educators, teachers and parents point out the shortcomings, mistakes, weaknesses of children, as a result of which a feeling of helplessness is formed in children, their self-esteem decreases. We all come from childhood and brought us up with the help of the same techniques that we now apply to ourselves.

Adults should not only point out mistakes, but also focus on the achievements and successes of children. Even when there are many mistakes and shortcomings, it is worth noting the positive changes in a certain component of the activity:

  1. Although there are still many mistakes, they are not as serious as those that you so often made before.
  2. Although there are still many difficulties, you have made great progress in this component.
  3. Although not everything is still successful, but pay attention, you have done a good job on this, and positive changes are already visible. Therefore, there are opportunities for development in other aspects of activity.

You can always find and note positive moments, improvements in certain aspects of activity, in our case, this is online training. After all, you don't quite succeed. Are there any successes?

Some parents and educators tend to believe that if a child is pointed out to his mistakes, then he will strive not to repeat them. But such a strategy often causes an undesirable effect: if you point out the child only to shortcomings, without encouraging or encouraging him, then over time he develops an aversion to such activities (and a negative attitude towards the subject of the educational process: teacher, educator or parents).

In order to encourage a child to study (or an adult to work), it is imperative to note positive changes, pay attention to what exactly a person does better.

Noticing your shortcomings and mistakes, focus on achievements, changes for the better.

Self-motivation exercise 3. Bouncer.

Identification (identification) with the subject of one's activity provides an opportunity to see all its advantages.

For example, if you are trying to develop an interest (yours or children) in biology, then become a bee for a while and describe what a wonderful worker and perfect living creature she is. And if your goal is to generate interest in the automotive industry, turn into the most modern car, describe all the wonders that you are capable of, the perfection of your design, etc.

  1. Imagine yourself as the subject you are trying to generate interest in. Describe it in the first person (praise yourself). Describe what a wonderful and useful item you are that you can give to your owner. "Start" the imagination and creativity.
  2. After a while, become yourself and look at your subject again. Reflect on its benefits, strength, beauty. Admire its beauty and perfection. Did you notice something new and unusual for you in it? What nice thing do you want to say to him?
  3. Then become that object again. Identify (identify) with him. Realize your (i.e. subject) advantages. Show off everything beautiful and useful that you have in front of other people.
  4. Try to convince others that you are wonderful, strong and useful (preferably based on clear advantages).

Example. Alexander, completing the proposed task and trying to develop interest in his future profession(mechanical engineering), imagined himself a Volvo car and praised his advantages: “I am the best car in Europe. Just look at me, how wonderful and easy to use I am. My comfort and design captivates everyone. Just try to sit down and start the engine - and you will love me forever. And after driving - you will feel such pleasure! How many attractive women and strong men I have charmed.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

By doing this exercise several times in various variations, you will find much interesting and attractive in the subject with which you have identified. In an effort to convince and interest others, you subconsciously influence yourself, changing your attitude to the subject. The conditions for the successful completion of this exercise are not only your imagination, but also the desire to find something interesting, useful, beautiful in your activity (after all, in any field you can find so much interesting and unexpected).

Self-motivation exercise 4. Analysis of your excuses.

Most of the causes of failure are internal, i.e. you yourself are guilty of not working enough and not achieving success. But also on external factors(for example, when you make excuses that no one helped) you can influence. After all, it is likely that you did not turn to anyone for help, did not look for people who could help. In this case, you should reflect on the fact that you can ask for help from specific people and get it.

When you refer to the fact that you have a lot of things to do and you are very overloaded, this may indicate:

A) about the inability to organize their activities;

B) about the inability to determine priorities (what is important and what is secondary);

C) about the lack of the habit of systematically working (after all, you can allocate at least 20-30 minutes for a task that usually “does not reach the hands”).

1. Try to explain (justify) why you didn’t do what you planned, why you didn’t put in enough effort to achieve your goals.

2. Write down all the excuses in detail. For example: “I did not complete the task because:

1) A lot of things,

2) Not enough ability

3) No one helped.

3. Analyze your excuses. Think:

1) Why do you use these excuses?

2) Does it depend on you or on external circumstances (which are beyond your control)?

4. Reflect on what actions should be taken to correct the situation.

Self-motivation exercise 5. Praise yourself.

Learn to approve, encourage and inspire yourself, as this helps a lot in your work. By remembering and emotionally reinforcing actions that have led to success in the past, you inspire yourself to achieve further.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

1. Recall an event when you achieved success by showing perseverance, focus, ingenuity, etc. Remember emotional condition(satisfaction, uplift), in which they were in a situation of success and victory.

