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Where should the corporate seal be kept? Main and auxiliary seals. Accounting for company seals

Printing for the organization - an established custom business turnover, a weighty attribute of her style, confirmation of her status. Information about the seal is enshrined in the charter, for example, about the storage of the seal. But in practice this is not always done. How to organize the printing process correctly.

Seal is an individually developed attribute of paperwork and confirmation (certification) of the source of documentation. The seal usually contains the full name of the company and its address. The procedure for working with stamps in the organization is established by internal documents. Printing is a right, not a duty, for a commercial company. But many HR and record keeping experts still recommend having a seal in order to avoid conflicts associated with the imperfection of legislation.

A company may have several stamps - one main and additional ones for departments, for example, for the personnel service.

Accounting for company seals

Company seals must be kept under strict control. For this, a special journal is kept. The document reflects the movement of the seal, which consists of the manufacture, replacement, transfer, destruction and other actions with this element of business turnover.

The journal is maintained by general principles: they independently sew or order a form at the printing house, number the sheets, seal and fill out the employees appointed by order. The responsible employee keeps the journal in an inaccessible place, for example, in a safe, keeps the keys to it and transfers it to other employees only upon an official written request signed by the head of the enterprise.

Where is the seal of the organization kept?

The real mess begins in the organization, if the place of storage of stamps is not established, then it lies in the accounting department, then at the reception, then with lawyers. By general rule seals are stored in the office, it is convenient for both the main seal and additional seals of departments. If the stamps are taken from the office, they put a note about this in the register. This is important not only in order to quickly find a seal if the secretary does not have it. A stamp is a material value, for the safety of which someone must be responsible. Responsibility is established by order. If the seal was taken by another employee, the responsibility passes to him. In this case, it is not necessary to issue an order from the head every time. It is enough to make a full entry in the accounting log so that the responsibility for the safety of the seal passes to the employee who took the seal.

Who can keep the seal of the organization

Any employee who will keep the seals can be appointed in the company. The position, department and place of storage depends on the established order of document flow in the company, its structure. Usually this is a secretary, head of the legal, contractual department or chief accountant. It is important that the right to keep stamps is documented for the employee. At the same time, the seal should be inaccessible to other employees of the company. To do this, they put a safe, and the key to it is handed over to the responsible officer. You can also use a locker or desktop drawer to store stamps if you can reduce the security of storage. current situation in your company. Of course, in a safe, valuables are better protected from theft.

The order of storage and removal of seals

The procedure is approved by order for the company signed by the head. The office work department, lawyers and other interested departments are involved in the development. All seals of the enterprise are deposited in the office. The staff of the office responsible for printing keep records that reflect the movement of stamps outside the office and inside it. In each division, the head must appoint an employee who will be responsible for the seals that are transferred to the departments or designed specifically for them. For each print, the employee is personally responsible.

To transfer the seal from one unit to another, draw up an act. If the employee who is responsible for the stamp is transferred or fired, material values transfer to another employee, which is recorded in the journal. It is usually forbidden to take stamps outside the organization. An exception may be the trip of the secretary to the head, who cannot be present in the office, and then immediately with signed and certified papers to the recipient or customer of the documents. There may be other reasons for taking the seal out of its permanent storage.

If the stamp is missing, employees must report this to the manager. To determine the causes and guilt of the responsible persons, an investigation is carried out, and conclusions are drawn based on its results. If fault is established, employees responsible for keeping the seal will receive disciplinary action.

The first entry on the procedure for using the seal appeared in the Unified state system office work (EGSD), approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Science of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 04.09.73 No. 435 and recommended for use by all ministries, departments and their subordinate institutions, organizations and enterprises when improving office work. The provisions on the press, fixed in the USSD, remain valid to this day.

Main and auxiliary seals

According to their purpose, seals and stamps are divided into main and auxiliary.

impression main print placed on documents to certify their authenticity.

Paragraph 7 of Art. 2 federal law dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ "On joint-stock companies"establishes the composition of information in the seal of the company:" The company must have a round seal containing its full company name in Russian and an indication of its location. The company's company name can also be indicated in the seal in any foreign language or the language of the nations Russian Federation».

Organizations may have auxiliary (additional) seals- they reproduce the name of the organization, its structural unit, type of seal. In this case, the seal must contain an additional inscription: "Secretariat", "For accounts", "For information", etc.

