Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at catering establishments. Organization of the work of workshops at public catering establishments What are the workshops at public catering

3. Technological documentation for production.

The main stage of planning is the preparation of a menu plan. The menu plan is drawn up by the head of production on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the enterprise.

To the main factors that must be considered when compiling the menu. They include: an approximate range of products recommended for enterprises Catering depending on the type and type of ration provided, the availability of raw materials and their seasonality.

By approving the menu plan, the director and production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are on sale throughout the entire trading day of the enterprise.

The hallmark of a restaurant is its menu, i.e. a list of snacks, dishes, drinks (with price and output) available for sale during the entire opening time.

The word menu comes from the French "menu" and means a schedule of dishes and drinks for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a list of dishes for receptions and other types of service.

All dishes on the menu are listed in the sequence corresponding to the order of eating. The order of listing dishes should correspond to the assortment minimum established for each enterprise - a certain number of dishes and drinks that must be sold daily.

Reducing the number of items of dishes and snacks provided for by the assortment minimum is not allowed. On the contrary, the assortment can be expanded by including seasonal and signature dishes in the menu.

When compiling the menu, a variety of snacks, dishes should be achieved both in terms of types of raw materials (fish, vegetables, meat), and in terms of culinary processing (boiled, poached, fried, stewed, baked), as well as the correct combination of garnish with the main product.

When compiling the menu, the taste of food, the external design of dishes are taken into account. It should also be borne in mind that taste harmony should be achieved in dishes by combining various components with each other.

The next factor taken into account when compiling the menu is the seasonality of consumption. It is known that dishes rich in fats and proteins are in great demand in winter, and in summer the demand for cold dishes, vegetables and fresh fruits increases.

Many consumers visit cafes every day at lunchtime, so the menu should be diversified not only for a given day, but also for the days of the week.

When selecting side dishes and sauces for dishes, it is necessary to ensure that they correspond to the main product.

Meals and snacks included in the menu must be available throughout the day of work.

It should also be borne in mind that consumers with children often visit cafes during the daytime. Therefore, the menu should include dishes in the amount of half portions or special dishes for children.

In the menu, all snacks and dishes are arranged in the following order: from less spicy to more spicy, from poached to boiled, fried to stewed.

Menu types differ from each other in the selection of dishes offered and the price structure.

A la carte menu. This type of menu offers a choice in each type of dish, with each dish being priced separately. Dishes from such a menu, chosen by visitors, are prepared to order.

Table d'hôte menu. This type of menu offers a small selection of dishes and is priced by the total amount per person for the entire menu.

A typical example of such a menu is a "business breakfast" (business lunch) at reasonable prices, which includes three or four types of dishes. The visitor pays a set price for the entire lunch or breakfast.

Table d'hot menus are very popular on holidays such as New Year's Eve.

A la part menu - guests do pre order and serviced within a specified period of time. It is used more often in resort hotels.

"Buffet" - it is a wide choice of dishes with free access, this service method increases throughput hall, speeds up the service process.

Cyclic menu is a group of menus for a certain period of time. This type of menu is mainly used in stationary institutions, such as hospitals, sanatoriums, etc.

The cyclic menu aims to diversify the range of dishes for consumers and service personnel, as well as to guarantee the nutritional value of a whole group of people in order to maintain health.

4. Scientific organization of labor.

The scientific organization of labor in public catering, as in other industries, must solve three main tasks: economic, psychophysiological and social.

The solution of the economic problem assumes the most complete use of technology, materials, raw materials, and ensures an increase in the efficiency of production and labor.

The solution of the psychophysical problem involves the creation of favorable working conditions at the enterprise that contribute to the health of workers, reduce fatigue and increase working capacity.

The solution of the social task ensures the all-round development of a person, contributes to the transformation of labor into a vital necessity, and instills responsibility for the results of one's labor.

These problems are interconnected and should be solved in a complex. Without solving the psychophysical problem and social problems, economic problems will not be solved.

NOT distinguishes the following main directions.

    development and implementation of rational forms and division and cooperation of labor;

    improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces;

    introduction of advanced techniques and methods of work;

    improvement of working conditions;

    training and advanced training of personnel;

    rationalization of work and rest regimes;

    strengthening labor discipline;

    improvement of labor regulation.

5. Organization of production.

The restaurant "Arcadia" has a variety of shops specializing in the types of processed raw materials and manufactured products: a shop for the completion of semi-finished products, a vegetable shop, a hot shop, and a cold shop. Warehouse, container, sanitary facilities.

Shops are subdivided into: procurement (workshop for finalizing semi-finished products, vegetable); pre-cooking (hot, cold).

A production line is organized in each workshop - a production site equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process.

In the preparation shops of the restaurant, mechanical processing of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables is carried out and semi-finished products are produced to supply the hot shop of their enterprise with them.

In the Arcadia Restaurant, they mainly work on semi-finished products, so the processing of meat, poultry, offal and fish is concentrated in one workshop (semi-finished product refinement workshop), as well as the processing of all vegetables.

Cold shop.

Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold soups. Products used for cooking are not subjected to secondary heat treatment before release, therefore, strict sanitary requirements must be observed in the workshop: products used for cooking must be stored in refrigerated cabinets or chambers at a temperature not exceeding 6-8 degrees; utensils and utensils must be marked and used for their intended purpose; In accordance with the technological process, workplaces for processing raw and boiled vegetables, gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning dishes, etc. should be clearly delineated; salads, vinaigrettes, sandwiches should be prepared only in batches and sold within one hour; observe temperature regime storage and release of cold dishes (10-14 gr.).

Hot shop.

The hot shop is the main shop of the enterprise, in which the technological process of cooking is completed: the heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, the boiling of broths, the preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, second courses, and the heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes are carried out. The hot shop has a convenient connection with the blank shops, with storage facilities and a convenient relationship with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Hot shop dishes produced at the Arcadia restaurant comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, and are produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with the Sanitary Rules for Public Catering Establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor.

The hot shop is equipped with modern equipment: thermal, refrigeration, mechanical, and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, production tables and racks.

vegetable shop.

The vegetable shop has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, where the production of finished products is completed.

The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, cutting.

Equipment for a vegetable shop is selected according to equipment standards, depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment is production tables, tables for peeling potatoes, washing baths, vegetable undercarriers.

Workplaces are equipped with tools, inventory for performing certain operations.

In the vegetable shop, a line for processing potatoes and root crops and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs are distinguished. The equipment is installed in the course of the technological process

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the head of production.

Semi-finished product refinement shop.

The Arcadia Restaurant has a workshop for the refinement of semi-finished products, which the company receives from industrial and procurement enterprises in the form of meat in large pieces, fish of a special cut, chilled and frozen, carcasses of chickens and chickens.

Separate workplaces are organized in the workshop for the refinement of meat semi-finished products, semi-finished products from poultry, fish.

From the equipment in the workshop for finalizing semi-finished products, a universal drive PM-1.1 is installed with a set of machines for loosening, chopping meat and performing other operations. In addition to mechanical equipment, refrigeration equipment, washing baths, production tables, mobile racks are installed in the workshop.

In the Arcadia Restaurant, according to the production program, large-sized semi-finished products are cut into portions, small-sized and chopped. The workplace is equipped with a production table, on which I lay a cutting board, set dial scales.

By-products are delivered to the enterprise in the form of raw materials and a separate place for their processing is provided in the workshop for the preparation of semi-finished products.

For processing poultry coming from industry, a separate workplace. The preparation of semi-finished products from poultry is carried out at the workplace, where washing baths and a production table are used.

Given the specific smell of fish products, the preparation of portioned semi-finished products is carried out on separate production tables. In addition to separate equipment, separate tools, containers, cutting boards labeled for processing fish.

Table grinders are used in the semi-finished products processing workshop.

In the workshop, cooks of 4 and 5 categories perform the work. For their work, cooks report to the head of production or the foreman.

Washing kitchen utensils.

Washing of kitchen utensils is designed for washing stove-top utensils (boilers, pans, baking sheets, etc.), kitchen and cutting equipment, tools.

The washing room should have a convenient connection with the production shops (cold, hot). In the washing room, underware for used dishes, racks for clean dishes and equipment, washing baths with three compartments - for soaking, washing and disinfecting are installed.

6. Description of the event.

Banquet buffet for 30 people.

