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Igor Ostrovskiy ksk group family. Russian prosecutors want to open an elite casino in Montenegro. Russian prosecutors want to open an elite casino in Montenegro

Igor Mariovich Ostrovsky was born in 1971 in the Tver region. Father - Mario Archetto, a Mexican citizen who left the USSR due to non-renewal of an educational visa. Mother - Ostrovskaya Natalya. Until the age of 8, he was brought up by his mother's parents. At the age of 12, he moved to Moscow to a foster family: he was adopted by Maslova Natalya Vladimirovna and Maslov Anatoly Grigoryevich (Igor took the surname and patronymic of his adoptive father). Natalya Vladimirovna was the Deputy Head of the Department of the Scientific Library. M. Gorky, and Anatoly Grigorievich headed educational institution"Station of Young Tourists" under the Ministry of Education of the USSR.

In 1989 he entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Department of Social Philosophy. All the time Igor studied the issue of effective communications, and thesis defended on the topic "Information and communication processes in the social environment." In his second year of university, Igor got his first entrepreneurial experience by creating a real estate management company (about 15 employees). In 1994, Igor completely handed over the management of the real estate business to his partner, and he himself moved to Hermes Center Bank, where he very quickly rose from an intern to the head of a department. Initiative, extreme diligence, tough business acumen, absolute determination - these qualities turned out to be decisive success factors. Soon, together with his team, Igor stood out in the VIP customer service department, which provided services for comprehensive support business. A year later, its results exceeded all expectations of the Bank's management. Thus, in 1996, the VIP service department was transformed into an independent branch of Moskomprivatbank, which immediately turned out to be the absolute market leader in all respects.

In 2001, Igor Mariovich established Prado Bank (from the Spanish prado - multicolor, flowering meadow), and in 2002 he created the PRADO Banker and Consultant or PRADO Group consulting and financial holding. The holding quickly became a unique phenomenon in the Moscow market. A comprehensive consulting service for maintaining and improving core business functions, over 400 products, the highest quality and a customer-oriented approach - all this has become calling card PRADO group. Against the background of the first news of the financial crisis, Igor Mariovich Ostrovsky decides to restructure the holding and sell the bank, and separate some of the consultants into a separate company. In February 2007, Ostrovsky completes the structuring of the deal for the sale of Prado Bank, which lasted almost a year. The bank passes to businessmen close to the structures of Gazprom, and successfully continues to work to this day. Soon after, a company was established - KSK group (Capital. Service. Consulting).

KSK Group, having taken all the best that was in PRADO, nevertheless differs greatly in its development strategy and business organization. Today, the company is one of the leaders in the business consulting market, focusing primarily on the private and real sectors. Core competencies - audit, taxes, law, marketing, automation.

Consulting is a way of life

Today KSK group is 21 years old successful work in the market of comprehensive consulting in Russia. This is a complete, high-quality, pragmatic business consulting for real Russian business. We cover all the competencies necessary for business development, its sustainability and security: accounting and control, audit, taxes, law, valuation, personnel, marketing, sales, strategy and management, automation, fundraising. No matter how fast the market develops, KSK Group always offers the most up-to-date solutions. We have managed to form a team of 350 industry experts with a great practical experience and high qualifications. The company's employees have implemented more than 4,000 projects, accumulated unique technologies and solutions for private businesses. To date, KSK groups largely determines the development Russian market consulting.

In terms of labor equipment, we are absolute leaders in Russia. Our motto: " Better conditions- for the best people!

Clients often ask us: how do we manage to achieve high results year after year for 21 years, always be at the forefront of relevance and demand, creating trends and shaping the market? The answer to this question is both complex and simple at the same time. The secret of success is in the unique corporate culture CSC of groups, based on an impeccably, fairly and transparently built system, common goals, spiritual values ​​and principles that are shared by all employees (the so-called company genotype). People who share common values ​​become like-minded people. A team of like-minded people is a great business force capable of effectively solving problems of any complexity, ensuring business security, sustainability and development.

