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Automation of the budget planning process. Atsk-planning Atsk planning Komi

One of the latest created subsystems is the formation and maintenance of a register of sources of income when planning and executing the budget. The register of sources of income is a collection of information on budget revenues by sources of income of the budgets of the budget system, formed in the process of drawing up, approving and executing the budget. In accordance with legislative requirements, the constituent entities and municipalities of the Russian Federation have the obligation to create registers of sources of budget income and submit these registers simultaneously with the draft Law (decision) to the Legislative (representative) body. The subsystem allows you to download lists of sources of income from the GIIS “Electronic Budget” and upload the register of sources of income of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and a set of registers of sources of income of a municipal entity to the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

The ability to create and maintain regional lists of state (municipal) services and works was developed by the BFT company to implement the latest legislative requirements of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation. The user can integrate the process of forming and maintaining regional lists into the general process of forming state and municipal assignments of institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipal institutions and calculating subsidies for the implementation of state and municipal tasks. The functionality also interacts with the website of the Electronic Budget system in terms of downloading all-Russian lists of services.

To implement the latest legislative requirements of budget legislation, the BFT has expanded the functionality of the ACC-Planning budget planning system. As part of the solution, it became possible to create and maintain regional lists of state (municipal) services and works.

Among the possibilities for creating and maintaining regional lists of state (municipal) services and works:

  • automatic and manual generation of regional services;
  • coordination of regional services by the authority executive power and the financial authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, assigning a register number to each service;
  • signing a register entry with enhanced qualified electronic signature a person authorized to act on behalf of the relevant executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • making changes to the regional segment of the basic list of services.

Based on the services of the all-Russian and regional segments of the basic (industry) list of services, the system produces and communicates state (municipal) tasks to institutions.

Previously, BFT experts created the module “Formation and maintenance of a register of sources of budget income of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal formation).” It complies with the requirements of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (Article 47.1 and Article 184.2), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 868 dated 08/31/2016 and Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 164n dated 09/23/2016. Municipalities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation are legally required to create registers of sources of budget income and submit these registers simultaneously with the draft Law (decision) to the Legislative (representative) body.

The module “Formation and maintenance of a register of sources of budget income of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal formation)” provides:

  • automatic generation of registers of sources of income based on electronic documents ACC systems;
  • formation in the system of a register of sources of income in the form of an Appendix to the Law (Decision) on the budget;
  • information exchange of lists and registers of sources of income between ACC systems;
  • use of a centralized solution for maintaining registers of sources of income of the subject’s budget Russian Federation And municipalities.

Upon the adoption of the relevant regulations (formats and rules for interaction with the GIIS “Electronic Budget” for uploading data from the List of sources of income to Regional Information Systems government and municipal finances subjects of the Russian Federation have not yet been approved) the subsystem will allow you to download lists of sources of income from GIIS " Electronic Budget» and upload the register of sources of income of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the set of registers of sources of income of a municipal entity to the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

2010: Release of the module “WEB interface ACC-Planning”

In October 2010, the release of a new module “ACC-Planning WEB interface” was announced, expanding the ability of users to work with the complex automation and optimization system for budget planning “ACC-Planning”.

Using the WEB interface provides the ability to: quickly and massively connect users; work in the system from any PC connected to the Internet; using any Internet browser running any operating system.

Users of the WEB interface will receive on-line access to current directories in the financial authority and reports, the ability for the PBS to track the status of documents as they are processed in the financial authority online, end-to-end access from summary indicators to primary documents. “ACC-Planning WEB interface” is the ability to work in “ACC-Planning” from any workstation with mobile or session access to the Internet; cross-platform; possibility of using free software. Now access to the ACC-Planning system, as well as to ACC-Finance, is possible through three access channels: WEB, On-line and Off-line.

New products and services developed by BFT Company specialists are aimed at providing the ability to effectively and timely solve the problems of state (municipal) management using high-quality and reliable information technology tools. Thus, in the “ACC-Planning” budget planning system, financial authorities have access to the “Manager’s Workstation” subsystem, designed to monitor the implementation of the schedule for developing the draft budget for the next financial year and the planning period in terms of compliance with the deadlines for the main stages of preparing the draft budget. Subsystem in automatic mode informs performers about the deadline for completing the event specified in the schedule, and also controls the volume of work performed in accordance with the specified schedule. Based on the results of the work performed by the contractor, the manager can view the attached reporting documents to the draft Law (decision) on the budget and other reporting forms in the form of files in Word, Excel formats.

The Company’s next new technological solution is the “Step-by-step transition to a program budget.” The solution is intended to prepare for the transition of municipalities to the program-targeted principle of budget formation in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The solution includes: consulting services(development of a long-term development strategy and socio-economic development program, holding seminars and consulting on program-targeted budgeting, development of municipal and examination of approved programs, etc.), and the subsystem implemented in the "ACC-Planning" system Analytical distribution of budget allocations by program.” This subsystem allows you to create a list of goals and objectives of the authorities local government, a list of municipal programs, subprograms and main activities indicating responsible executors, flexibly distribute the amounts of budget allocations approved for the next financial year and planning period, formulate a draft programmatic classification of expenses, and also formulate annexes to the Budget Decision in a programmatic presentation.

