Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

List of used sources of organization of production. Extended list of references: "Organization of production". in printed form

  1. Arustamov, E. A. Organization entrepreneurial activity: tutorial for universities / E. A. Arustamov, A. N. Pakhomkin, T. P. Mitrofanova.-2nd ed., Rev.-M.: Dashkov and K", 2009.-331
  2. Bobyleva, Alla Zinovievna Financial management technologies: a textbook for universities / A. Z. Bobyleva.-M.: INFRA-M, 2007.-491 p.:
  3. Busov, V. I. Estimation of the value of an enterprise (business): textbook. for bachelors / V. I. Busov, O. A. Zemlyansky, A. P. Polyakov; ed. V. I. Busova. - M. : Yurayt, 2012. - 430 p.
  4. Butakova Marina Mikhailovna Economic forecasting: methods and techniques of practical calculations: textbooks for universities / M. M. Butakova.-M.: KNORUS, 2008.-166
  5. Valigursky D.I. Organization of entrepreneurial activity: textbook / D. I. Valigursky. - 2nd ed.; revised and additional - M.: Dashkov and Co., 2010. - 518 p.: ill. - Bibliography: p. 514-518.
  6. Vasilyeva, Lyudmila Sidorovna The financial analysis: textbook for universities / L. S. Vasilyeva, M. V. Petrovskaya.-3rd ed., stereotype.-M.: KNORUS, 2008.-804 p.
  7. Vakhrushina, M.A. Management analysis: questions of theory, practice of conducting: monograph / M.A. Vakhrushina, L.B. Samarina. - M. : Vuzovsky textbook: INFRA-M, 2011. - 144 p.
  8. Diagnostics of the state of the innovation-oriented enterprise: textbook. allowance / L. V. Valinurova, E. I. Iskhakova, A. M. Akhmadeev, I. V. Gorbachev. - Ufa: BAGSU, 2013. - 109 p.
  9. Dobrynina, Galina A. Management decisions: textbook / G. A. Dobrynina; federal agency by education, GOU VPO TSPU.-Tomsk: TSPU publishing house, 2008.-63 p.
  10. Zabbarova, O. A. Balance studies: a textbook for universities / O. A. Zabbarova.-M.: KNORUS, 2009.-254
  11. Ilyin, Anatoly Ignatievich. Planning at the enterprise: a textbook for universities / A. I. Ilyin. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M .: New knowledge, 2008. - 667 p.:
  12. Keith P. Management Economics. Leader's Toolkit: textbook / Paul Keith, Philip Young; per. from English. L. Kruglov, I. Malkova. - 5th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 622 p.
  13. Kleiner, Georgy Borisovich. Enterprise strategy /G. B. Kleiner.-M.: Delo, 2008.-567 p.:
  14. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity: textbook for universities / [A. I. Alekseeva, Yu. V. Vasiliev, A. V. Maleeva, L. I. Ushvitsky], 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: KNORUS, 2009.-687
  15. Krutik, Alexander B. Organization of entrepreneurial activity: textbook for universities / A. B. Krutik, M. V. Reshetova.-2nd ed., stereotype.-M.: Academy, 2008.-154.
  16. Kuznetsov, Yu. V. Theory of organization: textbook. for bachelors / Yu. V. Kuznetsov, E. V. Melyakova. - M. : Yurayt, 2013. - 365 p.
  17. Lysons, K. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Per. from English. : textbook / K. Lysons, M. Gillingham. – 6th ed. - M. : INFRA-M, 2012. - 795 p.
  18. Lapygin Yu.N. Theory of organization and organizational behavior: textbook. allowance / Yu. N. Lapygin. - M.: INFRA-M, 2011. - 328 p.
  19. Loginova E.Yu. The art of management in small business: studies.-pract. allowance / E. Yu. Loginova, O. D. Pryanina. - M.: Dashkov i Ko, 2010. - 296 p.
  20. Nevskaya M.A. Small business: relationships with financial and tax authorities: pract. allowance / M. A. Nevskaya, K. V. Sibikeev. - M.: Dashkov i Ko, 2010. - 229 p.
  21. Organization of production and enterprise management: textbook / ed. O.G. Turovets. - 3rd ed. - M.: INFRA-M, 2011. - 505 p.: ill. - (Higher education). - Bibliography: p. 497-499.
  22. Organization, planning and production management: workshop (course design): textbook for universities / [N. I. Novitsky, L. Ch. Ermine, A. A. Goryushkin and others]; ed. N. I. Novitsky.-2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: KNORUS, 2008.-319
  23. Fundamentals of enterprise management. Models and methods of management under uncertainty: a textbook for universities: in 3 books / ed. G. I. Andreeva, V. A. Tikhomirova.-M.: Finance and statistics. Book. 2:/ [G. I. Andreev, V. S. Verba, V. I. Volchikhin].-2006.-300
  24. Pozdnyakov, Vladimir Yakovlevich. Economics of the industry: textbook for universities / V.V. Ya. Pozdnyakov, S. V. Kazakov.-M.: INFRA-M, 2009.-307
  25. Ryzhova, VV Economic management of the organization: textbook. allowance / V. V. Ryzhova, V. V. Petrov. - M. : RIOR: INFRA-M, 2012. - 246 p.
  26. Collection of business plans: a practical guide for universities / [Yu. N. Lapygin, A. Yu. Andrianov, E. V. Bobkova and others]; ed. Yu. N. Lapygina.-M.: Omega-L, 2008.-310 p.
  27. Finance: a textbook for universities / [A. I. Arkhipov, I. A. Pogosov, I. V. Karavaeva [and others]; ed. A. I. Arkhipova, I. A. Pogosova.-M.: Prospekt, 2009.-627 p.
  28. Economics of the organization (enterprises, firms): a textbook for universities / [O. V. Antonova, A. I. Bazilichev, L. V. Bobkov and others]; ed. B. N. Chernysheva, V. Ya. Gorfinkel.-M.: Vuzovsky textbook, 2008.-534
  29. Economics of the Firm: A Study Guide for the Secondary vocational education/ [T. V. Muravieva, N. V. Zinkovskaya, N. A. Volkova, G. N. Liferenko]; ed. T. V. Muravyova.-4th ed., stereotype.-M.: Academy, 2008.-399
  30. The economy of the firm: a textbook for institutions of secondary vocational education / [T. V. Muravieva, N. V. Zinkovskaya, N. A. Volkova, G. N. Liferenko]; ed. T. V. Muravyova.-M.: Academy, 2007.-399


