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Pig content. Breeding pigs is a profitable business at home. Breeding Vietnamese pigs

Breeding pigs profitable business

At the present time, breeding pigs at home is becoming more and more popular. You can buy meat, but it is not cheap and there is a chance to buy defective goods. Breeding pigs is a profitable business due to the quick offspring and the variety of feeding.

The care and breeding methods of the pigs are taken into account, the purpose of which is to increase the fertility of the sow, reduce feed costs and improve meat properties. There are ways of keeping pigs, which are divided into walking and non-walking methods.

Benefits of raising pigs

Features of modern breeds of pigs are that they have a high offspring. About 14 piglets can be bred from just one farrowing. A pig gives birth twice a year. The breeding of pigs has some requirements that must be met in the process of feeding and caring. This is what will bring significant profits.

At home, raising pigs is more profitable than other animals. The secret lies in the precocity of piglets. When born, a piglet weighs only 1-1.3 kg. But after seven days it is twice as heavy, in a year the body weight increases 140 times. In two hundred days, piglets gain one hundred kilograms in weight. If you count, only one sow gives up to three tons of meat. This is three times more than a sheep or a cow.

Pork meat enjoys good demand

Growing piglets is also beneficial from the rational use of feed. Chickens and geese digest only a fifth of the feed, and piglets a third. A pig spends 30% less feed per kilogram of weight gain than cattle.

Pork meat is in good demand among buyers. It is softer, more tender than beef. Delicious smoked pork meats that do not lose their taste during storage. Pork canned meat is also more appetizing than any other.

Pork meat is in great demand among buyers. It is softer, more tender than beef. Delicious smoked pork meats that do not lose their taste during storage. Pork canned meat is also more appetizing than any other.

It is important that pork meat is not only tasty, but also healthy, because it contains vitamins, amino acids (proteins, iron, B vitamins) that are 100% absorbed by the body.

Carcass breeds

In the vastness of our country, raising piglets is quite popular business, on average, about 30 types of pigs are bred. How to do right choice breeds of piglets for growing at home? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since the keeping of pigs depends on the climatic conditions of the area. According to meat qualities, pigs are divided into three types:

  • meat-sebaceous;
  • bacon;
  • lard-meat.

Pig breed Siberian North

Such directions help determine the choice of breed. Meat-greasy - a large white breed and breeds derived from it (Siberian northern pig, Ukrainian white, Lithuanian white, etc.). Pigs are white in color, where muscle tissue dominates development than adipose tissue. Breeding white pigs is the most common method.

Landrace is grown for bacon breed. This breed is also white, but with an elongated body shape, formed by the back and loin. The end result is a large amount of meat and a small amount of fat.

Why more often buy a pig of a white breed? Because the this species versatile and suitable for both meat and bacon fattening. They give great offspring. At the end of growth, boars reach a weight of 370 kg or more, and sows up to 280 kg. Feeding and care carried out, taking into account special requirements, will allow young animals to gain 100 kg in weight already in 6-7 months.

Greasy-meat piglets are usually black or mottled black in color. Very precocious, characterized by rapid growth of fat, weight is less than that of previous breeds. These include: Mirgorodskaya, North Caucasian, Belarusian, etc.

Tallow-meat Mirgorodskaya breed

Pregnancy and care

The maturity of the pig occurs 8-9 months after birth. During this period, mating can begin. Given that the duration of gestation takes 112-116 days, the first offspring is expected at 12-13 months. For normal mating, a pig is chosen from one hundred kilograms, which has 12 shaped nipples.

Before mating for a larger and healthier offspring, the pig should be prepared with special feeding. Her diet is improved with mixed fodder, skimmed water, food waste, be sure to enrich the feeding with greens. In winter, greens are replaced with hay, legumes. Fulfilling the requirements of fattening, during the day the individual will have 500-600 grams of weight gain.

Pigs are grazed in the summer, adding 4 kg of green mass (finely chopped) mixed with concentrates to the feed. Before mating, the volume of concentrates is increased to 2.5 kg and 2-3 liters of dairy products, 5-6 kg, are added to the feed. succulent feed, 2 kg of legume hay. 1.5-2 teaspoons of salt are added to food daily. Another add 0.5 teaspoon of chalk or replace with tricalcium phosphate. Don't forget to drink fresh water.


What to expect in the behavior of the carcass if estrus has begun? She is anxious, tries to jump out of the cage, sniffs, often listens, does not want to eat, grunts in a special way, if pushed from behind, stands motionless. But, humbly lets the boar close to him.

The pig is anxious and sniffing

Twelve hours later, after such signs, the sow is crossed with a boar or inseminated artificially. Be sure to fulfill the following requirement: repeat the crossing again after 12 hours. Over the next seventeen days, the behavior of the pig is monitored, if no strange features are observed in the behavior of the animal, then the sow is fertilized.

pregnant pigs

  • concentrate-2.5 kg;
  • alfalfa or clover - 7 kg .;
  • food and dairy waste - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 30-40 gr. and mineral additives - 20-25 gr.

Care after childbirth

In a difficult postpartum period, the sow requires increased attention and care. After farrowing, you need to give the pig a liter of water to drink, or half a liter of milk mixed with half a liter of water.

