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Chief engineer of the electrical safety group. What electrical safety group should a specialist have? When are the electrical safety clearance exams taken?

To work with electrical installations of any type, you must have sufficient qualifications and possess certain skills. If to confirm vocational education It is enough to present a diploma, then with the certificate of the electrical safety group it is not so simple. What is the peculiarity of the admission and what is the procedure for assigning it, we will describe in detail in the publication below.

Access groups for various categories of personnel

According to IPBEE (Inter-industry Occupational Safety and Health Regulations), production personnel whose scope professional activity associated with electrical installations of any type, usually divided into three categories:

  • Electrotechnical.
  • Electrotechnological.
  • Non-electrical.

Let's consider the features of assigning an electrical safety permit.


For this category, electrical safety approvals from II to V are assigned, depending on the specific requirements for personnel. It, in turn, according to the IPBEE, is usually divided into the following subcategories:

For independent activities, the last three subcategories must have a tolerance of at least 3, if the work is carried out with a voltage class of up to 1000 V. Accordingly, to carry out work with a higher voltage, it is necessary to have at least the IV tolerance group.


This category includes personnel whose professional activities involve the use of equipment powered by electrical energy. Examples include welding machines, as well as manual and stationary electrical equipment. Personnel are allowed to work after being assigned the 2nd qualification safety group.


Under this definition Personnel who are not included in the two previous categories are included. They are assigned the 1st clearance group. Which professions are included in this category is determined by the head of the enterprise.

Purpose and order of assignment

All employees of the enterprise must undergo certification of knowledge of electrical safety standards within the framework of their professional activities. A specialist cannot begin work duties without being assigned the appropriate qualification group. How a permit is assigned is indicated in PTEEP or another technical literature, which contains excerpts from regulatory documents.

We will briefly introduce you to the procedure for assigning each qualification group.

1 group

The group in question should be assigned to employees whose activities are not related to the use of electrical equipment. In essence, assignment is a preliminary (primary) briefing, at the end of which an oral interview is conducted, which is recorded in the briefing log. Workers are taught the basics of TB, the dangers of electrical voltage and how to provide first aid in cases of electric shock.

According to safety standards, instruction with subsequent assignment of the 1st qualification group can be carried out by an employee appointed by order of the head of the enterprise. A mandatory requirement for an instructor is clearance group 3 and above.

After a group is assigned to non-electrical personnel, they are still required to undergo regular and extraordinary briefings, which is recorded in the log.

Video: electrical safety briefing (assignment to group 1)

2 groups

Assignment of qualification group 2 is carried out to employees of electrical and electrical engineering personnel. According to the Rules, an employee applying for certification must complete 72-hour theoretical knowledge training courses. For those who have received an electrical engineering education, this requirement does not apply, since the vocational training program includes obtaining necessary knowledge, including electrical safety.

To assign an access group to electrical engineering personnel, the latter must have 1-2 months of production experience. For employees included in this category, group 2 is the maximum.

As for employees belonging to the electrical category, for them the group in question is minimal. Without receiving it, they cannot start work. For example, persons undergoing industrial training or practice have the first group, and, according to current Rules, are not allowed to operate any electrical installations even under supervision.

After employees are assigned the 2nd electrical safety permit, they can begin maintenance of de-energized equipment and electrical facilities of the enterprise, but only under the supervision of employees with a qualification permit of at least 3.

Certification for the assignment of admission is carried out by a special qualification commission production organization or the local branch of Rostechnadzor. The commission checks the theoretical knowledge of the principle of electrical equipment on which the employee will work, as well as the skills of providing first-aid care.

Obtaining this qualification permit is not necessary for non-electrical personnel, but in some cases, by decision of management, even loaders may be required to receive group 2.

Please note that the Rules do not allow employees to be assigned a group higher than 2 if they have not reached the age of majority (18 years old).

Recertification, in order to test knowledge of safety standards, is carried out every year.

3 groups

Only a commission appointed by the management of the enterprise or the regional branch of Rostechnadzor can assign the 3rd qualification group, as well as the 2nd. This permit is issued to electrical technical personnel, which gives workers the right to independently service electrical equipment with voltages up to 1.0 kV.

To obtain the 3rd permit, a certain amount of work experience in the 2nd electrical safety group is required. The duration of training is set depending on the qualification level. For example, assignment to an engineer is usually made after a month of work, while college graduates receive the 3rd group no earlier than six months later.

The commission checks knowledge of electrical engineering, the design of electrical equipment, and the features of its maintenance, the ability to free the victim from and provide first aid.

4 groups

The main difference from the previous permit is that it allows maintenance of installations above 1.0 kV, that is, it is allowed to work with any high voltage. In addition, persons with appropriate qualifications can train personnel, conduct briefings, and also carry out knowledge testing after special industrial training. Engineering and technical workers with this category of access may be appointed responsible for technical condition electrical facilities of the enterprise.