1. Basovsky, L.E. Theory of economic analysis: Textbook. - M.: INFRA - M, 2008. - 222p. - (Higher education).

2. Bukhalkov, M.I. Planning at the enterprise: Textbook. - 3rd ed., Spanish. - M.: INFRA - M, 2008. - 416. - (Higher education).

3. Basics industry technologies and production organization: Textbook / Yu.M. Anosov, L.L. Bekrenev, V.D. Durnev, G.N. Zaitsev, V.A. Saltykov, V.K. Fedyukin; Edited by V.K. Fedyukin. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Polytechnic, 2004. - 312p.

4. Organization of production and enterprise management: Textbook / Ed. O.G. Turovets. - 2nd ed. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - 544 p.

5. Organization of production and enterprise management: Textbook / Ed. O.G. Turovets. - 2nd ed. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 544 p.

6. Pozdnyakov, V.Ya., Kazakov, S.V. Industry Economics: Textbook. allowance. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 309s.

7. Sklyarenko, V.K., Prudnikov, V.M. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 528s.


8. Belov A.M., Dobrin G.N., Karlik A.E. Economics of the organization (enterprise): Workshop /Under the total. ed. prof. A.E. Karlika.- M.: INFRA-M, 2003.-272p.- (Series "Higher education").

9. Volkov O.I., Sklyarenko V.K. Economics of the enterprise: Course of lectures.- M.: INFRA-M, 2001.-280C.-(Series "Higher education").

10. Civil Code Russian Federation. Part one and two. Official text as of November 15, 2001. - M .: NORMA Publishing House (NORMA-INFRA-M Publishing Group), 2001.-376s.

11. Erokhina R.I., Samrailova E.K. Analysis and modeling labor indicators at the enterprise: Textbook / Under the editorship of prof. A.I.Rofe.- M.: Publishing house "MIK", 2000.-160s.

12. Zaitsev N.L. Economics of the organization: Textbook for universities.-2nd ed., Revised. and additional / N.L. Zaitsev.- M.: Exam Publishing House, 2003.-624p.

13. Zaitsev N.L. Economy industrial enterprise. Workshop: Proc. allowance.- M.: INFRV-M, 2001.-192s.

14. Mazmanova B.G. Payroll Management: Textbook.- M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003.- 368s.: ill.

15. Mikhailushkin A.I. Economics. Practicum: Textbook / A.I. Mikhailushkin, P.D. Shimko. - M.: Higher School, 2001.-311s.; ill.

16. Mozhaeva S.V. Economics of energy production: Textbook. 3rd ed., add. and revised - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Lan", 2003.-208s., Ill.- (Textbooks for universities. Special literature).

17. Novitsky N.I. Organization of production at enterprises: Educational and methodological manual. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2001.-392 pp.: ill.

18. Raitsky K.A. Economics of the enterprise: Textbook for universities. - M .: Information and implementation center "Marketing", 1999.-693s.

