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Positive and negative aspects of the global Internet. Advantages and disadvantages of online communication. Some people stop growing

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    The Internet has been arguably the most outstanding communications innovation in human history. However, like any innovation, the Internet has its advantages and disadvantages. However, the number of advantages outweighs its disadvantages...

    In the course of its evolution from Neanderthal to Homo erectus, and then to Homo sapiens, man passed long haul. Because of his constant pursuit of the best services and amenities, the nineties saw the invention of computers. A decade ago, the term "internet" remained virtually anonymous to most people. And today the Internet has become a record-breaking powerful tool for mankind around the world. In short, the Internet is a collection of various resources and services.

    Although many people think that email and the World Wide Web are the main components of the Internet, there are many other tools and services such as chat rooms, celebrity sites, search engines and online stores, and much more. It has also become the best business tool for modern organizations. Today, the Internet has turned the entire globe into one room. Right from the news from the next street to the knowledge of the whole world, shopping and buying tickets for your favorite movie, it's all at your fingertips. The Internet has enormous potential and much to offer. However, as an innovative solution in the field of science and technology, the Internet has its advantages and disadvantages.



    The main purpose of the Internet has always been communication. And the Internet has succeeded in this area, moreover, Newest technologies expand communication capabilities, making them faster and more reliable. With the advent of the Internet, communication with any corner of the Earth has become as easy as talking to a neighbor.


    Information is probably the biggest advantage the Internet has. The web has become a virtual mine of information. Any information on any topic is available on the Internet. Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Yandex provide their services to web users. You can search for any type of data and get an answer to almost any question. The Internet has an immense amount of information on any subject, known to man, ranging from legislation to the timing of the fair in your area. You will be able to get information about the market, discover new ideas, get technical support, the list of possibilities is endless.

    Students and children are among the most active users who surf the Internet in search of information. Today, the Internet has become a necessity for students who use the network to prepare projects and theses. Teachers began to give tasks that require searching on the Internet. With each passing day, medical research is becoming easier to find online. Numerous websites are available online and offer information for people who are researching various diseases. Here you can also contact doctors through specialized sites, such as the Doctors of America project. During 1998, more than 20 million people visited the Internet for medical information.


    Entertainment is another popular advantage of the Internet. Indeed, as a mass medium, the Internet has become a highly successful tool in the field of entertainment. Downloading games, visiting specialized sites, communicating with experienced players, the Internet provides any services in the field of the gaming industry. There are many games that can be downloaded from the net for free. The online gaming industry is experiencing tremendous growth, attracting millions of players. Themed chats are extremely popular as users can meet new people here. interesting people. In fact, the Internet is successfully used by people to find a life partner. When people search the Internet, they can find anything. Music, games, news and more, everything is online.


    Today, many services have moved online. Among them: payment housing services, finding a job, buying tickets for your favorite movies, a guide to a range of topics that cover all aspects of life, booking hotels, after all. Many services may not be available offline or may be much more expensive.

    Electronic commerce

    E-commerce is a concept that is used for any kind of commercial activity, or business proposal, which involves the transfer of information around the world, via the Internet. This definition includes any commercial activity online. We call it "e-commerce" and its tentacles have reached every single product and service, increasing the availability of any service. The Internet involves an amazing and wide range of products, from everyday needs to technology and entertainment.


    Theft personal information

    If you use the Internet on a regular basis, you should be aware that there is always the possibility of personal information being stolen, like address, credit card number, name and more. All this may be available to criminals through the network, which causes some concern.


    Spam is the sending of unsolicited messages to email addresses. Many messages have no purpose and simply interfere with the performance of the entire system. This type of illegal activity may cause some problems for the user, it is not easy to ignore the bulk mail, you should make efforts to stop spam, so that the use of the network becomes safer and more convenient.

    Virus Threat

    A virus is nothing but a program that disrupts the normal functioning of computer systems. Computers connected to the Internet are much more likely to be attacked by viruses, which, in the end, can disrupt the hard drive, which will cause a lot of problems for the user.


    This is perhaps the biggest threat that can harm the psychological health of your children. A very serious and painful topic regarding the Internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet, which can be easily found and become a detrimental factor, since they are freely available to every Internet user.

    Despite the fact that the Internet has many harmful factors, its benefits outweigh any disadvantages.

    Already managed to capture almost every corner of the Earth. Now it is difficult to find a person who has not heard about the Internet, and the number of users of the global network is growing daily. Is it good or bad? To answer the question, consider the pros and cons of the Internet.

    So why is the internet good?

    Access to the information

    The Internet is a huge repository of information of various kinds. It provides an opportunity to learn everything about everything without leaving home. The only thing you need for this is to have internet at home, pay for it, and you're done! All virtual libraries and the museums of the world will open their doors to you. With the Internet, you can very quickly find, download or buy the right book, film, music, learn a lot of useful things: from the meaning of the universe to the recipe for charlotte.

    Communication with loved ones

    With internet access and some software, for example Skype, it will not be difficult to get through to your foreign friends or relatives. Many social services, such as, also support video communication, which, in addition to the connected Internet, will require a webcam. Thus, the Internet allows you not to lose touch with dear people, wherever they are. On the other hand, such a pathological situation may arise when virtual communication replaces the real one. Given all the pros and cons of Internet communication, each person can decide for himself whether he needs this type of communication or not.

    Unlimited access to entertainment

    Having access to the Internet, you can have fun without leaving your home, well, or at least you can watch a movie. No need to spend money on cinema tickets. For what? After all, even sitting in front of the monitor, you can arrange a real movie show! The pros and cons of the Internet do not end there.