An imprint of auxiliary seals is affixed to certify certificates, copies of documents, extracts from documents, accounting documents, etc.


A stamp is a type of printing in a rectangular shape. Stamps formally replace handwriting in repetitive situations of the same type in paper office work. In this case, the stamps, in essence, are the details involved in giving the document legal force and speeding up the workflow. Stamps also come in different types.

Corner (address) stamp is used if the organization or entrepreneur does not have printed or "electronic" forms. The corner stamp can be used for short-term correspondence, issuing current certificates, etc. In this case, the corner stamp, made in accordance with the necessary requirements, gives the document an official character.

In the corner stamps, the details of the organization are arranged in the same sequence as in the form, i.e. the details indicated in the corner stamps and seals must match.

The size of the corner stamp, as a rule, corresponds to the size of the corner blank (70x100 mm).

Registration stamp establishes the responsibility of the organization for the document, the beginning of the countdown of the deadline. It contains the name of the enterprise, fields for indicating the date of receipt and the number (index) of the incoming document. This stamp is not affixed to the attachments to the document.

Access restriction stamp is placed in the upper right corner of each sheet of the document. The stamp may be supplemented with the data provided for by the legislation on information classified as state secrets and confidential information.

Stamps with company details, usually small in size, with a frame; include the short name of the company, place of registration, TIN.

Marking stamps used for the internal needs of the enterprise. Their size, shape and content are not regulated. The use of a special stamp ink allows the use of such stamps for solving production problems - marking containers, fabrics, plastics and other surfaces.


The production, accounting, replacement, storage, transfer and destruction of seals and stamps is personally provided by the head of the organizational department, appointed by order of the head of the organization. In the event of his dismissal, the order is reissued. Responsibility for the use and storage of seals and stamps, after issuing them to structural units, is assigned by order of the head to the employees who received such seals and stamps. The issuance of seals and stamps is recorded in the accounting journal.

Use and storage of seals and stamps

The main round seal of the organization must be kept by the head of the organizational department and kept in his safe. It can be issued against receipt to other employees in a situation where the head of the organizational department is absent for a long time or there is a need to use printing on weekends and holidays or use it outside the organization.

Auxiliary seals and stamps are held by employees of the organization responsible for their use and preservation.

Auxiliary dies are stored in lockable tables. The main and auxiliary seals, the address stamp are stored in sealed safes (metal cabinets), access to which is available to the employee who has received the seals and stamps and is responsible for their safety.

Accounting for seals and stamps

To account for seals and stamps, a journal is kept, which is kept by the employee responsible for the safety of seals and stamps. The journal is kept according to the rules of keeping documents of strict accountability. Each sheet of the journal is numbered, the journal is laced, sealed with a wax seal and signed by the head of the organization. The magazine is stored in a fireproof cabinet.

Received seals and stamps must be immediately registered.

registration of seals and stamps

Loss of seal or stamp

In case of loss of the seal, you must contact the police with a corresponding statement. If the office was hacked, then law enforcement officers will inspect the premises from which the theft was committed. And if the seal was stolen from personal belongings, for example, along with a folder of documents from the car of the head, then the investigator will take an explanation from the person who announced the theft.

Both in the application itself and subsequently in the explanations, it is necessary to record as specifically as possible what exactly was stolen. It is better to specify the theft of the seal separately.

It would be useful to provide the police with a sample print of the seal (you can make a copy of any document certified by it). In this case, it is necessary to confirm the fact of providing a copy. If it is attached to the statement about the theft, this should be written in the statement, and if a copy is submitted later, then you need to get the signature of the investigator on the cover letter.

In the future, the application will allow you to get a certificate from the police, which will confirm the fact of theft and help prove the innocence of the company in case the thieves use the seal.

In addition, after detecting the theft and reporting to the police, it is necessary to make a statement about the abduction to the bank. How faster organization reports the theft to the bank, the less chance the thieves have of taking advantage of the stolen goods. In addition, bank employees may well help in detaining criminals, if, of course, they are notified in time about what happened.

To protect yourself from the claims of future victims of scammers, you can advertise the theft in the media.