Banquet buffet organizations are usually carried out when, in a limited time, it is necessary to receive a large number of people in the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe banquet hall; each participant during the banquet has the opportunity to approach any guest for a conversation, independently take the snacks and drinks he likes; invitees can leave the banquet at any time. As a rule, a banquet-buffet is organized from 18 to 20 hours and lasts 1-1.5 hours.

No chairs are placed at this banquet. Guests eat and drink while standing at the tables or, having taken a snack, move away from the table. The menu includes cold and hot appetizers, dessert and hot drinks. Hot snacks should be portioned without bones and sauce, salads - in baskets, caviar - in rolls; gastronomic products are cut in such a way that they can be eaten without a knife.

Before receiving guests, the restaurant hall is decorated with fresh flowers. They are covered with flannel and covered with green banquet tablecloths, in harmony with the color of the walls. On all tables, the tablecloths are lowered to the same length at a distance of 1-2 cm from the floor in order to hide the legs of the table, and the corners of the tablecloths are taken inward at a right angle.

Additional and auxiliary tables are set as banquet tables (with descent). The lights are dimmed, soft music plays. The decoration is fresh wildflowers in low vases.

At a buffet banquet with waiter service for business negotiations, the number of waiters is taken at the rate of one waiter for 15 people. Therefore, to serve 30 guests, 2 waiters will be required to serve dishes and clean up used dishes.

The waiters in the hall, standing at the tables, pour drinks, lay out dishes, snacks. Due to the fact that not all guests can immediately come to the table, the main attention of the waiters should be given to guests standing on the sidelines or at additional tables, offering them drinks and snacks.

During the entire service, waiters keep order on the table, take away used dishes, bottles, replenish serving items, empty or replace ashtrays in a timely manner.

For a banquet-buffet, we use standard restaurant tables 1250x800mm in the amount of 5 pcs. at the rate of 1 p / m for 6-8 people. Compiled in the form of the letter P. And also, in addition to the buffet tables, we use tables 500x500 in the amount of 4 pcs. installed against the walls and one utility table for stocks of tableware, cutlery, glasses, napkins.


The success of a catering business depends on many factors. Like any complex system, a nightclub begins with the intent of its creator and ends with control and its functioning. In my work, I considered, in my opinion, the most important factors influencing success in the restaurant business. These factors are:

    Functions of management in the restaurant business. Organization management is based on general principles production management systems. The management functions reveal the content of management as a process, reflect the type of management activity, official duties assigned to a specific structural unit or employee, the appointment of a specific management body. The main functions of management are common to all production and economic systems, they apply to any object of management. They are necessary for solving general management problems and are typical for the entire management decision.

    The structure of the management system of a public catering enterprise. A properly designed management system structure for any public catering enterprise simplifies and frees the manager from a number of functions for which there are qualified specialists. The structure of the management system is fixed in the organizational charts of the management structure, staffing tables provisions on structural divisions, job descriptions.

    Placement and selection of personnel. Recruitment is essential to the success of a restaurant. Further work will depend on how correctly the manager selects the staff. The manager must know exactly what type of candidates are needed for a stable labor collective able to achieve high end results. IN Lately, due to the increased demands of visitors, restaurants are trying to improve the quality of food preparation and service. Accordingly, the needs of restaurants in highly qualified personnel are increasing.

    Functions of managers. In this work, I paid much attention to the study of the work of managers in the restaurant business. Based on my own experience and local practice, I would like to note that despite the large number of restaurants in Bishkek, there are very few restaurants where there are managers who comply with the requirements imposed on them

The catering service is a service for the preparation, sale and organization of the consumption of dishes and products of complex manufacture of all major groups from various kinds raw materials, purchased goods and wine and vodka products, provided by qualified production and service personnel in conditions of an increased level of comfort, combined with leisure activities.

Meat and fish shop

Vegetable shop.

A vegetable shop is organized at an enterprise with a large and medium capacity.

The vegetable shop is located, as a rule, in that part of the enterprise where the vegetable chamber is located in order to transport raw materials, bypassing the common production corridors. The workshop must have a convenient connection with the cold and hot workshop.

The range and quantity of products depends on production program enterprises. The equipment for the workshop is selected according to the equipment standards, depending on the capacity of the enterprise.

Plan of the vegetable shop.

1 - potato peeler

2 - podvarnik.

3 - washing bath

4 - cleaning table

potatoes and root vegetables

5 - mobile rack.

6 - vegetable cutting

7 - production table.

8 - cleaning table




    Korshunov N.V. “Organization of service in a restaurant” M, higher school 1976.

    Christopher Enerton-Thomas Catering business”- M, “Rosconsult” 1999

    Usov V.V. “Organization of service in a restaurant” - Moscow. “High School” 1990

    Anosova M.M., Kucher L.S. "Organization of production at catering establishments", 1985

    Radchenko L.A. "Organization of production at catering establishments", 2000.

    Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary dishes of the national cuisines of the peoples of Russia. 1992

    H. Riedel, “Bars and restaurants. Service Technique. 2002

    Ivannikova E.I., "Bar business", 2002



Hard to imagine modern sphere service without catering. Restaurants, cafes, canteens hospitably open their doors to numerous visitors, trying to attract them with impeccable cuisine, quality service and affordable prices. Statistics show that the network of public catering establishments and the number of visitors to them is increasing annually. This industry is extremely interesting for investors and those who wish to open their own business.

However, despite all its attractiveness, the food industry is a labor-intensive and energy-intensive production that requires considerable financial investments. And you can get a real return only if you correctly organize the production process, choose the right technological equipment public catering and establish the production of high-quality products that are in steady demand among consumers.

Development of the menu, production program and stock of raw materials

The menu of a catering establishment is not just a list of dishes offered to visitors. Here, first of all, the interests of the serviced contingent are taken into account, their preferences, as well as financial capabilities are revealed. The menu should be in demand, popular and as diverse as possible, where each visitor can choose what he likes.

Based on the menu and the number of visitors that are planned to be served during the working day, a production program is compiled, where, according to the investment norms, the required amount of raw materials for one shift is calculated. Based on these data, and taking into account the shelf life of products, the optimal supply of raw materials is determined, necessary for the enterprise for rhythmic work. They draw up contracts with suppliers, develop a delivery schedule, and organize unrefrigerated and refrigerated warehouses for storing goods.

Organization of warehouse work

Warehouses in which the necessary stock of raw materials is stored should be located in a single block, which will ensure convenient acceptance and release to the blank shops. Recommended area of ​​warehouse premises - 15-20% of total area enterprises. Proper organization of warehouse management allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality;
  • ensuring storage in accordance with all sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • maintaining stocks of raw materials at an optimal level.

Temperature and humidity in warehouses must be maintained within acceptable limits, and to ensure the frequency of air exchange, natural or mechanical ventilation is provided. Warehouse equipment, commodity scales, as well as all the necessary equipment that is required to check the quality of goods and release them for production are installed here. The main storage equipment, racks and undercarriages, is designed for placement and storage of goods, and for the mechanization of the processes of acceptance and release, it is advisable to equip warehouses with mobile trolleys.

For the storage of perishable products in warehouses, refrigeration equipment is provided, the number of which and the volume of refrigerated chambers depend on the amount of raw materials to be stored. The main types of refrigeration equipment installed in warehouses are cold rooms and refrigerated cabinets, as well as chest freezers for those products that require low-temperature storage.

Organization of work of production shops

Procurement catering enterprises with a full cycle of processing raw materials contain: meat, vegetable, flour or confectionery shops, as well as hot and cold, where direct cooking is carried out. In pre-cooking enterprises operating on semi-finished products, the production process is organized in the semi-finished products pre-cooking workshop, in which a flour department can be organized.

For each workshop, a production program is developed, the heads of workshops or foremen receive the necessary raw materials from the warehouse, deliver them to the workshop and distribute duties among the cooks responsible for the preparation of a particular product. Raw materials are subjected to primary processing, after which everything is like technological stages necessary for the preparation of semi-finished products. Prepared semi-finished products are placed in a functional container and sent to a hot or cold shop, where, after final processing, they are brought to full culinary readiness. The rational organization of the work of the hot shop directly depends on the well-coordinated work of the blank shops. The technological equipment of the hot shop is installed here, with the use of which all types of heat treatment are performed.

The cold shop receives products that have undergone and have not undergone heat treatment, therefore, the organization of the work of the cold shop, first of all, is determined by the coherence of production processes in the hot and vegetable shops. And the equipment of the cold shop allows not only to mechanize the processes of preparing salads and snacks to the maximum, but also maintains the required temperature for their storage.