    Online shopping

    The Internet allows you to buy the rarest goods, which, according to your desire, the courier will deliver directly to the apartment. With the Internet, you do not have to wander around the shops in search of the right thing and stand in lines: 1 click of the mouse - and you are already the owner of the coveted product.

    It is worth moving from the advantages of the World Wide Web to its disadvantages.

    Harm to health

    We all know that spending too much time in front of a computer is bad for your health. Therefore, you should pause, periodically breaking away from the monitor.

    scenes of cruelty

    Conducted Internet at home for some people can turn into a real tragedy. This applies primarily to children, whose fragile psyche may be shocked by scenes of cruelty and violence found on the World Wide Web.

    False Information

    In addition to unconditionally truthful and necessary data, the Internet is full of unnecessary and unreliable information. As you know, information must meet several criteria: be up-to-date, complete, timely and accurate, however, thanks to the World Wide Web, many of the basic criteria for information quality disappear without a trace. The Internet is full of gossip, wandering from one blog to another, from forum to forum, and information is transmitted on the principle of a “deaf phone”. What is the site of the world encyclopedia "Wikipedia" worth, where everyone can "rule the Universe".

    Identity theft

    Posting your photos, videos on the Internet, making purchases online using bank card, you risk losing your data, which can be stolen or intercepted and used for criminal purposes.

    The destruction of the family

    There are cases when one of the family members is completely immersed in the virtual world, becoming a "Level 80 Elf", a brave warrior, a faithful knight, etc. in online multiplayer games. Illusory reality can drag on so much that a person will not care about family worries.

    Spam and viruses

    Yes, we also owe these two unpleasant phenomena to the Internet. Fortunately, there are antiviruses, and this minimizes the risk of infecting your computer, but even they are not able to fully guarantee the safety of your device.

    Internet and teenagers

    It is no secret for parents that it is teenagers who tend to spend most of their time on the Internet, feeling all its negative effects, such as:

    • rachiocampsis;
    • blurred vision;
    • disorders in mental development, etc.

    Social disorientation and many other conditions are the result of the negative effects of being online for a long time.

    A huge part of adolescents fall into the risk zone in terms of the level of mental development, they have computer game addiction (online games) or Internet addiction, which, manifested as early as childhood, can accompany a teenager in adulthood.

    These are the main pros and cons of the Internet.

    Even considering all the shortcomings of the World Wide Web, it is impossible to deny all the benefits that it brings. You can use it, or you can not, but do not recognize its widespread integration into life. modern society already impossible.

    After weighing all the pros and cons of the Internet, we can conclude that it has approximately the same number of advantages and disadvantages, however, with moderate and competent use, its advantages noticeably outweigh negative sides.

    Indigenous people and tourists often wonder where is the best place to get the latest news of Odessa in order to be aware of all significant events in the life of the city.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

    Today, the World Wide Web has a large number of entertainment and information resources. Including many sites where you can find out both the news of Odessa and other cities and countries. This media has many advantages:

    • High speed of information transfer. It is on the Internet that all significant news appears the fastest.
    • You can simultaneously study information on various sites, where diametrically opposed points of view regarding what is happening are often expressed. Objectivity and diversity of opinions is a definite plus of the Internet.
    • Can be found different types information: articles, video reports. There are also special resources for people with disabilities.

    However, there are also some cons:

    • Not all information posted on the Web is worth believing. It must be carefully considered, not to trust dubious sources.
    • Not everyone is fluent in the technology of information search using a computer. This is especially true for pensioners.
    • To be the first to know about all the news, you need to be on the Web all the time, which takes a lot of time. On many resources, this problem is solved by installing notifications.

    Advantages and disadvantages of television

    TV is a more familiar, especially for older people, way of getting information. Thanks to modern technologies, such as live broadcasts and online transmission and editing of materials, news also reach the public almost instantly. To work with the TV does not need to have special skills. But, as in the previous case, you need to carefully process the information and treat it critically.

    Both TV and Internet modern facilities transmission and receipt of information. They have their own advantages and disadvantages, so anyone who wants to get the news in a timely manner can choose the most convenient and appropriate way for themselves.

    The Internet has become the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of mankind. A manager, a private detective, even a doctor uses icq, skype to communicate with his clients. However, each new discovery has its advantages and disadvantages. But as practice shows, the Internet has more advantages than disadvantages.

    The benefits of the Internet include high speed connections. With the invention of the internet, our earth has shrunk to the size of a global city. Now it is not difficult to communicate with a person who is in another part of the world, since there are a large number of services, such as e-mail, various chats, video communication. Information is probably the biggest advantage of the internet. The Internet is indeed a storehouse of knowledge, any information on any topic is available on the Internet. Search engines such as Google, Yandex, Yahoo are always at your service twenty-four hours a day.

    Students and schoolchildren are among the main users who are looking for information on the global Internet. Another popular factor thanks to which people surf the Internet is entertainment. After all, there is nothing better to cheer up your mood than watching your favorite movie, listening to music, playing interesting game. Undeniable dignity world wide web is e-commerce. E-commerce is a concept used for any type of commercial transactions that involve the transmission of information around the world via the Internet. One of the many examples of commerce in the global network is an online store. Now there is no need to go shopping to buy goods, any product can be ordered in the online store and delivered to your home.

    The biggest disadvantage of the Internet is the theft of personal information. When using the World Wide Web, you may encounter the theft of personal information, for example, criminals can get hold of your email password, and even worse, your credit card number, for example, if you paid with it in an online store. The virus threat is an important negative factor when using the global network. A virus is a program that will disrupt the normal functioning of your computer, a virus attack on your computer can result in hard disk failure, which in turn will cause you a lot of trouble. A big threat to children on the Internet is pornography. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the web that can be found using search engines. Pornography greatly affects the psychological development of the child.
    This is our internet!