Transfer, replacement, production and destruction of seals and stamps

Replacement and acquisition of seals (stamps) are made on the basis of the order (instruction) of the head on the proposal of the heads structural divisions organizations. For the manufacture of seals and stamps, an order is made to a company that manufactures seals and stamps. Seals and stamps are registered with the person who received them until they are transferred (surrendered) or replaced (destroyed). Seals (stamps) to be replaced are destroyed.

The destruction of seals and stamps is carried out by a commission, which is created by order of the head.

The method of destruction is determined by the commission. The destruction of seals and stamps implies the complete destruction of their printing surface and form, which does not allow the possibility of recovery and further use. Products made of rubber, rubber, photopolymers are cut into small pieces or burned, metal products are sawn off in two cross lines. An act is drawn up on the destruction of seals and stamps, which is approved by the head. The act must indicate:

time and place of destruction;

the composition of the commission;

the basis for the destruction of seals and stamps;

the name and impressions of the destroyed seals and stamps;

method of destruction

conclusion of the commission on bringing the seal (stamp) to a state that excludes the possibility of its restoration and further use;

The signatures of the committee members.

The act is filed in a special outfit, which is stored along with the accounting journal. This act is the basis for making a note about the destruction of the seal (stamp) in the register.

registration of seals and stamps allocated for destruction

Monitoring the status of accounting and storage of seals and stamps

Special commissions may be created to conduct checks on the status of accounting and storage of seals and stamps. Based on the results of the audit, a certificate (act) is drawn up, which is submitted to the manager for taking measures to ensure proper accounting and storage conditions for seals and stamps. When transferring or dismissing an employee responsible for accounting and storing seals and stamps, the manager appoints a commission to verify the actual availability of seals and stamps.

The results of the check are reflected in the act of acceptance and transfer of seals and stamps to another employee appointed by order of the head responsible for their accounting and storage, with the imprints of seals and stamps attached.

T.V. Kozlova, teacher of typing at the Club of Professional Secretaries

After acquiring a seal, each entrepreneur decides on the rules for storing and using this important tool.

Where to store the seal?

The first question that the print owner must decide is to choose appropriate place for storage. The ideal option is a safe, but if you don’t have one, then the following options are possible:

  • Lockable desk drawer
  • Safe
  • Carry with you

Choosing the right option depends on your capabilities and how often you use printing.

How to store the seal?

Manufacturers do not impose special storage conditions, but it is still advisable not to leave it in the sun, keep it away from dusty and humid places. It is advisable to keep the print away from batteries and heaters, the photopolymer from which the cliche is made is sensitive to high temperatures. If the cliché is dirty, you can gently wipe it with a barely damp cloth. If the cliche began to peel off, then cut a circle with a diameter equal to your cliché from double-sided tape and assemble the print again.

Print care

Printing will not require much trouble from you, if the plastic case is dirty, you can wipe it with any damp cloth, the dust from the cliché is removed manually or with a barely moistened sponge.

How to store print on automatic tooling?

How to store a print on a manual rig?

Rules for storing seals for individual entrepreneurs

Since in this case only one person most often uses the seal, keeping a journal, issuing an order to keep the seal does not make much sense. The main thing is to determine the place where the seal would be safe in your absence.

Rules for storing the seal of the organization

With the rules for storing the seal of the organization, everything is somewhat more complicated:

  • With a large number of seals, a register of seals and stamps is opened, where they reflect the type of seal and the person responsible for its safety
  • The places of storage of accounting and director's seals, as well as personal stamps of employees should also be clearly defined.
  • The deadlines for checking the proper fulfillment of storage conditions have been set, the results of which are documented in acts.
  • If damaged seals are identified, measures should be taken to replace them.

Order: Seal Keeper

The order for the storage of stamps and seals is a document that determines the responsible person. The form of the order is not regulated by law, you can use the form presented on our website. The order on the appointment of a person responsible for the storage of seals is signed by the head of the enterprise and the person appointed to the position.

In order for the seal to serve you for a long time, do not forget about the rules of storage and care. Easy negotiations and new contracts for you!

Storage, accounting and carrying out procedures for the destruction of the main, auxiliary seals and stamps are quite clearly regulated by law. Compliance with these procedures will help to avoid their loss and unauthorized use. And in case of emergencies, it will help to resolve possible disputes about the legitimacy of certified documents.