Ready meals are transferred to gastronorm containers and sent to the distribution line for sale. Here they are portioned and released to consumers. In restaurants, on-duty dishes are prepared in small volumes and sold as needed, and the preparation of custom-made a la carte dishes is started after receipt of requests from waiters.

Organization of customer service, product sales and dishwashing

Every catering establishment must pay Special attention consumer service. An important role is played by the interior design and comfortable arrangement of the dining room, so that visitors have a desire to come here again and again. Restaurants organize service by teams of waiters who must not only take and deliver orders, but also create a friendly atmosphere and provide professional advice on the characteristics of dishes and the technology of their preparation. At lunchtime, in order to reach a larger number of visitors, it is advisable for restaurants to organize the sale of inexpensive set meals.

In canteens and cafes, the sale of lunch products is organized according to the method of free choice of dishes. For these purposes, a self-service distribution line is equipped, on which short-term storage, portioning, decoration and dispensing of snacks, first, second and third courses are carried out in compliance with the temperature of their serving. The modern distribution line in the dining room is a technological equipment for public catering, which includes a set of counters, showcases and food warmers. Service is carried out by one or several cooks-distributors, and visitors, moving with a tray along the rails, have the opportunity to choose their favorite dishes. The speed of service, which is especially relevant during rush hour, is affected by the timely preparation of dishes by hot and cold shops, as well as the proper organization of the work of washing tableware, which eliminates interruptions in clean dishes, cutlery and trays.

Additional services and increase in own production output

In order for a catering company to work with a stable profit, it is necessary to develop a number of measures to increase the volume of sales of products own production. Indeed, as a rule, the potential of enterprises is unusually large, and the installed technological equipment for catering is characterized by high productivity.

In addition to the dining hall, most catering establishments organize a banquet hall where solemn feasts are held for groups of visitors. In the warm season, summer venues are opened where they sell a certain range of drinks and goods.

It is advisable to arrange the sale of products of own production through a culinary store. It is equipped with counters and installed necessary types refrigeration equipment, including chest freezers, which provide a demonstration of goods, taking into account the storage temperature.

In the culinary shop, products of all workshops of the enterprise can be presented. These are not only semi-finished meat and vegetable products, various types of dough, but also ready-made salads, culinary and confectionery products. Technologists and economists of the enterprise should be engaged in the development of the assortment of a culinary store, since affordable prices for products are one of the ways to attract customers. In addition, it is possible to organize remote trade and supply of own-produced products to retail chains at wholesale prices.

Technological equipment of catering establishments

To perform their main functions, namely, the manufacture and sale of culinary products, catering establishments are equipped with a wide range of equipment. All technological equipment for public catering is classified into the following types:

  • electromechanical;
  • thermal;
  • refrigeration;
  • auxiliary or neutral.

The types of technological equipment, its capacity and the number of units are determined as a result of special calculations and taking into account:

  • type of enterprise;
  • organization of production (on raw materials or semi-finished products);
  • production program (menu plan);
  • forms and methods of customer service.

All catering equipment must meet the needs of the enterprise in terms of productivity, perform all the necessary technological operations, ensure storage at certain temperatures, create comfortable working conditions for service personnel and organize customer service at the highest level.

The company Petrokhladotekhnika presents a wide range of modern technological equipment for public catering, the installation of which will be the key to successful work any enterprise.

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  • Introduction
  • 1. Characteristics of the designed workshop
  • 2. Technological part
  • 3. Determination of the number of dishes and drinks sold in the hall
  • 3.2 Menu planning
  • 3.3 Settlement menu
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Applications


Public catering is a branch of the national economy, which is based on enterprises characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and customer service and differing in types and specializations.

Development of public catering:

v Provides significant savings in social labor due to a more rational use of technology, raw materials;

v Provides workers and employees during the working day with hot food, which increases their efficiency, maintains health;

v Gives the chance of the organization of the balanced rational food.

Catering establishments are responsible for the health of their customers and therefore the choice of products and the preparation of meals play an important role. The tastes of visitors who prefer varied and light dishes should also be taken into account.

A huge role in increasing the number of industrial enterprises eating in canteens is played by social programs operating in the enterprise. Such changes in requests directly affect the choice of cooking equipment.

The main indicator of catering in canteens and industrial enterprises is the speed of service. Improvements such as food counters, revolving counters and vending machines for food and drinks have been implemented to increase the capacity of canteens and reduce queues.

In the canteens industrial enterprises vending machines for drinks (62%) and snacks (31%), as well as hot meals for shift workers (23%) are currently being installed.

The speed of service is also important in those canteens where long counters are used to distribute dishes, on which it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature and quality of the finished dishes.

The expansion of the catering market promotes the design and development of special catering equipment that meets specific requirements. In recent years, systems for freezing ready meals have been created. The centralization of food preparation led to the purveyor industry.

Creation necessary conditions to meet the needs of people in good nutrition at the place of work, study, residence and recreation, improving the quality of service and providing additional services public catering enterprises are the most important socio-economic tasks of the state. Of paramount importance in this regard is a set of measures aimed at the rational organization of a network of public catering enterprises, the construction of new enterprises and the reconstruction of existing ones, the introduction of advanced technologies and forms of service.

When determining the type of enterprise, the following factors are taken into account:

range of products sold, their diversity, complexity of manufacturing;

technical equipment (material base, engineering and technical equipment and equipment, composition of premises, architectural and planning solution);

service methods;

staff qualifications;

quality of service (comfort, ethics of communication, aesthetics, etc.);

range of services provided to consumers.

Canteens distinguish:

· according to the range of products sold - general type and dietary;

· on the served contingent of consumers - school, student, etc.;

· at the location - public, at the place of study, work.

The represented canteen is located on the territory of the plant, being a working canteen (at an industrial enterprise) and belongs to the canteens of a general type.

Based on the type of establishment, the operational characteristics of the food establishment and maintenance requirements can be established.

The enterprise ensures the safety of life and health of consumers and the safety of their property, subject to the "Rules for the production and sale of public catering products", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 13, 1993 No. 332, sanitary and technological norms and rules, as well as fire and electrical safety requirements.

All catering establishments must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents on the safety of services:

SanPiN 42-123-5777, SanPiN 42-123-4117, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products;

requirements for the safety of food raw materials and products - in accordance with the requirements of the MBT 5061;

environmental safety - SanPiN 42-123-5777, SNiP 2.08.02;

fire safety - GOST 12.1.004;

electrical safety - SNiP 11-4

The enterprise has convenient access roads and pedestrian access to the entrance, the necessary reference and information signs. The territory of the plant adjacent to the dining room has artificial lighting in the evening.

Carrying out unloading and loading operations takes place only through the access roads of the public catering establishment.

Entrances for road transport are necessary both for the transportation of products, and for the removal of garbage and food waste. For the convenience of entry of vans and trucks directly into the building, the doors of the landing stages for receiving products open into the courtyard, which has a waterproof coating and good drainage.

The sites with garbage collectors are more than 20 meters away from the windows and doors of the premises of the enterprise.

The architectural and planning solution and structural elements of the building, the technical equipment used complies with SNiP 2.08.02.

The enterprise provides emergency exits, stairs, instructions on how to emergency(excerpts from which in the form of brief bright announcements and diagrams are placed inside the enterprise in the places of the greatest concentration of personnel - locker rooms, telephone, exit to the stairs, etc.), warning system and fire protection equipment.

The enterprise is equipped with engineering systems and equipment that provide the necessary level of comfort, including: hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, radio and telephone communications.

The entrance to the enterprise provides the simultaneous movement of two counter flows of consumers to the entrance and exit, as well as separate entrances and exits for consumers and personnel.

1. Characteristics of workshops

Cooking can be seen as a production process in which the food goes directly through several stages, described as a work route - from the supply of raw products to the final decoration and distribution of dishes. In order to have the right equipment in the right place, to reduce the possibility of collisions and crowding of workers, it is necessary to carefully plan work routes, avoiding their intersections. A simple work route can be represented in following form: Reception of products - Storage - Cutting - Cooking - Distribution.

With the increase in the size of the enterprise, both the specialization of equipment and the concentration of work appear, so several parallel work routes are being developed. Along with the main food preparation route, it is necessary to provide auxiliary routes, such as collecting and disposing of waste, washing and reusing dishes. Food waste and garbage are disposed of through the food reception areas, i.e. on the reverse route.