2. Praise yourself. Say a few nice words to yourself. For example: “Well done! Great job! Keep it up!"

Example. Mikhail praised himself for the noticeable progress in learning a foreign language, which he achieved thanks to systematic, persistent work:

Self-motivation exercise 6. Ask yourself.

This exercise should be done when you have something important to do but you lack motivation (desire and energy to work).

A person can ask and induce to activity not only others, but also himself. Sometimes, when there is no desire to work (but you are aware of the importance of the matter), communication with yourself, persuasion and request addressed to yourself, help overcome the difficulties of self-organization.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

By resorting to a variety of options for influencing yourself, you can find the best methods of self-motivation (which, to a greater extent than others, correspond to your personality). A person accumulates experience in influencing other people; he can also train in self-motivation.

1. Ask yourself to do something important for you. You can use similar techniques when asking others to do something. Use:

Belief in the need for activity;

Requests and kind words.

2. Write 2 options for asking and persuading yourself. Choose the best options.

3. Work out general rules, the principles of persuading oneself.

Note the effectiveness of the exercise in points.

Find out which form of request (self-motivation formula) is most effective for you.

Example. Natalia (a first-year student) set herself the goal of mastering the English language perfectly. Realizing the need for systematic studies, however, she could not organize herself for daily work. Later, taking up the matter seriously, the girl began to convince and asks herself:

“Natasha, I beg you, stop messing around! Take care of your mind, you are capable and so smart! I beg you, work on your English every day. You know that only systematic studies will bring results. You are a good fellow and you can always find at least an hour for this important matter. You are a real beauty, and others will like you even more when you master English.

I understood everything and I promise myself that I will be conscientious, I will work every day, realizing that only systematic studies guarantee success. I will definitely fulfill my request."

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

Thus, by asking and convincing herself, the student was able to overcome her difficulties in self-organization and henceforth daily (and not occasionally, as it was before) worked on improving the English language.

Self-motivation exercise 7. Energy source.

Imagine your activity, in which you are striving to develop interest, as a source of energy. Concretely, vividly imagine the subject of your activity (specific topic, laws, patterns, etc.). Concentrate on a topic that you like, an interest in which you would like to develop.

Imagine how this object of your activity warms you, gives you energy, inspires you to work. Try to imagine how this energy affects your brain, stimulating its nerve centers.

Breathe in as you perceive this energy. Imagine how the energy from the textbook, from the formulas and patterns flows into your brain. Imagine how light, pleasant waves of energy roll over you, awakening your activity.

Place the power source on the right side (and then on the left). Feel the impact of the energy on the right hemisphere of your brain.

Imagine a source of energy in front of you. Feel how the energy affects the brain from above, how the energy enters your brain easily, naturally.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

Note: perform this exercise easily, naturally, without tension, do not seek to speed up events or enhance the effect with straightforward actions.

Self-motivation exercise 8. Ordering the garden.

This exercise is borrowed from psychosynthesis.


1. Imagine that your life, your affairs are an abandoned garden in which you are trying to put things in order. You are trying to revive it, revive the old bushes and trees. Some plants have grown so large that the land and paths are not visible.

2. Imagine that you started from a certain part of the garden, cutting branches, replanting trees, watering them (i.e. doing everything to revive, revive the garden). You strive to ensure that individual bushes, trees and flowers develop better.

3. You are trying to tread and organize paths leading to different parts of the garden.

4. You are trying to give the garden an aesthetic, harmonious look. You do everything so that individual bushes, trees and flowers are coordinated, complementing each other, forming a wonderful plant ensemble.

By analogy with the ordering of the garden, try to streamline your scientific (professional) affairs. Strive to certain types your activities were coordinated, complemented, enriched each other.

Example. Anatoly (a second-year student at the Faculty of Economics), after “arranging the garden”, tried to sort out and put things in order in his affairs.

Everything he did (and this is economics, and chess, and psychology) required a lot of time and was slightly consistent with each other. He needed, first of all, to decide: what type of activity to give priority (what should be the main one).

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

After thinking, weighing all the pros and cons, Anatoly came to the conclusion that he could not become a grandmaster, and economics was his profession. Therefore, all efforts should be focused on the economy, and less time should be devoted to chess (since, having only the first category at the age of 19, one cannot count on high sports achievements), Anatoly realized that chess can be used as a model for planning, strategic calculation, tactical actions , which can significantly help in the analysis of the economic situation. Further, Anatoly reasoned more in this direction, looking for analogies between chess and economics. Using the chess model, he could analyze economic situations more deeply.

