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How to take beautiful photos on vacation. Vacation photography. Photography of architectural monuments

When autumn comes, people return home from vacation, and a terrible time will come - vacationers will begin inviting friends to visit, tell them how they vacationed and look through tons of photographs that were taken according to the same template.

As a rule, there are 3-4-5 plots and they are banal to the point of gnashing of teeth:

1. "I'm in Milan!"(Paris/Cairo/Bobruisk) - in the center of the photo is the tourist himself, with an idiotic smile standing nearby with an urn, and somewhere in the distance you can see the roof of the Duomo or the Eiffel Tower or a piece of a pyramid. There is a variation where the entire frame is occupied by a historical monument, against the background of which a tourist looms like a small fly, indistinguishable from thousands of the same vacationers crowding nearby.

2. "Galya at sea"(on the beach, at sunset, on the author - but this one is already shown only to the closest friends and after a lot of beer) - in the photo there is a seashore, against the background of which a pretty/blue “Galya” stands/sits/lies in a swimsuit/or without, if the photographer is lucky enough to visit a nudist beach. In 90% of cases, Galya's neck is cut by the horizon line.

3. "Sky!"(Sunset, Sunrise, Clouds and, especially a good shot - the Sun!) - in the photo there is the sky, sometimes clouds or the disk of the sun/moon. Most often, all this is painted in wild colors in Photoshop in an attempt to convey the “unearthly” beauty of the places where the tourist managed to visit. It is usually removed due to drunkenness or a hangover, so the goal is still unattainable.

4. "Night Rome"(London, Ayia Napa, Sochi) - in the photograph there is a street at night, along which cars are rushing beyond recognition, blurred by a long exposure. On one side the cars shine with white headlights, on the other with red brake lights. There is a variety crossed with the first type, in which lanterns smeared by a trembling hand loom over the vampiric red-eyed face of a tourist.

If vacationers have children, then the collection is usually supplemented with a fifth option -

5. "Favorite Child"- in the photo there is a lot of Sand and the thigh and heel of a crawling baby, or the open mouth and bawling face of an older child, who was threatened to be left without a bath/ice cream if he did not immediately freeze and pose for his parents.

With distribution digital cameras the scale of the disaster has increased at least 10 times. They photograph everything that the eye falls on, and the operators of mini-labs and the unfortunate guests who look at tons of absolutely identical and terrible photographs have to pay for it.

But it’s easy to avoid standard shots and mistakes of a tourist photographer; it’s worth remembering a few simple rules:

1. Don't place the horizon in the middle of the frame, avoid vertical and horizontal lines dividing the frame in half. It's best if the horizon line divides the frame by about 1/3 or 2/3. If you are shooting a landscape, move the horizon up or down relative to the middle of the frame, depending on what exactly you want to focus on, the land/water or the sky.

2. Photographing the landscape, leave something in the frame that catches the eye. Try to place a plot-important object in one of the spectator centers. In order to calculate them, divide the vertical and horizontal of the frame with conditional lines into three equal parts, the points of their intersection will be the required points.

3. Use windows, arches, branches, etc. to frame the story. In addition, a frame can add additional volume to the frame, and at the same time hide unwanted fragments and fill the empty sky.

4. A high shooting point makes it possible to cover more space and convey volume, while a low one allows you to emphasize the dynamism and depth of the plot.

5. Shooting a moving subject, be sure to leave space in the frame in the direction of movement.

6. To take a portrait, it is advisable to be closer to the subject so that nothing unnecessary gets into the frame. There are three main types of portrait - in full height, "knee-deep" (American portrait) and close-up. Full-length portraits are usually used to show a person in an interior setting, to show the environment or in group shots. American ones are for shooting small groups, and large ones are for one person.

7. To take a lively, dynamic portrait, ask the person to do something, look a little to the side, make sure that the light falls not from behind the photographer’s back (otherwise he will make the photo flat), but from the side or side-back. Make sure that the horizon line does not cut through the head, avoid columns and lanterns growing from the head. When taking a close-up portrait, shoot from eye level. When shooting a full-length portrait, hold the camera at chest or waist level to avoid the "short-leg" effect.

8. You can’t take it off by hand at night. Unless, of course, the tourist bothered to buy a special camera with an image stabilization system. And I didn't bring a tripod with me. However, if a photographer takes a tripod with him on vacation, he most likely does not need advice for beginners.