Qualification group 4 is assigned only to those persons who have worked for at least a quarter with a 3rd electrical safety approval. Quite serious requirements are placed on applicants to take the exam. The examinee must have information on the entire basic electrical engineering course and the main provisions of the PUE. Know the general and job descriptions on safety, maintenance of entrusted electrical equipment, as well as know its electrical circuits and understand the principle of operation.

5 groups

This level of highest clearance implies maximum responsibility. Therefore, applicants are subject to all the above special requirements, plus knowledge of the design of equipment used in the entrusted electrical facilities. The certified person must understand the principle of operation of any electrical installation on his site, and, if necessary, be able to determine the cause of the malfunction and find the optimal way to solve the problem.

To obtain a 5th qualification permit, you must have the required qualifications and a certain amount of work experience with the 4th security group (from 3 months to two years, depending on the internal regulations).

How and where do you take the electrical safety exam?

There are two options for carrying out the certification procedure:

What is contained in the electrical safety group certificate?

This document confirms technical training and permission to work in consumer electrical installations. The employee must always have the certificate and present it if such a requirement follows, for example from the security of the facility. The certificate contains the following information (see Fig. 5):

On the left inner side:

  • Document Number.
  • Full name of the employee to whom the certificate was issued.
  • Employee's position.
  • Permissible voltage class.
  • Which personnel does the employee belong to?
  • The date of issue of the certificate and the name of the organization to which the permit is authorized to be assigned.
  • Round seal and signature of the head.

On the right inside side of the ID there is a table with the results of the knowledge test.


  1. Date of inspection.
  2. Reason for inspection (for example, regular, unscheduled, etc.).
  3. Assigned group.
  4. Grade.
  5. Indication of the date of the next (next) certification.
  6. Signature of the person who conducted the certification.

The head of any organization will sooner or later be faced with the issue of compliance with the requirements in the field of ensuring electrical safety standards at his enterprise.

The setting of tasks in this area is regulated by the Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations (PTEEP). Mandatory compliance with these Rules is not only an important link in ensuring a reliable power supply system for the organization and maintaining normal fire safety regulations in production, but is also aimed at minimizing the risk of electrical injuries among workers. The rules consider the procedure for organizing “reliable, safe, rational operation of electrical installations and maintaining them in good condition.”

Appointment of responsible persons

The most important link in the chain of measures to ensure the correct operation of electrical installations is the appointment of responsible persons. Clause 1.2.3 of the Rules clearly prescribes the appointment of a person responsible for electrical equipment and his deputy for the direct performance of duties.

If the installed power of the electrical installation does not exceed 10 kW, a deputy responsible may not be appointed. If the owner of an electrical installation is not engaged in production activities, and the electrical equipment includes only an input distribution device, lighting installations and portable electrical equipment with a voltage not exceeding 380 V, then the person responsible for the electrical equipment may not be appointed at all, and the responsibility can be assumed by the head of the organization by written agreement with Rostechnadzor. In the latter case, no training or knowledge testing is required. (The application form is set out in Appendix No. 1 to PTEEP).

Very often the line between production and non-production activities is blurred, and not every manager will want to voluntarily take on additional responsibility, and also report this to the Rostechnadzor body. Therefore, in this article we will consider the usual practice in production with the appointment of a person responsible for electrical equipment and those of his actions that are prescribed by these PTEEP.

Drawing up a “List of positions and professions of electrical and electrical engineering personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group”

One of mandatory documents in the field of electrical safety, which must be published at the enterprise, is the “List of positions and professions of electrical and electrical engineering personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group” (hereinafter referred to as the List). By the way, in general, all administrative documents prescribed by PTEEP can be combined into one order: “On the safe operation of an electrical installation,” which also includes the List.

So. We need to draw up a List, and here the most important question arises: where to classify whom and who should be assigned which electrical safety groups?
Let's start with the basics. According to the Rules, employees of the organization can be classified as: Electrical, Electrical and Non-Electrical personnel.

In the previously valid Interindustry Rules of Labor Safety during the operation of electrical installations (POT R M-016-2001 RD 153-34.0-03.150-00) there was a section: “Terms and definitions”, which explained the concepts for each type of personnel. This section is missing in the new POTs; we will try to fill this gap.

Electrical staff

Everything is relatively simple with him. If an employee has the position of electrician, electrician, etc., if he is an engineer and technical worker and is appointed responsible for electrical equipment or is a deputy responsible, then, accordingly, he performs his production function– operation of an electrical installation, which means he must have an appropriate electrical safety group. For the person in charge and his deputy, when working in electrical installations up to 1000 V, this is group IV, above 1000 V - V. Maintenance and operating personnel must have groups from II to IV, depending on the nature of the work performed.

