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Quiz road experts with a presentation. Presentation on the topic "Quiz game: Children and the road, rules of the road." At first, this type of transport looked like a small

Quiz according to traffic rules

Is a cyclist allowed to drive under this sign?

  • Has the right to.
  • Has no right.

What are the letters on the signs forbidding cycling?

  • A and B;
  • B and C;
  • A B C

What should a cyclist do if this sign is posted before the intersection?

  • If there are no cars, go through the intersection without stopping.
  • When driving through an intersection, be especially careful.
  • Stop at the stop line, and if there is none, before the edge of the crossed carriageway, and give way to vehicles moving along the crossed road.

What sign is called "footpath"?

What is the safest thing for a moped driver to do if this sign is installed at the intersection?

  • Give way to vehicles moving on the crossed road.
  • Continue driving without giving way.
  • Drive through the intersection with caution

Where should pedestrians cross the roadway?

  • Anywhere;
  • At pedestrian crossings (overground or underground), and in their absence - at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides;
  • Anywhere as long as there are no moving vehicles

Under which of the signs is a moped driver not allowed to pass?

  • "A" sign
  • Sign "B"
  • Both signs

Participant traffic This:

  • A person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle;
  • A person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, passenger of a vehicle;
  • Drivers, pedestrians, road workers.

Is towing a bike with another bike and moped allowed?

  • not allowed;
  • not allowed; Allowed, but only bicycle by bicycle; Allowed, but only on the bike path.
  • not allowed; Allowed, but only bicycle by bicycle; Allowed, but only on the bike path.
  • not allowed; Allowed, but only bicycle by bicycle; Allowed, but only on the bike path.
  • not allowed;
  • Allowed, but only bicycle by bicycle;
  • Allowed, but only on the bike path.

What in combination from the Greek and Russian words means "traffic light":

  • "Red, yellow, green";
  • "Sparkling Lights";
  • "The bearer of light".

In March 1730, Empress Anna Ioannovna signed a decree according to which reckless drivers were to be detained, and coachmen were to be whipped as punishment. What penalties at the beginning of the 18th century were applied to people who violate traffic rules:

  • Whipped with rods;
  • Fine, withdrawal of a driver's license;
  • Detention, fine, rods

To whom should drivers and pedestrians obey if the signals of the traffic controller contradict traffic signals:

  • traffic lights;
  • traffic controller's signals;
  • Act at your own discretion.

Who will pass first?

  • Cyclist
  • Motorcyclist

Which pedestrian is not allowed to cross the road?

With which of the road signs does the following marking apply?

This road sign shows what's ahead

  • Movement is only possible in a straight line.
  • A one-way road ahead.

Who is allowed to move?

  • Cars and cyclists
  • Cyclists and pedestrians
  • Cars and pedestrians

Bicycle driver:

  • Gotta make way
  • Has the right to move

What is called braking?

  • The distance traveled by the vehicle from the moment the driver detected the hazard to a complete stop.
  • The distance traveled by the car from the moment the driver pressed the brake pedal to a complete stop.
  • Brake trail from car tires.

In what order will the vehicles pass the intersection?

  • Bicycle, car, motorcycle
  • Motorcycle, car, bicycle.
  • Car, motorcycle, bicycle

When are cyclists allowed to ride two in one row?

  • Never
  • When there are 10 cyclists in a group
  • When there are 25 cyclists in a group

Is it allowed to transport a child on a bicycle?

  • Only up to 7 years on a specially equipped seat.
  • Yes, on the trunk of a bike.

To vehicles common use relate:

  • Trams and trolleybuses
  • Buses and fixed-route taxis
  • Buses, trolleybuses, trams moving along established routes.

You are lucky!!!

Get a prize!

Class topic:

"Children and the road"

slide 2

Class objectives:

  1. to form schoolchildren's ideas about road safety;
  2. repeat the rules for the movement of pedestrians along the street and the road;
  3. to develop in schoolchildren the ability to find the safest way from home to school;
  4. bring up respectful attitude to all road users.
  • slide 3

    All people, as soon as they go out into the street, become pedestrians. A real pedestrian behaves confidently on the street, and the drivers treat him with respect. Cars drive according to strict rules. There are rules for pedestrians too. If you do not know them, you will never become a good pedestrian.

    slide 4

    The city is full of movement! Cars run in a row, Colored traffic lights Both day and night are burning. Walking carefully Follow the street. And only where possible, Cross it!

    slide 5

    Strict rules


    Rule 1: Pedestrians must only walk on ... the sidewalk. And you need to walk along it, adhering to the right side, so as not to collide with oncoming people.

