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Letter of cooperation with suppliers. Letter of intent. Letters to clients: examples and ready-made samples

A letter of intent is neither a contract, nor an agreement, nor a promise to do anything. However, an illiterate document can result in serious legal and material consequences for the company. How to avoid this and how to write a letter of intent correctly, we will tell in the materials of this article.

From the article you will learn:

Legal status of letter of intent

It's called a letter of intent letter, in which the writer announces his intentions to do something, for example, conclude an agreement or take part in the implementation of a project. Usually, this document communicates the conditions and circumstances under which the implementation of the intention will be possible. The message itself is neither a contract, nor an agreement, nor a promise to do anything. However, as a document of business relations, it demonstrates the serious desire of the writer to carry out the plans set out in the text.

Let's take an example from real estate activity. A potential tenant writes a letter of intent to conclude a lease agreement for a certain premises. The message itself is not binding, but it contains a specific request for the reservation of this room before the end of the lease negotiations. It is a kind of “guarantee” for the owner of the premises that the contract will be concluded.

The main function of this document is to inform a potential partner or interested party about their plans to complete a transaction, participate in a project, conclude an agreement, rent a room, etc. The text can be written on behalf of one person or on behalf of the company whose plans include the commission of this action.

When is a letter of intent written?

Of course, informing about plans is not the only function of the document. Let's consider this issue in more detail. Usually, letter of intent, in addition to informing about planned events, contains additional data. If it is, for example, a desire to make a deal, then the text may contain information about the price, product quality requirements, delivery point, details of the parties, and other conditions and data.

Another possible option for the need to draw up this document may be as follows: during the negotiations, the parties did not reach an understanding, later one of them agreed to make concessions and change the terms of the transaction, in the corresponding message she informs the other party about this.

Making a deal between legal entities is not the only area of ​​functioning of such documents. With a letter of intent to hire an employee after completing the training, the company can guarantee the student's employment.

Another case from the practice of drawing up such a document is that a new official is supposed to be included in the board of directors.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for any liability of the parties for compliance with the terms of the agreement set out in the letter of intent, as happens when the parties conclude a preliminary agreement (Article 492 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In fact, the document in question is a working tool in the course of preparation by the parties of the final contract, transaction or agreement. This is its main purpose and purpose. It is advisable to indicate in it the terms in which it is planned to conclude an agreement, this will facilitate mutual work. In addition, in the text of the message, you can discuss the range of prices, give characteristics of goods and services, discuss other conditions and express your intention to continue negotiations.

Pros of using a letter of intent

The type of letter in question may contain a draft version of the contract or agreement, which will subsequently form the basis of the final document. The absence of obligations for compliance with the terms of the draft contract facilitates the possibility of making adjustments and additional clauses.

Please note that in the text of the message itself, one very important note must be made that this document is not an offer and does not contain obligations to conclude a final contract. If there is no such addition, then one of the parties will be liable for the losses of the other party in case of refusal of the agreements.

Another purpose of the letter of intent is a kind of "road map", which prescribes the sequence of the parties to perform various actions that precede the conclusion of the transaction - who will send requests to government agencies, who will receive permits, who will draw up additional documents and in what time frame.

What is the practical value of this document if it does not contain legally binding norms? Above, we have already noted some of the advantages that the compilation of such texts provides. It is time to summarize and combine them into two groups. Let's conditionally call them operational and psychological advantages.

1 advantage.

From an operational point of view, writing a letter of intent facilitates work on the final text of the treaty. The outcome of each round of negotiations can be a fixation of the achieved results. The text of the document can include options that suit both parties, unsuitable for either party and remain under consideration. You can fix the upper and lower price limits. Compose and record an appeal to possible intermediaries, appraisers, auditors and other third parties. To voice and fix the conditions for further negotiations, etc.

2 advantage.

From a psychological point of view, the written fixation of preliminary agreements has a disciplinary effect on both parties, since non-compliance with the conditions will negatively affect the reputation. The presence of a written document makes it possible for one party to appeal to a higher authority of the other.

Let's explain with an example. If the negotiations are conducted at the level of top managers, then the failure of one of them to fulfill the preliminary agreements gives the other an opportunity to tacitly turn to the head of the first and confirm his words with documents. The reception, of course, is not entirely clean, but the very possibility of using it should have a sobering effect on both sides.