  • After six hours give water in sufficient quantities.
  • Feeding during this period is different from usual.
  • On the first day, a liquid mixture is given with oatmeal or wheat bran in the amount of one kilogram.
  • Already in the second week, milk-producing root crops are included in the feeding.
  • The sow is fed three times a day at regular intervals. Drink in the quantity required by the animal.

The sow should be professionally assisted during childbirth. Newborn piglets must be wiped, scrupulously clean the patch, ears, mouth from mucus, cut off the umbilical cords and be sure to cauterize with iodine. An important point: small piglets are brought to the nipples within 45 minutes.

The main requirement in the first minutes after the birth of piglets is feeding with colostrum (natural food), which is completely absorbed in the body of piglets. In newborns, the vitality increases and piglets sucking colostrum significantly relieve the pain of the female and accelerate the end of the birth process.

Raising pigs in winter

Keeping pigs in winter has its own characteristics. So that the pigs do not freeze and do not get sick, you should think about heating or insulating the room. It is safer, during this period, to drink carcasses with warm water. Raising pigs in winter differs in the way they are fed. In the season, when there is no greenery, more food waste is added to the diet, mixed with mixed fodder, bran, and do not forget to add salt.

It is noticed that in winter pigs love finely chopped dry nettles harvested in summer. Nettle is quite useful in raising pigs. Proper preparation will make it easier to keep pigs in the winter.


Raising pigs requires physical and material costs. To get a high profit from labor, you should take care of the conditions for keeping animals. The best option would be a spacious barn or barn, divided into three zones: a place with machines for keeping carcasses, an area for walking, preferably with a cover, a formed pit with water for swimming.

How to build a pigsty

Each breed of pig has its own characteristics in physique, and this is taken into account before starting the construction of a pigsty. Partitions are constructed of durable material, otherwise they will be damaged. What should be considered when equipping a pigsty:

  • roof without leaks, warm;
  • walls are sealed;
  • floor of hard materials with drainage ditches;
  • lighting;
  • heating appliances, especially when there are small piglets.

When constructing a pigsty, heat-retaining materials are used. It can be: cinder blocks, brick, adobe. Inside carry out plastering work, whitewashing. When preparing a pigsty, the methods of keeping pigs and, accordingly, the fulfillment of these requirements are taken into account.

If you foresee and take into account all the requirements for the care, cultivation and maintenance of pigs, this process will not bring difficulties and the result will be desired.

Pork production is beneficial both for the family and for business development. In any economic situation, there will be a piece of meat on the table. With a small investment, you can start a pig breeding business in your own backyard. The unique animal will provide a stable income both when raising livestock for meat and when keeping sows for the sale of offspring.

Objective data on the efficiency of keeping pigs:

  • rapid increase in marketable weight, for a year of maintenance, the live weight of a newborn piglet increases 140 times;
  • carcass weight compared to live weight is 85%, while in cattle it is 50-60%;
  • for farrowing, the uterus brings up to 14 piglets, depending on the breed, each of which will bring 100-200 dollars in a month;
  • pigs absorb up to 30% of the feed composition, in other domestic animals this figure does not exceed 20%.

The right choice of breed and small investment will allow beginners to breed pigs at home to create successful business. To meet the family's needs for meat and fat, it is enough to buy two piglets in early spring. Babies don't need a lot of space to keep. In summer, animals grow rapidly. With the onset of autumn, there are a lot of plant residues in the courtyard, which are a good food base. For intensive feeding of pigs for two months before slaughter, it will be necessary to increase the consumption of protein feed. Except for the labor of caring for the pigs, a year's supply of pork is cheap. You don't need a warm pigsty. But there are requirements for fattening pigs that must be met.

Keeping pigs at home requires the right approach to choosing food. So a baby at the age of one month needs:

  • the predominance of dairy products and cereals based on milk or its substitutes;
  • the use of special premixes for piglets containing special sets of vitamins and antibiotics so that the babies grow up healthy;
  • maintain a feeding frequency that is appropriate for the age and size of the piglet's stomach.

When fattening a piglet from 2 to 4 months, do not include only puree or push in the diet. Root crops are best given boiled and chopped. Carrots are more useful to feed raw grated, the grass should be finely chopped and boiled with boiling water.

After slaughter, the pig carcass is treated with a blowtorch to remove bristles. A high pressure washer will help to wash off the carbon deposits. A compact car wash is available from car owners. The use of this processing method improves the presentation of the product.

Entrepreneurial activity for breeding and fattening pigs

Any business requires planning. A business plan for breeding pigs should include expenditure and income parts. Pig breeding is a profitable business only if the requirements for the conditions of keeping and feeding animals are observed.

Therefore, the main item in the cost estimate is the construction of a pigsty based on an area of ​​​​4 square meters. m per one fattening unit and 6 squares per sow. The room should include a den, a walking area and a canopy from the sun. A bathing area must be provided for pigs. If feeding is carried out in a common trough, there must be enough space for each animal to approach.

The barn must be strong so that the pig does not go free as a result of digging. In the pigsty, provide:

  • roof, excluding leakage;
  • natural and combined lighting;
  • capital walls, excluding freezing;
  • floor with waste disposal chutes and clean, dry bedding;
  • room ventilation.

