Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

What are fixed assets measured in? Basic production assets. Accounting and valuation of fixed assets

Fixed assets (hereinafter referred to as PF) are means of labor that repeatedly participate in the production process, while maintaining their natural form, and their value is transferred to the manufactured products in parts as they wear out.

By functional purpose, fixed assets are divided into production and non-production.

Production fixed assets include those means of labor that are directly involved in the production process (machines, equipment, etc.), create conditions for its normal implementation (industrial buildings, structures, electrical networks, etc.) and serve to store and move objects labor.

Depending on the degree of impact on the object of labor, fixed assets are divided into active and passive. Active types include those types of PF that are directly involved in the production process, affect the objects of labor and cause changes in their shape or quality parameters.

In the geodetic industry, the active part

fixed assets is about 60%. Buildings, structures, inventory belong to the passive part of fixed assets. The composition and structure of the fixed assets of the geodetic industry are generally similar to the composition and structure of the funds of other industries, however, there are differences, for example, in the fixed assets of the geodetic industry, more than 30% (by value) are measuring and adjusting instruments,

Accounting and planning of fixed assets are carried out in natural and monetary forms.

There are several types of assessments of fixed assets associated with their long-term participation in the production process, changes during this period in the conditions of reproduction in terms of initial, replacement and residual values.

The initial cost is the sum of the costs for the manufacture or purchase of funds, their delivery and installation. It is used to determine the depreciation rate and the amount of depreciation, profit and profitability of the company's assets, indicators of their use:

Fperv \u003d Fpriobr + Fdost + Fust,

where Ф acquired - the cost of acquiring fixed assets; Ф dost - the cost of delivery of funds Ф mouth - the cost of installation, installation and commissioning. The replacement cost is the cost of reproducing fixed assets in modern conditions, as a rule, it is established during the revaluation of funds.

During operation, fixed assets wear out and gradually lose their original (replacement) value. To assess their real value, it is necessary to exclude the cost of the worn-out part of the funds. This will be the residual value of fixed assets, which is the difference between the original or replacement cost of fixed assets and the amount of their depreciation.

where F k.r - the cost of conducting overhauls for the entire period of use of fixed assets, rub.;

Na - depreciation rate,%;

Tf - the period of actual use of funds, years. This method provides a more accurate assessment of the value of fixed assets, as it allows you to take into account the degree of their actual depreciation.

An important accounting indicator is the average annual value of fixed assets, because during the year it changes due to the introduction of new and the disposal of worn-out OF.

Fperv. early years - the cost of fixed assets of the enterprise for

the beginning of the year;

Fvv - cost of OF inputs;

Фvyv - the cost of OF withdrawn during the year; k - the number of months of use of funds in a given year.

Main production assets wear out during operation. There are two types of wear - physical and moral.

Physical wear and tear is understood as the loss of their original qualities by the means of labor.

A number of indicators are used to characterize the physical wear of the OF.

The coefficient of physical depreciation of fixed assets, in%

If = (I / Fperv) 100% , where

I - the amount of depreciation of fixed assets (accumulated depreciation) for the entire period of their operation;

Fperv - the initial or replacement cost of fixed assets. Or

If \u003d (Tf / Tn) 100%, where

Тf is the actual service life of the given OF object;

Tn is the normative service life of this object of the OF. The shelf life coefficient of OF (%) generally characterizes their physical condition on a certain date (%),

K g.f \u003d 100% - K i.fiz.

These formulas assume uniform physical wear of the OF, which does not always coincide with reality, this is their main drawback.

Obsolescence - a decrease in the cost of equipment under the influence of a reduction in social necessary costs on their reproduction (obsolescence of the first form); a decrease in their cost as a result of the introduction of new, more progressive and cost-effective machines and equipment (obsolescence of the second form).

The main source of covering the costs associated with the renewal of fixed assets in the transition to market relations are the company's own funds. They accumulate over the entire life of fixed assets in the form of depreciation deductions -:

Depreciation is the gradual transfer of the cost of fixed assets to manufactured products. The amount of depreciation depends on the cost of fixed assets, the time of their operation, the cost of modernization.

