Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

International Journal of Applied and Basic Research. Modern problems of small business in Kazakhstan and prospects for its development Problems of development of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan

Scientific-theoretical and legal framework small business development. The role of small business in modern market conditions. Forms of organization of small and medium business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Research methodology. Assessment of the current state of small business in Kazakhstan.

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X Alimov Maksat Kairatovich

2nd year undergraduate student of the Faculty of Economics, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Astana

E-mail: altynmaksgmail . com

The strategic course of the leadership of the republic on the entry of Kazakhstan into the top fifty most competitive countries in the world leads to the development of small business as a powerful economic strength. In the context of the implementation of the Concept of the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to sustainable development for 2007-2024, the efficiency and sustainability of small enterprises, the establishment with their participation of new economic relations, including foreign economic, activation of production and innovation activities.

Timely intervention and provision of financial support by the state at the end of 2007 as part of the anti-crisis program made it possible to reduce the decline in lending to small businesses by banks and even stimulated the growth of lending in 2008. In addition, as a result of state support in the structure of the total loan portfolio of commercial banks, the share of loans to small businesses increased to 22%.

A certain base has been created in the republic for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. The number of registered small businesses is increasing every year. So, for 5 years (2005-2009) their number increased from 621 thousand to 716 thousand units, as a result, the share of active small businesses increased to 67% in 2009.

The volume of products manufactured in 2005-2009 by small and medium businesses increased from 1235 billion tenge to 2182 billion tenge. At the same time, the share of products manufactured by small and medium-sized businesses in GDP remained at an average level of 15-16% with a slight decrease in 2008.

In terms of industries, the largest share of manufactured products from the total volume of products of small businesses falls on trade (37%), agriculture - 23%, the smallest number of small businesses operate in the industrial sector (3%) and construction - 4%, 8% of SMEs operate in the field of transport and communications.

The number of employees in the field of small business is 1.8 million people, which is 23% of the total number of employees in Kazakhstan, of which 50% are individual entrepreneurs, 25% of small businesses and peasant farms. Like the number of SMEs, the number of people employed in small businesses grew steadily until 2008, during which there was a decline. Growth resumed in 2009 .

Comparative analysis small business in Kazakhstan with developed countries shows a noticeable lag in terms of such indicators as contribution to GDP and employment, despite the fact that, as in developed countries Ah, in Kazakhstan, SMEs represent more than 90% of all business entities. Thus, the share of annual output by SMEs in developed countries ranges from 43% (Canada) to 57% (Germany) of GDP. In Kazakhstan, its share is almost 3 times lower and amounts to 15%. In terms of the share of the population employed in the SME sector in total employment, the indicators of our country are also much lower than in developed countries: over the past 5 years in Kazakhstan, this indicator has been at the level of 23%, in developed countries from 47% (Canada) to 75% (Japan) .

In terms of sectoral structure, the NSR sector of Kazakhstan also has significant differences from foreign analogues: almost 40% of SIPs in Kazakhstan are employed in the wholesale and retail, more than 20% operate in agriculture. In the US, the structure of small business looks different: the service sector dominates (58%), more than 20% of small business entities operate in the construction and trade sectors. IN European countries The largest number of SMEs is concentrated in the service sector: in the UK - 23%, in Poland - 35%. At the same time, in the UK, the SME sector is the most diversified: 21% of SMEs are involved in construction, 12% in trade, 7% in industry, 27% in other industries, including real estate and financial activity.

In developed countries, the liability of market participants and business activities is usually based on the mechanism of "reputation" and the risk of losing a profession or being deprived of the opportunity to work in the market or business bankruptcy.

The main factors hindering the development of small business, especially in areas far from the financial and industrial centers of the republic, are called by experts:

low level of solvency of the population, especially in countryside associated with high unemployment and a large proportion of the population living below the poverty line;

· flaw working capital;

Insufficient equipment of enterprises with high-performance equipment due to its high cost;

lack of quality raw materials and semi-finished products;

· low competitiveness of products of local small enterprises in comparison with imported analogues;

· non-creditworthiness of small businesses (especially enterprises for the processing of agricultural raw materials);

lack of financial and scientific institutions;

low educational and cultural level of the population;

underdevelopment of communications.

