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Sample bank request for business reputation of a client. Letter to the bank about activities and business reputation. Who should provide

Letter #1

LLC "" is our permanent partner in the field of web design. During the long cooperation, this company was able to repeatedly confirm its high professionalism and competence. The projects developed by us were completed by the employees of LLC efficiently and promptly.

We are satisfied with the activities of LLC and recommend this company as a professional and reliable partner.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #2

The company, within the framework of cooperation with Standard Quality LLC, in 2013 undertook to develop new Internet projects for the development of our company. During our partnership, this company has earned the credibility of an organization that can be trusted to solve the most complex issues.

We were satisfied with the result of joint work and we recommend as a responsible partner.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #3 LLC has been a partner of Quality Standard since 2000. Over the course of many years of partnership, employees have established themselves as high professionals who do not allow project deadlines to be missed and are attentive to the tasks set. Customers have always been satisfied with the result of the work of this company.

Petr Ivanov

Letter #4

I confirm with this letter that really cooperated with Znak Kachestva LLC from 2000-2012 in the field of web design. During our partnership, we were able to repeatedly verify the reliability, professionalism and efficiency in solving work issues. We also want to emphasize the extraordinary creative approach of the company's employees in their work on various projects.

I am like CEO LLC "Mark of Quality", I confirm that the services of the company "" correspond to the declared profile.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #5 LLC has been my regular business partner since 2000. During our cooperation, I have never been disappointed as a result of work on joint projects. Employees of are accustomed to fulfilling the assigned tasks, taking into account the needs of the Customer and in accordance with professional requirements. Establishing close partnerships between our companies was also facilitated by the high culture of communication between the leaders of LLC.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #6

With this letter, the management of Standard Quality LLC informs that joint cooperation with LLC contributed to the development of our activities in the international market and the expansion client base. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the employees of LLC perform their tasks efficiently and on time. But in addition to the mandatory requirements, this company is used to working with an individual approach, taking into account the needs of each client.

Petr Petrov.

Letter #7

During the five-year partnership with Result LLC, the employees of this company have proven themselves with exceptional positive side. The result of their work always met the requirements of the Customer and corresponded to the professional level. I would especially like to note the responsibility and efficiency of this company in resolving any issues.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #8

By this letter, I, the head of LLC, confirm that the Result company is my permanent business partner.

Since 2005, we have regularly contacted the Result company to order high-quality printing products. I can also confirm that this company has repeatedly become our business partner, providing a full range of printing services.

During the partnership, I was able to make sure that the employees of the Result company work efficiently and professionally.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #9

The Znak Kachestva company, being a supplier of printing equipment for LLC Result, has established itself as a reliable partner, working in strict accordance with contractual terms. During our cooperation, this company has never missed deadlines and has not provided low-quality products.

The main thing is not to fall under the violation of the norms of business reputation. Writing a business letter is very important question, because from him appearance depends on the reputation of your company. Sample letter of recommendation. By the way, companies from which the bank requested a letter of goodwill are not. In the first case, counterparties are confident in the company, its financial results and sustainability. The question of the business reputation of a legal entity remains ambiguous. Feedback from the counterparty letter of goodwill legal entity sample. Goodwill examples popular request in search engines, numerous people are looking for. To assist credit institutions in recognizing, evaluating, presenting and disclosing information on goodwill when. Sample letters of termination of the contract should not always be taken as a basis, since the grounds for. Many contractors and potential partners viz. Review from the counterparty letter of goodwill of the legal entity standard
. Access to hundreds of samples business letters. Full texts of documents in latest edition. Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as well as obtaining a power of attorney of a representative. A letter with an assessment of business reputation sample of the Central Bank. But bankers have their own templates for this option. In the sample of legal provision of honor and dignity, the relationship . Here is a sample letter for renewal of accreditation. Analytical professional materials. A sample image letter and a proposal for cooperation from an international one. A research institute in which, as of the date of consideration of the issue of goodwill, a greater number of specialists work. Business reputation is an important component of the company's success. Therefore, if counterparties contact the company with a request to write a review
. N 92T On the organization of management of legal risk and the risk of loss of business reputation c. An integral part of the work to restore the professional reputation of a company or an official is. Feedback from the counterparty letter of goodwill. Found 28 sample letter of goodwill to bank sample. Thank You Letter Sample DOC 21 Kb. Build my reputation
Letter from the Bank of Russia dated June 30, 2005

A letter of goodwill from a legal entity, a sample for a bank of which is available for download, is often required for submission. It is necessary so that the employees of the banking organization have reason to trust the organization.