Sample letter of intent

Let's summarize and give samples of letters of intent. IN modern business such a document is quite a common working tool. With rational use, it greatly facilitates the negotiation and recording of their results. It helps each of the parties to demonstrate their interest in reaching an agreement, concluding an agreement, developing cooperation, etc.

Sample letter of intent for cooperation

Letter 3:

Dear Sergey Petrovich,

Civil law does not provide for such a type of contracts as an agreement of intent, while this type transactions are widely used in civil circulation.

As stated in paragraph 1 of Art. 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement is called an agreement establishing / changing / terminating a civil legal relationship. From this we can conclude that any contract is an agreement, but not every agreement can be called a contract. Accordingly, in order to qualify an agreement of intent as a contract, it must have the above features.

Determining the legal nature of an agreement of intent to conclude a contract, it can be noted that it is similar to a preliminary contract, but does not meet all the requirements for the latter, enshrined in civil law.

An agreement of intent to conclude a contract in the future, which does not have the features of a preliminary contract, will not be independent civil law contract, because it does not entail the corresponding legal consequences.

However, there are 2 opposing positions on this matter:

  • According to the opinion set out in the appeal ruling of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated July 14, 2016 in case No. 33-13559 / 2016, an agreement on the intention to conclude a contract for the sale of an apartment cannot be recognized as a preliminary contract due to its inconsistency with the requirements of Art. 429, 454. At the same time, the court pointed out that the missing obligation is not subject to security by a deposit in the sense of Art. 380 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in view of which the transferred amount, named in the agreement of intent as a deposit, does not give rise to the consequences provided for in paragraph 2 of Art. 380 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  • According to the opinion expressed by the 9th AAS in the resolution of July 14, 2015 No. 09AP-24213/2015, the absence of a preliminary agreement concluded between the parties due to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not indicate the absence of obligations assumed by the parties in accordance with the agreement of intent with the condition of making a security deposit.

Thus, an agreement (contract) of intent, despite its similarity to a preliminary contract, in some cases can be an independent type of civil law contracts.

Letter of conclusion of the contract: sample

In some cases, in order to conclude an agreement, it is necessary to send so-called applications for the conclusion of an agreement (such letters are often used when concluding accession agreements).

An important feature that distinguishes such letters from an agreement of intent to conclude a deal is that they do not entail any legal obligations, while the agreement is aimed at establishing / changing / terminating a civil legal relationship (Articles 153, 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

By their legal nature, these letters can be considered as business correspondence(Article 434.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), since they only record the desire of one of the parties to conclude an agreement. However, it should be borne in mind that the legal meaning of such a letter will depend on its content, since if the subject and essential terms of the transaction are agreed upon in it, such a letter can be qualified as an offer or acceptance of an offer.

A sample letter of agreement can be downloaded from the link below: Sampleletters of agreement.

Sample letter of intent to conclude a contract

A protocol of intent to conclude an agreement, as well as a letter of agreement, does not entail any legal obligations, but only if the protocol does not contain mandatory contractual conditions and it does not have binding legal force, but is only a fixation of the agreements reached (for example, the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow Region dated April 26, 2013 in case No. A40-85381 / 12-45-576).

To give a protocol of intent contractual force, it must have the following features:

  • it must agree on the subject matter, essential or other the necessary conditions for transactions of this type;
  • the literal meaning of the terms of the protocol should express the general will of the parties to conclude an agreement in the future;
  • the protocol must be signed by both parties with the obligatory indication of their details.

A sample letter of intent to conclude an agreement can be downloaded from the link : Sampleprotocol of intent to conclude an agreement.

Letter of signing the contract: sample, drafting rules

A letter (minutes) of signing an agreement, as well as a letter of intent to conclude an agreement, as a rule, is drawn up in cases where one of the parties intends to cooperate with the other.

  • the reason or object of the party's intentions;
  • the purposes pursued by this letter;
  • other conditions;
  • party details.

A sample letter of signing the contract can be downloaded from the link: Sample letter of agreement signing.

In conclusion, we note that an agreement of intent only records the desire of one of the parties to conclude an agreement. At the same time, the legal meaning of such an agreement will depend on its content, since if the subject and essential terms of the transaction are agreed upon in it, it can be qualified as a contract.

Letter #1:

Dear Evgeny Vladimirovich,

We confirm our agreements regarding entering into a long-term cooperation with Plusservice LLC, we are ready to conclude an agreement for regular deliveries of goods from March 1, 2018 at a predetermined price list.