The ratio of the annual depreciation amount to the cost of fixed assets, expressed in%, is called the depreciation rate (Na),

where the values ​​are F - the liquidation value of the OF; Ta is the standard service life (depreciation period of fixed assets), years. The amount of depreciation deductions is determined by various methods: uniform, uniformly accelerated and accelerated. For a long time, the Belarusian economy used (and still uses) a uniform (linear) depreciation method, i.e. each year, the cost of production includes the same part of the cost of the OF. Example 1

If Na=10%, Fperv=10 thousand rubles, then Ago=10*10000/100%=1000 rubles.

That is, with a uniform method, 1000 rubles will be transferred every year. and the entire cost will be carried forward over 10 years

The relativity of carrying forward accounting is due to a number of circumstances

First, the straight-line method assumes that the salvage value is 0 at the end of the service life.

Secondly, this method provides for uniform wear of OFs over their entire service life.

But during the service life there are equipment downtime, its breakdown and incomplete loading per shift, i.e. In real production, equipment wears out unevenly and the cost of fixed assets is transferred to finished products unevenly.

Another drawback of the uniform method is the lack of accounting for the obsolescence of fixed assets, which reduces the cost of manufactured machines or reduces consumer value due to the commissioning of new, more efficient machines and equipment. This causes early retirement of obsolete equipment and leads to its underdepreciation, the value of which is determined by the formula

ON \u003d (Fostat + Rl) - Fl,

where NA is the under-depreciated part of the cost of fixed assets retired before the end of the depreciation period, rubles; Fost - residual value, rub.;

Рl - expenses associated with the liquidation of the indicated OF, rub.; Fl - liquidation value of OF, rub

In addition to the uniform method, accelerated depreciation methods are used in world practice.

Among the methods of accelerated depreciation, the double rate method and the cumulative method (“the sum of numbers method”), which uses an arithmetic progression, are most often used abroad. Consider the double depreciation method.

Fperv \u003d 10 thousand rubles, Na \u003d 20%. The annual depreciation will be:

Consequently, the entire initial cost of the OF will be transferred to the finished product for 5, and not for 10 years (with Ha = 10%).

cumulative method. It is calculated by dividing by the number of years remaining until the end of the depreciation period) by the cumulative number, which is the sum of the numbers of members of an arithmetic progression (from 1 to 10 with a service life of 10 years) . The cumulative number will be:

(1 + 10)10 / 2=55.

Depreciation rates will be equal: in the first year (when there are 10 years of service life left)

10*100% / 55=18.18% ; in the second year 9*100% / 55=16.36%;

1*100% / 55=1.82% .

When using this method, in the first five years, about 73% of the cost of machines will be accumulated in the depreciation fund, and after 8 years, about 95%, while with a uniform method - only 80%. This method is economically more profitable, especially when obsolescence is taken into account.

At present, the method of uneven depreciation has become widespread, in which most of the cost of equipment is included in production costs in the first years of operation.

For example, in the first year - 50%, in the second - 30%, in the third - 20%. This allows the enterprise in the conditions of inflation to quickly recoup the costs incurred and direct them to the further renewal of the equipment fleet.

In the course of operation, fixed production assets (OPF) gradually wear out, and their value is transferred to manufactured products.


To classify the BPF, two features are used - the degree of participation in the production process and the function being implemented.

Within the framework of the implemented function, the BPF is divided into:

  • Building. Industrial premises, warehouses, offices, buildings, etc. Buildings allow you to place staff and production equipment.
  • Structures. Objects for obtaining and storing natural resources. For example, quarries, mines, raw material storage tanks, etc.
  • Equipment. Machine tools, units, measuring instruments and computing machines used to convert raw materials into finished products.
  • Tools. Inventory with a service life of more than one calendar year.
  • Transport. Automobiles and special equipment for transportation of raw materials, materials and finished products.
  • Transfer devices. They deliver heat, electricity, gas or oil products.

All the main production assets in the process of operation are reused and retain their shape.


The structure and composition of the OPF affects:

  • cost of finished products;
  • the possibility of introducing new production technologies;
  • expediency of privatization and lease of funds.

There are three costing methods used in estimating the OPF:

  1. Initial. Calculation of the necessary costs for putting the fund into operation.
  2. Recovery. Determination of the value of the object, taking into account current prices.
  3. Residual. Cost calculation taking into account depreciation.

Types of wear

Depreciation of the OPF can be moral and physical.