Food needed to provide one day's menu is usually stored in small pantries located in or near the pre-cooking area, while a week's supply of food is housed in storage areas.

Large catering enterprises have a variety of shops specializing in the types of processed raw materials and manufactured products: meat, fish, vegetables, hot, cold, confectionery. Warehouse, container, sanitary facilities and some other services are classified as auxiliary shops.

A workshop is an administratively separate primary production unit of an enterprise, in which mechanical culinary processing of raw materials, preparation of semi-finished products or production of finished products are carried out.

The chains are divided into:

1. blank (meat, fish, poultry, vegetable, meat and fish);

2. pre-cooking (cold, hot);

3. specialized (flour products, confectionery, culinary).

Structure of production shops

The workshop is separated into an independent production unit, because this area of ​​work specializes in the manufacture of certain products and several teams of workers work under the guidance of foremen.

In the procurement workshops, they perform mechanical processing of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and the production of semi-finished products to supply the kitchens of their enterprises, as well as pre-cooking enterprises (branches), culinary shops, small retail network.

When organizing blank shops, the flow of production and the sequence of technological processes must be achieved, for which they determine the processing lines for certain types of products. So, in the vegetable shop it is advisable to organize three technological processing lines: potatoes and root crops; onion vegetables; cabbage, greens and other vegetables.

The mode of operation of blank shops depends on the type of enterprise, the volume of production and the method of selling semi-finished products. The blank shops serving only the enterprise work, as a rule, in one (day) shift.

Some General requirements to the organization of work of production shops of public catering enterprises.

All production workshops are equipped with sinks with hot and cold water supply. At the same time, such designs of mixers should be provided that exclude re-contamination of hands after washing.

Internal sewerage system for industrial and household Wastewater should be separate with independent releases into the on-site sewerage network.

Production equipment and washing baths are connected to the sewerage network with an air gap of at least 20 mm from the top of the intake funnel. All internal sewage receivers have hydraulic gates (siphons).

All production workshops, washing, defroster, loading, storage of food waste should be equipped with drain ladders with a floor slope towards them.

When using air conditioning systems, the microclimate parameters in industrial premises must comply with the optimal values ​​of sanitary standards.

Openings of ventilation systems are closed with a fine-meshed polymer mesh.

Equipment and washing baths, which are a source of increased moisture, heat, are equipped with local exhaust systems with a preferential exhaust in the zone of maximum pollution.

The organization ensures the air-heat balance of the room.

Natural and artificial lighting in all rooms must comply with the requirements for lighting. This makes maximum use of natural light.

All labor-intensive operations associated with lifting and moving heavy objects are mechanized.

Walls industrial premises to a height of at least 1.7 m, they are finished with facing tiles or other materials that can withstand wet cleaning and disinfection. Ceilings are plastered and whitewashed or finished with other materials. The floors are made of impact-resistant non-slip materials and are sloped towards the drains.

Production workshops are provided with a sufficient amount of the necessary equipment and logistical support items.

In order to prevent infectious diseases, cutting equipment is assigned to each workshop and has a special marking.

Cutting boards and knives are marked according to the product being processed on them.

It is recommended to use stainless steel utensils for cooking and storing prepared food. Aluminum and duralumin utensils are used only for cooking and short-term storage of food.

Vegetable shop. At the enterprises, the vegetable shop is located in such a way that, on the one hand, it is located not far from the vegetable storage warehouse, and on the other hand, it has convenient communication with cold and hot shops. In this case, conveniences are created for the delivery of potatoes and vegetables to the workshop, as well as the technological chain: warehouse - vegetable workshop (pre-treatment) - hot shop(final processing).

In this workshop, vegetables are prepared for heat treatment. Vegetables for salads and fresh fruits are washed and processed, after which they are moved to pre-cooking workshops. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, crushing, cleaning, cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, cutting.

The main equipment of this zone is cutting tables, tables for peeling potatoes, washing baths, garbage collectors, mobile equipment and machines for peeling potatoes, for cutting into cubes, straws, as well as for cutting other vegetables, underwares.

Workplaces are equipped with tools, inventory for performing certain operations.

In the vegetable shop, a line for processing potatoes and root crops and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs are distinguished. The equipment is placed in the course of the technological process.

The use of containers for collecting garbage allows you to remove garbage collected at different places along the route of the entire enterprise.

Meat and fish shop. Workplaces in the meat shop are organized by technological lines:

large meat processing cattle pork, lamb entering the workshop in quarters

thawing (defrosting) of frozen fish or soaking salted fish, cleaning from scales, gutting, washing, making semi-finished products.

· Centralized production of semi-finished products from chickens, processing of by-products is carried out by poultry-heading workshops. They process raw materials coming from suppliers. In addition to poultry, offal (kidneys, liver, tongues, heart, etc.) is processed in the workshop.

In general terms, the equipment of this workshop includes all kinds of devices for chopping and butchering meat, cutting bacon, cutting meat, sawing bones, preparing semi-finished products, minced meat.

The shop is equipped with refrigerators.

Confectionary shop.

The scope of activity of the confectionery shop includes the preparation of hot sweets, cold desserts, confectionery, bakery products, finishing and finishing.

In the production structure of the enterprise, the confectionery shop occupies a special place. It works independently, regardless of the hot shop. The confectionery shop produces products that are sold not only in the halls, but also in culinary shops, branches, buffets.

The confectionery shop includes rooms for kneading dough, cutting and baking, preparing cream and finishing products, processing eggs, proofing yeast dough.

The main equipment includes tables, sinks, measures, machines for mixing, rolling and cutting dough, racks for baking sheets, etc. Pastry ovens, stoves and other equipment are located right in the workshop for convenience.

Hot shop. In the hot shop, products and semi-finished products are heat treated, broths are boiled, soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses are prepared, flour culinary products are baked - pies, pies, etc., used as a side dish for first courses, and they also perform heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes.

Semi-finished products from all blank shops are sent to the hot shop. Therefore, the hot shop is located in such a way that it has convenient communication with the cold shop and is adjacent to the distribution, as well as to the washing table and kitchen utensils.

The hot shop is divided into two sections - soup and sauce.

The work of the hot shop, as well as other production sites, largely depends on the proper organization of workplaces, equipping them with appropriate equipment.

The production program of the hot shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor.

Let's take a closer look at the cold shop of this enterprise.

For the preparation of cold dishes and snacks, sandwiches, sweet dishes, cold soups, a cold shop is organized. Its products are sold both directly in the hall, and in buffets and culinary shops.

Since in the cold shop a significant number of dishes and products are not subjected to heat treatment, here it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the technological process.

The workshop is equipped with pedal-operated sinks to avoid re-contamination of hands. The surface of the walls behind sinks and sinks requires special protection against water and dirt. In addition to glazed tiles, special sheet materials, such as stainless steel, are used as wall cladding.

The floors in the cold shop are easy to clean, withstand heavy equipment, are resistant to water, dirt, oil, acids, alkalis, cleaning agents, and temperature changes are made of stone tiles. The floor temperature is maintained by laying thermal insulation. All joints between floors and walls are rounded due to the material of the floor covering.

Natural lighting (window) is widely used in the cold shop of the enterprise. It has a northwest orientation and provides even natural light over work surfaces. Device for protection against insolation (blinds), reflect thermal radiation. The opening part of the window is located high enough and is equipped with screens against drafts in the working level.

The doors to the workshop are wide enough for transporting carts and equipment: double doors with sashes of unequal width. To facilitate the work of cleaners, plates are attached to the door to open the door with a push of a foot or hand.

In accordance with the technological process, workplaces for processing raw and boiled vegetables, gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning dishes, etc. should be clearly delineated; salads, vinaigrettes, sandwiches should be prepared only in batches and sold within one hour; observe the temperature regime of storage and distribution of cold dishes (10-140C).

For a safe sanitary regime, a bactericidal lamp was installed in the workshop.

To carry out the production program in the workshop, workplaces are provided that are equipped with equipment, utensils and inventory, depending on the type of technological and production operations performed.

The production program of the workshop (plan-menu) includes the range and quality of prepared dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold drinks. Cooks of the 4th and 5th categories work in the shop.

The workshop operates seven days a week, providing lunch from 12.00 to 15.00 and dinner from 19.00 to 21.00.

Required additional step production process at a catering establishment, this is a washing of dishes and equipment.