The analysis carried out by the Economic Research Institute of the MEiBP RK revealed the main problems of lending to small businesses in commercial banks. The leading position is occupied by a high loan interest. In addition, these issues include:

short-term loans;

No grace period

a large number of documents when applying for a loan;

problems with collateral;

· lack of information about foreign and domestic credit lines;

Insufficient number of organizations providing consulting services when applying for loans;

problems with start-up lending for new businesses.

In general, the analysis shows that in Kazakhstan there is a beginning of recovery processes in this sector, there is an increase in the absolute indicators of the NSR, but there are negative trends relative indicators(share of NSR products in GDP, sectoral development structure).

The results of the above review emphasize the need for further state coordination of small businesses in order to correct and improve the negative trends in the development of small businesses, both with the help of financial and non-financial instruments.

To the main financial mechanisms for the development of small businesses include fiscal and monetary instruments. For the development of self-employment, the main non-financial leverage is business education. Therefore, the development of small business in Kazakhstan largely depends on highly qualified personnel in the organization of entrepreneurial activity.

At present, the education system of Kazakhstan is in search of a model for training highly qualified personnel in the field of business organization, taking into account the specifics economic development each region. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the structure of education of future specialists in the field of business organization in order to improve the quality of training in obtaining basic education, retraining and advanced training, improving curricula, their expansion in accordance with the needs of the market.

The business incubator, as an object of infrastructure for supporting small businesses, innovative (venture) firms, provides support to entrepreneurs at an early stage of their activities by providing and providing consulting, accounting, legal, marketing and other services. Business incubators fulfill the state order for the creation of jobs in the field of small business, therefore, the effectiveness and efficiency of managing a business incubator has great value for the development of SMEs and the system of business education.

The practical skills acquired by university teachers in the process of their interaction with small businesses are successfully used in the educational process. Along with this, students have the opportunity to implement their own business projects through a business incubator, which contributes to the testing of their business ideas in order to determine the degree of readiness to create their own business.

Taking into account the foregoing, we can conclude that for the development of SMEs it is necessary to implement the following set of measures:

1.Monitoring of factors that determine threats domestic business under the conditions of the Customs Union.

2. System improvement economic relations for small enterprises in the field of production, in order to ensure their competitiveness in the world market.

3. An optimal combination of state and market regulation of prices for products of small and medium-sized businesses in order to revive the effective demand of the population and increase the competitiveness of domestic entrepreneurship in the domestic and foreign markets.

4. Introduction of a system of minimum guaranteed prices for small businesses, providing them with a sufficient level of profitability.

5. The implementation of flexible taxation of small businesses whose activities are related to the production of goods, the provision of tax incentives to those producers who invest in the development of priority sectors and in the production of products, or adhere to the principle sustainable development production in compliance with environmental regulations.

6. Moderate protectionist policy to protect the interests of small businesses.

7. Increasing the investment attractiveness of small businesses, the introduction of tax and other benefits that will contribute to the re-equipment of the material and technical base of small businesses.

8. Regulation of export and import volumes for the main strategic types of goods produced by small businesses.

9. Implementation targeted programs on the restoration and development of priority sectors of the economy, in which small businesses can occupy the largest market share.

10. Direct financing investment projects small businesses through financial institutions of the state.

11. For Kazakhstani enterprises that are ready to use franchising as an effective means to expand their business, the regional franchising model is the most suitable. It is recommended to use regional franchising when the parent company decides to cover some geographical area (territory) with its activities. For this area, the main franchisee is selected, which is included in the division of payments and contributions to the general advertising fund. He enjoys all the benefits that the franchisor usually provides, for this he pays license fees, as well as advertising fees directly to the parent franchisor.

It is necessary to amend the current legislation on the registration of franchising activities. Following the example of Western countries, the registration of a franchise company must be carried out by the buyer of the franchise, while according to domestic practice, registration must be carried out by the seller. It is necessary to legislate responsibility for the illegal use and copying of trademarks and brands, since the lack of institutional protection of trademarks has a negative impact on the general trend in the development of franchising activities in Kazakhstan.