When indoors, there should be a walking area, but in the summer, pigs spend most of their time on it. In the fresh air, a set of muscle mass is faster, animals get sick less.

The expenditure part includes the acquisition of thoroughbred individuals. For the commercial production of meat, breeding of pigs desired breed needs to be done on the farm. This will reduce the cost of acquiring piglets on the side and will allow you to get healthy offspring for the herd.

If piglets are purchased from other farms, they must be quarantined until the herd is formed. It is necessary to include in the cost estimate the vaccination of the herd at each stage of development. Without a certificate of veterinary control of the livestock, the legal sale of meat will be impossible.

The current cost item will be the purchase of special feed for pigs, premixes and vitamin complexes. However, food is much cheaper than meat. The cost of production is traditionally high. And if the technology of growing business is observed, the risk is minimized, but this item of expenditure needs to be planned.

With a large number of pigs, dry feeding is preferable. Increased feed costs will pay off with higher weight gain and lower maintenance costs during fattening. At the same time, it is important to provide animals with water at 6-8 liters per head per day.

In the income part, it is taken into account that one sow can give up to 14 piglets, the fattening of which will provide up to 3 tons of marketable products. Distribute profits according to the timing of production. If the resulting balance does not give the expected profit, the pig breeding business plan needs to be optimized. That is to find cheaper or suckers. Successful pig breeders in the backyard receive up to 1000% profit in 2-3 years.

In order for raising pigs at home, as a business, to be successful, the following rules should be followed:

  • observe hygienic conditions for keeping pigs;
  • do not miss the time of castration of wild boars;
  • carry out preventive measures against diseases and beriberi in livestock;
  • observe the time and frequency of feeding animals, ensure constant access to water.

It is impossible to feed feed with mold and signs of souring of liquid feed. Feeders should be periodically treated with boiling water.

When buying offspring from thoroughbred pigs, you need to know about the structural features of animals. You can get pork with a predominance of fat, bacon or meat from a specific breed.

Is it profitable to keep pigs? There is no other way to provide the family with meat at cost. To organize a business with a small number of heads, meat will be sold without going to trading platforms. Neighbors will be buyers. Livestock products are always in steady demand.

Breeding and raising pigs at home to provide for their families often becomes a source of income for villagers. Thanks to modern technologies animal breeders manage to fatten piglets to a slaughter weight of 120-130 kg by the age of 9-10 months. On average, about 70-80 kg of high-quality meat and lard are obtained from each carcass, which are sold without any problems at a fairly high price in the markets or in the wholesale and retail trade network.

Fast growing omnivores

Breeding pigs for meat and lard in your own backyard today is quite an affordable activity for beginner livestock breeders. Pigs are omnivorous, eating almost any plant and animal food, as well as waste from the table of their owners.

Pigs quickly gain weight, are unpretentious in content, have strong immunity, and are able to withstand the harsh conditions of the Russian climate (although they require heating the pigsty in winter).

Thanks to the peculiarities of the digestive system, pigs absorb more than two thirds of the nutrients contained in the feed and grow very quickly. The yield of meat and fat from each carcass can reach 85%, while in a large cattle it rarely reaches 50-60%.

Pigs quickly reach reproductive age, and each pregnant sow is able to produce two offspring annually, each of which is guaranteed to have 12-14 piglets.

If you decide to breed pigs at home, then you must decide what you plan to get from your activity. You can choose to raise 1-3 pigs for personal use, or set up a mini-farm that can become a full-fledged workplace for your family members and bring a stable year-round income.

In the first case, it is enough to equip a small room for a pigsty, which will contain 1-3 fattening boars, or piglets, if you decide to specialize in the sale of dairy pigs.

When engaged in industrial pig breeding, it is recommended to immediately build a separate building, which can simultaneously contain 10 or more pigs fed for meat. It is necessary to leave room for one or two breeding boars, as well as up to 3-5 sows, which will be sowed twice a year. Be sure to consult with experts on how to raise large animals using the minimum amount of feed.

In this case, you can significantly save on the purchase of breeding material, and the wholesale purchase of feed is always cheaper than buying it at retail.

Very profitable business

Industrial rearing of piglets at home will certainly create certain problems with the sale of meat products, for the sale of which on the market to one of your family members you will need to spend a lot of precious time, as well as additional funds for transportation costs.

It is much more practical to wholesale pigs to a trading network, whose representatives themselves will come to pick up animals prepared for slaughter. But here comes the problem with correct design pre-sale documentation. Large retail chains refuse to cooperate with farmers who do not have official status individual entrepreneurs and do not pay taxes to the state.

Choose the direction of animal husbandry

Breeding pigs at home for beginners will not be a serious problem if you follow our recommendations.

Do a market analysis first and find out what is in high demand in your area. It could be:

  • lean or fatty pork;
  • thick fat with meat layers;
  • bacon with thin layers of fat.

Each of these products is different in its characteristics and price, so the study of demand is a very important point for a novice breeder.

