Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Indicators according to GOST hard coal symbols. Coals. Terms and Definitions. State standard of the Russian Federation

Fossil coal is a solid combustible organic rock formed mainly from dead plants as a result of their biochemical, physicochemical and physical changes. Main components: organic matter-carrier of combustible and other technological properties of coal, mineral inclusions and moisture.

A change in the organic matter (OM) of coal in the depths leads to the creation of compounds that ensure the vital activity of plant organisms, turns OM into substances that are stable in a fossil state.

The entire diversity of the composition and properties of coal is due to the composition of the source material and the unequal influence of a complex of geological and genetic factors on the features of accumulation and subsequent transformation of the initial biomass.

Depending on the composition of the initial substance, coals are divided into humus, humus-sapropel and sapropel.

Humic coals (humolites) were formed mainly from the product of the transformation of dead higher plants: cellulose, lignite, hemicellulose, proteins, fats, resins. The products of the transformation of dead lower plants and protozoa under anaerobic conditions were the basis for the formation of sapropelic coals ((sapropelites). If the content of the cellulose-lignin complex in higher plants reaches more than 80%, then in lower plants, for example, algae, lignin is practically absent, and the content cellulose does not exceed 20%.The predominant substances in them are proteins, fats, waxes, resins.The most common are humus coals.

Depending on the nature and degree of transformation of OB coals, in accordance with the tradition adopted in the Russian Federation, are divided into three groups: brown, black and anthracite.

Lignite - coal of a low stage of metamorphism with a vitrinite (huminite) reflectivity of less than 0.6%, provided that the gross calorific value for the wet ash-free state of coal is less than 24 MJ / kg. There are soft and dense varieties of brown coals.

Soft brown coal - earthy, leafy, less often massive and dense, dull and semi-matte, fawn, brown, brown. Its humidity varies within 40-60%. carbon content in organic matter 63-73%.

Dense brown coal - homogeneous or banded, streaked semi-matte and matte, semi-shiny and shiny brown or black with a brown tint. In a piece, coal often has a characteristic conchoidal, splintery, sometimes even fracture. Compared to bituminous brown coal, it has a less dense constitution, contains less carbon in organic matter, but more oxygen, and is characterized by a high yield of volatile substances. The moisture content ranges from 19 to 44.5%.

In air, brown coal quickly loses free moisture and cracks. Its OM is dominated by humic substances with acidic properties and high hydrophilicity. When treated with alkalis, the yield of humic acids reaches 88% in soft varieties and decreases to 2% in the most dense varieties. During dry distillation without access to air, a lot of volatile substances (33-60%) are released. The yield of primary tar varies from a few to 25% or more. Net calorific value Q i r ranges from 7 to 17 MJ/kg, the highest ( Q s daf ) - dry ashless fuel reaches 29 MJ/kg. The color of the line on an unglazed porcelain plate ranges from brown to black (dense varieties).

Coal is formed at the middle stage of metamorphism with a vitrinite reflectance from 0.4 to 2.59%, provided that the gross calorific value (for the wet ash-free state of coal) is equal to or higher than 24 MJ / kg, and the yield of volatile substances (for the dry ash-free state of coal ) is 8% or more. Compared to brown coal, it is characterized by more carbonization (carbon content reaches 92%), usually the absence of humic acids. The yield of volatile substances ranges from 8-50%. The organic matter of coal, when heated without access to air, sinters to a greater or lesser extent. Sintering property is the most important when evaluating the suitability of coal for coke production.

Anthracite refers to coals of a high stage of metamorphism with a vitrinite reflection index of more than 2.59%, provided that the yield of volatile substances (on a dry ash-free state of coal) is not less than 9%. When the yield of volatile substances is less than 8%, anthracites also include coal with a vitrinite reflection index from 2.20 to 2.59% (classes 22-25). Anthracite is a dense grayish-black or black-gray coal with a metallic luster and conchoidal fracture. It is characterized by high density (1.42-1.8 g/cm), low electrical resistivity (10-3-10 Ohm-m), high microhardness (300-1470 c.u.). Anthracite has a low yield of volatile substances: from 1.5 to 9.0%, as a result of which its flame is relatively smokeless. It contains little moisture, in the elemental composition there is a reduced content of oxygen and hydrogen.

The total geological reserves of coal contained in coal-bearing formations of all geological systems are about 14,000 billion tons. They are concentrated in the following countries (in billion tons): Russian Federation - 4731.9 ( former USSR- 6800), USA - 3600, China - 1500, Australia - 697, Canada - 547, Germany - 287, South Africa - 206, Great Britain - 189, Poland - 174, India - 125.

2. Applications

It is mainly used in the power industry and for the production of coke, to a lesser extent - for gasification and semi-coking, obtaining improved fuel (gas and liquid products) for domestic needs, in transport, in brick production, lime kilning and other areas.

In relatively small volumes, coal is used for special technological purposes: the production of thermoanthracite and thermographite, carbon-graphite products, carbon adsorbents, silicon and calcium carbides, coal-alkali reagents, mountain wax.

The direction of use of various technological brands, groups and subgroups is given in table. 1.

Coal accounts for about 35% of global energy consumption. In 2007 in Russia, about 28% of coal mined was used for energy purposes, 22.8% - for coke production, 25.6% - in other industries, 23.8% - for household needs.

Brown coal is not only an energy fuel, but also a valuable raw material for technological processing. Lignite coke is used to replace steellurgy coke in the production of ferroalloys, phosphorus, and calcium carbide. Of great importance are the granular adsorbents obtained on the basis of brown coals, semi-coke. Processes for the hydrogenation of brown coals, new methods for their gasification and the production of chemical products have been developed. Brown coal of technological group 1B is a raw material for the production of mountain wax used in paper, textile, leather, woodworking industries, road construction.

Table 1.