  • Structuring and centralization of primary information on the project, drawing up a budget in a single database with uniform document formats.
  • Organization of legally significant electronic document management in budget planning processes.
  • Ability to define and select a calculation method for any budget item.
  • Simultaneous work with different versions of budget projects, their comparative analysis and choosing the most preferable option under changed circumstances.

Automation of the budget planning process

"ACC-Planning" is intended for organizing and complex automation the process of planning the budget of a region (municipal entity) for the next financial year and three-year period in accordance with current legislation and the progress of budget reform in the country.

"ACC-Planning" relieves employees of financial and economic bodies, managers and recipients of budget funds and other participants involved in the budget planning process from working on routine technical part budget planning and allows for better analysis
projected budget indicators.

System capabilities:

Systematization of data used in budget planning;
Automation of procedures:
- collection, storage and analysis of indicators of socio-economic development and financial condition subject of the Russian Federation (municipal entity);
- formation of a multivariate financial plan with setting various time and normative parameters;
- planning the revenue side of the budget using various methods, algorithms based on rates, deduction standards, the level of tax collection, in the context of payment administrators, territories and other parameters;
- drawing up a draft budget for expenses using various calculation methods (normative, accounting, program-targeted) and methods within each method (based on uniform indicators and standards that can be set as in physical terms (kW/hour, kg, bed) etc.), and in value terms, using deflator indices, etc.);
- planning budget allocations for the provision of state (municipal) services based on data on the number of services provided and the cost of a unit of budget service;
- planning interbudgetary transfers at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and at the level of a municipal district using various methods for calculating the volume of funds intended to equalize the budgetary provision of municipalities in the region;
- making changes to the approved budget parameters, including accounting for changes,
not included in the Law (Decision) on the budget;
- determining the acceptable level of debt burden, the structure of possible budget debt obligations.
visual display of budget planning data in the following forms: interactive, tabular, text and graphical representation (graphs, charts, histograms, cartography).
creation of a unified database of the budget planning process, relevant and reliable at any time when information is requested by system users within the scope of their authority.

Advantages of "ACC-Planning"

Currently, in financial and economic bodies, budget planning for each area (revenues, expenses, budget deficit) is carried out mainly in tables, which are often not related to each other. The primary data that forms the basis of the draft budget often differ due to the lack of a unified approach to their formation, the lack of uniform document formats and the indicators themselves. The draft budget is also compiled in tables, into which data is entered manually. This, firstly, is a very labor-intensive process, and secondly, it increases the likelihood of the occurrence, accumulation and replication of errors. Viewing planned expenses in physical terms is often simply not possible quickly, since most of the data is stored on paper in an unstructured form. In fact, in the current situation, the financial and economic body does not have the opportunity to monitor the progress of the formation of the draft budget and control the correctness of the data used, quickly review the necessary data and conduct an objective analysis of the draft budget as a whole.

Advantages of the integrated system “ACC-Planning”:

Structuring and centralization of primary information on the budgeting project in a single database with uniform document formats;
The ability for each participant in the budget planning process to receive, within the framework of his powers and approved regulations, due to the unity of the database, absolutely reliable and up-to-date information at any time of her request;
Prompt receipt and use of analytical data used in the process of preparing the draft budget;
Complete information about the estimated indicators of the draft budget, not only in monetary terms, but also in kind(Gcal, kW, kg, pcs., person/hour, bed days, etc.);
The ability to select a method for calculating the corresponding budget item (normative, program-targeted, accounting, normative-per capita) and calculation methods within each method;
Possibility of situational modeling of the budget project using the “what-if” principle;
Simultaneous work with different versions of budget projects, their comparative analysis and selection of the most preferable option under changed circumstances;
Connecting all participants in the planning process to a unified electronic document management system, regardless of territorial distance;
Monitoring the compliance of the generated draft budget with the ratios established by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

Features of "ACC-Planning"

Working with a single database.
The integrated system "ACC-Planning" implements the ability to conduct interactive monitoring of the budget planning process, generate absolutely reliable and up-to-date information online (real time) by obtaining data from a single database for all users, which stores all primary and derivative information about the progress such a process.
All data reflecting the multi-stage hierarchical budget planning process is located in a single database, preserving the processing history. Thanks to the unity of the database, all participants in the budget planning process use unified document formats, a unified regulatory and reference base, and an approach to the formation of the draft budget standardized by the financial and economic body.
Inclusion of all participants in the budget planning process in a single document flow.

All participants in the budget planning process are connected to a single electronic document flow system. The electronic document flow of the integrated system “ACC-Planning” involves:

Financial and Economic Authority (FEO);
Managers of budgetary funds (RBS);
Recipients of budgetary funds (RBF);
Other departments and institutions involved in the budget planning process.