Reuse of kitchen utensils occurs in two specific areas:


b Preparation

ü Boiler cleaning service

b Cooking

Dinner room crockery

In each case, cookware should be stored where it is used. The efficiency of the operation depends on the speed with which the cookware is returned to circulation and on the number of revolutions of the cookware.

Cooking is not a continuous process, but rather a series of independent operations carried out in different places, requiring different amounts of labor and time to complete.

It is not until the last stage, when the food is ready to be served, that the various foods are brought together.

2. Technological part

2.1 Determination of the number of consumers

Taking into account the working hours of the enterprise (from 12.00 to 15.00 and 19.00 to 21.00), the number of visitors for each hour is calculated by the formula:

Nh \u003d P? cch? xh / 100,

where: Nh - the number of visitors per hour;

P - hall capacity;

c h - turnover of a place in the hall during a given hour;

Data c h, x h are found in Appendix 2

N12-13 = 75? 2? 80/100 = 120

N13-14 = 75? 2? 80/100 = 120

N14-15 = 75? 2? 40/100 = 60

N14-15 = 75? 2? 60/100 = 90

Having calculated the number of visitors for each hour of operation of the enterprise, we draw up a table

TOTAL: 480 people

Summing up the number of visitors for each hour of operation of the enterprise, we get the number of visitors per day:

where: Nd - the number of consumers served during the day;

Nh - the number of visitors per hour.

Nd = N12-13+ N13-14+ N14-15+ N19-20 + N20-21

Nd = 120+120+90+60+90

Nd = 480 (persons)

The coefficient of recalculation of dishes (K) is drawn up according to the formula:

K \u003d N hour. / N (day), where

N hour - the number of consumers who passed through the trading floor in 1 hour;

N (day) - the number of consumers who passed through the trading floor per day.

K12-13 = 120 / 480 = 0.25

K13-14 = 120/ 480 = 0.25

K14-15 \u003d 90 / 480 \u003d 0.1875

K19-20 = 60 / 480 = 0.125

K20-21 \u003d 90 / 480 \u003d 0.1875

2.2 Determination of the number of dishes and drinks sold in the hall

Knowing the number of visitors per day, we determine the number of dishes sold during the day at the enterprise, according to the formula:

where nd is the number of dishes: Nd is the number of visitors per day; m - coefficient of consumption of dishes (at an industrial enterprise 2.8)

nd \u003d 480 * 2.8 \u003d 1344

We make a breakdown of dishes according to the assortment according to the formulas:

n \u003d Nd * m x. b.

n = Nd * m Ib.

n = Nd * m IIb.

n = Nd * m sl. b.,

where n is the number of cold, first, second and sweet dishes; Nd - the number of visitors per day; m - coefficient of consumption of respectively cold (0.5), first (1.0), second (1.0), sweet dishes (0.3).

n x. b. = 480 *0.5 = 240

n Ib = 480 *1, 0 = 480

n IIb. = 480 * 1, 0 = 480

n sl. b. = 480 *0, 3 = 144

The determination of the quantity of hot and cold drinks, confectionery and bread is carried out in accordance with the consumption norms in force in this type of enterprise. The number of drinks is determined by the formula:

where n is the number of drinks, confectionery and bread; H - consumption rate.

n hot drinks = 480 * 0.08= 38.4

n min. water \u003d 480 * 0.02 \u003d 9.6

n natural juices = 480 * 0.01 = 4.8

n rye bread = 480 * 200 = 96000

n wheat bread = 480 * 100 = 48000

n fruits = 480 * 0.05 = 24

TOTAL: 1344

TOTAL: 4664

When portioning drinks, juices, waters, the value of 1 portion is taken as 200 g of the product, a portion of rye bread - 30 g, wheat - 50, the portioning rate of fruit is on average 100 g.

food dish assorted menu

3. Menu development

3.1 Development of assortment minimum

The development of the assortment minimum is carried out using the Guidelines for the development, placement of a network of specialized public catering establishments and the requirements for their organization, which provide an updated range of dishes, drinks and culinary products for these enterprises. Assortment minimum for canteens at industrial enterprises. Cold dishes and snacks 4

Milk and dairy products 3

Second hot dishes with garnish 5

including milk porridge 1

Sweet dishes 2

Hot drinks 1

Cold drinks 1

Flour culinary and confectionery products 4

Bread is a must

3.2 Menu planning

For a better orientation of visitors when choosing dishes, the convenience of serving them, and a clearer organization of work at enterprises, several types of menus are compiled: with a free choice of dishes, complete meals, for special types of services (custom lunches, breakfasts, dinners, receptions, etc.) and banquets . Menus with a free choice of dishes are made up in almost all catering establishments. It allows the visitor to choose dishes according to their tastes and abilities.

The menu includes:

Cold meals and snacks

From fish and fish gastronomic products;

From meat, poultry and meat gastronomic products;

Salads and vinaigrettes (fish, meat, vegetables);

Cheeses, butter and various dairy products.

Transparent (broths with profiteroles, pies, pies, etc.);

Refueling (schi, borscht, pickles, etc.);

Puree (from vegetables, cereals, legumes, meat products, etc.);

Dairy (with cereals, pasta, vegetables);

Cold soups from vegetables and other products (okroshka, borscht, beetroot, botvinia, etc.);

Sweet soups from berries and fruits.

Second hot dishes

Fish, meat, poultry, potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms, cereals, legumes, pasta, flour from eggs and cottage cheese.

Sweet dishes

Compotes, kissels, mousses, jelly, fruits and berries, natural and in syrup, etc.

Hot drinks

Tea, coffee, cocoa.

Cold drinks of own production

From lemons, oranges, etc.

Flour culinary, bakery and confectionery products, baked, fried pies with various fillings, buns, muffins, cakes.

Rye and wheat bread. In addition to the specified assortment, confectionery products are sold, mineral water, juices. When compiling the menu, several factors are taken into account:

an approximate range of products recommended for a public catering enterprise, depending on its type and the type of ration provided;

Availability of raw materials and their seasonality;

Qualification of personnel, production capacity and equipping it with trade and technological equipment;

labor intensity, i.e. time spent on the preparation of a unit of production;

the number of visitors per day.

3.3 Settlement menu

Exit, c.

No. according to the Collection of recipes

Name of dishes

Number of dishes


Herring with garnish

Potato salad with pickles and tomatoes

Fish broth with meatballs

Shchi from fresh cabbage

Milk soup with vermicelli


3.4 Compiling a table of dish sales

Based on the hall load table and the menu plan, the number of dishes of one or another name for each hour of the enterprise's work is determined by the formula:

Nhour = Nday K, where

Nday - the total number of dishes of this type;

K - coefficient of conversion of dishes.

For the dish "Herring with garnish"

N12-13 = 40 *0.25=10

N13-14 = 40 *0.25=10

N14-15 = 40*0.1875=7.5


N20-21 =40*0.1875=7.5

For the dish "Boiled tongue with green peas"

N12-13 = 45 *0.25=11.25

N13-14 = 45 *0.25=11.25

N14-15 = 45*0.1875=8.5

N19-20= 45*0.125=5.625

N20-21 =45*0.1875=8.5

For Beetroot Salad with Cheese and Garlic

N12-13 = 20 *0.25= 5

N13-14 = 20 *0.25=5

N14-15 = 20*0.1875=3.75


N20-21 =20*0.1875=3.75

For the dish "Potato Salad with Pickled Cucumbers and Tomatoes"

N12-13 = 100 *0.25=25

N13-14 = 100 *0.25=25

N14-15 = 100*0.1875=18.7

N19-20= 100*0.125=12.5


For the dish "Salad of white cabbage with apples and celery"

N12-13 = 35 *0.25=8.75

N13-14 = 35 *0.25= 8.75

N14-15 = 35*0.1875=6.56

N19-20= 35*0.125=4.375

N20-21 =35*0.1875=6.56

For the dish "Fish broth with meatballs"

N12-13 = 160 *0.25=40

N13-14 = 160 *0.25=40

N14-15 = 160*0.1875=30



For the dish "Schi with fresh cabbage"

N12-13 = 180 *0.25=45

N13-14 = 180 *0.25=45

N14-15 = 180*0.1875=33.75

N19-20= 180*0.125=22.5


For the dish "Milk soup with vermicelli"

N12-13 = 140 *0.25=35

N13-14 = 140 *0.25=35

N14-15 = 140*0.1875=26.25

N19-20= 140*0.125=17.5

N20-21 =140*0.1875=26.25

For the dish "Pork meatballs with pasta"