Self-motivation exercise 9. Aesthetic associations.

Performing this exercise will provide an opportunity to transfer energy, motivational charge and positive emotions from an object that is pleasant for you to the subject of your activity.


1. Try to associate your activity, its subject with a certain object that is pleasant for you. Close your eyes. Try to evoke pleasant images that are associated with an associated object, such as a flower. Write down these images and associations later.

2. Then call from memory the images associated with your activity. Try to associate your activity with the images that appeared during the previous task (flower). Don't judge the images you have. Let them float freely on their own. Write down the associations and images that have arisen in connection with the activity.

3. Try to associate your activity with other symbols, objects, creatures and natural phenomena (for example, with the sun, mythological characters that you admire, pleasant sounds, etc.).

4. Review this exercise. How effective was the implementation of the proposed tasks? What symbols, objects are best associated with your activities? Write them down and use in future work.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

Self-motivation exercise 10. Positive attitude towards mistakes (only those who do nothing do not make mistakes).

Despite the banality of this saying, it should be recognized that really active people make a greater number of mistakes, but they achieve success much more often than passive people.

It should be realized that mistakes and failures should not be afraid; they need to be worked on, as they are very useful as a material for self-improvement and a stimulus to activity.

Working on his mistakes, Mikhail, the future teacher, wrote:

1. Are you wrong? But this is not so scary, because there is something to work on.

2. These mistakes are useful for your development, because now you know in which direction you should work and what needs to be improved.

3. This attempt is not very successful, but it will teach you a lot. Take advantage of the experience of your mistakes in the future, and I am sure that you will succeed.

4. Failures and mistakes are good science for those who want to improve.

It is very important to treat other people's mistakes positively (with positive pathos). This keeps them motivated at the right level, encourages them to work on their shortcomings and weaknesses.

Some foreign companies financially encourage their employees for creative ideas that "failed". This attitude keeps people highly motivated and eager to experiment and think outside the box.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

1. Reflect and write down your statements that would express a positive attitude towards failures and mistakes and the prospect of overcoming them. You can use these sayings to support both your own motivation and the motivation of others.

2. Carefully analyze a setback that you experienced recently (or sometime before). Reflect on each mistake, identify which of your skills and abilities are underdeveloped and need to be improved. Reflect on the methods you will use as you work to develop certain skills and abilities. Complete the following table:

1. Come up with 4 mottos (for yourself and for others) that would help you respond to your own failures and mistakes. For example, Andrey (a 2nd year student) wrote: “Mistakes are wonderful! Now I know what to work on."

2. Your son (student) unsuccessfully completed some task, suffered a defeat, as a result of which he lost faith in himself, became disappointed and does not want to engage in this business or academic subject as intensively as before. What would you say? How can you not only calm the child, but also encourage, inspire him to work and achieve?

Self-motivation exercise 11. Scheme for managing your own affairs. Easy and efficient.

I recently came across S. Covey's time management scheme.

Perhaps you have already read these or similar materials, but I want to draw your attention to them again. Stephen R. Covey divides all cases into urgent - non-urgent and important - not important.

It turns out 4 groups of cases: 1) urgent and important; non-urgent and important; urgent but unimportant and finally non-urgent and unimportant. What group of cases do you think Covey suggests we focus our efforts on? At first I decided that on the first one - IMPORTANT AND URGENT sounds very solid! And she was wrong!

Covey argues that if a person concentrates only on such matters (otherwise called "crises" and "problems"), then he will experience stress, depletion of vitality, crisis management and perpetual rush - in short, nothing good.

This place made me sad, because I know a lot of people who live this way and are proud of just their ability to "solve problems." They are extremely interested in living in time pressure and each time being able to cope with a task in a few hours, which normally takes 2-3 months.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

Remember your student years: were there people during the sessions who boasted that the whole semester was slowly preparing for exams and therefore could sleep peacefully the night before the exam, being sure that they knew all the material?

Sounds pretty fantastic. But how can you be proud of yourself, having time at the last second, solving what is already almost impossible to solve, putting out what has been quietly smoldering for years and is already burning with a blue flame!

Truly, as my beloved Moominmamma says, "the feat of some is, as a rule, the bungling of others." And so the wise Covey, just like our Ministry of Health, insists: the main thing, brothers, is prevention!