Decrease in the cost of the BPF inexpediency of their use due to the emergence of new technologies and types of equipment.

Physical deterioration

Material depreciation of funds and their deterioration specifications due to thermal, chemical and mechanical effects during operation.

Result of use

The result of the use of fixed production assets reflect:

  • capital intensity;
  • capital productivity.

Capital intensity - the ratio of the cost of OPF to the value of the volume of output. Return on assets is the ratio of the value of the volume of output to the value of the OPF. You can increase the return on the use of fixed assets by:

  • hiring qualified employees;
  • increasing the intensity of the use of OPF;
  • conducting high-quality operational planning;
  • increase in the share of equipment in the structure of the BPF;
  • carrying out technical modernization.

Almost any industrial enterprise has fixed assets and fixed assets. What are these resources?

What are fixed assets?

Under fixed assets It is customary to understand the share of production assets used in the production of goods by an industrial enterprise for a long time. For example, it can be machines, cars, robots.

As fixed assets wear out, their value is written off as production costs through depreciation. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, fixed assets include only those resources that are to be used for 1 year or more.

What are fixed assets?

Under fixed assets can be understood:

  1. fixed assets, which are reflected in accounting in value form;
  2. tangible fixed assets (while intangible assets are classified as intangible assets).

Thus, fixed assets can have the same economic characteristics, as fixed assets: long-term use - from 1 year or more, as well as write-off to expenses as they wear out. It can be noted that in accounting, the indicators of the value of fixed assets, minus the corresponding write-offs, form net fixed assets.


The main difference between fixed assets and fixed assets is in the order in which these terms are used in relation to the context.

So, if we talk about accounting, then the concept of “fixed assets” is most often used in it. The term "fixed assets" is usually used in the context of economic analysis.

In some Russian laws, the term "fixed assets" is used as a synonym for the concept of tangible fixed assets, while intangible assets are referred to differently - as intangible assets.

Having determined the difference between fixed assets and fixed assets, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.

Introduction ………………………………………………………..…….. 3

Chapter 1. Fixed assets …………………………………........... 4

1.1 Classification and structure of fixed assets………...….4

1.2 Accounting and valuation of fixed assets…………………………..….6

1.3 Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets……………………..9

Chapter 2. Production capacity of the enterprise ….. 16

2.1 Method of calculation production capacity……….18

2.2 Types of production facilities. Load balance

equipment……………………………………………………….20 Conclusion……………………………………………………………….. …23



Translation of the economy into market relations dictated by the logic of development productive forces at the stage of transition to a free enterprise system using various forms property.

The radical restructuring of industrial production based on the introduction of a new economic mechanism orients the industrial organization towards the economically justified use of all elements of production. Their clear interaction with a rational structure of the means of production makes it possible to ensure normal economic activity enterprises. Component means of production - the fixed capital of production (fixed production assets), which occupies the highest share in the structure of the property complex. Fixed capital is directly involved in the creation material assets and is closely related to the competitiveness of manufactured products.

For the normal operation of the enterprise, such a component as accounting and planning of fixed assets is very important. Accounting for the availability and movement of funds is necessary in order to know the situation of the provision of the enterprise with them, which allows it to produce products in the amount and within the time required by the market.

It is known that fixed assets wear out during operation. To compensate for the cost of fixed capital, a depreciation fund is used, which is formed from depreciation deductions received on the current account industrial enterprise after product sales.

This course work reveals the essence and features of fixed production assets, talks about how to evaluate them. Also, a large role is assigned to the production capacity of the enterprise.

Chapter 1. Fixed assets

1.1 Classification and structure of fixed assets

To carry out production activities, the enterprise uses limited economic resources, which in our most general classification are divided into:

1) material resources (land and capital)

2) labor resources(labor and entrepreneurial ability).

Instead of the term "economic resources" in microeconomics, which primarily includes the economy of the enterprise, the term "factors of production" is used ( factors of production).

The “land” factor includes all natural resources used in the production activities of the enterprise, land, subsoil, water and forest resources.

All funds advanced in the activity of the enterprise can be called capital. The capital of the enterprise is divided into fixed and circulating.

The first includes fixed assets, unfinished long-term financial investments and intangible assets. The latter do not have a physical expression, but are of value to the enterprise (a set of patents, trademarks, rights to objects intellectual property, computer software, databases, etc.).

