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Occupational safety in the forestry and woodworking industries. Nature protection in the forestry and woodworking industry - Knowledge Hypermarket Nature protection in woodworking enterprises

>>Technology: Nature conservation in the forestry and woodworking industry

The nature around us is protected by laws. Established systematized codes of laws - codes: Land, Water and Forest. (The term "code" in Latin - "book"). Laws oblige us to take good care of land, water, forests, air, plants, animals and minerals.
Land resources are not unlimited. Human industrial activity damages nature. In the air, over time, the oxygen content decreases, the content of gases harmful to human health and toxic substances increases. Soil fertility is being depleted, water is being polluted, valuable plants and animals are being exterminated. All this obliges humanity to think about its future.
From the forest, a person receives benefits not only in the form of wood. The forest retains moisture and in drought gives it to the fields in the form of rain. Snow melting in the forest feeds rivers and lakes. Forests trap harmful impurities contained in the air and neutralize them. Field-protective forest belts protect the soil from dust storms, from destruction in the form of gullies and ravines by storm and melt waters, and retain snowdrifts that feed the fields with moisture.

The roots of plants strengthen the soil, and fallen leaves and needles retain moisture in it. A reasonable person will not unnecessarily kindle a fire in the forest, throw burning matches and cigarette butts. You can not ruin the nests of birds, damage anthills. In just one day, a family of ants eats thousands of forest pests - caterpillars.
School forestries provide great assistance to the forest. In them, schoolchildren study and protect the life of plants and wild animals, grow seedlings, from which trees subsequently grow.
Woodworking enterprises accumulate wood waste in the form of pieces, shavings, sawdust, dust. Therefore, these enterprises establish special devices and filters to trap dust and harmful volatile substances, as well as to collect chips and sawdust. With the help of various filters and sedimentation tanks, industrial waste water is purified.
Harvested wood should be used as much as possible in business, turning it into shavings and sawdust less.
Nature is not always able to assimilate (process with the help of bacteria) waste. The garbage accumulated in landfills causes environmental damage to nature and economic damage to the economy, is a source of various dangerous diseases. During decomposition, waste emits harmful gases, absorbs oxygen from the air for decay and combustion.
Woodworking waste is flammable. Therefore, they accumulate in specially designated places, preventing fire.
300-meter sanitary protection zones are being organized around the enterprises. Protection of Nature- a public matter.

♦ Code (Land, Water, Forest), school forestries, filters, sanitary protection zones.

1. How does the forest protect nature?

2. Why are windbreaks planted?

3. What kind of waste is accumulated at woodworking enterprises?

4. How are air and wastewater cleaned at enterprises?

Simonenko V.D., Samorodsky P.S., Tishchenko A.T., Technology class 6
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educational institution

"Gomel State University

named after Francysk Skaryna"

Faculty of Geology and Geography

Department of Ecology

Graduate work

Environmental impact of the woodworking industry

Performer student

group GE-52

N.I. Zhordochkina

Scientific director

assistant A.S. Sokolov


teacher of the department of geography

Ph.D. G.Z. Gutsev

Gomel 2013

Key words: timber, woodworking and pulp and paper industries; woodworking; paper production; lumber; board materials made of wood; woody biomass; environment; biological pollution; ecological problems; atmosphere

Object of study: woodworking industry

The purpose of the thesis: assessment of air pollution by enterprises of the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries.

Research methods: descriptive, comparative, generalizing

The results obtained: gas and dust tests of the AC-51 ventilation system were carried out, which is located at the Gomeloboi ChPUP in the carpentry section of the mechanical repair shop. As a result, an average concentration of 438.999 mg/m3 was obtained at the entrance to the GOU, and 39.823 mg/m3 at the exit. The concentration of solid particles at the outlet of the GOU does not exceed 50 mg/m3, which complies with the requirements of SNB 4.02.01-03. According to the measurement results, the cleaning efficiency was calculated, which amounted to 91.2%. The operating parameters of the gas cleaning plant correspond to the design values. The work of the GOU should be considered effective.

According to the draft standards for permissible emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, Gomeloboi belongs to the second category of impact. According to the results of the inventory, the total emissions of pollutants amounted to 26.051834 g/s and 163.630848 tons/year.

The main methods of waste management are their incineration or processing in order to obtain useful products.


The structure of the industry includes the following sub-sectors: logging - harvesting and transport of timber; forest - produces industrial wood, lumber; woodworking - production of building parts made of wood and wood-based boards, furniture, matches, plywood, production and repair of wooden containers; pulp and paper - production of pulp, paper, cardboard; wood chemical and wood hydrolysis. Forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industry is one of the oldest industries in Belarus.

Every year, the need for resources is growing, more and more products are being produced, and consequently, the felling of trees is increasing many times over. Do not forget that in addition to deforestation, woodworking is a pollutant environment. Namely, emissions into the atmosphere, discharges into the hydrosphere and pedosphere. The relevance of this thesis is to highlight the issues of environmental pollution by the woodworking industry and the methods used in production to reduce the harmful effects.

It also describes the problem of waste disposal and waste paper recycling in the pulp and paper industry, which remains relevant today.

The forest fund of Belarus has more than 9.4 million hectares, the forest cover of the territory is 39%. The stock of standing timber is estimated at 1.6 billion m3. The annual increase is 31.4 million m3 of wood. Each inhabitant of the republic accounts for 0.86 hectares of forested land and more than 170 m3 of wood stock. In Belarus, along with the increase total area of the forest fund, there is also a steady increase in the areas of maturing, mature and overmature plantations. Over a twenty-year period, the area of ​​mature stands has more than doubled. Over the past 60 years, the forest cover of the republic has almost doubled and reached its maximum value for more than a century (1901 - 37.6%). As a result of the planned regulation of forest felling volumes, first of all, final fellings, the total stock of plantations increased by 1.6 times, stocks of mature wood amounted to 202 million m3. If in 1989 the share of mature forests was only 2.3%, today it is already 11%.

Annually the allowable cutting area for cuttings of the main forest use is increased (scientifically substantiated rate of withdrawal of mature wood resources). For 2010 it was approved in the amount of 7.6 million m3, for 2011 - 8.3 million m3, for 2012 - 8.7 million m3, for 2013 - 9.3 million m3.

The export of forest products is a source of foreign exchange for Belarus. Belarus exports furniture, wallpaper, packaging, plywood, fiberboards to the CIS countries. Are the potential timber needs of Ukraine huge? 26 million m3 per year. The needs of Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia are equal to 18 billion m3 per year.

The purpose of this thesis is to assess air pollution by enterprises of the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries.

IN thesis the following tasks were set:

) Consider the production and technological foundations of the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries;

) Give a comprehensive description of the woodworking industry in the Gomel region;

) To study the impact of the industry on the natural environment (on the example of PPUE "Gomeloboi");

) Describe measures to protect the environment at the enterprise and evaluate their effectiveness.

1. Technological foundations of the woodworking industry and the impact of woodworking enterprises on the natural environment

The Forest Industry Group deals with lumber and other wood products. The list of wood products is very extensive. The main branches of this industry include:



shredding and manufacturing of plywood veneer

production of wooden containers

construction of wooden buildings

other wood products.

In order to be used in the future, the tree must be processed into some basic types of material. The first three branches of the forest industry mentioned are aimed at this.

Approximately 20 technological processes are used in these industries, including: sawing, grinding, compression molding, molding, abrasive processing, drilling, chemical processing, etc. .


Woodworking is one of the fastest growing and promising industries. And an equally significant factor is that wood is a raw material whose reserves can be continuously restored, unlike non-renewable ones (gas, coal, ore, oil, peat, etc.). The conclusion follows from this - in order for woodworking to develop dynamically, it is not necessary to stand still, it is necessary to introduce new woodworking technologies, put new equipment into operation, and improve the skills of personnel.

long-term plan The development of the woodworking industry provides for an increase in production volumes, an increase in labor productivity, and a more complete use of timber resources.

One of the ways to increase the efficiency of sawmilling is the concentration and specialization of sawmill production, the commissioning of new woodworking technologies. The technical level of sawmill production will be increased through the creation and implementation of new equipment, the introduction of optimal methods for cutting sawn timber. The following activities are planned in this direction:

-mechanization of unloading and sorting of raw materials before sawing in diameters and quality;

-replacement of sawmill frames and edgers of obsolete models with new ones;

-introduction of a line for aggregate processing of logs with a diameter of up to 24 cm;

-the use of batch-forming lines, high-performance drying chambers, lines for rejecting and sorting lumber;

-further development of the batch method of transporting materials;

-processing of waste into technological raw materials and short-length sawn timber into glued laminated wood and rapidly developing in Lately biofuel.

In the plywood industry, the main efforts are aimed at increasing labor productivity, expanding the range and improving the quality of products. To this end, the thermal treatment of raw materials in open pools should be more widely used; plywood gluing technology with preliminary cold pre-pressing of packages; increase in the number of storeys of hot presses from 15 to 25; lines for debarking and cutting raw materials; plywood assembly and gluing lines; roller gas drying chambers with nozzle blast; mechanization of warehouse operations.

Further development of chipboard production will follow the path of raising the technological level and increasing the capacity of existing plants; modernization of hot presses and increase in their number of storeys; intensification technological process by increasing the temperature of the press plates; introduction of technology for refining the surface of boards with a layer of finely ground wood-fiber mass and painting compositions; improving the technology of dry and wet methods for the production of boards that meet the requirements of wooden panel housing construction.

In housing construction, it is necessary to develop new designs of house elements that are distinguished by manufacturability and finishing, to create and introduce technology and equipment for the industrial manufacture and finishing of elements of panel wooden houses. In addition, it is necessary to create weather-, bio- and fire-resistant structural and cladding materials based on crushed wood, as well as heat-insulating materials.

The technical re-equipment of furniture production will be carried out by improving the design system and increasing the manufacturability of furniture; further concentration of production, deepening of technological specialization and intersectoral cooperation; improving technology and introducing promising technological processes based on new types of materials; integrated mechanization and automation production processes. Technological specialization will develop towards the creation and expansion of furniture parts factories specializing in the production of both panel, bar and glued parts, as well as glass and mirror products, soft and decorative elements, cutting fabrics, etc.

The introduction of chemical materials will increase the level of chemicalization of the furniture industry, which will lead to a reduction in the consumption of solid wood, sliced ​​veneer, and plywood. Increasing the level of integrated use of raw materials associated with the use of wood waste for industrial purposes will also make it possible to save these valuable materials for other needs of the national economy.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the decisive condition for the further development of the forestry and woodworking industries is an increase in labor productivity based on the acceleration of scientific and technological progress. We must strive to increase labor productivity and reduce production costs. Technical progress should go in the direction of creating and applying new, more productive and waste-free methods of woodworking technology, creating new types of designs for manufactured machines, mechanisms and devices, using more modern productive equipment, including robots and machine tools with program control, mechanizing production processes, introducing scientific organization of labor and production.

2 Main stages of paper production

stage. First of all, the initial preparation of finished wood raw materials follows. Prepared wood (spruce, pine) is sawn on special locksmith machines with a circular saw into a beam 1.2 m long, then the bark is removed (barking) on ​​a dry debarking machine. With the help of a chipper, barked billets are crushed into technological chips.

stage. The second stage is the production of a semi-finished product from thermomechanical and wood pulp. In specialized workshops (wood-pulp) wood pulp is produced, which is obtained by mechanical abrasion in dimensional balance grinders. The balances are loaded into the grinders, then they are pressed along the entire length to the ceramic rotational stone. Due to the rotation of the stone, the wood pressed against it is divided into individual fibers. After that, the wood pulp is sorted, cleaned, thickened, bleached.

Workshops of thermomechanical mass are intended for the production of technological thermomechanical mass from wood chips. To obtain it, steamed chips are subjected to two-stage grinding under pressure. The thermomechanical mass also goes through the stages of sorting, thickening, bleaching.

stage. Paper making. The paper from which booklets are made in the future is obtained by mixing the semi-finished products obtained during the first and second stages (wood pulp and thermomechanical pulp), as well as commercial bleached sulfate pulp imported.

The mass of paper is fed to the paper machine only after passing the preparatory stages: sorting, cleaning, fine sorting and deaeration. In the wire part of the paper machine, a paper web is formed, which is dehydrated by the pressure of the press rollers. Then, the paper web is dried in special steam-operated drying cylinders, giving it additional smoothness by passing the paper through calender rollers. The final stage is the winding of smooth paper on the reel rollers. The slitting machine cuts the finished paper web into rolls of the required formats. After that, the cut paper is packed and stored. Finished paper rolls are delivered to customers in railway cars, water and by car.

Papermaking processes

In the manufacture of paper, on which leaflets will be printed in the future, its constituent materials go through several stages: accumulation of paper mass, bringing it to the required concentration by diluting it with water; cleaning paper pulp from third-party inclusions, nodules; applying the mass to the grid and forming a paper web on the grid from the paper pulp; drying the paper web and passing it through a press; mechanical finishing of paper and winding it (cardboard) into rolls. The paper machine in the technological process of paper production is an independent unit, the individual units of which are installed in a certain sequence at the mounting axis.

Storage. Paper pulp is produced in grinding and preparatory workshops. The necessary fibrous materials, fillers, as well as sizing and coloring materials, taking into account the type of future paper, are added in a certain ratio to the composition compiler or dispenser. After that, they are sent to the mixing pool. In the mixing basin, the paper pulp is thoroughly mixed, then accumulated, that is, accumulated.

The accumulation of paper pulp is necessary to maintain the smooth operation of the machine in a certain period of time. The pulp in the pool is maintained at a certain concentration. Usually at the level of 3.5%.