If you have clarifying details regarding the delivery, please call me at my personal cell phone number.

Sincerely, Alexey Ukolov.

Letter #2:

Dear Antonina Semyonovna,

In accordance with our commitments, we plan to start developing project documentation for Progresstechstroy LLC since May 15, 2016.

Thank you for your trust! Confident in highest quality result of our cooperation.


Petr Iliev,

head of the legal department.

Letter #3:

Dear Mikhail Nestorovich,

With this letter, we confirm our interest in working together with PJSC Transgroupcom, during which we hope to obtain the most beneficial results for the parties. In the near future, we would like to start a series of consultations with your specialists on the implementation of the CRM system in production processes.

Sincerely, Anton Sergeevich.

In the article we will consider how to competently and effectively draw up a proposal for cooperation. What should not contain a letter of proposal for cooperation. How to write a proposal for cooperation - where to start, how to present your company?

For whom and why to write a proposal for cooperation

You should initially determine who will read your proposal for cooperation. To whom will the proposal go to the table? After all, it can be on the table and the secretary, and the head of the department, and the engineer, and the ordinary employee. Therefore, the main thing at the first stage is to understand who our letter will get to. After all, approaches for different employees will be different.

Many do not even understand why Commercial offer what functions it can perform. Let's focus on the most important principles of compiling a commercial offer that is interesting and attractive to a potential partner.

Commercial offer: samples and examples. 16 killers and boosters everyone needs to know

How to write a proposal for cooperationnature

1. Title. Most recipients only see the header of the message. Due attention should be paid to the composition of the title. He does not sell the products you offer, but the letter itself. The headline should encourage the recipient to read the first paragraph. You can make several headings, with their testing to understand the most effective option.

2. Problem. A great start to your letter is to address issues that are close to the company's potential clients. Professionals in the field of copywriting note that when compiling a commercial offer, you need to understand how your customers think, what they dream and worry about.

3. Problem solving (your suggestion). After reminding a potential client about his problems, you should offer your services to solve it. Here you can talk beautifully about comfortable and favorable conditions cooperation.

4. Price. Often, entrepreneurs are afraid to indicate too high prices for products. But according to most experts in the field of copywriting - indicating the price is the right decision. And the buyer himself will already determine what is expensive or cheap for him. The main condition is to correctly justify the indicated prices, confirming the justification of the proposed cost.

5. Appeal. You need to formulate a clear call in your proposal. What are you planning to achieve? Should the client contact the manager, visit the site or place an order? It is worthwhile to clearly articulate this idea with a call to action. Supplement your offer with a nuance that is pleasant for the client - for example, providing a discount when applying on the day the letter is received.

6. Contacts. It is advisable to indicate in your letter several contacts for communication. For the convenience of the client, offer a choice - e-mail, phone, skype, group in the social network, you should specify the website address.

Denis Kaplunov,

founder of the copywriting agency Denis Kaplunov Studio

When drawing up a proposal, you should take into account that it is the client who should become the main character of your letter. Therefore, you should consider not ways to profitably present your company and attract attention, but methods to help the client solve his problems or tasks with the help of the proposed product or service. Effective collaboration proposals are dominated by the pronouns “your” and “you” rather than “our” or “we”. According to the unspoken rule of experts - in such a letter for 4 "you" there may be one "we".

13 additional nuances of a cooperation proposal

1. "Hat" - the logo of the company. You need to initially print out a commercial offer on your letterhead - with the obligatory logo, contact details of your organization. The best option- a form with a colored "cap". An excellent solution for this is to work with laser printer, although you can also apply to the printing industry. If such forms are not available to you when you have to send letters via the Internet or by fax, you can also use the black and white version. Here you need to remember - you should provide for the placement of the "header" both on the main page and on the other pages of the letter being sent.

2. Registration number and offer date. Some companies require mandatory registration of their incoming and outgoing letters, documents and commercial offers. Therefore, 2 lines at the top right on the first page will be very important. The first line indicates the registration of your company, the second line indicates the registration of the client.

3. Be sure to show respect. Behind the appeal itself, you need to pay tribute to the courtesy of the client. You should not uniformly resort to only one form in further correspondence, if you are not communicating for the first time.