    Rule 2: if the road is small, pedestrians walk along the side of the road ... towards the traffic.

    Rule 3: when crossing the street, be sure to look first ... to the left, and then to the right.

    Rule 4: you can’t cross the road anywhere and anyhow! And where can you cross the street? ... at pedestrian crossings.

    Rule 5: the “three-eyed street commander” helps to cross the road correctly at the crossroads ... traffic light.

    slide 6

    Road crossword

    A striped horse, Her name is a zebra. But not the one in the zoo - People all go along it.

    Kolya rushes along the path in the yard on a horse. Not a car, not a moped, But a simple one ...

    Slide 7

    Road crossword

    From the edge of the city to another, a house walks under an arc.

    Inanimate, but walking. Motionless, but leading.

    Slide 8

    Road crossword

    On the road to all the guys We have been shining for a long time, We are three brothers Our house is ...

    Traffic light

    The house is walking down the street, We are being taken to work. Not on chicken legs, But in rubber boots.

    Slide 9

    Road crossword

    So that you cross the road with a green light, Listen to our advice: - Wait! And you will see in front of him .............. light.

    On the side of the road, they stand like soldiers. We all do everything that they tell us.

    Slide 10

    Road crossword

    Cars are rushing through the streets, Tires are in charge there. We went down to the transition, There is the owner ...

    To help you pass the dangerous path. Lit day and nightGreen, yellow, ...

    Red. transition.

    slide 11

    Road crossword

    You are waiting for landing On the allotted area, You do not need skill, This is the place ...

    Does not fly, does not buzz - The beetle runs along the street. And burning in the eyes of the beetle Two brilliant lights. The plant gave him this: And the lights look into the darkness, And the wheels, and the engine, Rush so that at full speed.

    Stop. Automobile.

    slide 12

    Crossing the road in the wrong place

    Disobeying Regulatory Signals

    Unexpected exit to the roadway

    roads due to standing traffic,

    Buildings, green spaces

    Game on the road

    Walking on the roadway

    direction of traffic

    Causes of accidents

    and accidents on the streets and roads

    slide 13

    "Who is faster?"

    Red, yellow, green?

    (Traffic light)

    2) Monetary punishment for violators of traffic rules?

    3) Two-wheeled vehicle?


    4) Pedestrian ...


    5) Bus ...


    Slide 14

    "Question answer"

    What is a sidewalk?

    (Road for pedestrian traffic)2. What is a zebra?

    (Road markings indicating a pedestrian crossing)3. Who is called a pedestrian?

    (A person outside the transport, located on the road, but not working on it) 4. How to bypass the tram?


    slide 15

    5. Who is called a driver?

    (a person driving a vehicle)6. Where can children play outside?

    (In specially designated areas for games) 7. At what age is it allowed to ride a bike on the roads?

    (from 14 years old)8. How to bypass the bus and trolley bus?

    slide 16

    9. What must people do when sitting in the front seats of a car? (Be fastened with seat belts)10. What is a railway crossing?

    (Point of intersection railway with automobile) 11. At what age can you get a driver's license?

    (At age 18)12. At what traffic light should you cross the street?

    (To green).

    Slide 17

    Riddles about cars

    1) This horse does not eat oats, Instead of legs - two wheels.


    2) What a miracle - a red house, There are many passengers in it. Shoes are made of rubber, And they are powered by gasoline.


    3) He wears a trunk, not an elephant. But he is stronger than an elephant. He replaces hundreds of hands! Without a shovel, but digs! (Excavator)

    4) A rolling pin walks along the road, heavy, huge. And now we have a road, Like a straight line. (Road roller)

    Slide 18

    Riddles about cars

    5) A mole climbed into our yard, Digs the ground at the gate. A ton will enter the mouth of the earth, If the mole opens its mouth. (Excavator, tractor)

    7) I will turn with a long neck - I will pick up a heavy load. Where they order - I will put it, I serve a person.


    8) Where a new house is being built, a warrior walks with a shield, where he passes, it will become smooth, there will be an equal platform. (Bulldozer)

    6) It rushes and shoots, Grumbles with a patter. The tram can not keep up, Behind this chatter. (Motorbike)

    Slide 19

    The pavement seethes in motion: Cars are running, trams are in a hurry. All be true to the rule - Keep to the right side.

    You can easily explain, Whether you are young or old: Pavement - for transport, For you - the sidewalk!