Refining. Before feeding the paper pulp to the paper machine, it goes through a refining process in continuous units (conical and disc mills). Due to refining in the pulp, the degree of grinding of the mass is leveled, bundles of fibers are eliminated, grinding of the mass. Refining is carried out before the paper pulp enters the mixing tank, just before loading it into the paper machine.

3 Board materials from wood waste

Wood is a natural and ecological material. The range of its use is extensive, and the first position is occupied by construction.

In the country it is harvested in huge quantities. But at the same time, there is a “sick” question about the disposal of waste remaining at logging sites and wood processing sites. Wood waste is the remains of products that have partially or completely lost the consumer value of the source material. They are in demand in the national economy as supplementing the main material of another production or as an independent raw material.

Lumpy wood waste is used to create glued panels, boards and slabs, panel parquet, door frames, roofing and plastering, for blanks for carpentry production, on wood concrete and wall blocks from it, fiberboards. Quite successfully replaces wood. Fibreboards are an actively used finishing material. Wood concrete is also known for its frequent use as a wall material.

As a component for the creation of chipboards, technological and firewood, lumpy waste from sawmills and plywood production, shavings are taken.

The material for thermoplastics is obtained as a result of the preparation of crushed wood at high pressures and temperatures. In this case, there are no binders. There are two methods: a method that does not require pre-treatment of the waste, and a method that includes hydrotreatment before pressing.

So, sawdust with natural moisture enters the bunker, then on the electromagnetic separator, on the inertial sorting conveyor, overall pieces and impurities are screened out. In this form, it enters the incineration furnace, the next step is sawdust drying in suspension, under hot gas jets coming from the furnace. At the end, all this is filtered and the sawdust is deposited in the bunker. All that remains is packaging into molding bags on a conveyor and sending it to a hydraulic press for the time of molding, which can additionally be equipped with a digital video recorder to fully control the pressing process. A method for the production of piezothermal tiles as floor tiles is possible.

1.4 Peculiarities of combustion of woody biomass

The technological properties of woody biomass have a significant impact on the design of furnace devices in which it is burned, and to a large extent determine the performance of steam and hot water boilers at boiler houses of logging and woodworking enterprises.

Obtaining fuel savings in boilers operating on wood waste depends on how the maintenance personnel ensures timely qualified development and implementation of measures for the efficient and economical operation of boilers based on knowledge of the specific features of woody biomass considered as fuel.

Specific features of woody biomass as a fuel. An important feature woody biomass as a fuel is the absence of sulfur and phosphorus in it. As you know, the main heat loss in any boiler unit is the loss of thermal energy with flue gases. The value of this loss is determined by the temperature of the exhaust gases. This temperature during the combustion of fuels containing sulfur, in order to avoid sulfuric acid corrosion of the tail heating surfaces, is maintained at least 250 °C. When burning wood waste that does not contain sulfur, this temperature can be lowered to 120 ° C, which will significantly increase the efficiency of boiler units. Thus, one of the real measures to save fuel in boiler houses of timber enterprises is the installation of additional tail heating surfaces for boilers operating on wood waste.

The moisture content of wood fuel can vary over a very wide range. In the furniture and woodworking industries, the moisture content of some types of waste is 10%. In logging enterprises, the moisture content of the main part of the waste is 45% -55%.

Humidity of the bark during debarking of waste after rafting or sorting in water basins reaches 80%. Later it will be shown that increasing the moisture content of wood fuel reduces the productivity and efficiency of boiler units. In order to save energy, it is necessary to provide for measures to reduce the moisture content of wood fuel entering the combustion devices in the boiler houses of the timber industry enterprises.

The yield of volatiles during the combustion of wood fuel is very high, reaching 85%. This is also one of the features of woody biomass as a fuel and, with semi-gas furnaces, allows you to have a large length of the torch, in which the combustion of combustible components emerging from the layer is carried out, creating conditions for effective work radiation heating surfaces of the boiler unit.

The coking product of woody biomass, charcoal, is highly reactive compared to fossil coals. High reactivity charcoal provides the possibility of operation of combustion devices at low values ​​of the coefficient of excess air, which has a positive effect on the efficiency of boiler plants when burning woody biomass in them.

However, along with these positive properties, wood has features that adversely affect the operation of boilers. Such features, in particular, include the ability to absorb moisture, i.e., an increase in humidity in the aquatic environment. When wood is alloyed, sorted in water basins, and stored outdoors, the moisture content of wood increases. The maximum amount of water that wood can absorb is the sum of the maximum amount of bound and free moisture. The largest amount of bound moisture is determined by the saturation limit of cell walls, and the amount of free moisture depends on the volume of voids between cells and inside them. As a first approximation, the maximum amount of moisture can be calculated using a certain formula.

In addition, when deriving the formula, it was assumed that all voids in wood are filled with moisture. In reality, water cannot penetrate into some of the voids, so the results obtained by the formula will exceed the experimental data. However, for the purposes of thermal engineering calculations, this even has a positive meaning - the results obtained are, as it were, limiting in terms of determining the worst conditions.

A characteristic feature of wood as a fuel is the low content of internal ash (does not exceed 1%). At the same time, external mineral inclusions in logging waste sometimes reach 20%. The ash formed during the combustion of clean wood is refractory, and its removal from the combustion zone of the furnace is not special. technical complexity. Mineral inclusions in fusible wood biomass. During the combustion of wood with a significant content of them, sintered slag is formed, the removal of which from the high-temperature zone of the combustion device is difficult and requires special technical solutions to ensure the efficient operation of the furnace. The sintered slag from the combustion of high-ash woody biomass has a chemical affinity for bricks, and when high temperatures in the furnace device, it sinters with the surface of the brickwork of the walls of the furnace, which makes it difficult to remove slag.

5 Process chip production

In the process of manufacturing sawn products, a large amount of waste is obtained: slabs, slats, clippings. For the integrated use of wood, the production of technological chips from all lumpy waste is being established, which is a raw material for the pulp and paper industry, chipboard, fiberboard and the biofuel industry.

Technological chips are crushed wood having a certain particle size. For the production of high quality wood chips, one of the important factors, such as the quality of wood chips, must be taken into account - its uniformity in length and thickness. For different industries, the sizes of chips are different. The optimal dimensions of chips are, mm: for pulp and paper production 18 × 5; fibreboard 25 × 5; flat pressed chipboard 40 × thirty; hydrolysis production 20 × 5. Fractional composition of wood chips is standardized. The amount of different impurities is limited depending on the purpose of the chips: bark? up to 17%, rot? up to 6%, mineral impurities? up to 1.5%. Charred particles and metal inclusions are not allowed for all types of production.

Lumpy waste is expediently processed into technological chips at enterprises where they are available. The process of production of technological chips consists of the following operations: transportation of lumpy waste and removal of metal inclusions; chipping wood on chippers; sorting chips by fractions; removal of small things; re-grinding of sorted large chips and sorting; chip shipments.

Production waste is fed by a belt conveyor to the chipper. In front of her is an electronic metal detector. There is a gap between the end of the conveyor and the chipper, and under it there is a hatch where small waste, sawdust and garbage are poured. Chips from the chipper enter the conveyor and then through the dispenser to the chip sorting device. Large chips from the upper sieve are poured onto the conveyor and sent for secondary grinding to the disintegrator, then to the cyclone and again to the conveyor and sorting. The conditioned chips from the chip sorting plant are fed by a conveyor (or pneumatic system) to the bunker gallery and then to the chip truck. The sorted fines are removed by a conveyor to a collection bin or to the plant's boiler room.

Chip cutting. Chips are chopped on chippers. The type of chippers is characterized by a cutting mechanism and a loading device. The cutting mechanism consists of a rotor with cutting blades and a rotor drive motor. The loading device consists of a loading cartridge with one or more support knives (counter knives) and a raw material feed mechanism. Chipper rotors are divided into disc and drum. The surface of the rotor (between the knives) is made flat or helical - helicoidal. The helicoidal shape of the rotor and rear edges of the chipping knives creates the conditions for obtaining chips of the same length, which improves the quality of technological chips. With a helicoidal shape of the surface and a sufficiently large number of knives, the self-feeding of raw materials into the machine is ensured, and there is no need for feeders. The raw material entering the machine rests during cutting on the edge of the loading cartridge. The edge wears out quickly, and therefore, on most machines, it is made in the form change plate- support knife (counter knife). The gap between the edge of the knife and the counter knife should be a minimum of 0.5 - 1.0 mm. Depending on the feed direction (horizontal or inclined), the loading cartridges are mounted to the disk at an angle of 90 0 or 35 0 - 53 0.

For cutting sawmill waste, chippers with a helicoidal disc MPN-25 and MPG-18 are most often used, which makes it possible to obtain about 92% of standard technological chips. The productivity of MRG-18 is 12 m3 of solid wood per hour; MPN-25 - 25 m3 of wood chips per hour.

Chip sorting. Sorting separates large particles and fines from the mass of chips. For the production of technological chips, sorting machines SSh-1M and SSh-120 of vibration type are used. At SSh-1M, the sieve box is located on the frame located on the frame. The frame oscillates with the help of an eccentric drive. Wood chips are fed into the loading tray. Large chips that have not passed through the upper sieve are poured over the edge of the tray and sent by a conveyor to the disintegrator. From the chips that have passed through the upper sieve, small particles and sawdust are separated, which have passed through the two lower sieves and are sent to the fines conveyor. The conditioned wood chips are poured onto the conveyor and then fed into the bunker gallery.

Chip storage. For the accumulation of technological chips and its short-term storage, a bunker gallery is used, which is a container, in the upper part of which there is a belt or scraper conveyor that feeds chips into the bunker. At the bottom of the tank there is a device for loading chips into a chip truck. The bunker gallery is located at a height sufficient for a woodchip truck to drive under it. The capacity of the bunker gallery is 50 - 100 m3. For long-term storage large volumes of wood chips are used in open warehouses for seasonal storage of wood chips. Chips are transported to the consumer by trucks, by rail in special wagons, barges on the water.

6 Technology for the production of fuel briquettes from wood waste

The idea of ​​biofuel production from wood waste has captured the minds of almost everyone involved in wood processing in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine in recent years. According to various estimates, the planet's mineral resources are limited, their reserves for the needs of thermal power engineering will last for a maximum of 100 years. Therefore, the development of alternative or renewable energy is a relevant, profitable and timely direction of work.

Receipt finished products from wood is associated with huge losses, which are commonly called waste. A typical sawmill processes about 60% of the wood into boards, while 12% is sawn off, 6%? end trims and 22% ? slab and trimming edges. The volume of raw materials we are interested in (sawed off and shavings) at the stage of woodworking reaches 12% of the original raw materials. One of the main areas of wood waste recycling is their use for heat and electricity generation. In recent years, the energy use of wood waste is considered as an alternative to traditional fuels. This is due to the fact that wood waste is CO2-neutral, has a low sulfur content, and belongs to renewable energy sources. All this has led to the fact that technologies for obtaining energy from wood waste have been developed and improved in recent years. Sawdust and wood waste processing technologies can make woodworking production waste-free and environmentally friendly. Processing of wood waste in fuel briquettes solves many problems associated with the recycling of wood waste in the production process.

Briquettes - pressed products of cylindrical, rectangular or any other shape, their length is usually up to 300 mm.

The technology for the production of wood fuel briquettes is based on the process of pressing finely chopped wood waste (sawdust) under high pressure when heated, the connecting element is legnin, which is contained in plant cells. Briquettes are obtained by direct pressing on a hydraulic or mechanical press. In addition, you can use the screw pressing method, when the product comes out continuously.

Demand for fuel briquettes in European countries is constantly high and there are no preconditions for saturation. There is an opinion that more pellets are in demand abroad. However, the demand for fuel briquettes in Europe is also constantly high and the prices for it are constantly growing and they are no less than for briquettes.

1.7 Discharges to the hydrosphere and pedosphere in sulfate-pulp production

The main sources of pollution of the hydrosphere and pedosphere in sulfate-pulp production are bleaching, pulping and acid shops.

Cooking and acid shops. Organic compounds formed during cooking and residual chemicals enter the drain. So, with the release of 3 million tons per year of cellulose, 3.5 million tons per year of waste liquors are formed in terms of dry matter, or about 7 million tons per year in terms of 50% concentrate. Of these, about 2 million tons per year can be disposed of in the form of alcohol, fodder yeast. The remaining 75% of the dry matter of waste liquors is discharged into treatment facilities or directly into water bodies.

Bleach shop. In the process of pulp bleaching, either chlorine itself or its derivatives (chlorine oxide, chlorates and hypochlorites) is traditionally used, and in the delignification of wood containing phenolic fragments, lignin (the content of which in hardwood is about 30%, in softwood - up to 50%) interacts with chlorine reagents, forming dioxins and furans (or their precursors), which are highly toxic ecotoxicants.

Discharges into rivers and soil from the pulp and paper mill increase the content of suspended solids, sulfates, chlorides, oil products, organic compounds, a number of metals, substances of methoxyl, carboxyl and phenolic groups. According to these parameters MPC is exceeded several times.

Dioxins and furans are by far the most dangerous toxins that deserve further consideration.

Dioxins are a group of highly toxic ecotoxicants - polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans.

Cln Cln (1)

Cln Cln (2)

Here n = 2…4. Dioxins and furans can have an even (usually 4, 6 and 8) or odd (usually 5 or 7) number of chlorine atoms. To indicate the position of chlorine atoms in the benzene rings of dioxins and furans, numbers are used in accordance with the rules of the Geneva Nomenclature of Organic Compounds.