N12-13 = 180 *0.25=45

N13-14 = 180 *0.25=45

N14-15 = 180*0.1875=33.75

N19-20= 180*0.125=22.5


For the dish "Liver "Brizol" with boiled potatoes"

N12-13 = 100 *0.25=25

N13-14 = 100 *0.25=25

N14-15 = 100*0.1875=18.7

N19-20= 100*0.125=12.5


For the dish "Cabbage Schnitzel with Sour Cream"

N12-13 = 100 *0.25=25

N13-14 = 100 *0.25=25

N14-15 = 100*0.1875=18.7

N19-20= 100*0.125=12.5


For the dish "Rice milk porridge with butter"

N12-13 = 100 *0.25=25

N13-14 = 100 *0.25=25

N14-15 = 100*0.1875=18.7

N19-20= 100*0.125=12.5


The data obtained is summarized in a table:

Name of dishes

Number of meals per day

Herring with garnish

Boiled tongue with green peas

Beet salad with cheese and garlic

Pickled cucumber and tomato salad

White cabbage salad with apples and celery

Fish broth with meatballs

Shchi from fresh cabbage

Milk soup with vermicelli

Pork patties with pasta

Liver "Brizol" with boiled potatoes

Cabbage schnitzel with sour cream

Milk rice porridge with butter

4. Development of TTK

Technical and technological map No. 1 Potato salad with pickles and tomatoes

Application area

This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the signature dish "Potato Salad with Pickled Cucumbers and Tomatoes", produced by the Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya hotel and sold in the service canteen.

Raw material requirements

food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the dish "Potato salad with pickles and tomatoes" must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, certificate of safety and quality, etc.). Processing of all products used must be carried out in strict accordance with established sanitary norms and rules. The processing of a raw egg used for cooking is carried out in a specially designated place in the following sequence: with a warm 1-2% solution of soda ash, a 0.5% solution of chloramine or other detergents and disinfectants approved for these purposes, after which it is rinsed with cold flowing water. A clean raw egg is laid out in a clean, labeled dish and transferred to the kitchen for further use. Storage of raw eggs in cassettes, boxes in production shops is not allowed.

Greens should be fresh, the texture of vegetables should be elastic; taste, color and smell must be appropriate for the products used.


Bookmark rate per 1 kg.

Form start

Bookmark rate per kg., 0.1 net

End of form


Gross weight

Net weight


fresh tomatoes

Lemon (for juice)


Chicken egg

Mayonnaise 67%

Ground black pepper

Salt spicy

The output of the finished dish, g

Technological process

Boiled potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes, finely chopped pickles, salt, ground black pepper, lemon juice are added, seasoned with mayonnaise and mixed. The finished salad is sprinkled with grated hard-boiled eggs, decorated with slices of fresh tomatoes.

The salad is prepared as needed and sold in portioned dishes immediately after preparation.

According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish during serving should not exceed 14°C.

The allowable shelf life of the dish "Potato salad with pickles and tomatoes" before sale, according to SanPiN, is 1 hour at a storage temperature not higher than 14°C.

The organoleptic characteristics of the dish "Potato salad with pickles and tomatoes" must meet the following requirements:

Microbiological indicators of the dish "Potato salad with pickles and tomatoes" must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, index

The nutritional value

The nutritional value of the dish "Potato salad with pickles and tomatoes" per 100 g of the product and the yield of 1000 g is:

Rationale for calculating the nutritional and energy value of the dish

1. We get the nutrient content of 100 g of each product that is part of the dish




fresh tomatoes

Lemon (for juice)


Chicken egg

Mayonnaise 67%

Ground black pepper

Salt spicy

2. Calculate the content of nutrients in the raw material set of the dish


Net weight)



fresh tomatoes

Lemon (for juice)


Chicken egg

Mayonnaise 67%

Ground black pepper

Salt spicy

3. We calculate the balance of nutrients, taking into account their safety during heat treatment


Processing type



fresh tomatoes

No processing

Lemon (for juice)

No processing


No processing

Chicken egg

hard boil

Mayonnaise 67%

No processing

Ground black pepper

No processing

Salt spicy

No processing

4. We calculate the balance of nutrients, taking into account the mass loss of products during heat treatment


Processing type



fresh tomatoes

No processing

Lemon (for juice)

No processing


No processing

Chicken egg

hard boil

Mayonnaise 67%

No processing

Ground black pepper

No processing

Salt spicy

No processing

Based on the calculations, we calculate the food and energy value for the output of 1000 g and 100 g of the product according to the formula:

Calories = Protein*4 + Fat*9 + Carbohydrates*4+ Alcohol Content*7

Responsible for the design of the TTC I.O. Surname

Head by production I.O. Surname

Technical and technological map No. 2 " Liver Brizol "

Application area

This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the signature dish "Brizol Liver", produced by the Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya hotel and sold in the service canteen.

Raw material requirements

Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the "Liver Brizol" dish must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, certificate of safety and quality, etc. .)

Processing of all products used must be carried out in strict accordance with established sanitary norms and rules.

During primary processing, frozen by-products are thawed in air at a temperature of 15-18°C.

After thawing, blood vessels are cut out from the liver and, after washing in cold water, the film is removed.

The processing of a raw egg used for cooking is carried out in a specially designated place in the following sequence: with a warm 1-2% solution of soda ash, a 0.5% solution of chloramine or other detergents and disinfectants approved for these purposes, after which it is rinsed with cold flowing water. A clean raw egg is laid out in a clean, labeled dish and transferred to the kitchen for further use. Storage of raw eggs in cassettes, boxes in production shops is not allowed.


Name of raw materials and products

Bookmark rate for 1 portion.

Form start

Bookmark rate per serving, net

End of form


Gross weight

Net weight

Beef liver s/m

Sunflower oil

Chicken egg

Wheat flour

Ground black pepper

Salt spicy

The output of the finished dish, g

Technological process

The prepared liver is cut into 1-2 pieces per serving, lightly beaten, sprinkled with salt and pepper, breaded in a mixture of flour and eggs, fried on both sides in a pan with sunflower oil heated to 150-180 ° C, brought to readiness in a combi steamer.

Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

The dish is sold in portioned dishes immediately after preparation.

According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish during serving should not be lower than 65°C.

The allowable shelf life of the dish "Liver Brizol" before sale, according to SanPiN, is 2-3 hours at a storage temperature of at least 65°C.

The shelf life of the dish "Liver Brizol" according to SanPiN is 36 hours at a storage temperature of +2°C to +6°C.

Quality and safety indicators

The organoleptic characteristics of the dish "Liver Brizol" must meet the following requirements:


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For the production of products or the performance of one or another stage of the technological process, the following workshops are organized at the enterprise:

Harvesting (vegetable, meat and fish);

Pre-cooking (hot, cold);

Specialized (confectionery).

Technological lines are organized in each workshop. A production line is a production site equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process.

In addition to the production workshops, there are auxiliary facilities: washing tableware, washing and pantry containers, etc.

The ratio of individual divisions of the enterprise (shops, departments, auxiliary premises) determine the structure of production. At this enterprise, a workshopless structure has been established, in which, in order to distinguish between various technological processes by types of processed raw materials and methods of culinary processing, workshops are allocated conditionally.

An important factor in the success of workshops is the proper organization of jobs. At an enterprise with a non-shop structure of production, universal workplaces are organized, where several heterogeneous technological operations are carried out. In every production shop organize several jobs located along the technological process. Each workplace must be provided with a sufficient number of tools, inventory and utensils. Dishes and utensils are selected in accordance with equipment standards.

The next factor of successful work in the workshop is the proper organization of the work of the workers in the workshop. The main requirements for the organization of labor in production include:

Proper preparation of the production program, taking into account the specifics of the manufactured products, production capacity workshops, number and qualification of employees;

Clear distribution of responsibilities between employees in accordance with their qualifications and production building;

Correct accounting of the movement of products and timely reporting on the work done.

The optimum temperature in the blank and cold shops is 16-18°C, and in the hot shop 23-25°C. Relative air humidity in workshops is 60-70%. These microclimatic conditions in the cafe are created by supply and exhaust ventilation. The workshops must provide natural

lighting, so as not to reduce the fatigue of workers and to prevent injuries. Production facilities have hot and cold water supply to washing - bathtubs, electric boilers, digesters. Sewerage ensures the removal of wastewater during the operation of bathtubs, digesters.