If a loan is taken individual, then he can have several guarantors. If we are talking about a legal entity, it cannot resort to such a scheme. Minimum authorized capital company, if it is an LLC, can be 10 thousand rubles. That is why some banks, before starting to cooperate with a particular organization, need to provide certain guarantees.

By filling out the form letter of guarantee, the counterparty of the organization assumes part of the responsibility for further relations with the bank of the recommended legal entity.

Legal grounds

Some entrepreneurs have a habit of resenting the illegality of requests that banking organizations make to them. However, in this case, the law is completely on the side of the banks. They have the right to refer, in particular, to the Law on Combating Money Laundering No. 115-FZ of August 7, 2001.

And the verification of companies - potential customers is carried out on the basis of the information that is reflected in paragraphs. 1 p. 1 art. 7 of this law. The Central Bank strongly recommends that all organizations that deal with the issuance of loans do this.

Regulation No. 449-P, adopted on October 15, 2015, clearly states that written reviews of a company can be one of the forms of interaction and verification by the bank of its potential client. Thus, the banking organization seeks to reduce the risks it bears. By requiring letters of goodwill of a legal entity, fly-by-night companies are often “screened out”.

Component parts of a document

It is better if the letter is printed on the letterhead of the sender's organization. This will make the text more impressive. Yes, and there will be no need to once again prescribe the main details. Without them, the paper will not have legal force.

After the details in the attached form of a letter of business reputation of a legal entity, there are:

  • Destination. To which banking organization the letter is intended. It is desirable that the one who recommends the organization be a client of this bank and have a reputation as a reliable legal organization.
  • Number and date of the letter.
  • Title of the document.
  • The name of the recommended company.
  • KPP and TIN of the counterparty in respect of which the review is being made.
  • Assurance that the recommended organization has a habit of fulfilling its obligations.
  • Authorized person's signature. Its decoding and the position of the person are also indicated.
  • If yes, then print.

The text of the submitted sample contains the minimum possible information for this type of document. The form can be filled out by several contractors. But it is desirable to make it individualized. Letters from different organizations must be different, otherwise it may raise suspicions of an employee of a banking organization who checks a legal entity as a potential client.

You can diversify the text of the letter by resorting to various additions in its main part.


In addition to the basic data, each of the companies that make up the letter has the right to add variable moments and nuances of interaction. These may include:

  • Cooperation time. The longer the counterparties interact, the better.
  • Whether the organization providing the review is a customer of the bank. If yes, for how long. It is worth noting that it will be easiest for employees of a banking organization to check this data.
  • How many written contracts were drawn up with the interacting companies.
  • The amounts of what order were paid, how large-scale the terms of the contracts were. This is confidential information, it can be reflected in general terms without resorting to specific figures.
  • Other points that relate to interaction and present the recommended in an attractive light. The main thing is to show the level of reliability of a particular business partner.

There is no unified form of a business letter of this type. Free form allows you to modify the text as you wish. The main thing is to follow the rules and generally accepted recommendations.


When compiling business letters, there are a number of recommendations that should be followed. For example:

  • One paragraph should reflect a single thought. Its length should be limited to eight lines.
  • Each expression must be understood unambiguously.
  • Slang expressions, profanity, dialectisms are unacceptable.
  • Do not mislead the addressee.
  • Respectful tone.
  • Appeal to "you". Even if the employee to whom the letter is addressed is a close friend of the sender, business correspondence has its own specifics. The latter should be followed.