Direction of use of upey of various technological grades, groups and subgroups

Direction of use

Brands, groups and subgroups

1. Technological

1.1. Layer coking

All groups and subgroups of brands: DG, G, GZhO, GZh, Zh, KZh, K, KO, KSN, KS, OS, TS, SS

1.2. Special pre-coking processes

All coals used for layered coking, as well as grades T and D (subgroup DV)

1.3. Producer gas production in stationary type gas generators:

mixed gas

Brands KS, SS, groups: ZB, 1GZhO, subgroups - DHF, TSV, 1TV

water gas

Group 2T, as well as anthracite

1.4. Production of synthetic liquid fuels

GZh brand, groups: 1B, 2G, subgroups - 2BV, ZBV, DV, DGV, 1GV

1.5. semi-carbonization

Brand DG, groups: 1B, 1G, subgroups - 2BV, ZBV, DV

1.6. Production of carbonaceous filler (thermoanthracite) for electrode products and foundry coke

Groups 2L, ZA, subgroups - 2TF and 1AF

1.7. Production of calcium carbide, electrocorundum

All anthracites, as well as a subgroup of 2TF

2. Energy

2.1. Pulverized and stratified combustion in stationary boiler plants

Weight brown coals and athracites, as well as hard coals not used for coking. Anthracites are not used for flare-layer combustion

2.2. Burning in reverberatory furnaces

Brand DG, group i - 1G, 1SS, 2SS

2.3. Combustion in mobile heat installations and use for communal and domestic needs

Grades D, DG, G, SS, T, A, brown coals, anthracites and hard coals not used for coking

3. Production building materials

3.1. Lime

Marks D, DG, SS, A, groups 2B and ZB; grades GZh, K and groups 2G, 2Zh not used for coking

3.2. Cement

Grades B, DG, SS, TS, T, L, subgroup DV and grades KS, KSN, groups 27, 1GZhO not used for coking

3.3. Brick

Coals not used for coking

4. Other productions

4.1. Carbon adsorbents

Subgroups: DV, 1GV, 1GZhOV, 2GZhOV

4.2. active carbons

ZSS group, 2TF subgroup

4.3. Ore agglomeration

Subgroups: 2TF, 1AB, 1AF, 2AB, ZAV

Brown coal semi-cokes are used as fillers for plastics, various composite materials, as sorbents, ion exchangers, and catalysts. Thermal coal is obtained from coals of technological groups 2B and 3B.

More than 80% of coal coke is used for iron smelting. Other coking products, gas, tar are used in chemical industry(35%), non-ferrous metallurgy (30%), agriculture(23%), construction industry, railway transport, road construction (12%). About 190 types of chemicals are obtained from coking products. About 90% of manufactured fibers, 60% of plastics, 30% of synthetic rubber are produced on the basis of compounds obtained during the processing of coal. The coking industry is the main supplier of benzene, toluene, xylene, high-boiling aromatic, cyclic, nitrogen- and sulfur-containing compounds, phenols, unsaturated compounds, naphthalene, anthracene.

Coal tar pitch is used to produce pitch coke, which is used as component electrodes in the aluminum industry, as well as in the production of carbon fibers, carbon black.

High electrical conductivity, comparative resistance to oxidation processes, increased resistance to aggressive media and abrasion determine a wide range of use of anthracite in various industries. It is a high-grade fuel and also feedstock for the production of thermoanthracite, thermographite, carbonizers, carburizers, calcium and silicon carbides, electrodes for the metallurgical industry, carbon adsorbents, colloidal graphite preparations.

3. Composition of coal

The main constituents of coal are organic components and mineral inclusions. Organic components that can be distinguished under a microscope, with characteristic morphological features, color and reflectance are called microcomponents (macerals). Unlike minerals, they do not have a characteristic crystalline form and a constant chemical composition. The chemical and physical properties of microcomponents change during coalification.

There are four groups of microcomponents: vitrinig, semivitrinite, inertinite and liptinite.

Microcomponents of the vitrinite group are characterized by a predominantly flat surface, gray color of various shades in reflected light, a weakly expressed microrelief and the ability to pass into a plastic state at a certain degree of coalification. The reflection index ranges from 0.4 to 4.5%. Microhardness, depending on coalification and genetic factors, ranges from 200 to 350 MPa.

Microcomponents of the semivitrinite group on physical and chemical properties occupy an intermediate position between the microcomponents of the vitripite and inertinite groups. They are characterized by a whitish-gray color of various shades in reflected light, the absence of a microrelief. Their reflectance is always higher than the reflectance of vitrinite. Microhardness ranges from 250 to 420 MPa. In coking processes, the microcomponents of this group do not transform into a plastic state, but are able to soften.

Microcomponents of the inertinite group characterized by a high reflection index, a pronounced microrelief. The color changes from white to yellow. Microhardness ranges from 500 to 2300 MPa. The microcomponents of this group do not pass into the plastic state and do not sinter.

Microcomponents of the liptinite group differ from each other in morphological characters. The color of liptinite varies from dark brown, black to dark gray and gray. The reflection index of this group is the lowest: from 0.21 to 1.59%. Microhardness ranges from 80 to 250 MPa. During coking, the microcomponents of this group form a more mobile plastic mass compared to vitrinite.

Mineral inclusions in coals - clay minerals, iron sulfides, carbonates, silicon oxides and others.

Clay minerals average about 60-80% of the total amount of minerals associated with coal. Most often they are represented by illite, sericite, mont-morillonite, and kaolinite. Halloysitis is less common.

Clay minerals are composed of particles up to 100 µm in size. Occur as lenses, interlayers or finely dispersed particles in vitrinite. Quite often, cavities are made in components with a botanical structure or their individual sections are replaced. Coal seams sometimes contain layers of tonsteins, in which the main rock-forming mineral is kaolinite.

Of the iron sulfides, pyrite, marcasite, and melnikovite are the most characteristic. The form of their presence in the layers is different and is determined by the conditions of formation. Syngenetic formations are found in the form of individual grains, pseudomorphs over plant remains, concretions, and interlayers. Epigenetic sulfides tend to fill cracks.

Carbonates are represented by calcite, siderite, dolomite, and ankerite. Calcite often forms thin layers or fills cracks in the coal. Siderite occurs in the form of rounded or oval formations (oolites) or fills the cavities of plant fragments.