19. Samsonov V.S. Economics of enterprises of the energy complex: Textbook for universities / V.S. Samsonov, M.A. Vyatkin. - 2nd ed. - M .: Vyssh.shk., 2003.-416s.

20. Labor Code Russian Federation - Rostov n / a: publishing house "Phoenix", 2001.-256p.

21. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2001. - 672s. - (Series "Higher Education").

22. Chuev I.N., Chechevitsyna L.N. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. - M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2004.-416s.

23. Economics of the industry. Series "Textbooks and teaching aids". Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2003.-448s.

24. Economics of the enterprise and industry. Series "Textbooks, teaching aids". 3rd ed., revised. and additional - Rostov n-D: "Phoenix", 1999.-608s.

25. Economics of the enterprise (firm): Workshop / edited by prof. O.I. Volkova, prof. V.Ya.

26. Economics of the enterprise: Textbook for universities / Under. Ed. P.P.Taburchak and V.M.Tumin. Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2002.-320s.

27. Enterprise Economics: Textbook / N.A.Safronova.- M.: Jurist, 2003.-608s.

Reference literature

28. Materials of the beginning-popular and business sites of the Internet

29. Materials of specialized journals // "Woodworking industry", " timber industry”, “Spindle”, “Furniture Factory”.

This page presents ready list literature on disciplines (can be downloaded): economics, enterprise economics, organizational economics, world economy, labor economics.

Help with the list

List of literature on economics:

1. Grodskikh V.S. Economic theory. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013. - 208 p.
2. Microeconomics / Ed. M.I. Nozdrin-Plotnitsky. - Minsk: Modern School, 2011. - 384 p.
3. Nikolaeva I.P. Economic theory. – M.: Dashkov i Ko, 2012. – 328 p.
4. Nosova S.S. Economic theory. – M.: Knorus, 2011. – 792 p.
5. Taranukha Yu.V. Microeconomics. – M.: Business and Service, 2009. – 608 p.
6. Economic theory / Ed. V.D. Kamaev. – M.: Vlados, 2010. – 592 p.

List of literature on enterprise economics:

1. Arzumanova T.I., Machabeli M.Sh. Economics of the organization. - M.: Dashkov i Ko, 2013. - 240 p.
2. Samoilovich V.G., Telushkina E.K. Enterprise economy. – M.: Academy, 2009. – 224 p.
3. Sergeev I.V., Veretennikova I.I. Economics of the organization (enterprise). - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 672 p.
4. Chechevitsyna L.N., Chechevitsyna E.V. Enterprise economy. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2012. - 384 p.

List of literature on the economics of the organization:

1. Aliev I.M., Gorelov N.A., Ilyina L.O. Labor Economics. – M.: Yurayt, 2011. – 672 p.
2. Pashuto V.P. Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise. – M.: Knorus, 2009. – 320 p.
3. Samoilovich V.G., Telushkina E.K. Enterprise economy. – M.: Academy, 2009. – 224 p.
4. Chechevitsyna L.N., Chechevitsyna E.V. Enterprise economy. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010. - 384 p.
5. Enterprise Economics / Ed. A.E. Karlika, M.L. Schuhgalter. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 464 p.
6. Labor Economics / Ed. ON THE. Gorelov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 704 p.

References world economy:

1. Kochergina T.E. World economy. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009. - 272 p.
2. Maksakovskiy V.P. Classification and typology of the countries of the world // Geography at school. - 2007 - No. 1. - S. 4 - 9.
3. Tsypin I.S., Vesnin V.R. World economy. – M.: Prospekt, 2012. – 248 p.
4. Economic geography of Russia / Ed. ed. IN AND. Vidyapina. – M.: Infra-M, 2009. – 568 p.

Labor economics bibliography:

1. Vladimirova L.P. Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprises of the industry. – M.: Dashkov i K, 2009. – 348 p.
2. Genkin B.M. Economics and sociology of labor. – M.: Norma, 2009. – 416 p.
3. Pashuto V.P. Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise. – M.: Knorus, 2009. – 320 p.
4. Labor Economics / Ed. M.A. Vinokurova, N.A. Gorelov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 656 p.
5. Labor Economics: social and labor relations / Ed. ON THE. Volgina, Yu.G. Odegov. - M.: Exam, 2010. - 736 p.