As a rule, electrical personnel undergo initial training at a training center according to a 72-hour program, after which they pass an exam and receive Group II in electrical safety. After two months, he can be certified to III, and then after another three months to IV electrical safety group. In any case, repeated knowledge testing is established once a year. That is, once a year, an employee must, by passing an exam, confirm his knowledge in the field of electrical safety to the extent that his existing group corresponds. The examination commission constantly operates in the branches of Rostechnadzor and in accredited training centers, or can be created at the enterprise [Clause 1.4.30 of the Rules].

Non-electrical personnel

According to clause 1.4.4. PTEEP, non-electrical personnel includes personnel performing work in which there may be a danger of injury electric shock. In the age of the spread of electricity into all spheres of human life, it is difficult to imagine a situation in which a person can be completely protected from electric shock. If an accident occurs, it will be extremely difficult to prove that the victim was not trained because the electrical supervisor did not see the risk of electric shock in the work assigned to the employee. Moreover, nothing complicated is required to carry out certification for electrical safety group I, which is assigned to non-electrical personnel. In accordance with clause 1.4.4 of the PTEEP, it is necessary to appoint a responsible person from among the electrical personnel with group no lower than III, develop a Training Program and keep a log of assignment of group I for electrical safety. Then, once a year, all employees who, by decision of the Organization, are classified as non-electrical personnel must listen to the instruction of the person in charge, take part in an oral survey and sign in the log that the instruction was completed.

Electrotechnological personnel

The situation is completely different with the Electrotechnological personnel. According to the definition, Electrotechnological personnel means personnel production workshops and areas that are not part of the organization’s energy service, operating electrical technological installations and having electrical safety group II or higher (in their rights and responsibilities they are equal to electrical personnel and are subordinate to technically energy service of the enterprise); personnel whose main component in the technological process they manage is Electric Energy(e.g. electric welding, electric arc furnaces, electrolysis, etc.), using manual electric cars, portable power tools, lamps, etc. I deliberately highlighted the second part of the definition, because it is with this that significant leapfrog and confusion is associated with categorization. Who is classified as non-electrical and electrical technical personnel? This question will first have to be answered by the one who will compile the “List of Positions...”. The gradation is fully entrusted to the employer and the person authorized by him. There are also errors that the inspector can point out... The main thing is to understand that, first of all, electrical engineering personnel include persons who cannot fulfill their job responsibilities without the use of any electrical equipment. Thus, if the employee’s position sounds like an electric welder, ultrasound doctor, x-ray technician, etc., then it should be understood that such a person cannot perform his job duties without the use of appropriate electrical equipment, which means he must be classified as electrical engineering personnel , train at least group II in electrical safety (for example, a group of at least III is provided for a welder) and ensure recertification once a year. But, for example, positions such as general practitioner, hairdresser, accountant, etc., may involve the use of some kind of electrical equipment, but from time to time. That is, in the course of their main activity, an employee may not use it at all: a hairdresser can cut hair using only scissors, an accountant and a therapist can do without the use of computers or any other electrical equipment, so they can be classified as non-electrical personnel and limited only by holding an annual lecture.

It is important to remember that, in accordance with clause 1.4.3 of PTEEP, “managers who are directly subordinate to electrical engineering personnel must have an electrical safety group no lower than that of subordinate personnel. They must provide technical guidance to these personnel and supervise their work.”

I would like to note several features when finding the line that turns non-electrotechnical personnel into electrotechnical personnel. For example, in my practice, there have been cases when supervisory authorities issued orders to conduct training and certify Group II electrical safety for workers in such professions as computer operators and programmers. It would seem, what type of activity can now do without the use of personal computers? Nevertheless, the order was given in accordance with the above definition. That is, these workers in their production activities cannot do without the use of electrical equipment, which is a computer.

Let's sum it up

To summarize what has been said, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is probably no perfectly clear algorithm for assigning workers to one or another category of personnel. Modern production dictates its conditions for manufacturability and complexity production processes, the equipment used, etc., therefore it is completely acceptable to assume that someone may have a position that, neither in its title nor in the nature of the work performed, does not imply the use of electrical equipment.
I’ll try to give an example: a sales manager for some complex electrical equipment. It would seem that he sells some equipment that he does not use himself. And yet, he is obliged to periodically demonstrate the product to the customer. Should this person be trained in electrical safety codes? I don't know. You decide.

Who else can be assigned an electrical safety group?

Electrical safety group IV can be assigned to an occupational safety specialist. Moreover, without prior training for groups II and III. Assigned electrical rights (PTEEP clause 1.4.30) allow an occupational safety specialist to inspect electrical installations without the right to work in them. Accordingly, an occupational safety specialist cannot in any way be responsible for electrical equipment, and since he does not belong to electrical personnel, he does not have the right to instruct non-electrical personnel (clause 1.4.4). The recertification period is set once every 3 years.