    Useful tips!

    Slide 20

    Where you need to cross the street Remember the simple rule: With attention to the left, first look, look to the right later.

    On the roadway, children, do not play these games. You can run without looking back in the yard and on the playground.

    Useful tips!

    slide 22

    Noise, movement, the hum of motors. You can immediately get confused, If you don’t know how to understand traffic signals.

    Scenario of an intellectual quiz on traffic rules "In the country of road signs" (for grade 5)

    Bestik Irina Viktorovna, educator of KSU "Regional special (correctional) boarding school for children with hearing impairments", Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk.
    Description: the scenario of the intellectual quiz on traffic rules "In the country of road signs" is intended for educators and teachers of grade 5 when conducting extracurricular activities and activities on traffic rules in game form on this topic. The intellectual quiz promotes the development of logical thinking and memory in children, instills critical thinking skills and cognitive interest, and also helps to consolidate children's knowledge of road signs.

    Target: conducting an intellectual quiz on traffic rules about road signs.
    - repeat and consolidate students' knowledge of road signs;
    - to develop cognitive interest in 5th grade students;
    - instill skills safe behavior on the street;
    - develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities and memory in children.

    Quiz progress:

    Hello guys! Today we will conduct an exciting intellectual quiz on traffic rules, and we will devote it to road signs.
    Guys, what are road signs?
    Children's answers.
    A road sign is a technical means of road safety, a standardized graphic pattern installed along the road to communicate certain information to road users. In order not to get confused in the rules of the road, you guys need to learn the road signs.

    Guess who's coming?
    Well, of course, a pedestrian!
    Everyone becomes a pedestrian
    Who will go hiking.
    Save him from cars
    After all, walking along that path
    Maybe just a pedestrian!
    I'm walking on the sidewalk
    There are no cars here!
    Well, the signs will tell me
    Where to cross the road.
    I suggest you solve riddles about road signs.

    Didactic game "Riddles about road signs"

    Task: solve riddles about road signs.
    1. What kind of miracle Yudo is this,
    Two humps, like a camel?
    Triangular this sign
    What is it called?
    (Rough road)

    2. The sign was hung at dawn
    For everyone to know about it:
    Here the road is being repaired -
    Take care of your feet!
    (Men at work)

    3. I'm an expert on the rules of the road
    I parked my car here
    Parking by the fence
    She also needs to rest.
    (Parking place)

    4. On the road sign
    The man is walking.
    Striped tracks
    They put it under our feet.
    So that we do not know worries
    And they walked forward.

    5. Red circle, and in it is my friend,
    A fast friend is a bicycle.
    The sign reads: here and around
    There is no bike ride.
    (Biking is prohibited)

    6. Round sign, and in it a window,
    Don't rush in haste
    And think a little
    What is this, a brick dump?
    (No entry)

    7. If you are tired on the road
    If you go far
    Get some rest driver
    The place is allotted here.

    8. Here is a fork, here is a spoon,
    Refueled a little
    We fed the dog...
    We say "thank you" sign.
    (Point of supply)

    Leading: Guys, when do you think the first road signs appeared?
    Children's answers.
    Leading:Road signs appeared as soon as man came up with roads. They were needed by people in order to designate routes of movement. For these purposes, ancient people used all available means: broken branches, notches on the bark of trees, stones of a certain shape, installed along the roads. And now let's remember what road signs are often found in our city? The game is called "Remember the signs."

    Didactic game "Remember the signs"

    Task: you need to name the road sign shown in the picture.

    Answers: 1- "Gas station", 2- "Movement without stopping is prohibited", 3- "Underground pedestrian crossing", 4 - "Railway crossing without a barrier", 5- "Telephone", 6- "Circular traffic", 7 - "Attention , children”, 8- “Bicycle path”.
    Leading: At first, each country had its own road signs. When road communications began to develop between countries, it became necessary to introduce international road signs. In 1909, in Paris, at the International Conference on Road Signs, four international road signs were adopted: "Rough Road", "Steep Descent", "Dangerous Turn" and "Railway Crossing with Barrier".
    In 1968, at the next conference, 126 signs were already introduced. In 1978, a new GOST was adopted, which established 8 groups of road signs. Guys, name the groups of road signs.
    Children's answers.
    Leading: Well done, you know the groups of road signs well. Let's remember what each group of road signs means. I offer you a game called "Road Sign Groups".