  1. Small business: theory, world experience and Kazakhstan / A.K. Koshanov, E.B. Zhatkanbaev, A.A. Ramazanov and others; Ed. E.B. Zhatkanbaev; KazNU them. al-Farabi, 2009. - 3-8 p.
  2. Official website of the Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed 12.01.2010).
  3. Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Official. text as of 1 Feb. 2010: [Sat. norm. acts]. - Almaty: Lawyer, 2010. - 9-12 p.
  4. Economics and statistics. Problems of small business development and ways to solve them. The current state of small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. - 2009. - No. 4. - 52 p.

Photo from

71% of small and medium-sized businesses are seeing a decrease in demand for their products and services.

The results of a survey of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs during the crisis period, in which more than 1,200 respondents took part, were announced at a meeting of the Small and Medium Business Committee of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", reports.

At the same time, 23% of respondents noted a decrease in demand up to 20%, a drop in demand up to 50% is observed by 28% of respondents, and 20% of respondents noted a decrease in demand by more than 50%. The largest decrease in demand occurred at enterprises that work with the population - 43%, followed by SMEs, whose consumers are businesses - 30%.

“Entrepreneurs name the main reasons for the decline in demand as low solvency of the population (39%), low solvency of business (33%). According to the survey, 42% of entrepreneurs have done nothing to maintain the level of demand for their products. 26% noted that demand decreased due to an increase in the price of their products and services, 8% announced a decrease in their own points of sale and a reduction in the cost of promoting products,” the NPP said.

When asked what they see as their own ways of effectively maintaining a business during a crisis, the majority of entrepreneurs noted the need to enter new sales markets (46%). Improving the efficiency of the organization as a way to save business was noted by 26%, and only 8% of respondents claim “a reduction in staff. Entrepreneurs' recommendations for maintaining business during a crisis can be divided into two groups, which are aimed at improving external factors business, mobilization of internal business reserves. And only every eleventh respondent is focused on mobilizing the internal reserves of his organization to solve existing problems (9%).

Still someone will survive

Renowned economist Piotr Svoik commented on these figures. According to him, small medium business does not exist on its own, but as an enveloping environment for fundamental directions for this type of economy.

“In developed countries, this is, firstly, servicing large industrial productions and only secondly, serving the consumer industry, which is based precisely on industrial-innovative rent. Plus, there are various types of SMEs that exist at the expense of financial rent derived from the monetary (investment and credit) primacy of developed countries relative to “developing” countries. In Kazakhstan, there is almost no industrial rent, there is only raw material rent, which was indirectly received by SMEs only in a small part, he explained.

According to the economist, now it is precisely its crisis contraction that is forcing small and medium-sized businesses to shrink. As for the financial rent, Petr Svoik is sure that we were and remain donors of external (dollar, and in Lately already and yuan) of the monetary mother countries.

“But the problems of SMEs are only a reflection of the general systemic crisis of the Kazakh economy. The reasons for which are not even in the fall in commodity prices, but in the exhaustion of the growth model itself through the export of raw materials and the import of finished goods, development through foreign investment and foreign funding of the banking system. Until such a model begins to change, there is only one way to help SMEs - advice to endure and adapt. In the end, the sphere of consumption, in which the Kazakh SME only exists, will not die to the end. But it will continue to fall to a lower level, about the devaluation or political "bottom" of which one can only speculate. It doesn’t matter, someone will survive, ”the economist believes.

Over the 25 years of independence in Kazakhstan, many attempts have been made to reform the education and science system, which, unfortunately, did not lead to the creation of a single economic university or world-class research center. This leads to the formation of a one-sided economic policy, the adoption of low-quality and even harmful economic decisions, drawing up incorrect forecasts for the development of the country, etc.

Crisis in economics = crisis in economics

The transition to a market economy led to a change in the management paradigm, which affected the quality of training specialists in many areas of the economy. In order to train new specialists for the needs of the new economy, the presidential program "Bolashak" was formed, in accordance with which, over the years, at least half of the graduates received economic and economic-related specialties. Despite this, to this day the country is experiencing a shortage of qualified specialists in the study of complex economic problems using modern instruments planning and forecasting.