If you really want to shoot at night, look for special shooting modes - night landscape and night portrait, many cameras now have such functions. It is better to take portraits by moving away from the person - objects taken at close range are distorted, and the flash will whiten the face, even this will not help long exposure. The main thing is that the subject should freeze, like a monument.

9. Filming a child, it is worth remembering that it is difficult to achieve the desired position, and most importantly, the child will not remain motionless for a long time anyway - and the picture will show the forced and tense posture. The best way To avoid this - take pictures without being noticed. Toys or treats help create a relaxed atmosphere. When photographing children, it is worth pressing the shutter button more often and not lowering the camera, even when the child’s back is turned - a large number of frames will help ensure that the one and only moment does not escape the photographer’s attention.

10. Another trick is changing the angle. By lowering the camera to the child's level, you can look at the world from his point of view, and by shooting from the lowest possible position, you can realize the eternal childhood dream of growing up quickly - even if only in photographs...

Each of us going on vacation, takes a camera with him, or, as a last resort, uses the camera that is built into the phone. But the problem is why a friend’s photo is always brighter, more colorful and more emotional. The first thought is that it's all about technique. It's really all about hands and patience.

How to take a beautiful photo, which will convey the emotions, color and atmosphere of the place you are filming, we will tell you about this. To do this, you should follow basic photography rules. We will share how to take photos correctly, based on generally accepted norms.

Photography Rule #1. If you are not a professional, but want to get the most out of your camera, then take pictures of everything, everywhere and always. Don't limit yourself to just staged photos near attractions, take pictures of everything that's going on around you.

To your surprise, you will get a lot of decent photos. Moreover, you will be able to convey the mood of everything that is happening.

Photography Rule No. 2. The most best time for successful photographs it is morning and evening. The light at this time is not so bright, it is still or no longer hot outside. In addition, there are much fewer people, so there is an opportunity to concentrate on “capturing moments.”

Photography Rule No. 3. One of the most important factors of a vacation is emotions, not the attractions, hotels, cars and restaurants, but the emotions you experience from visiting them. In order to capture true emotion, you will need to ruin a lot of shots and have iron patience and endurance.

Also, you should do everything so as not to be noticed. If this is still difficult for you, then ask your friends or family to make faces, jump, stretch out their arms and smile wide, wide. Initially it may seem stupid and funny, but when you go back and look at the photo again, you will realize that this is perhaps the best work.

Photography Rule No. 4. It's worth remembering what to get good shot, it's like winning first place in a beauty contest. To do this, you need not only to dress nicely, choose the light and place. Here you need to think, count and remember that the most colorful places are located far from attractions and large crowds of people.

Also, you need patience. For example, if you are photographing a duck on a lake, it is better to wait until he swims as close as possible, or turns in the direction you want. Try to think outside the box, then your photos will be unique.

Photography Rule No. 5. It is important that the person viewing your photograph understands the size of the subject you are photographing. For example, you went on vacation went fishing and became the owner of a great catch. It’s just a sin not to show off to your friends. Don't just photograph the fish; compare its size with something, for example, your hand.

Also, if you are photographing mountains or cliffs, include houses or trees in the frame so that you can imagine the actual size of the beauty you want to show.

Photography Rule No. 6. It is best to hold the camera level, without tilting or turning it over. It's even better if you have a tripod and know how to take shutter speed photographs. Such photos can become real masterpieces.

Photography Rule No. 7. You need to be alert. Every second something unexpected, unpredictable and interesting can happen. For example, you are in India, walking around the temples, and then a monkey stole a banana and is rushing with it in its teeth. Try to photograph her in motion, but without scaring her.

Try to take photographs in such a way that people would later say: “When did you manage to do this? I didn't even notice anything. Class!".

Photography Rule No. 8. You definitely need to pay attention to the background of the photo, especially if it is a portrait. There should be nothing unnecessary in the background. For example, you want to photograph your beloved against the backdrop of the endless sea, and in the background there is a couple sunbathing on a mattress topless. I think you don't need such shots.

Photography Rule No. 9. Remember that a rare and successful photo will be taken exactly when you least expect it, when the weather is not very good, and exactly when you are not in the mood to take photographs at all.

Photography Rule No. 10. This is the most useful rule of all. Do not adhere to stereotypes, do not delve into the instructions of experienced photographers, and do not strictly follow established rules and boundaries. Act the way you want, the way you like and the way you think is best. Photos that are taken from the heart and with love will be the most successful.