Based on this analysis, you need to choose the breed of pigs that you will breed. It is not recommended to keep piglets on the farm different breeds, since when crossing, the offspring loses the characteristics inherent in the original forms, and the quality of meat and fat decreases.

Follow this rule even if you are not going to sell anything, but will raise animals only for yourself.

The best breeds of fattening piglets

Today, according to meat and lard characteristics, all breeds of pigs are divided into three groups.

The first is meat and bacon pigs, which are famous for the quality of their meat, but have little to no subcutaneous fat layer called lard. Representatives of the Landrace bacon breed are very popular, which by the age of 7-8 months reach a weight of 100 kg or more, and their tender meat is riddled with the thinnest streaks of fat.

Also, herbivorous Vietnamese pigs, which are somewhat smaller, are also classified as meat. These piglets are unpretentious in content, they eat tops, corn stalks, finely chopped straw and hay with pleasure, gain 70-80 kg of live weight from 7-8 months, and their fat-free meat is dietary and is especially popular with gourmets.

Representatives of meat-greasy white large breed (the most common in our country) can reach a weight of 150-160 kg by 1 year. They have meat that meets all quality standards, as well as a fairly thick layer of delicious fat.

Among fat-meat pigs, a large black breed can be distinguished, and by 8 months, individuals gain weight of about 100 kg. They have a looser body structure and a thick layer of subcutaneous fat.

Provide warmth and good ventilation

Breeding and keeping piglets in a subsidiary farm requires the construction or conversion of a barn, which will serve as a pigsty. Sanitary standards recommend that it be no closer than 10 m from the living quarters. This will protect you from the odors released by the pigs.

In the pigsty, it is required to ensure good ventilation and prevent the humidity level from rising above 75%.

The temperature at which piglets feel most comfortable, quickly gaining weight, is 12-20 degrees. Therefore, for the conditions of central Russia with low winter temperatures in a pigsty, it is required to equip a heating system.

You can independently choose how to raise pigs using our recommendations. If your farmstead is small and you do not have the opportunity to allocate a site for walking or stall-walking breeding of piglets, then it is best to use the stall method of fattening.

With him, piglets are constantly in their pens. They move less, without wasting the energy that is used to build muscle and store fat.

Competent arrangement of the pigsty

It is necessary to calculate the volume of the pigsty in such a way that one fattening piglet has at least 2.5 square meters. m, and for an adult pig or wild boar - 5 sq. m area.

There are several traditional methods keeping pigs, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Piglets can be kept in one common pen, or in pairs, separating fattening pigs from castrated pigs.

For beginner pig breeders, the method of growing pigs according to Canadian technology is perfect. The fattening piglets are housed in one spacious pen that is not heated during the winter.

An acceptable temperature in the pigsty is maintained by rotting straw bedding, which is poured onto the pen floor as it gets dirty, and is completely replaced no more than 2-3 times a year.

Rules for choosing piglets

It is best to acquire piglets at the age of 1.5-2 months, when they are already accustomed to self-feeding with adult feed and have the necessary vaccinations against infectious diseases.

When choosing to breed suckling piglets for sale, be sure to get up-to-date vaccinations with the appropriate records at the veterinarian.

If you are going to fatten piglets for meat, then buy them from the same owner. Pigs from the same farrow are more friendly and fight less often, injuring each other.

For crossing, it is better to purchase boars and future sows from different owners, which guarantees better offspring survival and the absence of handicapped babies in farrowing.

When buying piglets, be sure to ask to see their parents in order to roughly see what you can expect from them in the future.

Features of the diet of fattening pigs

To feed a piglet for 6 months and reach a weight of 100 kg or more, you will need about 400 kg of concentrated feed. Such compound feed is saturated with microelements, vitamins, as well as biologically active substances contained in premixes. Little is required, and the nutritional value is very high.

Even for a small number of pigs, it is best to purchase concentrated feed in bulk, having previously calculated the volume needed to fatten your pets from the moment of purchase to slaughter or sale. Pay attention to the expiration date.

In order not to worry about what to feed the animals, if you cannot purchase compound feed, remember that piglets are great at eating crushed and pre-steamed grain mixtures. As well as any vegetables and fruits, and when using boiled potatoes, they quickly increase the sebaceous layer.

If you keep pigs for your own consumption, you can safely give them food waste from the human table, although this is not recommended when breeding piglets for sale.

Follow the diet

In order for piglets to grow quickly, reaching slaughter weight in just 6 months, you need to correctly compose a daily diet that will include not only high-calorie foods, but also the required amount of biologically active substances.

To accelerate the gain in live weight, pigs need to add premixes containing vitamins and trace elements easily absorbed by the body, as well as table salt at the rate of 10 g per piglet per day. An excellent method of accelerating weight gain is feed yeast, which can be read about in the article.

Feeding piglets is best done at the same time, dividing the daily ration into several roughly equal portions.

Regardless of the method of keeping and breeding, for rapid weight gain, piglets need to be fed 5 to 3 times a day, depending on the age of the animals. The norm for a piglet at 2 months is 2 kg of feed, provided that it weighs up to 25 kg. By five months, it increases to 4 kg with a weight of up to 60 kg. At 8 months, when a person weighs about 130 kg, the norm increases to 7 kg.