4. Demonstrate confidence and positivity. There must be confidence in the product in question. Among the phrases that scare away customers, it should be noted “We hope you will be interested in our offer”, “Let me offer you”, “We will wait for your answer ...”. However, self-confident phrases also have a negative effect - in particular, "We know that ...", "We are sure that ...". They seem to impose their position. Don't make the decision for the recipient.

When compiling a commercial proposal, a positive style is important. It is necessary to minimize negative statements in sentences, words with the particle “not”. Instead, if you wish, you can use affirmative sentences and synonyms. Experts will tell you about other subtleties of the KP style.

5. Application. Appropriate calculations, technical needs, descriptions should be given in the appendices. Such applications are located after the main commercial offer. The letter may contain several appendices, but it is important to remember the sense of proportion - extra facts can tire the reader.

6. Investments. The layer cake principle is suitable for specifying financial data. At the beginning and end of the indicated price, you should indicate the benefits received by customers for solving the problem in question. If several product options are offered, it is worth explaining the difference in their prices.

7. Pick up the arguments. It is always common for a potential client to doubt, especially when receiving an offer that is too tempting. Therefore, you need to indicate the arguments that speak about the reality and feasibility of your proposal. The chosen tools depend on what is to be proved. The most common arguments are examples of completed projects, mini-cases, calculations, recommendations, testimonials, certificates, certificates, samples and samples, photo reports, guarantees provided, customer lists, visual comparisons based on the “before and after” principle, a story about the product or company in question in numbers.

8. Validity period of the offer. All data financial side are changeable. The client should demonstrate that the submitted offer has a limited time frame. Specify the period during which the offer will be valid.

9. Date. You should always indicate the date of the proposal - so that there are no different overlays when you send the same amendments or additions to the client. As a result, there is a chance to get lost in the order of letters - to get confused in your sentences.

10. Signature. Be sure to indicate after the introduction the name, surname and position of the sender. On paper, a signature will also be useful.

11. Page numbers. Multi-page letters require pagination. In the format "page number ... (from) ...".

12. How to arrange. Like school requirements, we start each new paragraph with a red line. Extra spacing between paragraphs will make your letter look more attractive. You can also use "justify" formatting. The font is selected Times New Roman (12 or 14) is a universal and familiar option. It is worth abandoning overly exotic fonts that make it difficult to read data.

13. Test the offer. When sending a proposal for cooperation, it will be useful to call clients to ask what they are interested in. If the result does not live up to expectations, you need to continue to improve the content. Including editing the form and content of the proposal, with testing various CP options on the company's loyal customers, experts and acquaintances.

Share your experience

Natalia Shorokhova, department head wholesale sales Obuv Rossii group of companies, Novosibirsk

The following are data on additional services companies. Readers will be able to see comfortable and favorable conditions for cooperation. Tell me about free shipping, readiness to eliminate marriage, etc. Usually, data on brand news are provided at the end of a proposal for cooperation.

Usually supplemented with a catalog of product collections, with a description and price list, indicating information about discounts and special offers.

17 questions about your collaboration proposal

Let's focus on the main issues to supplement and improve the commercial offer, if something was missed in its preparation:

  1. Who is the company's product aimed at?
  2. What customer problem does your product solve?
  3. Who is your product ideal for?
  4. When is your product relevant?
  5. What inspired your company to create this product?
  6. What can you tell us about the history of the creation of the product or its individual components in particular?
  7. What is the main benefit of the product?
  8. What amazing things does the proposed product allow you to do and solve?
  9. What will the product improve in the life and work of the buyer?
  10. What results will this product contribute to?
  11. Has the product received any awards or distinctions?
  12. What are the competitive features of this product
  13. Why do customers need the product?
  14. How long has the product been on the market, what is the demand for it?
  15. What specific situations would the product be useful for?
  16. What product variations are available to the buyer?
  17. What can stop a customer from ordering?
  • The text of the commercial proposal: how top managers see it

How to correctly present your company or product in a cooperation proposal

In the proposal for cooperation, the main part is given to the offer - the presentation of your service or product. It will not be enough to indicate the name and properties of the product. An effective offer should awaken the reader to the conclusion that he sees the best product in front of him to solve his problems.

It is necessary to focus on the benefits of the proposed product. Don't call a product unique, even if it is. Such an offer of buyers is not impressive. It is important for them to basically understand only the benefits of buying for themselves.