At the same time, everyone, before taking photographs of everything in a foreign country, familiarize yourself with its culture, rules and traditions. It is worth photographing tribal residents in central Africa only with their permission, which is not so easy to obtain, since you have to explain it yourself.

For them, a photo is the theft of the soul, for which they will demand payment. And in Rome you shouldn’t take photographs of police officers, as this could land you in jail.

Bring correct photos from vacation It’s not difficult if you approach the process with soul. , this is a difficult question to answer. The fact is that creativity has no boundaries and does not have clear definitions of what is right and what is wrong.

So go on vacation and take healthy photographs the way your heart desires.

Dear reader, if you have not found the information you are interested in on our website or on the Internet, write to us at and we will definitely write useful information just for you.

So summer has begun. But, this article will not be devoted to cameras or lenses, but to photographs that will be added to the databases of various photo hosting sites, such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Yandex.Photos, Google+, Flikr, LiveJournal, etc. throughout the summer. Low-quality, stereotyped, low-grade and uninteresting emissions from your cameras will flow in stormy streams from all resort destinations, mercilessly clogging up space on hard drives, flash cards and servers. 99% of the filmed material will remain in digital form and will not end up in print.

This article will focus on template photographs. Everyone saw them and filmed tons of them. VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook are already full of this genre of shooting. These boring shots, as a rule, are of no interest to anyone except the person who was unlucky enough to be captured in it. Typical examples of such shots: “I’m on squats near a flowerbed”, “I’m hugging a tree”, “I’m an acrobat”, “I’m near someone else’s beautiful car”, “I’m on the beach”, “I’m a fashion model”, “I’m drinking beer " etc.

I took all samples of such photographs from the pages of the social network VKontakte. These photographs are in the public domain, so I do not consider it necessary to ask their owners for permission (they agreed to this when they registered on this social network and read about their rights and responsibilities).

I hope that such “masterpieces” will remain in your memory and when you next pick up the camera and point it at a person, you will remember the patterns...

1. "Me and something big behind"

Motivation: “Take it so that you can see me and the building (monument, sea, etc.)”

The photographer tries to capture as much of everything as possible in the frame - a person and a building (ship, sea, any large object). The result is a small, inexpressive person occupying 5-15% of the photo area and a huge object devoid of details in the background.
When you try to capture both the people and the object in the background, you lose detail in both. You shouldn’t show that you’re in Paris by filming yourself and the Eiffel Tower at full height. Neither the person nor the tower will be visible, and instead of the effect of a joyful journey, you will take a boring documentary photograph that conveys not emotions, but registers a person in a given place and at a given time. In addition, the camera will set the exposure parameters to the brightest and largest object, and faces will remain dark. Of course, you can intervene and force a correction (or modify it in Photoshop), but then the object in the background will become too bright or the person will blend in with it.


Come closer. Make sure that the person takes up enough space in the photo. Find an interesting angle. It is important to convey the mood and emotions of a person; after all, this is a joyful event, and not shooting for a report. Come closer so that you can see both the person’s face and partially the object behind him. And if you use zoom (closer), the object behind will be pleasantly blurred, but at the same time everyone will understand that this is the Eiffel Tower or the Kremlin. Don’t worry, it will be clearly visible that the person is on vacation and having a good time. Don’t forget that the main thing in the photo is the people, because it is by looking at them that all the emotions of the photo will be conveyed. In any case, the photo can be cropped (cropped) on a computer, achieving the desired proportions.

2. "Flower Flower Fairy"

Motivation: “What a delight... take me with them”

For a reason unknown to me, many representatives of the fair sex of all ages really like to take pictures while sitting on squats near flower beds, bushes, lawns, all kinds of plantings, and even more often - in the flower bed or bushes themselves. They probably find it very attractive and exotic, sitting down next to or climbing into the flowers and sitting in a “pee-pee” position. Unfortunately, looking at such photographs, my perverted fantasy shows me a completely different picture than the subjects of the shooting presented, plunging my, sorry, butt into the very thick of vegetation.
Of course, if you are registered on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, you have seen such poses from your friends. If not, then here is a selection of flowerbed princesses:


If you really wanted to take a photo with exotic flowers, then this should be a photo with flowers.

To the one being filmed: there is no need to pretend to be a model and take various pseudo-sexual poses, there is no need to crawl on the lawn looking like a sapper looking for a mine by touch, there is no need to demonstrate the charms of your figure, these will be pictures of a completely different nature.