Mandatory veterinary supervision

How to breed pigs so that they do not get sick, we will tell further. This is especially important for start-up individual entrepreneurs who plan to sell grown pork in the markets or sell it to wholesale and retail trade networks.

Pigs have a similar body structure to humans and also suffer from infectious diseases, some of which can be transmitted from humans, and vice versa.

The best known of these diseases are swine influenza A1H1, swine fever and tuberculosis, pasteurellosis and Aujeszky's disease. They are much easier to prevent with timely vaccination than to treat.

Piglets are prone to helminthiases, among which pork tapeworm and roundworm are especially distinguished. If you want to maintain the health of pets and increase the rate of their gain in live weight, then refuse to use poor-quality and spoiled products, which may contain pathogens of dangerous diseases.

Features of obtaining viable offspring

If you decide to start breeding reproductive pigs, you must understand how these animals reproduce and what is needed to improve the health of suckling pigs.

It is strictly forbidden to keep two sexually mature boars in a corral, which will definitely fight and can cause serious injuries to each other. Even during the feeding period, they cannot be allowed to go to the common feeder at the same time, but it is better to arrange a separate place for eating for each.

Pregnant sows can be kept in a common pen, but during the farrowing period, a separate pen must be allocated for them, in which a special corner for piglets will be equipped. Above such a corner, you need to hang a red lamp that can raise the temperature by 30-32 degrees Celsius, maintaining the health of the kids.

The process of covering a sow with a boar takes place naturally without human intervention, it is enough to leave the animals in one pen for a day.

Among the advanced farms V Lately gained popularity breed of pigs. Breeders from Denmark have bred a valuable breed, characterized by high yields of tasty meat and a thin layer of bacon.

Pigs quickly gain weight, adapt to the conditions of feeding and keeping, get used to the owner. Pedigree sows bring 10 piglets, which are fattened up to 100 kg in 6 months.

To breed the bacon breed Landrace, a Danish fold pig and a local English white pig were used. The resulting livestock continued to be crossed with other breeds, getting an even more productive hybrid generation. The goal was to obtain a meat early maturing breed that is resistant to temperature changes.

The breed gained fame due to the high yield of lean meat up to 70% of the total weight, while the fat does not exceed 20 mm in thickness. High taste indicators of meat are noted, and bacon is considered the most delicious.
When fattening, it differs in precocity - per day the growth of a piglet is about 800 g. Fatted boars weigh up to 320 kg. with a body length of up to 185 cm, and sows grow up to 260 kg. with a body length of about 165 cm.

Subject to the rules of care at home, 100 kg of fattened animals are received in 6 months. Not all novice farmers can provide the breed with balanced feed, because pigs will not eat leftovers from the master's table.

Characteristic differences of the breed:

  • a small head on an elongated body resembling a log
  • drooping ears covering eyes
  • thickened neck
  • strong constitution torso with powerful hams
  • straight back
  • pink skin showing through white wool
  • short limbs

When crossed with other breeds, offspring are obtained with tastier meat and a thin layer of fat. Such individuals mature even faster, are more adapted to the conditions of detention in a harsh climate. Before starting breeding in a household plot, it is necessary to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the breed.


  • quality meat products with high taste
  • rapid weight gain with proper feeding
  • lack of aggression, getting used to the owner
  • sow brings from 10 piglets per farrow


  • when feeding, food is given out in groups, never mixing with each other
  • animals are unstable to stressful situations
  • due to the weakness of the hind legs, it is not advised to keep on a slippery floor
  • during farrowing, the sow is monitored - she can eat or crush the offspring

They do not tolerate temperature changes and begin to get sick in unheated pigsties. If the farmer cannot allocate funding for heating and lighting the premises, then it is better to choose a less capricious breed for breeding.

Pedigree individuals have sensitive skin, which will also cause problems for the pig breeder. Piglets get frostbite in winter and sunburn in summer, so you should take care of arranging shelter in open pens.

Feed and healthy supplements

Landraces are demanding on nutrition, the basis of which should be highly nutritious feed. In addition to high-quality compound feed, green mass, vegetables and grains are added to the diet. Compound feed accounts for about 70% of the total diet, succulent and green feed - 20%, and the remaining 10% remains for animal feed.

Feed with the addition of natural ingredients is chosen as the basis of the diet. It should be spent on one individual in terms of the growth of one kilogram of 4 feed units. For the Landrace bacon breed, in addition to the main nutrition, vitamin and mineral supplements must be included.

Adult pigs are taught to feed once every 12 hours; in winter, one more feed is added. If a clear regime is not observed, instead of a meat marketable carcass, a greasy pig is obtained. Only feeding by the hour contributes to obtaining a carcass with marketable meat.

Feeding options:

  • Legumes and various grains. If they eat buckwheat, beans, wheat and sorghum, then the issuance of oats, rye and corn, which contribute to the deposition of a greasy layer, should be limited.
  • Roughage - chaff from legumes and cereals, hay, bran, cake.
  • Quality compound feed.
  • Juicy roots.
  • Green mass will serve as a source of vitamins and proteins.
  • Silage is provided in winter.
  • Skimmed milk or kefir.
  • A little fish and meat and bone meal.