List of references in economics, list of used literature in economics, list of references in economics of the enterprise, list of references world economy, list of references in economics of the organization, labor economics, list of references

1. Alekseycheva, E.Yu. Economics of an organization (enterprise): Textbook for bachelors / E.Yu. Alekseycheva, M.D. Magomedov, I.B. Kostin. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2013. - 292 p.
2. Alekseycheva, E.Yu. Economics of the organization (enterprise): Textbook for bachelors, 2nd ed., trans. and additional / E.Yu. Alekseycheva, M. Magomedov. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2016. - 292 p.
3. Alekseycheva, E.Yu. Economics of the organization (enterprise): Textbook for bachelors, 2nd ed., revised. and additional (ed: 2) / E.Yu. Alekseycheva, M.D. Magomedov. - M.: ITK Dashkov i K, 2016. - 292 p.
4. Alekseycheva, E.Yu. Economics of the organization (enterprise): Textbook for bachelors, 2nd ed., revised. and additional (ed: 2) / E.Yu. Alekseycheva, M.D. Magomedov. - M.: ITK Dashkov i K, 2014. - 292 p.
5. Arzumanova, T.I. Economics of the organization: Textbook / T.I. Arzumanova, M.Sh. Machabeli. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2016. - 240 p.
6. Arzumanova, T.I. Economics of the organization: Textbook for bachelors / T.I. Arzumanova, M.Sh. Machabeli. - M.: ITK Dashkov i K, 2014. - 240 p.
7. Arzumanova, T.I. Economics of the organization: Textbook for bachelors / T.I. Arzumanova, M.Sh. Machabeli. - M.: ITK Dashkov i K, 2016. - 240 p.
8. Arsenova, E.V. Economics of an organization (enterprise): Textbook / E.V. Arsenova, I.V. Korneeva; Ed. ON THE. Safronov. - M.: Master, 2011. - 687 p.
9. Baryshnikova, N.A. Economics of Organization 2nd ed., trans. and additional textbook for spo / N.A. Baryshnikova, T.A. Mateusz, M.G. Mironov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 191 p.
10. Baskakova, O.V. Economics of an enterprise (organization): Textbook / O.V. Baskakova, L.F. Seiko… - M.: Dashkov i K, 2013. - 372 p.
11. Baskakova, O.V. Economics of an enterprise (organization): Textbook / O.V. Baskakova, L.F. Seiko. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2015. - 372 p.
12. Baskakova O.V. Economics of an enterprise (organization): Textbook for bachelors / O.V. Baskakova, L.F. Seiko. - M.: ITK Dashkov i K, 2013. - 372 p.
13. Baskakova O.V. Economics of an enterprise (organization): Textbook for bachelors / O.V. Baskakova, L.F. Seiko. - M.: ITK Dashkov i K, 2015. - 372 p.
14. Veretennikova, I.I. Economics of an organization (enterprise): Textbook for bachelors / I.V. Sergeev, I.I. Veretennikov; Ed. I.V. Sergeev. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 671 p.
15. Geleta, I.V. Economics of an organization (enterprise): Textbook / I.V. Geleta, E.S. Kalinskaya, A.A. Kofanov. - M.: Master, 2011. - 303 p.
16. Gribov, V.D. Economics of an organization (enterprise): Textbook / V.D. Gribov, V.P. Gruzinov, V.A. Kuzmenko. - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - 416 p.
17. Ivanov, G.G. Economics of the organization (trade): Textbook / G.G. Ivanov. - M.: ID FORUM, INFRA-M, 2012. - 352 p.
18. Klochkova, E.N. Economics of the organization. textbook for sports / E.N. Klochkova, V.I. Kuznetsov, T.E. Platonov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 447 p.
19. Knyshova E.N. Economics of the organization: Textbook / E.N. Knyshova, E.E. Panfilov. - M.: ID FORUM, NITs INFRA-M, 2013. - 336 p.