Silicon oxides are represented in coals by quartz, chalcedony, opal and other minerals.

Quartz is found in the form of small interlayers, rounded and yi-shaped grains, sometimes forming rather large lenses. Chalcedony is relatively rare, usually in association with quartz. In the zones of weathering of coal in some basins, gypsum is noted, which fills cracks, less often in the form of nodules.

Other mineral inclusions are mainly iron hydroxides, phosphates, feldspars, and salts.

4. The use of coal in the energy sector.

Coals of all brands and grades can be used for combustion. The main indicators of the quality of thermal coals are working and hygroscopic moisture, ash content, volatile substances, sulfur content, sieve composition, lower calorific value of working fuel, ash composition and fusibility. For stratified combustion, indicators of mechanical strength and thermal stability of coals are also regulated, for pulverized coal - grinding capacity.

Industry requirements for thermal coals are regulated state standards, limiting the limiting humidity, ash content, size of pieces, rock content.

Layer combustion imposes the most stringent fuel requirements. The most important characteristics are the sieve composition, caking capacity, ash content, volatile matter yield, reactivity and thermal capacity of the fuel. The content in the coals of both small things and large pieces is undesirable. For standard layered furnaces, pieces of fuel of the following sizes are most applicable: 6-12 mm (lignite coal), 12-25 and 25-50 mm (hard coal).

Flare-layer combustion imposes less stringent requirements on the sieve composition of the fuel. For furnaces of this type screenings, ordinary coals and coals of 0-25, 0-50 mm in size are supplied.

Pulverized coal combustion method- the main one in large-scale power engineering and allows you to burn fuel with an ash content of up to 45% and a moisture content of up to 55%. Fuel at pulverized coal combustion pre-ground and dried (for high-moisture coals). Increased requirements for the stability of the composition of coal, the composition and properties of ash, grindability of fuel.

Strict requirements for the study of the composition and properties of ash are imposed on coals with low-melting ash, burned in furnaces with liquid ash removal. For pulverized combustion, ordinary coals, middlings and screenings of all grades are supplied that are not suitable for coking and other special purposes. The sulfur content of coals is limited. The possibilities of using high-sulfur coals are mainly limited by the content of harmful gases and ash content, fuel consumption, the height of chimneys, and the possibility of identifying sanitary protection zones.

Coals for cement kilns. The requirements for coal intended for cement kilns regulate the content of ash, moisture, volatile matter, the thickness of the plastic layer, the heat of combustion, lumpiness, the content of fines and mineral impurities.

Coals for lime kilns. The requirements for these coals include restrictions on ash content, moisture, lumpiness, fines content, grade composition.

Coals for firing bricks. In coals for brick production, ash content, moisture, thickness of the plastic layer, calorific value, volatile yield, lumpiness, content of fines and mineral impurities are normalized.

Coals for municipal needs. The requirements for these coals determine the grade composition and groups of coals, the yield of volatile substances, the thickness of the plastic layer, the heat of combustion, humidity, lumpiness, the content of fines and mineral impurities.

5. Coal quality test

All indications of the composition and properties of coal and their qualitative characteristics have symbols in the form of alphabetic characters and indices.

The analyzed states of coal: working (d), analytical (a), dry (d).

Conditional states of coal: dry ashless (daf), wet ashless (af), organic matter (o).

All properties and parameters characterizing the quality of coals are determined in accordance with the regulatory and methodological documents, a list of which is given in the Appendix.

In each working seam, lithotypes of coal are macroscopically distinguished and the average microcomponent composition of the distinguished lithotypes and the seam as a whole is determined.

Grading- quantitative characteristics of coal by the size of the pieces - normalized for all types of use. Separation of coal into size classes is carried out by sorting (screening) on ​​sieves with holes of appropriate sizes.

Mechanical strength Coal is studied by two parameters: the ability of coal to maintain the size of the pieces upon impact and at abrasion. It is necessary when using coals for gasification, obtaining thermoanthracites, in electrode and foundry applications.

Thermal strength coal is characterized by mechanical strength in pieces after heat treatment. It is being investigated in coals intended for combustion in vehicle furnaces, semi-coking, hydrogenation, and the production of foundry electrode trusses.

Electrical Properties serve to assess the stages of metamorphism: coals at low stages are dielectrics, at medium stages they are semiconductors, at high stages (anthracites) they are conductors.

Density of coals characterizes its porosity. In its natural state, coal extracted from the subsoil usually has numerous cracks and includes pores (voids) various shapes and sizes. Distinguish the real (dr) and apparent (d a), closed and open porosity.

elemental analysis includes the determination of the content in the organic mass of the following basic elements: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and organic sulfur. Since carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are contained in the mineral part of coals, are included in the composition of carbonates, oxides, and are also contained in the hydrated water of silicates, the content of these elements is distinguished accordingly: (c t , H t , o t), in organic matter (c o , H o , o o ) and in the mineral part of coals (c m , H m , o m) .

Technical analysis combines the definition of the main indicators of coal quality, provided for by the requirements of regulatory documents for all types of their use. Coal quality indicators include: humidity, ash content, sulfur content, phosphorus content, volatile matter yield, combustion heat. In cases where the direction of the use of coal from a particular deposit is sufficiently determined, an abbreviated technical analysis, which includes determinations of only the ash content of coals, moisture content, and the yield of volatile substances.

Ash content represents the ratio (in %) of the mass of inorganic residue (ash) obtained after the complete combustion of coal, to the mass of the investigated coal sample. Main components - oxides Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K , oxides are of subordinate importance Ti, P, Mn . The yield and composition of ash depend on the nature of the coal, the conditions of its combustion (primarily on the rate of ashing and the final temperature of ignition). According to the composition of the ash, coals are divided into siliceous ( SiO2 40-70%), alumina ( A 2 O 3 30-45%), glandular ( Fe 2 O 3 > 20%), calcareous ( CaO - 20-40%).