Basic provisions of wounding and accounting for seals / stamps

First of all, for the correct accounting of all types of seals, it will be necessary to create and further maintain a special journal, in which all information on their manufacture, use and elimination should be entered. This journal is maintained by a specially appointed official. Each journal sheet is numbered without fail, certified by the personal signature of the head and certified by a seal. Such a magazine is stored in a special fireproof safe.

Important! If the employee responsible for keeping the journal is dismissed, transferred or a new one is appointed, a commission is formed to verify the correctness of the specified information and the physical presence of all seals/stamps.

The seals are kept by responsible persons, in accordance with the official position and orders of the leadership.

The main one, which has a round shape, is with the head or with another official agreed with him (in this case, a special order is drawn up). It can be temporarily issued to other employees (a receipt must be written on the temporary location of the seal and its use) in such cases:

  • Prolonged absence of the manager at the workplace: vacation, sick leave, business trip.

  • Certification of documents with a seal during non-working hours: holidays, weekends.

  • The need to use outside the organization.

Important! The main seal is kept in a sealed safe.

Auxiliary seals \ stamps - from employees authorized to use and save them.

Loss of seals

In cases where a situation arises with the loss of a seal, it becomes physically impossible to carry out the destruction procedure. The first thing to do is to file a loss statement with authorized body(the police). The application should indicate all the circumstances under which it was lost, provide the necessary legal documentation on the production of the seal, the registration log.

In such cases, it is a certificate from the police that is the legal basis for the production of a duplicate of the lost seal.

The main reasons and order of destruction

Possible reasons leading to the need to carry out the destruction procedure:

  • Change of key information of the owner of the seal, such as: change of name, place of registration or actual registration of the organization, organizational or legal form.

  • Liquidation of the enterprise.

  • Unsatisfactory printing condition, making it impossible to make a clear impression.

The replaced seal is subject to destruction and the fact of liquidation is the main legal pretext for ordering a new one.

A correct destruction procedure requires:

  • Direct physical destruction of the seal.

  • Correct documentary confirmation of the fact of liquidation.

The date and method by which the seal will be destroyed is chosen by the management of each individual company.

By the forces of the organization

If a decision is made to destroy the seal on their own by the employees of the enterprise, the management organizes a special commission that deals with the physical liquidation and compilation required document- an act on the destruction of the seal, which indicates:

  • Date, actual place of liquidation.

  • The nominal composition of the special commission.

  • Reasons for liquidation.

  • Accurate description, ownership and seal imprints.

  • The method by which the seal was destroyed: polymer, rubber seals are eliminated by cutting them into several components or through a burning procedure, metal ones must be sawn off with 2 crossed strips.

  • The final act of the commission on the impossibility of further exploitation or restoration of the seal.

  • Signatures of all members of the commission.

This act is legal basis to record the liquidation of the seal in a special register

Destruction by contacting a third party organization.

A seal\stamp that has become unusable or has lost its relevance can be destroyed by special organizations - manufacturers (stamp workshops). An important point is the fact that not only the seal itself is subject to destruction, but the set of legal documentation attached to it:

  • Statement of the need for destruction, signed by the head.

  • Scanned copy of the identity document of the head - the original of the civil passport, or a document replacing it.

  • A photocopy of the order confirming the authority of the head or his appointment to the position.

  • Notarized extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

After providing all necessary documentation, carrying out the procedure for the destruction of the seal / stamp and its payment, an act is issued where impressions of the old seal are placed.

In order to ensure the accounting, storage and issuance of seals and stamps in Federal Service state statistics, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions, I order:

1. Approve the attached one on the procedure for accounting, storage and issuance of seals and stamps in the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions.

2. Assign responsibility for accounting, storage and issuance of seals and stamps in the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions to the divisions for the protection of state secrets, and in their absence - to the divisions of unclassified office work.

3. The heads of the structural subdivisions of the Federal State Statistics Service, before March 1, 2011, determine the officials authorized to store and use the impressions of seals and stamps, and report them to the department for the protection of state secrets of the Administrative Department of the Federal State Statistics Service.