    Didactic game "Groups of road signs"

    Task: answer the question about the types of road signs by choosing one correct answer.
    1. Which road signs prioritize intersections, carriageway crossings, or narrow sections of road?
    A) priority signs ;
    B) prohibition signs;
    B) warning signs;
    D) permission signs.

    2. What road signs inform drivers about approaching a dangerous section of the road, the movement of which requires action?
    A) signs of priority;
    B) forbidding;
    B) permissive;
    G) warning .

    3. Which road signs introduce or remove certain traffic restrictions?
    A) permissive;
    B) priority signs;
    B) warning
    G) forbidding .

    4. What road signs are installed in the immediate vicinity of the place where the order comes into force?
    A) signs of priority;
    B) information;
    B) service marks;
    G) prescriptive .

    5. What road signs inform about the location of settlements and other objects, as well as about the established or recommended driving modes?
    A) service marks;
    B) informational ;
    C) priority signs;
    D) permissive.

    6. What road signs inform about the location of the relevant objects?
    A) signs of priority;
    B) information;
    C) signs of additional information;
    G) service marks .

    7. What road signs clarify or limit the effect of the signs with which they are applied?
    A) signs of priority;
    B) additional information signs ;
    B) index;
    D) information.

    8. Which road signs introduce or cancel certain traffic modes?
    A) index;
    B) forbidding;
    IN) special order signs ;
    D) permissive.

    Leading: To ensure traffic safety, there are road signs. There are many of them, they have different colors and shapes. This is done so that everyone involved in traffic - both pedestrians and drivers - can better understand the sign language. All road signs help to organize traffic. And now let's guys check how well you know the rules of the road.

    Blitz poll "Yes or no"

    Task: you need to answer the questions correctly, using only two answer options - yes or no.

    Answers: 1 - no, 2 - yes, 3 - no, 4 - no, 5 - yes, 6 - no, 7 - yes, 8 - yes.
    Road signs have a special language,
    And everyone needs to get used to reading them.
    And at first glance I could understand
    What a danger to us on the road to wait.
    And I hope everyone knows what all the signs mean?

    And now we will check how you know road signs. The game is called "Scanword" Road signs "

    Scanword "Road signs"

    Task: guess the crossword about road signs.

    To use the preview of presentations, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and sign in:

    Slides captions:

    Interactive quiz on the rules of the road

    Rules Teams answer in turn. The value of each question is 1 point. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point, for an incorrect answer, the number of points does not change. Correct answer is indicated as Incorrect answer

    OH THE ROADS. 9 10 11 12 SITUATION!

    Venice Rome Palermo Which Italian city is completely car-free?

    England France Ukraine Wanting to cross the road, we first look to the left, and when we reach the middle of the road, we look to the right. Which country does the exact opposite?

    P orca Public Works Withdrawal of a means of transport What punishment, in accordance with the decree of 1730, awaits a coachman who has violated the rules of the road?


    answer transition

    the answer is road

    answer tram

    response parking

    14 years old 12 years old 13 years old At what age is it allowed to ride a bicycle on the streets and roads?

    Stop Turn right Danger What information is the moving cyclist trying to communicate?

    On the pavement On the bike path At stadiums, in yards Where is it forbidden for a cyclist to drive?

    Transportation of passengers on a bicycle is allowed ... Up to 7 years in a special seat Only on the frame In the back seat, but with a helmet

    Who will pass first? Motorcyclist Motorist Cyclist

    How will the cars go? B and D together A, C, D A and C together A B C D

    The pedestrian approached the intersection, which is regulated by a traffic light and a traffic controller. To whom must a pedestrian obey when crossing? To traffic controller To traffic light To act at own discretion

    Where can you expect public transport? At places with stop signs public transport At the edge of the carriageway Anywhere on the carriageway

    How will the cars go? Venice Rome Palermo

    First traffic light, London

    How unusual vehicle used the hero of the Russian fairy tale "By the Pike"? answer

    A section of the road located near a children's institution where children may appear. A section of the road temporarily used for sports competitions. Treadmill What is this sign?

    Pedestrian path Pedestrian traffic is prohibited Pedestrian crossing What is this sign?

    Cycling is prohibited Give way to a cyclist Bicycle lane What is this sign?

    №2 №1 №3 What sign is called "Pedestrian crossing"? #1 #2 #3


    First traffic light, London

    USA August 1914 traffic light

    Japan 1920 first tricolor traffic light


    The author of the template Korovina Irina Nikolaevna teacher primary school MBOU "Secondary School No. 9", Safonovo, Smolensk Region Resources used: printer&f=67&t=2153

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