For those who are filming: Don't shoot from above! If you don’t have problems with your joints, sit down at the level with the model’s eyes, so that it doesn’t seem like she sat down and you took her off. Or, on the contrary, the model must stand. Come closer to avoid the mistake from the previous section. You should not try to capture the entire lawn or the entire flower bed in the frame, this is not panoramic photography And you’re not photographing your crops for Garden and Vegetable Garden magazine. Focus on the model's eyes and the combination of colors. Flowers are tenderness and beauty, try so that the photograph can convey this. Use backlight (shooting against the light).

3. Falling head syndrome or “I want to be an acrobat”

Motivation: “I am flexible and beautiful, let everyone see that”

Looking at the representatives of this genre, one question worries me: was the photo taken before the neck was broken or after? The girls take such incredible poses that sometimes it seems like there are sprains or fractures. Weight, age, physical fitness do not matter if a girl is a ballerina at heart...


Do not throw your head back or take an unnatural posture. It looks terrible. Natural poses are more pleasing to the eye and you won’t have to worry about sprains or fractures.

4. Sexual desire

Motivation: "I'm a tigress... arrrrrr"

The “females” captured in these photographs demonstrate typical behavior during the mating season in order to attract as many potential inseminating males as possible. This is exactly the feeling I get when I see photographs like this.


A girl who is attracted to the floor creates the effect of being “cheap” and “easily accessible.” The value of such footage is questionable and is of interest only to three categories of viewers - males, the girl herself who is in the picture, and manufacturers of floor coverings. These shots will look stupid in a family album, next to a children’s party or a fishing trip with parents, and although the employees will remain silent, they will definitely say to themselves: “slut.”

If you really want to film on the floor, do it from eye level. The plan should not be general, but large. The pose should not be “seductive”, stop flying in the clouds, get down to the ground, you can’t wait to shoot in PlayBoy for many reasons. Get rid of the artificial cheap glamor - it's just ridiculous. If you are photographing a girl, then it should be a feminine, gentle and kind photograph; if it is a guy, make him courageous, but not arrogant.

4. Gecko syndrome or "birch monkey"

Motivation: “Oh, this tree is almost like a pylon, I will look very sexy with it.”

Representatives of this direction of photography are trying to reveal the talents of dancers, while neither the surrounding environment, nor the object around which they are going to wrap their leg, nor the physical characteristics of the candidate for the role of a “hot temptress” matter.
Such photos look, to say the least, stupid. In 99 cases out of 100, the girl (or guy, as in the 3rd photo) is not a professional dancer and is not in a club. Standard setting: Open air, tree (column, swing, pipe, whatever), the girl hugs that same tree (column, swing, pipe) with both arms and one leg.


One of the compositional solutions I see is a change in plan. Let her touch the tree as she wants, and you can show her from half a turn, close-up.

All the rest

I won’t describe it further in such detail, I’ll just give a list of common errors. Try to remember them and avoid them in your photos. The main goal is to make a beautiful album that reminds you of a vacation (either printed or on social networks).

Do not take pictures next to other people’s cars/motorcycles/things if they have nothing to do with your vacation and the equipment/thing itself is not of particular interest (exceptions may be very rare and truly exclusive cars/motorcycles, special things with which few people have been photographed, for example, the red button for launching nuclear missiles).

Don’t act like a tough macho, these are vacation photos, not a portfolio for a cheap brothel.

Remember! Only facial expressions create the mood and nothing else! If you put on a sour face, no one will be interested in your vacation photos. People want to look at cheerful faces; there is enough despondency in life without your sad faces.

Don't film people from above! This is especially true for children. Sit down and film from the child’s eye level.

Show actions, learn to seize the moment.

If this is not your first time in the same place and you have old photos, use them. Shoot the same way as 10/20/30 years ago, everyone will like it!

Show relationships between people. How to do it? They should not look at the camera and try to show with their gaze the type of relationship they are in (friends, relatives, couple, etc.)

Film local residents (if it’s another country or at least an area with a different culture)

The worse the weather at sea, the better for you! Very often, a stormy sea looks more interesting than a smooth surface.

The most spectacular pictures are taken during sunrise/sunset. Avoid the midday sun, it will leave hard shadows not only on faces, but also on all other objects.

Film not only at the vacation spot, but also on the way there/back.