Humidity is subdivided into surface (wetting moisture), maximum ( Wmax moisture capacity of coal, characteristic of its chemical nature, petrographic composition, degree of coalification), air-dry coal (represented by adsorption-bound water and characterizes the porosity and hydrophilic properties of the surface of coal particles) and total (total value of external moisture and moisture of air-dry coal).

Sulfur content of coal. Mass fraction of total sulfur (S t d) in coals varies widely. According to this value, coals are divided into low-sulfur (up to 1.5%), medium-sulfur (1.5-2.5%). sulphurous (2.5-4%) and sour (more than 4%). Sulfur is a part of organic matter, the mineral part of coal, sometimes present in the form of elemental sulfur. The following types of sulfur are distinguished: organic (S o), sulfide (S s), sulfate (SSO4).

Yield of volatile substances (V) evaluating when putting on coal without air access, according to the spread of decomposition into gas and vapor products and solid non-volatile folds. The composition of volatile products is primary tar (for brown coals) or coal tar (for coals). They are made up of gases. (CO, CO 2, H 2, CH 2) and volatile hydrocarbons and their derivatives, as well as water.

Heat of combustion of coal (Q) is used to compare the thermal properties of coals of various deposits, grades among themselves and with other types of fuel. The determination of the heat of combustion is carried out by measuring the amount of heat released by a unit mass of coal during its complete combustion in a calorimetric bomb in a compressed oxygen environment under standard conditions. By corresponding recalculations of the calorific value, the values ​​of the higher calorific value are obtained (Qs) with the exception of the heat generated by acid formation and the lower (Qi) calorific value with the additional exclusion of heat obtained by evaporation of water.

The thermal properties of coals are characterized by caking and coking.

Caking- the property of coal, when heated without air access, to go into a plastic state with the formation of a bound non-volatile residue. The property of coals to sinter an inert material with the formation of such a residue is called sintering ability. When coals of a certain petrographic composition and degree of coalification are heated above 300°C without air access, napogas and liquid products. At a temperature of 500-550°C, the mass solidifies, a sintered solid residue is formed - semi-coke. With a further increase in temperature (up to 1000 C and more) in semi-coke the content of oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur decreases, the content of carbon increases. Semi-coke turns into coke. Coals of II-V stages of metamorphism, of a certain petrographic composition, have sintering properties.

Carbonization- the property of crushed coal to sinter with the subsequent formation of coke with a specified size and strength of the pieces. It is studied by direct (laboratory, box and semi-factory coking) and indirect methods.

Group analysis most often used to assess the quality of brown coals, in which, when treated with solvents or chemical reagents part of the organic mass of coal passes into solutions, and some substances obtained from extracts (bitumen, humic acids) are used in various branches of the national economy. Bitumens extracted from light brown coals with organic solvents (benzene, gasoline, etc.) are represented mainly by waxes and resins. The minimum content of wax-containing bitumen in brown coal used in industry is 7%. Coal humic acids are a mixture of acidic high-molecular amorphous dark-colored organic substances with a high degree of oxidation and hydrophilicity, extracted from coal with aqueous alkaline solutions. The output of humic acids from brown and oxidized coals ranges from zero to 100% of organic mass.

trace elements in coals are found both in organic and in mineral mass. They are represented by compounds of non-ferrous metals, rare and trace elements, the total concentration of which usually does not exceed 1% of the dry mass of coal.
Uranium and germanium are of the greatest practical importance for extraction. In addition, gallium, vanadium and others can be extracted along the way.
Spectral, spectrophotometric, activation and atomic absorption methods are used to determine the content of “small” elements in coals.


Classification of coals according to the size of the pieces(GOST 19242-73)



Piece size limits




Large (fist)

Combined and eliminations

Large with slab

Nut with large

small walnut

seed with small

Seed with a lump

Small with seed and shtyb

Nut with small, seed and stump

Thermobaric conditions of the Earth's interior that led to the formation of coals of various grades

Grade of coal


Stage of metamorphism

Main settings

Immersion depth, (m)

Temperature, (°C)

Pressure, (atm.)

Brown (B):

1st group

2nd group

3rd group






GOST R 51591-2000



General technical requirements




1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 179 “Solid Mineral Fuels” (Complex Research and Design Institute for the Enrichment of Combustible Fossils - IOTT) 2 ADOPTED AND INTRODUCED by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated April 21, 2000 No. 116-st 3 INTRODUCED FIRST

GOST R 51591-2000



Are commontechnicalrequirements

Brown coals, hard coals and anthracites. General technical requirements

dateintroductions 2001-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to a group of homogeneous products - brown, black coal and anthracite, as well as products of their enrichment and sorting (hereinafter referred to as coal products) and establishes quality indicators that characterize the safety of products and are subject to mandatory inclusion in the documentation for which products are manufactured.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards: GOST 8606-93 (ISO 334-92) Solid mineral fuel. Definitions of total sulfur. Eshka method GOST 9326-90 (ISO 587-91) Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determination of chlorine GOST 10478-93 (ISO 601-81, ISO 2590-73) Solid fuel. Arsenic determination methods GOST 11022-95 (ISO 1171-81) Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determining the ash content GOST 25543-88 Brown, black and anthracite coals. Classification by genetic and technological parameters

3 Technical requirements

3.1 Classification of coals according to genetic and technological parameters - according to GOST 25543. 3.2 Coal products are subdivided into graded and unsorted enriched coal (hereinafter referred to as enriched coal), graded raw coal, ordinary coal, intermediate product (middle product), screenings and sludge. 3.3 Quality indicators characterizing the safety of coal products are given in table 1. The norms for these indicators are set in the documents for specific products of individual enterprises, but they should not exceed the values ​​provided for by this standard. Table 1

Name of indicator

Product Norm

Test method

Washed coal

Unwashed graded coal

Run-of-mine coal, middlings, screenings, sludge

1 Ash content A d ,%, no more: GOST 11022
- coal
- brown coal
2 Mass fraction of total sulfur S d t , %, no more GOST 8606
3 Mass fraction of chlorine Cl d ,%, no more GOST 9326
4 Mass fraction of arsenic Asd, no more GOST 10478
3.4 The test methods indicated in table 1 are arbitration and are subject to inclusion in the documentation regulating the quality of coal products. It is allowed to use other test methods that are not inferior in accuracy to those indicated in Table 1. Keywords: brown coal, hard coal, anthracite, ash content, total sulfur, arsenic, chlorine

Enacted by order federal agency on technical regulation and metrology of November 22, 2013 N 2012-st

Interstate standard GOST 25543-2013


Brown coals, hard coals and anthracites. Classification according to genetic and technological parameters

Instead of GOST 25543-88


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation

About the standard

1 Developed by the Technical Committee for Standardization of the Russian Federation TK 179 "Solid mineral fuel"

2 Introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Russian Federation

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (Minutes of November 5, 2013 N 61-P)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 22, 2013 N 2012-st, the interstate standard GOST 25543-2013 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2015.