Each participant in the budget planning process has his own automated workstation (AWS). All workstations are united into unified system electronic document management using the transport subsystem.

Functioning of the document processing pipeline
In the integrated system "ACC-Planning" a unified technological chain for the movement of documents has been created through the integration of all components of the budget planning process. The primary document enters the system once and is the initial document of a certain processing route. In this case, the primary document can be entered into the system manually or entered into it via an electronic communication channel (due to the possibility of integrating the system with other software systems). Based on them, new documents are created automatically, without additional data entry, which will already be derivative documents. Workplace each employee is a set of specialized lists containing documents sent to him for processing. At the end of a certain stage of processing, the document becomes automatically available to another employee who is responsible for the next stage of processing. At the same time, each employee, within the framework of his authority, is provided with access to carrying out certain operations with a document, visibility of the result and route of document processing. As a result, the fully processed document will be archived, preserving the entire processing history. This mechanism makes it possible to significantly streamline the budget planning process, optimize it as much as possible, reduce the number of errors, and also reduce the manual unproductive work of specialists from financial and economic bodies with its reorientation to analytical, management functions.

Multi-version of the budget project
The integrated system "ACC-Planning" supports the ability to generate several versions of the budget project, save them and work with different versions simultaneously. Based on a comparison of data from these versions of the budget, an analytical analysis is carried out and a decision is made on the advisability of using one or another version of the budget draft.
The integrated system "ACC-Planning" provides the possibility for different users to formulate a draft budget for the next financial year and a three-year financial plan (i.e., setting a different time period) using accepted standards with various coordination and approval schemes.

Situational planning (“what-if”)
The system provides the ability to specify some data of the budget project in the form of variables that require entering their values ​​interactively, and obtain the resulting totals (subtotals) of various indicators. The received data is displayed directly on the screen, without generating additional tabular forms and reports. This provides the ability to simulate different versions of the budget project.

Flexible adaptation to changes
The integrated system “ACC-Planning” is aimed at the future and further development. Due to its construction in a three-level architecture, easy and flexible adaptation to new management trends and to any changes in legislative framework and the activities of financial and economic bodies, to the growing needs of users. This property of the system is especially relevant in light of current changes in budget legislation and the transition to medium-term planning.

To achieve this goal, the complex system “ACC-Planning” provides the following mechanisms:

Formation of a draft budget for 3 years,
Formation of a medium-term financial plan,
Formation of budgets for existing and assumed obligations.
Formalization of criteria for assessing the implementation by subjects of budget planning of tasks aimed at increasing the effectiveness of budget expenditures (if such criteria are provided by the financial and economic body);
Application of economic and mathematical methods in the formation of various budget planning indicators.

We go to the ACC program - Planning. We select the current year (2014) and budget (Planned regional budget) for creating documents.

In the main menu, you must select the “Expenses” menu item, then “Budget requests”. The Budget Requests window will open. (Fig.2.)." width="38" height="51">.jpg" width="624" height="401">

Fig.4. Window "Directory of Expense Forms"

In the Expense Planning Versions window (Fig.5.) you must select the current version, it is highlighted in bold relative to other versions.

Fig.5. Expense Planning Versions Window

To create budget lines of a budget request, you must click the “New” button in the “New Budget Request” window (in Figure 3 this button is circled in a square) and the “New Budget Request Line” window will open. (Fig.6.). The following fields are required on this form:

1. “Authority, expenditure obligation” (highlighted in oval)

2. Filling out the classification (highlighted with a red square)

3. Entering amounts by year

Budget classification" href="/text/category/byudzhetnaya_klassifikatciya/" rel="bookmark">Budget classification requires performing one of the possible actions:

1. Select them from the code book using the “…” buttons

2. Specify manually (if there is no such code, the system will indicate this with an error)

After entering the RO and KBK, we enter the amounts for the draft budget for the next planning/current period in the fields “Amount (1st year of planning)”, “Amount (2nd year of planning)”, “Amount (3rd year of planning)”

To save the entered amounts, press the “OK” button.

The budget request document can be multi-line, and in order not to type the same codes many times, you should use the “Create with copying” button (Fig. 7.). The “New budget request line” window will have codes already filled in; you just need to change the required code and fill in the fields with the amounts." width="106" height="26">.png" width="86" height="19 src=">" align="left" width="196" height="150 src=">

To process documents as a group, you should use the second processing option. In the “Budget requests” window, mark with “birds” (in Figure 12 the “birds” are highlighted in red squares) necessary for processing the application, right-click to open the pop-up menu and select actions according to Figures 9 and 11.

Fig. 12. Processing documents in batches

The creation of a consolidated budget request is carried out through the menu item “Expenditures – Manager – Formation of consolidated budget requests” (Fig. 13.). For this budget requests must be in the “Approval” status (Fig. 14.).

Fig. 13. Formation of consolidated budget requests