Continuous development

Consulting is a way of life. interesting creative work, requiring maximum dedication and involvement, constant development and work on oneself at the limit of strength. Information in the world becomes obsolete at an enormous rate. Technologies, tools, thinking are changing: circumstances require constant improvement of skills and updating of knowledge. A true professional loves his job. Work for employees of KSK groups is not just a job, it is a way of life: always be in good shape and maintain your knowledge and professional skills, develop and not be afraid of difficult tasks, conquer new heights and follow the leader. Only by developing ourselves, we will be able to move our company forward and develop the client's business. New knowledge allows you to take a fresh look at tasks, solutions, life around. They help to expand the range of possibilities and find among them those that can benefit us and customers. Therefore, KSK Group has a system of employee training, the so-called Academy of KSK Group. All employees attend lectures, seminars, colloquia, trainings, team building. Learn from the best Russian experts and specialists, expand their business erudition, study the latest consulting technologies and best practices used in various industries economy.

We, at KSK Group, never stop developing, always act proactively, we raise the bar of achievements to a new height (you must definitely surpass your own records). No matter how good the previous result is, we always strive to improve it. The development of our company and the business of our clients is the goal that unites us. Business is changing the world, and KSK Group is developing Russian business.

Personal interest in customers is the key to long-term cooperation

KSK group consultants are focused on long-term cooperation, which is built on a sincere desire to help the client and impeccable professionalism. The foundation for such cooperation is personal interest in each client, constant interaction, continuous Feedback, the desire to achieve the admiration of the client as the highest evaluation.

In consulting, the manager must understand how the client's business works, he must be aware of what is happening in the market. Consulting is complex solutions, and for this it is simply necessary to be the best experts in all areas. Clients of KSK groups really see that we have information, we know the most effective solutions it is with regard to his problems and concerns that we can offer best service. Sincere interest in solving customer problems, supported by professional and effective work, – something that has been the reason for more than 21 years of private business chooses KSK groups.

Vertical growth or horizontal development

The ideology of KSK groups sets up employees to achieve their own maximum, to realize their abilities in the most short time. We achieve such results by introducing the up or out principle into our work, according to which the promotion of an employee is directly proportional to his efficiency and initiative, and for each subsequent career step, you need to purchase additional professional quality. This is logical and justified: the company is growing, the tasks are becoming more difficult - and in order to match the position and train younger colleagues, it is necessary to develop together with the company, and in case of lagging behind, move to where the opportunities will be relevant and most in demand.

This approach is an example of honest and mutually beneficial relationships: an employee either successfully makes a career within the company, or, having received unique skills and invaluable experience in the KSK group, goes to work in the client's company - as an ambassador and conductor of our business ideology that helps the business grow and develop ensuring its security, sustainability and development.

Responsibility for the result

Experts of KSK groups bear full responsibility for the result of their work. When starting work on a new project, consultants set specific and measurable goals. We do not sell air - we achieve results that can be measured in numbers. Increasing revenue, reducing costs, improving labor efficiency, strengthening tax, legal and information security- have their own quantitative indicators, to the implementation and overfulfillment of which we strive.

Our goal is customer development. We do everything to ensure that investments in consulting are 100% justified. For each ruble invested, the client should receive from two to ten. The reports prepared by the experts of the KSK groups do not gather dust on the shelves, but serve as a practical guide to action. We help clients, bringing real benefits and profits, and the highest value for everyone in KSK groups is the client's admiration for the impeccable and effective work we have done.


KSK groups are purposeful, ambitious, proactive, educated and energetic people who complement and enhance each other's personal competencies. The result of this synergy is a team aimed at achieving results. We grow together with our team and understand that the success of each is the success of all. That is why the institution of mentoring - main part KSK group. Any employee of the company has the opportunity to ask a question to a more experienced colleague. The principle “Ask - must explain” is inviolable for us. The doors of leadership are open to any employee. In KSK groups, everyone has a mentor, and he himself is a mentor for the younger ones.

Full involvement

Employees of KSK groups devote most of their time to work. Involvement in the process is the norm of life for employees of KSK groups. In the company, only those people who give all their time, creative forces and intellect to work linger and succeed. It is this attitude to work that allows them to make real breakthroughs in personal and professional development. For these changes to be of high quality, one hundred percent involvement and work at maximum speed is necessary. In return, employees receive sincere respect from colleagues, new skills, qualities, knowledge, experience and contacts, which, in turn, are easily transformed into money and opportunities.