The most complete design standards business correspondence reflected in GOST 6.30 - 2003.


The peculiarity of this letter is that it is sent from a business partner of the described organization directly to the bank. the main task- give some guarantees to the bank that interaction with the recommended company can be successful.

Correspondence forms

If the letter is in paper form, that is, it makes sense to register it in the journal of outgoing correspondence. So later it will be possible to prove the fact of its existence.

A letter of goodwill of a legal entity is usually issued in a single copy. It is a confirmation of the responsible attitude of the company to the fulfillment of its obligations. Thus, banking organizations get the opportunity to minimize their risks, and borrowers get the funds necessary for the further development of their business.

Each bank, in order to open an entrepreneurial account, requires a new client to confirm business reputation and information about the company's activities. But this is only if the client has not previously been served by this institution (if it was served, it is not necessary to confirm the reputation). This rule does not apply to new companies that have just entered the market, but to organizations that have been operating for a long time. Newly launched firms do not need to submit a letter of goodwill to the bank (a sample of which we will show in this article), as the reputation has not yet been formed. In this case, you need to submit information mail to the bank about the activities of the organization.

How is this procedure carried out? The client asks his partners, with whom he cooperates, and who are also serviced by this bank, to write an opinion about the reputation, or to sign a document you created. A letter to the bank about the activities of the organization (sample below) can also be submitted by the bank in which the company was previously serviced.

It often happens that some counterparty refuses to leave his opinion about you, motivating the refusal by strong employment. In such a situation, it would be wise to draw up a document yourself and invite the partner to sign it. Below you will see a sample explanatory letter to the bank about the activities of the company, which can also be used if any of business partners contact you for a similar service.

Not the last option is to confirm the reputation with your review. It's better than leaving a workers request financial organization(FO) unanswered. Negligent attitude to the requirements of the financial institution will entail refusal of cooperation by the bank.

Business reputation letter of a legal entity

The opinion of a business partner about your business reputation is set out in writing and may be in any form. There are no requirements, as such, the main thing is to indicate the following details in the message:

  • The name of the counterparty;
  • Business partner seal;
  • Signature of the head of the counterparty;
  • The date the document was created.

It is desirable that the letter be written on the partner's letterhead.

Remember that the opinions of counterparties serving other financial institutions will not be of interest to your bank.

Pay special attention to the date. The point here is not at all a formality, but the relevance of information. In today's realities, when life flows very quickly, it is extremely important for the FD to have only up-to-date data. The document should not be outdated, but the date must be indicated - without a date, the letter may not be taken into account at all.

Experts recommend using specific data to the maximum when creating a letter about the company's business reputation. Generalized information is also not accepted. Such hackneyed phrases as “reliable and responsible”, “always pays on time” are perceived as an empty phrase, but if they are backed up with facts (give examples of contracts, indicate the amounts for which they were concluded, the terms in which payments were made, etc.) etc.) - the document will become more real and, as a result, it will be accepted. You can also indicate what plans the partner has for further work with your company.

In a separate paragraph, it is necessary to highlight that the counterparty has no claims or complaints against your company, recommends cooperation as a partner you can trust.

Feedback on business reputation can also be left by the bank with which you previously cooperated. Such organizations use their own templates, which indicate the number of business partners, the amount of turnover, etc.

Letter of goodwill from your own firm

It happens that business partners for some reason cannot leave their opinion regarding your company (they are clients of another financial company, do not meet deadlines, do not want to, etc.). In this case, you can write reviews directly from the company you own.

What information should be included in such a review? Absolutely everything that a financial institution is able to verify through open sources. This list includes reviews on the Internet, participation in government tenders, newspaper publications, television reports and more. Be sure to indicate that your company is not on any of the "black" lists (credit tax, etc.).

Such a document can be made the main one (if there are no others), or additional. It not only confirms that the company is respected by other firms, but it is also in good standing in the labor market, with the Federal Tax Service and other structures.