The reader's attention should be focused on "hot spots". Consider the features of the product, but don't dive into all the details. You can write what buyers want to know first of all. To do this, hot spots are identified - key factors in the purchase of a product.

8 Collaboration Proposal Boosters

  1. Facts - for greater reliability of the statement in your proposal. To find this information, you can enter in search engine phrase "Facts about".
  2. Research results act like facts.
  3. Numbers and figures. Numbers are much more convincing in a sentence than words.
  4. Calculations - if you promise the client additional profit and benefits due to your cooperation, confirm the statements with calculations.
  5. Images - the statement “better to see once than hear a hundred times” will be true.
  6. Tables or charts are an effective tool to confirm growth dynamics.
  7. List of clients - it is important to indicate if there are well-known brands in the portfolio. Cooperation with well-known manufacturers increases trust.

To conclude a profitable deal for your business, you need to interest a potential partner. It is convenient to do this in writing - to draw up a commercial proposal for cooperation.

Prove the benefits of cooperation

A businessman must convince a partner that cooperation will bring refutable benefits to both. It should also be explained under what circumstances he will receive it.

When compiling a commercial offer (CP), one should take into account the status of the enterprise and listen to the recommendations of experienced marketers.

Of course, promoted companies with famous brands(Mercedes, Gazprom, Coca-Cola, etc.), you do not need to make an effort and in every possible way to be sophisticated in order to convince a representative of a particular company to cooperate with them. In this case, it is enough to issue a letter with summary the benefits of your product or service.

For other businessmen, it is very important to observe some subtleties in order for this proposal to have the desired effect.

Important components included in the commercial offer

When drawing up a document on cooperation, it is necessary to adhere to standard requirements.

  • Use letterhead.
  • Compose a competent appeal to the representative of the company.
  • Select original title.
  • Briefly state the essence of the proposal.
  • Encourage your counterparty to take action.
  • Provide current contacts.
  • Show courtesy in the form of advance thanks.

Use of forms

KP can be drawn up on a regular sheet of paper, this is quite acceptable. However, the use of letterhead with the company logo will become a kind of advertising element of your company and will eloquently complement the content of the letter.

Welcome text

An important part is the appeal to a potential client. Its compilation must be taken seriously and understand who and how to contact. For example, by name and patronymic it is permissible to address in such cases:

  • when the offer is sent after the preliminary telephone conversation with a potential partner;
  • The CP is addressed to the target consumer, to whom an individual approach can be applied.

original title

The title is required as an advertising effect, it should contain the main concept of the CP. When contacting government agency a creative title is optional. You can also refuse it if the company is already sufficiently advertised.

If the proposal comes from budget organization, the proposal is formulated according to the established pattern, in which creativity is not required. Such a letter is of a standard nature and does not require initiative from its originator, its form remains within the accepted rules.

The essence of the proposal should be stated meaningfully, but concisely: a short story about the company, the offered goods, services, work or mutually beneficial cooperation.

Main body of the document

How to motivate a customer to take action

To force to agree to cooperate, one should not use pressure. Such an approach will only alienate the recipient of the letter, and hope for cooperation will be lost forever. It is much more effective to make a tempting offer by providing some kind of encouragement or reward. For example, a discount for a timely response.

Contact details

You should write not only the phone number, but also email address so that the client has a physical opportunity to respond to the offer of cooperation.

Thank the recipient of the email in advance for taking the time to read it. Although, if we are talking about a personal business proposal, gratitude is usually accepted by default.

Learn from mistakes

To make the perfect commercial offer, you should always listen to the advice of professionals. But there is another old proven method - to learn from the mistakes of others. In practice, there are various errors, we list some of them.

Complicated syntactic forms

To formulate a CP, it is not necessary to build phrases that are too correct, with a complete meaning. Short sentences with unsaid thoughts, interjections have a more effective effect on a person. The presentation should have a living language, not dry conclusions.

Too short

The opinion that an extremely short text limited to one page is needed can be called a stereotype. And this is far from what can give the desired result. The best thing to do when writing a letter with a commercial proposal is to forget about the recommendations in terms of length, especially when there is something interesting to talk about. You can find many samples of such letters and see how meaningful and able to hook them.


Usually the same mistakes are repeated when they talk about a similar product or service in exactly the same phrases as a competitor does. It is necessary not only to describe and praise your product, but to prove that it is in this company that it is the best and indispensable. Here it is appropriate to be eloquent in order to draw attention to the exclusivity of the product. What follows is the disclosure of the essence - why it will be more profitable to cooperate with this company.