Table 1 - Discharges to water bodies and soil in sulfate-pulp production

IngredientEffluent sourceSuspended solidsSulfate-pulp production (insoluble particles)Sulfates (K2SO4, KHSO4, diorganyl sulfates and organyl sulfates)Sulfate-pulp productionChlorides (KCl, NaCl) and chlorates (KClO3, NaClO3)Bleaching plantPetroleum productsRRP (fuel oil)PhenolsLignin (Sulphate-pulp production)Organic connections (fatty acids, sulphate soaps, aromatic compounds, sticky substances, etc.) Production of by-products, cook-wash shop, RPDdioxins and furans (phenols and chlorine reagents). Sulfate-pulp production, bleaching shopMetals (Mg, Zn)Sulphate-pulp productionHot waterGas-contact evaporator, cooking-washing shop, evaporator shop, RP SRK, IRP It should be noted that the maximum permissible concentration (MAC) for dioxins and furans for an adult is 320 trillion parts of a gram per day and that such a daily dose leads to the risk of cancer and other oncological diseases. If we compare two types of lethal doses of dioxins and furans: the minimum lethal dose MLD (characterizing the general toxicity) and half of the total lethal dose LD50 (at which 50% of the studied living organisms will die). It turned out that in terms of overall toxicity (MLD, mol/kg) dioxins and furans (3.1 × 10 -4) and the chemical warfare agent diisopropyl fluorophosphate (1.6 10-5). As for the LD50 values ​​(mg/kg), they change for dioxins and furans as follows: 0.5 (chickens), 0.3 (dogs), 0.1 (cats and mice), 0.05 (rats) and 0.001 (guinea pigs).

Permissible daily dose of dioxins and furans. In the US, this dose is 0.006 pg per kilogram of human weight, while in Russia it is much higher - 10 pg / kg. Pollution rate drinking water in our country - 20 pkg/l, and MPC for the atmosphere - 0.5 pkg/m3. Therefore, a person weighing 60 kg, provided that he consumes three liters of water per day, can get only 10% of dioxins and furans from the daily norm with water. At the same time, calculations show that when consuming even low-fat fish (with up to 5% fat), in which the amount of dioxins and furans can be about 50 pkg / g of fat, 500 grams of fish will already give 1250 pkg of toxicants, which is 2 times higher than allowable daily dose, and if we are talking about fish with a fat content of 50%, which easily bioaccumulates organochlorine ecotoxicants, in this case there are significantly higher levels of accumulation of dioxins and furans, and, consequently, more serious ecotoxicological effects.

In addition to chemical pollution of water bodies, thermal pollution of water occurs. This is due to the use of large volumes of water during the technological process, as well as the use of water in heat exchangers and condensers for cooling, after which the heated water enters the hydrosphere with the flow of the enterprise.

8 The problem of waste disposal of the pulp and paper industry and waste paper processing

The problem of waste from pulp and paper mills is currently very acute. Multi-ton waste from these enterprises is stored, occupying large areas and negatively affecting the environment.

The problem of utilization of lignin and sludge is currently the most acute. The main methods of waste management are their incineration or processing in order to obtain useful products. Factors limiting the possibility of thermal waste disposal are high pollution, low melting point of some wastes, the presence of large-sized inclusions and significant fluctuations in the bulk density of incinerated wastes. Acceptable combustion technologies include grate combustion and fluidized bed combustion. The main advantage of thermal methods is their relatively low cost. Recycling paper mill waste is effective from an environmental point of view, but unprofitable in terms of economic indicators. On the other hand, many valuable and useful products can be obtained from the waste of the industry.

Table 2 - The content of components in plant materials

In percentages

Total ashLigninHemicelluloseCelluloseSoftwood0.427.824.041.0Hardwood0.319.535.039.0Grain straw6.616.728.239.9 Physical characteristics of lignin:

  • Specific gravity - from 0.2 to 0.3 g/cm3;
  • Moisture capacity - from 300% to 450%;
  • Acidity - from 1.9 to 2.2.

Table 3 - Chemical composition of 100 g of dry matter of lignin

SubstanceWeightNitrate nitrogen5.40Mobile phosphorus7.00Potassium167.50Calcium106.00Magnesium66.00Zinc>4.00Manganese1.80Copper0.33Iron2.50

In addition, lignin contains reducing substances, polysaccharides of methoxy, carboxyl and phenolic groups, ash and acids. Lignin contains 78%? 97% organic raw materials.

Lignin is an amorphous, polyfunctional high-molecular aromatic compound, consisting of phenylpropane structural units, and is not a substance of constant composition. Lignin is the end product of plant metabolism.

Lignosulfonites form complexes with ions of a number of metals and, therefore, they are used to remove elements from the soil that prevent normal plant growth. Hydrolytic lignin is a universal sorbent that increases air permeability and porosity, improves the structure and other physical and chemical properties of soils. Lignin is used in the cultivation of edible mushrooms, is used as a sorbent for nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and is also used as compost in agriculture.

In recycling, lignin is used as part of organic and mineral fertilizers (the presence of growth factors in sludge waste, as well as macro- and microelements, made it possible to recommend them as constituent parts organo-mineral fertilizers). Organo-mineral fertilizers are able to adsorb chlorine and sulfate ions contained in the soil. Increase the accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil.

Various types of lignins in the soil under the influence of soil bacteria gradually turn into humic substances that contribute to soil fertility. Ammonized lignin is also used, where part of the nitrogen (25%) is in the form of ammonium sulfate, and 75% of the nitrogen is chemically bound to lignin, so it has a prolonged action. When introduced into the soil, it is not quickly washed out, but is absorbed by plants gradually, as lignin is decomposed by microorganisms to low molecular weight compounds. The soil is enriched with micro and macro elements. Microbiological processes are activated, due to which soil fertility increases.

The use of resource-saving technologies, such as the processing of pulp and paper mill waste and the processing of waste paper, in addition to the positive aspects associated with a decrease in the consumption of forest resources, has its own negative sides. First of all, this is due to the inclusion of new technological cycles at the enterprise, the use of harmful chemicals necessary for the technology, as well as waste that appears during the processing of waste paper.

The process of converting waste paper into paper includes the following stages of processing: dissolution, cleaning at high concentration, pre-sorting, flotation, cleaning from heavy inclusions, fine screening with removal of light foreign inclusions, thickening on a disk filter and a screw press, dispersion, final flotation and subsequent thickening of the commodity mass on a two-wire press, followed by drying of the mass for internal use on a screw press, followed by transfer to storage. Whiteness 60%, ash content 4%. Due to the presence of resinous substances in the waste paper, it is necessary to use slotted screens and centric clippers.

Waste paper is dissolved with a high concentration hydrothinner with the addition of chemicals H2O2 - 1%, NaOH ? 0.75%, NaSiO3? 1.25% DTPA? 0.25%, fatty acids? 0.08%, NH and OH are also present. Moreover, the data are given for the best on this moment technologies. During processing, polymeric components (“sticky residues”) precipitate on molding fabrics and press parts, but a lot of chemicals are also formed when printing ink is washed off - 30% of minerals (clay, talc, titanium dioxide); 20 % ? rosins, fatty acids and their derivatives; 20 % ? polymer materials; 7%? hydrocarbon oils; rest? fibers and unidentified materials. A significant amount of soaps was found in the sediments. There was a problem of mechanical (scale) and biological (resin and mucus) deposits on equipment and pipelines. Waste during the processing of waste paper is 16% (dry matter), of which 50% are combustible substances. Ash and waste from the ink stripping process contain heavy metals. And when waste paper is burned, organochlorine substances are released, which also have an adverse effect on the environment.

All waste from waste paper recycling can be divided into:

-sorting waste;


-residues from incineration;

Waste paper;


One of the methods to reduce the harmful effects? method of magnetic treatment for decolorization of waste paper.

The composition of the concentrated waste paper mass 0.3%? 2%, with a temperature of 25 0C - 65 0C, pH from 7 to 11, subjected to a ten-minute magnetic treatment. 99.2% bleaching rate and effective cleaning of ink particles larger than 200 microns in diameter with minimal fiber loss.

9 Air emissions from sulphate pulp production

The main sources of air pollution in sulfate-pulp production are: soda recovery, cooking and washing, lime recovery and bleaching shops, an oxidizing plant, a bleaching solution preparation shop.

Depending on the adopted production scheme, additional sources of pollution may arise from the departments of the by-product processing shop (turpentine purification and deodorization, sulfane odorant production; turpentine rectification; sulfate soap decomposition; tall oil rectification, etc.).

Cooking and washing shop. There are several sources of emissions in this workshop. With a periodic method of cooking with turpentine blowing, they are removed together with steam; residual air from wood chips, turpentine, hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan (MM), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), dimethyl disulfide (DMDS). The gas-vapor mixture of the turpentine purge, from which the trapped droplets of lye are separated in the alkali traps, is condensed in the heat exchangers. Uncondensed gases are continuously removed from here, the quantity and composition of which depend on the type of pulp produced and the associated consumption of alkali for cooking, as well as on the temperature of the water supplied to the heat exchanger.

During continuous cooking of pulp, the blowing vapors are sent to the chip steaming system, from where the excess vapors enter the refrigerator, similar to a turpentine condenser. In addition to these sources of pollution, there are also ventilation emissions from under the hoods of vacuum filters, exhaust from the blowing tank (for cold blowing), weak lye tank, and foam tank.

Evaporation shop. The main source of emissions in this workshop is the gas-vapor mixture, which is removed by a vacuum pump from the annulus of the shells. The main component that pollutes the air is hydrogen sulfide. In addition, emissions also contain methyl mercaptan and, in small doses, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide and methanol. The appearance of hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan is due to a change in pH during evaporation and the effect of temperature and vacuum. This leads to the decomposition of sodium sulfide and mercaptide and the release of these acid gases into the vapor space.

Oxidation plant. The total amount of gas-air mixture emitted by it depends on the consumption of air for oxidation, the amount of gases supplied to the plant, and the type of oxidizer.

Soda recovery shop. Foul-smelling components in flue gases appear in those places where black liquor comes into contact with gases: in the furnace and in the gas-contact evaporator. Overloading of soda recovery boilers (SRBs) also contributes to an increase in the amount of emissions of foul-smelling components with flue gases. The flue gases of the SRC contain not only gaseous compounds, but also solid particles that make up dust entrainment. The content of dust entrainment in the flue gases of the RMS in front of the gas cleaning apparatus varies depending on the amount of sodium sulfate added to the liquor before combustion, on the scheme of the RMS and the aerodynamic mode of its operation, as well as on the ratio of the organic and mineral parts of the black liquor dry matter and the yield of cellulose from wood .

Gas contact evaporator. It is designed for compaction of black liquor 50% - 65% solids. Lye, being in a gas-contact evaporator, absorbs carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and sulfuric anhydrides from flue gases, causing the release of hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan due to a decrease in pH; The release of hydrogen sulfide during gas-contact evaporation is also facilitated by an increase in the concentration of residual sodium sulfide in black liquor. The higher the sulfide content of white liquor, the greater the amount of residual sodium sulfide and organosulfur compounds in the black liquor and the more polluted the flue gases.

Melt solvent (RP). The melt formed during the combustion of black liquors in the recovery room and consisting of carbonate and sodium sulfide with a small admixture of unreduced sodium sulfate enters the solvent. Here the melt dissolves in the lye. Upon contact of the liquor with the melt, a significant amount of the vapor-gas mixture is released, which is removed from the melt solvent through the exhaust pipes and released into the atmosphere. The dust entrainment from the melt solvent is 90% soda. Green liquor contains a significant amount of sodium sulfide and mercaptide, which predetermines the content of hydrogen sulfide in the gas phase.

Lime recovery furnaces (IRP). Flue gases are produced in kilns during the firing of caustic sludge and natural limestone. The main components of flue gases are dust of calcium salts (12 g/Nm3), resulting from mechanical entrainment by the gas flow, and sulfur dioxide (0.86 g/Nm3 of dry gas), formed during the combustion of high-sulphur fuel oil, as well as hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur-containing gases. .

Bleach shop. The pulp bleaching process traditionally uses either chlorine itself or its derivatives (chlorine oxide, chlorates and hypochlorites).

One of the most dangerous objects of sulphate pulp production from the point of view of environmental protection is a soda recovery boiler and its technological node- melt dissolving tank (RP SRK).

From the results of the survey of the amount and composition of steam-gas emissions of the RP RMS of the leading enterprises of sulphate-cellulose production, it follows that the emission costs depend on the capacity of the boiler unit, the height and diameter of the exhaust pipe through which they are discharged from the solvent tank into the atmosphere, the opening angle of the gate devices on these pipes, composition of weak white liquor and its level in the solvent tank, season and region of production location.

Table 4 - Harmful substances released into the atmosphere at sulfate-pulp production

IngredientEmission source MPC, mg/m3 Non-toxic dustAsh (sodium sulfate and carbonate) SSR, sodium salts from RP, dust (calcium salts) RP0.5Sulfur dioxideSRP, RP0.5Hydrogen sulfideFume gases SRP, RP, steam gases RP0.008MethylmercaptanSulfate-cellulose production0.9 × 10-9 Dimethyl sulfide 0.08 Dimethyl disulfide 0.7 Methanol 1.0 Turpentine Sulfate pulp production, production of by-products 2.0 Carbon monoxide Recovery boilers, recovery boilers, IRP5.0 Chlorine Sulfate pulp production bleaching shop 0.1 Chlorine dioxide

In addition, the mode of operation, composition and amount of emissions from the RP RMS depend on:

  • instantaneous release of a significant amount of vapor-gas mixture, especially with large melt flows;
  • continuity and uneven supply of melt and white liquor to the RP and removal of green liquor, which leads to a change in the free volume above the dissolving liquid and affects the number of air leaks.