20. Korobkin, A.Z. Economics of branch organization: textbook / A.Z. Korobkin. - Minsk: Grevtsov Publishing House, 2013. - 288 p.
21. Korobko, V.I. Occupational safety: Textbook for university students studying in the specialties "Economics and management at the enterprise", "Management of the organization", "State and municipal government" / IN AND. Korobko… - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2013. - 239 p.
22. Korshunov, V.V. Economics of the organization (enterprise) 3rd ed., Per. and additional textbook and workshop for applied bachelor's degree / V.V. Korshunov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 407 p.
23. Korshunov, V.V. Economics of the organization (enterprise): Textbook and workshop. 3rd ed., trans. and additional / V.V. Korshunov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 407 p.
24. Korshunov, V.V. Economics of Organization 3rd ed., trans. and additional textbook and workshop for spo / V.V. Korshunov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 407 p.
25. Korshunov, V.V. Economics of an organization (enterprise): Textbook for bachelors / V.V. Korshunov. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 433 p.
26. Lopareva, A.M. Economics of an organization (enterprise): Educational and methodological complex / A.M. Loparev. - M.: Forum, NIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 400 p.
27. Lyubushin, N.P. Economics of the organization: Textbook / N.P. Lyubushin. - M.: KnoRus, 2011. - 304 p.
28. Mokiy, M.S. Economics of the organization (enterprise). Lecture course. 3rd ed., stereotype / M.S. Moky. - M.: Exam, 2008. - 254 p.
29. Mokiy, M.S. Economics of the organization: Textbook and workshop. 2nd ed., trans. and additional / M.S. Moky. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 334 p.
30. Razdorozhny, A.A. Economics of an organization (enterprise): Textbook / A.A. Razdorozhny. - M.: ITs RIOR, INFRA-M, 2010. - 95 p.
31. Rastova Yu.I. Economics of an organization (enterprise): Textbook / Yu.I. Rastova, S.A. Firsov. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 280 p.
32. Rubtsov, I.V. Economics of an organization (enterprise) / I.V. Rubtsov. - M.: Elit-2000, 2007. - 332 p.
33. Safronov, N.A. Economics of the organization (enterprise): Textbook for cf. specialist. educational institutions/ ON THE. Safronov. - M.: Master, NITs INFRA-M, 2013. - 256 p.
34. Sergeev, I.V. economics of organization (enterprise) 6th ed., trans. and additional textbook and workshop for applied bachelor's degree / I.V. Sergeev, I.I. Veretennikov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2015. - 511 p.
35. Sergeev, I.V. Economics of the organization (enterprise). 3rd ed., trans. and additional / I.V. Sergeev. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2007. - 576 p.
36. Tretyak, L.A. Economics of an agricultural organization: Textbook, 2nd ed. (ed.: 2) / L.A. Tretiak, N.S. Belkin. - M.: ITK Dashkov i K, 2015. - 396 p.
37. Chaldaeva, L.A. Economics of Organization 5th ed., trans. and additional textbook and workshop for spo / L.A. Chaldaeva. - Lyubertsy: Yurait, 2016. - 435 p.
38. Chechevitsyna, L.N. Economics of the organization: Textbook / L.N. Chechevitsyna, E.V. Chechevitsyn ... - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2013. - 382 p.
39. Sharkova, A.V. Economics of the organization: Practicum for bachelors / A.V. Sharkova, L.G. Akhmetshin. - M.: ITK Dashkov i K, 2016. - 120 p.