4. The heads of the territorial bodies of the Federal State Statistics Service and subordinate institutions, by March 10, 2011, bring the accounting, storage and issuance of seals and stamps in accordance with the requirements for the procedure for accounting, storage and issuance of seals and stamps in the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial authorities and subordinate institutions.

5. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

on the procedure for accounting, storage and issuance of seals and stamps in the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions
(approved by the Federal State Statistics Service of January 31, 2011 N 25)

I. General provisions

1.1. This Instruction has been prepared in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law of December 25, 2000 N 2-FKZ "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation", the Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 N 420 "On the Federal State Statistics Service", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1995 N 1268 "On streamlining the manufacture, use, storage and destruction of seals and letterheads with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation" (as amended on June 8, 2001, December 14, 2006 g.), GOST R 51511-2001 "Seals with reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements", approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia of December 25, 2001 N 573-st, GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified Documentation Systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork", approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated March 3, 2003 N 65-st.

1.2. This Instruction regulates the procedure for the manufacture, accounting, storage and issuance of seals and stamps in the Federal State Statistics Service (hereinafter referred to as Rosstat), its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions.

1.3. The following terms and definitions are used in this Instruction:

printing - a device containing a printing cliché for applying prints to paper, sealing wax or plasticine;

imprint - an image of a print cliché on paper, sealing wax, plasticine;

print cliché - a print element containing a mirror image of a print print;

mastic seal - a seal that provides an imprint with stamp ink;

seal with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation - a seal that has a mirror image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation in the center of the cliché of the seal.

1.4. Accounting, storage and issuance of seals and stamps in the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions are carried out by divisions for the protection of state secrets, and in their absence, divisions of unclassified office work.

1.5. The Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions use seals with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, simple mastic seals and stamps.

1.6. The Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions have seals depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the official seal).

1.7. The decision on the required number of official seals is made by the head of the Federal State Statistics Service.

1.8. The central office of Rosstat uses two stamp seals. The first official seal is kept by the deputy head of the department - the head of the department for ensuring the activities of the leadership and the collegium of the Administrative Department, the second (with the number 2) - in the division for the protection of state secrets.

In addition, the personnel service of Rosstat has a small official mastic seal for certificates.

1.9. The territorial bodies of the Federal State Statistics Service and its subordinate institutions have, as a rule, one official seal.

The production of the second official seal of the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service or an institution subordinate to it, in case of official necessity, is allowed only with the permission of the head of Rosstat.

For personnel services territorial bodies of Rosstat are allowed to order a small official mastic seal or a press release metal seal for certificates.

1.10. Official seals are used in the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions to certify the authenticity of documents or the correspondence of copies of documents to the originals.

1.11. In the central office of the Federal State Statistics Service, the signatures of the head of the Federal State Statistics Service and his deputies, the head of the Administrative Department, the chief accountant, the head of the department for the protection of state secrets, as well as other officials who have been granted appropriate powers, are certified with a stamp seal.

1.12. The official mastic seal certifies:

all types of contracts and agreements concluded by the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions with other organizations within their competence;

financial documents and reports submitted to the Russian Ministry of Finance, the Federal Treasury, tax authorities, funds;

cash register documents credit operations, settlement checks, receipt orders, money orders, salary certificates;

documents on the logistics and supply of Rosstat, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions;

acts on the work performed and the services provided;

acts of examinations, revisions, inventories, acceptance and transfer of inventory items;

letters of guarantee;

power of attorney;

characteristics of civil servants (employees);

nominations for awards, promotions, class ranks and honorary titles, certificates of honor, gratitude, certificates of awards;

certificates, certificates of passage public service, archival, preferential and others;

documents related to registration of access to state secrets;

other documents and their copies requiring special certification of their authenticity.

1.13. A stamp with a facsimile reproduction of the signature of the head of the Federal State Statistics Service is made on his behalf. The official responsible for the storage and use of the facsimile stamp is determined by an oral order of the head of Rosstat.

A stamp with a facsimile reproduction of the signature of the head of the Federal State Statistics Service is used to certify congratulatory, greeting letters, anniversary addresses and other documents that do not require legal identification. The use of the specified stamp to confirm the authenticity of orders, orders, instructions, official letters is not allowed.

1.14. The Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions can produce simple mastic seals and stamps with the name of specific structural units without state symbols (Administrative Department, Department of Civil Service and Personnel, Department for the Protection of State Secrets and others).