Steam-gas emissions from the RP RMS according to specific industry standards consist of:

  • water vapor 70% - 90% (1.87 kg/Nm3 of dry gas (s.g.));
  • air leaks 5% - 25%;
  • dust particles of the melt - up to 1.9% (19 g/Nm3 s.g., 4500 g/t of cellulose);
  • hydrogen sulfide - 0.006% (0.25 g/Nm3 s.g., 56.5 g/t of cellulose);
  • sulfur dioxide - 0.005% (0.18 g/Nm3 s.g., 40.3 g/t of cellulose;

Dust particles consist in volume percent of:

  • sodium carbonate - 70%;
  • sodium sulfide - 23%;
  • sodium sulfate - 5%;
  • insoluble particles (cinder) - 2%.

The temperature of gas-vapor emissions can vary from 85 0С to 125 0С. On average, the amount of steam-gas emissions from the RP per 1 ton of pulp produced is 226 Nm3 s.g. .

waste paper recycling pulp pollution

2. Comprehensive characteristics of the woodworking industry in the Gomel region

The Republic of Belarus has a developed forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries. The structure of the timber industry complex is represented by the following industries: logging (13.5% of the total output), woodworking (69.5%), pulp and paper (16.4%) and wood chemical industry (0.6%). It creates 3.8% of the value of manufactured industrial products, employs 11.6% of the total number of industrial and production personnel in the country. The sector is managed by the Ministry of Forestry.

The logging industry produces approximately 13.5% of the gross output of the timber industry. More than 7.5 million m3 of wood is harvested annually in the republic. The main wood harvesting areas are located in the Vitebsk, Gomel, Minsk and Brest regions.

2.1Industry structure

Concern "Bellesbumprom" unites 60 organizations, on which 70% of wood processing in the Republic of Belarus is concentrated.

Brest region: Ivatsevichdrev OJSC, Luninetsles OJSC, Pinskdrev CJSC.

Vitebsk region: Krasnaya Zvezda Paper Mill OJSC, Vitebskdrev OJSC, Vitebskles OJSC, Vitebskmebel OJSC, Polotskles OJSC.

Gomel region: OJSC Gomeldrev, OJSC Gomeloboi, OJSC Gomel furniture factory Progress, OJSC Gomelstroitel, OJSC Dobrush paper factory Hero of Labor, OJSC Zhitkovichles, OJSC Zhlobinmebel, CJSC Mozyrsky LPH, JSC Mozyrdrev, JSC Rechitsadrev, JSC Svetlogorsk Pulp and Paper Mill, JSC Svetlogorsk PKTB, JSC Turovsky LPH.

Grodno region: Olkhovka Cardboard Factory OJSC, Mostovdrev OJSC, Samana Plus JV, Slonimmebel OJSC.

Minsk region: UE "Bellesbumpromexport", OJSC "Belorusskie Oboi", OJSC "Borisovdrev", OJSC "Borisovsky DOK", OJSC "Borisovsky LPH", OJSC "Borisovsky RMZ", OJSC "Borisovskoye SMU", OJSC "Cardboard factory "Raevka" , OAO KOPiT Borisovles, OAO Lesdrevprom, OAO Lesohimik, OAO Minskmebel, OAO Minskproektmebel, OAO Molodechnoles, ZAO Molodechnomebel, OAO Pleschenitsles, OAO Pukhovichi Cardboard Factory, Sinyavskaya Furniture Factory OJSC, Slutsk Furniture Factory OJSC, Stroydetali OJSC, Chervensky LPH OJSC.

Mogilev region: Bobruisk LTSh, OJSC Bobruisk Furniture Factory named after P. Osipenko, OJSC Bobruisk LPH, OJSC Bobruisk RMZ, CJSC Bobruiskmebel, OJSC Paper Mill Spartak, RUPP Korpus, OJSC "Kostyukovichsky LPH", JSC "Mogilevdrev", JSC "Mogilevles", RUE "Training Center", JSC "FanDOK".

The enterprises of the industry are engaged in primary processing and export of timber. The main types of products of the enterprises of the timber industry complex are sawn timber, chipboard and fibreboard, plywood and furniture.

Starting from 2008, it is planned to sell standing timber through exchange auctions. The mechanism of exchange trading will balance the price of such raw materials for consumers based on supply and demand.

The efficiency of forest resource development depends on transport accessibility logging fund and availability of forestry roads.

The main indicator of meeting transport needs in forestry is the density of the road network, expressed as the linear length of roads, related to 100 hectares of forest area.

The forestry of the republic operates under conditions of exclusive state ownership of forests, centralized forest management and forest use.

In Belarus, the main principles of organizing forest management are defined by the following regulatory documents:

State program development of forestry in the Republic of Belarus for 2011 - 2015;

national strategy sustainable development The Republic of Belarus;

Forest Code of the Republic of Belarus.

The named documents define following goals when organizing forest management:

Rational, sustainable and continuous use of forests.

Ensuring relatively permanent forest management within the forest fund for forest management entities.

Implementation of ecologized (environmentally compatible) forest management.

To achieve these goals, the following tasks are solved:

Organization of forest management in accordance with the functional purpose of forests: accounting for the belonging of plantations to certain groups and categories of forests;

Scientific sound methods determination of the size of forest use (allowable cutting area), ensuring its sustainability and relative constancy, which is carried out during the basic forest inventory under control by policymakers;

Compliance with the principles of multi-purpose forest management, i.e. rational consumption by society not only of wood, but also of food and medicinal resources (mushrooms, berries, medicinal raw materials, etc.), as well as other benefits (carbon dioxide binding, water protection, soil protection functions, etc.) of forest plantations;

Ensuring reliable restoration and further reproduction of forests.

Compliance with environmental requirements in the organization of multi-purpose forest management: conservation of the forest environment, biological diversity, minimization of damage to the ground cover, etc.;

Gradual optimization of the species structure of the forest fund in accordance with the current and future needs of the national economy, the peculiarities of the conditions of the plantings, economic and environmental requirements and the possibilities of growing forest stands;

Optimization of the assortment structure of the logging fund in accordance with the needs of the national economy of the republic and the demands of the global timber market;

Gradual optimization of felling ages and turnovers as a technical tool to ensure the most valuable assortments, the highest economic indicators forest management and its ecologization;

Rational integrated use of wood and other products obtained from forest management (for this, the organization of complete deep processing of wood is carried out in order to obtain products with the highest share of added value, complete waste disposal, including for energy needs);

Expanded use of the forest to fulfill its recreational potential.

Implementing in practice the principles of sustainable forest management and forest management, forestry ensures not only constant forest management within the limits of annual wood growth, but also economic security state, the stability of the functioning of the national economy.

Forest management is the economic basis of forestry and determines the level of its intensity. It is represented by various types of use with a predominance of timber harvesting.

Timber harvesting is carried out during fellings of the main and intermediate use - forest care felling, selective sanitary felling and reconstruction felling. Renewal and formation (reformation) cuttings of plantations, sanitary felling, litter removal, clearing of forest areas for the construction of pipelines, roads, power transmission and communication lines, and other facilities are also being carried out.

In 2012, in the system of the Ministry of Forestry, more than 10.1 mln. 2.2 million m3.

The woodworking industry is divided into sawmilling, the production of standard houses and building parts from wood, plywood, furniture, and the production of matches. Its share in the structure of the complex is 65%. The woodworking industry is engaged in the processing and processing of wood, mainly specializes in the production of sawmill materials, furniture, fibreboard (FB) and chipboard (PB), matches, door and window blocks, parquet, plywood, sports equipment, etc. .

Almost 70% of the industry is occupied by the furniture industry. There are 11 furniture production associations in Belarus. The largest - "Bobruiskdrev", "Minskmebel", "Gomeldrev", "Vitebskdrev", "Mostovdrev", "Pinskdrev" - produce furniture of various designs. In the structure of export goods of the industry, the share of the furniture industry is currently 45%? 50 %.

Belarus also has a large plywood industry, which began to develop at the beginning of the 20th century.

An important part timber industry complex is plywood production. Now there are six plywood production facilities in Belarus with a total capacity of 183.5 thousand m3 of plywood per year. They are part of the woodworking associations and enterprises of Borisov, Mostov, Pinsk, Rechitsa, Gomel and Bobruisk.

The production of chipboard and fiberboard (chipboard and fiberboard) is concentrated at enterprises located in Bobruisk, Vitebsk, Borisov, Pinsk, Mosty, Rechitsa, Ivatsevichi. About 55% of chipboard and 26% of fiberboard are used in the domestic market, the rest is exported (to Russia, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, etc.).

Matches are produced at three enterprises: PO Borisovdrev, PO Gomeldrev and PO Pinskdrev.

The Republic of Belarus has a developed container production. Up to 100,000 m3 of box sets are produced annually, of which up to 60% is accounted for by forestries.

The pulp and paper industry produces approximately 20% of the timber industry's gross output. In the Republic of Belarus, there are 12 specialized enterprises that produce mass and special types of paper and cardboard. The leading enterprises of the industry in the Republic of Belarus include: JSC "Svetlogorsk Pulp and Cardboard Plant", JSC "Belarusian Oboi", JSC "Gomeloboi", JSC "Dobrush Paper Factory" Hero of Labor ", JSC" Slonim Cardboard and Paper Plant "Albertin", Krasnaya Zvezda Paper Factory OJSC, Goznak Paper Factory of the Republic of Belarus, Spartak Paper Factory OJSC, Raevka Molodechenskaya Cardboard Factory OJSC, Olkhovka Cardboard Factory OJSC, Krovlya OJSC and others.

Taking into account the fact that in the republic the imbalance in the production of paper and cardboard is 5: 1, it is planned to build the second stage of the association with a specialization in the production of bleached pulp. Wood from thinning, wood waste and hardwood can be used as raw materials.

Paper and cardboard are produced at small factories in Dobrush, Shklov, Chashniki, Slonim, Pukhovichi, Borisov and other cities and towns. Expansion of paper and board production domestic enterprises will allow to reduce the volume of imports in the future. For this purpose, the technical re-equipment of the industry is being carried out.

The timber chemical industry produces about 1% of the gross output of the timber industry. It is based on the chemical processing of wood. It includes: dry distillation of wood, charcoal and different kinds rosin and turpentine industries.

It is presented open joint stock company Lesohimik is a manufacturer of turpentine and rosin.

There are two hydrolysis plants in the republic in Bobruisk and Rechitsa, which produce fodder yeast, ethyl alcohol, furfural and tanning extract from wood raw materials.

There are 12 tar plants in Belarus, which are focused on the production of charcoal.

Further development of the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries in the Republic of Belarus will be carried out in accordance with the Government-approved Program for the rational and integrated use of wood resources for 2011-2015.

2 Products, services

Types of the main products of the industry: industrial timber, woodworking products, furniture, cardboard and paper products, components, assemblies, parts and semi-finished products, furniture fittings.

The logging sector includes: harvesting and removal of timber, its crosscutting, production of commercial timber and round timber, production of sawlogs, plywood, match and technological raw materials, extraction of resin.

The pulp and paper industry sector specializes in the production of cardboard and paper products. More than twenty types of paper and cardboard are produced.

The woodworking and furniture production sector is divided into two major branches that are closely intertwined: on the one hand, these are wood and wood products, which are the result of the primary processing of wood raw materials and the production of elements for the furniture and construction industry (windows, doors, wood-based panels). etc.); on the other side? it is furniture, and, this branch is directly addressed to the final market. Concern? the largest furniture manufacturer in the Republic of Belarus. The share of furniture production by the enterprises of the concern in the total volume of furniture production in the Republic of Belarus is more than 50%.

The concern manufactures and sells:

-round timber;




-bent glued parts;

-particle boards, including laminated and laminated boards;

-wood fiber boards;

Sliced ​​veneer;


-blocks window, door;

-molded products (floor board, skirting boards, platbands, lining);

-wooden and cardboard containers;


-facing films based on papers;


-cardboard, corrugated cardboard;

-school notebooks;

-paper and white products;


-rosin, turpentine;


-synthetic resins;

-woodworking equipment;

-fans, cyclones, dust collectors.

-sets of cabinet furniture;

-bedroom furniture sets;

-sets of upholstered furniture;

-furniture for children's and living rooms;

-sets of furniture for the kitchen;

-hallway furniture;

-small furniture;

-special furniture (office, school-laboratory, trade).

The concern is developing:

-projects for the construction, expansion and reconstruction of enterprises;

-projects for household furniture and woodworking products, interior design;

-environmental passports of enterprises.

The concern conducts:

-furniture certification;

-physical and mechanical testing of materials, assemblies, furniture products;

-economic research, work on pricing, expertise of innovative projects.

3 Gomel region

Does the timber industry complex include forestry? a specific independent branch of the economy, as well as the production of the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries. The enterprises that make up the complex employ 32.3 thousand people, which is 5.5% of the total number employed population, including the share of forestry accounts for 0.9% of all employed in the economy of the region. increased specific gravity forest industry in the total volume of products produced in the region (by value): from 8.8% in 2003 to 10.2% in 2012. That is, the importance of the forest complex in the economy of the Gomel region remains and even increases. This is largely facilitated by the established professional traditions of the population and the availability of resources for development, including the natural resource base.

The share of the Gomel region accounts for the largest area of ​​the forest fund in the country: 2.15 million hectares of the total area and 1.71 million hectares of forested area. Forest cover is 42% (in other regions? 32%? 36%, on average in Belarus? 35.5%). The share of the Gomel region in the republican forest fund? 22.1% of the forested area. Total stock of forest plantations? 248.9 million m3 (22.8% of the republican) ? also larger than in other areas. The increase in wood reserves exceeds felling, which is also very positive.