In this article, we offer students a list of references for the release of 2012, 2013, 2014. You can safely use this literature when writing your term papers, as well as just to add to the bibliography to the work performed in cases where the course paper has already been written and there is not enough literature.

Here you will find textbooks and study guides in disciplines such as:
– analysis (investment, financial, economic);
– state and municipal management;
- urban economy;
– ;
- innovative technologies; innovation management;
- History of Economic Thought;
– marketing; innovation marketing;
– management; risk management; change management; management decisions; Management of risks;
– logistics;
– business (enterprise) valuation;
– law (economic, entrepreneurial)
- entrepreneurship; commercial activity; organization of production;
– business psychology; management psychology; psychology of personnel management;
- property management;
- project management;
- ; money; credit;
- pricing;
– econometrics;
- economics (enterprises, trade sectors; institutional, network); labor economics;
- ethics of business relations.
You will also find a guide called " Economic justification in ", which will definitely help you in the future, when you go to the last year of the university.

1. Agarkov, S. A. Risk management: textbook; recommended by UMO RAE / S. A. Agarkov, E. S. Kuznetsova. - Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. - 112 p.
2. Aleksina, T. A. Business ethics: textbook for academic baccalaureate; recommended by UMO VO / T. A. Aleksina. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 384 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
3. Aliev, I. I. Labor Economics. Theory and practice: textbook for bachelors; recommended by the scientific and technical council of the St. Petersburg state university Economics and Finance / I. I. Aliev, N. A. Gorelov, L. O. Ilyina. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 671 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Advanced course).
4. Alontseva, N.V. English language for the direction "Management": textbook / N. V. Alontseva, Yu. A. Ermoshin. - 3rd ed., erased. – M.: Academy, 2014. – 272 p. - (Bachelor's degree).
5. Astakhov, V. P. Accounting (financial): textbook for bachelors; admitted UMO VO / V.P. Astakhov. - 11th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 984 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
6. Audit. Theory and practice: textbook for bachelors; admitted UMO VO / under total. ed. N. A. Kazakova. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 385 p. – (Bachelor. Advanced course)
7. Babushkina, E. A. Assessment of the impact on environment: method. instructions for practice work / comp. E. A. Babushkina, E. E. Ibe; Sib. feder. un-t; HTI is a branch of the Siberian Federal University. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of HTI - branch of SibFU, 2014. - 36 p.
8. Babushkina, E. A. Environmental impact assessment: method. instructions for performing independent work / E. A. Babushkina, E. E. Ibe; Sib. feder. un-t; HTI is a branch of the Siberian Federal University. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of HTI - branch of SibFU, 2014. - 13 p.
9. Babushkina, E. A. Independent work of students in the discipline “Ecology”: method. instructions / comp. E. A. Babushkina, A. V. Demin; Sib. feder. un-t; HTI is a branch of the Siberian Federal University. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. KhTI sector - SibFU branch, 2014. - 12 p.
10. Barancheev, V. P. Management of innovations: a textbook for bachelors; Recommended by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / V. P. Barancheev, N. P. Maslennikova, V. M. Mishin. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2013. – 711 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Advanced course).
11. Blagikh, I. A. History of economic doctrines: a textbook for academic baccalaureate; admitted UMO VO / I. A. Blagikh, A. N. Dubyansky; ed. A. N. Dubyansky. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 611 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
12. Boldin, A. P. Fundamentals scientific research: textbook / A. P. Boldin, V. A. Maksimov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Academy, 2014. – 352 p. - (Bachelor's degree).
13. Borgoyakov, A. S. Production management. Course work: guidelines / A. S. Borgoyakov; Sib. feder. un-t; HTI is a branch of the Siberian Federal University. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of HTI - branch of the Siberian Federal University, 2014. - 16 p.
14. Bureeva, M. A. Methods of optimal solutions: a collection of assignments. / M. A. Bureeva; Sib. feder. un-t; HTI is a branch of the Siberian Federal University. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of HTI - branch of the Siberian Federal University, 2014. - 32 p.
15. Busov, V. I. Estimation of the value of an enterprise (business): a textbook for bachelors; admitted by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / V. I. Busov, O. A. Zemlyansky, A. P. Polyakov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 430 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
16. Busov, V. I. Real estate management: theory and practice: a textbook for academic undergraduate studies; admitted UMO VO / V. I. Busov, A. A. Polyakov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 517 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
17. Busov, V. I. Management decisions: a textbook for academic undergraduate studies / V. I. Busov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 254 p. - (Tutorial)
18. Bychkov, V.P. Economics of a motor transport enterprise: textbook / V.P. Bychkov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2015. – 384 p. – (Higher education: Bachelor's degree).
19. Vendeleva, M. A. Information management: textbook for bachelors / M. A. Vendeleva, Yu. V. Vertakova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 462 p.
20. Wilhelm, A. S. Labor Economics: textbook; recommended by the UMO of Russian universities for education in the field of economics / A. S. Wilhelm, I. V. Panasenko; Sib. feder. un-t; HTI is a branch of the Siberian Federal University. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of HTI - branch of the Siberian Federal University, 2013. - 190 p.
21. Voitolovsky, N.V. Economic analysis: textbook for bachelors / N. V. Voitolovsky, A. P. Kalinina, I. I. Mazurova. – 4th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 548 p. – (Bachelor. Advanced course).
22. Voronova, E. Yu. Management accounting: a textbook for bachelors; recommended by UMO for education in finance / E. Yu. Voronova. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 390 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
23. Gavrilov, L. P. Innovative technologies in commerce and business: a textbook for bachelors / L. P. Gavrilov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 372 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
24. Gorelov, N. A. Methodology of scientific research: a textbook for undergraduate and graduate studies / N. A. Gorelov, D. V. Kruglov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 290 p. – (Bachelor and Master. Academic course).