The seals with the names of the structural units certify the signatures of their heads or civil servants, certifying copies of documents on work books, copies of orders (instructions), certificates, packages and other documents that do not require certification with a stamp.

1.15. The Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions may produce simple mastic and metal seals for:

Head's Secretariat;

Divisions for the protection of state secrets;

Divisions of unclassified office work;

Administrative department (administrative department);

personnel service;

Economic division.

The territorial bodies of Rosstat, in addition, can produce simple mastic seals for the activities of structural units located in regions and cities.

Unclassified records departments and the manager's secretariat may have a simple seal for packages.

1.16. The use of seals in the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions is permitted only to employees to whom they were issued in the manner prescribed by this Instruction.

1.17. The seal impression certifies the authenticity of the signature on documents certifying the rights of persons fixing facts related to financial resources, as well as on other documents providing for the authentication of the signature.

1.18. The imprint of the seal is affixed to documents drawn up in compliance with the current rules, signed and agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

1.19. When placing a seal imprint on a document, one should be guided by the following: place the seal imprint so that the signature and all information on the seal imprint are clearly visible.

It is possible to place the imprint, without touching the signature, in a free space.

1.20. Structural divisions of the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions may have stamps and other products:

Stamps without the name of the Federal State Statistics Service, territorial body or subordinate institution, as well as with their abbreviated name;

ice creams;

Metal numbered seals for sealing vaults (metal cabinets, safes);

Stamps for incoming and outgoing correspondence.

Mastic stamps are used to mark the receipt, registration, passage, control of documents.

1.21. Divisions for the protection of state secrets of the Federal State Statistics Service and its territorial bodies must have all the seals and stamps provided for by the regulatory and methodological documents for the protection of state secrets.

II. The procedure for filing applications for the production of seals and stamps

2.1. For the production of seals and stamps:

2.1.1. The structural unit of the Federal State Statistics Service, which needs them, prepares a memo addressed to the head of the Department for the Development of the Property Complex, which indicates in connection with what seals and stamps are needed (to be made for the first time, renaming the unit, due to wear, etc. .), what seals and stamps need to be made, in what quantity.

Samples (sketches) in two copies are attached to the memo.

2.1.2. The structural unit of the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service or a subordinate institution that needs them prepares a memo addressed to the head of the territorial body or institution, which indicates in connection with what seals and stamps are needed (to be made for the first time, renaming the unit, in connection with wear, etc.), what seals and stamps need to be made, in what quantity.

The memorandum is accompanied by sketches in two copies.

2.2. Service notes with a request for the production of seals and stamps must be endorsed in the department for the protection of state secrets of the Administrative Department of Rosstat and the divisions for the protection of state secrets of the territorial bodies of Rosstat, respectively, and in their absence - in the division of unclassified office work.

A copy of the memo with the relevant resolution of the head of the territorial body of Rosstat or an institution subordinate to Rosstat is transferred to the department for the protection of state secrets, and in its absence - to the department of unclassified office work.

III. Accounting and issuance of seals and stamps

3.1. After the production of seals and stamps, they are mandatory transferred for accounting and issuance to the department for the protection of state secrets of the Administrative Department of Rosstat, the division for the protection of state secrets of the territorial body of Rosstat, respectively, and in their absence - to the division of unclassified office work.

3.2. Registration and issuance of seals and stamps is carried out according to the journal of registration and issuance of seals and stamps (the form of the journal is attached).

It is prohibited to transfer seals and stamps to the structural subdivisions of the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions, bypassing the subdivisions for the protection of state secrets.

3.3. The heads of the structural subdivisions of the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions determine the officials authorized to store seals and stamps and use their prints, and report them to the department for the protection of state secrets of the Administrative Department of Rosstat or to the subdivision for the protection of state secrets of the territorial body Rosstat respectively.

3.4. Issuance of seals and stamps to officials of structural divisions of the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions authorized to store seals and stamps and use their impressions, is made against receipt in the register and issuance of seals and stamps with obligatory affixing date of receipt of the seal or stamp.

IV. Order of storage of seals and stamps

4.1. Stamps depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation are stored in safes.

4.2. Simple seals and stamps in the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions can be stored in securely locked and sealed metal cabinets (boxes).