The tasks of reforestation, afforestation, forest protection are called upon to solve forestry. Companies in this industry? forestries (there are 21 of them in the region), their structural and production subdivisions? forest areas where thinning and sanitary felling, forest plantations, and harvesting of non-timber forest products are carried out. In the forests of the Gomel region, coniferous trees predominate. The main forest-forming species is pine. Among other species, birch, aspen, black alder, and spruce are common. There are more oak forests in Gomelytsyn than in other regions of Belarus (8.0% of the forested area). 1 hectare of forty-year-old oak forests releases 14 tons of free oxygen per season. There are many rare and relic species of trees and non-woody vegetation in the forests of the Gomel region. However, most of the region's forests are exposed to radioactive contamination due to the Chernobyl disaster. In this regard, a number of forest management problems arise and, since forests help to contain the spread of radionuclides, it is necessary to intensify afforestation. There are few mature forests. There are more of them in the west of the region (Zhitkovichsky and Lelchitsky districts). Many forests are assigned to group I, where only thinning and sanitary cuttings are carried out. Some of the forests are included in reserves and protected areas.

Annually in the field of reforestation (planting and sowing, promotion of natural reforestation) is carried out on an area of ​​5? 8 thousand hectares. Thus, in the last five years alone, reforestation work has been carried out on an area of ​​34,000 hectares. Forest inventory work was carried out on an area of ​​1.4 million hectares, which is 27.6% of their total republican volume. In the total area of ​​thinning and sanitary cuttings, the share of the Gomel region? about 20% of the Republican. The share of the region in the volume of wood cut down for these purposes is the same. Every year, from 100 to 500 tons of mushrooms are harvested in the region, about 1.5 thousand tons of wild fruits and berries, 50? 70 tons of tree and shrub seeds. In addition, the forestries of the region are harvesting resin and resin, birch sap, medicinal and technical raw materials (lily of the valley, oak bark and much more). Livestock grazing, haymaking are carried out on forest areas, apiaries are established, animals of valuable and hunting species are bred, the fight against forest pests, forest fires, illegal types of fishing is actively conducted

There are dozens of industries in the Gomel region that carry out logging, sawmilling, woodworking, production of wooden containers and building parts, plywood, and furniture. There are enterprises for the production of pulp and cardboard, paper, wallpaper, matches and other wood-based products. All these enterprises are combined into the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries (forest industry). Basically, the industry focuses on the local raw material base. The main centers of the forest industry? Gomel, Mozyr, Rechitsa, Svetlogorsk, Dobrush.

In addition to enterprises that are directly part of the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries and forestry enterprises that are part of the timber industry complex, logging, processing of wood and wood products is carried out by some local industry enterprises (industrial plants, etc.), collective farms and other non-state organizations. This must be kept in mind for the completeness of the economic and geographical characteristics of the forest management system.

Logging (main use) is carried out by subdivisions of the production associations "Gomelles" and "Zhitkovichiles" In small volumes, logging is carried out in forestries, collective farm forests and forest areas, the users of which are organizations of other departments (for example, the Ministry of Defense) and local self-government bodies (forest park zones cities, etc.). Mass logging is possible only in forests of group II on areas covered with mature forests. There are few such areas in the region (less than 5% of the forested area).

Sawmilling and woodworking are carried out in the areas of logging and in the centers of the woodworking industry.

Largest enterprises- "Gomeldrev"; "Rechitsadrev", "Mozyrdrev". There are less significant enterprises in Zhlobin, Rogachev, Zhitkovichi, and Yelsk.

There are wood-chemical industries in Gomel, Mozyr and Rechitsa, where wood hydrolysis is also carried out (hydrolysis plant). Centers of the pulp and paper industry? Svetlogorsk (pulp and cardboard plant), Dobrush (paper factory "Hero of Labor") and Gomel (enterprise "Gomeloboi" and paper and printing factory "Polespechat").

Gomel, Mozyr and Rechitsa? the main producers of furniture, plywood and matches (Gomel). The production of furniture and building parts is also developing at the enterprises of the non-state sector. Folk crafts have been preserved (cooperage, basket weaving, woodcarving, etc.).

Prospects for the development of forest complex industries are limited by an insufficient own resource base, the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, and a low level of technological equipment. Lack of investment hinders the renewal of fixed assets. Due to the common for the entire economy of the region and the country economic problems the transition period, the existing production capacities are still underused. In 2010 sawnwood capacity utilization was 50.1%, plywood? 73.8% paper? 12.9%. Are there other tasks facing the enterprises of the forest complex in the first place? forest industry, growth in labor productivity, increase in the coefficient beneficial use wood, improving the quality of products, rational use of waste. Ecological problems arise during the chemical processing of wood (plywood-match production, etc.), in the production of cellulose, in hydrolysis production (where lignin waste of considerable mass is formed). Those types of products that are in demand in the world market require attention. Thus, the cabinet furniture produced by Gomeldrev Production Association (made of oak, black alder) is exported to many countries of the world. Gomel wallpapers and artistic wooden products enjoy a good reputation.

The ongoing restructuring of the forest industry (change of ownership, expansion marketing research, recovery economic ties with the CIS countries and the search for new partners) can also contribute to the preservation of the forest complex as a traditional branch of economic specialization of the Gomel region.

3 The impact of the industry on the environment (on the example of PPUE "Gomeloboi")

1 General information about the enterprise and its details

ChPUP "Gomeloboi" is located on the street. Sevastopol, 45 Gomel.

Main business activity? wallpaper printing by letterpress and gravure printing, texture materials for the furniture industry.

The total number of employees? 1392 people, engineers? 256 people.

Number of job shifts? 2.

Number of working days? 250.

The following calculations of emissions into the atmosphere, the use of water for household and drinking needs, objects of discharged water are taken taking into account each specific equipment and the duration of its operation per day, month, year.

2 Workshops and production facilities

Workshop No. 1 (gravure printing)

Intaglio printing of wallpaper is carried out by flat metal cylinders, on which, after applying a copper layer, a pattern is engraved, on wallpaper printing machines.

The composition of printed materials includes a water-alcohol mixture in a ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 2 and water-soluble paints, to fix the paint layer on paper, a sizing agent is added to the initial composition.

Pearlescent paints are used for decorative wallpaper finishing. imported production, which include water, mother of pearl.

For gluing wallpaper "Duplex" glue "Moveol" imported.

Hazards: ethyl alcohol, formaldehyde, paper dust, suspended solids.

Note: PVC hot stamping wallpaper production line is under design.

Workshop No. 2 (letterpress)

Wallpaper production is carried out by gravure printing on wallpaper printing machines.

Unwinding of wallpaper is carried out on unwinding machines with subsequent packaging in polyethylene film in thermal ovens.

At the paint preparation area, paint suspensions are prepared as part of water-soluble paints, water-alcohol mixtures.

For decorative finishing of wall-paper mother-of-pearl paints of import production are used.

To impart moisture-resistant qualities to the wallpaper, a coating of a mixture of latexes is used.

Hazards: paper dust, ethyl alcohol, formaldehyde, styrene, suspended solids.

Decorative paper production area. Highly decorative textural materials for the furniture industry are being printed.

The press is carried out by water-soluble paints of import production.

Hazards: ethyl alcohol.

Area for the production of moisture-resistant wallpaper. Moisture-resistant wallpaper is produced by gravure printing. Moisture resistant coating is applied with latex.

The unwinding of the wallpaper is carried out on an unwinding machine, followed by packaging in a polyethylene film in a thermal oven.

Hazards: ethyl alcohol, formaldehyde, styrene, suspended solids.

Shop printed forms. Production of printing forms of a given pattern for wallpaper printing is carried out.

Hazards: chromium oxide, sodium hydroxide, nickel metal, copper oxide, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, ethyl alcohol.

Repair and mechanical shop (RMC). Processing of metal blanks, welding work, processing of rubber, polyurethane, paper rolls.

Harmfulness: suspended solids, iron oxide, manganese dioxide, inorganic dust with SiO2 content of 10%? 20%, hydrogen fluoride, nitrogen dioxide, carbon oxide.

Carpentry area. Wood is processed on woodworking machines.

Harmfulness: wood dust.

Steam power shop. The production is provided with technological steam and hot water by boiler units operating on natural gas.

Hazards: nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide.

Electrical shop. It includes an accumulator section, where the batteries of electric forklifts are recharged with sulfuric acid, and a repair section, where electric motors are fired and dried.

Harm: sulfuric acid, formaldehyde, xylene, butyl alcohol, white spirit.

gas station. Reception, storage and distribution of gasoline A-76, A-92, diesel fuel is carried out.

Hazards: benzene, xylene toluene, ethylbenzene, unsaturated hydrocarbons C2-C5, saturated hydrocarbons C1-C10, saturated hydrocarbons C12-C19.

Alcohol storage. Ethyl alcohol is stored and dispensed for technological needs.

Hazards: ethyl alcohol.

The company identified 82 organized sources and 1 unorganized.

The characteristics of the sources of emission and emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are given in the table below, which is filled out on the basis of a sanitary-technical survey of ventilation emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

ChPUP "Gomeloboi" is an enterprise of the 3rd hazard class.

3.3 List of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere by the enterprise

Table 5 - List of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere by the enterprise

CodeName of substance MPCm.r. g/mZPDBs.s, kg/mZOBUV, mg/m3 Hazard class Gross emissiong/st/year123456780110 2000.100-30.120140.1084000143 Manganese and its compounds (in terms of manganese dioxide) 0.0100.005-20.003700.0060000146 Copper (II) oxide (in terms of copper) 0.0200.008-20.001310, 0003400164 Nickel oxide (in terms of nickel) 0.0100.004-20.000020.0000600184 Lead and its inorganic connect. (in terms of lead) 0.0010.0003-10.000010.0000040203 Chromium (VI) (in terms of chromium) 0.0020.0015-20.000720.0020400301 Nitrogen (II) oxide (nitrogen dioxide) 0.2500.100 -21.339508.6786400302 Nitric acid 0.4000.300-20.000280.0004100304 Nitrogen oxide 0.4000.240-30.204801.3995000316 2268000322 Sulfuric acid0.3000.100-20 .002300.0118000330Sulfur dioxide0.5000.200-30.004440.0074000337Carbon oxide5.0003.00-42.1480022.1716300342Fluorine gaseous compounds (in terms of Fluorine)0.0200.005-20.0 02600.0048000602Benzene0.1000.040- 20.072200.0022000616Xylene 0.2000.100-30.012400.0177000620 Vinylbenzene (styrene) 0.0400.008-20.029500.2920000621Toluene 0.6000.300-30.072060.17 28300627Ethylbenzene0.020--30.002000.0007000703Benzopyrene-5 × 10-6-14,8 × 10-74,29 × 10-60827 Chroleethylene (vinyl chloride) 0.0150.010-10.176001.4016001042 Butan-1-ol 0.100--30.005100.0551001051 Propan-2-ol (isopropanol) 0.6000.200-30.325802.562300 1052Methanol1.0000 ,500-30.092200.8708001061Ethanol5.0002.000-426.83680289.531901206Butyl Acrylate0.007--20.071500.9708001210Butyl acetate0.100--40.022200.0342001 213 Ethenyl acetate (vinyl acetate) 0.1500.060-30.129641 .9374001317 Acetaldehyde 0.010--30.026100.3420001325 Formaldehyde 0.0300.012-20.083601.0251001232 1001401 Propan-2-one (acetone )0.3500.150-40.080200.2193001512 Acrylic acid 0.1000.060-30.313604.4093001555 Acetic acid 0.2000.060-30.010300.1430001611 Oxirane (ethylene oxide) 0.3000.1 50-30.005500.07210018522- aninoethanol (monoethanolamine) 0.1000.040-20.011800.1475002754 Saturated hydrocarbons С12-С191.0000.400-40.005200.0053002902 Solid particles (total) 0.3000.150-30.044500.076 9002908 Inorganic dust with SiO2 content<70%0,3000,100-30,008700,0218002962Пыль бумаги0,100---0,238402,7580000150Натрий гидрооксид--0,01-0,001000,0033000401Углеводороды предельные алифатические С1- С10 (алканы)--25,0043,739106,3692000501Углеводороды непредельные (алкены)--3,0040,084000,0026001081Поливиниловый спирт--0,10-0,002500,01190011192-этоксиэтанол0,70-0,001800,0272002936Пыль древесная--0,4030,081900,4904002976Пыль слюды--0,04-0,009900,038700Итого по предприятию:36,52344347,10210

4 Features of air pollution by emissions from the enterprise "Gomeloboi"

Air removed by local ventilation installations, dusty or polluted, must be cleaned before being released into the atmosphere.

The main requirement of sanitary standards is the weight content of dust (concentration) in one cubic meter. meter, i.e. mg/m3.

Depending on the initial dust content (in mg/m3) in the cleaned air and dust dispersion, a dust-cleaning apparatus is selected, which, under given particular conditions, can provide the dust retention efficiency required by sanitary standards.

Cyclone UTs-38 No. 13 was installed at the ChPUP "Gomeloboi".

Dry cyclones type "C" are used to purify ventilation air from dry, non-sticky dust.

UC cyclones are designed to clean technological emissions from woodworking industries from non-sticking, non-fibrous dusts, as well as mixtures of dust with dry sawdust and shavings.

All standard sizes of UC type cyclones have four modifications depending on the diameter of the exhaust pipe. With an increase in the modification number, the cyclones of each caliber (diameter) change their technical and economic characteristics; the emission cleaning factor decreases, but the aerodynamic drag also decreases.

The modification of the cyclones is related to the ratio of the diameters of the exhaust pipe to the diameter of the body. Cyclones UTs are made of the right and left execution.