25. Urban economy: textbook / T. G. Morozova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. – 361 p.
26. Urban economy: textbook; recommended Scientific - methodical. Council for Correspondence Economic Education / T. G. Morozova [et al.]. – M.: INFRA, 2012. – 361 p.
27. Gumba, Kh. M. Pricing and budgeting in construction: a textbook and workshop for applied bachelor's degree / Kh. M. Gumba, E. E. Ermolaev, S. S. Uvarova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 419 p.
28. Erofeeva, V. A. Audit. V. A. Erofeeva, V. A. Piskunov, T. A. Bityukova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 323 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
29. Erofeeva, V. A. Audit. V. A. Erofeeva, V. A. Piskunov, T. A. Bityukova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 348 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
30. Ertskina, E. B. Psychology and pedagogy: in 2 hours: textbook / E. B. Ertskina, S. P. Oreshkova; Sib. feder. un-t; HTI is a branch of the Siberian Federal University. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of HTI - branch of the Siberian Federal University, 2014 - Part 1: Pedagogy. – 88 p.
31. Zub, A. T. Psychology of management: textbook and workshop for undergraduate economics; approved by UMO higher education/ A. T. Zub. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 372 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Academic course).
32. Zub, A. T. Project management: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree; recommended UMO VO / A. T. Zub. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 422 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
33. Ivanova, E. V. Business Law: textbook for bachelors; recommended by UMO higher education / E. V. Ivanova. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 269 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
34. Computer science for economists: textbook for academic bachelor's degree; recommended by UMO VO / ed. V. P. Polyakova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 524 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
35. Information Technology in marketing: textbook and workshop for academic undergraduate / ed. ed. S. V. Karpova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 367 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course)
36. Information technology in management (management): textbook and workshop; admitted UMO VO / under total. ed. Yu. D. Romanova. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 478 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
37. History of economic doctrines: a textbook for bachelors; recommended by UMO universities / edited by I. N. Shapkin, A. S. Kvasov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 492 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
38. Kazakova, N. A. Financial analysis: textbook and workshop / N. A. Kazakova. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 539 p. – (Bachelor. Advanced course).
39. Karpova, NV Economics and sociology of labor: textbook; approved UMO AM / N. V. Karpova, A. G. Skhirtladze, V. P. Boriskin. - Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. - 144 p.
40. Karpova, N.V. Marketing: textbook / N.V. Karpova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - Stary Oskol: TNT, 2015. - 448 p.
41. Kasyanenko, T. G. Business valuation: a textbook for bachelors; recommended by GOU VPO “State Institute of Management” / T. G. Kasyanenko, G. A. Makhovikova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 411 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Advanced course).
42. Kolosov, A. V. Institutional economics: a textbook for academic baccalaureate; recommended by UMO VO / A. V. Kolosov. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 384 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
43. commercial activity: textbook for bachelors; admitted UMO higher education / I.M. Sinyaeva [and others]. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 506 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
44. Konovalenko, V. A. Psychology of management. Theory and practice: textbook for bachelors; admitted by UMO of higher education / V. A. Konovalenko, M. Yu. Konovalenko, A. A. Solomatin. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 368 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
45. Konovalenko, V. A. Psychology of personnel management: textbook for bachelors; admitted by UMO of higher education / V. A. Konovalenko, M. Yu. Konovalenko, A. A. Solomatin. – M.: Yurayt, 2014 (Krasnoyarsk). – 477 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
46. ​​Korotkov, E. M. Change management: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree; recommended by UMO VO / E. M. Korotkov, M. B. Zhernakova, T. Yu. Krotenko. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 278 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
47. Corporate Social responsibility: textbook for bachelors; admitted by UMO for education in management / ed. E. M. Korotkov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 445 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
48. Kruglova, N. Yu. Economic law: tutorial; recommended by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation / N. Yu. Kruglova. - 6th ed., Rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 883 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
49. Krui, M. Fundamentals of risk management: Per. from English; scientific ed. V. B. Minasyan / M. Krui, D. Galay, R. Mark. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 390 p.
50. Kuzmina, E. E. Organization of entrepreneurial activity. Theory and practice: textbook. manual for bachelors / E. E. Kuzmina, L. P. Kuzmina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M. : Yurayt, 2014. - 508 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
51. Kuznetsov, B. T. Investment analysis: textbook and workshop for academic undergraduate students; recommended by UMO VO / B. T. Kuznetsov. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 361 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
52. Lipsits, I.V. Investment analysis. Preparation and evaluation of investments in real assets: a textbook; recommended by UMO for education in the field of economics / I. V. Lipsits, V. V. Kossov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. – 320 p. – (Higher education: Bachelor's degree).
53. Malugin, V. A. Mathematical analysis for undergraduate economics: textbook and workshop; Admitted by UMO for classical university education / V. A. Malugin. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M. : Yurayt, 2013. - 557 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course)
54. Marketing of innovations: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree; recommended UMO VO / under total. ed. N. N. Molchanova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 528 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