5 Instead of GOST 25543-88

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to non-oxidized brown, hard coals and anthracites of the countries that are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and establishes their classification by types, classes, categories, types, subtypes and code numbers, as well as technological grades, groups and subgroups based on the most characteristic common features, reflecting genetic features and main technological characteristics.

2 Normative references

GOST ISO 562-2012*(1) Hard coal and coke. Determination of the yield of volatile substances

GOST ISO 5071-1-2012*(1) Brown coals and lignites. Determination of the yield of volatile substances in an analytical sample. Part 1: Two oven method

GOST ISO 7404-3-2012*(2) Methods for petrographic analysis of coals. Part 3. Method for determination of maceral composition

GOST ISO 7404-5-2012*(3) Methods for petrographic analysis of coals. Part 5. Method for determining the reflectance index of vitrinite using a microscope

GOST 147-2013 (ISO 1928:2009) Solid mineral fuel. Determination of gross calorific value and calculation of net calorific value

GOST 1186-87 Hard coals. Method for determining plastometric indicators

GOST 3168-93 (ISO 647:1974) Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determining the yield of semi-coking products

GOST 7303-90 Anthracite. Method for determining the volumetric yield of volatile substances

GOST 8858-93 (ISO 1018:1975) Brown coals, hard coals and anthracite. Methods for determining the maximum moisture capacity

GOST 9815-75 Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite and oil shale. Reservoir sampling method

GOST 11223-88 Brown and black coals. Well drilling sampling method

GOST 17070-87 Coals. Terms and Definitions

GOST 20330-91 (ISO 501:1981) Coal. Method for determining the index of swelling in the crucible

GOST 27313-95*(4) (ISO 1170:1977) Solid mineral fuel. Designation of quality indicators and formulas for recalculating analysis results for various fuel conditions

GOST 30313-95 Hard coals and anthracites (medium and high grade coals). Codification

NOTE When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the referenced standards in information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, terms and definitions are used in accordance with GOST 17070, and the designations of indicators and indices for them are in accordance with GOST 27313.

4 Genetic and technological parameters for the classification of fossil coals

This classification system is based on a set of genetic and technological parameters presented in Table 1. The arrangement of parameters in the table corresponds to the order in which they are mentioned in the text of the standard.

Table 1 - Parameters for the classification of fossil coals

Parameter name



Method of determination

The average value of an arbitrary vitrinite reflectance index (hereinafter referred to as the average vitrinite reflectance index)

GOST ISO 7404-5

Higher calorific value for wet ashless state

GOST 147-2013

The yield of volatile substances on a dry ash-free state

GOST ISO 562, GOST ISO 5071-1

Sum of fusainized components per clean coal

Note 1

Maximum moisture capacity in ashless state

Yield of semi-coking resin to dry ash-free state

Plastic layer thickness

Free expansion index

Volumetric yield of volatile substances on dry ash-free state

Vitrinite reflectance anisotropy index

Note 2


1 There is no interstate standard for the method for determining this parameter. The method for determining the amount of fusenized components is regulated in GOST R 55662.

2 There is no interstate standard for the method for determining this parameter. The method for determining the anisotropy index of vitrinite reflection is regulated in GOST R 55659.

5 Division of fossil coals into types

Fossil coals, depending on the value of the average vitrinite reflection index R o , r , the highest calorific value for the wet ash-free state and the release of volatile substances for the dry ash-free state V daf are divided into types: brown, stone and anthracites in accordance with table 2.

Table 2 - Division of fossil coals into types

Examples of establishing the type of coal.

Example 1. Coal with R o , r = 0.50% and less than 24 MJ/kg refers to brown coal. If at the same value of R o , r value is equal to or more than 24 MJ/kg, the coal is classified as hard coal.

Example 2. Coal with R o , r = 2.3% and V daf less than 8% is anthracite, and with the same value of R o , r , but with V daf more than 8% - hard coal.

6 Division of fossil coals into classes, categories, types and subtypes

6.1 Brown, black and anthracite coals, depending on genetic characteristics, are divided into:

Classes - according to the average reflectance of vitrinite R o , r in accordance with table 3;

Table 3 - Division of brown, hard coal and anthracites into classes

Average reflectance of vitrinite R o , r , %

0.20 to 0.29 inclusive

" 2, 70 " 2, 79 "

" 0, 30 " 0, 39 "

" 2, 80 " 2, 89 "

" 0, 40 " 0, 49 "

" 2, 90 " 2, 99 "

" 0, 50 " 0, 59 "

" 3, 00 " 3, 09 "

" 0, 60 " 0, 69 "

" 3, 10 " 3, 19 "

" 0, 70 " 0, 79 "

" 3, 20 " 3, 29 "

" 0, 80 " 0, 89 "

" 3, 30 " 3, 39 "

" 0, 90 " 0, 99 "

" 3, 40 " 3, 49 "

" 1, 00 " 1, 09 "

" 3, 50 " 3, 59 "

" 1, 10 " 1, 19 "

" 3, 60 " 3, 69 "

" 1, 20 " 1, 29 "

" 3, 70 " 3, 79 "

" 1, 30 " 1, 39 "

" 3, 80 " 3, 89 "