Together with the transition to the market, we began the process of integration into world science. If representatives of domestic natural science could offer something to world science by publishing interesting articles in rating journals, the country's academic economists could offer almost nothing, since

over the years of our independence, not a single article has been published in high-ranking economic journals

According to the RePEc/IDEAS economics ranking, as of November 2016, Kazakhstan ranked 120th among 208 countries of the world. Ahead are countries such as Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and others, which are far behind us in terms of economic development and GDP per capita.

The main indicators of the development of any area of ​​science is the presence of recognized scientific journals countries, as well as the number of scientists involved in the process of researching problems in a given branch of science. As for the number of scientists-economists in Kazakhstan, the official statistics does not give an answer to this question, since it does not track the number of scientists in certain areas of science. But based on the data of international organizations, we can safely say that we have a few economists who deserve the attention of their colleagues from other countries of the world. There are only 4 economists in the RePEc/IDEAS ranking of scientists from Kazakhstan, of which only 2 are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and 2 are invited foreign teachers.

The scientific journals of the country play an important role in the accumulation and dissemination of new knowledge both among a wide range of users and in the academic community. The Scopus Elsevier database (more than 35 thousand journals in all sciences) includes 3 Kazakhstani journals:

  1. "Eurasian chemical and technological journal" of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi,
  2. "Eurasian Mathematical Journal" of the Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov
  3. "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Geology".

But there is not a single economic journal from Kazakhstan on this list. Meanwhile, the Scopus Elsevier database contains economic journals from 4 countries of the former USSR:

  • Ukraine - 6 magazines,
  • Russia - 4,
  • Lithuania - 3,
  • Estonia - 1.

All 14 journals marked are published in English.

In addition to the absence of an economic journal in the world rating databases, we do not have a single publication in a scientific economic journal that is included in the first hundred journals by the highest impact factor (according to the Research Gate website, the most cited work with the participation of Kazakhstani authors on economics was written by a foreigner (The Migration Response to Economic Shock: Lessons from Kazakhstan // Journal of Comparative Economics 33(1):107-132, March 2005, Charles M. Becker , Erbolat N. Musabek, Ai-Gul S. Seitenova, Dina S. Urzhumova)).

Weaknesses of Kazakh scientists

In our opinion, similar situation is the result of the following problems:

  1. poor knowledge in English scientists-economists of Kazakhstan;
  2. publications for the "tick";
  3. insufficient funding of economic research and its focus on solving short-term problems, which leads to a decrease in motivation for high-quality research;
  4. poor knowledge of economists of modern tools of quantitative analysis, including econometrics, due to the fact that the educational programs of economists lag behind the requirements of the time.

Since 2011, new rules for awarding academic degrees have been in force in Kazakhstan, according to which a scientist cannot become a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) without publications in journals included in the Scopus or Web of Science database. Moreover, in order to obtain a doctoral degree, authors are required to publish articles in journals with an impact factor. However, despite this requirement, in 2014, only 31% of the articles by Kazakh authors were published in fake journals that publish articles by authors on a paid basis.

Because of this, Kazakhstan was among the top ten countries with a high proportion of publications in fake predatory journals, which negatively affects the image of Kazakhstani science.

Young researchers should always remember the simple truth that it is impossible to publish an article in a prestigious journal for money.

Our omissions and other people's victories

Modern economic science is quite mathematized, since it requires extensive use of the mathematical apparatus and information technologies. Therefore, today's economist must have a good knowledge of mathematical analysis, linear algebra, operations research and the theory of stochastic processes, and a practicing economist must have knowledge of econometrics. Modern quantitative analysis tools, including panel research econometrics, have been rapidly developing in the world in recent years. Therefore, the leading universities of the countries of the world pay great attention to the training of economists with knowledge of all modern tools for quantitative analysis. But only in Kazakhstani universities, within the framework of educational programs of undergraduate and graduate programs of economic faculties, due attention is still not paid to the development of modern quantitative research methods. Because of this, economists-mathematicians have become unclaimed.