Letter to clarify the payment to the bank

No one is immune from making mistakes when making payments, but not every mistake can be corrected with just one call, some require sending a letter. Imagine this situation: You or your business partner made a large payment only to discover that a mistake was made. This should be notified to the institution as soon as possible, which will certainly contact the recipient and clarify the reasonableness of making adjustments. In other words, to change the payment, you need to notify the financial institution and the consent of the recipient.

Let's describe the process of changing the payment using the example of paying the state duty. If you make a mistake, on behalf of the company, you send a corresponding request for adjustments to the Federal Tax Service and the Federal District.

A letter on payment clarification to the bank is created according to the following rules:

  • It is advisable to use a company letterhead;
  • It is necessary to correctly indicate the name of the company, the name of the head (or responsible person);
  • Specify the counterparty that was specified as the recipient when making the payment.
  • Be sure to describe the reasons for making changes, this time it is better not to make a mistake with numbers or other details;
  • Be sure to write the exact date of the payment (up to the time). It is better to attach copies of receipts;
  • At the end, indicate the date of writing, put the seal of the company, and the signature of the director is also needed.

Below is a sample document in MS Word format, and you can use it if necessary.

we were satisfied with the result of joint work and we recommend as a responsible partner.

Src=" "="" alt="Reputation letter to your company's bank">

How to compile and submit information about the business reputation of a legal entity for a bank (sample for download)

In any case, do not leave the request of the employees of the financial institution unanswered: it is likely that the bank will not cooperate with your company. Feedback from the counterparty on business reputation is made in writing and in any form.

The letter is written on behalf of the business partner and on his letterhead. The document must be stamped and signed by the director of the company. Note that the reviews of your business partners who are clients of another bank, financial institution not interesting.

Here is a sample letter of business reputation of the company for review.

Reputation letter to your company's bank

The construction company LLC "" proved to be a reliable contractor when performing finishing and facade work at the facilities of our organization.

The work was carried out with good quality and within the terms specified in the contract. With qualified engineering and workforce, construction company"" ensures the quality and timing of work in strict accordance with the requirements of the Customer.

You irrevocably ruin the reputation of your company and yourself as a specialist. Meeting minutes labor collective sample for sure such a request is not uncommon at.

A sales receipt (form) can be downloaded today without any problems, since it is on the Internet.

Business reputation letter of a legal entity

At the same time, the bank will ask for feedback not directly from your counterparties and banks, but from you.

And indeed, in other words, you will need to ask for their reviews and later give them to the bank where you open the newest account.

But not so to speak, it is impossible that one of the counterparties will finally refuse to write a review without the help of others, referring, for example, to lack of time.

N 26-T 1.2. Risk of loss of a credit institution's business reputation (reputational risk) - the risk of losses for a credit institution due to the influence of the factors specified in clause 3.1 of these Recommendations. 1.3.

The business reputation of a credit institution is a qualitative assessment by the participants in the civil turnover of the activities of a credit institution, as well as the actions of its real owners,

Letter of goodwill to the bank sample for yourself

But not so to speak, it is impossible that one of the counterparties will finally refuse to write a review without the help of others, referring, for example, to lack of time. Moreover, banks sell such debts in bulk to collectors, and after changing the lender, borrowers must repay loans not to a financial institution, but to a collection company.

That is, collectors have dug in very well in Ukraine, and this despite the fact that the issue of their existence has not been completely resolved by law.

Banks of the Russian Federation will check the business reputation of customers

» Letters of recommendation others can provide corporate clients banks that are partners of the company, as well as banks in which this company served. » » Letters of recommendation can be provided by other corporate clients of the bank who are partners of the company, as well as banks where the company was serviced.
» Banks will become closed clubs, which can only be entered upon the recommendation of one of the members of this «

Feedback on the business reputation of the counterparty sample

Be sure to make sure that the business reputation review is written on the letterhead of the counterparty and on his behalf, and not on your company.

Accordingly, the document must be signed by the director and stamped by the counterparty (1). But this counterparty must have an account with the bank where you open a new account. The bank does not need reviews from other counterparties, since it checks the information through its already verified clients.