A couple of months before slaughter, they stop producing fishmeal, which gives the carcass an unpleasant aftertaste. Before starting fattening, it is necessary to find a trusted feed supplier, because poor-quality additives will cause livestock diseases. Based on the results of fattening, the Landrace breed shows high productivity, corresponding to the indicators of the elite class.

barn equipment requirements

The Landrace breed does not withstand cold and humidity, so they pay attention to the winter stay of pigs in barns. On large farms, it is recommended to transfer the livestock to insulated hangars, where you can best meet the care needs of the breed.

Pigs feel good in non-ventilated and dry rooms, where all hygiene requirements are met. They prefer a barn or hangar made of cinder blocks or bricks. Equip a ventilation system to avoid stagnation of air masses. Pay attention to the thickness and slope of the floor, it is necessary to equip a drain for draining feces.

They lay a thick layer of straw, which is often replaced with fresh. Bedding in winter will serve as an additional source of heat. For wild boars, you need to allocate at least 6 square meters. m. area, for pigs - 4 square meters. m. Pregnant sows are transferred to machines with an area of ​​​​6 square meters. m.

For piglets of a productive breed, it is necessary to equip a room with a stable temperature of 20 to 22 degrees. For young animals, they also provide a sufficient area, because with a crowded content, diseases cannot be avoided. A fifth of the walls in the piglet barn should be glazed to allow access to sunlight, but additional lighting sources should also be installed.

Some breeders face difficulties in keeping the breed, so they pay special attention to the rules for keeping livestock:

  • there should be no drafts in the pigsty, all the cracks in the walls and floor are carefully clogged with boards
  • in cold weather it is necessary to provide heating of the room, small piglets are transferred under the lamps
  • timely clean the pigsty from manure
  • wet bedding becomes a source of disease, so you need to change it often for a fresh layer of straw
  • piglets are given baths with clean water or rinsed out with a hose
  • preventive vaccinations are required

When planning a barn for young animals, it should be divided into a pigsty for keeping pigs, a spacious paddock and a place for water procedures.

Piglets on the paddock are actively moving, undermining the ground, looking for food under the bushes. The best option arrange a platform on a plot with grass, where they can additionally receive vitamin feed. In winter, it is not recommended to let piglets out in the cold in order to avoid frostbite or an outbreak of colds.

Breeding features

The farmer should take care to select a boar for the sow in order to get viable young. The price of purebred young animals is high, so you should learn how to breed on your own for additional income.

The gilt's hunt lasts only two days, so coverage is provided every 12 hours. The sow needs special care. She is fed only high-quality vitamin feed, food is checked for mold and rot. They give plenty of succulent feed, introduce vitamin and mineral supplements into the feed. After 114 days they prepare for farrowing. The process should be supervised by a veterinarian, because the pig is large enough, unforeseen complications may occur.

The suckling uterus is placed in a divided pen to avoid injury to the young. Although the pigs have a peaceful nature, but increased intolerance to stress is manifested by aggression towards piglets.

After farrowing, the young are placed next to the mother's udder. Weaker individuals are applied to the front nipples, which have more milk. It is important to attach the offspring to the udder in the first 45 minutes of life, even if farrowing has not ended. Timely feeding of colostrum contributes to the development of immunity in the body of young animals. Piglets should be kept in a nursery under heating lamps, and brought to their mothers for feeding.

Milk feeding lasts up to 2 months, although it is necessary to accustom to regular food earlier. After weaning from the mother, the young are transferred to regular feed. They continue to monitor the conditions of detention and high-quality feed in order to gain a weight gain of 20 kg. in 2-month-old piglets, and in 100 kg. in 6-month-old individuals.

Feedback from farmers regarding the cultivation of Landrace is positive. Some pig breeders experience difficulties in the early stages of breeding, when they cannot yet formulate the correct diet for feeding young animals. Contacting a veterinarian and the advice of experienced farmers help to adjust the diet, get a gain meat products from livestock. Young growth eats food well, quickly gains weight, gets used to the owner. Piglets love to spend time on the run, they show the declared characteristics of rapid growth.

Feeding the young

If the sow does not have enough milk or she died during farrowing, you should turn to artificial feeding of young animals. They make top dressing from eggs, cow's milk, sugar syrup and vitamins, which are poured into a feeding bottle. Every hour and a half, babies should be given 50 grams of the mixture.

Feeding training:

  • A few days later, you can feed it with prestarter feed or a mixture of ground roasted barley, bone meal and crushed chalk, add some mineral salts. To provide livestock with liquid, drinkers with clean water are placed nearby.
  • The young begin to erupt teeth a week after birth. Therefore, they begin to eat wheat, pea or corn grain.
  • Piglets need not only milk mixtures and grains, but also vitamin and mineral complexes that activate the body's defenses and strengthen the immune system.
  • At the same time, food is poured into trays or feeders to teach babies to the right diet.
  • If the pigs have not eaten the food at one time, it should be removed and discarded by rinsing the feeders with clean water. Do not store food in a pigsty to prevent young animals from eating sour or moldy feed.
  • A new type of food should be introduced in small portions, gradually increasing the output. At the first signs of diarrhea, they are transferred to dietary feed or young animals are treated with antibiotics and antidiarrheal drugs.
  • A smooth transition from mother's milk to a balanced feed contributes to the painless adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract of piglets. Organized feeding with premixes in combination with juicy feed will help the young to get stronger.