55. Melnikov, V. P. Logistics: textbook for bachelors / V. P. Melnikov, A. G. Skhirtladze, A. K. Antonyuk. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 287 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
56. Mokiy, M. S. Methodology of scientific research: a textbook for masters.; Admitted by UMO higher education / M. S. Mokiy, A. L. Nikiforov, V. S. Mokiy. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 255 p. – (Series: Master).
57. National economy: textbook; approved by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / ed. P. V. Savchenko. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. – 832 p. – (“Higher professional education”).
58. Novikov, V. E. Information support logistics activities trading companies: studies. manual for undergraduate and graduate students / V. E. Novikov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 136 p. – (Bachelor and Master. Module)
59. Oreshkova, S. P. The development of students' intellectual skills: the formation of the ability to structure theoretical material in learning activities/ S. P. Oreshkova. – Saarbrucken. Deutschland: AV Akademikerverlag GmbH, 2012. - 108 p.
60. Okhotsky, E. V. Theory and mechanisms of modern government controlled: training and metodology complex; recommended by UMO MO and science of the Russian Federation / E. V. Okhotsky. – M.: Yurayt, 2013. – 701 p. – (Series: Master).
61. Production management. Theory and practice: a textbook for bachelors / I. N. Ivanov et al.; ed. I. N. Ivanova. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 574 p. – (Bachelor. Advanced course).
62. Business psychology. Theory and practice: a textbook for masters; admitted by the UMO of higher education / ed.: N. L. Ivanova, V. A, Shtroo. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 509 p. – (Series: Master).
63. Regional economy: textbook for academic undergraduate / ed. E. L. Plisetsky, V. G. Glushkova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 583 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course)
64. Rogov, V. A. Risk management: textbook; recommended by UMO AM / V. A. Rogov, A. D. Chudakov. - Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. - 340 p.
65. Rodygina, N. Yu. Ethics of business relations: textbook and workshop for academic baccalaureate / N. Yu. Rodygina. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 430 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
66. Romanenko, L. A. Psychology of management: a method. instructions for organizing independent work / L. A. Romanenko; Sib. feder. un-t; HTI is a branch of the Siberian Federal University. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of HTI - branch of SibFU, 2013. - 20 p.
67. Romanenko, L. A. Psychology of management: a method. guidelines for preparing for practical exercises / L. A. Romanenko; Sib. feder. un-t; HTI is a branch of the Siberian Federal University. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of HTI - branch of the Siberian Federal University, 2013. - 44 p.
68. Romanova, M.V. Project management: study guide; Approved by the Council of UMO universities of Russia for education in the field of management / M. V. Romanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. – 256 p. - (Higher education).
69. Samarina, V. P. Fundamentals of entrepreneurship: textbook / V. P. Samarina. - Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. - 292 p.
70. Soviets, B. Ya. Information technologies: a textbook for applied bachelor's degree; recommended by UMO VO / B. Ya. Sovetov, V. V. Tsekhanovsky. - 6th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 263 p. – (Bachelor. Applied course).
71. Solovieva, T. V. Network economy: method. instructions / comp. T. V. Solovieva; Sib. feder. un-t; HTI is a branch of the Siberian Federal University. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of HTI - branch of the Siberian Federal University, 2014. - 28 p.
72. Timofeev, V. S. Econometrics: textbook for academic bachelor's degree; recommended by UMO VO / V. S. Timofeev, A. V. Faddeenkov, V. Yu. Shchekoldin. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 328 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
73. Trofimova, L. A. Methods of acceptance management decisions: textbook and workshop for academic baccalaureate; recommended by UMO RF / L. A. Trofimova, V. V. Trofimov. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 335 p.
74. Tulchinsky, G. L. Corporate social responsibility: technologies and performance evaluation: a textbook for bachelors; admitted UMO higher education / G. L. Tulchinsky. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 338 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
75. Real estate management: textbook for academic undergraduate / ed. A. V. Talonova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 411 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course)
76. Project management: textbook for bachelors; Admitted by UMO higher education / A. I. Balashov, E. M. Rogova, M. V. Tikhonova; ed. E. M. Rogova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 383 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
77. Uchaev, P. N. Engineering computer graphics. Introductory course: textbook / P. N. Uchaev and others; under total ed. prof. P. N. Uchaeva. - Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. - 216 p.
78. Finance, money turnover and credit: textbook for bachelors; recommended by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / ed. L. A. Chaldaeva. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2013. – 542 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
79. Khokhlova, T. P. Theory of management: the history of managerial thought: a textbook; recommended by FGBOU VPO / T. P. Khokhlova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. – 384 p. - (Bachelor's degree).
80. Pricing: textbook and workshop; recommended by UMO VO / ed. G. A. Makhovikova. - 6th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 463 p. – (Bachelor. Advanced course).
81. Chaldaeva, L. A. Economics of the enterprise: a textbook for bachelors; recommended by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / L. A. Chaldaeva. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 410 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
82. Shaklanova, R. I. Economics of the trade industry: a textbook for bachelors; approved UMO VO / R. I. Shaklanova, V. V. Yusova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 468 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
83. Shapkin, I. N. Management: textbook for bachelors; approved by UMO universities of the Russian Federation / I. N. Shapkin. – M.: Yurayt, 2013. – 690 p. - (Series: Bachelor. Advanced course).
84. Shersheneva, V. A. Formation of professional competence of students of technical universities on the basis of interdisciplinary integration: monograph / V. A. Shersheneva, E. V. Perekhozheva. - Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of HTI - branch of SibFU, 2013 (Krasnoyarsk). – 142 p.
85. Shul'min, V. A. Economic justification in graduation projects: study guide / V. A. Shul'min, T. S. Usynina. - Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. - 192 p.

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