Enumeration of merits

A simple story about the merits of the company's products will not lead to anything. Any praise requires proof: why this particular product is the best and most profitable. For this, reviews of those who used this service or product are perfectly used, and these should be either well-known personalities (movie stars, sports stars, pop stars), or well-known representatives of companies with a positive image.

No less effective will be an interesting story that happened to a client who became a user of a particular product or service. At the end of the story, be sure to talk about the results of its use, preferably in numbers. If cooperation is meant, then indicate how much profit the partner received.

Everyone is the same

The biggest mistake can be the wrong approach to sending the same offer to several customers without focusing on individuality. Such a proposal loses weight and, as a rule, remains unrealized. A client who can become a potential partner should feel that this offer is addressed to him, this will flatter him to some extent and make him respond.

Photo gallery: examples of successful commercial offers

Proposal with the correct division into subheadings Proposal with a good document structure Quotation with a concise statement of the benefits of the service Quotation with a description of the benefits of cooperation

Commercial letter to a foreign partner

When compiling a commercial offer letter, a foreign client should follow a standard structure and form. The CP should begin with an appeal, a catchy, captivating title. This is followed by a clear statement of the essence of the proposal, its benefits and ends with conclusions and contact details. If there is no English-speaking manager on staff, such services can be provided by a translator or copywriter with knowledge of English.

Sample commercial proposal in English

The need for a cover letter

The cover letter contains the principles of cooperation in a concise manner. Escort is used to reduce the volume of the main sentence.

Escort is compiled at the request of the sender, however, there must be a clear structure and compliance with the requirements of the basics of office work.

First of all, you need to address the addressee and greet him. If it is sent after the previous phone call, it is desirable to apply with the indication of the name and patronymic.

Case example

"Hello, dear Stepan Vasilevich!"

or “Good afternoon, welcome to the company…”

"Domosed LLC makes you an offer of the widest range of kitchen accessories at the manufacturer's price."

Report attached documents:

"We invite you to familiarize yourself with the advantageous offer of discounts."

Encourage a decision:

“Would you like to cooperate with us? Contact the address ... ".

Escort Sample

Hello, dear Maria Semyonovna!

My name is Dmitry Pavlovich. I general manager of the supply and sales department of Mobile LLC, we spoke with you by phone on Wednesday at 11.40. At your request, we send information about the payment system.

Mobile has a wide range of Vehicle for various purposes (cars, passenger cars, trucks) and a flexible payment system at affordable prices:

  1. Cash and non-cash types of payment.
  2. For payment within 12 months with a down payment of 10% of the cost.

Our offer is complemented by an invitation to an exhibition and sale of our products, where discounts that are beneficial to you are offered. The event starts at 12.00 12.08.2016. Our address: Moscow, st. Timiryazev, 45.

For all questions, please call: (325) 503–23–45.

Sincerely, Chief Manager of the Supply and Sales Department of Mobile LLC.

Sending an offer

The commercial offer can be delivered in person or by regular mail. However, these traditional forms of communication are considered somewhat obsolete. The most modern and operational view sending, it is definitely e-mail.

For all its popularity, not everyone knows about the intricacies of the process of sending an email. First, it is important to apply PDF format, it is more versatile and well adapted to different versions. Secondly, it must be taken into account that such an offer is sent exclusively from the person with whom preliminary agreements were made.

Equally important is the subject of the letter, in no case should you send “without a subject”. It should sound something like this: "Proposal for cooperation in the supply of sporting goods."

So, you need to follow the following sequence:

  1. fill in the email address;
  2. attach the main document in PDF format;
  3. formulate the subject of the letter;
  4. write a short accompanying text in the body of the letter.

The reply is in process

Novice managers often doubt whether to call back a counterparty after sending an offer. Experienced professionals will always take matters into their own hands. Immediately after sending, it is advisable to call and ask if the letter has reached, and after what time you can ask about the partner’s decision. Further behavior will be prompted by the situation itself. The main thing is not to be intrusive, not to bother and not to be imposed. However, do not forget about the goal and still try to convince the client to become a partner.

At present, only the lazy will not be able to cope with the task of compiling a commercial offer. However, to achieve the signing of a cooperation contract is already a matter of professionalism: the ability to negotiate, to have a culture of speech and business writing skills.