In the vegetable shop, the primary processing of vegetables and the manufacture of vegetable semi-finished products for their own production and pre-cooking enterprises (branches), culinary shops and small retail trade are carried out.

In modern specialized vegetable shops located on large enterprises or at vegetable bases (vegetable stores) and designed to supply both public catering enterprises and retail chains, the production of an expanded range of products can be organized: production lines for packaging potatoes and vegetables in bags, a line for the production of peeled sulphated potatoes, a line for preparing potato and vegetable cutlets, fried crispy and side potatoes, a line for the preparation of salads and vinaigrettes.

Features of processing vegetables of various types dictate the need for the use of special equipment, which is selected depending on the capacity of the enterprise.

Purpose meat shop- production of semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb, poultry and game. At enterprises with a large volume of production, supplying other catering enterprises with meat semi-finished products, a separate room is allocated for the meat workshop.

At enterprises of small capacity with a complete production cycle, the processing of meat and fish can be carried out in one room, subject to the obligatory observance of the requirements of the sanitary regime.

Meat often comes to catering establishments frozen. Therefore, the first operation of the technological process of meat processing is defrosting, i.e. thawing. For this, special chambers and defrosters are used, where the carcasses are stored in a suspended state at a positive temperature.

Thawed carcasses are transported to the workshop along overhead tracks. In the workshop, the carcasses are washed with warm water: at large enterprises - with a brush-shower in a special room, at small ones - in baths with herbal brushes. Dry the carcasses using a fan or cotton cloth.

The next operation - cutting the carcass into parts - is carried out using a band or circular saw. At small enterprises, carcasses are divided into parts on a cutting table (a round block of hard wood) with a butcher's ax and a knife - a cutter. A large knife - a cutter is used for cutting the bones of lamb, poultry, game, small bones and meat for stews are chopped.

The meat is then deboned, trimmed and cut into portions. These operations are carried out on production tables with covers made of stainless steel, duralumin or marble.

Meat deboning - cutting the pulp and removing it from the bone - is done using large and small boning knives. Cleaning meat and cutting it into portions - with the help of large, medium and small knives (chef's troika). At the same time, large pieces are cut with a large knife, small pieces are cut with a medium one and the fillet is removed, separate parts of the carcass are cleaned with a small one and some other operations are performed. Sliced ​​pieces of meat are loosened with a ripper RM-1 or a chopper.

For the preparation of minced meat at large enterprises, meat grinders, cutters, meat mixers with an individual drive are used; on small ones - universal drives with interchangeable mechanisms or use desktop meat grinders.

For the processing of poultry, game and hide, large enterprises allocate a special room with a scorched forge, and small ones are assigned special jobs.

In the fish shop, the primary processing of fish and the manufacture of fish semi-finished products are carried out. The technological process of processing fish includes the following operations: thawing frozen fish, soaking salted fish, cleaning from scales, gutting and washing, cutting, preparing semi-finished products and storing them.

Thaw fish in duralumin baths or baths made of carbon steel(tinned) with two compartments in running or periodically replaced water. Fish are unloaded from the baths with wire scoops. Flounder, mending, sturgeon fish are scalded to facilitate further processing. For this purpose, hot water is supplied to the baths and a grate with handles is used. Large sturgeon fish are thawed on metal racks with a tray below at room temperature. To clean fish from scales, use a mechanical fish scaler or manual scrapers.

Gutting the fish with small chef's knives on special tables with a chute, back and sides. Heads, tails and fins are also cut off here. Tails and heads are cut off with a medium chef's knife on cutting boards, fins are cut off with scissors. After gutting, the fish is washed in a tub with two compartments and placed on baking sheets.

The preparation of fish semi-finished products is carried out on a separate table, where there should be cutting boards, a set of chef's three knives, spices, and scales. At small enterprises, a meat grinder is used to prepare minced fish, at large enterprises, a universal drive with a set of mechanisms is used. Fish semi-finished products are stored in a chilled state for no more than 12 hours, fish mass - 6 hours.

As noted, at small and medium-sized enterprises, the processing of meat and fish can be carried out in one room - meat - fish shop. The main requirement for organizing the work of such a workshop is to ensure the separate processing of meat and fish products and the separate storage of semi-finished products from meat and fish. Equipment, inventory, containers, tools must be separate and properly marked.

In the hot shop, the technological process of cooking is completed. Here, heat treatment of various products is carried out, semi-finished products are brought to readiness, first, second and sweet dishes are prepared, products for cold dishes are prepared, and confectionery products are baked.

The hot shop is equipped with stoves, cooking pots with cold and hot water supply, ovens, electric frying pans, refrigerators, racks, production tables, etc. At large enterprises, hot shops can have two sections: soup - for preparing first courses and sauce - for production of second courses, side dishes, sauces.

In the soup section, the preparation of first courses begins with the boiling of broths. At the workplace of the cook there should be desktop scales, a set of chef's three knives, cutting boards. For cutting, chopping, rubbing vegetables, they use a universal drive with special mechanisms, a mashing machine, for browning vegetables - electric frying pans, for supplying hot water - continuous boilers. In addition, at the workplace of a cook preparing soups, a refrigerated metal rack with spices and seasonings (slide) is arranged. When organizing jobs for cooks in a hot shop modern enterprises public catering uses sectional equipment using the linear principle of its placement. All thermal sectional equipment is installed in line with one-way service. The depth of sectional equipment should not exceed 1 m.

Depending on the capacity of the enterprise, the size of the kitchen and its layout, various options for arranging sectional equipment are used. In small kitchens, heating equipment is placed along the walls with local ventilation exhausts. Parallel to the line of thermal equipment, a line of production tables is placed. In kitchens of a larger area, several jobs are allocated for cooks involved in the preparation of soups, second courses, and in accordance with this, equipment is placed around the perimeter of the room, against the wall, etc. Separate types heating equipment is recommended to be installed parallel to each other.

Great advantages in organizing the workplaces of cooks preparing second courses are provided by the use of sectional equipment with a linear arrangement. In order for all thermal equipment to be used strictly for its intended purpose, the main course preparation lines are composed of the following sections: a stove with a continuous frying surface, stoves with burners, deep fryers, a special oven. The heating line is complemented by food warmers for storing side dishes, second courses, production tables with a built-in bathtub and a refrigerated container.

The purpose of the cold shop is the preparation of cold dishes and snacks from meat, fish, vegetables and other products, as well as sweet dishes and sandwiches. When placing a cold shop, its convenient connection with the kitchen, where the products for the cold shop are thermally processed, and with the blank shops, from where the products are supplied to the cold shop, which are then sold without heat treatment, should be provided. Products from the cold shop are sold to consumers in tableware, so the washing room should be located in close proximity to the cold shop.

The main operations carried out in the workshop are cutting prepared products, portioning and serving cold dishes and snacks. In accordance with this, the workplaces of cooks are organized, appropriate equipment, inventory, and tools are used.

Due to the fact that dishes and cold snacks are prepared in the workshop not only from semi-finished products that have undergone heat treatment, but also from raw products, it is important to distinguish between jobs for the manufacture of products from various types of raw materials. The products of the workshop are mostly perishable, so refrigeration equipment is required - cabinets of sufficient capacity and refrigerators with additional shelves-grids for short-term storage of cooked products, a low-temperature counter and an ice maker.

The main equipment of the cold shop is a universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, as well as a ham-sausage cutter, a butter divider, a vegetable cutting machine, production tables with slides, cooled containers and a refrigerator.

For cleaning and cutting products manually, special devices and tools are used - egg cutters, apple cutters, notches, etc.

The purpose of the confectionery shop is the production of flour confectionery and culinary products. The products of the confectionery shop are supplied for sale not only to the main enterprise, but also to culinary shops, home kitchens, buffets, pre-cooking enterprises.

The structure of the workshop includes dough mixing. dough cutting, baking, cooling departments, rooms for finishing products, for preparing minced meat, washing for eggs, dishes, containers, expedition. In addition, restaurants provide a pantry and a refrigerated chamber for a daily supply of raw materials, a pantry for finished products, a refrigerated chamber for finished products, a refrigerated chamber for semi-finished products, in which puff pastry is cooled, washing equipment and sterilization of pastry bags.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery shop should correspond to the sequence of operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of oncoming flows of raw materials and finished products.

The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (shaping) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, sweets, whipped proteins.