The most important component of such capital are fixed assets (fixed assets).

Fixed assets - this is a set of production, material assets that operate in the production process for a long period of time, while retaining their natural-material form throughout the entire period and transferring their value to products in parts as they wear out in the form of depreciation.

By participation in the production process, fixed assets are divided into production and non-production.

To the main production assets includes assets that are directly involved in the production process (machinery and equipment, vehicles) or create conditions for production process(industrial buildings, structures). The main non-production assets are objects that satisfy the cultural and everyday needs of workers (residential buildings, medical institutions, canteens, cafes, etc.).

Fixed assets are also called non-current, or low-current, assets, and immobilized funds: in terms of value, they make up a significant part authorized capital enterprises.

In accordance with the All-Russian classifier, the main ifunds, according to their purpose, are divided into the following types:

· building;


· cars and equipment;


· industrial and economic inventory;

· livestock working, productive and breeding;

perennial plantings;

other types of fixed assets.

Ratio various groups fixed assets in the total value, expressed as a percentage, is structure of fixed production assets.

Structure of fixed assets various industries and enterprises is determined by a number of factors, among them: the nature and volume of products, the technical level of production, the level of specialization and cooperation, the climatic and geographical conditions of the location of the enterprise.

Depending on the degree of direct impact on the objects of labor, fixed assets are divided into active and passive. The active part includes machines, equipment, measuring and control instruments and devices, etc. The passive part includes those groups of fixed assets that create conditions for the normal implementation of the production process: buildings, structures, transmission devices, etc.

Specific gravity the active part of fixed production assets characterizes the progressivity of the structure of fixed assets.

Fixed assets are also characterized by the share of the value of fixed assets (equipment) of different age groups in the total value of funds. To analyze the age structure of equipment, the following age groups are usually used: up to 5 years, from 5 to 10 years, from 10 to 20 years and over 20 years.

1.2 Accounting and evaluation of fixed assets.

Fixed assets in the production process act as natural And monetary form.

Accounting for in-kind funds is necessary to determine the technical composition of fixed assets, the production capacity of the enterprise, the degree of use of equipment and other purposes.

Natural indicators are contained in the passports of enterprises, including the characteristics and number of individual objects.

Cash or valuation fixed assets is necessary to determine their total volume, dynamics, structure, value transferred to the cost of finished products, as well as to calculate the economic efficiency of investments.

Monetary form accounting of fixed assets is carried out according to following directions:

1. Initial cost fixed assets includes the cost of acquiring equipment (construction of a building), transportation costs for delivery and installation costs. According to the initial cost, the funds are taken into account, their depreciation and other indicators are determined.

2. replacement cost- this is the cost of reproduction of fixed assets in modern conditions. It is established, as a rule, during the revaluation of fixed assets.

3. Residual value - represents the difference between the original or replacement cost of fixed assets and the amount of their depreciation.

4. Liquidation value- the cost of selling worn-out or decommissioned individual fixed assets.

Revaluation of fixed assets - this is the determination of the real value of fixed assets (fixed assets) of organizations on present stage the formation of a market economy and the creation of prerequisites for the normalization of investment processes in the country.

Two methods are used to determine the full replacement cost of fixed assets: index And direct evaluation method.

Index method provides for indexation of the book value of individual objects using indices of change in the value of fixed assets, differentiated by types of buildings and structures, types of machinery and equipment, vehicles and other fixed assets, by regions, periods of manufacture and acquisition.

Direct estimation method The replacement cost of fixed assets provides for a direct recalculation of the cost of individual objects at documented market prices for new objects that prevailed as of January 1 of the corresponding year.

When revaluing equipment intended for installation and non-completed objects using the direct recalculation method, their physical and moral obsolescence is additionally taken into account. Land plots and nature management facilities are not subject to revaluation.

Development scientific and technological progress, the desire of enterprises to produce competitive products lead to the development of new technologies based on progressive tools.

As a result, this process leads to the creation of high-performance machines and equipment that are more economical to operate. As a rule, such active fixed assets have a high cost. Acquiring them in conditions of insufficient investment activity is difficult, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. World experience has quite convincingly shown a way out of this situation - the development leasing.