Show your imagination

Take pictures of other people taking pictures.

Instead of a bunch of separate photos from different angles, take one panorama. Practice making panoramas in advance, because... There will be no time for this on vacation. And, if you can make an interactive three-dimensional panorama, then you can accurately convey to everyone you know the atmosphere of the place where you visited.

Take portraits with flash. It is a big misconception that flash is only needed at night. When the sun is too bright, it will help get rid of hard shadows. As an alternative to flash, you can use reflectors from available materials (white cardboard, mirrors, paper and even beach sand).

Make sure that the model’s legs/arms/body are not distorted. There are many pictures where people are “missing” legs, arms, or body parts.

Use post-processing. For a beautiful result, it’s not enough just to take a photo. It still needs to be improved. Many will say: “Ugh, this is a distortion of facts.” To this I can answer: “The distortion of facts is done by a camera that is not able to convey everything that the human eye sees. And the picture must be given exactly those features that you saw at the time of shooting.” But don't make a joke out of the photo. There is no need to tint her with vanilla colors or increase the size of her breasts, avoid all unrealistic transformations on her appearance. The standard post-processing package that I use: leveling the horizon, cropping, adjusting levels, color balance and contrast, removing “curious onlookers” and junk details.

Show me what you went on vacation for. Set the purpose of the trip and the target frame that you would like to get in your album. On every trip I try to get that one shot that makes it all worthwhile. And when I receive it, I say to myself: “This is the shot for which I came here! It is the one that conveys the spirit of this time and place. You can go home.”
Usually, I plan in advance the shots I want to get, but sometimes I get them completely unexpectedly and by accident. And this becomes exactly the photograph that maximally conveys the purpose and symbolism of the entire journey.

Vacation Photo Ideas:

... and something that is boring to look at:

Nowadays, as soon as someone comes back from vacation, they are immediately overwhelmed with questions like: “Show me the photos quickly!” Yes, it was like that before too. There is nothing surprising about this. After all, only technology changes, but human psychology remains virtually unchanged. Everyone wants to see how their friends vacationed. And photography gives us a great opportunity for this!

In general, if you think about it a little, photography is perhaps one of the most remarkable inventions of mankind. Photography is a real miracle. This miracle allows us to relive again and again those moments, those sensations that seemed to be irretrievably a thing of the past. Photography brings back memories of past days and years of life. And, moreover, not only our own lives, but also pictures from the lives of people close to us, our friends and relatives, who may no longer be with us in real life.

But, however, that’s not what we’re talking about today. Today is about how to do nice photos during vacations, holidays in distant countries and unexplored places. Unfortunately, it very often happens that, having arrived from vacation, we look at the photographs we took and see in them not the hot endless sea, not the foggy mountain peaks, not the palm trees and cypresses that so impressed us in reality, but only a pitiful semblance of all this... Then yes, both you and other viewers will see in your photographs not a palm grove, but the most ordinary and inconspicuous forest, a gray spot, and not the endless expanse of the sea surface, incomprehensible points in the sky, and not a crane wedge under the moon...

How to avoid all this? How to make your vacation photos interesting? This is what we will tell you about in our article today.

Advice one. Get ready for your vacation... to work!

If you decide to take really good photographs during your vacation, then you need to be properly prepared for this. At least prepare for the fact that you will have to take a lot of photographs and often. After all, each of us, if we suddenly find ourselves in a distant, exotic and unknown country, wants to photograph literally everything! And people, and plants, and buildings... Naturally, everything there is not the same as here! That’s why we recommend that the first thing you do, even at the preparation stage, is to take care of a large-capacity memory card. Let’s repeat, you’ll want to shoot a lot! It would be better to take with you not just one, but several flash cards. You can, of course, take your laptop with you and upload the footage onto it. Again, viewing photos on its relatively large screen is much better than on the camera’s small display. But not everyone wants to carry this bulky and fragile box with them... And don’t forget about spare batteries! Some, by the way, manage to leave even a charger at home... Don't follow this example.

We recommend purchasing a soft and reliable case for your camera. It would be good if it was also waterproof. Take with you all the lenses you have. And a box for underwater photography. Take everything. Everything will come in handy. Don't forget about little things like filters. Particularly useful in the southern regions polarizing filters, eliminating various glares in the image. Take a flash too. You don’t know what awaits you in the distant and mysterious country where you will be vacationing. Maybe you will be invited to some national restaurant, where ethnic ensembles in bright and unusual costumes will perform. In such conditions, taking photographs without a flash will be very problematic.