The personnel policy of KSK Group is simple – we employ the best of the best. To develop a company, you need strong, result-oriented employees who share corporate values, principles and requirements. It is thanks to the rigid and principled personnel policy KSK groups today is a great, mobilized team, where each employee is a disciplined, responsible professional involved in the process with an entrepreneurial approach. The manager must be passionate about his work, really help clients, solve their problems and develop the business, ensure its security, sustainability and development.

Work in KSK groups is a service in an elite business army, during which each employee undergoes many strength tests. But the result is worth it: our employees become not just specialists, but business commandos, for whom there is nothing impossible in the professional field.

Igor Mariovich Ostrovsky was born in 1971 in the village of Kushalino, Tver Region. Mario Archetto's father, a Mexican citizen who left the USSR in 1970. Mother Ostrovskaya Natalya. Igor was brought up by his grandfather Pavel Petrovich Ostrovsky, the head of the Kushalinsky military forestry, until the age of 8. When my grandfather died and my grandmother became seriously ill, Igor got a useful experience of independence.

At the age of 12, Igor moved to Moscow, and in 1989 he entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. In the second year of university, Igor created his first business related to operations in the real estate market. The company employed up to 15 employees.
In 1994, Igor handed over the management of the real estate business to his partner, and he himself went to work at Hermes Center Bank. The goal is to develop a career in business. Igor started from the bottom step - the position of an intern. Career developed quickly: trainee, courier, teller, junior economist, deputy head of department. Initiative, extreme diligence, tough business acumen, absolute determination - these qualities turned out to be decisive success factors. Four months after coming to work, the bank's management supported Igor's initiative, and he became the head of the VIP client service department he created on his own. From this moment we count the history of KSK groups. It was then, as part of the VIP service, that Igor provided clients with comprehensive business support services, including accounting, legal and IT support. There were no analogues on the market.
As the leaders of the directions, Igor attracted his university classmates. It was then that the main principles of the company were formulated: business consulting and outsourcing as products, complexity and focus on key task business, focus on the owner, manager and directors as customers, maximum relevance of solutions, ultimate quality; not state, not resource, but real business as a target client; primary focus on the Moscow market.
The success in a year exceeded all expectations of the banking management. In 1996, the VIP service department was transformed into an independent branch of Moskomprivatbank, which immediately turned out to be the absolute leader in all respects.
In 2001, Igor Ostrovsky established Prado Bank (in Spanish, PRADO means “multicolor, flowering meadow”), and in 2002 he created the PRADO Banker and Consultant consulting and financial holding, or PRADO GROUP.
The holding quickly became a unique phenomenon in the Moscow market. A comprehensive service to improve and maintain the main business functions, more than 400 products that provided all the needs of a turnkey business, the highest quality and a customer-oriented approach - all this has become the hallmark of the holding.
By 2006, the holding had grown. Against the backdrop of sophisticated processes, highest quality, a unique product line, an excellent team, there were also negative symptoms of bureaucracy, especially in the top management of the holding, the lack of a flexible and mobile response to the challenges of the time.
Igor Ostrovsky was able to foresee the scale and some of the consequences of the development of the global crisis, which in 2006 manifested itself in the rapid growth of assets and the mortgage crisis in the United States. Igor decides to restructure the holding and sell the bank, and separate some of the consultants into separate legal entities and outsource. In February 2007, Ostrovsky completes the structuring of the deal for the sale of Prado Bank, which lasted almost a year. The bank passes to businessmen close to the structures of Gazprom and continues to work successfully to this day. According to the signed agreement, the PRADO trademark had to be sold. Soon, the successor company of KSK groups was established - “Capital. Service. Consulting.
KSK, having taken all the best that was in PRADO, nevertheless differs greatly in its development strategy and business organization. KSK has become a much more mobilized and mobile team, with stricter internal discipline and management requirements. Of course, this had a remarkable impact on the quality and execution of projects and processes.

Ostrovsky Igor Mariovich, Senior Partner of KSK Group:

“I sincerely believe that entrepreneurship in Russia can and should exist peacefully, relying on its own resources and reliable consultants, and not relying on “maybe” or help from above. I adhere to 3 principles in life and in business: 1) “Easier, easier and even easier”; 2) "Less snobbery - more optimism"; 3) "Honesty is the best policy!"