Piglet's choice

If you want to raise a thoroughbred stock, you should choose viable piglets for the farm. Before purchasing, they carefully examine the pigs, paying attention to external features:

  • purebred piglets are sold when they reach 2 months, at which time their weight ranges from 18-25 kg.,
    the animal is examined for damage, discharge from the eyes or an atypical color of the patch, if painful symptoms are visible, they turn to another farm for young animals
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract are indicated by dried feces or inflammation on the sides
  • a healthy piglet has no bald spots or damage on the skin, the skin is even pink

Piglets should move briskly, actively eat food. They refuse to buy a thin piglet that does not show interest in food.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

When purchasing piglets from a breeder, you should ask about the vaccination. The vaccinations of young animals are indicated in the certificate from the veterinarian, which has the proper marks. If the livestock is not vaccinated, then after the acquisition, vaccination is carried out immediately to protect the pigs from common diseases and deaths. The unvaccinated breed is prone to disease, so spending on a vaccine is justified.

After the appearance of newborn piglets in the household, the following vaccination is carried out according to the scheme:

  • upon reaching 3 days after farrowing, a polyvalent serum should be introduced into the livestock, giving immunity from infection with salmonellosis and colibacillosis
  • the veterinarian injects newborn piglets with vitamin preparations containing iron components
  • in a month and a half, they are vaccinated against infection with leptospirosis, injections are administered at intervals of a week
  • at 2 months, animals should be pierced with a vaccine against erysipelas
  • at 3 months young are vaccinated against plague

Prevention of common diseases will not only be vaccinated, but also compliance sanitary norms. The spread of infection is facilitated by wet bedding, which causes infection with helminths, sarcoptic mange and pasteurellosis. Piglets can be affected by scabies or bacterial infections.

Pig breeding or keeping pigs at home is a very profitable occupation and not particularly difficult. Pigs can be bred for both breeding and fattening.

Most farmers prefer to raise and breed pigs for sale, which is quite profitable and absolutely affordable even for beginner pig breeders.

Is it profitable to keep pigs for sale: pig breeding as a business

Compared to other farm animals, pigs have a large number of benefits that make pig farming at home relatively simple and profitable:

  • the animal is omnivorous, and almost any feed of animal and vegetable origin is used for food, including food waste;
  • excellent indicators of increasing the volume of meat and productivity in short time. The mass of a newborn piglet usually does not exceed 1 kg, and after 6 months - about 120 kg;
  • about a third of the substances contained in the feed are completely absorbed by the animals, this has a positive effect on the timing of fattening;
  • pigs are characterized by high rates of fertility and excellent speed reproduction, and proper maintenance makes it possible for offspring to receive approximately 12-14 piglets several times a year.

At the beginning necessary determine the main objective of this business. Pigs can be kept and bred for sale, as well as raised only for meat.

Breed selection

Correct the choice of pig breed is another important issue of domestic pig breeding:

  • universal or meat-fat breeds;
  • bacon or meat breeds.

A feature of all "greasy" pigs is the maintenance for a large yield of high-quality fat. The carcass of a pig contains approximately 42-47% fat. The breed is characterized by a heavy front part and a rough and wide body. The best sebaceous breeds: "Large Black", "Berkshire" and "Ukrainian Steppe". A feature of all pigs of tallow breeds is the maintenance to obtain a large yield of high-quality fat.

Meat pigs are characterized by rapid growth and have high activity in the development of muscle mass, therefore, proper intensive fattening makes it possible to obtain a high slaughter weight already in pigs at 8 months.

Most often, the total volume of meat in the carcass is approximately 65-70% or more. The body of this breed of pigs, with a well-developed, rear massive part and the presence of a shallow chest. by the most popular breeds today are: "Estonian bacon", "English large white", "Vietnamese bellied", "Temworth", "Landrace" and "Duroc".

Meat breeds are considered universal, this is due to the production of high-quality tender fat and meat. Even with the condition of fattening with ordinary food waste, it is noted fast weight gain with 33-37% fat and 57-68% meat.

For pig breeding at home, almost any breed of pig can be adapted quite easily.

Breeding pigs at home for beginners

During home breeding, you need to follow some rules aimed at maintaining the health of farm animals and, as a result, the final production of the maximum amount of high-quality products.

Piglets must be selected according to weight criteria.

Requirements for keeping piglets

Newly purchased piglets are required to be placed in a special quarantine room for a week, which makes it possible to identify a sick animal as soon as possible.

During the rearing of young animals, in the barn, the air temperature must be in the region of 19-24C with a humidity of no more than 77-82%. For newborn piglets contraindicated location in a pigsty with dampness, cold and drafts.

It is necessary to observe in the pigsty purity, and for proper growth and development, animals need to be provided with regular walks in the fresh air. The water should be changed as often as possible, and the feeders should be cleaned after each feeding.