Meanwhile, even in our neighboring countries, much has been done to ensure the development of economic science in accordance with the requirements of the time. In this regard, the experience of Russia is instructive. At present, several world-class economic universities have appeared there, such as the Russian School of Economics (NES) and the Higher School of Economics (HSE). The HSE was originally conceived as a think tank for officials and was supposed to promote reforms in Russia, train economists, analysts, and teachers capable of working in the new conditions. Therefore, from the first days, the educational and scientific activities of the HSE were entirely focused on world standards of economic education. To achieve the set goals, world-class scientists from Western countries with high Hirsch indices began to be widely involved. Thanks to this tactic, the HSE managed to ensure that 2 journals were included in the list of the Web of Science database and 6 journals in Scopus (these are not purely economic journals). In 2009-2015, HSE staff alone published 2,490 articles in journals indexed by Scopus, which, of course, is a huge achievement for Russian economists. In 2011, the HSE established the Laboratory of Market Theory and Spatial Economics in St. Petersburg, which was entrusted to be headed by Professor Jacques-Francois Tisse (Belgium), a well-known economist with an Hirsch index of 40 (the highest index among Kazakhstanis is 6). Over 4 years of work, he ensured the publication of more than 30 articles by Russian scientists in economic journals of the first hundred Scopus.

Need to act

The current situation in a country with an unsatisfactory development of economic science requires a serious rethinking and the adoption of systemic measures to correct the situation. To improve the situation, in our opinion, the following steps should be taken:

  • it is necessary to choose an advanced educational or research institution with good potential and create on its basis a "Center for the Study of Modern Problems of Economics and Econometric Modeling" with the selection of the necessary personnel (econometricians, mathematicians, economists, etc.). Provide it with long-term financing from the republican budget.
  • attract 2-3 active world-class scientists with a high Hirsch index to this center by allocating a targeted grant to pay for the services of invited specialists.
  • organize 2-3 conferences on economics, econometrics, macroeconomic forecasting so that scientists with a high Hirsch index can take part in them, this would make it possible to establish contacts with famous scientists.
  • organize the publication of at least one economic journal in English, Kazakh and Russian languages ​​in the country, by analogy with high-ranking journals, by the joint efforts of Kazakhstani and invited scientists, so that in the future it could be included in the list of world rating journals.

The creation of such a center and the publication of at least one modern magazine on economic issues in as soon as possible will increase the competitiveness of domestic economic science and ensure a significant increase in the quality of scientific publications of Kazakh scientists.

Zhanybek Aigazin, Director of the Center for Applied Economics Research

Respondents ranked fourth position problems with access to sales markets, followed by “search for suppliers of goods and services”, “access to production and training technologies” and “infrastructure”.

"Unrealistically" high costs

Giving comments in free form, many entrepreneurs also noted high costs (“unrealistically high cost of connecting to power grids”, “increase in electricity tariffs”).

This is not an exhaustive list of business challenges. High taxes and their increase were also mentioned (“Incredibly large contributions for employees!!!,” wrote one of the entrepreneurs), competition from shadow business, the spread of federal retail chains, “the relationship between entrepreneurship and administrative resources,” and low awareness of business about support programs.

“The general conclusion is that the problems for business as a whole do not change. Their priority changes over time,” says Alexey Nazarov, Director of Strategic and Operational Consulting at KPMG Russia. If earlier the emphasis was on the business climate, he explains, then during the crisis, financial resources came out on top, and the business climate moved into second place.

The favorable score was calculated by summing the average scores across all problem categories for each region. Accordingly, the higher this indicator, the more problems there are in the region, from the point of view of the respondents.

According to the results of the survey, the most favorable regions for doing business were the Republic of Adygea, the Voronezh region and the Chukotka administrative district. The Magadan region, the Republic of Buryatia and the Kursk region were in the tail of the rating of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The authorities are aware of the problems of entrepreneurs: in April 2015, President Vladimir Putin instructed to develop a strategy to support small and medium-sized businesses. The final draft must be submitted by the Ministry of Economic Development before October 1, a representative of the Ministry of Economics told RBC earlier. The details of the program will be discussed, but RBC read latest version document.

The system of measures aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses, in particular, includes affordable financing (stimulating bank lending, developing a guarantee system), predictable fiscal policy (including easing the fiscal burden on businesses), qualified personnel, and creating new market niches (including stimulating demand).