Cyclones can be equipped with a volute on the exhaust pipe or an umbrella, depending on the location of the fan. When the cyclone operates under pressure, an umbrella is installed on it, under a vacuum - a snail.

An example of a cyclone symbol

Where Y is universal;

C - cyclone B;

Caliber (body diameter in mm);

Cyclone modification.

With low capital and operating costs, cyclones provide gas purification with an efficiency of about 91? 99% of dust particles larger than 10 microns. In general, it is recommended to use them for pre-treatment of gases and install them in front of highly efficient devices (for example, filters or electrostatic precipitators). In some cases, the achieved efficiency of cyclones is sufficient to release gases or air into the atmospheric air.

The main elements of cyclones are the body, the exhaust pipe and the hopper. The gas enters the upper part of the body through an inlet pipe welded to the body tangentially. Dust capture occurs under the action of centrifugal force arising from the movement of gas between the housing and the exhaust pipe. The captured dust is poured into the bunker, and the purified gas is ejected through the exhaust pipe.

The design feature of battery cyclones is that swirling of the gas flow and trapping of dust in them is provided by cyclone elements placed in the body of the apparatus.

Depending on the performance, the cyclones can be installed one at a time (single version) or combined into groups of two, four, six or eight cyclones (group version).

Single cyclones are manufactured with "left" and "right" rotation of the gas flow. Usually, “right” is called the rotation of the flow in the cyclone clockwise (when viewed from the side of the exhaust pipe), “left” is the rotation of the flow counterclockwise. The direction of rotation is chosen based on the conditions of the layout of the cyclone in the scheme, as well as the location of the cyclones in the group.

The calculated degree of purification can only be achieved if there is a correspondence between the type, size of the cyclone and its performance, as well as subject to the rules for operating the cyclone. The degree of purification is sharply reduced when atmospheric air is sucked into the cyclone, especially through the bunker; therefore, suction should be minimal (up to 5%).

Figure - Cyclone device

As a result of the fact that Cyclone UTs-38 No. 13 is installed in the carpentry shop at the Gomeloboi ChPUP as a filtering unit, the dust emitted by this shop into the environment is reduced by 91.2%, which is confirmed by calculations.

Table 6 - Calculation of dust concentration in industrial emissions

Source number Filter number Clean filter weight, g Filter weight with weight, g Control filter before measurements, g Control filter after measurements, g Sample weight, g Sampling time, min Volume flow, l/min Gas temperature in the gas duct, °Atmospheric pressure, kPa Excess gas pressure in the gas duct, Pa samplesTemperature in the system, 0С Excess gas pressure in the system, PaVolume of the sample taken at N.C., lConcentration, mg/m ³ Average concentration, mg/m ³ Diameter at the sampling point, mVelocity at the sampling point, m/s Gas volume flow reduced to N.L., m ³ /h Average concentration, g/s Degree of purification, % No. 51 input 10.111300.178450. 88,000,73020, exit 10.111300.117250.0059510.016.01681.5160.0161931.0151 ,42239,294339,8230,823,295803,560,06491.2%20,111250,117150,0059038,964130,111250,117100,0058538,633940,111300,117550,0062 541.275550.111100.117300.0062040.9453

Measures to protect the environment at the enterprise and evaluate their effectiveness

1 Objectives of measures to protect the environment

The purpose of environmental protection measures is the prudent and highly efficient use, conservation, and recreation of various types of resources; support of dynamic ecological balance and favorable conditions from the point of view of human health and qualitative characteristics of the environment. Nature protection objectives should be set on a par with other uses (food production, industrial production and infrastructure). The protection of the natural environment is seen as a political task in its own right. Environmental policy is a set of all actions aimed at avoiding interference with the natural environment, at reducing it and at eliminating damage to the environment that has already occurred. Specific goals and programs primarily concern:

Determination of limit values ​​for emissions harmful to the environment;

Energy savings;

Promoting the use of waste heat;

Disposal of old materials and waste;

Maintaining the health of forests and the natural power of self-purification of water bodies;

Implementation of cars with a minimum amount of exhaust gases and gasoline that does not contain lead.

Encouraging consumers to respect the environment. Measures to improve the environment, namely:

Technological? development and implementation of new technologies, treatment facilities, types of fuel;

Architectural planning? landscaping of settlements, organization of sanitary protection zones, rational planning of enterprises and residential areas;

Engineering and organizational? reducing the intensity of traffic on congested highways, organizing environmental patrol control;

Economic? investing in the development of new, resource-saving technologies;

Legal? adoption and compliance with legislative acts to maintain the quality of the atmosphere, water bodies, soil;

Enlightenment-educational? formation of ecological culture, especially among young people.

Human impact on the natural environment has assumed alarming proportions. In order to fundamentally improve the situation, purposeful and thoughtful actions will be needed. A responsible and efficient policy towards the natural environment will be possible only if we accumulate statistical and economic data on the current state of the environment, substantiated knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, if we develop new methods, means and measures to reduce and prevent harm, which will create a common state concept for the protection of the natural environment.

4.2 Measures to protect the environment at PPUE "Gomeloboi"

The following types of waste are generated at the enterprise: natural sawdust of clean wood; sawdust contaminated with mineral oil; branches, branches, tops; waste paper and cardboard with impregnation and coating; ruberoid waste; waste of printed materials; cullet; concrete waste; soils contaminated with chemicals; sludge from the neutralization station during cleaning; lead accumulators; linoleum waste; PET bottles; other waste plastics; rags contaminated with paintwork materials.

Table 7? Plan of environmental protection measures for 2012 PPUE "Gomeloboi"

Name of measures Implementation period (year of beginning and end) Capacity t.m3/day. ton m3/hour, volume of reduction in generation (processing), waste, tons Total estimated cost, thousand rubles. Atmospheric air protectionAtmospheric air monitoring of the sanitary protection zone of the enterpriseAccording to the scheme9000.09 000.0Atmospheric air quality control in the SPZ of the enterpriseHead of the BOOSDevelopment of the project of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise October 2011 - May 201240 000.020 000.0 Compliance with environmental legislationHead of the BOOSMonitoring of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air (2 sources)According to the schemeOwn own forcesOwn forcesControl of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric airHead of the BOOSEfficiency control of the public educational institution3-4th quarterOwn forcesOwn forcesCompliance with environmental protection legislatureChief Mechanic2. Protection of the water basinMonitoring of wastewater discharges from storm sewers in the island. ShaporAccording to the schemeOn our own On our ownInspection of the quality of wastewater discharged into water bodiesHead of the BOOSControl of the quality of industrial effluentsAccording to the control scheduleIn our ownAccording to our own effortsControl of wastewater discharges into the city sewerHead of the BOOSModernization of the cooling system for the shafts of the OPM 1-3 of workshop No. 14 quarter 2012. Reducing the consumption of technical water by 6.3 thousand m321 .021.0Reduction of technical water consumption by 6.3 thousand m3. Reduction of industrial water discharge by 6.3 thousand m surface runoff pollution Chief Power Engineer Head of PSC3. Waste management Optimization of the formulation and application of the coating composition in the production of waterproof wallpaper in workshop No. 22, quarter 2012. Reducing the consumption rates of a mixture of latexes by 1 kg / t.o.k. KTP No. 3 capacitor plant, for an environmentally safe 4th quarter of 2012 Prevention of pollution of the territory by PCBs Enterprise funds 50 million rubles - Enterprise funds 50 million rubles Prevention of pollution of the territory by PCBs Chief Engineer Chief Power Engineer Head of ERC4. Protecting the FloraPurchase and plant 40 pcs. green spaces, equip two lawns Q2 20125,05,0Compliance with environmental legislationHead of ACS Head of BOOS

Table 8? Report on the implementation of the environmental action plan for 2012 of the private enterprise "Gomeloboi"

Name of activitiesDue dateResponsible executor Notes1234Inventory of emission sources with the development of the PDV standardDecember 2012Head of the BOOSInventory of emission sources and development of the PDV standards are carried out in fullAtmospheric air monitoring of the sanitary protection zone of the enterpriseAccording to the schemeHead of the BOOSCompleted in fullDevelopment of the project of the sanitary protection zone of the enterpriseDecember 2012Head of the BOOS Completed in fullMonitoring of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air (2 sources) According to the scheme Head of the PSL Completed in full Control of the efficiency of the GOU 3-4 quarters Chief mechanic of the PSL Completed in full O. ShaporAccording to the schemeHead of the BOOSFulfilled in fullQuality control of industrial effluentsAccording to the control scheduleHead of the BOOSCompleted in fullReplacement of the filter material at the storm sewerage treatment plant Q2 2012 Head of the PSCCompleted in fullOptimization of the recipe and application of the coating composition in the production of waterproof wallpaper in Workshop No. 2 Postponement to 2013 -2014 .Chief Engineer Head of Workshop No. 2 Chief Mechanic Postponed due to lack of funding. Purchase and replace a capacitor unit containing PCBs at KTP No. 3 with an environmentally friendly one Postponed to 2013-2014 Chief Power Engineer Head of ERC Postponed due to lack of funding. Purchase and land 40 pcs. green spaces, to equip two lawns 1-3 quarter 2012 Head of the ACS Completed in full

Table 9? Plan of environmental protection measures for 2013 of the private enterprise "Gomeloboi"

Name of measures Implementation period (year of beginning and end) Capacity t.m3/day. tons m3/h, volume of reduction in generation (recycling), waste, tons Total estimated cost, thousand rubles. Atmospheric air protectionAtmospheric air monitoring in the sanitary protection zone of the enterpriseAccording to the scheme16,000.016,000.0Atmospheric air quality control in the enterprise's sanitary protection zoneHead of the BOOSAir control of the enterprise's working areaAccording to the scheme of departmental laboratory controlOn their ownOn their ownAir quality control of the working areaHead of the PSLMonitoring of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air (2 sources)According to schemeC own forcesOwn Forces Control of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air Head of the BOOS Head of the PSL Control of the efficiency of the public educational institution3-4th quarter Own forces Own forces Compliance with environmental legislation Chief mechanic Head of the PSL 2. Protection of the water basinReplacement of the CPF neutralization station 1st stage proposal development and tenderJanuary - December 2013Improvement of the quality of wastewater treatment, reduction of waste generation by 10.0t/year. /yearChief Engineer Head of the CPFMonitoring of wastewater discharges from storm sewers in the island. ShaporAccording to the schemeOn our ownOn our ownInspection of the quality of wastewater discharged into water bodiesHead of the BOOS Head of the PSLControl of the quality of industrial effluentsAccording to the control scheduleOn our ownOn our ownInspection of wastewater discharges into the city sewerHead of the BOOS Head of the PSLModernization of the cooling system for the shafts of the OPM 1-3 of shop No. 14 quarter 2013 Reducing the consumption of technical water by 6, 3 thousand m331,000.031,000.0 Reduction in process water consumption by 6.3 thousand m3 Reduction in process water discharge by 6.3 thousand m3 enterprises 15 million rubles - Funds of the enterprise 15 million rubles Reduction of pollution of surface runoff Chief power engineer Head of PSC3. Waste management Optimization of the formulation and application of the coating composition in the production of waterproof wallpaper in shop No. 23 quarter 2013. Reducing the consumption rates of a mixture of latexes by 1 kg / t.o.k. PTS No. 3 capacitor unit containing PCBs for the environmentally safe 4th quarter of 2013 - Means of the enterprise 50 million rubles. Prevention of pollution of the territory with PCBs. Flora ProtectionPurchase and plant 20 pcs. green spaces, equip two lawns Q2 2013 5.05.0 Compliance with environmental legislationHead of ACS Head of BOOS


The Republic of Belarus has a developed forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries. The structure of the timber industry complex is represented by the following industries: logging, woodworking, pulp and paper and wood chemical industries.

The problem of more efficient, complete, integrated use and reproduction of forest resources, which are renewable national wealth and the basis for the efficient functioning of the timber industry, has been and remains relevant. The main directions of its solution in modern conditions are set out in the documents developed by Belarusian scientists and approved by the government - “The Concept of Sustainable Development of Forestry until 2015” and “The Republican Program for the Rational and Integrated Use of Wood Resources for 2011? 2015".

The problem of waste from pulp and paper mills is currently very acute. Multi-ton waste from these enterprises is stored, occupying large areas and negatively affecting the environment.

The main methods of waste management are their incineration or processing in order to obtain useful products.

In the production activities of PPUE "Gomeloboi" technological processes are used, the implementation of which leads to the need to operate organized and unorganized sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

112 sources emitting 48 types of pollutants into the atmosphere were examined at the industrial site of the enterprise.

The following production areas make the greatest contribution to environmental pollution: a letterpress shop, a decorative paper production shop, a moisture-resistant wallpaper production shop, a printing forms shop, a carpentry shop, a mechanical repair shop, an electrical shop, and a gas station.

On the border of the regulatory sanitary protection zone, there are excesses of the maximum permissible concentrations for xylene, benzene. To reduce emissions into the atmosphere, it is necessary to develop and implement measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air. It is necessary to carry out the reconstruction of gas stations in order to reduce the concentration of benzene and xylene emissions.

According to the draft standards for permissible emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, Gomeloboi belongs to the second category of impact. According to the results of the inventory, the total emissions of pollutants amounted to 26.051834 g/s and 163.630848 tons/year.

It follows from the results of a survey of the amount and composition of steam-gas emissions from the leading enterprises of sulphate-cellulose production that the costs of emissions depend on the power of the boiler unit, the height and diameter of the exhaust pipe through which they are removed from the solvent tank into the atmosphere, the opening angle of the gate devices on these pipes, the composition of the weak white liquor and its level in the solvent tank, season and region of production location.