Qualification group for electrical safety- system qualification requirements, with training (instruction), subsequent passing of an exam and issuance (in case of a positive result of passing the exam) of an appropriate certificate, dividing into groups of persons and defining their authority in accessing and working with electrical equipment of an institution, enterprise, etc. The electrical safety clearance group of a specialist determines, first of all, his level of knowledge of safe methods of working with electricity.

There are five groups in total.

I qualification group assigned to non-electrical personnel, i.e. persons who do not have special electrical training. These are workers who are not directly involved in performing work in electrical installations, but for whom there is a risk of electric shock in unusual situations, deviations from the normal operating mode of equipment, equipment breakdown, or short circuit.

Workers with group I must have a basic understanding of the dangers of electric current and safety measures when working with electrical equipment. Workers should also be familiar with the rules for providing first aid for electrical injuries.

Personnel who have mastered the electrical safety requirements related to their production activities are assigned group I with registration in a log, which must contain the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, his position, the date of assignment of group I for electrical safety, and the signature of the person being inspected and the inspector. Assignment of group I is carried out by an employee from among the electrical personnel who has group III in electrical safety, appointed by order of the head of the organization.

II qualification group assigned by the qualification commission to electrical personnel servicing installations and equipment with electric drives - electric welders (without connection rights), thermal specialists HDTV installations, operators of lifting machines, etc.

Workers with group II must:

  • have basic technical knowledge about the design of the electrical installation and its equipment;
  • clearly understand the danger of electric current, the danger of approaching live parts;
  • know basic safety precautions when working in electrical installations;
  • have practical skills in providing first aid to victims.

III qualification The group is assigned only to electrical personnel. This group gives the right to sole maintenance, inspection, connection and disconnection of electrical installations from a network with voltage up to 1000 V.

Workers with group III must:

  • have basic knowledge of general electrical engineering;
  • know the structure of the electrical installation and the procedure for its maintenance;
  • know general rules safety precautions, including knowledge of the rules for permission to work, rules for using and testing protective equipment, knowledge of special requirements relating to the work performed;
  • be able to ensure safe work and supervise those working in electrical installations;
  • know the rules for freeing a victim from electric current, the rules for providing first aid medical care and be able to practically provide it to the victim

Electrical safety group III is allowed to be assigned to workers only upon reaching 18 years of age.

IV qualification group assigned only to electrical personnel. Persons with a qualification group of at least IV have the right to service electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V.

Workers with group IV must:

  • know electrical engineering to the extent of the specialized vocational and technical education received;
  • have a full understanding of the dangers when working in electrical installations;
  • know the Interindustry Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, rules technical operation electrical equipment, rules for using and testing protective equipment, knowing the design of electrical installations and knowing the requirements fire safety in the scope of the position held;
  • know the diagrams of electrical installations and equipment of the serviced area, know the scope of technical measures to ensure the safety of work;
  • be able to provide instructions, organize safe work, and supervise team members;
  • know the rules for freeing the victim from the effects of electric current, the rules for providing first aid and be able to practically provide it to the victim;

V qualification group assigned to persons responsible for electrical equipment and other engineering and technical personnel in installations with voltages above 1000 V.

Workers with group V must:

  • know electrical installation diagrams, equipment layout technological processes production;
  • know the Interindustry Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, rules for the technical operation of electrical equipment, rules for the use and testing of protective equipment, have a clear understanding of what caused this or that requirement;
  • know the rules of technical operation, rules for electrical installations and fire safety requirements within the scope of the position held;
  • be able to organize safe work and directly supervise work in electrical installations of any voltage;
  • be able to clearly identify and state requirements for safety measures when instructing workers;
  • be able to train personnel in safety rules, practical techniques providing first aid to victims.

The given requirements for personnel regarding electrical safety are minimal and can be supplemented by the decision of the head of the organization.

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Hi all. I'm glad to see you on my electrician website. The topic of today's article: electrical safety clearance groups - all types, requirements for them and assignment procedure.

Graduation Diploma educational institution(vocational school, lyceum, institute) is a document that confirms that the person who presented it was trained and successfully passed the final exams in some specialty.

But this document says nothing about his practical knowledge and skills. And all work at enterprises that are associated with the operation, maintenance and repair of various kinds of electrical devices and installations that are energized has its own specifics.

For this reason, people who do not have special professional training cannot be allowed to work independently and to organize this work.

The level of this training is determined by electrical safety clearance groups. So let's figure out what they are and for what merit they are awarded.

But first, let's figure out what categories of personnel there are in enterprises. After all, each employee has his own job, so the requirements for everyone are different.

Categories of personnel.

Conventionally, all personnel can be divided into two categories:

1. Electrical engineering - these are people who are directly involved in maintenance, or people who plan this work. They must have access groups from 2 to 5.