" 1, 40 " 1, 49 "

" 3, 90 " 3, 99 "

" 1, 50 " 1, 59 "

" 4, 00 " 4, 09 "

" 1, 60 " 1, 69 "

" 4, 10 " 4, 19 "

" 1, 70 " 1, 79 "

" 4, 20 " 4, 29 "

" 1, 80 " 1, 89 "

" 4, 30 " 4, 39 "

" 1, 90 " 1, 99 "

" 4, 40 " 4, 49 "

" 2, 00 " 2, 09 "

" 4, 50 " 4, 59 "

" 2, 10 " 2, 19 "

" 4, 60 " 4, 69 "

" 2, 20 " 2, 29 "

" 4, 70 " 4, 79 "

" 2, 30 " 2, 39 "

" 4, 80 " 4, 89 "

" 2, 40 " 2, 49 "

" 4, 90 " 4, 99 "

" 2, 50 " 2, 59 "

"5.00 or more

" 2, 60 " 2, 69 "

Table 4 - Subdivision of brown, hard coals and anthracites into categories

6.2 Fossil coals, depending on the technological features, are divided into:

1) brown coal - according to the maximum moisture capacity for the ash-free state in accordance with table 5;

2) bituminous coal - according to the output of volatile substances on a dry ash-free state V daf in accordance with table 6;

3) anthracites - according to the volumetric yield of volatile substances on a dry ash-free state in accordance with table 7;


1) brown coal - according to the output of semi-coking resin to a dry, ash-free state in accordance with table 8;

2) hard coals - according to the thickness of the plastic layer y and the index of free swelling SI in accordance with table 9;

3) anthracites - according to the anisotropy of vitrinite reflection A R in accordance with table 10.

Table 5 - Division of brown coal into types

Table 6 - Subdivision of coal into types

Yield of volatile substances V daf , %

48 and over

Table 7 - Division of anthracites into types

Table 8 - Division of brown coal into subtypes

Table 9 - Division of coal into subtypes

Plastic layer thickness y, mm

Free swelling index SI

* For y values ​​above 26 mm, the subtype number corresponds to the absolute value of the plastic layer thickness index in millimeters.

Table 10 - Division of anthracites into subtypes

7 Fossil coal code numbers

The classification adopted a code system. Based on the values ​​of the classification parameters, individual brown, hard coals and anthracites are designated by a seven-digit code number, in which:

The first two digits, which make up a two-digit number, indicate the class and characterize the minimum value of the vitrinite reflectance index for this class, multiplied by 10, in accordance with table 3;

The third digit, which is a single digit, indicates the category and characterizes the minimum value of the sum of the fused components for this category, divided by 10, in accordance with table 4;

The fourth and fifth digits, which make up a two-digit number, indicate the type and characterize:

1) for brown coal - the minimum value of the maximum moisture capacity for the ash-free state for this type in accordance with table 5;

2) for bituminous coals - the minimum value of the output of volatile substances on a dry ash-free state for this type in accordance with table 6;

3) for anthracites - the minimum value of the volumetric yield of volatile substances on a dry ash-free state for this type, divided by 10, in accordance with table 7;

The sixth and seventh digits, which make up a two-digit number, indicate the subtype and characterize:

1) for brown coals - the minimum value of the semi-coking tar yield on a dry ash-free state for this subtype in accordance with Table 8;

2) for bituminous coals - the absolute value of the thickness of the plastic layer in accordance with table 9;

3) for anthracites - the minimum value of the vitrinite reflection anisotropy for this subtype in accordance with Table 10.

When using the index of free expansion as an additional classification parameter, hard coals are designated by an eight-digit code number, in which the eighth digit, which is a single-digit number and separated from the main seven-digit number by a hyphen, characterizes the minimum value of the value of the index of free expansion for a given range of its values ​​given with an interval of 1 /2, according to GOST 30313 (Appendix A, example 4).

8 Grades, technological groups and subgroups of fossil coals

8.1 Brown, hard coals and anthracites, depending on their technological properties and genetic characteristics, are combined into grades, technological groups and subgroups in accordance with table 11.

Table 11 shows complete list classes, categories, types and subtypes included in each brand, group or subgroup. This allows you to unambiguously determine the brand, group or subgroup for almost any coal.

8.2 For each brand, group and subgroup, a list of class numbers, categories, types and subtypes is established. Such a construction provides information about the boundary values ​​of all parameters for brands, groups and subgroups and, at the same time, allows you to correct the boundaries of brands, groups and subgroups for one of the parameters without affecting the rest of the complex.

Classification table 11 covers the code numbers of all coals found so far and provides for the establishment of codes for newly discovered coals.

8.3 Brand, group, subgroup set for each coal seam. Formation samples are taken according to GOST 9815 or GOST 11223 in each bottomhole of the non-oxidized formation zone. In each sample, the indicators indicated in tables 3 - 10 are determined, and the code number is set based on the results of the analysis. The brand, group, subgroup is set according to table 11.