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The act of inventory of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air by the sources of PPUE "Gomeloboi". - Gomel: BelSUT, 2010. - 56 p.

Inventory of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by the sources of the Branch "Central base of production services" of JSC "Gomeltransneft Druzhba". - Gomel: BelGUT, 2010. - 48 p.

22 The project of the sanitary protection zone of the ChPUP "Gomeloboi". - Gomel: BelSUT, 2012. - 97 p.

23 Baitelova A.I., Shabanova S.V. Sources of pollution of environmental objects: Guidelines for laboratory and practical exercises. . - Orenburg: GOU OGU, 2003. - 47 p.

Instructions on the procedure for classifying objects of influence on the atmospheric air into certain categories: approved. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Rep. Belarus 29.05.2009. - Minsk: Dikta, 2009. 7 p.

Draft standards for permissible emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air for PPUE "Gomeloboi". - Gomel: BelGUT, 2012. - 132 p.

GOST 12.3.018-79. System of labor safety standards. Ventilation systems. Methods of aerodynamic tests. - Input. 01/01/81. - Mn., Gosstandart, 2001. - 39 p.

GOST Protection of Nature. Atmosphere. Methods for determining the velocity and consumption of gas and dust flows from stationary sources of pollution. ? Introduction 01/01/91. ? Mn., Gosstandart, 2001. - 42 p.

GOST Protection of Nature. Atmosphere. Methods for determining the pressure and temperature of gas and dust flows from stationary sources of pollution. ? Introduction 01/01/91. ? Mn., Gosstandart, 2001. - 37 p.

Shimova O.S.; Sokolovsky N.K. Economics of nature management: textbook. allowance. ? M.: INFRA-M, 2005. ? 377 p.

Donskaya S.A. Fundamentals of ecology and the economics of environmental management: textbook. / S.A. Donskaya. ? Minsk: MITSO, 2006. ? 80 s.

Shimova O.S.; Sokolovsky N.K. Fundamentals of ecology and environmental economics: textbook. ? Minsk: BSEU, 2001. ? 368 p.


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discipline work program


in the direction of training

Qualification (degree) of the graduate


1. The purpose of the discipline is to form in the student a set of knowledge, skills, skills necessary in solving the issues of ensuring safe and harmless working conditions, preventing industrial injuries, occupational diseases, fires and explosions, as well as ensuring the protection of the rights of workers in conditions that comply with the current approved standards.

2. Requirements for the level of mastering the content of the discipline

The process of studying the discipline is aimed at the formation of the following competencies:

The ability to use regulatory legal documents in their activities (OK-5);

Possession of the main methods for protecting production personnel and the population from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters (OK-15);

The ability to use technical means to measure the main parameters of the technological process, the properties of raw materials and products made of wood and wood materials (PC-1);

Willingness to justify the adoption of a specific technical solution in the development of technological processes and products; choose technical means and technologies taking into account the environmental consequences of their use (PC-4);

The ability to use the rules of safety, industrial sanitation, fire safety and labor protection standards; measure and evaluate the parameters of the production microclimate, the level of dust and gas contamination, noise and vibration, illumination of workplaces (PC-5);

The ability to organize the work of performers, find and make management decisions in the field of organization and regulation of labor (PC-8);

Willingness to systematize and summarize information on the use of enterprise resources and the formation of enterprise resources (PC-9);

The ability to apply modern methods for studying the structure of wood and wood-based materials; carry out standard and certification tests of products and technological processes using a computer (PK-11);

The ability to design technological processes using automated systems for technological preparation of production (PC-16).

3. As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must

know:- the main theoretical provisions of modern safety and harmlessness of woodworking technological processes;

- legislation in the field of labor protection;

Characteristics of harmful, fire hazardous production factors and ways to ensure working conditions in accordance with regulatory requirements.

be able to:- use technical means to measure the main parameters of the air environment, noise, vibration, electromagnetic, thermal radiation;

Identify the causes of injuries, occupational diseases, fires, explosions and develop measures to prevent them;

- develop measures to prevent the negative impact of adverse production conditions.

own: - methods for determining the optimal parameters of the air environment, noise, vibration, electromagnetic, thermal radiation;

- methods for analyzing the causes of injuries, occupational morbidity, fires and explosions at work and developing measures to prevent them.

4 . General labor intensity disciplines 108 hours, 3 credits.

6. The main sections of the discipline:

1 -Legal and organizational issues of labor protection;

2 - Industrial sanitation;

3 - Basics of industrial ecology;

4 - Fire safety.

7 . Developer:

Department of Woodworking Technology

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Lesson topic. Forestry and woodworking industry. Wood harvesting. The purpose of the lesson: Educational - to introduce the structure of the forestry and woodworking industry, with the methods of harvesting wood. Developing - further development of the ability to apply the knowledge gained in the study of natural history, biology and geography in the study of wood processing technology, develop logical thinking, the formation of the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships. Develop the ability to express your point of view, the ability to communicate, compare, draw conclusions. Ability to gain additional knowledge using information technology via the Internet. Educational - to instill in students an interest in work and a desire to learn new material, the formation of will, perseverance and independence, the cultivation of conscious discipline, accuracy and attentiveness when performing a practical task, the ability to work in a team.

A tree is one of the most amazing and most perfect creations of nature. Since ancient times, trees have been the subject of admiration for people. They were worshiped by the Druids and the ancient Slavs, later they served as a source of inspiration for poets, artists, architects, sculptors, masters of arts and crafts. It is difficult to resist an enthusiastic exclamation, looking at an elegant basket woven from twigs or birch bark. An elegant wooden box, a carved table, and simple household items cause no less admiration. From ancient times to the present day, we have preferred wood despite the variety of alternative materials on the market today. Wood is traditionally one of the most important building materials, which is facilitated by its excellent decorative properties, wide distribution, ease of extraction and processing.

Forestry Forestry ⇨ Forestry ⇨ Wood industry ⇩

Structure and professions of the forestry industry Forestry industry Forestry forestry PROFESSIONS: forestry engineer and technician, forester, forester, resin collector, logging machine operator, tractor driver, etc.

The timber industry of the Federal Forest Service of Russia is concentrated in forestries and forestries. Leshozes organize and carry out the necessary felling of the forest and release it to the harvesters. Forests are planted in cleared areas, tree seeds are collected and young seedlings are grown, forest lands are drained and prepared for forest planting, forests are protected from fires, mushrooms are harvested, berries and medicinal plants are harvested.

In the forestries, low-grade wood, roots, branches, leaves, needles, bark are processed and tar, turpentine, vitamin flour, technological chips for the manufacture of particle boards (chipboard, fiberboard) and other products are obtained. They make tapping (cutting the bark) of coniferous trees and collect resin (resin), from which rosin is obtained. Specialists and workers of various professions work in the forestry enterprises: drivers of logging and logging machines, drivers of timber loaders and timber carriers, fellers of the forest.

Forestries ● They are responsible for the protection of forests and their use ● They are engaged in the cultivation of forest seedlings, reforestation and afforestation ● They are engaged in the care of forest crops and forests, the allocation of cutting areas The work of foresters is led by foresters.

Woodworking industry The woodworking industry is engaged in the production of lumber, wood-based panels, various wood products (sleepers, plywood, construction equipment, matches, furniture and other products). People of such professions as framers (on sawmill frames), machine operators, joiners, carpenters, etc. work here. Types of wood products depending on the methods of processing it and the profession of workers Types of processing Products furniture, parquet, containers, plywood, chipboard. Fiberboard, barrels, toys Saw sawer, lathe operator, plywood worker, cooper, woodworking operator, carpenter, carpenter Chemical (decomposition) Paper, cardboard, pulp, photographic film, film, rubber shoes, tires -presser, vulcanizer, tire assembler, chemical fiber finisher, etc. Thermal (decomposition) Turpentine, oil, tar, wood alcohol, rosin Hydrolysis operator, wood decomposition operator, wood chemical plant operator, etc.

Structure and professions of the woodworking industry Woodworking industry Production sawn timber adhesive laminated chipboard and fiberboard Specialty wood products PROFESSIONS: feller, crosscutter, stacker, skidder, press operator, plywood worker, machine operator, carpenter, carpenter, etc.

Some types of wood products, depending on the methods of its processing.

The use of wood depending on human needs.

Forest is one of the most valuable natural resources. These are the lungs of our planet, it supplies about 60% of oxygen to the earth's atmosphere, consumes 24 kg. carbon dioxide exhaled by five thousand people. For a year, a hectare of forest "filters out" 50 - 70 tons of dust. The forest is the earth's pantry, from which almost all branches of the national economy draw raw materials. The forest is our wealth. Take care of the forest!

Answer the questions 1. What is the structure of forestry? 2. What does the forest industry do? 3. What are the professions of workers working in the forest industry? 4. List the types of products obtained in forestries? 5. What does the woodworking industry do? 6. What are the types of products manufactured in the woodworking industry? 7. What are the professions of workers working in the woodworking industry?

Basic terms Forestry and woodworking industry, forestries, forestries, forester, frame worker, machine operator, carpenter, carpenter, operator, feller, timber, vulcanizer, plywood worker, cooper, apparatchik, stacker, skidder, press operator.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Thematic and lesson planning for downloading into an electronic journal in Excel format on Informatics and ICT, grades 5-7 (1 hour per week) and grades 8-9 of the main school (2 hours per week) for the course Informatics and ICT, Bosova L.L. .

Planning is presented in Excel format for downloading to an electronic journal....

Work program in geography based on the author's program of T.P. Gerasimova grade 6), I.V. Dushina (grade 7), I.I. Barinova (grades 8-9) with a load of 2 hours in each grade of the main general education school

The program contains an explanatory note, a list of multimedia software for use in geography lessons, also contains a mandatory regional component in the geography of the Rostov region ...

Federal Agency for Education
State educational institution
Higher professional education
Lipetsk State University

Academy of Economics and Management

in regional studies on the topic:

« Forestry and woodworking industry of the world»

student of group 110
(Organisation management)
Timofeeva M.G.
Checked by: Sverdlovskaya A.A.

Lipetsk, 2011
1. Introduction
2. The concept of forest resources, their classification
3. Allocation of forest resources
4. Geography of the forestry and woodworking industry
5. General characteristics of the forest complex
6. The largest exporting countries of forestry and woodworking products
7. Structure of world trade in timber products
8. Structure, principles of placement of forest industry facilities
9. Branches of the forestry and woodworking industry

10. Technological features of timber processing

11. Forestry and woodworking industry of Russia

a) Forest resources of Russia and their importance

b) Forestry and woodworking industry in Russia
12. Conclusion
13. References

The forest industry is rightly called the most interesting topic for study, as it is complex, multifaceted, distributed throughout the world and its products are necessary for the economy of any country.
Forest industry products (round timber, sawlogs), production volumes, wood prices and other indicators are closely related to the environmental situation in the world, the state of the world's forests at a given time, and, as a result, with the foreign and domestic policy of a particular country on the issue of forest management. woodlands.
Our country accounts for 22% of the world's forests. Timber reserves in Russia amount to 82 billion cubic meters, which exceeds the reserves of the United States and Canada by 3.5 times.

timber industryis the oldest industry that produces structural materials. It consists of many complementary industries. Industries differ from each other in production technologies and the purpose of their products, although they use the same source material.

The concept of forest resources, their classification

Of all types of vegetation on the planet and all categories of natural resources, forests are the most valuable. According to modern studies, the total stock of plant mass in forests is 82% of the total plant mass of the Earth, or approximately 1960 billion tons, and the total stock of timber in forests is more than 350 billion m.
The official definition of forest resources is given by the industry standard OST 56-108-98, which reads as follows: "Forest resources are understood as stocks of wood and non-timber products of the forest fund, forests that are not included in the forest fund, and lands covered with tree and shrub vegetation. include: forest products from wood or wood itself, non-wood - all other products of non-wood origin ... ".
Forest resources can be classified as follows:
a) forest resources - the entire area occupied by trees or shrubs and used for forestry purposes (public and private forests, national parks and reserves, all forest plantations and forest plantations, including cuttings calculated for one rotation, as well as areas under roads, streams, forest nurseries and small open areas that cannot be identified by the shooting conditions). Forest resources do not include urban orchards, orchards and technical plantations (rubber, cinchona, etc.), forest pastures, and remote areas;
b) closed forests - forest areas used for forestry purposes, occupied by trees, the crown density of which is more than 20%. These include natural forest plantations (including young stands), as well as unclosed forest plantations planted to obtain timber, and protective forest belts where forestry-type farming is carried out.
c) sparse areas (light forests) - non-forest areas where the density of tree crowns is from 5 to 20% (for example, sparse areas in Eurasia, savannahs in the tropics).
In order to streamline the methods of forest management and prevent the depletion of wood reserves, the forests were divided into three groups.
Forests of the first group - forests, the main purpose of which is to perform water protection, protective, sanitary-hygienic and health-improving functions, as well as forests of specially protected natural areas (forests of state nature reserves, national and natural parks, natural monuments, etc.).
Forests of the second group - forests in regions with a high population density and a developed network of land transport routes; forests performing mainly water protection, protective, sanitary and hygienic, recreational and other functions of limited operational significance.
The forests of the third group are forests of rich forest regions, which are of primary operational importance while ensuring the preservation of ecological functions. The forests of the third group are divided into developed and reserved.