At my company where I work, these are electricians, shift foremen of the electrical service, senior foremen of the electrical service, the head of the electrical service and the chief power engineer.

2. Non-electrical workers - these are all other employees of the enterprise, from the territory cleaners to the chairman of the board of directors.

The first group of admission is provided for all these people. They should have some minimum knowledge of electrical engineering and safety regulations when performing their work.

Electrical safety approval groups.

Attention. There are cases when the specifics of the job oblige the employee to have a fifth clearance group, but the employee himself is not an electrical technician.

A real example: this is the driver of a walking excavator in a quarry. Since the driver himself does not service the electrical part, he may be in the voltage induction zone. A walking excavator is powered by a 6 kV line. And there can be a lot of similar cases.

First admission group.

Typically this group is assigned to non-electrical personnel. In order to receive it, a person must undergo instruction followed by an oral or written survey.

The instruction must be carried out by a specialist or a person authorized to conduct these instructions, who has an electrical safety clearance group of at least third.

How the first group is assigned at our enterprise.

When I was not yet working as an electrician, but was working as a machine operator for crusher installations, I had to go to the electrical shop for instructions every year, since I often had to work with power tools.

The main topics that were discussed during the briefings were the classification of power tools, the effect of electric current on the human body, freeing a victim from the effects of electric current, and providing first aid in case of electric shock.

In principle, all these questions are the minimum knowledge that enterprise employees should have.

Workers must undergo confirmation of the first group of admission every year. After a worker is assigned the first group, he can easily work with an angle grinder, drill, jigsaw and other power tools.

Here's a video about the first electrical safety group.

Second group of admission.

This is the minimum acceptable group for electrical personnel, and it is also assigned to workers who service some electrical machines or installations.

At our enterprise, this group is assigned to welders, since they operate welding machines, partially service them and connect low-voltage welding cables to them. But they do not have permission to connect the welding machine to switching devices.

Requirements for employees with the second group of access:

— Must know the design, purpose and operating principle of equipment and installations. In simple words, what is it and how does it work.

— Must understand the degree of danger of electric current and the possible danger when approaching live parts.

- Must know safety precautions when performing work.

- Must know the answers to all the questions on which people in the first group are instructed, and in addition to this must have practical skills in providing first aid to the victim.

But, as a rule, this is not practiced in enterprises. Only on paper.

The second group is assigned to the employee automatically if he has secondary education in his specialty. If there is no secondary education or there is, but not in the field of electrical engineering, then in order to get the second group you need to study in a special curriculum at least 72 hours.

Electricians with this group do not have the right to work independently in electrical installations. It is allowed to work only under the supervision of a supervisor. But if workers are not directly involved in troubleshooting or connecting any type of equipment, then the second group is quite enough to perform some minor work.

If a person is not yet 18 years old, then this is the maximum group that can be assigned to him.

Another second group is assigned to those employees who, for some reason or circumstance, were unable to confirm that they had a higher group within the established time frame. In other words, such an action for the employee means a temporary loss of qualifications and temporary suspension from work.

Over the years of my practice, only one electrician worked in our electrical service, who had the second group of admission. For some reason, our boss was afraid to let him work independently. But this man worked only 3 months and was laid off.

Regarding suspension from work. There have been cases when the time came for employees to take a group exam, and at that time they were on vacation or on sick leave.

If we were on vacation, we came to the factory to take an exam. Well, if you were on sick leave and there was no opportunity to pass the exam, then on the first day of release you immediately went to take the exam, and then started to work.

Third group of admission.

An employee can receive this group no earlier than a month after receiving the second one. With this group, the employee has the right to work independently in electrical installations, but only with voltages up to 1000 V.

I have exactly this group, and it is considered the most common.

Requirements for employees with the third group.

— Must have basic knowledge of electrical engineering theory. Know the basic concepts of current, voltage, capacitance, basic laws, and so on.

— Must know safety rules, as well as the rules for allowing people to work independently.

— Must know the structure of electrical installations and the procedure for their maintenance.

— Must be able to ensure safe work performance and supervise workers.

- Must know how to properly free a victim from the effects of electric current and provide him with first aid.

To receive the third group, the employee must have a specialized secondary education or have extensive length of service in the position.

Fourth group of admission.

This qualification group gives the right to work in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V. It is usually assigned to engineering workers. Also, having such a group, you can occupy the position of responsible for all electrical equipment of the enterprise.

Such a specialist can train young workers at their workplaces. You can receive such a group only if the employee has worked for more than three months with the third group.

Requirements for employees with the fourth clearance group:

— Must have good knowledge in electrical engineering.

— Must clearly understand and represent all the dangers when working in electrical installations.

— Within the scope of his position, he must know fire safety rules, rules and procedures for operating electrical installations.

— Must know all organizational and technical measures to ensure safe work.