You will do everything that you can do in advance - you won’t have to be heroic in a hurry later. In the evening, you will collect everything that you need to take with you in the morning - there will be no risk of jumping out of the house without keys or important documents; if you watch the car - it will start even in the cold and is unlikely to stand in the middle of the road, etc.

“... the decision is not urgent, but important issues is the core effective management yourself. It includes such issues as strengthening relationships with others, drawing up a personal formula for life purpose, long term planning, preventive measures, preparation - in a word, all those things that we recognize as necessary, but not paramount.

“... you can say that efficient person thinks not about problems, but about opportunities. He thinks with perspective. He also has crises and emergencies that require urgent attention, but their number is relatively small.

So, if we give Special attention important and non-urgent matters, our lives will steadily change for the better. An elementary example is if a person, having come to work, does not only what he is supposed to do according to job description, but also tries to improve his skills - how much more confident he will feel in his workplace!

Or else - all houses sooner or later begin to need repairs; therefore, it is much easier to plan a redecoration every few years - and then not to frantically look for money to stick inopportunely stained wallpaper.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

I love positive changes, no matter who they happen to! Therefore, I ask you: take at least half an hour on the weekend to think about what doing things can bring you significant benefits in the future (by the way, mental comfort- this is also a benefit!), and from next week start putting these things into practice.

Don't make a ten page list - do one thing to start with. Then you will like it and you will want more :) . Imagine how interesting it is to choose what is important to you - and do it!

For reference - if anyone thinks that it is vital for him to play Quake all night long - I do not believe it. Advanced hackers have long had a straight back, clear eyes and a bunch of real-life acquaintances. If you think about the long-term consequences of any unhealthy habits ... hehe ... I won’t even continue! You know.

So why am I - I want us all to be well! And you know what really helps? - That's not guessed right, I'm talking about setting your own goals. When you know that you are doing what you need, you feel very great. I propose to devote the next week to understanding your goals in life - both small and large.

Self-motivation exercise 12. Sword of Damocles. OT motivation.

Thousands of people who took the course before you, and thousands who will follow this path after your journey, often have the question: “How to motivate yourself to perform this or that exercise? It seems clear that it would be worth it, but lazy. What to do?".

There are several ways to motivate yourself:

OT motivation. To speak to yourself, to feel, to be imbued with the idea that - “if I don’t do this for myself, then I will live the rest of my life, all my remaining 30-40 years of my life: not knowing how to love, falling into depression for any cause, without being respected, not being able to plan time and money, remaining internally unfree ... ".

And here, if you really feel the whole horror of the fact that the rest of your life can be like this :-) - then there may be quite a good incentive to start doing something right now.

Motivation K. Imagine in colors, live, your possible happy future. Literally feel what it's like to live in the skin successful person. "When I can..." And if the picture is bright and attractive enough, then there is a desire to reach out to it, there is a desire to do these nice, sweet and kind exercises.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

Make yourself a sword of Damocles. If you want to do something, like learn English language, but you feel that you may not have enough energy - then do the following: tell all your friends and acquaintances about this plan of yours; argue with many of them for chocolates and sweets that you can still learn 3000 words in English in 2 months, etc.

And then after a while, all your friends will ask you when they meet: “Well, how? How are things going? How many words did you learn?”... And knowing that you will have to answer for this “boasting” - willy-nilly, but you will do the exercises ...

Assess the acquired skill in terms of money. Someone comes up to you and says: “If you swallow this pill, then by tomorrow morning you will have the ability to “blindly type”, or “read quickly”, or “write articles” ... How much are you willing to pay for such a pill? (possible on credit). And having felt that it’s not a pity to give away for the acquired skill and ... 0000, that it is really worth good money, - you can add to yourself the desire to work on exercises that develop this skill. You don't have to pay money. Savings, however... :-)

"Weakly."“If I don’t do this, then I am a weakling, a nonentity, unable to do anything worthy in this world, a frail, stupid, lazy brute ... Either I will overcome this matter, or it will me ...”. Well, and so on ... You can pump yourself up properly, and on the wave of aggression, you can completely cope with the exercises.

"Get into a debt hole." If you want to start going to the pool, then you buy a subscription to whole year. If you want to study foreign language- then you pay for half a year in advance, or you buy the most expensive language course. In general, you are wasting a lot of money on this business, and then you won’t forgive yourself if this money goes down the drain, it will be a pity for them. And in order to work off spending them in front of yourself, you will do exercises ... In some ways, this technique is similar to the "sword of Damocles", in some ways it is also not very environmentally friendly, but if you know that such motivation works well for you, then drive yourself into such "debt pits", for your own good.