4.3. It is prohibited to store seals and stamps in tables, drawers, transfer them for storage to persons who do not have the right to do so, and carry them in pockets of clothing.

V. Order of destruction of seals and stamps

5.1. When the need has passed, seals and stamps are handed over for destruction to the department for the protection of state secrets of the Administrative Department of Rosstat or the division for the protection of state secrets of the territorial body of Rosstat, respectively.

5.2. The destruction of seals and stamps is carried out according to the act.

The commission for the destruction of seals and stamps includes: an employee of the department for the protection of state secrets and employees of structural divisions in which the seals and stamps to be destroyed were used.

5.3. The destruction of seals and stamps implies the complete destruction of their printing surface and form, which does not allow the possibility of their restoration and further use.

Mastic seals and stamps are cut into small pieces or burned, and from metal they are sawn off in two cross lines.

5.4. A note about the destruction of the seal or stamp is affixed in the "Note" column of the journal for recording and issuing seals and stamps.

VI. Checking for seals and stamps

6.1. Checking the presence of seals and stamps is carried out at least once a year by a commission appointed by order of the head of the Federal State Statistics Service, the head of the territorial body of Rosstat or a subordinate institution.

6.2. About the checks carried out, marks are made in the journal of accounting and issuance of seals and stamps after the last entry.

6.3. In case of loss of seals and stamps, the heads of structural divisions of the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions immediately report this fact to the department for the protection of state secrets of the Administrative Department of Rosstat and the division for the protection of state secrets of the territorial body of Rosstat, respectively, and take measures to search for them .

VII. Control over the correct storage and use of seals and stamps

7.1. The control of the correct storage and use of seals and stamps in the structural subdivisions of the Federal State Statistics Service and its territorial bodies is assigned to the department for the protection of state secrets of the Administrative Department of the Federal State Statistics Service and the subdivision for the protection of state secrets of the territorial bodies of Rosstat, respectively.

VIII. Responsibility

8.1. Responsibility for the legality of use and reliability of storage of seals depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation rests with the head of the Federal State Statistics Service, the heads of territorial bodies of the Federal State Statistics Service and subordinate institutions.

8.2. Responsibility for the proper storage and legality of the use of official seals rests with the officials to whom they were issued. The transfer of official seals to other persons and their removal outside the building without the written permission of the head of the Federal State Statistics Service, the head of the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service or a subordinate institution is not allowed.

8.3. Responsibility for the reliability of storage, the legality of the use of simple seals rests with the heads of the relevant departments.

8.4. For violation of the storage procedure, illegal and illegal use of seals, a civil servant (employee) may be subject to disciplinary or other liability provided for by law.

to the procedure for accounting, storage
and issuance of seals and stamps in the Federal
service of state statistics, its
territorial bodies and subordinate

Journal of registration and issuance of seals and stamps

Impressions of seals and stamps To whom issued Return date and acceptance receipt Note
name of the department where seals and stamps are stored surname and initials of the responsible person date and receipt of receipt

Order of the Federal State Statistics Service of January 31, 2011 N 25 "On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for accounting, storage and issuance of seals and stamps in the Federal State Statistics Service, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions"

Document overview

The procedure for accounting, storage and issuance of seals and stamps in Rosstat, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions has been established. Such powers are exercised by divisions for the protection of state secrets, and in their absence, divisions of unclassified office work.

Official seals confirm the authenticity of documents or the correspondence of copies of documents to originals. The official mastic seal is placed, in particular, on contracts and agreements, powers of attorney, letters of guarantee, financial documents and reports, documents on registration of access to state secrets, characteristics of civil servants.

Simple mastic seals and stamps with the name of specific structural units without state symbols certify the signatures of the relevant managers or civil servants on work books, copies of orders (instructions), certificates, packages that do not require a stamp seal. Mastic stamps are used to mark the receipt, registration, passage, control of documents. A stamp with a facsimile reproduction of the signature of the head of Rosstat is used to certify letters that do not require legal identification (congratulations, greetings).

Official seals are stored in safes, simple ones - in lockable and sealed metal cabinets (boxes). Their presence is checked at least once a year. Destruction as unnecessary is carried out according to the act by a special commission.