— Must be able to provide instructions, organize safe work performance and supervise during work.

- Must know the rules for freeing a victim from exposure to electric current and also provide him with first aid.

— Must be able to train personnel in safety rules and first aid rules.

Fifth admission group.

Typically, this group is assigned to employees from among engineers, supervisors and those who work at substations. This is exactly the case at our company. Our fifth group consists of electricians of the main step-down substation (a 35 kV line comes to our plant), the head of the electrical service, and the chief power engineer. I don't know for sure about the chief engineer.

Workers with this group, if you say in simple words, then you should know everything. All the knowledge and requirements that are presented to smaller groups, and plus they must be able to instantly identify any malfunction and know how to eliminate it.

Passing the exam for the fifth group is allowed only after three months of work in the fourth group.

To consolidate the information I have learned, I have prepared a table on the minimum work experience in electrical installations for passing the exam for a higher admission group.

When are the electrical safety clearance group exams taken?

— If an employee continuously worked at one enterprise in one position, then the exam is taken once a year, on time.

— If there were any changes in position, the employee must pass an exam so that the access group corresponds to his position.

- When changing jobs. If an employee moves to work for another company, he must prove his qualifications.

After testing the employee’s knowledge, the commission draws up a protocol, and the employee must be issued a certificate of the established form.

Where he takes exams for the electrical safety clearance group.

— If the enterprise has a special permanent commission (PDC), which has the right to take this kind of exams, then the employee can confirm his qualifications at his enterprise.

— If there is no commission at the enterprise, then the exam is taken in special institutions. This is usually done in a special direction, which indicates the employee’s position, length of service and the required access group.

What does the ID look like?

I live in Ukraine, that’s why I have this ID.

General form.

First turn. The enterprise where the person works is indicated here; his last name, first name and patronymic; job title; voltage in electrical installations to which the employee is allowed; shop or department; as who is admitted and the position, surname, name and patronymic of the head of the commission are indicated.

On the second spread, on one page, they write the results of testing knowledge on work technology - these are work instructions and operating rules.

On the second page are the results of the fire safety knowledge test.

On the third page of the certificate, the results of testing knowledge of DNA rules are indicated. These include: PTEEP, PBEEP, PUE, PPBU, PBRiP, PEES.

And as you noticed, all these pages indicate the date of the inspection, the reason for the inspection, the decision of the commission, the date of the next inspection and the signature of the head of the commission.

The results are written on the last page medical examination. The date of completion, the doctor’s conclusion and the signature of the responsible person are indicated.

At the very end there is a reminder that while performing official duties, the employee is required to have this certificate with him. If there is no certificate or there is one, but there is a deadline for testing knowledge, then the employee is not allowed to work. In case of violation of labor safety regulations, the certificate may be confiscated.

I found several examples of IDs on the Internet, take a look.

Sample photo ID

But here is a real ID with real signatures and seals.

That's all I have. If you have any questions for me, write them in the comments. If the article was useful to you, then click on the buttons social networks, join the group and subscribe to updates. Bye.

Sincerely, Alexander!

The electrical safety group (or “qualification group”, “admission group”) gives permission to company personnel to perform various works in electrical installations, and also indicates the level of their training.

There are 5 qualification groups for electrical safety

Group I assigned to “non-electrical” personnel, i.e. persons who do not have special electrical training.

These are workers who are not directly involved in performing work in electrical installations, but for whom there is a risk of electric shock in unusual situations, deviations from the normal operating mode of equipment, equipment breakdown, or short circuit.

Workers with group I must have a basic understanding of the dangers of electric current and safety measures when working with electrical equipment. Workers should also be familiar with the rules for providing first aid for electrical injuries.

Groups II to V assigned to “electrical” or “electrotechnological” personnel.

The scope of knowledge for groups II-V is defined in Appendix No. 1 to POT R M-016-2001. RD 153-34.0-03.150-00. “Inter-industry Rules on labor protection (Safety Rules) during the operation of electrical installations”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2001 N 3, Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2000 N 163:

Workers with group II must:

  • have basic technical knowledge of the electrical installation and its equipment;
  • clearly understand the danger of electric current, the danger of approaching live parts;
  • know basic safety precautions when working in electrical installations;
  • have practical skills in providing first aid to victims.

Workers with group III must:

  • have basic knowledge of general electrical engineering;
  • know the structure of the electrical installation and the procedure for its maintenance;
  • know general safety rules, including knowledge of the rules for admission to work, rules for using and testing protective equipment, know special requirements relating to the work performed;
  • be able to ensure safe work and supervise those working in electrical installations;
  • know the rules for freeing a victim from the effects of electric current, the rules for providing first aid and be able to practically provide it to the victim.