In short, take with you all the filming equipment that you have available. Nothing will be superfluous. True, the weight of the luggage increases, and so does the risk of losing property... But what can’t you sacrifice for the sake of good photos!

Tip two. Be creative!

When a person rests, he is filled with feelings of joy, fun, and pleasure. And you, the photographer, need to try to convey all these emotions as realistically and vividly as possible in your photographs. How to do it? First, try to move away from the usual, classic poses when photographing your family and friends. For example, do not place them with their arms outstretched at the seams in front of some landmark. Such pictures have already, as they say, set the teeth on edge. They have long seemed too simple and in some ways even boring and naive.

Don’t you think that it’s high time to come up with something new, interesting, and unusual in this regard? Well, at least make those whom you decide to photograph make funny faces, dance, jump, and fool around like children! Of course, there is no need to go off scale or go beyond what is permitted. You are adults... Enjoy the process of photographing, involve everyone around you in this process. We assure you, the pictures in this case will turn out to be very interesting!

Tip three. Try to be invisible!

In some cases, pictures in which people pose look good, dynamic and bright. But those photographs in which the characters are photographed unexpectedly also have their merits. It is these photographs that convey a person’s state, his mood, his emotions much more realistically. And during vacation, relaxation, travel and adventure, these emotions are, of course, only the best and most joyful!

A person photographed unexpectedly will look natural in the photo, he will not be tense, there will be no artificial smile on his face, he will not play the role of a fashion model. He will be who he really is, in real life! Children turn out especially well in such photographs. In general, take pictures of everyone! Old friends who came on vacation with you, and new friends whom you met while traveling. Take photos of local people. This is also very interesting. Of course, photograph nature, landscapes, cities you have visited, their landmarks and monuments.

Tip four. Look for a suitable place to shoot!

The location from which you shoot plays a huge role in photography. The choice of this place must be taken very seriously and carefully, and at the same time creatively and responsibly. Choose an interesting angle for shooting. Angle is the angle at which you take the photo. If you always shoot head-on, it won't be very interesting. Try taking the photo sharply to the left or sharply to the right. From below or from above. Don't be afraid to lie down on the ground if necessary to get a good shot. Or climb something higher and take a photo from above. We assure you that quite ordinary and familiar subjects will sparkle in your photographs with new bright colors!

Tip five. Seize the moment!

While on vacation, try to always carry a camera with you. After all, at any moment you can become a witness to something unusual, an eyewitness to an interesting situation on the streets of an unfamiliar city, some kind of incident. Maybe you will meet some unusual animal or person in a bright, unfamiliar national costume... If you don’t have a camera with you, how will you regret it later! Imagine, for example, the following picture: a man is walking along the embankment with not the usual poodle on a leash, but some kind of porcupine or monkey!

And in this regard, I would like to give one more piece of advice: Look around you more often! One experienced photographer who always wears glasses once jokingly said: “I see worse than some people, but much more than other people!” In short, if you're not careful, you might miss the clown's elephant on a string! And, perhaps, deprive yourself of the main prize at a prestigious photo competition (Just kidding. Or maybe not...). As they say, the most interesting things usually happen right in front of our eyes, and we don’t notice it...

Tip six. Choose the right time to shoot

If we come to some distant and unknown country, what do we photograph first? Of course, the attractions of this place! Beautiful historical city buildings, bridges, monuments... Absolutely everyone does this. This has already become a habit, a kind of instinct. For example, visiting the Eiffel Tower and not taking a picture of it is, one might say, simply blasphemy. It is for this reason that crowds of tourists who come to this small patch from various parts of our planet usually gather near the attractions. And everyone is taking pictures, crowds follow the guides, police officers and various photographers and merchants are scurrying around, selling various little things and goodies... Well, how can you, in such conditions, take a beautiful and interesting photo of the attraction and your friends against its background?

Remember one immutable truth. Even, a kind of law. Tourists become more active in the afternoon. They go on all kinds of excursions after they have had a good night's sleep and lunch. Therefore, it is very easy to draw a simple conclusion: in order to calmly photograph a landmark and yourself against its background, you need to come to this landmark at an inopportune time. That is, when there is not a large influx of onlookers around her. This means early in the morning or later in the evening. Moreover, in the summer, when everyone is on vacation, the daylight hours are quite long.