The confectionery shop should have its own washing department for washing dishes and equipment. In a bathroom with two or three compartments, the dishes are washed with soda, then rinsed with a 2% bleach solution. It is especially important to monitor the cleanliness of pastry bags and tubes, as even the slightest residue of cream can lead to bacterial contamination. Therefore, this inventory is processed in an autoclave, then rinsed in a bath of clean water.

Territory requirements. To comply with the established sanitary standards in the work of public catering enterprises, it is necessary to comply with the hygienic requirements for the territory of the enterprise.

The choice of a place for building is of great importance. The site must be dry, on an elevated, level place, at least 1 km away from landfills and at least 100 m from enterprises that pollute the atmospheric air and soil.

The territory of the public catering enterprise should be kept clean: in winter it should be cleared of snow, in summer it should be watered.

Requirements for the layout and arrangement of premises. All premises of a public catering enterprise, depending on the purpose, are divided into production (kitchen, cold shop, preparation shops: meat, fish, vegetable; confectionery shop, distributing, washing kitchen utensils); trade (hall, washing tableware, service room, buffet, bread slicer, premises for taking home meals, selling semi-finished products, an entrance hall, a cloakroom, a vestibule, a toilet with a washbasin); warehouse (refrigerators, warehouses for dry products, vegetables, linen, inventory); administrative and household (director's office, accounting, rooms for waiters, sanitary facilities for staff, linen, wardrobe, showers).

The layout of all premises should be rational, contribute to the proper organization of work, meet sanitary requirements for the maintenance of the enterprise and better customer service.

In accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, the layout of the premises should ensure the consistency and accuracy of technological processes, as well as the shortest path for the passage of raw materials from the moment they are received to the release of finished products.

Crossing of flows of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products, dirty and clean dishes should not be allowed in order to exclude the contamination of food with microbes and the possibility of foodborne infectious diseases and food poisoning.

The area of ​​​​all premises is determined depending on the type, capacity and number of seats in the hall of the catering establishment.

Industrial premises must be located on the ground floors, providing normal natural lighting of the workshops. The area of ​​industrial premises sanitary standards should include an area free from equipment, which is 5.5 m2 per worker. The height of the premises should be at least 3-3.3 m.

At enterprises operating on raw materials, all procurement workshops (vegetable, meat, fish) are located between storage facilities and a hot shop. This contributes to compliance with the flow of the technological process, ensuring the shortest path for the movement of raw materials and semi-finished products and reducing the possibility of additional contamination of products with microbes.

The meat shop is located in a row of blank shops. Its device must ensure the sequence of the technological process of processing meat, from defrosting carcasses to preparing semi-finished products.

Taking into account the different sanitary conditions of meat, half-gutted poultry, offal with high humidity, it is necessary to provide separate lines for their processing.

The fish shop is located next to the meat shop. In small enterprises, the processing of fish according to sanitary standards is allowed in the meat and fish workshop, but with mandatory separate lines for processing meat and fish. In the fish shop, as well as in the meat shop, one should strictly observe the sequence of processing raw materials and preparing fish semi-finished products with the allocation of jobs for the preparation of fish cutlet mass. The workshop must provide refrigerated cabinets.

The hot shop (kitchen) is equipped near the cold shop and the dispensing room, clearly delimiting the soup and sauce departments. In the hot shop, the technological process of cooking is completed, therefore, the sanitary and hygienic state of the finished food depends on the proper organization of this shop.

To ensure the consistent implementation of the technological process, and therefore, to improve the quality of dishes, it is considered the most rational to install sectional modular equipment in the workshop, consisting of a number of electrothermal devices (stoves, boilers, frying pans, ovens, etc.) , which are located in one serial line. A common ventilation suction is mounted above the equipment.

Such equipment saves production space and improves working conditions, reducing unnecessary movements and reducing the physical load of cooks. It improves the sanitary condition of the food being prepared and the workshop as a whole by reducing the path of movement of products, the sequence of technological operations.

Taking into account the increased temperature, humidity and air pollution (acrolein, carbon dioxide) of the hot shop, it should be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, which ensures normal working conditions for cooks and the microclimate of adjacent premises.

The cold shop produces products that are not subjected to heat treatment during the cooking process. Therefore, increased sanitary requirements are imposed on the design of the workshop.

In order to avoid secondary contamination of cold dishes with microbes, this workshop must be separated from the procurement workshops, as close as possible to the hot workshop and the distributing one. For the same purpose, workplaces are delimited in the workshop for the preparation of meat, fish, vegetable, sweet dishes and sandwiches, since these dishes are prepared from raw and heat-treated products with different sanitary conditions.

The confectionery shop is located in isolation from all production facilities, protecting its products from bacterial contamination. For the same purpose, a clear delineation of technological operations is envisaged in the workshop itself, highlighting separate rooms: a pantry for a daily supply of raw materials with a refrigerator and a food preparation department; room for cleaning oil; a room for processing eggs with a compartment for preparing egg mass with refrigeration equipment for its storage; rooms for preparing dough with a section for sifting flour; compartment for cutting dough and pastries; department for preparation of finishing semi-finished products (syrups, lipsticks, jelly); cream preparation department with refrigeration equipment; a room for finishing confectionery products with a refrigerator; storage room for packaging materials; washing intrashop packaging and large inventory; washing and sterilization of confectionery bags, tips, small inventory; a room for washing and drying returnable containers; confectionery expedition with a cold store for cream products.

The layout of these rooms should correspond to the sequence of the technological process of preparing confectionery products and exclude the possibility of oncoming or crossing flows of raw materials and finished products.

Washing of kitchen utensils is placed next to the hot shop and equipped with washing baths with hot and cold water supply, racks for storing dishes.

Requirements for interior decoration. The decoration of the premises of public catering enterprises is of great hygienic importance and must meet certain requirements. The interior decoration of the premises should be without unnecessary architectural details in order to avoid the accumulation of dust.

For the decoration of industrial, warehouse and domestic premises, materials of light colors, waterproof with a smooth, easy-to-clean surface are used. Ceilings are usually covered with adhesive whitewash, walls at a height of 1.8 m are laid out with ceramic tiles or synthetic materials or covered with oil paint. Window frames and doors are painted with light-colored oil or enamel paint. The floors are lined with metlakh tiles.

The hall and administrative premises are finished with beautiful, modern, easy-to-clean materials (wood, plastic, linoleum, glue and oil paint).

The walls of the halls in dining rooms are usually painted in soothing warm colors or finished with synthetic materials, and in restaurants and cafes they are lined with precious woods, particle boards. To reduce noise, walls and ceilings are finished with sound-absorbing perforated slabs coated with a refractory compound, which are well washed. The floors in the halls must be smooth, non-slip, moisture resistant. In dining rooms, floors are often covered with plastic, linoleum, and in restaurants, cafes for floors they use parquet covered with colorless varnish, synthetic carpets of a single color or rolled materials based on synthetic resins.

Requirements for water supply, sewerage, heating, microclimate, ventilation and lighting. Water supply to public catering establishments is carried out from a centralized water supply network, and in the absence of a water supply system, from an artesian well or a mine well with water supply to all industrial premises.

Drinking water quality must comply with the requirements of GOST “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control”.

To supply the enterprise with hot water, a special hot water supply network is equipped. Hot water is supplied through mixers to all sinks, industrial and washing bathtubs, showers. Its temperature should not be lower than 75°C, and for washing dishes - not lower than 90°C. Hot water is not used for cooking, as it does not meet sanitary requirements.

Sewerage is of great epidemiological importance for organizing the cleaning of public catering establishments from household and fecal wastewater. It must meet certain health requirements.

To prevent the formation and ingress of harmful substances into the air of industrial premises, it is necessary: ​​strictly observe technological processes cooking; ensure complete combustion of fuel in gas stoves, coal-fired, wood-burning appliances; it is recommended to equip workplaces where flour, powdered sugar, etc. are sifted with a local exhaust.

Heating should ensure the air temperature in the premises of catering establishments in accordance with hygiene standards. The most favorable for a person is considered to be an air temperature of 18-20 ° C with a relative humidity of 40-60% and an air speed of 0.3 m / s.

The most perfect and hygienic is the low-pressure central water heating with the temperature of the radiators not exceeding 85°C. In catering establishments, it is recommended to install smooth-walled heaters that can be easily cleaned of dust.

Ventilation of the premises improves the microclimate in the workplace, which affects working conditions, maintaining health and increasing the efficiency of personnel.

Artificial lighting should be bright enough.