Workers with group IV must:

  • know electrical engineering to the extent of the specialized vocational and technical education received;
  • have a full understanding of the dangers when working in electrical installations;
  • know the Interindustry Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations (POT R M-016-2001), the rules for the technical operation of electrical equipment, the rules for using and testing protective equipment, know the design of electrical installations and know the fire safety requirements within the scope of the position held;
  • know the diagrams of electrical installations and equipment of the serviced area, know the scope of technical measures to ensure the safety of work;
  • be able to provide instructions, organize safe work, and supervise team members;
  • know the rules for freeing the victim from the effects of electric current, the rules for providing first aid and be able to practically provide it to the victim;

Workers with group V must:

  • know electrical installation diagrams, equipment layout of production processes;
  • know the Interindustry Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations (POT R M-016-2001), the rules for the technical operation of electrical equipment, the rules for using and testing protective equipment, have a clear understanding of what caused this or that requirement;
  • know the rules of technical operation, the rules of electrical installations and know the fire safety requirements within the scope of the position held;
  • be able to organize safe work and directly supervise work in electrical installations of any voltage;
  • be able to clearly identify and state requirements for safety measures when instructing workers;
  • be able to train personnel in safety rules and practical methods of providing first aid to victims.

Who should have an electrical safety team?

Electrical safety group I, as noted above, is assigned to non-electrical personnel.

This could be, for example, an accountant working at a computer, or a cleaner cleaning floors in rooms with office equipment.

The employer has the right not to include any positions in this list if the company's employees are not exposed to the danger of electric shock.

The head of the company independently determines the List of positions and professions that require assignment to group I in electrical safety.

A sample List for assigning group I is presented in the table

Tolerance groups II to V assigned to employees who, in their daily work, are associated with the operation or adjustment of electrical equipment. Let us consider the characteristics of these groups in more detail.

II qualification group assigned to personnel whose work involves the operation of electrically driven equipment.

An example of professions that require group II: electric welder, elevator operator, dispatcher, cook, heat operator, turner, etc.

Personnel with access group II do not have the right to independently connect the equipment to the electrical network. This can only be done by an employee with access group no lower than III.

III qualification group gives the employee the right to independently connect/disconnect to the electrical network, inspect or maintain electrical installations.
An example of professions that require group III: electrician, electrician, electrician, installer of low-current systems.

IV qualification group assigned to employees who already have significant experience working in electrical installations.

Workers with IV group have significant competencies: they have the right to carry out organizational measures for the admission of personnel to work in electrical installations, provide control and supervision over the progress of work, and conduct electrical safety briefings.

An example of positions that require group IV: chief power engineer, work foreman, site manager.

V qualification group assigned to engineering and technical personnel performing work in electrical installations up to and above 1000 V, as well as workers authorized to perform special works, for example, to testing equipment with increased voltage.

Persons with qualification group III-V have the right to service electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, and up to and above 1000 V. The voltage limit is indicated in the certificate.

The list of positions and professions requiring assignment to electrical safety groups II-V is determined by the person responsible for electrical equipment and approved by the manager.

A sample List for assigning groups II-V is presented in the table

LIST of positions (professions) of electrical and electrical engineering personnel requiring assignment to groups II-V in electrical safety
No. Electrical Safety Group

(not less)

Position (profession) Structural subdivision
1. III up to 1000 V Department head Technical department
2. III up to 1000 V Engineer Technical department
3. III up to 1000 V Senior Engineer Technical department
4. IV up to 1000 V Department head Construction department
5. IV up to 1000 V Producer of works Construction department
6. IV up to 1000 V Electrician Construction department
7. III up to 1000 V Electrician Construction department
8. III up to 1000 V Installer of low current systems Construction department
9. V up to and above 1000 V Head of Electrical Laboratory Electrolaboratory
10. V up to and above 1000 V Engineer Electrolaboratory

Important! Managers who are directly subordinate to personnel with electrical safety groups II-V must have an electrical safety group no lower than that of subordinate personnel (clause 1.4. 3. PTEEP).

Who is “responsible for electrical facilities”?

The work of personnel in the company is inextricably linked with the use of equipment powered from the mains. Workers use power tools - hammer drills, grinders, and portable lamps. Office employees perform work duties surrounded by computer equipment and peripheral devices.

To organize control over the safe operation of electrical equipment, each company must appoint a person responsible for electrical equipment (clause 1.2.3 of PTEEP).

The responsible person ensures that the necessary measures are taken to allow personnel to work in electrical installations, controls the implementation of scheduled preventive maintenance, periodic testing of protective equipment, and ensures the uninterrupted operation of electrical equipment.

If the company has electrical installations with a capacity of 10 kVA or higher, a deputy responsible for electrical facilities is also appointed by order of the manager.

The person responsible for electrical equipment and his deputy are appointed by order of the manager.

A sample order is shown in the figure:

The person in charge of electrical equipment and his deputy must have clearance group IV if the company has electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V and tolerance group V if there are electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V (clause 1.2.7. PTEEP).