Produced once a month disinsection and disinfection pigsty. Piglets under the age of 3 months are required to receive food 5 times a day, and older piglets are fed 4 times a day. Adult pigs are fed three times a day.

Basic rules for feeding pigs

The choice of diet is an important point, therefore, it is necessary to take into account such factors:

  • age features;
  • breed features;
  • expected condition and fattening period;
  • food availability.

Often for the fastest growing are used growth stimulants, which are represented by tissue preparations, microelements and vitamins, antibiotics.

All feeds are classified as follows:

  • feeds that greatly reduce the quality of pork, including bagasse and soybeans;
  • grain bran;
  • cereals, including peas, rye, millet and barley, as well as green and succulent forages.

Fattening for meat should be started at 3 months and completed by the ninth month, when the carcass weight reaches 110-140 kg.

Lighting and ventilation

Animals require sufficient natural light that positively affects the biological processes in the body of pigs. With the condition of a short daylight hours in winter, artificial lighting is used:

  • fattening pigs are required to receive artificial light 12 hours a day at a level of 5-6 lux;
  • piglets and suckling sow receive lighting 18 hours a day at a level of 15 lux.

Organized Right the pigsty must have a high-quality ventilation system. Air exchange makes it possible to remove all polluted and used harmful gases from the premises.

Ventilation can be installed homemade or industrial. It must be remembered that this type of equipment can provoke the appearance of drafts, which are dangerous for both young animals and piglets. The supply and exhaust ventilation system performed quite well.

Walking area and growing room

For the construction of walls, it is necessary to use non-moisture-intensive and heat-insulating materials that effectively allow you to keep warm in winter. As a rule, brick, wood, gas-porous or cinder blocks, as well as rubble stone are used. Finishing inside can be done with plastered wood with further whitewashing.

In the pigsty microclimatic the conditions will depend on the correct construction of the floors. The attic must be insulated. For the arrangement of floors, boards or concrete are used. It is best to install slatted floors that make cleaning easier. It is necessary to equip internal partitions from durable and strong materials. To make an animal free access to walking areas, it is necessary to equip manholes 60 cm wide and 80 cm high.

Care rules

Proper care consists not only in compiling balanced diet and hygiene, but also the implementation of the following rules:

  • in order to reduce the cost of feed, cereals and root crops, it is necessary to crush them before distribution;
  • nutrition must be represented by 10% succulent feed, 65-70% green crops, 8% animal feed and 5% grass meal;
  • pig breeding technology includes activities such as the distribution and preparation of feed, cleaning the premises, carrying out preventive measures and examining animals;
  • breeding pigs according to Canadian technology means keeping them on a deep bedding layer.

When pigs are bred for the purpose of selling piglets, methods should be used that focus on the fertility characteristics of the sow.

Pig breeding technology

Often, novice pig farmers make mistakes, which are wrong choosing a boar or sow, as well as inept timing of insemination.

Most favorable the time for breeding pigs is the middle of winter. Gestation time can vary between 100-120 days, and subsequent mating can be done after about six months. The age of the sow must be more than 8 months, and the weight must not be less than 120 kg.

During the hunt, which lasts for several weeks, the animal becomes restless, starts jumping on other pigs, and also loses its appetite. Cleaning the room in which the sow is located should be done several times a week.

Preference necessary give to the calmest and largest individuals, who later become good mothers. It is very important to provide the sow with high-quality feed with a high content of vitamin and mineral diet.

Care after childbirth

After the birth of piglets, they need special care However, the nursing sow also needs attention and care. Immediately after farrowing, it is necessary to give the pig a liter of water or water that is half diluted with potassium permanganate.

Changes are reflected in the diet, on the first day it is best to feed with a liquid mixture (for example, oatmeal or wheat bran). A week after farrowing, it is necessary to add root crops, which accelerate the flow and formation of milk. The sow needs to be fed three times a day at the same time intervals.

After farrowing, hygiene procedures are performed with each piglet: cleaning the mouth, ears, patch, cutting and burning the umbilical cord with iodine.

Disease prevention

main ways diagnosing and definitions of diseases of farm animals are several, and each of them must be used during the rearing of pigs:

  • compliance with the diet;
  • regular monitoring of changes in the behavior of pigs;
  • analysis of feces and cleaning in the pigsty;
  • regular measurement of body temperature in the rectum;
  • visual inspection of the state of the head, limbs and torso of the animal.

The greatest danger is a disease such as plague, the causative agent of this disease can be transmitted with water, feed, meat, bedding and manure. The main symptoms are cough, fever, convulsions, and diarrhea or constipation. The disease is incurable.

The main activities for prevention, which are aimed at reducing the risk of infection of farm animals, are the exclusion of such negative factors:

  • overfeeding pigs;
  • the use of poor quality and spoiled feed;
  • too high or low temperature regime in a pigsty;
  • insufficient balance and nutritional value of the diet.

Need to minimize the risk of any damage to the pigs, as well as the ingestion of helminth eggs, pathogenic viruses and pathogenic bacteria with feed or water.

Fattening and breeding pigs with strict adherence to the technology of catering and maintenance makes it possible to obtain not only excellent, but also quick results of a high growth of farm animals. Consequence proper cultivation are both healthy meat products and high-quality raw materials.