Table 11 - Grades, groups and subgroups of brown, black coals and anthracites









First brown

Second brown

Second brown vitrinite

Second brown fusinite

Third brown

Third brown vitrinite

Third brown fusinite

long flame

Long-flame vitrinite

Long-flame fusinite

Long flame gas

Long-flame gas vitrinite

Long-flame gas fusinite

First gas

First gas vitrinite

First gas fusinite

Second gas

gas fat lean

First Gas Fat Skinny

First gas fat lean vitrinite

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

First gas fat lean fusinite

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Second gas fat lean

Second gas fat lean vitrinite

Second gas fat lean fusinite

gas fat

First gas fat

Second gas fat

17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

First bold

Second bold

coke fat

Type 24 at V daf 25% or more


First coke

First coke vitrinite

13, 14, 15, 16, 17

*Type 24 with V daf less than 25%

First coke fusinite

13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Second coke

Second coke vitrinite

*For Sl 7 and above

Second coke fusinite

coke lean

First coke lean

First coke lean vitrinite

First coke lean fusinite

Second coke lean

Second coke lean vitrinite

Second coke lean fusinite

Coke weakly caking low metamorphosed

Coke weakly caking low metamorphosed vitrinite

Coke weakly caking low metamorphosed fusinite

Coke weakly caking

First coke low-caking

The first coke low-caking vitrinite

The first coke low-caking fusinite

Second coke weakly caking

Second coke low-caking vitrinite

Second coke weakly caking fusinite

lean sintered

First lean sintered

The first lean sintering vitrinite

Classes 14 and above with Sl less than 7

First lean sintered fusinite

13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Second lean sintered

Second lean sintering vitrinite

Second lean sintering fusinite

Skinny caking

Skinny sintering vitrinite

14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Skinny sintering fusinite

Weakly baked

First weakly caking

20, 22, 24, 26, 28

Second weakly caking

08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13

Third weakly caking

16, 18, 20, 22, 24

First skinny

First skinny vitrinite

15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

First skinny fusinite

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Second skinny

Second skinny vitrinite

Second skinny fusinite

15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25


First anthracite

First anthracite vitrinite

Classes 22 - 25 with V daf less than 8%

First anthracite fusinite

22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35

Second anthracite

Second anthracite vitrinite

Subtype for coals of contact metamorphism 20 and higher

Second anthracite fusinite

36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44

Third anthracite

Third anthracite vitrinite

Third anthracite fusinite

In cases where coals of the same seam on separate horizons, wings of the deposit, sections of a mine or section belong to different grades, groups and subgroups, the code number, grade, group and subgroup are set for each horizon, wing, mine field (section).

8.4 When identifying coals that have a combination of class, category, type and subtype numbers that are not presented in Table 11, assignment to a brand, group and subgroup is carried out in accordance only with their class and subtype.

Examples of marking and coding are given in Appendix A.

8.5 When receiving a mixture of coals of different grades in the process of mining and delivery, the brand, group, subgroup and code of the mixture are set by calculating the average values ​​of classification parameters based on the planned participation of mine layers. In order to establish the grade of mine-output coal, the indicators provided in tables 3 - 10 are determined for each seam, section, horizon. group, subgroup of coal mine output.

Mixing coals of various grades during enrichment and sorting is allowed for coking only upon agreement with the consumer. In this case, the share of grades in the mixture is indicated according to the planned participation of grades in the original coal. In addition, the agreement specifies the permissible deviations of grades in the mixture in individual batches and in general for a month, a quarter.

8.6 The brand, group, subgroup and code number of enrichment products are set according to ordinary coal supplied for processing.

In the case of joint enrichment and sorting of coals of different grades, the planned participation of coals of each grade in the initial charge is indicated for the products of processing.

For enrichment and sorting products intended for energy purposes, the brand is also set according to the weighted average indicators of ordinary coals planned for processing.

9 Directions for the use of fossil coals by grades, technological groups and subgroups

Possible directions for the use of fossil coals of various grades, groups and subgroups in accordance with their technological properties are presented in table 12.

Table 12 - Directions for the use of fossil coals

Direction of use


1 Technological

1.1 Layer coking










1SS, 2SS, 3SS

1.2 Special preparation and coking processes

All grades, groups, subgroups of hard coals used for layered coking, as well as

1.3 Producer gas production in stationary type generators:

mixed gas




1SS, 2SS, 3SS

water gas

1.4 Production of synthetic liquid fuels

1.5 Semi-carbonization

1.6 Production of carbonaceous filler (thermoanthracite) for electrode products and foundry coke

1.7 Calcium carbide production

1.8 Aluminum oxide production

2 Energy

2.1 Pulverized combustion in stationary boiler systems

All grades, groups, subgroups of brown coals and anthracites, as well as all grades, groups, subgroups of hard coals not used for coking

2.2 Grate combustion in stationary boiler plants and fluidized bed

All grades, groups, subgroups of brown coals and anthracites, as well as all grades, groups, subgroups of hard coal not used for coking.

For torch-layer furnaces, grade A coals of all groups, subgroups are not used

2.3 Incineration in reverberatory furnaces

2.4 Incineration in ship furnaces

1SS, 2SS, 3SS


2.5 Combustion in the furnaces of power trains

2.6 Incineration in the furnaces of steam locomotives

2.7 Municipal fuel

All grades, groups, subgroups of brown coals and anthracites, as well as hard coals not used for coking of all grades, groups, subgroups

2.8 Domestic fuel

All grades, groups, subgroups of brown coals and anthracites, as well as hard coals not used for coking of all grades, groups, subgroups

3 Production of building materials

3.1 Lime production

1CC, 2CC, 3CC

and not used for coking:

3.2 Cement production

All grades, groups, subgroups of brown coals and anthracites

1SS, 2SS, 3SS

and not used for coking:





3.3 Brick production

Coals of all grades, groups, subgroups not used for coking

4.1 Production of carbon adsorbents

4.2 Active carbon production

4.3 Agglomeration of ores


*(1) On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 55660-2013 Solid mineral fuel is in force. Determination of the yield of volatile substances

*(2) On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 55662-2013 (ISO 7404-3:2009) Methods for the petrographic analysis of coals is in force. Part 3. Method for determination of maceral composition

*(3) GOST R 55659-2013 (ISO 7404-5:2009) Methods for petrographic analysis of coals is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Part 5. Method for determining the reflectance index of vitrinite using a microscope

*(4) GOST R 54245-2010 (ISO 1170:2008) Solid mineral fuel is also valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Recalculation of analysis results for various fuel states.

Annex A

Examples of coding and labeling of fossil coals

Example 1. 1113218 - class 11 coal (vitrinite reflectance R o , r = 1, 10 - 1, 19% in accordance with table 3), category 1 (content of fusinized components ∑OK = 10 - 19% in accordance with table 4 ), type 32 (Vdaf volatiles from 32% to 34% according to table 6), subtype 18 (plastic layer thickness y = 18 mm according to table 9). Grade G (bold), group 2G (second bold) in accordance with table 11.