The regulatory document allows not to appoint a person responsible for electrical equipment in cases where the company does not have equipment powered from a network with a voltage higher than 380 V (clause 1.2.4 of PTEEP).

In this case, responsibility for safe operation The manager is responsible for electrical installations. However, such a decision requires approval from the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor.

What is electrical safety training and who provides it?

Assignment to group I is carried out in the form of instructions; special training for personnel is not required.

The instruction is conducted by a company employee with an electrical safety group of at least III. Usually this is the person responsible for the company's electrical facilities.

Registration of assignment of group I is carried out in the “Register of assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel”.

A sample of a completed journal is shown in the figure.

A certificate of assignment of clearance group I is not issued to employees.

To initially obtain the II group of admission, personnel with secondary education or without secondary education must undergo training at the training center under the program “Norms and Rules of Work in Electrical Installations” for at least 72 hours and pass exams in certification commission Rostekhnalzor.

Those who successfully pass the knowledge test are assigned admission group II and issued a certificate in the established form.

A sample certificate is shown in the figure.

If an employee has a secondary/higher electrical engineering education in his specialty or a higher technical education, then group II is assigned automatically.

How often is the group confirmed?

The next test of knowledge of personnel with qualification group I is carried out annually.

The next test of knowledge of personnel with qualification groups II-V is carried out:

for electrical personnel directly organizing and carrying out work on servicing existing electrical installations or performing adjustment, electrical installation, repair work or preventive tests in them, as well as for personnel who have the right to issue orders, orders, and conduct operational negotiations - once a year;

for administrative and technical personnel not belonging to the previous group, as well as for labor protection specialists authorized to inspect electrical installations - once every 3 years.

Important! It is important not to miss the deadline for the next electrical safety certification, since if there is a break between knowledge tests of more than three years, the group is lost irretrievably and you will have to start over again, with the assignment of admission group II (clause 1.4.19. PTEEP).

When changing place of work, the employee must undergo an extraordinary re-certification to confirm the current group and receive a certificate indicating the new place of work and position. The certificate from the previous place of work is not valid at the new place of work.

An employee can take the next knowledge test either at a training center or at a commission formed within the company.

The commission must consist of five people, three of whom (including the chairman) must be certified by Rostechnadzor. As a rule, the chairman of the commission is the person responsible for electrical equipment.

When conducting a knowledge test, at least three members of the commission must be present, incl. chairman

Knowledge testing is carried out according to developed and approved programs, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

Confirmation of the admission group of the person responsible for electrical equipment is carried out only by the Rostechnadzor commission.

How to improve the electrical safety group?

When moving from one group to another, higher one, there are restrictions on the length of service in each admission group.

Requirements for work experience in the previous qualification group are defined in Appendix No. 1 to POT R M-016-2001, information about the required experience is presented in the figure.

The procedure for assigning an employee a higher clearance group is similar to the procedure for the next knowledge test.

First, the employee undergoes training at a training center, then passes exams at the Rostechnadzor commission. the knowledge test will be “extraordinary”.

What risks does an employer face if employees are not trained in electrical safety?

An employer who allows uncertified personnel to perform work on electrical installations may be subject to administrative punishment.

From article 9.11. Administrative Code:

  • “Violation of the rules for the operation of electrical installations entails the imposition of an administrative fine
  • for officials - from 2000 to 4000 rubles;
  • on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from 2000 to 4000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
  • on legal entities- from 20,000 to 40,000 thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.”

The officials who are obliged to organize timely training and ensure proper access to work for electrical and electrical engineering personnel are the head of the company and the person responsible for electrical equipment (clause 1.2.9).

Other persons who have committed violations in the operation of electrical installations may also be held liable.

In addition to administrative liability, officials may be held criminally liable for industrial accidents if, through their orders, actions or inactions, they failed to fulfill their official responsibilities for labor protection or did not take proper measures to prevent an accident.

From Article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. “Violation of labor protection requirements committed by a person entrusted with the responsibility to comply with them, if this entailed through negligence the infliction of serious harm to human health, is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to four hundred thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or compulsory labor for a term of one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to two years, or forced labor for a term of up to one year, or imprisonment for the same term with imprisonment the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to one year or without it.
  2. An act provided for in the first part of this article, resulting in the death of a person through negligence, is punishable by forced labor for a term of up to four years or imprisonment for the same term with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it.
  3. An act provided for in the first part of this article, resulting through negligence in the death of two or more persons, is punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for the same term with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without such."

State supervision over compliance with electrical safety requirements is carried out by Rostechnadzor bodies. State supervision over compliance with labor protection requirements is carried out by Rostrud bodies.

When investigating accidents that occur to employees due to violations of the rules for operating electrical installations, representatives of both structures are included in the commission.