Advice seventh. Adapt

On vacation, you will probably take photographs at different times of the day and under different weather conditions. In the morning, in the evening, on a bright afternoon, in rain and fog... And in each case, the lighting, naturally, will also be very different.

In order to get good, high quality beautiful and interesting photos, you need in advance, maybe even while still at home, to thoroughly understand all the operating modes of your camera and understand for yourself in which mode you will take photographs on the beach, in which - in the mountains, in which you will shoot a night panorama of a resort town, and what a fun party in a restaurant. All this is needed in order to adapt as quickly as possible to new and unexpected shooting conditions, in order to orient yourself in a matter of seconds and have time to correctly set up the camera at the right time. If you master all these intricacies, and do not rely on your camera and shoot in full automatic mode, then your photographs should turn out to be almost professional.

Well, at the end of the article, as an example, we will tell you what you can see and film, at least in Crimea. First of all, these are, of course, the sights of this wonderful peninsula, which are located on the southern coast of the Black Sea. This is the famous Massandra, Vorontsov Palace, and, naturally, the Swallow's Nest, which has become a symbol of Crimea. In Crimea you can also visit Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai and Kerch. In these ancient cities you can see and photograph traces of the settlements of ancient people. There are also ancient cave cities in Crimea. Once upon a time, each of these cities was an independent state. Another attraction of the peninsula is the Crimean Mountains. These mountains, of course, are not high at all, they are far from the Caucasus, but they are great for not only photography, but also rock climbing. Hiking through the Crimean mountains and their caves is a wonderful opportunity to do beautiful pictures. And, of course, take pictures of yourself and your friends against their background.

A vacation trip or even a day excursion always encourages us to grab the camera. Here are some tips on how to do it better photo story about your trip.

Tell a story

Create a whole story about your trip. A vacation is not a sequence of individual events, but a real adventure. Show the departure, then the key events as they unfold, and finally the return home. Make a separate album, a collection of “slides”, where the entire trip will be described.

Start your photo story from the moment of departure, for example, from boarding the plane:

photo story about vacation

You can see an example of a photograph:

On the beach

The beach is a great place to take pictures. Show your family and friends enjoying a swim, the kids building sand castles or trying to bury dad in the sand. Successful shots will be obtained when shooting from a low point.

  • Carefully! Try to keep your camera clean and don't get it wet.

The plastic case allows you to use all the buttons without fear of water or sand getting into the camera

Many places are not great for cameras. Sand, dust and water can seriously damage fragile equipment, so be sure to protect your camera in advance.
You can purchase special covers or use a plastic bag. You can purchase a disposable camera or a camera specifically designed for shooting in water.
Cases come in different sizes. You can even dive with some of them.

Beware of shadows!

Bright sun leads to hard shadows and increased contrast. Use the flash's fill mode to highlight shadow areas for more vibrant photos. If your camera doesn't have a fill-flash mode, take one shot with flash and one without to see what works best. Remember that flash is essential for getting good results if the sun is behind your subject.

The photo on the left was taken without flash. The photo on the right was taken using flash to even out the bright lighting from behind.

Photography of architectural monuments

Don't forget to take photos of the sights! This will help you convey the atmosphere of the place, and if there are friends or family members in the frame, it will be even more interesting.

Including people in the frame helps to better sense the scale (a small person is a huge monument).
In the photo below, the photographer was photographing the Eiffel Tower in Paris in the evening.
The next day the photographer returned to climb the tower using the stairs! Shooting down from the steps helped to feel how high the person filming was. Tiny figures of people on the ground help viewers feel the enormous height.


Don't forget the details

Holiday parks are another favorite place to visit on holiday; they are simply overflowing with colorful stories. Please use the information leaflets for details of the day's programme. This way you will know if there are any special performances, shows or events and you can be in the right place at the right time.

At some theme parks, zoos and national parks you will find pre-marked places for successful shooting. Get in there and you're guaranteed to get good composition for your photos. Make sure you photograph with appropriate lighting and don't forget that there should be something special in the foreground.

When the sun goes down...

Many people put away their cameras when the sun goes down, but don't do this! Sunsets can come out very well, especially in exotic locations. Even when the sun drops below the horizon, sometimes you can catch some amazingly good moments.

But remember that the camera should not move when taking night shots, as the camera will require a long shutter speed. Take care of support - place the camera on something or use a tripod.