Example 2. Coal mine them. Lenin layer XVII of the Kuznetsk basin is characterized by the following indicators:

Vitrinite reflectance R o , r = 1.48%;

The yield of volatile substances V daf = 18, 3%;

The thickness of the plastic layer y = 10 mm.

This coal, in accordance with tables 3, 4, 6 and 9 of this standard, belongs to class 14, category 4, type 18, subtype 10. Code number 1441810. In accordance with table 11, this coal belongs to grade OS (lean sintering), group 1OS (first lean sintering), subgroup 1OSF (first lean sintering fusinite).

Example 3. Coal from the Dalnie Gory mine of the Podsporny seam of the Kuznetsk basin is characterized by the following indicators:

Vitrinite reflectance R o , r = 0.90%;

The yield of volatile substances V daf = 28%;

The thickness of the plastic layer y = 13 mm.

This coal, in accordance with tables 3, 4, 6 and 9 of this standard, belongs to class 09, category 4, type 28, subtype 13. Code number 0942813.

In Table 11, there is no such combination of class, category, type, and subtype. In accordance with subsection 8.4 of this standard, this coal belongs to the grade GZhO (gas fat lean), group 2GZhO (second gas fat lean), subgroup 2GZhOF (second gas fat lean fusinite).

Example 4. Coal of the Neryungri deposit of the South Yakutsk basin is characterized by the following indicators:

Vitrinite reflectance R o , r = 1.58%;

The yield of volatile substances V daf = 20, 1%;

Plastic layer thickness y = 12 mm;

Free swelling index SI = 8 1/2.

This coal, in accordance with tables 3, 4, 6 and 9 of this standard, belongs to class 15, category 1, type 20, subtype 12. The SI code in accordance with GOST 30313 is 8. Code number 1512012-8. In accordance with Table 11, taking into account the note to subgroup 2KV, this coal belongs to grade K (coke), group 2K (second coke), subgroup 2KV (second coke vitrinite).

LLC firm "KOMEN" - large-tonnage deliveries of chemicals
in railway tanks and vehicles


Coal is a type of fossil fuel that is formed from parts of ancient plants underground without oxygen. Coal is the first fossil fuel used by man. This was the start industrial revolution which in turn contributed to the development coal industry, providing it with more modern technology.

There are four types of coal, depending on the degree of conversion and the specific amount of carbon.

  • graphites,
  • anthracites,
  • bituminous coals,
  • brown coals(lignites).

Coal mining

Coal mining methods depend on the depth of its location. If the depth of the coal seam does not exceed one hundred meters, the development is carried out open way in coal mines. There are also frequent cases when, with an ever-increasing deepening of a coal pit, it is further more profitable to start developing a coal deposit by an underground method. Mines are used to extract coal from great depths. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the deepest mines extract coal from a level of just over 1200 meters.

Coal marking

With the aim of rational industrial use of coal, its marking has been established. Coals are divided into grades and technological groups; the basis of such a division includes parameters that characterize the behavior of coal in the process of thermal action on it. The Russian classification differs from the Western classification. There are the following grades of coal:

  • A- anthracites
  • B- brown
  • G- gas
  • D- long-flame
  • AND- fatty
  • TO- coke
  • OS- lean-sintering
  • T- skinny

In addition to those indicated, intermediate grades are distinguished in some basins:

  • gas fatty (GZH)
  • coke fatty (QOL)
  • coke second (K2)
  • weakly caking (SS)

According to the size of the pieces obtained during mining, hard coal is classified into:

  • P - (plate) more than 100 mm
  • K - (large) 50 - 100 mm
  • O - (walnut) 25 - 50 mm
  • M - (small) 13 - 25 mm
  • C - (seed) 6 - 13 mm
  • Ш - (piece) 0 - 6 mm
  • R - (ordinary) mine 0 - 200 mm, career 0 - 300 mm

Application of coal

Coal can be used in a variety of ways. It is used as a household, energy fuel, as a raw material for the metallurgical and chemical industries, including for the extraction of rare and trace elements from it. Quite profitable is the liquefaction (hydrogenation) of coal with the formation of liquid fuel. For the production of one ton of oil, two or three tons of coal are consumed. Artificial graphite is also obtained from coal.

Long-flame coal grade "D" (GOST R 51586-2000).

Long-flame coals are coals with a vitrinite reflection index of 0.4 to 0.79% with a volatile matter yield of more than 28-30% with a powdery or slightly caking non-volatile residue. Long-flame coals do not sinter and are classified as thermal coals.
Grade of coal Size class, mm Qualitative characteristics(limit) Heat of combustion
lowest Kcal/kg
Ash,% Moisture,% Sulfur,% Volatile yield,%
DR 0 - 300 24,0 18,0 0,6 42,2 5000 - 7100
DSS 0 - 13 30,0 19,0 0,5 39,9 5000 - 7000
DOMSSH 0 - 50 28,5 19,0 1,0 39,9 7220
DPK 50 - 300 24,9 17,5 0,5 39,0 5100 - 7150
HOUSE 13 - 50 28,0 19,0 0,5 39,0 5100 - 7100

Transportation and storage

Coal is transported in bulk in open railway cars, in accordance with GOST 22235 or others vehicles without violating the rules for the carriage of goods that apply to this type of transport.

When transporting coal of classes 0-13, 0-25, 0-50 mm, the manufacturer is obliged to take measures to prevent the formation of coal dust and loss of coal during transportation.

The height of the fall of coal during loading and unloading should not exceed two meters.

The coal storage should be located in a dry, swamp-free and flood-free area, not far from railway loading tracks or highways.

Specialized sites for storing coal are preliminarily leveled and cleaned, covering them with a mixture of slag and clay 12-15 cm thick, carefully tamping.

Arrange sites for coal warehouses over underground utilities and structures, FORBIDDEN!

Shelf life of coals:

  • brown - 6 months;
  • stone - from 6 to 18 months;
  • anthracite - 24 months.

Safety requirements

Coal is not a toxic product. In the air of the working area, coal is present in the form of an aerosol of fibrogenic action.

According to the degree of impact on the human body, coal belongs to the 4th hazard class.