Location of forest resources
The development of the world's forestry and woodworking industries is largely determined by the distribution of forest resources. Two belts of these types of processing industry have developed on Earth: the northern forest belt and the southern forest belt.
The northern belt is represented by coniferous (55%) and mixed forests (45% of Eurasia and North America), the southern one is forests of the equatorial and tropical belts. Moist equatorial forests are more productive, but trees of the same species are very rare. The largest wood reserves of this belt are in Brazil, Indonesia, Venezuela, Congo. In the areas of the northern belt, coniferous wood is harvested in Canada, Finland, Sweden, Russia (20%); for these countries, the forestry and woodworking industry is an industry of international specialization. Logging is also carried out in Germany, Romania, China, Japan, and France. Canada is the world's largest exporter of forest products. There are 1.5 thousand sawmills in the country. The world's largest pulp and paper mill operates here.
In areas of the southern forest belt, hardwood is harvested. The timber industry is most developed here in Brazil and Colombia, in the countries of tropical Africa (Congo), in Southeast Asia. Bamboo (India), jute (Bangladesh), sesal (Brazil, Tanzania) are often used in this belt for making paper. Every year 3.5 billion m3 of wood is harvested in the world, the volume of harvesting increases annually by 50 million m3.
In the countries of the northern and southern belts, the use of forest resources is irrational. Currently, a program for reforestation is operating in North America, Europe, Brazil, Congo, Ethiopia, and Australia.
Geography of the forestry and woodworking industry
In recent decades, significant changes have begun to be felt in the geography of the forest industry associated with the ratio of the northern and southern forest belts. In general, timber harvesting is growing (from 2 billion cubic meters in 1965 to 3.5 billion cubic meters in 19190). But if in the middle of the 20th century the countries of the 1st belt were far ahead of the countries of the 2nd belt, now this gap is shrinking. The largest timber producers are the USA, Russia, Canada, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Nigeria, Ukraine, China, and Sweden.
Commercial timber accounts for 80-100% of all harvested wood: in the countries of the northern zone - 80-100%, and in the countries of the southern belt - 10-20%.
Mechanical processing of wood is primarily the production of lumber; largest producers: USA, Russia, Canada, Japan. Brazil, India, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland.
In the chemical processing of wood, the leaders are: the USA, Canada, Japan, Sweden, Finland. Of the countries of the southern belt, only Brazil makes a significant contribution to the world pulp production - 4%.
Paper production is also increasing. The main paper-producing countries are the USA, Japan, Canada.
There are significant differences between gross and per capita production in economically developed and developing countries.
On average, the world produces 45 kg of paper per capita. I place is occupied by Finland (1400 kg), the figures are also high in Sweden (670 kg). Canada (530 kg), Norway (400 kg); in Europe, the figures are higher than the world average, and in Russia - lower (35 kg). The level of per capita indicator in developing countries is very low (for example, in India - 1.7 kg).
General characteristics of the forest complex

The products of the forest complex, the volume of its production, the conjuncture of this market, prices and other indicators are directly related to the position of the world's forests at a particular point in time, the environmental situation and, accordingly, the global and domestic policies of specific countries on the issue of forest management.
Economic, political, demographic and social trends set the direction of forest management and influence the formulation of national forest policies and institutions. The main impact on the area of ​​forests and their quantity is caused by demographic changes (growth) and urbanization of the population, the demand for forest industry products, as well as the ability of forests to perform important ecological functions.
A large number of governmental and international organizations now control forest related issues and therefore influence the forest industry and pricing in this industry. Among such organizations are the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF), established in April 1995 by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. , UNCED). The objectives of the IPF are to follow the recommendations of UNCED on the management of the world's forests, to influence the world community in matters related to forests. IPF works with international organizations, governments, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, which has a great impact on the state of forests and the forest industry.
Other organizations include the World Forest Office (SOFO), which regularly provides briefings. The same can be said about the United Nations Commission on Agriculture (FAO). FAO's Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) program informs decisions made by many other organizations.
The world's forest area, including natural forests and plantations, was estimated at approximately 3,454 million hectares in 1995, with just over half of this in developing countries. The total loss of forests in the world in 1990-1995 was estimated at 56.3 million hectares, which is decomposed into a decrease in forest area by 65.1 million hectares, mainly in developing countries, and an increase in their areas by 8.8 million hectares. In general, the decrease in forest area is most noticeable in developing countries, although the volume of their decrease was less than predicted for 1980-1990, and at the moment continues to go down.
Studies of the causes of changes in the forest show that the main factors are the development of agriculture in Africa, Asia and major economic development programs, accompanied by resettlement, infrastructure development and agriculture in Latin America and Asia. Although logging is not the main reason for the decrease in forest area directly, but indirectly it is an important factor because. logging work in many areas was accompanied by the construction of roads that made previously remote areas easily accessible for agricultural colonization.
Although the total area of ​​forest cover is steadily declining, the demand for forest complex products is steadily growing. FAO statistics on forest products show that world consumption of forest products increased by 36% in 1994 compared to 1970.
Woodfuel consumption, which is the main or only source of energy for two-fifths of the world's population, continues to grow at 1.2% per year. Approximately 90% of woodfuel is produced and used in developing countries. Industrialized countries account for approximately 70% of the production and consumption of industrial forest products.
Many countries rely primarily on plantations and farm forestry to meet their forest needs. The amount of timber produced on plantations in Asia, Oceania and South America has grown dramatically. In the developing countries alone, the area of ​​forest plantations increased from 40 million hectares in 1980 to over 80 million hectares in 1995.
One of the most important trends has been the development of more efficient processing technologies, allowing a significant increase in the final product while reducing the consumption of raw materials. The transition to more environmentally friendly technologies is also important.

The largest exporting countries of forestry and woodworking products
The largest exporting countries of forest industry products are: Russia, USA, Malaysia, Canada, Indonesia, Finland, Sweden, Austria, France, Germany, South America (Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia), China, Japan. Thus, Russia, the USA and Malaysia supply mainly timber and sawn timber; Finland, Austria, Sweden - paper, building materials, furniture; South America - pulp, lumber, cardboard. Recently, the share of exports of roundwood and processed wood from developing countries (Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Cameroon) has been increasing.
The largest companies in this industry are Kimberly-Clark, International Paper, Weyerhaeuser, Stora Enso, UPM-Kymmene, SCA.
The global trade in forest products exceeds US$ 140,000 million and is growing steadily year on year. The financial crisis that began in 2008 had a significant impact on the global forest industry, which significantly reduced the growth rates of this and other industries.

The structure of world trade in timber products
The branches of the timber and paper complex currently account for approximately one tenth of all industrial production in countries with developed market economies.
Wood retains its place in the modern world as the most important type of natural raw material used by civilization. Over the past two decades, wood has represented approximately 10% of the objects of labor in the world. According to this indicator, the timber and paper industry is approximately equal to the chemical industry, slightly exceeds the food industry, and is almost twice as significant as light industry or metallurgy.
The structure of world timber exports is dominated by semi-finished products and raw materials, and finished products can be attributed to no more than a quarter of world trade in products of the timber and paper complex.
In Finland, out of 9 billion dollars of forest exports, about 7 are pulp and paper products, 1 - sawn timber, while wood products account for only 2% of revenue, paper products - 5%, furniture - 2%.
In Sweden, out of 10 billion dollars earned in the timber market, 7 falls on pulp and paper products, 1.5 billion dollars - on sawn timber; wood products give only 4%, paper - 5%, furniture - 9%.
The timber industry complex of Canada provides 20 billion dollars of all export earnings, incl. from sales of pulp and paper products - 13 billion, lumber - 5 billion, products and furniture bring 1.5 billion.
The United States earns $15 billion from this market, of which three are for raw materials, two for lumber, nearly $7 billion for pulp and paper products, and one each for products and furniture.
Only for a few large exporters with an average timber supply, products and furniture in total account for a significant part of the revenue: in Germany - about 50%, in France - 40%, in Austria - about 30%.
Structure, principles of placement of forest industry facilities

The timber industry consists of several interconnected industries. The products of one industry serve as raw materials for another. Such a scheme allows, along with the sequential processing of wood, to complete the processing of waste.
Scheme 1

Forest industry enterprises that are located close to each other and have close production ties based on the sharing of raw materials, energy, transport and complete waste treatment form timber processing complexes. The structure of the timber industry is shown in Table 2.
table 2

Branches of the forestry and woodworking industry
The timber industry is one of the oldest industries that produces structural materials and consists of the following interrelated industries, which differ from one another in production technology, the purpose of the products, but use the same raw materials:
    logging, felling, trailing (delivery to the consumer)
    mechanical processing - includes sawmilling, production of plywood, lumber, furniture, matches, parquet, etc.
    wood chemistry includes the production of cellulose, paper, and other products.
    the pulp and paper industry occupies an intermediate position, where chemical technologies are combined with mechanical processing, and includes the production of cellulose, rosin, wood alcohol, fodder yeast.

Technological features of timber processing

The Forest Industry Group deals with lumber and other wood products. The list of wood products is very extensive. According to the US classification, the main branches of this industry include:
    shredding and manufacturing of plywood veneer
    production of wooden containers
    construction of wooden buildings
    other wood products.
In order to be used further, wood must be processed into some basic material. The first three branches of the forest industry mentioned are aimed at this.
Approximately 20 technological processes are used in these industries, including: sawing, grinding, compression molding, molding, processing with abrasive materials, drilling, chemical processing, etc.

Forest resources of Russia and their importance.

Russia accounts for 22% of the world's forest resources - 770 million hectares - 45% of the entire territory of the country. Timber reserves - 82 billion m 3, which exceeds the total reserves of the United States and Canada by 3.5 times. Forests are distributed unevenly throughout the country. In the western zone (European north), 30% of the area covered by forest is concentrated. In the eastern zone (Northern Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, Far East) - 70% of the territory is covered with forest - these are territories with the exception of tundra and forest tundra. Mature wood is 50%.
In some areas, forest cover (the share of the area occupied by forest vegetation in relation to the entire area) is 2/3 of the territory - these are the Irkutsk region, the Komi Republic, Primorsky Krai, the Arkhangelsk region. But there are areas completely treeless - the Astrakhan region.
The density of forest resources is inversely proportional to population density.
In the eastern regions, coniferous species predominate (cedar, fir, larch, less spruce and pine). In the European part - spruce, pine, which are of the greatest value for construction, as well as deciduous forests (more than in the east).
Areas of the European part of the country are intensively exploited. In the future, the exploitation of the eastern part will increase more and more.
Wood is used in many sectors of the economy: in construction (in the form of a fastening forest, for finishing), in the mining industry (in the form of mining racks), in furniture production, in the chemical industry, in the production of cellulose, paper, cardboard, for the production of containers. The forest is a recreation center, a hunting base, a source of berries, mushrooms, medicinal herbs.

Forestry and woodworking industry in Russia

The timber industry in Russia has turned from a seasonal industry into an industrial production sector with permanent, qualified personnel and high-quality equipment. This industry belongs to the mining industry. The bulk of logging falls on the forest-abundant regions of the European north, the northern Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, and the Far East. But the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the north-east of Russia are far from the consumer - there is no wood harvested there. In Krasnoyarsk - an exception - the zones along the rivers and south.
The main forest-forming species is larch, the processing of which is always difficult. The greatest load falls on the European north, south of Siberia and the Far East.
The first place in timber harvesting is occupied by the European North (Komi and Karelia Republics, Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions) - 20%. There is an extensive network of rivers, logging roads, timber export port - Arkhangelsk.
The second place is occupied by the East Siberian region (south of the Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk Territory). Part of the forest is rafted along the Yenisei to the port of Igarka, and most of it is rafted along the Trans-Siberian Railway to the European part.
The third place is occupied by the Urals (Sverdlovsk and Perm regions) - 18%.
These 3 regions harvest 60% of Russia's timber. Recently, there has been a shift to the east in the location of logging, which increases the distance of transportation, which has increased from 750 to 1700 km and is the highest among the transport of bulk goods by rail in the world.
Sawmilling is the main consumer of industrial timber at the logging stage. Sawmilling centers are located not only in logging areas (Arkhangelsk, Lesosibirsk on the Yenisei), but also in the sparsely forested Volga region (Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan). A huge mass of roundwood is transported by rail.
Sawmilling serves as the basis for the subsequent processing of raw materials. In close connection with it, standard housing construction, the production of furniture, DRSP, plywood, and matches were widely developed. Enterprises for the mechanical processing of wood have historically been concentrated in the center of Russia (the Central Chernozem region, the Volga region), which now produce most of the sawn timber using imported raw materials.

The timber and woodworking industry has been around for a very long time. The forest has been one of the main objects of human activity since antiquity. The forest provided wood, food, and shelter. With the development of production, the demand for forest industry products has steadily increased. Now the timber industry supplies: wood, lumber, wood-based panels, raw materials for various industries, transport, construction, and agriculture.
The development of the global forest industry is directly related to the location of the largest forest areas. The main forest areas of the planet are located in South and North America, in Siberia, in East Asia. The approximate area of ​​the world's forests is 3454 million hectares.

A characteristic feature of this industry is that the number of forests on Earth is constantly decreasing, and the demand for forest industry products is steadily growing. The decrease in the number of forests is associated with their immoderate deforestation, the expansion of agricultural land, the deterioration of the ecological situation, and climate change. The world community, concerned about this situation, is taking various measures to protect and protect forests: many countries have banned uncontrolled cutting of trees, adopted programs for the restoration of forest plantations, the cultivation of industrial forests on special plantations, and measures are being introduced to improve the environmental situation. Mankind has come to understand that natural resources must be protected, preserved and, if possible, renewed. That predatory deforestation,drilling of the wellsfor the extraction of oil and gas, the construction of mines for the extraction of minerals must be carried out under the strict control of the state and the world community.

1. Vavilova E.R. Economic geography and regional studies. Textbook - Gardariki, 2003.
2. Publisher: Editorial Board LLC Cellulose. Paper. Cardboard", 2000

3. Internet resources: Electronic journal forest industry. Nos. 4-7, 2007.