And as a general advice - remember some business that you did, and which was difficult to do. What was your motivation then to complete it? That is - remembering your past - determine the way of motivation that works best for you.

Topics of the article: methods of motivation, self-motivation, behavior motivation, human motivation

One of the most difficult trainings in our arsenal is motivation training. In the training, the group works out exercises to identify and structure their own goals. We are sure that it makes sense to talk with subordinates about their motivation and offer some tools only after trying it all on yourself. After the training, participants disagree with the task to perform some of the exercises again, after a certain period of time. For our part, we help to sort out the accumulated questions and analyze the results obtained during and after the training.

I remember very well a participant who, at the entrance to the training, mentioned a problem with his own motivation (“a glass ceiling where it is not clear where to grow”), and during this exercise he suddenly “remembered” his abandoned passion for the electric guitar. After the training, he bought a new guitar, a small "amp" and began to learn to play again in the evenings. His review, which he sent a month later, is interesting. He spoke about the guitar and noted in a separate line:
- And at work somehow more cheerfully went.
Further, he listed a list of tasks completed in a month in relation to the team and the customer, which previously "simply did not reach the hands" and "there was no strength to do."

A paradoxical effect, if you think about it. Lack of time and heavy workload, the feeling of a "glass ceiling". Not the best state for a manager who wants to work with the motivation of the team, agree. People around “read” this state almost instantly: “my manager doesn’t need all this.” From such positions, it is extremely, extremely difficult to start working with a team.

Being at this point, a person does not “slow down”, but, on the contrary, adds activity to himself in learning something new. There is time. The head is loaded with something else. And work becomes easier.

It's about another "degree of freedom" or another level of the "Interest - Competence" matrix, which is created at the moment when you start to learn something new.

We have already talked about this simple tool many times, so now we will simply indicate how to use it.

Draw a 2x2 matrix on the leaf as shown below.

The matrix shows how a person learns a skill and what happens to his interest in work. For example, you hired a new employee. He is not yet familiar with the features of your development or project management process, he may not know something in your business domain (that is, his competence regarding your field of activity is still low), but at the same time he is interested and “eyes are on fire” (you most likely selected him on this basis - the candidate's future work should be interesting: the quadrant of high interest). When a person is interested in what he does, he begins to learn. His competence grows, he remains on the right side of the matrix, but moves up along it. High interest and high competence.

Excellent condition. Sustainable, interesting.

Then a person does what he can do for a year or two. Experience has been accumulated. Tasks are being solved. But interest is slowly waning. We move to the left. A person knows and knows how, perhaps more than anyone else in a team or company. From work a little "sickness", but the authority, position, money and comfort zone can hold a person firmly enough.

The last empty box “as if hints” :) No, a person does not grow stupid, but stops developing, because it is extremely difficult to force yourself to learn something new when you are not at all interested in what you are doing.

A familiar feeling?

Lots of experience. Large amount of knowledge. Monotony of tasks. Your brain interprets this state as fatigue, "running in circles", the absence of a new one. He needs a new degree of freedom. New direction "where to dig". Because your brain just can't do nothing - that's the way it's designed by nature.

Starting to learn something new, you overlay a new level of exactly the same matrix on top of the main 2 × 2 matrix, where you are again interested and want to “dig” again.

Returning to the profession that we have been talking about for the last week. A business coach and coaching is like teaching other skills that help you work easier and better.

On the one hand, in itself, learning a new business, new profession has the most positive effect on a person: you are again in the “high interest” square and there are a lot of new and unexplored things around you. You have just found a new mineral layer that can be mined, analyzed and structured. You begin to see new things in a seemingly long-studied case. You are reworking concepts that you have long taken for granted in order to be able to answer your student's question, "Why is that?". Indeed - why? I've tried this before, and it's the other way around. Great feeling. Just great.

On the other hand, adult learning, as an area of ​​interpersonal interactions, is a space with a high degree of freedom: you can learn how to explain, convey, convince, teach other people all your life.

You choose your teaching style. You choose what and how to teach based on your understanding of the complexity of certain tasks. You choose the format, the learning model and the structure of the presentation of the material. You choose the most convenient schedule for conducting and designing new trainings. Training is the author's field of knowledge. Complex. Interesting. Allowing you to release the Author in you and work on creating a new one. To create a knowledge structure that allows others to learn.

Just think about it for a couple of minutes.
